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This study examined two kinematical features of the rotational vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) of the monkey in near vision. First, is there an effect of eye position on the axes of eye rotation during yaw, pitch and roll head rotations when the eyes are converged to fixate near targets? Second, do the three-dimensional positions of the left and right eye during yaw and roll head rotations obey the binocular extension of Listing's law (L2), showing eye position planes that rotate temporally by a quarter as far as the angle of horizontal vergence? Animals fixated near visual targets requiring 17 or 8.5 degrees vergence and placed at straight ahead, 20 degrees up, down, left, or right during yaw, pitch, and roll head rotations at 1 Hz. The 17 degrees vergence experiments were performed both with and without a structured visual background, the 8.5 degrees vergence experiments with a visual background only. A 40 degrees horizontal change in eye position never influenced the axis of eye rotation produced by the VOR during pitch head rotation. Eye position did not affect the VOR eye rotation axes, which stayed aligned with the yaw and roll head rotation axes, when torsional gain was high. If torsional gain was low, eccentric eye positions produced yaw and roll VOR eye rotation axes that tilted somewhat in the directions predicted by Listing's law, i.e., with or opposite to gaze during yaw or roll. These findings were seen in both visual conditions and in both vergence experiments. During yaw and roll head rotations with a 40 degrees vertical change in gaze, torsional eye position followed on average the prediction of L2: the left eye showed counterclockwise (ex-) torsion in down gaze and clockwise (in-) torsion in up gaze and vice versa for the right eye. In other words, the left and right eye's position plane rotated temporally by about a quarter of the horizontal vergence angle. Our results indicate that torsional gain is the central mechanism by which the brain adjusts the retinal image stabilizing function of the VOR both in far and near vision and the three dimensional eye positions during yaw and roll head rotations in near vision follow on average the predictions of L2, a kinematic pattern that is maintained by the saccadic/quick phase system.  相似文献   

When a human subject is oscillated about the nasooccipital axis and fixes upon targets along the horizontal head-fixed meridian, angular eye velocity includes a vertical component that increases with the horizontal eccentricity of the line-of-sight. This vertical eye movement component is necessary to prevent retinal slip. We asked whether fixation on a near head-fixed target during the same torsional vestibular stimulation would lead to differences of vertical eye movements between the right and the left eye, as the directions of the two lines-of-sight are not parallel during convergence. Healthy human subjects (n = 6) were oscillated (0.3 Hz, +/-30 degrees) about the nasooccipital axis on a three-dimensional motor-driven turntable. Binocular movements were recorded using the dual search coil technique. A head-fixed laser dot was presented 1.4 m (far head-fixed target) or 0.25 m (near head-fixed target) in front of the right eye. We found highly significant (P < 0.01) correlations (R binocular = 0.8, monocular = 0.59) between the convergence angle and the difference of the vertical eye velocity between the two eyes. The slope of the fitted linear regression between the two parameters (s = 0.45) was close to the theoretical slope necessary to prevent vertical retinal slippage (predicted s = 0.5). Covering the left eye did not significantly change the slope (s = 0.52). In addition, there was a marked gain reduction (approximately 35%) of the torsional vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) between viewing the far and the near targets, confirming earlier results by others. There was no difference in torsional gain reduction between the two eyes. Lenses of +3 dpt positioned in front of both eyes to decrease the amount of accommodation did not further change the gain of the torsional VOR. In conclusion, ocular convergence on a near head-fixed target during torsional vestibular stimulation leads to deviations in vertical angular velocity between the two eyes necessary to prevent vertical double vision. The vertical deviation velocity is mainly linked to the amount of convergence, since it also occurs during monocular viewing of the near head-fixed target. This suggests that convergence during vestibular stimulation automatically leads to an alignment of binocular rotation axes with the visual axes independent of retinal slip.  相似文献   

1. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the axes of eye rotation generated by oculomotor burst neuron populations and the coordinate system that they collectively define. In particular, we asked if such coordinates might be related to constraints in the emergent behavior, i.e., Listing's law for saccades. 2. The mesencephalic rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF) was identified in four monkeys with the use of single-unit recording, and then explored with the use of electrical microstimulation and pharmacological inactivation with the inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) agonist muscimol. Three-dimensional (3-D) eye positions and velocities were recorded in one or both eyes while alert animals made eye movements in response to visual stimuli and head rotation. 3. Unilateral stimulation of the riMLF (20 microA, 200 Hz, 300-600 ms) produced conjugate, constant velocity eye rotations, which then stopped abruptly and held their final positions. This is expected if the riMLF produces phasic signals upstream from the oculomotor integrator. 4. Units that burst before upward or downward saccades were recorded intermingled in each side of the riMLF. Unilateral stimulation of the same riMLF sites produced eye rotations about primarily torsional axes, clockwise (CW) during right riMLF stimulation and counterclockwise (CCW) during left stimulation. Only small and inconsistent vertical components were observed, supporting the view that the riMLF carries intermingled up and down signals. 5. The torsional axes of eye rotation produced by riMLF stimulation did not correlate to external anatomic landmarks. Instead, stimulation axes from both riMLF sides aligned with the primary gaze direction orthogonal to Listing's plane of eye positions recorded during saccades. 6. Injection of muscimol into one side of the riMLF produced a conjugate deficit in saccades and quick phases, including a 50% reduction in all vertical velocities and complete loss of one torsional direction. CW was lost after right riMLF inactivation, and CCW was lost after left inactivation. 7. The plane that separated the intact torsional axes from the missing axes correlated with the orientation of Listing's plane. Thus, during left or right riMLF inactivation, the vertical axes of intact horizontal saccades were abnormally aligned with Listing's plane. The orientation of these axes was not correlated with external anatomic landmarks. 8. As suggested by their alignment with Listing's plane, the intact vertical axes of horizontal saccades following riMLF inactivation were orthogonal to torsional riMLF stimulation axes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The spatial properties of linear vestibuloocular reflexes (LVOR) were studied in pigmented rats in response to sinusoidal linear acceleration on a sled. The orientation of the animal on the sled was altered in 15 degrees steps over the range of 360 degrees. Horizontal, vertical, and torsional components of eye movements were recorded with the magnetic field search coil technique in complete darkness. Conjugacy of the two eyes was studied in the horizontal movement plane. 2. Acceleration along the optic axis of one eye (approximately 50 degrees lateral) induced maximal vertical responses in the ipsilateral eye and, at the same time, maximal torsional responses in the contralateral eye. These vertical and torsional responses of the LVOR coincide with those obtained when the respective coplanar vertical semicircular canals are stimulated. Such a congruence suggests a common reference frame for LVOR and angular vestibuloocular reflexes (AVOR), with the result that direct combination of signals indicating apparent and real head tilt is facilitated. 3. Transformations of vertical and torsional responses into head coordinates (pitch and roll) show that these movements are compensatory in direction for any combination of apparent head tilt in pitch and roll planes. 4. Gain (rotation of the eye/apparent rotation of the gravity direction) was approximately 0.3 at 0.1 Hz and decreased to approximately 0.1 at 1.0 Hz. Vertical responses tended to have a larger gain than torsional responses. Phase lag relative to peak acceleration increased from about -9 degrees to about -47 degrees over the same frequency range. 5. Vertical linear acceleration evoked only vertical eye movements at a frequency of 1.0 Hz. 6. Horizontal responses of both eyes were symmetric or asymmetric in amplitude and in-phase (conjugate) or out-of-phase (disconjugate) with respect to each other, depending on the direction of linear acceleration. Translation in the transverse direction evoked conjugate compensatory horizontal responses. Forward-backward translation evoked movements of both eyes that were symmetric in amplitude, but 180 degrees out-of-phase. Translation along diagonal axes evoked almost no horizontal responses in the eye facing in the direction of linear motion but maximal horizontal responses in the eye facing away from the direction of linear motion. These disconjugate movements resulted in a modulation of the vergence angle of the eyes. 7. Disconjugate horizontal responses in darkness are best explained by the assumption that part of the visual consequences of a translational head displacement (i.e., change of viewing distance in light) is taken into account centrally.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of visually mediated eye movements made before velocity-step horizontal head rotations in eleven normal human subjects. When subjects viewed a stationary target before and during head rotation, gaze velocity was initially perturbed by approximately 20% of head velocity; gaze velocity subsequently declined to zero within approximately 300 ms of the stimulus onset. We used a curve-fitting procedure to estimate the dynamic course of the gain throughout the compensatory response to head rotation. This analysis indicated that the median initial gain of compensatory eye movements (mainly because of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, VOR) was 0. 8 and subsequently increased to 1.0 after a median interval of 320 ms. When subjects attempted to fixate the remembered location of the target in darkness, the initial perturbation of gaze was similar to during fixation of a visible target (median initial VOR gain 0.8); however, the period during which the gain increased toward 1.0 was >10 times longer than that during visual fixation. When subjects performed horizontal smooth-pursuit eye movements that ended (i.e., 0 gaze velocity) just before the head rotation, the gaze velocity perturbation at the onset of head rotation was absent or small. The initial gain of the VOR had been significantly increased by the prior pursuit movements for all subjects (P < 0.05; mean increase of 11%). In four subjects, we determined that horizontal saccades and smooth tracking of a head-fixed target (VOR cancellation with eye stationary in the orbit) also increased the initial VOR gain (by a mean of 13%) during subsequent head rotations. However, after vertical saccades or smooth pursuit, the initial gaze perturbation caused by a horizontal head rotation was similar to that which occurred after fixation of a stationary target. We conclude that the initial gain of the VOR during a sudden horizontal head rotation is increased by prior horizontal, but not vertical, visually mediated gaze shifts. We postulate that this "priming" effect of a prior gaze shift on the gain of the VOR occurs at the level of the velocity inputs to the neural integrator subserving horizontal eye movements, where gaze-shifting commands and vestibular signals converge.  相似文献   

