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目的:探讨上颌骨Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨进路切除累及翼腭凹、颞下凹巨大鼻咽纤维血管肿瘤的可行性。方法:采用矫正上颌骨先天或后天畸形的Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术式进路,切除位于鼻咽部、筛窦等深在部位的纤维血管瘤。结果:该进路术野显露充分,取得了理想的治疗效果。结论:上颌骨Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨进路是切除鼻咽、颅底部纤维血管瘤的理想进路。  相似文献   

高位Le Fort I型截骨术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者介绍了一种高位Le Fort I型截骨术,该术式将Le Fort I型截骨线上移至眶下神经管水平,并延伸到颧骨根部,对于矫正上颌后缩畸形伴有颧骨区和鼻旁区平坦不足的患者收到了较好的治疗效果。文内提出了手术适应证和外科操作,讨论了与手术有关的问题,并附2例报告。  相似文献   

Le Fort I型截骨上颌前移术后对鼻尖高度和鼻翼宽度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了上颌Le Fort I型载骨前移后鼻翼宽度及鼻尖高度的变化,作者发现术后鼻翼宽度有明显增加而鼻尖高度则略有降低,这种变化与上颌前移的距离成相关关系。  相似文献   

Le Fort I 型截骨术相关骨性解剖标志的多层CT测量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:应用多层CT影像测量上颌与LeFortI型截骨手术相关骨性解剖标志,为避免损伤腭降动脉提供指导.方法:选择60例正常成人上颌多层CT扫描图像,应用efilm1.94图像处理软件测量.结果:颧牙槽嵴至翼腭管的距离平均为26mm;翼突的宽度平均为13mm;犁状孔边缘至翼腭管的距离平均为37mm;前后鼻棘的距离为47mm;犁状孔边缘至翼腭管连线与矢状面的角度为7°8'.结论:参照测量获得的解剖数据在术中能降低腭降动脉损伤的发生率.  相似文献   

上颌窦炎是Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术后常见的并发症,对正颌术后的骨质愈合等非常不利。明确Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术后上颌窦炎发生的相关因素,针对性采取预防措施,早期发现与及时治疗,对于降低上颌窦炎的发生率,加快患者术后康复,以及提升患者术后生活质量具有重要意义。本文就上颌骨Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术后并发上颌窦炎的影响、病因、诊断、治疗和预防等进行总结,为正颌外科相关医护人员早期诊治上颌窦炎提供参考。  相似文献   

在Le FortⅠ型截面术中,于前移骨的上颌窦底壁和截面线之上的上颌窦前壁间嵌入羟基磷灰石生物材料,作为防止上颌截骨段后退的“门槛”状阻力块,可以有效地减少复发。5例用此法,早期获得满意效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨Le Fort I型截骨术上抬上颌骨后,下颌骨自动旋转中心位置变化与上颌骨上抬距离的关系.方法:选取10例患者,均为上颌骨垂直向发育过度导致开唇露齿和下颌骨后下旋转,而下颌骨发育正常,采用单纯Le FortI型截骨术上抬上颌骨,矫正其牙颌面畸形.拍摄术前、术后头颅定位侧位片,利用Reuleaux法测量实际的下颌骨旋转中心位置,应用SPSS10.0软件包对ANS、PNS上抬量与下颌骨自动旋转中心位置进行Spearman秩相关分析.结果:下颌骨平均自动旋转中心位于蝶鞍点下方49.350mm、后方17.100mm处.髁突中心位于蝶鞍点下方24.000mm、后方11.950mm处.下颌骨自动旋转中心垂直向位置与ANS点的上抬量高度相关(P=0.008).下颌骨自动旋转中心垂直向位置与PNS点的上抬量高度相关(P=0.045).结论:下颌骨旋转中心位于髁突外.下颌骨自动旋转中心与上颌骨上抬幅度高度相关.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨改良鼻旁植骨是否能减少Le Fort 1型截骨下降手术术后上颌骨垂直向的复发。方法 :选择双颌手术中上颌骨下降幅度>3 mm的患者30例,分为改良鼻旁植骨组和非改良鼻旁植骨组。利用术前(T0)、术后3天(T1)和术后6个月(T2)的颌面CT数据对上颌骨位置进行三维测量;同时利用T1与T2的CT数据计算植骨块厚度的变化。采用SPSS 22.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果:术后6个月,在垂直方向上,改良鼻旁植骨组上切牙点复发量为(0.54±0.35)mm,非改良鼻旁植骨组上切牙点复发量为(1.18±0.76)mm(P=0.3997)。2组在前后、水平方向的复发率无显著差异。改良鼻旁植骨组的植骨块厚度降低(11.75±6.25)%,非改良鼻旁植骨组的植骨块厚度降低(33.77±11.56)%(P<0.0001)。结果:改良鼻旁植骨可有效减少植骨块吸收,以及术后上颌骨垂直向复发。  相似文献   

