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Adipocytes are widely distributed in the dermis, in a unique fat depot referred to as dermal white adipose tissue (dWAT). In rodents, dWAT is present as widespread thin layers, whereas in pigs and humans, it is present in clusters referred to as ‘dermal cones’ around the pilosebaceous units. This distinct layer of fat cells located above the subcutaneous white adipose tissue is important for proper hair follicle (HF) cycling in rodents. Murine HFs produce spatially restricted synchronous patches after their second postnatal cycle which correlates with the spatial heterogeneity of murine dWAT. Similarly, the cycling of HFs in humans may also be related to the spatial distribution of dWAT, making the difference between murine and human HF cycling of more quantitative than of qualitative nature. This should allow the production of small spatially correlated HF patches in human skin, and we propose that this process can be regulated by paracrine signalling involving a number of signalling modules, including the hedgehog pathway. This pathway is an established player in HF cycling, but is also involved in the regulation of adipogenesis and may therefore be a key regulator of the process across species. We also suggest that the spatial heterogeneity of dWAT is connected not only to HF cycling, but may also be related to other physiological and pathological processes in the skin.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To report the clinical features of the loose anagen hair syndrome and to test the hypothesis that the typical gap between the hair and the inner root sheath may result from hereditary defects in the inner root sheath or the apposed companion layer. DESIGN: Case series. SETTING: A pediatric dermatology unit (referral center). PATIENTS: A consecutive sample of 17 children (13 girls). For 9 of them and their first-degree relatives, molecular analyses were performed in the K6HF gene with 50 appropriate controls. INTERVENTION: Minoxidil therapy (5% lotion) in 11 patients for 1 to 12 months. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical and follow-up features and determination of mutations in the K6HF gene. RESULTS: Most patients had easily pluckable hair with no sign of scalp inflammation or scarring. Ten patients seldom cut their hair, and 4 had unmanageable hair. One patient had hypodontia. Two patients had an additional clinical phenotype of diffuse partial woolly hair. The family history was positive for loose anagen hair syndrome in 5 patients. Marked improvement was noted after treatment with 5% minoxidil lotion in 7 of the 11 patients treated. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of the gene segments encoding the alpha-helical 1A and 2B subdomains of K6hf, the type II cytokeratin exclusively expressed in the companion layer, was performed in 9 families. In 3 of these 9 families, a heterozygous glutamic acid and lysine mutation, E337K, was identified in the L2 linker region of K6HF. CONCLUSIONS: Diffuse partial woolly hair can be associated with loose anagen hair syndrome. A keratin mutation, E337K in K6HF, was possibly causative in 3 of the 9 families studied. Another keratin, and possibly the type I partner of K6hf, could be responsible for loose anagen hair syndrome in other patients, or the gene involved may be a minor gene.  相似文献   

Androgens regulate many aspects of human hair growth in both sexes. After puberty they transform tiny vellus follicles in many areas, e.g. the face, to terminal ones producing long, thick, pigmented hairs. In genetically predisposed individuals, androgens also cause the reverse transformation of terminal scalp follicles into vellus ones, causing balding. In the current hypothesis for androgen action, androgens control most follicular cells indirectly acting via the mesenchyme-derived dermal papilla which regulates many aspects of follicular activity. In this model androgens binding to androgen receptors in dermal papilla cells alter their production of regulatory molecules which influence other follicular components; these molecules may be soluble paracrine factors and/or extracellular matrix proteins. This hypothesis is supported by immunohistochemical localisation of androgen receptors in dermal papilla cell nuclei and the demonstrations that androgen receptor content and testosterone metabolism patterns of cultured dermal papilla cells from various body sites reflect hair growth in androgen-insensitivity syndromes. The next question is whether androgens alter the paracrine factors secreted by dermal papilla cells. Cultured dermal papilla cells do release soluble, proteinaceous factors into their media which stimulate the growth of keratinocytes and other dermal papilla cells. This mitogenic potential can cross species from humans to rodents. Importantly, testosterone in vitro stimulates the mitogenic potential of beard cells, but in contrast inhibits production by balding scalp cells reflecting their in vivo androgenic responses. Since androgens in vitro do alter the secretion of paracrine factors the current focus lies in identifying specific factors produced, e.g. IGF-I and stem cell factor (SCF), using ELISA and RT-PCR, and comparing their expression in cells from follicles with varying responses to androgens in vivo or under androgen stimulation in vitro. This should lead to greater understanding of androgen action and enable the development of better treatment for androgen-potentiated disorders.  相似文献   

