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医技科室岗位练兵活动的组织管理与结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年,为了深入开展"医院管理年"和创建人民满意医院活动,加强医务人员基本技能训练,规范临床操作,提高医疗服务质量,在北京市卫生局所属医院中,我院率先开展了以"三基、三严"为重点的岗位练兵活动.在一年时间里,医务处、护理部和教育处组织我院11个医技科室的医务人员参加了全院岗位练兵活动,取得了良好效果.  相似文献   

北京20家三级医院全球招贤近日,北京市医院管理局与北京海外学人中心联合发布公告,包括北京友谊医院等20家国内外知名的北京市属大型三级医院,拿出科室主任等62个岗位,面向全球招纳80名海外高层次人才。此次全球招贤,21家市属医院中除了北京中医医院,其余20家都亮出了急需高端人才岗位清单,涉及科室主任、项目主任、特聘专家、学科带头人和名誉教授等,涵盖消化、心血管、神经、眼科、  相似文献   

护士岗位练兵的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技强军是新时期军队建设的基本思路.而依托科技、岗位练兵是军队医院实现“保打赢”战略目标的有效途径。本介绍了在护士的岗位练兵中发掘科技含量,提高训练效能,在学、练、用的结合是寻找突破点,旨在为实现“岗位练兵科技化、科技练兵岗位化”的管理目标而进行有益的尝试。  相似文献   

福田区卫生防疫站实施中层干部竞聘上岗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 1997年初,福田区卫生防疫站实施中层干部竞聘上岗,这一改革举措已经获得令人满意的效果。1 具体做法 (1)精心筹划,制定规则。经广泛征求意见,认真研究,制定了《福田区卫生防疫站科室主任竞聘办法》。公开竞聘岗位为站内各科室主任,从政治、资历、年龄、身体状况等方面规定了竞聘条件,还规定了竞聘后科室主任的任期为二年,允许跨科室竞聘等;竞聘程序为:本人申请,递交竞聘提纲;在科室进  相似文献   

军队医院实施岗位技能练兵的方法与体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结了所在医院实施岗位技能练兵的主要做法以及取得的效果,结合工作实践,强调军队医院岗位技能练兵的必要性。开展岗位练兵对加强医院管理、提高服务质量、创建人民满意医院具有重要意义,可提升医院品牌,不断提高全员整体素质,推动各项工作的发展。  相似文献   

为认真贯彻军委张万年副主席关于开展岗位练兵的指示,我院在全体卫生专业技术人员中开展了岗位练兵活动.为了使岗位练兵扎扎实实的进行,不流于形式,医院在练兵中注重了以下几个问题:  相似文献   

经菏泽市卫生局批准,菏泽市红十字会中心血站于今年3月实施了第五轮竞争上岗和人员聘任人事制度改革。此次改革对现有科室的设置进行部分调整,中层干部进行公开述职竞争上岗、民主评议,在产生新一轮科室主任的基础上,依照科室主任和职工双方自愿的原则,进行岗位选择,并修订和完善了《岗位目标管理责任书》和聘任程序。在这次科室选择中,全站无一人落聘和待岗,有11%的同志离开了原来的科室,挑选了更适合自己工作的岗位,这一改革进一步调动了全站工作人员的积极性,大大增强了血站工作人员的责任感和事业心,为各项工作的开展起到了极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

开展全院性岗位练兵活动的实践及体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岗位练兵对于加强医院的学科建设与人才培养,建立健全医疗技术和人员资质准入及分级管理制度具有重要意义。应科学制定岗位练兵实施方案,分步骤实施,以提高医务人员的“三基三严”能力为主要目标,突出不同阶段培训重点,进行全方位考核,确保岗位练兵质量。  相似文献   

军队医院应急机动卫勤分队卫生战备训练方法   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
本文着眼新形势和新任务,积极探索卫勤保障训练新方法,从岗位练兵强基础、深入基层采集信息定计划、伴随保障部队检验与修订战备方案等方面入手,实现了岗位练兵与实战卫勤保障“近距离”对接。  相似文献   

