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The biocompatibility of chemoenzymatically generated dextran-acrylate hydrogels has been evaluated in vitro, using human foreskin fibroblasts, and in vivo, by subcutaneous and intramuscular implantation in Wistar rats for up to 40 days. In vitro tests show that hydrogel extracts only minimally reduced (<10%) the mitochondrial metabolic activity of fibroblasts. Direct contact of the hydrogels with cells induced a cellular proliferation inhibition index (CPII) of 50-80%, compared with a control, whereas through indirect contact, the CPII values were <16%, suggesting that the high CPII values achieved in the direct assay test were likely due to mechanical stress or limitations in oxygen diffusion. Hence, the hydrogels were noncytotoxic. Moreover, cell-material interaction studies show that these hydrogels were nonadhesive. Finally, histologic evaluation of tissue response to subcutaneous and intramuscular implants showed acceptable levels of biocompatibility, as characterized by a normal cellular response and the absence of necrosis of the surrounding tissues of the implant. In the first 10 days, the foreign-body reaction in the intramuscular implantation was more severe than in subcutaneous implantation, becoming identical after 30 days. In both cases, dextran hydrogels did not show signs of degradation 6 weeks postimplantation and were surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule and some macrophages and giant cells. This response is typical with a number of nondegradable biocompatible materials. These results indicate that dextran hydrogels are biocompatible, and may have suitable applications as implantable long-term peptide/protein delivery systems or scaffolds for tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Hydrogels containing 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) moieties were formed from aqueous solutions with water-soluble MPC polymers with carboxylic acid and alkyl groups because of hydrogen bonding formation. To investigate the biocompatibility and drug release behavior of the hydrogels, we used random- and block-type carboxylic acid MPC polymers, such as poly [MPC-co-methacrylic acid (MA)] (rPMA), poly[MPC-co-4-(2-methacryloyloxyethyl) trimellitic acid (MET)] (rPMT), poly (MA-block-MPC-block-MA) (bPMA) and poly(MET-block-MPC-block-MET) (bPMT), and alkyl MPC polymers, such as poly[MPC-co-n-butyl methacrylate] (PMB) and poly(MPC-co-benzyl methacrylate) (PMBz). We investigated the biocompatibility of the spontaneously formed MPC polymer hydrogels by a hemolysis test and an in vivo injection test. The random MPC polymers having carboxylic acid groups expressed more hemolytic activity compared to the block polymers. The results of the in vivo injection test also indicated low biocompatibility of the carboxylic acid polymers especially at high concentration. The alkyl MPC polymers, the PMB and PMBz showed excellent biocompatibility in both hemolysis and in vivo injection test. However, the hydrogels, the rPMA/PMB hydrogel (rABgel) and the rPMT/PMBz hydrogel (rTZgel) lowered the hemolytic activity of elemental polymers, the rPMA and rPMT. Thus, suppression of the ionization of the carboxylic acid groups is necessary for biocompatibility. We also investigated the drug release behavior with attention to the interaction between the polymer and the drugs. The release behavior of a relatively low-molecular-weight hydrophilic drug, 5-fluorouracil, did not depend on the structure of the polymers. The higher-molecular-weight drugs, ketoprofen and indomethacin, were released faster from the block polymer hydrogel than the random polymer hydrogel, the rABgel, while the highest-molecular-weight drug, doxorubicin, was released faster from the random polymer hydrogel. A probable reason for this is the difference in the molecular structure; that is, the separated hydrophilic and hydrophobic sections in the block polymers constructed pathways where a drug can diffuse. In addition, the rTZgel suppressed the release of a drug with a large number of aromatic rings probably because of the stacking effect. The results of the compression test also suggested the existence of the stacking effect between the rTZgel and the drugs. Based on these results, control of drug release is possible by selecting a reservoir with an appropriate chemical structure to interact with the drug. For example, release of a relatively linear-structured drug with less aromatic rings can be suppressed in the rABgel rather than in the rTZgel. Thus, it can be concluded that if the ionization is suppressed, these MPC polymer hydrogels can be used as a material for a drug reservoir that can be selected according to the drug.  相似文献   

