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Role of sensory feedback to motor pattern activity concerning locomotion in the earthworm, Eisenia fetida, was investigated. We have previously reported that bath application of octopamine induces fictive locomotion in the earthworm. In this study, we have examined the role of sensory feedback during fictive locomotion by analyzing electrical activities from the cut end and intact first lateral nerves of the ventral nerve cord (VNC). From the cut end recordings, motor activity associated with fictive locomotion was measured. A mixture of sensory and motor activities was measured from the intact first lateral nerve using en passant recordings, and sensory activity was separated by subtraction of the cut end recording (mainly motor activities) from the intact first lateral nerve recording. We estimated the effect of sensory feedback from the earthworm body wall by comparing recordings that made when the preparation was in-contact with a substrate or suspended above it. Motor pattern activities and the coefficient of variation for inter-spike-interval of motor outputs were increased under suspended conditions during circular muscle contraction. These results indicate that sensory feedback modulates the pattern of motor activity in the earthworm during locomotion.  相似文献   

Multimodality image integration for stereotactic surgical planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is presented for integrating stereotactic projection and tomographic image data to give composite 3-D images (stereo pairs) of cerebral anatomy and vasculature. The technique serves to combine complementary information from each modality and allows the imaged volume to be viewed directly. The procedure is largely automated and requires no additional apparatus or information beyond that which is ordinarily employed during stereotactic surgical planning. The two types of data are combined by superimposing the projection angiogram (DSA) onto a translucent volume rendered CT or MR image. Since the rendering algorithm employs an orthographic projection technique, the tomographic volume must first be reshaped and oriented to yield a perspective view that matches the DSA projection. During this process, the data undergo various interpolations which consequently affect the accuracy of target identification based on the resulting images. The integrity of the matching procedure was assessed using simulated data sets. Also, calculations were performed to estimate the resolution of measurements made from digitized stereoscopic images. The resulting sub-pixel accuracy of the matched images suggests that the technique has potential for stereotactic applications. Preliminary results are presented illustrating combined CT-DSA and MR-DSA data sets.  相似文献   

Multi-sensory integration studies have shown that combining heterogeneous signals can optimize motor performance by reducing errors inherent to any single modality. However, it has also been suggested that errors could arise from erroneous transformations between heterogeneous coordinate systems. Here we investigated the effect of visuo-proprioceptive integration on the control of multi-joint arm movements by manipulating target modality. When the target was visual, movement control required the integration of visual target signals with proprioceptive signals about limb configuration. In contrast, when the target was the unseen fingertip, movement control relied solely on proprioceptive signals since visual feedback of hand position was precluded. We hypothesized that a faulty integration of visual target signals with proprioceptive arm signals would result in a less accurate planning of visually-targeted movements with respect to proprioceptively-targeted movements. Different inter-joint coordinations patterns were tested by varying starting hand position. Results showed larger initial trajectory deviations from target direction for visually-targeted movements involving substantial shoulder and elbow motions. Inverse dynamic analysis revealed that these deviations were associated with less efficient intersegmental coordination. The control of visually-targeted movements thus appeared sub-optimal compared to proprioceptively-targeted movements when considering theoretical models of motor planning assuming kinematic or dynamic optimizations. Additional experiments further highlighted the effect of target position, and visual feedback of starting hand position, on motor planning for proprioceptively- and visually-targeted movements. Our findings suggest that the integration of heterogeneous sensory signals related to hand and target positions introduces errors in motor planning.  相似文献   

