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Substance use disorders are global health problems with few effective treatment options. Unfortunately, most potential pharmacological treatments are hindered by abuse potential of their own, limited efficacy, or adverse side effects. As a consequence, there is a pressing need for the development of addiction treatments with limited abuse potential and fewer off target effects. Given the difficulties in developing new pharmacotherapies for substance use disorders, there has been growing interest in medications that act on non‐traditional targets. Recent evidence suggests a role for dysregulated immune signaling in the pathophysiology of multiple psychiatric diseases. While there is evidence that immune responses in the periphery and the central nervous system are altered by exposure to drugs of abuse, the contributions of neuroimmune interactions to addictive behaviors are just beginning to be appreciated. In this review, we discuss the data on immunological changes seen in clinical populations with substance use disorders, as well as in translational animal models of addiction. Importantly, we highlight those mechanistic findings showing causal roles for central or peripheral immune mediators in substance use disorder and appropriate animal models. Based on the literature reviewed here, it is clear that brain‐immune system interactions in substance use disorders are much more complex and important than previously understood. While much work remains to be done, there are tremendous potential therapeutic implications for immunomodulatory treatments in substance use disorders.  相似文献   

Rat fetal ventral mesencephalic organotypic cultures have demonstrated two morphologically different dopamine nerve fiber growth patterns, in which the initial nerve fibers are formed in the absence of astrocytes and the second wave is guided by astrocytes. In this study, the presence of subpopulations of dopamine neurons, other neuronal populations, and glial cells was determined. We used "roller-drum" organotypic cultures, and the results revealed that beta-tubulin-positive/tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-negative nerve fibers were present as early as 1 day in vitro (DIV). A similar growth pattern produced by TH-positive neurons was present from 2 DIV. These neurites grew to reach distances over 4 mm and over time appeared to be degenerating. Thin, vimentin-positive processes were found among these nerve fibers. As the first growth was retracted, a second outgrowth was initiated and formed on migrating astrocytes. TH- and aldehyde dehydrogenase-1 (ALDH1)-positive nerve fibers formed both the nonglia-associated and the glia-associated outgrowth. In cultures with membrane inserts, only the glia-associated outgrowth was found. Vimentin-positive cells preceded migration of NG2-positive oligodendrocytes and Iba-1-positive microglia. Oligodendrocytes appeared not to be involved in guiding neuritic growth, but microglia was absent over areas dense with TH-positive neurons. In conclusion, in "roller-drum" cultures, nerve fibers are generally formed in two sequences. The early-formed nerve fibers grow in the presence of thin, vimentin-positive processes. The second nerve fiber outgrowth is formed on astroglia, with no correlation to the presence of oligodendrocytes or microglia. ALDH1-positive nerve fibers, presumably derived from A9 dopamine neurons, participate in formation of both sequences of outgrowth.  相似文献   

Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) usually affects older humans but almost no experimental studies have assessed aged animals. We address how aging alters inflammation, neuron death and lesion resolution after a hemorrhage in the rat striatum. In the normal aged brain, microglia displayed a 'dystrophic' phenotype, with shorter cellular processes and large gaps between adjacent cells, and there was more astrocyte reactivity. The ICH injury was monitored as hematoma volume and number of dying neurons at 1 and 3 days, and the volume of the residual lesion, ventricles and lost tissue at 28 days. Inflammation at 1 and 3 days was assessed from densities of microglia with resting vs. activated morphologies, or expressing the lysosomal marker ED1. Despite an initial delay in neuron death in aged animals, by 28 days, there was no difference in neuron density or volume of tissue lost. However, lesion resolution was impaired in aged animals and there was less compensatory ventricular expansion. At 1 day after ICH, there were fewer activated microglia/macrophages in the aged brain, but by 3 days there were more of these cells at the edge of the hematoma and in the surrounding parenchyma. In both age groups a glial limitans had developed by 3 days, but astrocyte reactivity and the spread of activated microglia/macrophages into the surrounding parenchyma was greater in the aged. These findings have important implications for efforts to reduce secondary injury after ICH and to develop anti-inflammatory therapies to treat ICH in aged humans.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence shows that activation of glial cells in the spinal cord may promote central sensitization and pain. Descending facilitation from the rostroventromedial medulla (RVM) is a critical component in the maintenance of chronic pain states, although the precise mechanisms through which facilitation maintains pain are unclear. Here, we investigated the possibility that glial activation in the RVM could promote descending facilitation from the RVM in states of inflammatory pain. Peripheral inflammation was induced with carrageenan injected into the hindpaws of male Sprague–Dawley rats, and behavioral responses to noxious thermal and light tactile stimuli were determined. Microinjection of the glial inhibitors minocycline or fluorocitrate, or of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor SB 203580, produced a significant and time-related attenuation of behavioral hypersensitivity resulting from hindpaw inflammation. Carrageenan-induced inflammation increased immunolabeling for microglia and astrocytes in the RVM, as well as for phosphorylated p38 MAPK. Phosphorylated p38 MAPK was found in microglia and neurons of the RVM. Inflammation-induced microglial and astrocytic activation in the RVM were attenuated by RVM microinjection of the glial inhibitors. The data show that inflammatory pain is associated with glial activation in the RVM that probably participates in driving descending pain facilitation. These findings reveal a novel site of glial modulation of inflammatory pain.  相似文献   