附属医院机动卫勤力量岗位练兵方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了新形势下武警医学院附属医院机动卫勤力量开展岗位练兵活动主要做法;提出区分层次、人装结合、以演带练、量化评估的岗位练兵方法;总结机动卫勤力量建设中存在的不足;探讨卫勤力量建设的一般要求。  相似文献   

目的 了解四川省公立医院院长管理培训现状,探讨院长职业化认知及意愿、岗位能力与管理培训时间的相关关系。方法 对四川省二级及以上公立医院的1620名院长、副院长进行问卷调查,运用SPSS19.0进行统计分析。结果 (1)院长参加培训时间较短,累计培训时间超过3个月的仅占43.3%;(2)院长对职业化的了解程度(r=0.243,P<0.001)、担任职业化院长的意愿(r=0.088,P<0.001)与管理培训时间呈正相关;(3)院长的医院规划与经营能力(r=0.174,P<0.001)、领导艺术和魅力(r=0.166,P<0.001)等岗位能力与管理培训时间呈正相关。结论 医院管理培训是提高职业化认知水平、提升院长岗位能力的有效途径,要重视医院管理培训、完善培训制度和管理办法。  相似文献   

规范科主任管理能力培训提升医疗质量管理水平   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对综合医院科主任管理能力培训的必要性进行了探讨,并结合陕西省人民医院工作实践,提出了管理人员培训工作拓展的思路。  相似文献   

目的探讨军队中小医院科主任参与医院感染培训方法方式,以发挥科主任在科室医院感染管理中积极作用。方法采取院内大课培训、医院感染管理专业岗位培训、抗感染沙龙、外聘专家授课、院内专家组指导、蹲点式帮带、日常工作指导、网上互动等方法。结果对培训前、后科主任理论考试、操作考试、手卫生正确率、科室住院患者抗菌药物治疗标本送检率≥30%四个考评项目达标率进行比较,p值<0.01,具有显著差异;对培训前、后科主任手卫生依从性以及科室多重耐药菌感染患者消毒隔离措施落实、Ⅰ类手术切口术前0.1~2小时内应用抗菌药物三个考评项目达标率进行比较,p值<0.01,具有明显差异。结论强化科主任院感培训对提高科室医院感染管理质量起着积极的促动作用。  相似文献   

Perceptions of childcare center directors in for-profit and non-profit childcare centers were examined. Previous research indicates that childcare employees are poorly compensated, not properly trained, and dissatisfied with their work environment. This study explores further into the training, work environment, and job satisfactions of childcare center directors. Questionnaires were distributed throughout a southeast state in the United States to three hundred and ten childcare center directors from for-profit and non-profit centers. Levels of job satisfaction, work environments (including employment benefits and challenges), and the educational and training experiences of for-profit and non-profit childcare center directors were examined. There were no significant differences between for-profit and non-profit center directors in their perceptions of job satisfaction and in their reports of benefits and challenges. However, there was a significant difference in education level of directors with directors of non-profit centers having higher educational attainment than directors of for-profit centers.  相似文献   

Perceptions of childcare center directors in for‐profit and non‐profit childcare centers were examined. Previous research indicates that childcare employees are poorly compensated, not properly trained, and dissatisfied with their work environment. This study explores further into the training, work environment, and job satisfactions of childcare center directors. Questionnaires were distributed throughout a southeast state in the United States to three hundred and ten childcare center directors from for‐profit and non‐profit centers. Levels of job satisfaction, work environments (including employment benefits and challenges), and the educational and training experiences of for‐profit and non‐profit childcare center directors were examined. There were no significant differences between for‐profit and non‐profit center directors in their perceptions of job satisfaction and in their reports of benefits and challenges. However, there was a significant difference in education level of directors with directors of non‐profit centers having higher educational attainment than directors of for‐profit centers.  相似文献   