We studied pre-movement cortical activity related to praxic actions performed at self-paced rate and having ecological meanings and functions. Motor-related cortical potentials were recorded using 64-channels EEG in two experiments. Experiment 1 included 15 subjects performing in separate blocks two object-oriented actions: grasping a tea-cup and impossible grasping of a tea-cup (same goal but the grasp was mechanically hindered). Experiment 2 included a subset of 7 subjects from Exp. 1 and the action was reaching a tea-cup; this control condition had a different goal but was kinematically similar to impossible grasping. Different activity patterns in terms of onset, amplitude, duration and, at least in part, sources were recorded in the preparation phase (BP component) according to the specific action and to the possibility of accomplishing it. The main result is that parietal areas were involved in grasping preparation (called “posterior” BP) and not in reaching and impossible grasping preparation. The anterior frontal-central activity (called “anterior” BP) during preparation for grasping started earlier than the other two conditions. The cortical activity during preparation for reaching was similar to that for impossible grasping, except for a frontal activity only detected in the latter condition. It is concluded that the action preparation, even in its early phase, is affected by action meaning and by the awareness of being able to perform the requested action.  相似文献   

How the brain maintains perceptual continuity across eye movements that yield discontinuous snapshots of the world is still poorly understood. In this study, we adapted a framework from the dual-task paradigm, well suited to reveal bottlenecks in mental processing, to study how information is processed across sequential saccades. The pattern of RTs allowed us to distinguish among three forms of trans-saccadic processing (no trans-saccadic processing, trans-saccadic visual processing and trans-saccadic visual processing and saccade planning models). Using a cued double-step saccade task, we show that even though saccade execution is a processing bottleneck, limiting access to incoming visual information, partial visual and motor processing that occur prior to saccade execution is used to guide the next eye movement. These results provide insights into how the oculomotor system is designed to process information across multiple fixations that occur during natural scanning.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that people will adopt initially awkward grasps if they afford more comfortable postures at the end of the movement. This end-state comfort effect provides evidence that humans represent future posture states and select appropriate grasps in anticipation of these postures. The purpose of the study was to examine to what extent the final action goal of a task influences motor planning of preceding segments, and whether grasp postures are planned to optimize end-state comfort during a three-segment action sequence in which two objects are manipulated, and participants can select from a continuous range of possible grasp postures. In the current experiment, participants opened a drawer, grasped an object from inside the drawer, and placed it on a table in one of the three target orientations (0°, 90°, or 180° object rotation required). Grasp postures during the initial movement segment (drawer opening) were not influenced by the final action goal (i.e., required target orientation). In contrast, both the intermediate (i.e., object grasping) and the final movement segment (i.e., object placing) were influenced by target orientation. In addition, participants adopted different strategies to achieve the action goal when the object required 180° rotation, with 42?% of participants prioritizing intermediate-state comfort and 58?% prioritizing end-state comfort. The results indicate that individuals optimize task performance by selecting lower level constraints that allow for successful completion of the action goal and that the selection of these constraints is dependent upon contextual, environmental, and internal influences.  相似文献   

 Eight healthy subjects were asked to walk blindfolded along circular paths of different radii after several practice trials with vision. Their task was to stop after completing two full revolutions. They always walked counter-clockwise (CCW) in (a) a control condition (CONTROL), including the instructions mentioned above, (b) with the further instruction to count backwards in twos (MENTAL), (c) with the instruction to count loudly (LOUD). The movement of two markers lying along the head naso-occipital axis was recorded by means of an ELITE system. Total walked distance (DISTANCE), total head turning angle (ANGLE) and average radius (RADIUS) of the trajectories performed were measured. All subjects were able to perform approximately circular trajectories. They consistently overshot the ideal radius independently of the condition and circle size, undershot the total angle and overshot total distance. The LOUD condition induced greater errors in the performance but only on total distance (P<0.05). A strong correlation was found between the errors in radius and total distance but not between distance and total angle. Principal components analysis suggested that radius and distance share a common source of errors while total angle produced independent errors. The results indicate that (a) circular trajectories can be generated starting from spatial and/or motor memory, without the aid of visual information; (b) the task needs some attentional control and does not involve simple automatic processing of afferent information; (c) different sensory information or different processing modes are probably involved in the estimation of the curvature and length of the walked path on the one hand, and of the total rotation angle on the other. Received: 1 June 1996 / Accepted: 18 January 1997  相似文献   