Glial expression of estrogen and androgen receptors after rat brain injury   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Estrogens and androgens can protect neurons from death caused by injury to the central nervous system. Astrocytes and microglia are major players in events triggered by neural lesions. To determine whether glia are direct targets of estrogens or androgens after neural insults, steroid receptor expression in glial cells was assessed in two different lesion models. An excitotoxic injury to the hippocampus or a stab wound to the parietal cortex and hippocampus was performed in male rats, and the resultant expression of steroid receptors in glial cells was assessed using double-label immunohistochemistry. Both lesions induced the expression of estrogen receptors (ERs) and androgen receptors (ARs) in glial cells. ERalpha was expressed in astrocytes immunoreactive (ERalpha-ir) for glial fibrillary acidic protein or vimentin. AR immunoreactivity colocalized with microglial markers, such as Griffonia simplicifolia lectin-1 or OX-6. The time course of ER and AR expression in glia was studied in the stab wound model. ERalpha-ir astrocytes and AR-ir microglia were observed 3 days after lesion. The number of ERalpha-ir and AR-ir glial cells reached a maximum 7 days after lesion and returned to low levels by 28 days postinjury. The studies of ERbeta expression in glia were inconclusive; different results were obtained with different antibodies. In sum, these results suggest that reactive astrocytes and reactive microglia are a direct target for estrogens and androgens, respectively.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra are particularly vulnerable to oxidative and inflammatory attack. Such processes may play a crucial role in the etiology of Parkinson disease (PD). Since glia are the main generators of these processes, the possibility that PD may be caused by glial dysfunction needs to be considered. This review concentrates on glial reactions in PD. Reactive astrocytes and reactive microglia are abundant in the substantia nigra (SN) of PD cases indicating a robust inflammatory state. Glia normally serve neuroprotective roles but, given adverse stimulation, they may contribute to damaging chronic inflammation. Microglia, the phagocytes of brain, may be the main contributors since they can produce large numbers of superoxide anions and other neurotoxins. Their toxicity towards dopaminergic neurons has been demonstrated in tissue culture and various animal models of PD. The MPTP and α‐synuclein models are of particular interest. Years after exposure to MPTP, inflammation has been observed in the SN. This has established that an acute insult to the SN can result in a sustained local inflammation. The α‐synuclein model indicates that an endogenous protein can induce inflammation, and, when overexpressed, can lead to autosomal dominant PD. Less is known about the role of astrocytes than microglia, but they are known to secrete both inflammatory and anti‐inflammatory molecules and may play a role in modulating microglial activity. Oligodendrocytes do not seem to play a role in promoting inflammation although, like neurons, they may be damaged by inflammatory processes. Further research concerning glial reactions in PD may lead to disease‐modifying therapeutic approaches. © 2007 Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying amino acid neurotoxicity may involve a rise in the intracellular concentration of calcium. Some neurons appear to die as a consequence of increased intracellular calcium levels induced by excitatory amino acids. One month after injection of ibotenic acid in the rat basal forebrain, the induced formation of calcium deposits and concomitant glial reaction were studied. Alizarine Red-positive calcium deposits were observed after ibotenic acid injection in the ventral part of the globus pallidus, but not in the medial septum. These deposits were present in the globus pallidus, ventral pallidum, substantia innominata, zona incerta, lateral hypothalamic area, entopeduncular nucleus, medial amygdaloid nucleus and several thalamic nuclei. Three types of round shaped deposit were identified morphologically. Differential astroglial and microglial reactions, studied autoradiographically with the monoamine oxidase-B marker [3H]Ro 19-6327 and the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor marker [3H]Ro5-4864 respectively, were observed after both lesions. Our data suggest that excitotoxic lesions in the globus pallidus and medial septum lead with time to different neurodegenerative consequences and glial reactions. This differential sensitivity is discussed on the basis of the presence of different glutamate receptor subtypes and calcium-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Wallerian degeneration (WD), composed of the breakdown and phagocytosis of damaged axons and their myelin sheaths distal to the injury, is a major sequela of spinal cord injury (SCI). To understand the microenvironment within WD that may affect repair following SCI, we investigated the fate of major glial types and axons in this region following acute (1 h), subacute (10 days), and chronic (30 days) dorsal funiculotomy at the eighth thoracic (T8) level. This lesion induces a confined WD in two distinct functional pathways, that is, the corticospinal tract (CST) and dorsal ascending tract (DAT) in opposite directions. Here we report that astrocytes, reactive microglia and macrophages were all significantly increased in areas of WD in both the CST and DAT at subacute and chronic stages compared to the sham‐operated or acute stage. While the level of GFAP+ astrocytes remained stable after the subacute stage, the number of OX‐42+ microglia and ED‐1+ macrophages markedly decreased at the chronic stage. Interestingly, a mild but significant increase in ED‐1+ macrophages was also found in the intact fiber tracts 3 mm proximal to the injury at the chronic stage, coinciding with axonal dieback observed at that level. Axons distal to the injury experienced a continued and prolonged degeneration in both fiber tracts. Finally, although a significant decrease of Olig2+ oligodendrocyte lineage (OL) cells was found in areas of WD, the presence of these cells at the chronic stage indicates that they are available for endogenous repair. Taken together, our data have provided spatiotemporal evidence for the dynamic pathogenic changes of major cellular components in areas of WD remote to an SCI. Information obtained in this study should be useful for designing experiments aimed at modifying this region to accommodate endogenous or exogenous repair following SCI.  相似文献   