To redirect our gaze in three-dimensional space we frequently combine saccades and vergence. These eye movements, known as disconjugate saccades, are characterized by eyes rotating by different amounts, with markedly different dynamics, and occur whenever gaze is shifted between near and far objects. How the brain ensures the precise control of binocular positioning remains controversial. It has been proposed that the traditionally assumed "conjugate" saccadic premotor pathway does not encode conjugate commands but rather encodes monocular commands for the right or left eye during saccades. Here, we directly test this proposal by recording from the premotor neurons of the horizontal saccade generator during a dissociation task that required a vergence but no horizontal conjugate saccadic command. Specifically, saccadic burst neurons (SBNs) in the paramedian pontine reticular formation were recorded while rhesus monkeys made vertical saccades made between near and far targets. During this task, we first show that peak vergence velocities were enhanced to saccade-like speeds (e.g., >150 vs. <100 degrees/s during saccade-free movements for comparable changes in vergence angle). We then quantified the discharge dynamics of SBNs during these movements and found that the majority of the neurons preferentially encode the velocity of the ipsilateral eye. Notably, a given neuron typically encoded the movement of the same eye during horizontal saccades that were made in depth. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that the brain stem saccadic burst generator encodes integrated conjugate and vergence commands, thus providing strong evidence for the proposal that the classic saccadic premotor pathway controls gaze in three-dimensional space.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of noncommutative computations in the oculomotor system, three-dimensional (3D) eye movements were measured in seven healthy subjects using a memory-contingent vestibulooculomotor paradigm. Subjects had to fixate a luminous point target that appeared briefly at an eccentricity of 20 degrees in one of four diagonal directions in otherwise complete darkness. After a fixation period of approximately 1 s, the subject was moved through a sequence of two rotations about mutually orthogonal axes in one of two orders (30 degrees yaw followed by 30 degrees pitch and vice versa in upright and 30 degrees yaw followed by 20 degrees roll and vice versa in both upright and supine orientations). We found that the change in ocular torsion induced by consecutive rotations about the yaw and the pitch axis depended on the order of rotations as predicted by 3D rotation kinematics. Similarly, after rotations about the yaw and roll axis, torsion depended on the order of rotations but now due to the change in final head orientation relative to gravity. Quantitative analyses of these ocular responses revealed that the rotational vestibuloocular reflexes (VORs) in far vision closely matched the predictions of 3D rotation kinematics. We conclude that the brain uses an optimal VOR strategy with the restriction of a reduced torsional position gain. This restriction implies a limited oculomotor range in torsion and systematic tilts of the angular eye velocity as a function of gaze direction.  相似文献   

