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Plasma concentrations of oxytocin and vasopressin were measured in relationship to oxytocin cell firing during suckling in urethane-anaesthetized rats. Preliminary experiments showed that plasma concentrations of oxytocin and vasopressin, which were increased immediately after anaesthesia, reverted to basal concentrations 3 h later. Moreover, it was found that exogenous oxytocin had entirely disappeared 5 min after i.v. bolus injections of known doses of oxytocin. Suckling did not modify the basal plasma concentration of oxytocin (14.6 +/- 2.9 compared with 14.6 +/- 1.5 pmol/l before suckling) except during a brief period immediately after neurosecretory bursts on oxytocin cells (37.8 +/- 5.2 pmol/l; P less than 0.001, n = 11). The plasma concentration of oxytocin did not differ significantly from the basal concentration 1.5 min later. The plasma concentration of vasopressin never varied. After two neurosecretory bursts of similar amplitude (total number of spikes during the burst) recorded on the same oxytocin cell, the variations in plasma concentration of oxytocin were also similar. When, for a given cell, the amplitude of neurosecretory bursts increased or decreased, the amount of oxytocin released changed in the same way. These data demonstrate (1) that suckling induces pulsatile release of oxytocin without vasopressin, and (2) a direct relationship between the amounts of oxytocin released and the amplitude of oxytocin cell neurosecretory bursts which argue in favour of simultaneous increases or decreases in the neurosecretory burst amplitudes on all oxytocin cells.  相似文献   

A detailed secretory profile of oxytocin during suckling and parturition was determined in unanaesthetized freely moving rats. Ten pups were reunited with their mothers after 12-15 h of separation. Unless the milk-ejection reflex occurred, there was no difference in serum oxytocin levels before separation and during the suckling of either four or five, or nine or ten pups. Serum oxytocin levels increased abruptly by 50.1 +/- 4.2 (S.E.M.) pmol/l (n = 9) at milk ejection, and declined rapidly with a half-life of about 1.5 min. The peak concentration of blood oxytocin at each milk ejection was independent of the previous suckling period; values from the first three milk-ejection reflexes following the introduction of the pups and those observed 3-5 h after introduction were similar. The process of parturition was monitored by recording intra-uterine pressure with a balloon implanted in the uterus. On day 22 or 23 of pregnancy, continuous and rhythmical contractions of the uterus occurred (onset of parturition), but serum levels of oxytocin (21.1 +/- 1.9 pmol/l; n = 13) did not alter until the expulsive phase. During the expulsive phase, fetuses were delivered after fetus-expulsion reflexes which were recorded as sudden large increases in intra-uterine pressure. Basal levels of oxytocin in the blood increased during this phase (32.5 +/- 4.4 pmol/l; n = 13) and, in addition, rose by about 15 pmol/l and declined slowly after fetus-expulsion reflexes. The increase, however, was quite different from that seen at milk-ejection reflexes.  相似文献   

Pi X  Voogt JL 《Neuroendocrinology》2000,71(5):308-317
Previous studies showed that expression of prolactin (PRL) receptor is increased in numerous hypothalamic nuclei in mid-lactating rats. The increase in PRL receptor expression could be initated by neurohormonal changes during proestrus or pregnancy, or by the suckling stimulus during lactation. The present study investigated whether the PRL receptor expression in numerous hypothalamic nuclei is altered by the suckling stimulus. Three groups (n = 4) of rats on lactation day 10 were used: a continuously suckled group, a nonsuckled group (pups removed for 12 h) and a resuckled group (pups removed for 12 and then resuckled for 9 h). Animals were perfused with 2% paraformaldehyde and brains were sectioned (20 microm) for the immunofluorescence study. Immunoreactivity was semiquantitatively analyzed by counting the immunoreactive cells and measuring the immunostaining intensity in a specific area. Neurons expressing PRL receptors were observed in numerous hypothalamic areas with the highest number being in the arcuate, paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei. The PRL receptor immunofluorescence in several nuclei was significantly decreased in the nonsuckled group, and recovered in the resuckled group. These areas included the ventromedial preoptic, ventrolateral preoptic, lateroanterior hypothalamic, ventrolateral hypothalamic and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei. PRL receptor immunoreactivity in other areas was not significantly altered by the suckling stimulus. These results demonstrate that expression of PRL receptor in hypothalamic nuclei was differentially affected by the suckling stimulus. PRL receptors in those nuclei which were significantly altered by suckling stimulus may play more critical roles during lactation than those areas which were less sensitive to the suckling stimulus.  相似文献   