Variation in the risk for and severity of substance use disorders (SUD) in the population is caused by multiple organismic (genetic, biochemical, psychological) and environmental factors. Whereas drug- or drug-class-specific liability mechanisms exist, a substantial proportion of variance in the risk is shared between specific liabilities, reflecting mechanisms that determine common liability to SUD. Data from epidemiologic, clinical, psychological, physiological, biochemical, and family and genetic studies reviewed in this paper indicate the existence of mechanisms and characteristics shared in common by liabilities to SUD related to different drugs. These mechanisms can be conceptualized as common liability to SUD, a latent trait accounting for a substantial portion of variation in SUD risk and severity and determined by all factors influencing the probability of SUD development. An accompanying paper describes an approach to the quantitative estimation of this trait.  相似文献   

The midbrain ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (VL‐PAG) is a key component that mediates pain modulation. Although spinal cord glial cells appear to play an important role in chronic pain development, the precise mechanisms involving descending facilitation pathways from the PAG following nerve injury are poorly understood. This study shows that cellular events that occur during glial activation in the VL‐PAG may promote descending facilitation from the PAG during neuropathic pain. Chronic constriction nerve injury (CCI) was induced by ligature construction of the sciatic nerve in male Sprague‐Dawley rats. Behavioral responses to noxious mechanical (paw withdrawal threshold; PWT) and thermal (paw withdrawal latency; PWL) stimuli were evaluated. After CCI, immunohistochemical and Western blot analysis of microglia and astrocytes in the VL‐PAG showed morphological and quantitative changes indicative of activation in microglia and astrocytes. Intra‐VL‐PAG injection of microglial or astrocytic inhibitors attenuated PWT and PWL at days 7 and 14, respectively, following CCI. We also evaluated the effects of intra‐VL‐PAG administration of the phosphorylated p38 mitogen‐activated protein kinase (p‐p38 MAPK) inhibitor SB 203580 at day 7 after CCI. This treatment abolished microglial activation and produced a significant time‐dependent attenuation of PWT and PWL. Western blot analysis showed localized expression of p‐p38 in the VL‐PAG after CCI. P‐p38 was expressed in labeled microglia of the VL‐PAG but was not present in astrocytes and neurons on day 7 after CCI. These results demonstrate that CCI‐induced neuropathic pain is associated with glial activation in the VL‐PAG, which likely participates in descending pain facilitation through the p38 MAPK signaling pathway. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Addictions to licit and illicit drugs are chronic relapsing brain disorders that affect circuits that regulate reward, motivation, memory, and decision-making. Drug-induced pathological changes in these brain regions are associated with characteristic enduring behaviors that continue despite adverse biopsychosocial consequences. Repeated exposure to these substances leads to egocentric behaviors that focus on obtaining the drug by any means and on taking the drug under adverse psychosocial and medical conditions. Addiction also includes craving for the substances and, in some cases, involvement in risky behaviors that can cause death. These patterns of behaviors are associated with specific cognitive disturbances and neuroimaging evidence for brain dysfunctions in a diverse population of drug addicts. Postmortem studies have also revealed significant biochemical and/or structural abnormalities in some addicted individuals. The present review provides a summary of the evidence that has accumulated over the past few years to implicate brain dysfunctions in the varied manifestations of drug addiction. We thus review data on cerebrovascular alterations, brain structural abnormalities, and postmortem studies of patients who abuse cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, heroin, and “bath salts”. We also discuss potential molecular, biochemical, and cellular bases for the varied clinical presentations of these patients. Elucidation of the biological bases of addiction will help to develop better therapeutic approaches to these patient populations.  相似文献   