Summary Immunohistochemical and immunoelectron microscopy studies revealed the presence of -smooth muscle (-SM) actin in fibroblasts located in the connective tissue sheath (CTS) of human anagen hair follicles. Immunostaining was positive from the base of the bulb to the upper part of the lower portion of the mature anagen hair follicles. The late catagen hair follicles did not stain. Ultrastructurally, -SM actin was detected only in the fibroblasts located in the innermost layer of the transverse collagenous fibres. Since -SM actin is located in cells with contractile potential, this newly identified layer may play an important role in the morphological changes of the lower portion of the hair follicle during the hair growth cycle.  相似文献   

The final shape of a head hair is predetermined through a variety of factors during its formation in the follicle. These are genetic pathways, specific growth factors, cell differentiation and segregation, etc, with spatial as well as chronological dynamics. The cortex of hair consists of two major cell groups. These are characterized by parallel (para-type) or roughly helical arrangements (ortho-type) of the intermediate filaments (IF). There are also cell-specific differences in the disulphide content, that is, of the cross-link density of the IF-associated matrix proteins. Given the current state of the academic discussion, we consider it as timely to support and broaden the view that, the structural differences of the cell types together with their lateral segregation are the main driving factor of curl formation. The mechanical effects, which derive thereof, are triggered in the transition zone of the follicle, that is, upon formation of the mature hair shaft. Furthermore, an irregular, “flat” cross section of the hair shaft is shown to be a synergistic but not determining factor of curl formation. The degree of cell type segregation along the mature hair shaft together with dynamic changes of the location of the plane of segregation, namely in a non-circular cross section can account for very complex curl patterns. Against the background of these views, we argue that contributions to hair curl are implausible, if they relate to physical mechanisms which are active below the transition zone from the living to the mature (dead) hair.  相似文献   

While the effects of PTHrP have been studied for almost 20 years, most of these studies have focused on effects on the termination of the anagen phase, giving an incomplete picture of the overall effect of PTHrP on the hair cycle. PTHrP was determined in several experimental models to promote transition of hair follicles from anagen to catagen phase, which by itself would suggest that PTHrP blockade might prolong the anagen phase and promote hair growth. However, clinical trials with topically applied PTHrP antagonists have been disappointing, leading to a reconsideration of this model. Additional studies performed in mouse models where hair follicles are damaged (alopecia areata, chemotherapy‐induced alopecia) suggest that PTHrP has effects early in the hair cycle as well, promoting hair follicles’ entry into anagen phase and initiates the hair cycle. While the mechanism of this has yet to be elucidated, it may involve activation of the Wnt pathway. Thus, the overall effect of PTHrP is to stimulate and accelerate the hair cycle, and in the more clinically relevant models of hair loss where hair follicles have been damaged or become quiescent, it is the agonists, not the antagonists, which would be expected to promote hair growth.  相似文献   

Abstract Long-term exposure to silica (SiO2) may induce silicosis as well as extrapulmonary diseases such as scleroderma. Infiltration of mononuclear cells and release of proinflammatory cytokines from these cells have been suggested to play a role in the development of inflammatory and immunological events typical of scleroderma as well as of silica-induced scleroderma. We showed that silica is able to directly activate cytokine expression in blood monocytes, collagenase expression in cultured dermal fibroblasts and ICAM-1 expression in human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. In the study reported here we found that silica and TNF· induce mRNA and protein of the chemokines RANTES and MCP-1 in endothelial cells. In addition, we demonstrated that culture supernatants of silica-treated endothelial cells are chemotactic for mononuclear cells from peripheral blood, suggesting that activation of endothelial cells may contribute to the chemotactic gradient necessary for extravasation of inflammatory blood cells into the surrounding tissue found in early scleroderma. However, a polyclonal anti-RANTES antibody failed to block chemotaxis suggesting that other proteins are involved in this phenomenon. We also studied the expression of RANTES in situ in the skin of systemic sclerosis patients and of healthy individuals. We found abundant RANTES mRNA expression in the skin of SSc patients, whereas in control skin no expression was found. From our data we conclude that RANTES and MCP-1 induction by silica may be an initiating event in inflammatory infiltration, whereas TNF·-mediated inflammation may propagate the disease more efficiently. Received: 4 August 1999 / Revised: 17 January 2000 / Accepted: 11 February 2000  相似文献   