Spatial properties of central vestibular neurons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied the spatial characteristics of 45 vestibular-only (VO) and 12 vestibular-plus-saccade (VPS) neurons in two cynomolgus monkeys using angular rotation and static tilt. The purpose was to determine the contribution of canal and otolith-related inputs to central vestibular neurons whose activity is associated with the central velocity storage integrator. Lateral canal-related neurons responded maximally during vertical axis rotation when the head was tilted 25 +/- 6 and 22 +/- 3 degrees forward relative to the axis of rotation in the two animals, and vertical canal-related neurons responded maximally with the head tilted back 63+/- 5 and 57 +/- 7 degrees . The origin of the vertical canal-related input was verified by rotation about a spatial horizontal axis. Thirty-one percent of cells received input in a single canal plane. Sixty-seven percent of canal-related cells received otolith input, 31% of vertical canal neurons had lateral canal input, and 43% of lateral canal neurons had vertical canal input. Twenty percent of neurons had convergent input from the lateral canals, the vertical canals, and the otolith organs. Some VO and VPS cells had spatial-temporal convergent (STC) properties; more of these cells had STC properties at lower frequencies of rotation. Thus VO and VPS neurons associated with velocity storage receive a broad range of convergent inputs from each portion of the vestibular labyrinth. This convergence could provide the basis for gravity-dependent eye velocity orientation induced through velocity storage.  相似文献   

In stationary head roll positions, the eyes are cyclodivergent. We asked whether this phenomenon can be explained by a static hysteresis that differs between the eyes contra- (CE) and ipsilateral (IE) to head roll. Using a motorized turntable, healthy human subjects (n = 8) were continuously rotated about the earth-horizontal naso-occipital axis. Starting from the upright position, a total of three full rotations at a constant velocity (2 degrees/s) were completed (acceleration = 0.05 degrees/s2, velocity plateau reached after 40 s). Subjects directed their gaze on a flashing laser dot straight ahead (switched on 20 ms every 2 s). Binocular three-dimensional eye movements were recorded with dual search coils that were modified (wires exiting inferiorly) to minimize torsional artifacts by the eyelids. A sinusoidal function with a first and second harmonic was fitted to torsional eye position as a function of torsional whole body position at constant turntable velocity. The amplitude and phase of the first harmonic differed significantly between the two eyes (paired t-test: P < 0.05): on average, counterroll amplitude of IE was larger [CE: 6.6 +/- 1.6 degrees (SD); IE: 8.1 +/- 1.7 degrees), whereas CE showed more position lag relative to the turntable (CE: 12.5 +/- 10.7 degrees; IE: 5.1 +/- 8.7 degrees). We conclude that cyclodivergence observed during static ocular counterroll is mainly a result of hysteresis that depends on whether eyes are contra- or ipsilateral to head roll. Static hysteresis also explains the phenomenon of residual torsion, i.e., an incomplete torsional return of the eyes when the first 360 degrees whole body rotation was completed and subjects were back in upright position (extorsion of CE: 2.0 +/- 0.10 degrees; intorsion of IE: 1.4 +/- 0.10 degrees). A computer model that includes asymmetric backlash for each eye can explain dissociated torsional hysteresis during quasi-static binocular counterroll. We hypothesize that ocular torsional hysteresis is introduced at the level of the otolith pathways because the direction-dependent torsional position lag of the eyes is related to the head roll position and not the eye position.  相似文献   

The effects of unilateral vestibular deafferentation (UVD) on the linear vestibulo-ocular reflex (LVOR) were studied by measuring three-dimensional eye movements in seven UVD subjects evoked by impulsive eccentric roll rotation while viewing an earth-fixed target at 200, 300, or 600 mm and comparing their responses to 11 normal subjects. The stimulus, a whole-body roll of approximately 1 degrees, with the eye positioned 815 mm eccentric to the rotation axis, produced an inter-aural linear acceleration of approximately 0.5 g and a roll acceleration of approximately 360 degrees /s(2). The responses generated by the LVOR comprise horizontal eye rotations. Horizontal eye velocity at 100 ms from stimulus onset in UVD subjects was significantly lower than in normal subjects for all viewing distances, with no significant difference between ipsilesional and contralesional responses. LVOR acceleration gain, defined as the slope of actual horizontal eye velocity divided by the slope of ideal horizontal eye velocity during a 30-ms period starting 70 ms from stimulus onset, was bilaterally significantly reduced in UVD subjects at all viewing distances. Acceleration gain from all viewing distances was 1.04 +/- 0.28 in normal subjects, and in UVD subjects was 0.49 +/- 0.23 for ipsilesional and 0.63 +/- 0.27 for contralesional acceleration. LVOR enhancement in the first 100 ms by near viewing was still present in UVD subjects. LVOR latency in UVD subjects (approximately 39 ms) was not significantly different from normal subjects (approximately 36 ms). After UVD, LVOR is bilaterally and largely symmetrically reduced, but latency remains unchanged and modulation by viewing distance is still present.  相似文献   

