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A compressed sensing dynamic MR technique called k‐t FOCUSS (k‐t FOCal Underdetermined System Solver) has been recently proposed. It outperforms the conventional k‐t BLAST/SENSE (Broad‐use Linear Acquisition Speed‐up Technique/SENSitivity Encoding) technique by exploiting the sparsity of x‐f signals. This paper applies this idea to radial trajectories for high‐resolution cardiac cine imaging. Radial trajectories are more suitable for high‐resolution dynamic MRI than Cartesian trajectories since there is smaller tradeoff between spatial resolution and number of views if streaking artifacts due to limited views can be resolved. As shown for Cartesian trajectories, k‐t FOCUSS algorithm efficiently removes artifacts while preserving high temporal resolution. k‐t FOCUSS algorithm applied to radial trajectories is expected to enhance dynamic MRI quality. Rather than using an explicit gridding method, which transforms radial k‐space sampling data to Cartesian grid prior to applying k‐t FOCUSS algorithms, we use implicit gridding during FOCUSS iterations to prevent k‐space sampling errors from being propagated. In addition, motion estimation and motion compensation after the first FOCUSS iteration were used to further sparsify the residual image. By applying an additional k‐t FOCUSS step to the residual image, improved resolution was achieved. In vivo experimental results show that this new method can provide high spatiotemporal resolution even from a very limited radial data set. Magn Reson Med, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Motion‐corrected simultaneous cardiac positron emission tomography and coronary MR angiography with high acquisition efficiency 下载免费PDF全文
Camila Munoz Radhouene Neji Gastão Cruz Andrew Mallia Sami Jeljeli Andrew J. Reader Rene M. Botnar Claudia Prieto 《Magnetic resonance in medicine》2018,79(1):339-350
Respiratory motion remains a major challenge for robust coronary MR angiography (MRA). Diaphragmatic navigator (NAV) suffers from indirect measurement of heart position. Respiratory self‐gating (RSG) approaches improve motion detection only in the head–feet direction, leaving motion in the other two dimensions unaccounted for. The purpose of this study was to extend conventional RSG (1D RSG) to RSG capable of 3D motion detection (3D RSG) by acquiring additional RSG projections with transverse‐motion‐encoding gradients. Simulation and volunteer studies were conducted to validate the effectiveness of this new method. Preliminary comparison was performed between coronary artery images reconstructed from the same datasets using different motion correction methods. Our simulation illustrates that a proper motion‐encoding gradient and derivation method enable accurate 3D motion detection. Results from whole‐heart coronary MRA show that 3D RSG can further reduce motion artifacts as compared to NAV and 1D RSG and enables use of larger gating windows for faster coronary imaging. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Claudia Prieto Sergio Uribe Reza Razavi David Atkinson Tobias Schaeffter 《Magnetic resonance in medicine》2010,64(2):514-526
One of the current limitations of dynamic contrast‐enhanced MR angiography is the requirement of both high spatial and high temporal resolution. Several undersampling techniques have been proposed to overcome this problem. However, in most of these methods the tradeoff between spatial and temporal resolution is constant for all the time frames and needs to be specified prior to data collection. This is not optimal for dynamic contrast‐enhanced MR angiography where the dynamics of the process are difficult to predict and the image quality requirements are changing during the bolus passage. Here, we propose a new highly undersampled approach that allows the retrospective adaptation of the spatial and temporal resolution. The method combines a three‐dimensional radial phase encoding trajectory with the golden angle profile order and non‐Cartesian Sensitivity Encoding (SENSE) reconstruction. Different regularization images, obtained from the same acquired data, are used to stabilize the non‐Cartesian SENSE reconstruction for the different phases of the bolus passage. The feasibility of the proposed method was demonstrated on a numerical phantom and in three‐dimensional intracranial dynamic contrast‐enhanced MR angiography of healthy volunteers. The acquired data were reconstructed retrospectively with temporal resolutions from 1.2 sec to 8.1 sec, providing a good depiction of small vessels, as well as distinction of different temporal phases. Magn Reson Med, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
4D respiratory motion‐compensated image reconstruction of free‐breathing radial MR data with very high undersampling 下载免费PDF全文
Christopher M. Rank Thorsten Heußer Maria T. A. Buzan Andreas Wetscherek Martin T. Freitag Julien Dinkel Marc Kachelrieß 《Magnetic resonance in medicine》2017,77(3):1170-1183
Joëlle K. Barral Neal K. Bangerter Bob S. Hu Dwight G. Nishimura 《Magnetic resonance in medicine》2010,63(3):790-796