目的:观察分析Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术在唇腭裂正颌外科中的应用效果.方法:回顾2004年3月至2006年12月武汉大学口腔医学院口腔颌面外科收治的唇腭裂患者的临床资料,并进行总结与分析,所有患者均进行了以Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术为主的正颌外科治疗.结果:共收集相关病例16例,其中男9例,女7例,平均年龄22.4岁.术前∠SNA平均73.2°,术后LSNA平均79.5°;上颌前移距离平均8.13mm.平均随访时间7.3个月.所有患者术后面容改善明显,经正畸治疗后咬合关系满意.结论:以Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术为主的正颌外科治疗,可以显著改善唇腭裂患者的颌骨与面容畸形.  相似文献   

目的:探讨上颌Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术对上颌后缩患者腭咽部结构的影响.方法:选择2007-2009年行上颌Le Fort Ⅰ型截骨术的上颌后缩伴随下颌前突患者42例(男20例,女22例,平均年龄21.6岁),所有患者在术前、术后1周、术后1年拍摄静止位头颅定位侧位片,然后对腭咽部软组织结构指标进行测量分析.结果:上颌...  相似文献   

Le Fort type I osteotomy is a fracture that extends from the pyriform aperture to each of the pterygoid plates, resulting in the detachment of the upper jaw from the cranial base. A retrospective study was conducted on 12 patients with juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) who underwent the Le Fort type I approach. Preoperatively, all cases were investigated with computed tomographic scans with contrast and angiography with embolisation. This paper highlights the surgical technique, results and treatment morbidity. The average age of the patients was 21 years, average duration of surgery was 3.2h and average blood loss was 550 ml. All cases had significant symptomatic improvement postoperatively. At 1 year follow up, the authors encountered dental malocclusion in one case and no recurrence of JNA. The Le Fort I osteotomy approach is an excellent approach for the excision of JNA because it allows good surgical exposure, better haemostasis, is cosmetically more acceptable and has a very low morbidity.  相似文献   

Segmental maxillary osteotomy is a useful adjunct in orthognathic surgery for the correction of vertical and transverse maxillary deformities, but we know of few published reports that document complications. We evaluated the complication rates associated with segmental maxillary surgery in our unit by retrospective review of medical records, radiographs, and study models of 85 consecutive patients (mean age 23.3 years, range 14–51; male:female ratio 1:2) treated from 1995 to 2009. Types of deformity were anterior open bite (n = 30, 35%), transverse maxillary deficiency (n = 24, 28%), anterior open bite with transverse maxillary deficiency (n = 28, 33%), and anterior vertical maxillary excess (n = 3, 4%). There were 70 tripartite (82%), 13 bipartite (15%), and two quadripartite (2%) maxillas. Twenty-one patients (25%) had bone grafts. Fixation was done using titanium miniplates in 80 patients (94%), and titanium miniplates and resorbable plates in five (6%). The overall complication rate was 27%. Three patients (4%) had devitalisation of teeth, three (4%) developed minor periodontal defects, and one had tooth loss. Eight patients (9%) had plates removed, and two patients developed persistent postoperative palatal fistula. There was no segmental loss of bone or teeth. Our results show that complications in this cohort were relatively low, and that segmental maxillary surgery is safe as an adjunct in carefully selected cases.  相似文献   

A Le Fort I osteotomy is widely used to correct dentofacial deformity because it is a safe and reliable surgical method. Although rare, various complications have been reported in relation to pterygomaxillary separation. Cranial nerve damage is one of the serious complications that can occur after Le Fort I osteotomy. In this report, a 19-year-old man with unilateral cleft lip and palate underwent surgery to correct maxillary hypoplasia, asymmetry and mandibular prognathism. After the Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy, the patient showed multiple cranial nerve damage; an impairment of outward movement of the eye (abducens nerve), decreased vision (optic nerve), and paraesthesia of the frontal and upper cheek area (ophthalmic and maxillary nerve). The damage to the cranial nerve was related to an unexpected sphenoid bone fracture and subsequent trauma in the cavernous sinus during the pterygomaxillary osteotomy.  相似文献   