Vestibulocollic reflex responses of several neck muscles in decerebrate cats were studied during angular rotations of the whole body in a large number of vertical and horizontal rotation planes, at frequencies from 0.07 to 1.6 Hz. Vestibulocollic responses were compared to eye muscle and forelimb muscle vestibular responses. Electromyographic activity was recorded by fine wires inserted in biventer cervicis, complexus, longus capitis, obliquus capitis inferior, occipitoscapularis, rectus capitis major, splenius, lateral rectus, and triceps brachii. At frequencies of approximately 0.5 Hz and above, neck muscle electromyographic response gains were sinusoidal functions of stimulus orientation within a set of vertical or horizontal planes, and a muscle's response phase remained constant across rotation planes, or reversed by 180 degrees. Response patterns at high frequencies were consistent with vestibulocollic reflex activation by semicircular canals through brain circuitry that modifies canal dynamics. At frequencies of approximately 0.5 Hz and above, the stimulus orientation in which a given neck muscle's response was maximal remained nearly constant across frequencies. Thus, we used responses to rotations at high frequencies to calculate axes of maximal response of each muscle in three-dimensional space. Lateral rectus, obliquus, and to a lesser extent, splenius and longus capitus were activated predominantly by horizontal rotations. Biventer was activated predominantly by pitch, triceps predominantly by roll, and complexus, occipitoscapularis, and rectus major significantly excited by rotations in all three coordinate planes. In some cases, at frequencies less than 0.5 Hz, neck muscle response phase varied depending on the vertical plane in which the cat was rotated, and the optimal response plane was poorly defined and varied with frequency. These responses indicated that, at some frequencies, neck muscle activity can result from summation of inputs with differing spatial orientation and dynamics (spatial-temporal convergence). Differences between responses to vertical and horizontal rotations suggested that low-frequency spatial-temporal convergence behavior of the vestibulocollic reflex during vertical rotations was due to convergent semicircular canal and otolith receptor inputs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Axes of eye rotation and Listing's law during rotations of the head   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. The vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) was examined in four alert monkeys during rotations of the head about torsional, vertical, horizontal, and intermediate axes. Eye positions and axes were recorded in three dimensions (3-D). Visual targets were used to optimize gaze stabilization. 2. Axes of eye rotation during slow phases showed small but systematic deviations from collinearity with the axes of head rotation. These noncollinearities apparently resulted from vector summation of torsional, vertical, and horizontal VOR components with different gains. 3. VOR gain was lowest about a head-fixed torsional axis that was correlated with the primary gaze direction, as determined by Listing's law for saccades. As a result, rotation of the head about a partially torsional axis produced noncollinear slow phases, with axes that tilted toward Listing's plane. 4. During slow phases, eye position changed not only in the direction of rotation, but also systematically in other directions. Even axes of eye rotation within Listing's plane caused eye position to move out of the plane to a torsional position that was then held. Thus Listing's law for saccades cannot be a product of plant mechanics. 5. VOR slow phases were simulated with the use of a model that incorporated 3-D rotational kinematics into the indirect path and the oculomotor plant. This demonstrated that the observed pattern of position changes is the expected consequence of rotating the eye about a fixed axis and that to hold these positions the indirect path must employ a 3-D velocity-to-position transformation. 6. Quick phases not only corrected the violations of Listing's law produced by slow phases but anticipated them by directing the eye toward a plane rotated in the direction of head rotation. This was modeled by inputting the vestibular signal to a Listing's law operator that is shared by the quick phase and saccadic systems.  相似文献   

