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Regulation of B lymphocyte development by the µ-membrane(µm) and -membrane (m) heavy chains of Ig was examinedin an Ig transgenic mouse model. Mice were bred on a commonC57BL/6 (B6) background, and expressed rearranged and hypermutatedheavy and light chain transgenes encoding high-affinity receptorsfor the foreign antigen hen egg rysozyme (HEL). At no stagewere they exposed to HEL. variation of the Ig heavy chain constructyielded four different types of Ig transgenlc mice in whichdeveloping B lineage cells either expressed µm and m inthe normal physiological sequence (µm then µm+m),or produced µm alone, µm alone or µm +m fromthe onset of heavy chain expression in the bone marrow. ImmatureB220low, HSAhigh and mature B220high, HSAlow B cells were producedin all mice regardless of their developmental pattern of µmand m expression. However, production of immature B cells wasmost efficient when µm heavy chain was expressed aloneduring early B cell development Thus expression of m duringthis period either in the presence or absence of µm resultedin a 2- to 3-fold reduction in the numbers of immature B cellsin the spleen as well as altered levels of surface B220 andHSA on these cells in spleen and bone marrow respectively. Bycontrast, normal maturationally regulated expression of m ledto the presence of increased numbers of mature B cells in thespleen and lengthened the average lifespan of these cells asdetermined by in vivo incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyurtdlne.These results pointed to selective effects of µm and mheavy chains on regulation of the early and late stages of Bcell development respectively, and provided a rational basisfor co-expression of µm and m as well as the delayed expressionof m during normal B cell development  相似文献   

As many as 5–15% of B-1 cells in the peritoneal cavityof adult mice produce antibodies reactive to phosphatidylcholine(PtC) and the vast majority of them express B cell receptors(BCRs) composed of VH11-µH chains utilizing the JH1 segmentand V9-L chains. This extremely skewed repertoire of PtC-reactiveB-1 cells is traditionally attributed to the expansion of particularclones in response to self or exogenous antigens. Here, we showthat the strong bias toward the JH1 usage among VH11-µHchains is already established prior to the BCR assembly, namelyat the transition from the large to the small pre-B cell stageduring B cell ontogeny in the fetal liver. Among VH11-µHclones isolated from large pre-B cells where the JH1 skewingwas not established yet, the JH1 users showed the highest abilityto form pre-B cell receptor (pre-BCR) and to induce cellularproliferation and differentiation when expressed in fetal liverpro-B cells. Thus, the JH1 users were positively selected andamplified at the pre-BCR checkpoint. When co-expressed withV9-L chains to form BCR, the JH1 users almost exclusively conferredthe PtC reactivity on BCR even though other JH users could alsoform BCR on the cell surface. Therefore, the pre-BCR-mediatedpositive selection of the JH1 users among VH11-µH chainsappears to be beneficial to the efficient generation of ‘innate-type’PtC-reactive B cells during the fetal B cell development, evenbefore the self-renewal or the antigen-driven clonal expansionof B-1 cells takes place in the peritoneal cavity.  相似文献   

B cells are efficient APCs when they internalize antigen via BCR‐mediated uptake. Adoptively transferred antigen‐presenting B cells can induce T‐cell tolerance to foreign and self antigens; however, it is unknown whether endogenous B cells presenting self‐peptides interact with naïve T cells and contribute to peripheral T‐cell self‐tolerance. Moreover, the relative abilities of mature B‐cell subsets to induce T‐cell tolerance have not been examined. To address these questions, we created a new mouse model wherein a very small fraction of B cells expresses an antigen transgene that cannot be transferred to other APCs. We limited antigen expression to follicular, marginal zone, or B‐1 B‐cell subsets and found that small numbers of each subset interacted with naïve antigen‐specific T cells. Although antigen expressed by B‐1 B cells induced the most T‐cell division, divided T cells subsequently disappeared from secondary lymphoid tissues. Independent of which B‐cell subset presented antigen, the remaining T cells were rendered hypo‐responsive, and this effect was not associated with Foxp3 expression. Our data show that physiologically relevant proportions of B cells can mediate peripheral T‐cell tolerance, and suggest that the mechanisms of tolerance induction might differ among follicular, marginal zone, and B‐1 B‐cell subsets.  相似文献   

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