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Campbell SB  Komata T  Kelso A 《Immunology》2000,99(3):394-401
A simple culture system devoid of antigen-presenting cells was used to examine the ability of immobilized antibodies to lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) (CD11a), CD28 and CD4 or CD8 to modulate the responses of normal murine CD4+ and CD8+ lymph node T cells to immobilized anti-CD3 antibody and interleukin-2 (IL-2). All the antibodies enhanced proliferative responses to limiting anti-CD3 antibody. Both CD4+ and CD8+ cells produced substantial titres of IL-3 and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in primary and secondary cultures regardless of the coactivating antibodies used for priming. By contrast, the combination of anti-CD4 with anti-CD3 antibody stimulated significantly higher titres of IL-4 than any other antibody combination in cultures of CD4+ cells. This CD4-dependent IL-4 response was induced in CD4+ T cells of naive (CD44low) phenotype and was similar in magnitude to the response induced by exogenous IL-4 but, unlike the latter, was not associated with elevated IL-3 synthesis. A comparable effect of anti-CD8 antibodies on CD8+ cells was not observed: although IL-4 production by CD8+ cells was induced by exogenous IL-4, it was not detected following coactivation with anti-CD8 or any other antibodies. We conclude that anti-CD4 antibody is a potent inducer of IL-4-secreting CD4+ T cells whose effects can be distinguished from those of anti-CD8 antibody on CD8+ T cells and from those of IL-4 on either subset.  相似文献   

We serially monitored cell surface antigen expression on mononuclear cells in peripheral blood isolated from patients with Kawasaki disease (KD), and found, for the first time, that a markedly increased number of CD4+CD8+ T lymphocytes was present in some of the patients (11 of the 24 cases). The cases of five of these 11 patients were complicated with coronary artery lesion (CAL); the 13 patients with normal numbers of CD4+CD8+ T lymphocytes did not have CAL. The patients' age, sex and grade of systemic inflammation evaluated by peripheral leucocyte count and serum C-reactive protein levels were not correlated to the number of CD4+CD8+ T lymphocytes. Other cell surface antigen characteristics of the CD4+CD8+ T lymphocytes included CD3+, CD45RA+, CD45RO+, CD16?, and HLA-DR+. These results indicate that the surface antigen characteristics of the KD peripheral blood examined were the same as those of Epstein–Barr virus infection without CD45RA+. These findings provide useful information for the analysis of the pathogenesis of KD.  相似文献   

Canine oral papillomavirus (COPV) infection is used in vaccine development against mucosal papillomaviruses. The predictable, spontaneous regression of the papillomas makes this an attractive system for analysis of cellular immunity. Immunohistochemical analysis of the timing and phenotype of immune cell infiltration revealed a marked influx of leukocytes during wart regression, including abundant CD4+ and CD8+ cells, with CD4+ cells being most numerous. Comparison of these findings, and those of immunohistochemistry using TCRalphabeta-, TCRgammadelta-, CD1a-, CD1c-, CD11a-, CD11b-, CD11c-, CD18-, CD21-, and CD49d-specific monoclonal antibodies, with previously published work in the human, ox, and rabbit models revealed important differences between these systems. Unlike bovine papillomavirus lesions, those of COPV do not have a significant gamma/delta T-cell infiltrate. Furthermore, COPV lesions had numerous CD4+ cells, unlike cottontail rabbit papillomavirus lesions. The lymphocyte infiltrate in the dog resembled that in human papillomavirus lesions, indicating that COPV is an appropriate model for human papillomavirus immunity.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether seroconversion with respect to human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1) was associated with an increase in lymphocytes expressing the CD3+CD4-CD8- phenotype. Proportions and absolute numbers of CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ lymphocytes were determined prospectively over a 2.5-year period on 4954 homosexual and/or bisexual men participating in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. Of the 4808 men whose serostatus at entry could be verified, 1745 were seropositive (SP) for antibodies to HIV-1 at entry into study, 2795 were uniformly seronegative (SN) for HIV-1 for 30 months, and 268 were seroconverters (SC) with respect to HIV-1 during this period. For each of six semiannual evaluations, proportions and numbers of CD3+CD4-CD8- lymphocytes (calculated as CD3- (CD4 + CD8] were both significantly greater in the SP group than in the SN group (P less than 0.001). Mean CD3+CD4-CD8- levels in the SC group were indistinguishable from those in the SN group before seroconversion, but by 3-9 months after seroconversion the SC group demonstrated absolute numbers of CD3+CD4-CD8- lymphocytes which were significantly increased (P less than 0.001) compared to the SN group using linear regression methods with adjustment for correlation of measurements within an individual over time. An additional significant increase occurred by 21-27 months after seroconversion (P = 0.006). These results are consistent with an association of HIV-1 seroconversion with an increase in circulating T lymphocytes expressing the CD3+CD4-CD8- phenotype (double negative T cells), a decrease in CD3-CD4-CD8+ natural killer cells, or both. An increase in double negative T cells could reflect a host defense mechanism against HIV-1 or effects of HIV-1 on T cell development.  相似文献   