Cathodal galvanic currents activate primary vestibular afferents, whereas anodal currents inhibit them. Pulsed galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) was used to determine the latency and initiation of the human vestibuloocular reflex. Three-dimensional galvanic vestibuloocular reflex (g-VOR) was recorded with binocular dual-search coils in response to a bilateral bipolar 100-ms rectangular pulse of current at 0.9 (near-threshold), 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 mA in 11 normal subjects. The g-VOR consisted of three components: conjugate torsional eye rotation away from cathode toward anode; vertical divergence (skew deviation) with hypertropia of the eye on the cathodal and hypotropia of the eye on the anodal sides; and conjugate horizontal eye rotation away from cathode toward anode. The g-VOR was repeatable across all subjects, its magnitude a linear function of the current intensity, its latency about 9.0 ms with GVS of >or=2.5 mA, and was not suppressed by visual fixation. At 10-mA stimulation, the g-VOR [x, y, z] on the cathodal side was [0.77 +/- 0.10, -0.05 +/- 0.05, -0.18 +/- 0.06 degrees ] (mean +/- 95% confidence intervals) and on the anodal side was [0.79 +/- 0.10, 0.16 +/- 0.05, -0.19 +/- 0.06 degrees ], with a vertical divergence of 0.20 degrees . Although the horizontal g-VOR could have arisen from activation of the horizontal semicircular canal afferents, the vertical-torsional g-VOR resembled the vestibuloocular reflex in response to roll-plane head rotation about an Earth-horizontal axis and might be a result of both vertical semicircular canal and otolith afferent activations. Pulsed GVS is a promising technique to investigate latency and initiation of the human vestibuloocular reflex because it does not require a large mechanical apparatus nor does it pose problems of head inertia or slippage.  相似文献   

Summary The horizontal and vertical components of the positions of both eyes of rhesus monkeys were measured during periods of binocularly stable eye positions (eye pauses) while the animals fixated a small target. Differences between monocular and binocular viewing, as well as effects of target size and background illumination, were assessed and found to be comparable to similar measures for humans. The scatter of eye position for either eye during binocular viewing had a standard deviation of 6–8 min arc in the horizontal and 7–13 min arc in the vertical meridia. Measurements of vergence and vertical misalignment, taken from binocular positional disparity, showed that for nearly 60% of eye pause time the eyes were misaligned on the fixation target by more than 7 min arc along both horizontal and vertical axes. In addition, the line of gaze during the trial was found to follow certain idiosyncratic tendencies for each monkey, although the positional variability remained relatively constant throughout the fixation trial. These observations suggest that during binocular fusion and stereopsis a mechanism exists that dynamically compensates for the relatively large shifts in retinal image position during fixation.Supported by NIH Grant EY02966  相似文献   

We studied the binocular coordination of normal memory-guided saccades and the possibility of inducing memory-based disconjugate learning. First, we report that normal vertical memory-guided saccades to non-disparate targets are yoked vertically in the two eyes as well as visually guided vertical saccades. To induce disconjugate vertical learning, at each trial we flashed a target that was disparate (i.e. 8% more elevated or more depressed for one eye); the memory delay was 1 s. Memory-guided vertical saccades developed a vertical disconjugacy that was appropriate for the disparity of the remembered target. After 15 min of repetition, this vertical disconjugacy persisted even when the target to be remembered was no longer disparate; this indicates disconjugate vertical learning based on short-term memory. However, this was observed only for a few individual cases and its amplitude was small. This contrasts with prior findings on horizontal saccades associated with horizontal disparities. We conclude that vertical memory-based disconjugate learning is possible but very limited. Together with other studies, this study suggests that the natural vertical conjugacy of vertical saccades relies little on rapid learning mechanisms. Rather it seems to be built-in, and this is consistent with earlier electrophysiological findings.  相似文献   