The relation between suckling and plasma prolactin (Prl) was studied in the rat, without prior separation of the dam from its pups. When the pups were replaced by a hungry foster litter, upon renewed suckling plasma Prl showed episodic increases and decreases in individual rats. When, subsequent to litter removal, similar rats were injected with perphenazine, a significant increase of plasma Prl was observed. This indicates that a decline of plasma Prl during suckling was not caused by exhaustion of Prl stores in the pituitary. In 22 individual rats blood was sampled every other minute while observations were made on nursing behaviour of the dams. During apparent suckling, increases as well as decreases of plasma Prl occurred. However, in most cases suckling did not affect plasma Prl, i.e. it remained stable at a high or a relatively low level. On the other hand, a considerable rise of plasma Prl was frequently observed when a dam was away from the nest. The data indicate that in the physiological situation Prl secretion from the pituitary is not directly related suckling activity, though episodes of suckling are essential to maintain a high Prl secretory capacity of the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

We studied prospectively eight healthy postpartum breast-feeding women for 6 months during early, middle, and late lactation. Blood for measurement of oxytocin (OT), PRL, and arginine vasopressin was drawn before and every 3 min from each women during 15 min of infant suckling for two consecutive feedings during each stage of lactation. Basal plasma OT was not different in breast-feeding [0.7 +/- 0.1 (+/- SEM) microU/ml] and nonbreast-feeding women (0.8 +/- 0.2 microU/ml). OT increased significantly in response to infant suckling (P less than 0.00001) to 5.9 +/- 0.5 microU/ml and remained elevated throughout a feeding. OT was released during infant suckling in an episodic pattern in some, but not all, women; peak OT varied among women (5.0-23.3 microU/ml). There was no significant difference in the mean stimulated OT or the pattern of release comparing the first and second feedings of the same day. The mean OT (n = 8) released during 15 min of infant suckling was not significantly different in early (3.9 +/- 0.3 microU/ml), middle (4.5 +/- 0.3 microU/ml), and late (5.8 +/- 0.4 microU/ml) lactation. In the four women who breast fed exclusively, the mean stimulated OT was significantly higher (P less than 0.01) during late lactation (8.6 +/- 0.4 microU/ml) vs. early (4.6 +/- 0.4 microU/ml) or middle (6.1 +/- 0.4 microU/ml) lactation. In the other four women who provided formula supplements, OT did not change. Plasma arginine vasopressin did not increase in response to infant suckling. Plasma PRL increased in response to infant suckling, reaching a peak at 15 min. Mean basal PRL decreased progressively from weeks 1-24 postpartum. Mean peak PRL decreased significantly from early (162 +/- 29) to middle (130 +/- 15) to late (77 +/- 10) ng/ml lactation (P less than 0.05). OT release in response to infant suckling continues throughout the first 6 months postpartum in breast-feeding women, and the pattern is reproducible. The maximum release of OT is dependent upon continuous regular nipple stimulation. In contrast to basal and suckling-induced levels of PRL, which decreased with time postpartum, basal and suckling-induced OT release did not decrease from early to late lactation.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that oxytocin (OT) stimulates prolactin (PRL) release from the anterior pituitary gland and that the secretion of OT into pituitary portal blood changes during the rat estrous cycle. To better define the role of OT on PRL release during the reproductive cycle, the effect of administration of antiserum specific for OT on preovulatory PRL secretion in female rats was studied. Intravenous injection of OT antiserum into cyclic female rats between 13.30 and 14.00 h of proestrus neutralized the elevated levels of OT in pituitary portal blood and significantly reduced the subsequent PRL surge. The characteristic proestrous surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) was not affected by the OT antiserum treatment. These data support a physiological role for OT in the regulation of PRL release during the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) gene expression and the synthesis and secretion of PRL were examined in ovarian-intact lactating rats suckling eight pups on 10 days postpartum. Plasma samples were assayed for PRL concentrations, and pituitary glands were analyzed for total PRL content and PRL mRNA levels. We found that suckling-induced hyperprolactinemia was associated with very high levels of plasma PRL and a doubling in pituitary PRL mRNA levels, whereas pituitary PRL content was not changed. Removal of the suckling pups decreased plasma PRL concentrations 15-fold within 24 h. This decrease in PRL secretion was not accompanied by any significant change in pituitary PRL content. Evidently, both synthesis and secretion of PRL were decreased in the pituitary gland within 24 h following cessation of suckling, as pituitary PRL mRNA content had returned to diestrous levels at this time. To determine whether or not ovarian steroids might have contributed to the changes in PRL synthesis and secretion during lactation and after withdrawal of the suckling stimulus, the experiments were repeated in lactating rats ovariectomized (OVX) on day 2 postpartum. The results in these OVX rats were qualitatively similar to those described in ovarian-intact rats. We concluded from these findings that the stimulus of suckling induces increases in PRL mRNA levels in the pituitary which provides for the increased PRL synthesis accompanying increased PRL secretion. The cessation of suckling led to prompt decreases in PRL synthesis and secretion within 24 h.  相似文献   

