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Generic social work practice and family practice medicine complement each other. Placing first year field students in a family practice residency training program over a period of years can define the social work role broadly and open the door for a wide range of practice opportunities. The social work presence can help family medicine attain its goal of comprehensive, holistic care.  相似文献   

The status of preventive social work in the United States is reviewed, as are the three knowledge sources used in the teaching and practice of prevention: public health, mental health, and social work. The integration of concepts of prevention in social work curricula and practice are discussed, and new directions for its use are projected.  相似文献   

For family medicine to maintain the unique creativity and risk taking that were present at its inception, behavioral scientists must be allowed to play, and be willing to assume, an essential role in the ongoing process of defining the field of family medicine, formulating its assumptions and asserting its future direction both in terms of academic research and clinical teaching. As co-creators and co-inspirers, behavioral scientists have the rare challenge of synthesizing their perspectives and values with those of the physicians with whom they work. It is to be hoped that through this interactive process, the practice of family medicine will continue to be an experience of real healing and wholeness for both patients and physicians.  相似文献   

The status of preventive social work in the United States is reviewed, as are the three knowledge sources used in the teaching and practice of prevention: public health, mental health, and social work. The integration of concepts of prevention in social work curricula and practice are discussed, and new directions for its use are projected.  相似文献   

The professional relationship between social workers and physicians historically has been somewhat strained. Social workers have been quick to blame the medical model for problems in health care and consequently have overlooked useful lessons from this model that could improve social work practice. To work effectively with physicians, social workers must be aware of physicians' professional values and be able to identify conflicts with social work values. Conflicting values in social work and medicine are identified in five areas: (1) saving life versus quality of life, (2) patient autonomy in setting treatment goals, (3) attitudes toward objective versus subjective data, (4) responses to patients with emotional problems, and (5) differing perspectives on interdisciplinary team roles. Case illustrations based on the author's experiences as director of behavioral science training for resident family practice physicians are included. Although different value orientations may produce conflict, the differences also can catalyze successful collaboration between the two professions, which ultimately will benefit patients who receive care.  相似文献   

In the past decade, we have seen an increase in the popularity of mind-body medicine as an alternative or complement to traditional health care interventions. This paper explores the history of mind-body medicine and how particular mind-body interventions focusing on stress reduction and relaxation can be useful complements to social work practice. Four types of mind-body interventions are described, research on their effectiveness is reviewed, conclusions are drawn, and the applicability to social work practice is discussed. Given existing empirical support for the effectiveness of these interventions, the authors suggest that efforts at both the systems and individual levels, including changes in social work education, can be made to enhance their use in traditional health settings, as well in other types of settings.  相似文献   


In the past decade, we have seen an increase in the popularity of mind-body medicine as an alternative or complement to traditional health care interventions. This paper explores the history of mind-body medicine and how particular mind-body interventions focusing on stress reduction and relaxation can be useful complements to social work practice. Four types of mind-body interventions are described, research on their effectiveness is reviewed, conclusions are drawn, and the applicability to social work practice is discussed. Given existing empirical support for the effectiveness of these interventions, the authors suggest that efforts at both the systems and individual levels, including changes in social work education, can be made to enhance their use in traditional health settings, as well in other types of settings.  相似文献   

The Affordable Care Act has led to a widespread movement to integrate behavioral health services into primary care settings. Integrated behavioral health (IBH) holds promise for treating mild to moderate psychiatric disorders in a manner that more fully addresses the biopsychosocial spectrum of needs of individuals and families in primary care, and for reducing disparities in accessing behavioral health care. For behavioral health practitioners, IBH requires a shift to a brief, outcome-driven, and team-based model of care. Despite the fact that social workers comprise the majority of behavioral health providers in IBH settings, little research has been done to assess the extent to which social workers are prepared for effective practice in fast-paced primary care. We conducted a survey of social workers (N = 84) in IBH settings to assess the following: (1) Key competency areas for social work practice in IBH settings and (2) Self-rated preparedness for effective practice in IBH settings. Online snowball sampling methods were used over a period of 1 month. Results indicate that social workers feel prepared for general practice in IBH settings, but would benefit from additional training in IBH-specific competency areas identified in the survey. Findings can help guide social work training to improve workforce preparedness for practice in IBH settings in the wake of health care reform.  相似文献   