Studies to determine if Toxoplasma gondii-specific human T cells lyse parasite-infected cells have yielded conflicting results. Furthermore, attempts to obtain human cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes have been difficult because of the lack of a reproducible system for their generation. By using paraformaldehyde-fixed, T. gondii-infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells as antigen-presenting cells, we developed a method whereby T. gondii-specific T-cell lines can be reproducibly generated. Six T. gondii-specific T-cell lines were generated from an individual chronically infected with T. gondii. Cytofluorometric analysis of these lines revealed > 99% CD3+, 85 to 95% CD3+ alpha beta T-cell-receptor-positive (TCR+), 5 to 9% CD3+ gamma delta TCR+, 50 to 70% CD4+, and 20 to 40% CD8+ cells when cells were examined during the first 3 weeks of stimulation and >99% CD3+, >99% CD3+ alpha beta TCR+, < 1% CD3+ gamma delta TCR+, 20 to 40% CD4+, and 60 to 80% CD8+ cells when cells were examined between 5 and 11 weeks. Both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells had remarkable cytotoxic activity against T. gondii-infected target cells (30 to 50% specific Cr release at an effector-to-target ratio of 30:1) but not against uninfected target cells ( < 10% at an effector-to-target ratio of 30:1). Cytotoxic activity by the whole T-cell lines was not T. gondii strain specific. Whole T-cell lines were cytotoxic for target cells infected with the C56 and ME49 strains and the RH strain (which was used to infect peripheral blood mononuclear cells). T. gondii-specific T-cell lines displayed the predominant expression of V beta 7 TCR. The CDR3 regions of the V beta 7 TCRs of these T-cell lines showed a striking degree of sequence identity (oligoclonality). T-cell lines obtained by the method reporter here can be used to characterize functional activity of T-lymphocyte subsets in humans infected with T. gondii.  相似文献   

Triple-antibody flow cytometry was used to search for distinctive populations of peripheral blood lymphocyte immunophenotypes in multiple sclerosis (MS). Using monoclonal antibodies to the cell surface markers CD3, CD4, and CD8, T cell subsets were quantified on a cohort of 31 MS patients (not treated with corticosteroids for at least 6 months), 30 healthy donors, and 14 patients with other autoimmune diseases (also corticosteroid treatment-free for at least 6 months). Untreated MS patients displayed a significantly greater population of CD3+CD4+CD8+ circulating T cells than healthy donors (P = 0.023). Patients with other autoimmune diseases displayed mean populations of CD3+CD4+CD8+ cells greater than normal donors and less than MS, but not significantly different from either. An additional 45 MS patients who had received corticosteroid therapy within the previous 6 months were phenotyped. Treatment of symptomatic MS with corticosteroids was associated with a smaller population of circulating CD3+CD4+CD8+ cells. Some MS patients have significantly greater numbers of peripheral blood T lymphocytes simultaneously expressing CD3, CD4, and CD8 surface markers than healthy donors and this population of cells may be reduced by corticosteroids treatment. This triple positive phenotype may be a manifestation of a systemic immune abnormality in MS.  相似文献   