The effects of changes in the intensity of the suckling stimulus on the reflex release of oxytocin and prolactin were compared in urethane-anaesthetized lactating rats. Mothers which had previously suckled 12 pups (Group 1) showed a graded increase in the amount of oxytocin released during a 3 h suckling test when the number of pups applied to the nipples was increased from six to eight or ten. Mothers which had suckled six pups during their lactation (Group 2) appeared to show a maximum frequency of milk ejection whether six, eight or ten pups were applied to the nipples. The release of prolactin was not elicited from either Group 1 or Group 2 mothers when six pups were applied to their nipples. With eight pups suckling, the Group 1 mothers again showed no evidence of prolactin release. In contrast, the Group 2 mothers showed a significant increase in the level of prolactin in the plasma during the 3 h suckling test. With ten pups suckling the release of prolactin was evident in both groups of mothers, although the response was earlier and more pronounced in Group 2 than Group 1. These results suggest that in the urethane-anaesthetized rat, the threshold for the suckling-induced reflex release of oxytocin is distinct from the threshold for the release of prolactin and that these thresholds are, at least in part, set by the preceding suckling experience of the mothers. In those animals which showed both reflex milk ejection and prolactin release there was a linear relationship between the magnitude of the two endocrine responses.  相似文献   

The circadian pattern of plasma PRL levels and the PRL response to suckling were examined at various times during the first postpartum year and related to the length of lactational amenorrhea. Ten healthy women whose infants were breast-fed exclusively and who were amenorrheic 3 months postpartum were studied 3, 6, and 9-11 months postpartum. The women and their babies were admitted to a metabolic unit for 48 h. On the second day, blood samples were drawn at 2-h intervals for 26 h starting at 0800 h and also 10 and 30 min after the initiation of six of the nursing episodes. During the three postpartum periods, there was a circadian rhythm of basal plasma PRL concentrations; the peak concentrations occurred between 2400-0600 h. Suckling induced a significant rise in plasma PRL levels at all hours except 0800 h. There was a positive correlation between the duration of the nursing episode and the suckling-induced PRL increase at 30 min. Both the basal plasma PRL levels and the PRL responses to suckling diminished with time after delivery. This trend was less evident at 0400 h and was not fully explained by changes in the nursing pattern. The five women in whom menstrual cycles resumed before day 180 postpartum had lower basal and suckling-induced plasma PRL levels than the women who had amenorrhea for a longer period. This difference was present in the third month, when all women were amenorrheic and fully nursing and when the frequency and duration of nursing episodes and infant growth rates were similar. The results indicate that comparable nursing patterns may be associated with different plasma PRL levels, which are associated with different lengths of lactational amenorrhea. An early difference in the sensitivity of the breast-hypothalamus-pituitary system to suckling may explain the differences in the duration of lactational amenorrhea, which are not dependant on the breastfeeding pattern. The magnitude of the PRL response to suckling may predict the likelihood of recovering ovarian function during lactation.  相似文献   

The tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons projecting to the median eminence are well accepted as a major physiological regulator of adenohypophyseal PRL secretion. However, recent evidence has shown that dopamine (DA) in the neurointermediate lobe also has an inhibitory effect on PRL secretion by anterior pituitary. Since the neurointermediate is innervated by the tuberohypophyseal dopaminergic (THDA) neurons, which is known to be selectively activated by dehydration of the animal, the aim of this study was to investigate the physiological role of the THDA system in PRL release during lactation. On the day of the experiments, the litters were separated from the mothers for 4 h before initiation of the suckling stimulus. The suckling-induced PRL surge was detected on three consecutive days. On the first day the normal response was tested; then immediately after taking the last blood samples, drinking solutions were changed to the high salt (2.5% saline) containing bottles or were taken away. Suckling-induced PRL response was significantly decreased after 24 h and almost completely blocked 48 h later in dehydrated mothers. This effect could be prevented by haloperidol (a DA receptor antagonist) pretreatment (0.1 mg/kg BW sc), and it was only transient because rehydration of the mothers reestablished basal as well as suckling-induced PRL response. In addition, the effect of an acute osmotic stimulus on the plasma PRL levels (injecting 0.5 ml 10% saline solution iv) was also tested. There was a marked and immediate decrease in PRL concentration within 15 min of injection. Domperidone, another DA receptor blocker (20 micrograms/rat iv) completely abolished the depletion of plasma PRL in response to 10% saline injection. These results support our assumption that the dopaminergic regulation of PRL secretion during lactation involves the THDA system. Furthermore, these data underline the importance of an interaction between regulation of PRL secretion and water and sodium homeostasis.  相似文献   