Current and potential future contributions of social workers to health practice are considered at the three levels of direct service to patients, influence on the processes and procedures of the health setting and influence on its future planning and service development. The capacity of U.S.A. and U.K. social work to contribute at these levels is compared in the light of their contrasting relationships to the health system. U.S.A. social work in health care is practised as employees of the health setting or as private practitioners and contains the majority of U.S.A. social workers. It remains a specialism that sustains a major body of published work, commitment to knowledge-building, standard setting and performance review, and a psycho-social orientation shared by a growing number of medical and nursing professionals. Its approach to the health system is that of the pursuit of professional credibility in the secondary setting by adopting the professional-technical practice model of the clinician. U.K. social work since the early 1970s has been committed to generic education and practice and to the development of its own primary setting in social services departments which now employ almost all U.K. social workers. Area team social work in these departments, typified by statutory work with the most deprived sections of the population, has become the dominant culture of British social work, with implications for the occupational identity and career prospects of those social workers who are outposted or attached to health settings but no longer employed by them. British social work and its management now approach the health system from a position of organizational independence which should strengthen their capacity to influence the health system. The cultural differences between social work and medicine, however, are experienced more keenly than ever as many social workers adopt a socio-political practice model that is at odds with the professional-technical model of the clinician. Provision of social work services to the health system has become a questionable priority and raises the issue of whether much of what is now termed "health care' could more appropriately be termed "social care' and provided in a primary social work setting to which medicine and nursing would make their "proper contributions'.  相似文献   

Behavioral and social sciences theories and models have the potential to enhance efforts to reduce unintentional injuries. The authors reviewed the published literature on behavioral and social science theory applications to unintentional injury problems to enumerate and categorize the ways different theories and models are used in injury prevention research. The authors conducted a systematic review to evaluate the published literature from 1980 to 2001 on behavioral and social science theory applications to unintentional injury prevention and control. Electronic database searches in PubMed and PsycINFO identified articles that combined behavioral and social sciences theories and models and injury causes. The authors identified some articles that examined behavioral and social science theories and models and unintentional injury topics, but found that several important theories have never been applied to unintentional injury prevention. Among the articles identified, the PRECEDE PROCEED Model was cited most frequently, followed by the Theory of Reasoned Action/Theory of Planned Behavior and Health Belief Model. When behavioral and social sciences theories and models were applied to unintentional injury topics, they were most frequently used to guide program design, implementation or develop evaluation measures; few examples of theory testing were found. Results suggest that the use of behavioral and social sciences theories and models in unintentional injury prevention research is only marginally represented in the mainstream, peer-reviewed literature. Both the fields of injury prevention and behavioral and social sciences could benefit from greater collaborative research to enhance behavioral approaches to injury control.  相似文献   

Many physical problems presented to family physicians by their patients often involve psychosocial variables with stress being a major one. Though family medicine advocates a biopsychosocial focus, one that is compatible with social work, the psychosocial aspects of health are often ignored. The involvement of social workers in the private practices of family physicians to deal with such problems is discussed in this paper as a new area of specialization. Issues such as the medicine-social work gap and the financing of social work services in private family medical practice are also addressed. It is concluded that this should be considered a new area of specialization. However, social workers must take the initiative in its development.  相似文献   

Complex and dynamic societal factors continue to challenge the capacity of the social and behavioral sciences in preventive medicine and public health to overcome the most seemingly intractable health problems. This paper proposes a fundamental shift from a research approach that presumes to identify (from highly controlled trials) universally applicable interventions expected to be implemented “with fidelity” by practitioners, to an applied social and behavioral science approach similar to that of engineering. Such a shift would build on and complement the recent recommendations of the NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research and require reformulation of the research–practice dichotomy. It would also require disciplines now engaged in preventive medicine and public health practice to develop a better understanding of systems thinking and the science of application that is sensitive to the complexity, interactivity, and unique elements of community and practice settings. Also needed is a modification of health-related education to ensure that those entering the disciplines develop instincts and capacities as applied scientists.  相似文献   

全科医学教育是全科医学发展的核心,我国多数医学院校临床医学教育本科阶段并未细分全科医学专业,全科住院医师规范化培训是现阶段全科医学教育的重点之一。全科医学强调“生理-心理-社会”为一体的全人关怀,社会工作作为一门社会科学,其理念方法与全科医学在目标、内容、功能、作用等方面具有趋同性、相似性、互补性和互促性。探讨从教育理念、课程设置、考核标准、管理体系等四个维度将社会工作理念方法融入全科住院医师规范化培训,丰富全科住培内涵建设,有利于帮助全科住培医师提升服务质量和医疗职业道德等水平。  相似文献   