The effect of an introduction of phosphate groups into hydrogels on their stimuli-sensitivities has been investigated. Several hydrogels containing various phosphate group content were synthesized via solution copolymerization of 2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl dihydrogen phosphate (Phosmer) and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) in the presence of 2,2′-azoisobutyronitrile (AIBN) in methanol at 70°C for 4 h. The content of phosphate groups incorporated into the resulting hydrogels ranged from 1 to 13 mol-%. The swelling ratio of these hydrogels was found to be strongly affected by pH, solvent, temperature and phosphate group content. The polymersolvent interaction parameter χ of the hydrogel was determined from the Flory-Rehner equation, using the swelling ratio and the crosslinking density derived from the compression modulus. Furthermore, χ was divided into its enthalpic (χH) and entropic component (χS). Using the interaction parameter, the stimuli-sensitivity of the hydrogel is discussed in detail based on thermodynamic aspects.  相似文献   

Biocompatibility and resorption of a brushite calcium phosphate cement   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A hydraulic calcium phosphate cement with beta-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) granules embedded in a matrix of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) was implanted in experimentally created defects in sheep. One type of defect consisted of a drill hole in the medial femoral condyle. The other, partial metaphyseal defect was located in the proximal aspect of the tibia plateau and was stabilized using a 3.5 mm T-plate. The bone samples of 2 animals each per group were harvested after 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks. Samples were evaluated for cement resorption and signs of immediate reaction, such as inflammation, caused by the cement setting in situ. Differences regarding these aspects were assessed for both types of defects using macroscopical, radiological, histological and histomorphometrical evaluations. In both defects the brushite matrix was resorbed faster than the beta-TCP granules. The resorption front was followed directly by a front of new bone formation, in which residual beta-TCP granules were embedded. Cement resorption occurred through (i) extracellular liquid dissolution with cement disintegration and particle formation, and (ii) phagocytosis of the cement particles through macrophages. Signs of inflammation or immunologic response leading to delayed new bone formation were not noticed at any time. Cement degradation and new bone formation occurred slightly faster in the femur defects.  相似文献   

Hydrogels containing phosphate groups were prepared by copolymerization of 2-methacryloyl-oxyethyl dihydrogen phosphate (phosmer) and various hydrophilic monomers [N,N-dimethyl-acrylamide (DMAAm), acrylic acid (AAc) and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA)], and the swelling behavior was investigated. These hydrogels are thermo-sensitive. Phosmer-DMAAm and phosmer-HEMA hydrogel deswell with increasing temperature, but for the phosmer-AAc hydrogel the swelling ratio increases with temperature. Interestingly, the swelling ratio decreases with an increase in phosphate group content. This unusual behavior may arise from the phosphate group acting both as the functional group and the crosslinking agent.  相似文献   

Amphiphilic diblock copolypeptide hydrogels (DCHs) are synthetic materials whose properties can be varied readily and predictably by altering copolymer chain length or composition and which are of potential interest for biomaterial applications. We tested the biocompatibility in the central nervous system (CNS) of DCH composed of lysine, homoarginine or glutamate in combination with leucine. A range of DCH formulations with rheological properties similar to brain tissue were injected into mouse forebrain and examined after 1–8 weeks using light microscopy, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. DCH deposits elicited no more gliosis, inflammation, or toxicity to neurons, myelin or axons than did injections of physiological saline. The size, rigidity, and density of DCH deposits could be varied subtly by altering DCH composition and concentration. For any given DCH formulation, increased concentration correlated with increased gel strength in vitro and increased deposit size in vivo. DCHs of lysine and leucine (KmLn) were selected for detailed analyses because these formed deposits with desirable physical properties and since lysine is routinely used as a substrate for neural cell cultures. Deposits of unmodified K180L20 exhibited time-dependent in-growth of blood vessels and of certain glial cells, and limited in-growth of nerve fibers. These findings show that DCHs are injectable, re-assemble in vivo to form 3-dimensional deposits, exhibit little or no detectable toxicity in the CNS, integrate well with brain tissue and represent a new class of synthetic biomaterials with potential for applications as depots or scaffolds in the CNS.  相似文献   