CD8 serves both as an adhesion molecule for class I MHC molecules and as a coreceptor with the TCR for T cell activation. Here we study the developmental regulation of CD8-mediated binding to noncognate peptide/MHC ligands (i.e., those not bound by the TCR). We show that CD8's ability to bind soluble class I MHC tetramers and to mediate T cell adhesion under shear flow conditions diminishes as double-positive thymocytes mature into CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, we provide evidence that this decreased CD8 binding results from increased T cell sialylation upon T cell maturation. These data suggest that CD8's ability to interact with class I MHC is not fixed and is developmentally regulated through the T cell's glycosylation state.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Previously, we have shown that mouse T lymphocytes produce de novo histamine in response to mitogens. The aim of this study was to examine which subsets of T cells produce histamine and to clarify the regulatory mechanisms of the reaction. MATERIALS: CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes were separated from spleen cells of mast cell-deficient WBB6/F1 (W/Wv) mice using anti-CD4- and anti-CD8-coupled magnetic beads, respectively. RESULTS: Both CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells released histamine when treated with Con A as a function of incubation time. Since histamine bound to each cell fraction was negligible before and after the treatment, it is highly likely that this indicates de novo synthesis of histamine by these cells. Granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or IL-3 strongly enhanced the Con A-induced histamine formation. IL-1-alpha also potentiated the Con A-dependent histamine production. Dexamethasone, but not progesterone, significantly inhibited the Con A-dependent as well as Con A-independent histamine synthesis. Both GM-CSF and IL-3 caused a marked accumulation of histidine decarboxylase (HDC, EC 4.11.22) mRNAs in the cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that GM-CSF and IL-3 enhance histamine synthesis in CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

In the present study, the contribution of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes to acquired immunity to blood-stage infection with the murine malaria species Plasmodium chabaudi AS was investigated. C57BL/6 mice, which are genetically resistant to infection with this hemoprotozoan parasite and exhibit a transient course of infection, were treated intraperitoneally with monoclonal antibodies to T-cell epitopes, either anti-Thy-1, anti-CD4, or anti-CD8. After intraperitoneal infection with 10(6) parasitized erythrocytes, control C57BL/6 mice exhibited a peak parasitemia on day 9 of approximately 35% parasitized erythrocytes and eliminated the infection within 4 weeks. Mice depleted of Thy-1+ or CD4+ T cells had significantly higher parasitemias on day 7 as well as significantly higher peak parasitemias. These mice were unable to control the infection and developed a persistent, high parasitemia that fluctuated between 40 and 60% until the experiment was terminated on day 56 postinfection. Depletion of CD8+ T lymphocytes was found to have no effect on the early course of parasitemia or on the level of peak parasitemia. However, mice depleted of CD8+ T cells experienced two recurrent bouts of parasitemia during the later stage of the infection and required more than 5 weeks to eliminate the parasites. After the peak parasitemia, which occurred in control and experimental animals on day 9, there was a sharp drop in parasitemia coinciding with a wave of reticulocytosis. Therefore, the contribution of the influx of reticulocytes, which are not the preferred host cell of this hemoprotozoan parasite, to limiting the parasitemia was also examined by determining the course of reticulocytosis during infection in control and T cell-depleted animals. Early in infection, there was a marked and comparable reticulocytosis in the peripheral blood of control and T cell-depleted mice; the reticulocytosis peaked on day 12 and coincided with the dramatic and sudden reduction in parasitemia occurring in all groups. In both control and CD8-depleted mice the percentage of reticulocytes decreased as the infection was resolved, whereas in CD4-depleted mice marked reticulocytosis correlated with high, persistent parasitemia. These results thus demonstrate that both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are involved in acquired immunity to blood-stage P. chabaudi AS and that the influx of reticulocytes into the blood that occurs just after the peak parasitemia may contribute temporarily to limiting the parasitemia.  相似文献   

