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Leptin and ghrelin are two hormones associated with multiple physiological functions, especially energy balance. Leptin is an adipocyte-secreted hormone discovered in 1950 and ghrelin which was found in 1999, is a peptide hormone produced and secreted in the stomach. A number of previous studies showed that these hormones could be associated with different types of mood disorders. The results of previous studies, nevertheless, are confounded by diverse sample selection and different methodologies. A search for related articles in the Pub Med database was attempted. The search covered studies, reports, reviews and editorials published in the last ten years. Older references served as auxiliary sources for comparison purposes. However, due to the different results of the studies, there is a need for more investigation in order to establish the exact biochemical mechanisms that are responsible for these diseases and ghrelin's and leptin's effects on mood.  相似文献   

Most areas of health research will have accepted data and a dominating interpretation. If the interpretation is not correct, contradictions will accumulate, and it will eventually become clear that the current interpretation is untenable. In this situation, the best hypothesis is the one that accounts for all of the known data as well as the apparent contradictions. The area of vitamin A supplementation and childhood mortality in developing countries is afflicted with many contradictions and there is a need for a new hypothesis. We propose that the effect of vitamin A supplementation may depend on the amplification of non-specific effects of vaccines on childhood mortality.  相似文献   

Using the Activation Model of Information Exposure and Elaboration Likelihood Model as theoretical frameworks, this study explored the effects of message sensation value (MSV) and message cognition value (MCV) of antismoking public service announcements (PSAs) on ad processing and evaluation among young adults, and the difference between high sensation seekers and low sensation seekers in their perceptions and responses toward ads with different levels of sensation and cognition value. A 2 (MSV: high vs. low) × 2 (MCV: high vs. low) × 2 (need for sensation: high vs. low) mixed experimental design was conducted. Two physiological measures including skin conductance and heart rate were examined. Findings of this study show that MSV was not a distraction but a facilitator of message persuasiveness. These findings contribute to the activation model. In addition, need for sensation moderated the interaction effect of MSV and MCV on ad processing. Low sensation seekers were more likely to experience the interaction between MSV and MCV than high sensation seekers. Several observations related to the findings and implications for antismoking message designs are elaborated. Limitations and directions for future research are also outlined.  相似文献   

ObjectivesVirtual reality (VR) exergames are an innovative approach to promote older adults' mental health. VR exergames are active video games controlled by bodily movements in a safe surrounding with advantages of physical activity engagement and interactions. The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of VR exergames in improving older adults’ cognition and ameliorating depressive outcome by a systematic review, meta-analysis, subgroup analysis, and meta-regression.DesignThis is a systematic review and meta-analysis.Setting and ParticipantsAdults over 60 years old.MethodsFour electronic databases, including PubMed, Embase, Medline, and Cochrane, were searched for related articles. After evaluation, 18 randomized control trials were selected for qualitative and quantitative synthesis.ResultsThe meta-analytical results found moderate effects of VR exergames on overall cognitive function and memory, and a large effect on depressive outcomes in older adults. Commercial VR games had more-significant and larger effects on depressive outcomes than exergames with VR devices. The meta-regression results revealed that the total intervention duration had a significant effect on depressive outcomes. A higher intervention duration had greater effects on depressive outcomes.Conclusions and ImplicationsThis meta-analytical study suggests that VR exergames can provide potential positive influences on cognition, memory, and depression in older adult populations. VR exergames could be an interesting strategy for active aging and a good mental health status.  相似文献   

Stated preference studies on the value of health risk reductions have found valuations elicited from a private perspective to be both higher and lower compared to valuations elicited from a public perspective. Although relevant, the individual's ability to correctly predict the valuation that other individuals assign to the risk reduction has been insufficiently researched. We aim to verify whether individuals exhibit pure altruistic preferences and if this is the case, whether the presence of pure altruism leads to biased valuation of public risk reductions due to misjudgement about other individuals' preferences. We conduct a large-scale online incentivised experiment as a variant of a public good game in which the individual's final endowment is determined by choices made in the experiment. Results suggest that individuals act as pure altruists and hence try to account for the benefits obtained by others of being insured. The results also suggest that individuals fail to correctly predict other individuals' benefits from the insurance, which leads to non-optimal outcomes and biased valuations.  相似文献   