Astrocytes are integral components of the central nervous system, where they are involved in numerous functions critical for neuronal development and functioning, including maintenance of blood-brain barrier, formation of synapses, supporting neurons with nutrients and trophic factors, and protecting them from injury. These roles are markedly affected in the course of chronic neurodegenerative disorders, often before the onset of the disease. In this review, we summarize the recent findings supporting the hypothesis that astrocytes play a fundamental role in the processes contributing to neurodegeneration. We focus on α-synucleinopathies and tauopathies as the most common neurodegenerative diseases. The mechanisms implicated in the development and progression of these disorders appear not to be exclusively neuronal, but are often related to the astrocytic-neuronal integrity and the response of astrocytes to the altered microglial function. A profound understanding of the multifaceted functions of astrocytes and identification of their communication pathways with neurons and microglia in health and in the disease is of critical significance for the development of novel mechanism-based therapies against neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Objective: Prevalence estimates of illicit drug use in psychotic disorders vary between studies, and only a few studies compared prevalence estimates with those in the general population. Method: Cross‐sectional study comparing 148 stable‐phase patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder with 329 representative general citizens of Oslo. A total of 849 patients from the same hospital department in the same time period constituted a patient reference group. Results: Lifetime illicit drug use was 44% higher (P < 0.001) in study patients than in the general population sample; while lifetime use of amphetamine/cocaine was 160% higher (P < 0.001). No differences were found between user groups for sociodemographic characteristics. Conclusion: Patients with psychotic disorders in stable phase had a markedly higher lifetime use of any illicit substance, especially amphetamine/cocaine, than the general population. They also seemed to use drugs more periodically. The same sociodemographic characteristics were associated with increased illicit drug use in both groups.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and excitotoxicity are frequently considered distinct but common hallmarks of several neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Although neuron degeneration and death are the ultimate consequences of these pathological processes, it is now widely accepted that alterations in the function of surrounding glial cells are key features in the progression of these diseases. In response to alteration in their local environment, microglia, commonly considered the resident immune cells of the nervous parenchyma, become activated and release a variety of soluble factors. Among these, proinflammatory cytokines and free radicals actively participate in the degenerative insults. In addition, excitotoxic neuronal damage resulting from excessive glutamate is frequently associated with impaired handling of extracellular glutamate by gliotic astrocytes. Although several research projects have focused on the biochemical mechanisms of the regulation of glial glutamate transporters, a relationship between activation of microglia and modulation of astrocytic glutamate uptake is now suggested. The aim of this review is to summarize and discuss the data showing an influence of inflammatory mediators and related free radicals on the expression and activity of glial glutamate transporters.  相似文献   