The tumor necrosis factor family ligands, LIGHT (lymphotoxin like, exhibits inducible expression and competes with HSV glycoprotein D for HVEM, a receptor expressed by T lymphocytes), 4-1BBL and CD70, are found in the same gene cluster on mouse chromosome 17. Although the roles of 4-1BB-4-1BBL and CD27-CD70 interactions in anti-viral T cell responses have been well established, the role of LIGHT in T cell activation/expansion in vivo is less clear. Under conditions that were previously employed to demonstrate a role for 4-1BBL in CD8+ T cell memory, wild-type and LIGHT-/- mice were infected with influenza A virus and primary and memory/recall responses were measured at various time points thereafter. Neither primary expansion nor memory/recall CD8+ T cell responses were affected by the absence of LIGHT, as measured up to 2 months post-infection. CD4+ T cell responses were also unaffected by LIGHT deficiency. Furthermore, we found that LIGHT played no role in the induction of influenza-specific IgG1 and IgG2a serum antibodies. Taken together, these data suggest that LIGHT is dispensable for the acquired immune response to influenza virus in mice with no effect on the induction, maintenance or reactivation of CD8+ T cell memory.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation of different substrates is the earliest intracellular signal detected after T cell receptor (TcR) ligation. Several tyrosine kinases have been detected associated to the CD3-TcR complex in stimulated or unstimulated cells, including p56lck, p59fyn and ZAP-70. We have observed, in one mouse T helper CD4 T cell line, that most TcR- or CD3-associated tyrosine kinase activity comes from CD4:p56lck (Diez-Orejas, R., Ballester, S., Feito, M. J., Ronda, M., Ojeda, G., Criado, G., Portolées, P. and Rojo, J. M., EMBO J. 1994. 13: 90). To analyze whether this is a major way of tyrosine kinase association to the TcR in normal CD4+ T cells, we examined the nature and mode of association of tyrosine kinases to the TcR complex in normal spleen CD4+ T lymphocytes. Our results show that, in normal CD4+ T lymphocytes, as in CD4+ T cell lines, there is a stable and readily detectable association between CD4: p56lck and the TcR/CD3 complex, as determined by in vitro kinase activity in immunoprecipitates from cell lysates. However, TcR/CD3 complexes from nature CD4+ lymphocytes have detectable amounts of p56lck associated in a CD4-independent manner, as shown by immunodepletion of the lysates with anti-CD4 antibodies. In addition, TcR/CD3 also bind p59fyn regardless of the presence of CD4. Conversely, we have observed that CD4 co-precipitates small quantities of p56fyn in a TcR/CD3-independent manner. Overall, our data suggest the existence of different possible molecular complexes between TcR/CD3, CD4 and their attending kinases, as well as some quantitative and qualitative differences between CD4+ T cells and CD4+ T cell lines in kinase association to the TcR/CD3 complex.  相似文献   

The composition of the T lymphocyte population in swine is special in that in addition to the CD4-CD8+ subpopulations, CD4-CD8- and CD4+CD8- and CD4+CD8+ subpopulations are prominent in the peripheral circulating as well as in the resident T lymphocyte pools. Since the same phenotypes are characteristic of thymic populations, it was asked whether the unusual distribution in swine may result from an emigration of thymic precursor phenotypes to the periphery. This explanation was refuted, as all thymic subpopulations were found to express CD1, albeit with differences in antigen density, whereas all extrathymic subpopulations lack CD1. The cellular distribution of CD2 in swine is without precedent among all species studied. Whereas in sheep and cattle the extrathymic CD4-CD8- subpopulation is known to entirely lack CD2 and to have a low propensity for homing to lymphoid tissues, the CD4-CD8- subpopulation in swine splits into CD2+ and CD2- subsets, both of which do reside in lymphoid tissues. While CD2+CD4-CD8- T lymphocytes are rare in the circulating pool, this subset accumulates in spleen and lymph nodes. This may indicate a role for CD2 in homing. Thus the species swine is immunologically unique, not only because of having CD1-CD2+CD4+CD8+ T lymphocytes in the periphery, but also with regard to subdivision and homing behavior of its CD4-CD8- T lymphocyte subpopulation.  相似文献   

Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition characterized by loss of epidermal melanocytes. High frequencies of melanocyte-reactive cytotoxic T cells in the peripheral blood of vitiligo patients and the observed correlation between perilesional T-cell infiltration and melanocyte loss in situ suggest the important role of cellular autoimmunity in the pathogenesis of this disease. We isolated T cells from both perilesional and nonlesional skin biopsies obtained from five vitiligo patients, then cloned and analyzed their profile of cytokine production after short-term, nonspecific expansion in vitro. Perilesional T-cell clones (TCC) derived from patients with vitiligo exhibited a predominant Type-1-like cytokine secretion profile, whereas the degree of Type-1 polarization in uninvolved skin-derived TCC correlated with the process of microscopically observed melanocyte destruction in situ. Detailed analysis of broad spectrum of cytokines produced by perilesional- and nonlesional-derived CD4+ and CD8+ TCC confirmed polarization toward Type-1-like in both CD4 and CD8 compartments, which paralleled depigmentation process observed locally in the skin. Furthermore, CD8+ TCC derived from two patients also were analyzed for reactivity against autologous melanocytes. The antimelanocyte cytotoxic reactivity was observed among CD8+ TCC isolated from perilesional biopsies of two patients with vitiligo. Finally, in two of five patients, tetramer analysis revealed presence of high frequencies of Mart-1-specific CD8 T cells in T-cell lines derived from perilesional skin. Altogether our data support the role of cellular mechanisms playing a significant part in the destruction of melanocytes in human autoimmune vitiligo.  相似文献   

Immunologic Research - Among the particular immunomodulation properties of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), one relies on their capacity to regulatory T cell (Treg) induction from effector T cells....  相似文献   

Fourteen patients suffering from American cutaneous leishmaniasis were studied. Assays of the lymphocyte proliferative response induced in vitro by Leishmania braziliensis antigens were performed. After 5 days in culture, L. braziliensis-stimulated blast T cells were harvested for CD4+ and CD8+ phenotype analysis. When results before and at the end of therapy were compared, leishmaniasis patients showed an increase in the percentage of CD8+ blast T cells and a decline in the proportion of CD4+ blast T cells in cultures. The levels of gamma interferon in T-cell culture supernatants showed a tendency to increase when the patients were cured. These results show a pattern of higher proportions of Leishmania-reactive CD8+ T cells and lower proportions of Leishmania-reactive CD4+ T cells after cure.  相似文献   

检测卵巢浆液性癌患者癌组织中CD4+CD25+及CD8+T细胞的数目,探讨其两种T细胞介导的免疫功能对疾病发展及预后的影响。免疫组织化学双标及单标的染色方法检测41例卵巢浆液性癌患者手术切除癌组织标本中CD4+CD25+和CD8+T细胞的数目。结果显示,癌灶中CD4+CD25+T淋巴细胞为(19.95±11.50)个/10HPF,CD8+T淋巴细胞为(43.46±16.69)个/10HPF。生存分析发现高CD4+CD25+T细胞组患者总生存期较低CD4+CD25+T细胞组缩短,差异有显著性(P<0.05);而高CD8+T细胞组患者总生存期与低CD8+T细胞组相比延长,且差异有显著性(P<0.05),此外两种T细胞数目与患者年龄、病理分级、临床分期、腹水细胞学及淋巴结转移等临床病理因素均无关(P>0.05)。结果表明,卵巢浆液性癌中高CD4+CD25+T细胞提示患者预后不良,可能与CD4+CD25+T细胞介导的免疫抑制导致肿瘤免疫逃逸有关;癌组织中高CD8+T细胞提示患者预后较好,两种T细胞对卵巢浆液性癌预后的评估有重要的价值,同时可以通过阻断CD4+CD25+T细胞的免疫抑制作用改善卵巢浆液性癌患者的预后,为卵巢癌治疗提供靶目标。  相似文献   

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