背景:体外实验已证实新型磷酸钙骨水泥有良好的可注射性、力学性能、抗溃散性及体外降解性能。 目的:验证新型可注射、可降解磷酸钙骨水泥的生物相容性。 方法:①急性毒性实验:分别向昆明小鼠尾静脉可注射新型磷酸钙骨水泥浸提液与生理盐水。②热源实验:在新西兰兔耳缘静脉注射新型磷酸钙骨水泥浸提液。③溶血实验:在兔抗凝血分别加入新型磷酸钙骨水泥浸提液、生理盐水及双蒸水。④迟发型超敏反应实验:在豚鼠肩胛骨内侧部位分别注射可注射新型磷酸钙骨水泥浸提液与生理盐水,并进行敷贴激发实验。⑤体外细胞毒性实验:在L929系小鼠成纤维细胞株培养液中分别加入可注射新型磷酸钙骨水泥浸提液、聚乙烯浸提液及苯酚溶液。⑥微核实验:分别在昆明小鼠腹腔注射可注射新型磷酸钙骨水泥浸提液、生理盐水与环磷酰胺。⑦肌肉植入实验:将新型磷酸钙骨水泥植入新西兰兔脊柱两侧肌肉内。 结果与结论:新型可注射磷酸钙骨水泥无毒,无刺激性及致敏性,无热源反应,具有良好的血液相容性,植入动物肌肉后为非组织刺激物,具有良好的生物相容性,因而具有较好的生物安全性。  相似文献   

Calcium phosphate cements (CPC) are used as bone void filler in various orthopedic indications; however, there are some major drawbacks regarding mixing, transfer, and injection of traditional CPC. By using glycerol as mixing liquid, a premixed calcium phosphate cement (pCPC), some of these difficulties can be overcome. In the treatment of vertebral fractures the handling characteristics need to be excellent including a high radio-opacity for optimal control during injection. The aim of this study is to evaluate a radiopaque pCPC regarding its resorption behavior and biocompatibility in vivo. pCPC and a water-based CPC were injected into a ? 4-mm drilled femur defect in rabbits. The rabbits were sacrificed after 2 and 12 weeks. Cross sections of the defects were evaluated using histology, electron microscopy, and immunohistochemical analysis. Signs of inflammation were evaluated both locally and systemically. The results showed a higher bone formation in the pCPC compared to the water-based CPC after 2 weeks by expression of RUNX-2. After 12 weeks most of the cement had been resorbed in both groups. Both materials were considered to have a high biocompatibility since no marked immunological response was induced and extensive bone ingrowth was observed. The conclusion from the study was that pCPC with ZrO(2) radiopacifier is a promising alternative regarding bone replacement material and may be suggested for treatment of, for example, vertebral fractures based on its high biocompatibility, fast bone ingrowth, and good handling properties.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering in the post-injury brain represents a promising option for cellular replacement and rescue, providing a cell scaffold for either transplanted or resident cells. We have characterized the use of methylcellulose (MC) as a scaffolding material, whose concentration and solvent were varied to manipulate its physical properties. MC solutions were produced to exhibit low viscosity at 23 degrees C and form a soft gel at 37 degrees C, thereby making MC attractive for minimally invasive procedures in vivo. Degradation and swelling studies in vitro demonstrated a small amount of initial polymer erosion followed by relative polymer stability over the 2-week period tested as well as increased hydrogel mass due to solvent uptake. Concentrations up to 8% did not elicit cell death in primary rat astrocytes or neurons at 1 or 7 days. Acellular 2% MC (30 microl) was microinjected into the brains of rats 1 week after cortical impact injury (velocity = 3 m/s, depth = 2 mm) and examined at 2 days (n = 8; n = 3, vehicle injected) and 2 weeks (n = 5; n = 3, vehicle injected). The presence of MC did not alter the size of the injury cavity or change the patterns of gliosis as compared to injured, vehicle-injected rats (detected using antibodies against GFAP and ED1). Collectively, these data indicate that MC is well suited as a biocompatible injectable scaffold for the repair of defects in the brain.  相似文献   

Carboxymethyl chitosan-graft-polylactide (CMCS-PLA) and carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCS) hydrogels were prepared by using 1-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride/N-hydroxysuccinimide (EDC/NHS) as crosslinking agent and catalyst at room temperature. The biocompatibility of the hydrogels was evaluated with the aim of assessing their potential as drug carrier. Various aspects of biocompatibility were considered, including MTT assay, agar diffusion test, release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), hemolytic test, plasma recalcification time (PRT), and dynamic clotting time. MTT assay showed that the cytotoxicity level of both hydrogels to L-929 cells was 0 or 1. The LDH release of CMCS and CMCS-PLA was 26 and 29%, respectively, which is slightly higher than that of the negative control (21%) and much lower than that of the negative control (87%). The hemolysis ratio of CMCS and CMCS-PLA was 1.4 and 1.7%, respectively, suggesting outstanding anti-hemolysis properties of both materials. The PRT value of CMCS and CMCS-PLA was higher by 77 and 99% than the value of the positive control. All the results revealed that the hydrogels present good cytocompatibility and hemocompatibility in vitro. In vivo degradation and tissue compatibility were evaluated by subcutaneous injection in the dorsal area of rats. CMCS and CMCS-PLA hydrogels were completely degraded and the inflammatory response also completely disappeared around hydrogels after 19 days in vivo. It is thus concluded that hydrogels formed of CMCS and CMCS-PLA with outstanding biocompatibility are promising as potential drug carrier.  相似文献   