Vertical eye position-dependence of the human vestibuloocular reflex during passive and active yaw head rotations. The effect of vertical eye-in-head position on the compensatory eye rotation response to passive and active high acceleration yaw head rotations was examined in eight normal human subjects. The stimuli consisted of brief, low amplitude (15-25 degrees ), high acceleration (4,000-6,000 degrees /s2) yaw head rotations with respect to the trunk (peak velocity was 150-350 degrees /s). Eye and head rotations were recorded in three-dimensional space using the magnetic search coil technique. The input-output kinematics of the three-dimensional vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) were assessed by finding the difference between the inverted eye velocity vector and the head velocity vector (both referenced to a head-fixed coordinate system) as a time series. During passive head impulses, the head and eye velocity axes aligned well with each other for the first 47 ms after the onset of the stimulus, regardless of vertical eye-in-head position. After the initial 47-ms period, the degree of alignment of the eye and head velocity axes was modulated by vertical eye-in-head position. When fixation was on a target 20 degrees up, the eye and head velocity axes remained well aligned with each other. However, when fixation was on targets at 0 and 20 degrees down, the eye velocity axis tilted forward relative to the head velocity axis. During active head impulses, the axis tilt became apparent within 5 ms of the onset of the stimulus. When fixation was on a target at 0 degrees, the velocity axes remained well aligned with each other. When fixation was on a target 20 degrees up, the eye velocity axis tilted backward, when fixation was on a target 20 degrees down, the eye velocity axis tilted forward. The findings show that the VOR compensates very well for head motion in the early part of the response to unpredictable high acceleration stimuli-the eye position- dependence of the VOR does not become apparent until 47 ms after the onset of the stimulus. In contrast, the response to active high acceleration stimuli shows eye position-dependence from within 5 ms of the onset of the stimulus. A model using a VOR-Listing's law compromise strategy did not accurately predict the patterns observed in the data, raising questions about how the eye position-dependence of the VOR is generated. We suggest, in view of recent findings, that the phenomenon could arise due to the effects of fibromuscular pulleys on the functional pulling directions of the rectus muscles.  相似文献   

Summary A quantitative study of horizontal and vertical optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) and optocollic reflex (OCR) has been performed in the pigeon using the search-coil technique. The reflexes were analysed in response to either velocity steps or sinusoidal stimulation. Results show that: 1. In response to a velocity step stimulation, the slow phase velocity of both OKN and OCR increases gradually to reach a steady state level. When the stimulation stops in the dark, After Responses (OKAN-I, OKAR-I) occur. Time constants of the OKN charge (or OCR charge) and of the After Responses are lower for vertical than for horizontal responses. 2. In the free-head condition, both the head and the eye display a synchronized nystagmus which add their effects. However, the head reflex (OCR) accounts for about 80–90% of the entire linear gaze response (head + eye), except for the vertical steady state responses which are wholly accomplished by the head (OCR). 3. Both closed-loop and open-loop gains of steady state responses are higher for horizontal than for vertical reflexes. Vertical OCR, horizontal OKN and vertical OKN show properties of binocular integration, the response gain being higher for binocular than for monocular stimulations. By contrast, the horizontal OCR shows little binocular integration but displays a higher response gain for monocular stimulation, compared to horizontal OKN. 4. The horizontal OKN elicited by both monocular and binocular stimulation is asymmetrical, the gain being higher when the eye is driven by a temporo-nasal stimulation. In contrast, both vertical OKN and vertical OCR are practically symmetrical. 5. While both the gain of horizontal OKN and its linear range (up to 20°/s) are improved when the head is free (gaze gain close to 1 up to 40°/s), the vertical OKN and the vertical OCR have similar gain profiles and similar domains of linearity (up to 10°/s). 6. In response to increasing the frequency of a sinusoidal stimulation at constant peak velocity, all the reflexes display a drop in gain and a strong increase of phase lag. The phase increase is greater for horizontal than for vertical reflexes. On the other hand, both gain and phase are higher for OCR than for OKN, both in the horizontal plane as well as in the vertical plane. 7. For sinusoidal stimulations, when the peak velocity (PV) is increased at a constant frequency (0.03 Hz), nonlinearities appear (drop in gain, phase increase) both for OKN and OCR. While the most important parameter which determines the phase is the stimulation frequency, both peak velocity and peak acceleration are involved in the gain saturation.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of cerebellar lesions on the 3-D control of the rotational vestibuloocular reflex (RVOR) to abrupt yaw-axis head rotation. Using search coils, three-dimensional (3-D) eye movements were recorded from nine patients with cerebellar disease and seven normal subjects during brief chair rotations (200 degrees /s(2) to 40 degrees /s) and manual head impulses. We determined the amount of eye-position dependent torsion during yaw-axis rotation by calculating the torsional-horizontal eye-velocity axis for each of three vertical eye positions (0 degrees , +/-15 degrees ) and performing a linear regression to determine the relationship of the 3-D velocity axis to vertical eye position. The slope of this regression is the tilt angle slope. Overall, cerebellar patients showed a clear increase in the tilt angle slope for both chair rotations and head impulses. For chair rotations, the effect was not seen at the onset of head rotation when both patients and normal subjects had nearly head-fixed responses (no eye-position-dependent torsion). Over time, however, both groups showed an increasing tilt-angle slope but to a much greater degree in cerebellar patients. Two important conclusions emerge from these findings: the axis of eye rotation at the onset of head rotation is set to a value close to head-fixed (i.e., optimal for gaze stabilization during head rotation), independent of the cerebellum and once the head rotation is in progress, the cerebellum plays a crucial role in keeping the axis of eye rotation about halfway between head-fixed and that required for Listing's Law to be obeyed.  相似文献   

