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han g. (helen) & jekel m. (2011) Journal of Nursing Management 19, 41–49
The mediating role of job satisfaction between leader-member exchange and turnover intentions Aim The aim of the present study was to investigate whether job satisfaction mediates between leader-member exchange and nurse turnover intentions. Background Limited knowledge is available on the mediating role of job satisfaction between leader-member exchange and turnover intentions in the nursing field. Method This is a cross-sectional survey study. Data were collected in a US hospital. Results Higher leader-member exchange was associated with lower turnover intentions (β = −0.41, P < 0.001). Leader-member exchange was positively related to one’s job satisfaction (β = 0.50, P < 0.001). Job satisfaction was negatively related to turnover intentions (β = −0.64, P < 0.001). When leader-member exchange and job satisfaction were both controlled for, the link between leader-member exchange and turnover intentions was no longer significant (β = −0.12, P > 0.05). Conclusion Job satisfaction mediates the link between leader-member exchange and turnover intentions. Implications for nursing management The present study reinforces the significant role of managers. Nurse managers can try to cultivate a good relationship with the nurses. This can enhance nurses’ job satisfaction and in turn lower their turnover intentions.  相似文献   

laschinger h.k. s. (2012) Journal of Nursing Management  20, 472–484 Job and career satisfaction and turnover intentions of newly graduated nurses Aim To describe new graduate nurses’ worklife experiences in Ontario hospital settings in the first 2 years of practice and to examine predictors of job and career satisfaction and turnover intentions. Background With a large cohort of nurses approaching retirement, every effort must be made to ensure that the work environments of new graduate nurses are positive, promoting job satisfaction and commitment to the profession to address the nursing workforce shortage. Method A cross-sectional analysis of data from a mail survey of new graduate nurses (n = 342) in their first and second year of experience was used to address the research objectives. Results Overall, new graduate nurses were positive about their working conditions and there were few differences between nurses in their first and second years of practice. Structural and personal factors explained significant amounts of variance (31–68%) in both job and career satisfaction and turnover intentions. Empowerment, work engagement and burnout were important significant predictors. Conclusions Modifiable workplace factors play an important role in influencing new graduates’ job and career satisfaction and turnover intentions. Implications for nursing management Managers can employ strategies to enhance quality work environments that promote retention of new graduates and lessen the nursing workforce shortage.  相似文献   

目的:了解北京市护士的职业认同感、工作压力和满意度及离职意愿状况。方法:采用方便抽样法抽取北京市19家不同级别医院的1272名护士,用自行设计的护士职业认同感、工作压力和工作满意度及离职意愿问卷对其进行调查。结果:1272名护士认为目前护士的社会地位平均分为36.5±19.7分(中位数为35.0),27.8%的护士感觉患者对护士比较尊重或非常尊重,57.2%的护士认为工作压力较大或很大,压力来源主要为职业风险高、工作强度大、社会评价不高,30.7%的护士对工作比较满意或非常满意,不满意的原因主要为收入低、职业风险高、工作强度大;35.2%的护士表示不愿意继续从事护理工作,原因主要为收入低、职业风险高和工作强度大;多元线性逐步回归显示护士职业认同的影响因素有护龄和学历,工作压力的影响因素有婚姻状况和医院级别,工作满意度的影响因素有医院级别、职称和职务;Logistic回归显示护士离职意愿的影响因素为医院级别。结论:目前北京市护士的职业认同感评分低,工作压力大,工作满意度低,离职意愿强烈;相关管理部门应采取有效措施,减轻护士工作压力,提高护士工作满意度和职业认同感,减少有离职意愿护士的数量,以稳定护士队伍,保证临床护理质量。  相似文献   

长沙市临床护士工作满意度和离职意愿的相关性研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
目的了解护士工作满意度和离职意愿情况,分析工作满意度对离职意愿的影响。方法随机抽取长沙市12所医院的515名临床护士,采用问卷调查法,运用工作满意度指数量表及离职意愿量表进行调查。结果长沙市临床护士工作满意度的6个维度水平由高到低依次为:互动合作、职业地位、自主性、组织决策、工作任务和收入。临床护士的离职意愿分值为(2.58±0.32)分。工作满意度各维度与离职意愿呈负相关(P〈0.01),收入、职业地位、工作任务和自主性4个变量联合解释离职意愿总变异量的21.10%,其中收入对离职意愿的影响最大。结论护理管理者应重视提高临床护士的工作满意度,从而避免离职意愿的产生。  相似文献   

林叶艳  罗献明  张国华  陈莉   《护理与康复》2016,15(10):919-924
目的分析护士的职业认同在工作满意度与离职意愿间的中介作用。方法采用方便抽样方法选取237名临床护士,对其进行一般人口统计学的调查,并进行职业认同量表、工作满意度量表和离职意愿量表的测量。结果临床护士的工作满意度和职业认同总体水平不高,已婚和低职称临床护士的工作满意程度较低;相关分析表明,工作满意度、职业认同与离职意愿之间呈显著相关(r=0.12~0.67,P0.05或0.01)。临床护士的职业认同、工作满意度均可直接负向预测其离职意愿;工作满意度还以职业认同为中介变量,间接负向预测离职意愿。结论职业认同是工作满意度与离职意愿间的部分中介因素。就离职意愿影响因素制订干预策略,提升护士的职业认同水平和工作满意度,进而有效降低其离职意愿。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the levels of workplace structural empowerment perceived by Chinese clinical nurses, as well as to identify the relationship between nurses' perceptions of empowerment and job satisfaction, and turnover intention. A total of 189 staff nurses from two hospitals in central China completed a self-administered questionnaire. The results indicated that these nurses perceived moderate levels of workplace empowerment. Structural empowerment and job satisfaction were found to be negatively related to turnover intention. These findings have important implications for administrators providing an effective work environment for clinical nurses.  相似文献   

目的:了解医生与护理人员对工作压力和满意度自我评价的差异;探讨工作满意度与工作压力的影响两素。方法:整群抽样方法对某市2所三级医院按科室分布抽取科室,对所选科室的所有在编医生与护士进行问卷调查。结果:工作压力大,工作满意度不高是护理人员与医生普遍感知的问题,而护理人员报告工作负荷重、工作压力大的人数比例高于医生;护士工作满意度低于医生工作满意度。结论:凋查结果对医院管理人员及有关部门制定医院护理人力资源管理对策,合理配备与使用护理人力,减轻医护人员工作负荷与压力,提高其工作满意度有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

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