For decades, the greater part of efforts to improve regulatory frameworks for research ethics has focused on informed consent procedures; their design, codification and regulation. Why is informed consent thought to be so important? Since the publication of the Belmont Report in 1979, the standard response has been that obtaining informed consent is a way of treating individuals as autonomous agents. Despite its political success, the philosophical validity of this Belmont view cannot be taken for granted. If the Belmont view is to be based on a conception of autonomy that generates moral justification, it will either have to be reinterpreted along Kantian lines or coupled with a something like Mill’s conception of individuality. The Kantian interpretation would be a radical reinterpretation of the Belmont view, while the Millian justification is incompatible with the liberal requirement that justification for public policy should be neutral between controversial conceptions of the good. This consequence might be avoided by replacing Mill’s conception of individuality with a procedural conception of autonomy, but I argue that the resulting view would in fact fail to support a non-Kantian, autonomy-based justification of informed consent. These difficulties suggest that insofar as informed consent is justified by respect for persons and considerations of autonomy, as the Belmont report maintained, the justification should be along the lines of Kantian autonomy and not individual autonomy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this project was to determine the effect of diet, physical activity, and access to fruits, vegetables on weight status of children who reside in a low-income rural area. 153 3rd–6th graders were assessed for physical activity, sedentary behavior, fruit and vegetable consumption and access to physical activity, fruits and vegetables. Physical activity and sedentary behavior was objectively assessed via accelerometery. Fruit and vegetable consumption was assessed by direct observation and a recall questionnaire. Access was assessed by a questionnaire. Regression analysis was used to determine relationships with weight status as measured by BMI. On average children met physical activity requirements (71 min of MVPA) per day which significantly related to children’s weight status (p?=?.016). Sedentary behavior was also related to weight status (p?=?<?0.001). Participants’ access to physical activity opportunities near the home was not significantly related to their physical activity levels or weight status. Fruit and vegetable consumption was not related to BMI or access to fruits and vegetables. The results of this study suggested that children’s physical activity and sedentary behavior impacts weight status of children residing in a rural environment.  相似文献   



This paper investigates Australian parents’ child care decision-making, including the motivational and influential factors that they attribute to their choice. Research demonstrates that child care decision making is multifaceted, involving a combination of child-related, personal, familial and contextual considerations. Existing research has tended to compare centre-based child care users with those using family-based options, and has not examined differences in the decision-making of parents who using different centre-based options.


This study compared the characteristics and child care choices of parents using long day care (LDC) with those using preschool services to determine (1) whether they differ demographically and (2) if their reported child care decision-making motivations and influences diverge.


Participants were 1418 parents who completed a nationally-distributed survey in which they provided demographic information, specified their reasons for choosing to use child care, and rated the importance of factors that influenced their child care choice.


LDC parents had, on average, younger children, worked longer hours and resided in areas with lower socioeconomic resources than preschool parents. When compared with preschool parents, those using LDC were more likely to nominate pragmatic factors as influencing their child care decision making. External pressures, mainly related to educational outcomes, were more salient for preschool than LDC parents. However, both groups of parents similarly rated child-centred factors as the most important overall influence.


Our findings add complexity to current understandings of parents’ child care decision making by showing that parents should not be treated as a homogenous group by policy makers, providers, and researchers.



Although participation in physical and cognitive activities is encouraged to reduce the risk of dementia, the preventive efficacy of these activities for patients with mild cognitive impairment is unestablished.


To compare the cognitive and mobility effects of a 40-week program of combined cognitive and physical activity with those of a health education program.


A randomized, parallel, single-blind controlled trial.


A population-based study of participants recruited from Obu, a residential suburb of Nagoya, Japan.


Between August 2011 and February 2012, we evaluated 945 adults 65?years or older with mild cognitive impairment, enrolled 308, and randomly assigned them to the combined activity group (n?=?154) or the health education control group (n?=?154).