Injectable hydrogels made from extracellular matrix proteins such as elastin show great promise for various biomedical applications. Use of cytotoxic reagents, fixed gelling behavior, and lack of mechanical strength in these hydrogels are the main associated drawbacks. The aim of this study was to develop highly cytocompatible and injectable elastin-based hydrogels with alterable gelation characteristics, favorable mechanical properties and structural stability for load bearing applications. A thermoresponsive copolymer, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-polylactide-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-oligo(ethylene glycol)monomethyl ether methacrylate, was functionalized with succinimide ester groups by incorporating N-acryloxysuccinimide monomer. These ester groups were exploited to covalently bond this polymer, denoted as PNPHO, to different proteins with primary amine groups such as α-elastin in aqueous media. The incorporation of elastin through covalent bond formation with PNPHO promotes the structural stability, mechanical properties and live cell proliferation within the structure of hydrogels. Our results demonstrated that elastin-co-PNPHO solutions were injectable through fine gauge needles and converted to hydrogels in situ at 37 °C in the absence of any crosslinking reagent. By altering PNPHO content, the gelling time of these hydrogels can be finely tuned within the range of 2–15 min to ensure compatibility with surgical requirements. In addition, these hydrogels exhibited compression moduli in the range of 40–145 kPa, which are substantially higher than those of previously developed elastin-based hydrogels. These hydrogels were highly stable in the physiological environment with the evidence of 10 wt% mass loss in 30 days of incubation in a simulated environment. This class of hydrogels is in vivo bioabsorbable due to the gradual increase of the lower critical solution temperature of the copolymer to above 37 °C due to the cleavage of polylactide from the PNPHO copolymer. Moreover, our results demonstrated that more than 80% of cells encapsulated in these hydrogels remained viable, and the number of encapsulated cells increased for at least 5 days. These unique properties mark elastin-co-PNHPO hydrogels as favorable candidates for a broad range of tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   

To deliver and retain viable repair cells in a surgically prepared cartilage lesion, we previously developed an adhesive in situ-gelling cell carrier by suspending cells in a solution of hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), which was then mixed with chitosan-glycerol phosphate to form a chitosan-GP/HEC gel. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the mechanism of gelation to maximally control gel time and viability of encapsulated cells. We analyzed the role of osmolality, pH, gelation temperature, gel shrinkage, and HEC. A chitosan-GP solution at pH 6.8 with cytocompatible osmotic pressure (419 mOsm/kg) was achieved by lowering disodium GP concentration from 370 to 135 mM. This solution was still thermogelling but only at 73 degrees C. We next discovered that glyoxal, a common additive in ether cellulose manufacturing, was responsible for chitosan gelation. Monolayer cells survived and proliferated in up to 1 mM of glyoxal, however only a very narrow range of glyoxal concentration in chitosan-GP/HEC, 0.1-0.15 mM, permitted gel formation, cell survival, and cell proliferation. Chitosan gels containing HEC required slightly less glyoxal to solidify. Chitosan-GP/HEC loaded with viable chondrocytes formed an adhesive seal with ex vivo mosaic arthroplasty defects from sheep knee joints. In mosaic arthroplasty defects of live sheep, bleeding occurred beneath part of the hydrogel carrier, and the gel was cleared after 1 month in vivo. These data indicate that chitosan-GP/HEC is suitable as an adhesive and injectable delivery vehicle for clinical orthopedic applications involving single use treatments that guide acute cartilage repair processes.  相似文献   