Family medicine has matured as an academic and scientific discipline with its own core concepts, knowledge, skills, and research domains. It has acquired much expertise in studying common illnesses; the integration of medical, psychological, social, and behavioral sciences; patient-centered care; and health services delivery. Many health care challenges in the 21st century will place a great demand on primary care, which can serve its purpose only if it is of high quality and evidence based. Family medicine research can contribute to many areas of primary care, ranging from the early diagnosis to equitable health care. Stakeholders, such as the World Health Organization, governments, and funding agencies, are becoming more supportive to family medicine research because they recognize its key importance in improving the quality of primary care and bridging the gap between biomedical research and clinical practice. Family medicine can play a leading role in shifting the paradigm of medical research from the laboratory to the person. The 21st century should be a golden age of family medicine research because the time is right for the discipline, the health care environment is most suitable, and stakeholders are supportive. Family medicine must prepare for it by building up its research track record and capacity.  相似文献   

Social workers in hospitals necessarily work alongside other healthcare professionals, and the perspectives on social work held by doctors and senior nurses are relevant both to their relationship with social workers and to the smooth running of the hospital. An exploratory investigation in the East Anglian Region has produced profiles of perceived social work practice in six different patient-care categories: surgical and orthopaedic, accident and emergency, medicine for the elderly, psychogeriatric medicine, psychiatry and paediatrics. The social worker's functions are recognized as including statutory responsibilities in child protection and mental health, and there are some secondary roles that often reflect a social worker's personal interest or sphere of expertise. The social worker's primary role, however, is deemed to be that of discharge planning - a task which has been given statutory force under the National Health Service (NHS) and Community Care Act 1990. The nurses and doctors interviewed rated the quality of social work practice predominantly by the extent to which the social worker was seen to identify unambiguously with the hospital and its ethos; but they also set great store by the presence and easy accessibility of a social worker, and they preferred regular contact with the same person. They saw the social worker as a key agent within the health care framework, and acknowledged that the social care role and the social worker's link with the community were crucial components of good hospital practice.  相似文献   

Educators are increasingly being encouraged to implement evidence-based interventions and practices to address the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of young children who exhibit problem behavior in early childhood settings. Given the nature of social-emotional learning during the early childhood years and the lack of a common set of core evidence-based practices within the early childhood literature, selection of instructional practices that foster positive social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes for children in early childhood settings can be difficult. The purpose of this paper is to report findings from a study designed to identify common practice elements found in comprehensive intervention models (i.e., manualized interventions that include a number of components) or discrete practices (i.e., a specific behavior or action) designed to target social, emotional, and behavioral learning of young children who exhibit problem behavior. We conducted a systematic review of early childhood classroom interventions that had been evaluated in randomized group designs, quasi-experimental designs, and single-case experimental designs. A total of 49 published articles were identified, and an iterative process was used to identify common practice elements. The practice elements were subsequently reviewed by experts in social-emotional and behavioral interventions for young children. Twenty-four practice elements were identified and classified into content (the goal or general principle that guides a practice element) and delivery (the way in which a teacher provides instruction to the child) categories. We discuss implications that the identification of these practice elements found in the early childhood literature has for efforts to implement models and practices.  相似文献   

An initial survey of attitudes among Family Medical Center staff rated social work as highly consistent with the values of family medicine, capable of competently addressing difficult problems, and contributing valuably to a team approach to continuous and comprehensive family medical care. After integration of a social worker into the practice, a repeat survey documented significant attitude changes, rating social work as more competent, passive, and difficult, and lowering the estimate of patients potentially helped by a social worker from 38 percent to 31 percent. Such attitudes may influence the evolution of the social worker's role in the family medicine patient care team.  相似文献   

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has profoundly restructured American health care. Numerous social work authors have commented on the importance of the ACA’s reforms to social work practice, education, and research. This article summarizes the literature, adds relevant information, and makes recommendations for future actions. The policy, opinion, and peer-reviewed literatures were systematically reviewed. Sixty-three publications appeared between 2010 and 2015 are included. Five themes emerged, as follows: 1) the crucial provisions of the ACA, 2) the natural affinity of social work and the ACA reforms, 3) curricular adaptations needed to address changing workforce needs, 4) areas for continued social work advocacy, and 5) opportunities for high-impact social work research. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to the ACA, its reforms, and opportunities for social work to assume a high visibility leadership role in implementing the reforms, with particular emphasis on needed curricular changes and opportunities for research.  相似文献   

An initial survey of attitudes among Family Medical Center staff rated social work as highly consistent with the values of family medicine, capable of competently addressing difficult problems, and contributing valuably to a team approach to continuous and comprehensive family medical care. After integration of a social worker into the practice, a repeat survey documented significant attitude changes, rating social work as more competent, passive, and difficult, and lowering the estimate of patients potentially helped by a social worker from 38 percent to 31 percent. Such attitudes may influence the evolution of the social worker's role in the family medicine patient care team.  相似文献   

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