The anatomy of the hair follicle and the dynamics of its barrier provide a special space for interactions between macromolecules and the underlying tissue. Translocation across the hair follicle epithelium and immune recognition has been confirmed for proteins, nucleic acids, engineered particles, virus particles and others. Tissue responses can be modulated by pro-inflammatory stimuli as demonstrated in penetration and transcutaneous immunization studies. Even under physiological conditions, hair follicle openings are filled with exogenous material ranging from macromolecules, engineered particles to natural particles including diverse communities of microbes. The exposed position of the infundibulum suggests that local inflammatory insults could disturb the finely tuned balance and may trigger downstream responses that initiate or facilitate local outbreaks of inflammatory hair diseases typically occurring in close spatial association with the infundibulum as observed in cicatricial alopecia. The question as to how microbial colonization or deposition of contaminants on the surface of the hair follicle epithelium interact with the barrier status under the influence of individual predisposition may help us understand local flare-ups of inflammatory hair diseases. Specifically, learning more about skin barrier alterations in the different types of inflammatory hair diseases and cross-talk with exogenous compounds could give new insights in this less explored aspect of hair follicle homeostasis. Such knowledge may not only be used to develop supportive measures to maintain a healthy scalp. It may have wider implications for our understanding on how external factors influence inflammation and immunological responses in the skin.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Erythropoietin (EPO) is now appreciated for not only drive erythopoiesis, but also to exert additional functions. Since we had previously shown that human hair follicles (HFs) are both an extra-renal source and an extra-medullary target of EPO, we have now studied whether one such function is the regulation of HF pigmentation. Human anagen VI HFs were treated with EPO (100 IU/ml) in serum-free organ culture. Unexpectedly, we noticed greatly divergent pigmentary effects of EPO, since both up- and down-regulation of HF melanin content and tyrosinase activity in situ was seen in HF derived from different individuals. These divergent effects could not be attributed to differences in skin regions, the total HF melanocyte number or specific traits of individual HF donors. Our pilot study provides first evidence suggesting that EPO may modulate normal human melanocyte functions under physiologically relevant conditions in situ .  相似文献   

The underlying mechanism of immune privilege in hair follicle cell dermal papilla (DP) and sheath (DS) populations is not well understood, and the responsiveness of hair follicle dermal cells to pro-inflammatory challenge presently remains unknown. In this work, we describe acute NF-κB activation in human DS, DP and dermal fibroblast (DF) cells challenged with TNF-alpha and IL1-beta. In contrast, the DS and DP cells revealed an unexpected tolerance to bacterial LPS challenge relative to DF cells. Understanding follicle cell responses to typical pro-inflammatory stimuli is critical for diseases where collapse of hair follicle immune privilege is observed, and to further applications in autologous stem cell/wound healing therapeutics.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to present new data on epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV) and EV human papillomaviruses (HPVs), regarded previously as specific to the disease. Recently introduced highly sensitive molecular methods for virologic studies allow detection of EV HPVs in non-EV populations. In this article, we present the most recent findings on EV and EV HPVs, which shed new light on a possible contribution of EV viruses to malignant and benign epidermal proliferation. We discuss the significance of EV HPV DNA detection in premalignant cutaneous lesions and nonmelanoma skin cancers; however, direct evidence for the causative role of EV HPV is still not available. In psoriasis, a high frequency of EV HPV-5 and other EV HPVs in the skin and the presence of specific HPV-5 antibodies strongly suggest expression of EV HPV proteins in this extensive epidermal proliferation. Epidermodysplasia verruciformis HPV-5 may also be transiently expressed in epidermal repair processes, whereas in psoriasis there is a continuous epidermal proliferation that could result in persistent viral expression. A potential contribution of EV HPVs to the pathogenesis of psoriasis is also supported by the recently disclosed co-localization of susceptibility loci for psoriasis and EV in the same region of chromosome arm 17qter; however, specific genes for both conditions are still not identified.  相似文献   