The Le Fort I level osteotomy is a procedure well known to oral and maxillofacial surgeons, who routinely use it to correct midfacial skeletal deformities and alter the dental occlusion. This osteotomy can also be used as a maxillotomy for access to more superiorly and posteriorly situated structures. The downfracture technique provides the surgeon with a safe approach that allows visualization of the maxillary sinuses, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, base of the skull and upper cervical spine. This approach can also be combined with a midline lip split, mandibulotomy and glossotomy to give access to retropharyngeal structures. By modifying the combined Le Fort I and transmandibular approach utilizing a midline split of the hard and soft palate, the access to the clivus can be improved considerably. The clinical applications of these combined procedures in the treatment of basilar invagination and tumors of the nasopharynx are discussed.  相似文献   

Complications after Le Fort I osteotomy are rare. We report, to our knowledge, the first case of bilateral Adie's pupil after Le Fort I osteotomy.  相似文献   

Fourteen patients with Class VI resorption of the maxilla were treated with horseshoe Le Fort I osteotomy. In 11 cases, the procedure was followed by the placement of endosteal implants. In six patients, simultaneous placement of implants was carried out, while in five patients this was done in a second procedure. Ten patients wore their implant-supported dentures. In one patient, 5/8 implants were lost due to nonintegration. Three patients lost one implant each. The total number of implants placed was 76, and the survival rate of the implants was 88.1%. In the one-step procedure (n=42), the survival rate was 84.8%; in the two-step procedure (n=34), 92.3%. In comparison of the one-step to the two-step procedure, there was no statistically significant difference (P>0.11) between the amount of marginal peri-implant bone loss and the condition of the peri-implant soft tissues as measured 2 years after implantation.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to compare time-course changes in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) space between mandibular advancement surgery and setback surgery after sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) and Le Fort I osteotomy.

Subjects and Methods

The subjects were 46 patients (92 joints) who underwent bi-maxillary surgery. The TMJ disc position was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the anterior, superior, posterior, medial and lateral joint spaces were assessed by computed tomography (CT), preoperatively and at 1 week and 1 year postoperative. The 92 joints were divided into 2 groups, namely class II (n = 46 joints), and class III (n = 46 joints) (an advanced group vs a setback group). Next, the 92 joints were divided into 2 groups comprising 36 joints with anterior disc displacement joint (ADD group) and 56 joints without (non-ADD group). Time-course changes in the measurements were compared statistically between the advanced and setback groups, and between the ADD and non-ADD groups.


There were no significant differences between the advance group and setback group regarding time-course change in all the joint spaces. However, there were significant differences between the ADD group and non-ADD group regarding time-course change in the medial, anterior, superior and posterior joint spaces (P < 0.05).


This study suggested that ADD could affect the time-course change in TMJ space and condylar position after bi-maxillary osteotomy.  相似文献   

This retrospective cohort study evaluated the postoperative outcomes of preoperatively planned positional changes for Le Fort I osteotomy in 77 patients (average age 26.6 years). Movement relapse and planning accuracy were evaluated by lateral cephalometric analysis, with an average follow-up of 257 days. In one-segment osteotomy cases, 73% of the horizontal movements were positioned within 2 mm of the surgical plan. With posterior–inferior repositioning of the maxilla, results fell within 2 mm of the prescribed plan in 60% of cases. Maxillary advancement and superior repositioning proved more stable than inferior maxillary repositioning. Relapse did not differ between three-piece and one-piece osteotomies for any movements; however, in three-piece cases, only half of the positional changes on average stayed within 2 mm of the prescribed surgical plan. Relapse did not vary with bone grafting among the groups. To summarize, in most Le Fort I osteotomy cases, the surgical plan is achieved within 2 mm, with posterior extrusion of the maxilla showing the greatest deviation both in reaching the target and maintaining the result achieved. Although maxillary segmentation makes the surgical plan more difficult to achieve, the results are at least as stable as those of one-piece osteotomies.  相似文献   

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