The combined activity program involved weekly 90-minute sessions for 40?weeks focused on physical and cognitive activities. The control group attended 90-minute health promotion classes thrice during the 40-week trial period.


The outcome measures were assessed at the study's beginning and end by personnel blinded to mild cognitive impairment subtype and group. The primary endpoints were postintervention changes in scores on (1) the Mini-Mental State Examination as a measure of general cognitive status and memory, (2) the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised–Logical Memory II, and (3) the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. We applied mobility assessments and assessed brain atrophy with magnetic resonance imaging.


Compared with the control group, the combined activity group showed significantly greater scores on the Mini-Mental State Examination (difference?=?0.8 points, P?=?.012) and Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised–Logical Memory II (difference?=?1.0, P?=?.004), significant improvements in mobility and the nonmemory domains and reduced left medial temporal lobe atrophy in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (Z-score difference?=??31.3, P?<?.05).


Combined physical and cognitive activity improves or maintains cognitive and physical performance in older adults with mild cognitive impairment, especially the amnestic type.  相似文献   

While increasing numbers of individuals have identified themselves as transsexuals and requested sex reassignment surgery, the number of black female applicants is grossly underrepresented. Indeed, only 3% of the patients applying to the Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Gender Identity Clinic (5 of 174 patients) were black females; and in one survey of nine gender identity clinics, only 1.1% of the applicants were black females. In this study, all five black female applicants who applied for transsexual evaluation to the CWRU Gender Identity Clinic served as subjects. The patients' characteristics, their psychological test results, clinical interview material, and psychological and psychiatric diagnoses are presented. All patients had severe psychopathology; three were schizophrenic, one was a schizophrenic character, and the last diagnosed as either a psychotic character or borderline personality. Among the hypotheses, it was suggested that black women may be inoculated against severe gender identity pathology and only exhibit such pathology as a consequence of a schizophrenic illness or severe borderline schizophrenic state. The data also suggest that more attention should be placed on investigating the family and cultural dynamics related to transsexualism. The implications of these findings for developing a comprehensive theory of transsexualism are presented.  相似文献   

Background: This methodological paper presents both a scientific rationale and a methodological approach for investigating the effects of resveratrol supplementation on mood and cognitive performance in postmenopausal women. Postmenopausal women have an increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia, which may be at least partly due to loss of beneficial effects of estrogen on the cerebrovasculature. We hypothesise that resveratrol, a phytoestrogen, may counteract this risk by enhancing cerebrovascular function and improving regional blood flow in response to cognitive demands. A clinical trial was designed to test this hypothesis. Method: Healthy postmenopausal women were recruited to participate in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled (parallel comparison) dietary intervention trial to evaluate the effects of resveratrol supplementation (75 mg twice daily) on cognition, cerebrovascular responsiveness to cognitive tasks and overall well-being. They performed the following tests at baseline and after 14 weeks of supplementation: Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, Cambridge Semantic Memory Battery, the Double Span and the Trail Making Task. Cerebrovascular function was assessed simultaneously by monitoring blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral arteries using transcranial Doppler ultrasound. Conclusion: This trial provides a model approach to demonstrate that, by optimising circulatory function in the brain, resveratrol and other vasoactive nutrients may enhance mood and cognition and ameliorate the risk of developing dementia in postmenopausal women and other at-risk populations.  相似文献   

The prevalence of primary adult lactose malabsorption (LM) in 23 ethnic groups was matched with national data on milk consumption and mortality rates from ischaemic heart disease (HD). In 6 other ethnic groups prevalence of LM was related to unquantified assessments of milk consumption and frequency of IHD. On the available data, populations with a prevalence of LM over 30%, and whose consumption of milk is low or is largely in low lactose form, have a lower risk of IHD mortality than populations with a prevalence of LM under 30% and a high milk consumption. There is evidence against attributing these findings to genetic linkage between susceptibility to IHD mortality and persistent lactose absorption, or to differences in socio-economic development, cigarette consumption or intake of animal fats. The findings are compatible with an hypothesis that, if the correlation reported previously between milk consumption and IHD mortality is causal, lactose could be the responsible dietary factor.  相似文献   