Small DNA oligonucleotides homologous to the 3′ overhang of human telomeres, called T-oligos, stimulate pigmentation in human epidermal melanocytes in vitro and in vivo. They induce UV-mimetic effects in the absence of DNA-damage, however, it is unknown how T-oligos affect human hair follicle keratinocyte and melanocyte functions in situ. Here, we present the first evidence that these oligonucleotides are powerful modulators of pigmentation and growth of microdissected, organ-cultured human scalp hair follicles. Hair follicles were incubated with T-oligo or vehicle control and were then assessed for changes in hair shaft length, follicle morphology, pigmentation, proliferation and apoptosis. After only 48 h, T-oligos induced a fourfold increase in pigmentation of human anagen VI hair bulbs, while hair matrix keratinocyte proliferation was reduced by 65%, without apparent changes in hair bulb cell apoptosis. This corresponded well with a significant inhibition of hair shaft elongation, which was not accompanied by premature catagen induction in anagen VI hair follicles. These diametrically opposed effects of T-oligos on human hair follicle melanocytes (stimulation of melanogenesis) versus human hair bulb keratinocytes (inhibition of proliferation) in situ illustrate that human hair follicle organ culture offers an excellent tool for T-oligo research. They suggest that T-oligos deserve to be further explored for the management of clinical hair growth and pigmentation disorders, and raise the possibility that this model may offer a unique “time lapse system” for studying skin and hair follicle biology and DNA repair strategies under physiologically relevant conditions.  相似文献   

While every jawed vertebrate, or its recent ancestor, possesses teeth, skin appendages are characteristic of the living clades: skin denticles (odontodes) in chondrichthyans, dermal scales in teleosts, ducted multicellular glands in amphibians, epidermal scales in squamates, feathers in birds and hair‐gland complexes in mammals, all of them showing a dense periodic patterning. While the odontode origin of teleost scales is generally accepted, the origin of both feather and hair is still debated. They appear long before mammals and birds, at least in the Jurassic in mammaliaforms and in ornithodires (pterosaurs and dinosaurs), and are contemporary to scales of early squamates. Epidermal scales might have appeared several times in evolution, and basal amniotes could not have developed a scaled dry integument, as the function of hair follicle requires its association with glands. In areas such as amnion, cornea or plantar pads, the formation of feather and hair is prevented early in embryogenesis, but can be easily reverted by playing with the Wnt/BMP/Shh pathways, which both imply the plasticity and the default competence of ectoderm. Conserved ectodermal/mesenchymal signalling pathways lead to placode formation, while later the crosstalk differs, as well as the final performing tissue(s): both epidermis and dermis for teeth and odontodes, mostly dermis for teleosts scales and only epidermis for squamate scale, feather and hair. We therefore suggest that tooth, dermal scale, epidermal scale, feather and hair evolved in parallel from a shared placode/dermal cell unit, which was present in a common ancestor, an early vertebrate gnathostome with odontodes, ca. 420 million years ago.  相似文献   

The formation of dermal neurofibromas is a hallmark of the neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). A total loss of the NF1 gene product by stochastic events inactivating the wild type allele in Schwann cells should precede the development of neurofibromas. Dermal neurofibromas tend to be located mainly on the surface of the trunk and not in the body periphery. This distribution partly resembles the density of sensitive nerve endings in the epidermis. Our hypothesis is that a better correlation concerns the pattern of normal body surface temperature. According to our clinical observations we assume that in skin areas with higher temperatures the number of visible dermal neurofibromas is higher than in colder areas such as the arms/legs or nose. It is known that differences in temperature are able to determine differentiation. We suggest that the regulation of skin temperature is also involved in the formation of NF1 dermal neurofibromas and is related to the intrafamilial variability in NF1.  相似文献   

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