As a noninvasive modality, MR is attractive for in vivo skin imaging. Its unique soft tissue contrast makes it an ideal imaging modality to study the skin water content and to resolve the different skin layers. In this work, the challenges of in vivo high‐resolution skin imaging are addressed. Three 3D Cartesian sequences are customized to achieve high‐resolution imaging and their respective performance is evaluated. The balanced steady‐state free precession (bSSFP) and gradient echo (GRE) sequences are fast but can be sensitive to off‐resonance artifacts. The fast large‐angle spin echo (FLASE) sequence provides a sharp depiction of the hypodermis structures but results in more specific absorption rate (SAR). The effect of increasing the field strength is assessed. As compared to 1.5 T, signal‐to‐noise ratio at 3 T slightly increases in the hypodermis and almost doubles in the dermis. The need for fat/water separation is acknowledged and a solution using an interleaved three‐point Dixon method and an iterative reconstruction is shown to be effective. The effects of motion are analyzed and two techniques to prevent motion and correct for it are evaluated. Images with 117 × 117 × 500 μm3 resolution are obtained in imaging times under 6 min. Magn Reson Med, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Catherine J. Moran Ethan K. Brodsky Leah Henze Bancroft Scott B. Reeder Huanzhou Yu Richard Kijowski Dorothee Engel Walter F. Block 《Magnetic resonance in medicine》2014,71(1):95-104
Radial trajectories facilitate high‐resolution balanced steady state free precession (bSSFP) because the efficient gradients provide more time to extend the trajectory in k‐space. A number of radial bSSFP methods that support fat–water separation have been developed; however, most of these methods require an environment with limited B0 inhomogeneity. In this work, high‐resolution bSSFP with fat–water separation is achieved in more challenging B0 environments by combining a 3D radial trajectory with the IDEAL chemical species separation method. A method to maintain very high resolution within the timing constraints of bSSFP and IDEAL is described using a dual‐pass pulse sequence. The sampling of a unique set of radial lines at each echo time is investigated as a means to circumvent the longer scan time that IDEAL incurs as a multiecho acquisition. The manifestation of undersampling artifacts in this trajectory and their effect on chemical species separation are investigated in comparison to the case in which each echo samples the same set of radial lines. This new bSSFP method achieves 0.63 mm isotropic resolution in a 5‐min scan and is demonstrated in difficult in vivo imaging environments, including the breast and a knee with ACL reconstruction hardware at 1.5 T. Magn Reson Med 71:95–104, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Fast pediatric 3D free‐breathing abdominal dynamic contrast enhanced MRI with high spatiotemporal resolution 下载免费PDF全文
Tao Zhang MS Joseph Y. Cheng PhD Aaron G. Potnick MD Richard A. Barth MD Marcus T. Alley PhD Martin Uecker PhD Michael Lustig PhD John M. Pauly PhD Shreyas S. Vasanawala MD PhD 《Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI》2015,41(2):460-473
P Jhooti J Keegan P D Gatehouse S Collins A Rowe A M Taylor D N Firmin 《Magnetic resonance in medicine》1999,41(3):555-562
Three-dimensional (3D) coronary imaging has the potential to overcome problems resulting from vessel tortuosity and to reduce partial volume effects. With these techniques, however, acquisition times are long and respiratory motion artifacts problematical. This work describes the development of a method that applies phase encode reordering to 3D acquisitions, allowing larger navigator acceptance windows to be used, with a consequent reduction in acquisition time. This method is compared with navigator acceptance window methods (the acceptance-rejection algorithm and the diminishing variance algorithm) and the retrospective respiratory gating technique, both in vitro and in vivo. The use of phase reordering with a 10 mm acceptance window provided a significant increase in scan efficiency over a non-reordered 5 mm method (P<0.001) with no significant change in image quality, and a significant increase in image quality compared with a non-reordered image acquired in the same time (P<0.05). A significant improvement in both image quality and scan efficiency was demonstrated over the retrospective respiratory gating method (P<0.05). 相似文献
Max CAPR: High‐resolution 3D contrast‐enhanced MR angiography with acquisition times under 5 seconds
Clifton R. Haider Eric A. Borisch James F. Glockner Petrice M. Mostardi Phillip J. Rossman Phillip M. Young Stephen J. Riederer 《Magnetic resonance in medicine》2010,64(4):1171-1181
High temporal and spatial resolution is desired in imaging of vascular abnormalities having short arterial‐to‐venous transit times. Methods that exploit temporal correlation to reduce the observed frame time demonstrate temporal blurring, obfuscating bolus dynamics. Previously, a Cartesian acquisition with projection reconstruction‐like (CAPR) sampling method has been demonstrated for three‐dimensional contrast‐enhanced angiographic imaging of the lower legs using two‐dimensional sensitivity‐encoding acceleration and partial Fourier acceleration, providing 1mm isotropic resolution of the calves, with 4.9‐sec frame time and 17.6‐sec temporal footprint. In this work, the CAPR acquisition is further undersampled to provide a net acceleration approaching 40 by eliminating all view sharing. The tradeoff of frame time and temporal footprint in view sharing is presented and characterized in phantom experiments. It is shown that the resultant 4.9‐sec acquisition time, three‐dimensional images sets have sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to clearly portray arterial and venous phases of contrast passage. It is further hypothesized that these short temporal footprint sequences provide diagnostic quality images. This is tested and shown in a series of nine contrast‐enhanced MR angiography patient studies performed with the new method. Magn Reson Med, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献