Context The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) CanMEDS framework is being incorporated into specialty education worldwide. However, the literature on how to evaluate trainees in the CanMEDS competencies remains sparse. Objectives The goals of this study were to examine the assessment tools used and programme directors’ perceptions of how well they evaluate performance of the CanMEDS roles in Canadian postgraduate training programmes. Methods We conducted a web‐based survey of programme directors of RCPSC‐accredited training programmes. The survey consisted of two questions. Question 1 was designed to establish which assessment tools were used to assess each of the CanMEDS roles. Question 2 was intended to assess programme directors’ perceived satisfaction with CanMEDS evaluation in their programmes. Results A total of 149 of the eligible 280 programme directors participated in the survey. Programme directors used a variety of assessment tools to evaluate trainees in CanMEDS competencies. Programmes used more tools to evaluate the Medical Expert (mean = 4.03, standard deviation [SD] = 1.59) and Communicator (mean = 2.36, SD = 1.02) roles. Programme directors used the fewest tools for the Collaborator (mean = 1.75, SD = 1.10) and Manager (mean = 1.75, SD = 1.18) roles. More than 92% of the programmes used in‐training evaluation reports to evaluate all the CanMEDS roles. Programme directors were satisfied with their evaluation of the Medical Expert role, but less so with assessment of the other CanMEDS competencies. Conclusions This study demonstrates that Canadian postgraduate training programmes use a variety of assessment tools to evaluate the CanMEDS competencies. Programme directors are neutral or concerned about how the CanMEDS roles other than that of Medical Expert are evaluated in their programmes. Further efforts are required to establish best practice in CanMEDS evaluation.  相似文献   

三甲医院不同层次护理人员培训需求分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨三甲医院不同层次护理人员培训需求,为合理设置护理人员培训课程提供参考.方法:运用行设计的问卷调查63护理部主任对护理人员培训内容和影响因素的看法.结果:新入职护士、高年资护士、护士长培训内容需求各有侧重.结论:针对不同层次的护理人员,应量身定制培训莱单.  相似文献   

Preventive medicine plays a central role in the reducing the number of deaths due to preventable causes of premature deaths. General Preventive Medicine Residency programs have not been studied in relation to training in this area. A three-wave mail survey was conducted with email and telephone follow-ups. The outcome measures were the portion of program directors involved in training residents on firearm injury prevention issues and their perceived benefits and barriers of training residents on firearm injury prevention issues. Only 25% of the programs provided formal training on firearm injury prevention. Program directors who provided formal training perceived significantly higher number of benefits to offering such training than did directors who did not provide such training but no significant difference was found between the two for number of perceived barriers. If preventive medicine residency graduates are to play a role in reducing premature morbidity and mortality from firearms it will require more residencies to offer formal training in this area. The Association for Prevention Teaching and Research needs to develop guidelines on specific curriculum topics regarding firearm injury prevention.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Statements from the American Academy of Pediatrics encourage pediatricians to address tobacco. However, most fail to do so and little is known about the preparation to intervene on tobacco they receive during residency training. METHODS: The Pediatric Residency Training Director Tobacco Survey was mailed to all pediatric residency training directors in the United States. The survey assessed the nature of training and supervision on tobacco, barriers to training, and factors that influence the inclusion of tobacco in the residency training curriculum. RESULTS: Seventy percent of the training directors returned the surveys. Relatively few offered training/supervision on tobacco on a formal basis. Training directors were reluctant to treat parents who smoke, were skeptical about third party payer reimbursement, and did not believe that office-based interventions for treating tobacco use among patients were effective. Key barriers to training were competing priorities, lack of training resources, and lack of faculty with expertise on tobacco. CONCLUSION: Residency training is an excellent time to train future pediatricians to intervene on tobacco, but too few pediatric training programs have taken up this charge. Much needs to be done to correct this situation and to prepare future pediatricians to meet the tobacco challenge.  相似文献   

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