Summary Numerous authors have reported that elderly persons are more affected than young adults when submitted to reduced or conflicting sensory inputs conditions. These results, however, do not permit to evaluate whether the elderly suffer from a reduced peripheral sensibility or from a deficit in the central integrative mechanisms responsible for configuring the postural set. The present experiment evaluated the ability of elderly to reconfigure the postural set when submitted to successive reduced and augmented visual sensory conditions. Results showed that young and elderly subjects' sway dispersion increased when they were exposed to a reduced visual sensory condition (i.e., vision/no-vision transition). However, when exposed to augmented sensory condition (i.e., no-vision/vision transitions) young adults were able to adapt rapidly and reduced their sway dispersion whereas the elderly exhibited an increased sway dispersion. This inability to adapt to an augmented sensory condition suggest that elderly persons, in addition to a reduced peripheral sensibility, have a deficit with central integrative mechanisms responsible for reconfiguring the postural set.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that the left hemisphere is dominant for the planning of motor actions. This left-hemisphere specialization hypothesis was proposed in various lines of research, including patient studies, motor imagery studies, and studies involving neurophysiological techniques. However, most of these studies are primarily based on experiments involving right-hand-dominant participants. Here, we present the results of a behavioral study with left-hand-dominant participants, which follows up previous work in right-hand-dominant participants. In our experiment, participants grasped CD casings and replaced them in a different, pre-cued orientation. Task performance was measured by the end-state comfort effect, i.e., the anticipated degree of physical comfort associated with the posture that is planned to be adopted at movement completion. Both left- and right-handed participants showed stronger end-state comfort effects for their right hand compared to their left hand. These results lend behavioral support to the left-hemisphere-dominance motion-planning hypothesis.  相似文献   

Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies.   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

In light of a recent hypothesis, the concordance between patternsof lateral preference and sensory integration were examined.Specifically, the scores for 48 normal preadolescents on a multifactormeasure of lateral preference and subtests of the Visual AuralDigit Span Test were interrelated. The results indicated a tendencyfor intersensory integration scores to decrease as patternsof general lateral preference became more mixed and to increaseas foot preference became more stable. No reliable relationshipswere found between lateral preference and intrasensory scores.The results were interpreted as tentative support for problemsin visual-verbal integration consistent with more mixed patternsof lateral preference.  相似文献   

Introduction Articular cartilage is unable to initiate a spontaneous repair response when injured due to its avascular and aneural properties. Within adult cartilage, chondrocytes are entrapped within an extensive extracellular matrix and are unable to migrate to sights of injury to regulate tissue repair. Injury to this tissue therefore inevitably leads to degeneration of the cartilage and the development of degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis. The surgical technique of autologous chondrocyte transplantation (ACT) was developed for the treatment of full‐thickness cartilage defects ( Brittberg et al. 1994 ). Implantation of chondrocytes into the defect site repairs the injury site with a mixture of fibrocartilaginous and hyaline‐like tissue that poorly integrates with the existing cartilage and frequently degenerates with time. In this current study, we have developed an in vitro model to investigate methods for enhancing this integration and the development of a more biomechanically stable repair tissue. Materials and methods Bovine articular cartilage explants from the metacarpalphalangeal joint were experimentally injured using a stainless steel trephine and cultured for a period of 28 days. Autologous chondrocytes in an agarose suspension were injected into the interface region at the injury site. Media was collected and analysed for proteoglycan and collagen content using the DMMB and hydroxyproline assays, respectively. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression was also analysed using zymography and an adapted collagen fibril assay. Results Morphological analyses indicate attempts at repair and integration within both control and experimental treatment groups, although the presence of autologous chondrocytes appeared to amplify this repair response. Although not statistically significant, considerable differences in proteoglycan release between injured explants and the intact control group were seen. Collagen release into the media was only seen at day 28 within experimental cultures. An up‐regulation of MMP‐2 and MMP‐9 was seen within the experimental cultures compared to the controls. Preliminary data also suggest up‐regulation of collagenases in the experimental group when compared to controls. Discussion As seen with clinical ACT treatment, the presence of autologous chondrocytes appears to enhance repair and integration attempts; however, morphologically, this repair tissue appears to be fibrocartilaginous. Further analysis will establish whether the repair tissue is true hyaline cartilage and monitor the synthesis and turnover of macromolecules within the established culture system.  相似文献   