Rotation of a display in the frontal plane evokes a conjugate nystagmic rotation of the eyes (cycloversion) about the visual axes, with slow phases in the direction of stimulus motion - a response known as torsional optokinetic nystagmus (TOKN). Antiphase rotation of large dichoptic displays evokes a disconjugate rotation of the eyes about the visual axes, a response known as cyclovergence. Using the scleral-coil technique for monitoring eye movements we recorded TOKN evoked by black-and-white sectored displays rotating about the visual axis at an angular velocity of 30°/s. The display was confined to central areas with diameters ranging from 5° to full field or with the central 5° to 75° occluded. A 5° central display evoked TOKN with 40% of the gain for the full-field display and gain increased as a function of the size of the display. The gain of TOKN decreased with increasing size of a central occluder. These characteristics of TOKN are similar to those of horizontal OKN. Cyclovergence was virtually absent with a 5° display but was immune to occlusion of the central 40°. Cyclovergence therefore differs from cycloversion in showing no preference for centrally placed stimuli. These effects are free from the influence of stationary edges, since these were concentric with the stimulus motion. The effects are also free from the influence of voluntary pursuit, since humans do not normally have voluntary control over torsional eye movements.  相似文献   

The vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) needs to modulate its gain depending on target distance to prevent retinal slip during head movements. We investigated gain modulation (context compensation) for binocular gaze stabilization in human subjects during voluntary yaw and pitch head rotations. Movements of each eye were recorded, both when attempting to maintain gaze on a small visual target at straight-ahead in a darkened room and after its disappearance (remembered target). In the analysis, we relied on a binocular coordinate system yielding a version and a vergence component. We examined how frequency and target distance, approached here by using vergence angle, affected the gain and phase of the version component of the VOR and compared the results to the requirements for ideal performance. Linear regression analysis on the version gain-vergence relationship yielded a slope representing the influence of target proximity and an intercept corresponding to the response at zero vergence ("default gain"). The slope of the fitted relationship, divided by the geometrically required slope, provided a measure for the quality of version context compensation ("context gain"). In both yaw and pitch experiments, we found default version gains close to one even for the remembered target condition, indicating that the active VOR for far targets is already close to ideal without visual support. In near target experiments, the presence of visual feedback yielded near unity context gains, indicating close to optimal performance (retinal slip <0.4 degrees /s). For remembered targets, the context gain deteriorated but was still superior to performance in corresponding passive studies reported in the literature. In general, context compensation in the remembered target paradigm was better for vertical than for horizontal head rotations. The phase delay of version eye velocity relative to head velocity was small (approximately 2 degrees) for both horizontal and vertical head movements. Analysis of the vergence data from the near target experiments showed that context compensation took into account that the two eyes require slightly different VORs. In the DISCUSSION, comparison of the present default VOR gains and context gains with data from earlier passive studies has led us to propose a limited role for efference copies during self-generated movements. We also discuss how our analysis can provide a framework for evaluating two different hypotheses for the generation of binocular VOR eye movements.  相似文献   

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