Despite a tremendous increase in financial resources, many countries are not on track to achieve the child and maternal mortality targets set out in the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5. It is commonly argued that two main social factors - improved democratic governance and aggregate income - will ultimately lead to progress in reducing child and maternal mortality. However, these two factors alone may be insufficient to achieve progress in settings where there is a high level of social division. To test the effects of growth and democratisation, and their interaction with social inequalities, we regressed data on child and maternal mortality rates for 192 countries against internationally used indexes of income, democracy, and population inequality (including income, ethnic, linguistic, and religious divisions) covering the period 1970-2007. We found that a higher degree of social division, especially ethnic and linguistic fractionalisation, was significantly associated with greater child and maternal mortality rates. We further found that, even in democratic states, greater social division was associated with lower overall population access to healthcare and lesser expansion of health system infrastructure. Perversely, while greater democratisation and aggregate income were associated with reduced maternal and child mortality overall, in regions with high levels of ethnic fragmentation the health benefits of democratisation and rising income were undermined and, at high levels of inequality reversed, so that democracy and growth were adversely related to child and maternal mortality. These findings are consistent with literature suggesting that high degrees of social division in the context of democratisation can strengthen the power of dominant elite and ethnic groups in political decision-making, resulting in health and welfare policies that deprive minority groups (a health-inequality trap). Thus, we show that improving economic growth and democratic governance are insufficient to achieve child and maternal health targets in communities with high levels of persistent social inequality. To reduce child and maternal mortality in highly divided societies, it will be necessary not only to increase growth and promote democratic elections, but also empower disenfranchised communities.  相似文献   

ObjectivesWe investigated the role of a stress-sensitive personality on relations between noise, noise annoyance and somatic symptom reporting. First, we investigated the cross-sectional association of road traffic noise exposure and somatic symptoms, and its modification by hostility and vulnerability to stress. Second, we investigated the cross-sectional association of noise annoyance from eight sources (e.g. road traffic, aircraft, neighbours) and somatic symptoms, and it's confounding by hostility and vulnerability to stress.MethodsData were obtained from LifeLines, a general population cohort from the Netherlands. Road traffic noise was estimated using the Common Noise Assessment Methods in Europe (CNOSSOS-EU) noise model. Noise annoyance, hostility, vulnerability to stress, and somatic symptoms were assessed with validated questionnaires.ResultsPoisson regression models adjusted for demographic and socioeconomic variables indicated no association of noise exposure and somatic symptoms (incidence rate ratio (IRR) 1.001; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.000–1.001; n = 56,937). Interactions of noise exposure and hostility and vulnerability to stress were not statistically significant. Small positive associations were found for noise annoyance from each of the eight sources and somatic symptoms, when adjusted for demographic and socioeconomic variables (e.g. for road traffic noise annoyance IRR 1.014, 95% CI 1.011–1.018; n = 6177). Additional adjustment for hostility and vulnerability to stress resulted in small decreases of the IRRs for noise annoyance from each of the eight sources, but the associations remained statistically significant.ConclusionsPersonality facets hostility and vulnerability to stress did not modify the relation between road traffic noise exposure and somatic symptom reporting, or confound relations between noise annoyance and symptoms.  相似文献   

Milk has been shown to contain a specific fraction of extracellular particles that are reported to resist digestion and are purposefully packaged with lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids to exert specific biological effects. These findings suggest that these particles may have a role in the quality of infant nutrition, particularly in the early phase of life when many of the foundations of an infant’s potential for health and overall wellness are established. However, much of the current research focuses on human or cow milk only, and there is a knowledge gap in how milk from other species, which may be more commonly consumed in different regions, could also have these reported biological effects. Our review provides a summary of the studies into the extracellular particle fraction of milk from a wider range of ruminants and pseudo-ruminants, focusing on how this fraction is isolated and characterised, the stability and uptake of the fraction, and the reported biological effects of these fractions in a range of model systems. As the individual composition of milk from different species is known to differ, we propose that the extracellular particle fraction of milk from non-traditional and minority species may also have important and distinct biological properties that warrant further study.  相似文献   

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