This study examined the hypothesis that the degree to which motor redundancy is used to coordinate joint motions for reaching is influenced by motor planning and enhanced when the task requires greater movement flexibility. Subjects reached at arm's length to the same centrally placed target under conditions where the target location was either certain or uncertain, using a double-step paradigm. The hypothesis was evaluated by partitioning the across-trials variance of the joint configuration at each percent of the reach into a component corresponding to the use of different joint angle combinations to achieve an equivalent hand position (GEV) and a component leading to a variable hand position (NGEV). Pointer-tip movement variability along the path and variable targeting error did not differ between conditions. Larger overall joint variance was found for the uncertain target condition. Most of this increase was GEV, which was significantly higher in the uncertain condition for control of both movement extent and movement direction. In contrast, NGEV differed between the two conditions only for the control of movement extent early in the reach, suggesting that target uncertainty led to inter-trial timing variability along the movement path. The results suggest that more flexible patterns of joint coordination are used when the nervous system must plan reaching movements to an uncertain target direction.  相似文献   

免疫组化法鉴别感觉与运动神经纤维   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
实验用新西兰大白兔6只,取脊神经根,神经干、肌支和皮支,即刻作冰冻切片。切片与抗体液孵育20min;然后再与酶联A蛋白液孵育20min;最后将切片与二氨基联苯胺成色反应5min。光镜下观察,感觉神经纤维呈深染的阳性反应,而运动神经纤维和其它神经组织以及对照组均为阴性反应。结果表明,免疫染色技术可准确、快速地显示神经干中的感觉神经纤维。  相似文献   

The perceptual phenomena of sensory saltation involve the systematic displacement of a target stimulus (the attractee) towards a subsequent stimulus (the attractant), which occurs closely in time and space. Here, we demonstrate the existence of cross-modal tactile-auditory saltation. Tactile stimuli were delivered to the forehead and spatially congruent stereoscopic auditory stimuli were presented via headphones to a total of 20 participants. After a reference stimulus at one of five spatial positions, the attractee was presented at a fixed position, followed by the attractant at a different fixed position with a delay of 81, 121, or 181 ms. Participants rated whether the attractee was perceived left or right of the reference in 2 uni-modal and 2 cross-modal (different reference/attractee vs. attractant mode) configurations. Saltation was present in all uni- and cross-modal configurations at an attractee-attractant delay of 81 ms. At delays of 81 ms the overall displacements were stronger than at delays of 121 ms, and tactile attractants generally induced stronger displacements than auditory attractants. The results indicated the existence of cross-modal tactile-auditory saltation, suggesting the application of the saltation phenomenon as a powerful approach for examining multi-modal sensory representations in future studies.  相似文献   

The cortical pathology in Alzheimer's disease (AD) should lead to the loss of effective interaction between distinct neocortical areas. This study compared 2 conditions within a single sensory integration task that differed in the demands placed on effective cross-cortical interaction. AD patients were impaired in their ability to bind distinct visual features of a stimulus when this binding placed greater demands on cross-cortical interaction (i.e., motion and color) but were not impaired when this binding placed lesser demands on such interaction (i.e., motion and luminance). In contrast, neurologically intact individuals and patients with Huntington's disease were able to effectively bind features under both conditions. These results provide psychophysical support for the presence of functional disconnectivity in AD and demonstrate the utility of AD for investigating the neurocognitive substrates of sensory integration.  相似文献   

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