Jeon GS  Park SW  Kim DW  Seo JH  Cho J  Lim SY  Kim SD  Cho SS 《Glia》2004,48(3):250-258
Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are immediately expressed in neuronal and glial cells under various stressful conditions and play a protective role through molecular chaperones. Although several studies have been focused on the expression of HSPs, little is known about HSP90s expression in glial cells under neuropathological conditions. In this study, we evaluated the expression pattern of the glial cell-related HSP90 and GRP94 proteins, following the induction of an excitotoxic lesion in the mouse brain. Adult mice received an intracerebroventricular injection of kainic acid; the brain tissue was then analyzed immunohistochemically for HSPs and double labeling using glial markers. HSPs expression was quantified by Western blot analysis. Excitotoxic damage was found to cause pyramidal cell degeneration in the CA3 region of the hippocampus. In the injured hippocampus, reactive microglia/macrophages expressed HSP90 from 12 h until 7 days postlesion (PL), showing maximal levels at day 1. In parallel, hippocampal reactive astrocytes showed the expression of GRP94 from 12 h until 7 days PL. In general, HSPs expression was transient, peaked at 1-3 days PL and reached basal levels by day 7. For the first time, our data demonstrate the injury-induced expression of HSP90 and GRP94 in glial cells, which may contribute to the mechanism of glial cell protection and adaptation in response to damage, thereby playing an important role in the evolution of the glial response and the excitotoxic lesion outcome. HSP90 may provide antioxidant protective mechanisms against microglia/macrophages, whereas GRP94 may stabilize the astroglial cytoskeleton and participate in astroglial antioxidant mechanisms.  相似文献   

The lateral septum (LS) is a brain nucleus implicated in the addictive process. This study investigated whether withdrawal from chronic amphetamine (AMPH) induces alterations in dopamine (DA) transmission within the LS. Male Sprague‐Dawley rats were injected with AMPH (2.5 mg/kg i.p.) or saline during 14 days and thereafter subjected to 24 hr or 14 days of withdrawal. After these withdrawal periods, we measured DA extracellular levels by in vivo microdialysis, DA tissue levels, and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and vesicular monoamine transporter‐2 (VMAT2) expression in the LS. Our results showed a significant decrease in K+‐induced release of DA in the LS of AMPH‐treated rats, 14 days after withdrawal compared with saline‐treated rats. There were no significant differences in DA tissue content and TH expression. Interestingly, there was a decrease of LS VMAT2 expression in AMPH‐treated rats, 14 days after withdrawal compared with saline‐treated rats. This is the first neurochemical evidence showing that withdrawal from repeated AMPH administration decreases K+‐induced DA release in the rat LS. Our results suggest that this decrease in DA releasability could be due to a decrease in DA vesicular uptake. The possibility that these neurochemical changes are associated with AMPH abstinence syndrome should be further explored. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Substance use disorders are the cause of significant suffering for individuals and impose a tremendous burden on society in terms of related social costs. Current drug policy in the USA has failed to have a significant impact on the prevalence or the deleterious effects of this group of illnesses. Crime, violence, family disruption and economic displacement are felt most acutely by already impoverished and disadvantaged communities. The need for a public health approach to these problems rather than a law enforcement solution, is discussed with special attention to compulsory drug use treatment approaches. These approaches are considered in the context of their history and effectiveness through a review of current literature. The positive and negative aspects of compulsory treatment approaches are summarised and recommendations for expanded use of treatment options for clients involved with the criminal justice system are elaborated.  相似文献   

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