The effect of the acute administration of three serotonin antagonists on plasma PRL levels and on the PRL response to suckling was investigated in a group of puerperal women. A single oral dose of metergoline or methysergide induced a significant decrease of plasma PRL levels and abolished the PRL response to suckling. Cyproheptadine administration did not modify either the plasma PRL levels or the PRL response to suckling. These results are discussed in light of the known pharmacological properties of the three antiserotonergic drugs.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) secretion in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats postpartum was examined to elucidate the reason for the reduced milk secretion of diabetic mothers. Pregnant Wistar rats were given citrate buffer (control group) or streptozotocin only (DM group) or with insulin (insulin group). Growth of pups was significantly lower in the DM group than in the control group, but similar in the insulin and control groups. Suckling-induced PRL secretion was significantly lower in the DM group than in the control group, and intermediate in the insulin group. TRH-induced PRL secretion was significantly lower in the DM group than in the control group, but the same in the insulin and control groups. Histologically, the mammary glands in the DM group were relatively less developed than those in the control group. The results suggest that reduced milk secretion in diabetic mothers is due to impaired induction by suckling of PRL secretion from the anterior pituitary as well as poor development of the mammary gland.  相似文献   

The roles of dopamine and the endogenous opiate peptides in the mediation of the inverse relationship between prolactin and gonadotrophin secretion during lactation were studied by comparing the effects of bromocriptine and naloxone on plasma levels of prolactin, LH and FSH during suckling in the female rat. The effects of exogenous gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) on the LH and FSH responses to bromocriptine and naloxone were also assessed. In control animals (saline), there was a marked fall in LH levels and a large increase in prolactin levels within 15 min of suckling. In response to GnRH (25 ng) there was a small progressive increase in LH levels reaching a maximum at 45 min. Both bromocriptine (500 micrograms) and naloxone (500 micrograms) markedly suppressed the suckling-induced prolactin surge when administered in two separate groups of animals. However, despite the bromocriptine-induced suppression of prolactin levels, there was no increase in LH levels which remained low throughout the suckling period. Naloxone (500 micrograms), however, induced a twofold increase in LH levels within 15 min suggesting that an enhanced opiate rather than dopaminergic activity may be responsible for the suppression of GnRH and hence gonadotrophin secretion during suckling. This is supported by the finding that whereas combined bromocriptine (500 micrograms) and GnRH (25 ng) treatment suppressed the suckling-induced prolactin rise and also induced only a small progressive increase in LH (similar to GnRH alone), combined naloxone (500 micrograms) and GnRH (25 ng) treatment induced a sharp sixfold increase in LH levels within 15 min while at the same time markedly suppressing prolactin levels. None of these drug treatments affected the levels of FSH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Naloxone-induced dissociation of oxytocin and prolactin releases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immobilization of adult male rats resulted in concomitant, significant releases of prolactin (PRL) and oxytocin (OT). Naloxone (0.2 mg/kg, i.p.) administration 30 min prior to initiation of restraint resulted in a significant diminution of the PRL response to stress. On the other hand, a significant augmentation of OT release was observed. These results demonstrate that concomitant releases of OT and PRL in response to a given physiologic stimulus (stress) can be dissociated and suggest that the hypothalamic events which are responsible for the release of these hormones during stress are different.  相似文献   

Extracts of rat plasma and hypothalami were fractionated by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the fractions were assayed in an in vitro bioassay for corticotropin-releasing activity. Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) bioactivity was found in many fractions with retention times of 20-50 min. In contrast, material derived from the plasma of rats stressed by ether anaesthesia yielded only one peak of CRF bioactivity, with a retention time of 47-48 min. These results suggest that ACTH can be released from isolated pituitary cells by a number of components derived from HPLC of extracts of rat hypothalami. It is possible, however, that some of these are artefacts of the extraction process from post-mortem material. Because the CRF activity found in plasma was homogeneous by HPLC, plasma can be used to obtain physiologically active CRF.  相似文献   

Elevation of plasma prolactin after hypophysial stalk section in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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