Magnesium phosphates such as newberyite (MgHPO(4)·3H(2)O) are formed in vivo and are known to be biodegradable and nontoxic after implantation. Indeed, magnesium apatites have been shown to support osteoblast differentiation and function, and bone formation can occur around metallic magnesium implants. However, very little is known regarding the precipitation and stability of magnesium phosphates in physiological environments. In order to address this, the aqueous formation of magnesium phosphate as a function of pH, temperature and ion concentration is reported. Physicochemical characterization of the precipitates was carried out; additionally, biocompatibility and gene expression of osteoblast differentiation markers for bone formation via an in vitro cell culture assay were determined. Precipitation conditions for newberyite, tribasic magnesium phosphate pentahydrate, holtedahlite, bobierrite and cattiite were determined. Under physiological conditions of pH, temperature and magnesium phosphate concentration, no precipitates were formed. However, at concentrations 10-100 times higher than physiological, magnesium phosphate precipitates of cattiite and newberyite were formed. These two minerals demonstrated biocompatibility with osteoblast cultures and induced osteoblast adhesion and differentiation. The pattern of expression of OCN and CollA1 genes in the presence of newberyite crystals was comparable to that of calcium phosphate bioceramics. In our experiments, we have shown that certain magnesium phosphate phases such as newberyite and cattiite are able to promote in vivo osteogenic activity in a similar way to calcium phosphates such as hydroxyapatite and brushite. This confirms the great potential of magnesium phosphate ceramics in the development of new biomaterials for bone regeneration.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the toxicity of biodegradable hydrogels in the rat with a future aim of utilizing this hydrogel as a vehicle for brachytherapy delivery in cancer patients. Two types of chitosan hydrogels: fast degrading and slow degrading; were prepared and surgically implanted in rats. The adjacent tissue response to the gels after subcutaneous and intraperitoneal implantation was examined histologically and found to be identical to typical foreign body response and was milder than the response to absorbable surgical sutures (Vicril). Neither tissue damage nor gel fragments could be detected in distant organs (brain, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, and sternal bone marrow) after implantation of the hydrogels. The degradation mechanism of the gels was studied in vivo, and it was deduced that an oxidative process degraded the chitosan. Loading the hydrogels with a radioisotope (131I-norcholesterol) caused a severe tissue response and necrosis in adjacent tissues only at a distance of several microns. It is concluded that crosslinked chitosan implants could serve as alternative, biocompatible, and safe biodegradable devices for radioisotope delivery in brachytherapy for cancer.  相似文献   

Injectable calcium phosphate (Ca-P) cement materials exhibit favorable osteocompatible behavior but are resorbed slowly because of a lack of a bone ingrowth-enabling macroporosity. In this study, poly(DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles (average size 66 +/- 25 microm) were incorporated into Ca-P cement to obtain a macroporous Ca-P cement scaffold after PLGA hydrolysis in vivo. Preset PLGA/Ca-P cement composite discs of various weight ratios (0/100, 15/85, 30/70, and 50/50) were implanted subcutaneously and in cranial defects in rats for 12 weeks. Histological analysis revealed that all macropores in the PLGA-containing composites (average pore size 73 +/- 27 microm) were filled with fibrous tissue and blood vessels (subcutaneous implants) and/or bone (cranial implants). Histologically, bone formation appeared most abundant and most consistent in the 30/70 PLGA/Ca-P cement composites. Histomorphometrical evaluation revealed a significant increase in defect fill in the 15/85 and 30/70 PLGA/Ca-P cement composites. Finally, subcutaneous and cranial 50/50 PLGA/Ca-P cement composites had degraded to a large extent, without adequate replacement by bone in the cranial implants. Therefore, we conclude that PLGA/Ca-P cement composites enable tissue ingrowth and show excellent osteocompatibility in weight ratios of 15/85 and 30/70 PLGA/Ca-P cement. In this model, 30/70 PLGA/Ca-P cement composites showed the most favorable biological response.  相似文献   

背景:体内实验显示,β-磷酸三钙多孔陶瓷是较为理想的骨组织工程支架材料,但由于体内植入实验受多种因素的影响,不能很好反映细胞的生长、增殖和表型变化。 目的:观察体外人脐血间充质干细胞与β-磷酸三钙多孔陶瓷的生物相容性。 方法:将培养的第6代人脐血间充质干细胞悬液滴注入β-磷酸三钙内部进行复合,然后将干细胞-支架材料复合物置入含体积分数为10%胎牛血清的α-MEM培养体系中培养,于培养第4,8,12天电镜下观察人脐血间充质干细胞在材料表面及内部生长情况,采用MTT测试法绘制细胞生长曲线,并进行DNA含量、蛋白质含量测定。 结果与结论:人脐血间充质干细胞与β-磷酸三钙体外复合后能够在β-磷酸三钙支架材料表面及内部的孔隙内贴附,且生长良好,其DNA复制和蛋白合成功能不受β-磷酸三钙的影响。说明人脐血间充质干细胞和β-磷酸三钙支架材料生物相容性良好,二者可作为种子细胞和支架材料用于组织工程化骨与软骨的构建。  相似文献   

Molinaro G  Leroux JC  Damas J  Adam A 《Biomaterials》2002,23(13):2717-2722
Chitosan, an amino-polysaccharide obtained from the alkaline deacetylation of chitin, presents an interest as a drug vehicle. Indeed, chitosan solutions containing glycerol-2-phosphate (beta-GP) undergo sol-gel transition at a temperature close to 37 degrees C, which make them suitable for the parenteral administration of drugs. However, before using these chitosan derivatives for biomedical applications, it is important to evaluate their biocompatibility, and particularly to test their inflammatory effects. When injected in the hindpaw of the rat, we have shown that: (i) four chitosan/beta-GP solutions tested triggered a non-specific response, with solutions prepared with chitosans of higher deacetylation degrees yielding a lesser inflammatory reaction and (ii) systemic pretreatment of animals with icatibant, apafant and diphenhydramine did not significantly diminish this response; dexamethasone practically abolished it for all solutions and ketanserine only slightly decreased it in one preparation at two different times. In conclusion, it appears that a higher degree of deacetylation of the chitin chain is desirable for superior biocompatibility.  相似文献   

A biodegradable composite (GGT) containing tricalcium phosphate ceramic particles and genipin crosslinked gelatin was developed for use as a bone substitute. The objective of this study was to assess the biocompatibility and the osteoconductivity of the GGT composite on new bone formation in vitro. Additionally, biodegradation and biocompatibility of the GGT composite in animals were investigated. Results of the GGT composites cocultured with osteoblasts showed that the concentration of genipin used as a crosslinking agent should be <0.5 wt % to avoid cytotoxicity. For in vivo degradation studies, we found that when the concentration of genipin in the composite <0.5 wt % was not enough to fully crosslink the gelatin, it results in a rapid degradation of the gelatin-genipin mixture. However, we also found that the foreign body capsule surrounding the GGT composite containing 1.0 wt % of the genipin was much thicker than that in the other three groups, that is, the composites containing 0.05, 0.1, and 0.5 wt % of the genipin. We therefore concluded that the ideal concentration of genipin used in the GGT was 0.5 wt %. Finally, we examined the organ culture units, which were maintained in cultured medium for 5 weeks. Morphology of tissue was observed and the quantitative evaluation of the regenerated bone was determined. We found that the GGT composites containing 0.5 wt % of the genipin had an excellent biocompatibility and could produce osteoconduction for the regenerating bone tissues.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The chemical compositions and structure of calcium phosphate bone cement are similar to those of human bone, which can fill the bone collapse caused by fracture and induce osteogenesis, but its degradation rate is slow. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the biocompatibility of the calcium phosphate cement/fibrin glue and the feasibility of repairing radius defects. METHODS: In vitro cytotoxicity experiment: Mouse fibroblasts were cultured in the calcium phosphate bone cement/fibrin glue extracts, phenol solution, and RPMI 1640 culture medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum, respectively, to detect the cytotoxicity grade. Hemocompatibility experiment: Calcium phosphate bone cement/fibrin glue extracts, normal saline and distilled water were respectively added into the rabbit anticoagulation, to detect the hemolytic rate. Forty-five New Zealand white rabbits were enrolled and modeled into bilateral radius defects, followed by randomly allotted into three groups: blank control group without any intervention, experimental and control groups were given the implantation with calcium phosphate bone cement/fibrin glue and autologous radius, respectively. X-ray, histology, bone mineral density and biomechanical test were performed at postoperative 4, 8 and 16 weeks. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The toxicity grade of the calcium phosphate cement/fibrin glue was 0 to 1. The hemolytic rate of the calcium phosphate cement/fibrin glue was 3.15%. At 16 weeks postoperatively, X-ray showed that in the experimental and control groups, the fracture line disappeared completely, pulp cavity was recanalized, and in plastic completely. Histology showed that the reconstructed bone trabecular was obvious, plate layer of bone was mature, and medullary cavity recanalization appeared in the control group; there were a large number of new grid-shaped woven bone tissues growing into the material in the experimental group, with overt degradation, and degradation rate was in parallel to bone ingrowth. The bone density, the maximum load, maximum stress and failure energy in the experimental and control groups were significantly higher than those in the blank control group (P < 0.05), and all above indicators showed no significant differences between the experimental and control groups. These results manifest that the calcium phosphate bone cement/fiber protein glue composite material holding a good biocompatibility can promote bone tissue regeneration for bone defect repair, achieving similar curative effect with autologous bone transplantation.  相似文献   

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