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Undergraduate nursing students have been reported to hold negative and stigmatizing attitudes towards mental health consumers and to be under‐prepared for mental health clinical placement. This study aimed to investigate undergraduate nurses’ stigma and recovery attitudes to mental illness, and describe their understandings of personal recovery on entry and exit to traditional mental health clinical placement. A pre/post‐test survey was administered to N = 249 nursing students in Australia. Demographic data, attitudes towards mental health nursing and clinical placement, the Opening Minds Scale for Healthcare Providers (OMS‐HC), Recovery Attitudes Questionnaire (RAQ‐7), and an open‐ended question on understandings of personal recovery from mental illness were collected on entry (T1) and exit (T2) to placement. At T1, students reported moderate stigma and positive attitudes towards recovery (OMS‐HC mean = 34.6; RAQ‐7 mean = 4.0). At T2, there was a reduction in stigma (social distance P = 0.02, = 0.26) and improvement in recovery attitudes (< 0.01, = 0.40). Attitudes towards mental health nursing and placement also improved (< 0.01). Having a family member with mental illness predicted improvements in stigma and recovery attitudes. On entry to placement, most students described accurate understandings of personal recovery, which were maintained during placement. The findings indicate that mental health clinical placements are effective in improving students’ mental health stigma and recovery attitudes and provide a prime opportunity to attract students into the field. Co‐produced or consumer‐led education provided by peer workers during clinical placements may improve students’ stigmatizing attitudes and stimulate their interest to work in the field.  相似文献   

The population of mental health nurses is ageing and in the next few years we can expect many to retire. This paper makes an argument for the employment of undergraduate nursing students as Assistants in Nursing (AINs) in mental health settings as a strategy to encourage them to consider a career in mental health nursing. Skill mix in nursing has been debated since at least the 1980s. It appears that the use of AINs in general nursing is established and will continue. The research suggests that with the right skill mix, nursing outcomes and safety are not compromised. It seems inevitable that assistants in nursing will increasingly be part of the mental health nursing workforce; it is timely for mental health nurses to lead these changes so nursing care and the future mental health nursing workforce stay in control of nursing.  相似文献   

Nurses play a crucial role in mental healthcare provision. Like many countries, Australian nursing students are educated in comprehensive pre‐registration programmes which include mental health clinical placements. Placements play a vital role in students’ education, providing the opportunity to engage with consumers and develop mental health nursing knowledge and skills. There is limited knowledge of student perspectives on traditional placements in contemporary recovery‐oriented mental health services. This interpretive qualitative inquiry aimed to explore nursing students’ experience of traditional mental health clinical placement and how it influenced their practice and their understandings of recovery from mental illness. Data were collected from focus groups with n = 31 nursing students in a large metropolitan public mental health service. Thematic analysis resulted in three themes of experience: humanizing people with mental illness; learning about recovery; and shifting perspectives on mental health nursing. Through a positive placement experience where they felt supported and included by staff, students came to see consumers as people rather than diagnoses, developed greater understanding of mental health nursing work and were more likely to consider mental health nursing as a career choice. Peer‐support workers were an important influence on students’ understandings of recovery and have a key role to play in educating students on placement. Students need to be prepared and supported by university and clinical staff to deal with vicarious trauma that may occur on placement. Mental health placements play a crucial role in attracting students into the field, and it is imperative they remain part of comprehensive pre‐registration education.  相似文献   

There is substantial evidence that people (service users) living with a serious mental illness experience poorer physical health than the general population and die prematurely from life‐threatening illnesses. Mental health nurses are best placed to address the physical health needs of service users but evidence points to numerous challenges, including a deficit in their proficiency to meet these needs. Nurse education and mental health services are being reshaped to better equip nurses with the skill set to meet the care needs of service users. The aim of the present study was to gain an in‐depth insight into final‐year mental health nursing students’ views (MHNS) of their preparation to address the physical health needs of service users. Using a qualitative exploratory approach, the views of final‐year MHNS learning experiences of physical care were explored through a focus group and in‐depth interviews. The focus group generated broad issues, which were then explored in semistructured, individual interviews. The transcribed audio‐taped data were analysed using a framework approach to identify the emerging key themes. The themes identified were the comprehensiveness of physical care content, delivery and method of teaching, exposure to physical care in practice, and confidence to address physical health needs. The findings of the present study indicate that there is a need to enhance both the theoretical and practical components of preregistration education for MHNS on physical care.  相似文献   

Forensic mental health (FMH) clinicians sometimes feel unsupported and unprepared for their work. This article explores their experiences of working in a FMH setting in Australia. The research examined the clinical context of clinicians working with forensic patients (FP), particularly those individuals who have killed while experiencing a mental illness. A qualitative, exploratory design was selected. Data were collected through focus groups and individual interviews with hospital and community‐based forensic clinicians from all professional groups: psychiatric medicine, social work, psychology, mental health nursing, occupational therapy, and psychiatric service officers. The main themes identified were orientation and adjustment to FMH, training in FMH, vicarious traumatization, clinical debriefing and clinical supervision, and therapeutic relationships. Participants described being frustrated and unsupported in making the transition to working with FP and felt conflicted by the emotional response that was generated when developing therapeutic relationships. Recommendations include the development of programmes that might assist clinicians and address gaps in service delivery, such as clinical governance, targeted orientation programmes, and clinical supervision.  相似文献   

The difficulty in attracting graduates of nursing programmes into mental health nursing (MHN) remains an ongoing challenge. Moreover, it is frequently claimed that undergraduate nursing students do not always regard MHN favourably for future employment. Although undergraduate nurses are employed as assistants in nursing (AIN) in mental health settings, there is no published research exploring their role, the career trajectory into MHN, or its effectiveness as a recruitment strategy. In this paper, we draw on the literature to delineate factors that might contribute to the desire of AIN to work in MHN. Nine factors were identified: acceptance by nurses, fitting in with the culture, managing the workload, developing a realistic appraisal of the effectiveness and limits of psychiatry, constructive learning from direct interpersonal interactions with clients, practising communication skills, being supported in a structured way, working with positive role models, and the overall quality of the employment setting. A comprehensive understanding of these factors can enhance the experience of undergraduate nursing students working as AIN, and potentially increase recruitment into MHN.  相似文献   


Aim and objectives

To examine associations between risk of aggression and nursing interventions designed to prevent aggression.


There is scarce empirical research exploring the nature and effectiveness of interventions designed to prevent inpatient aggression. Some strategies may be effective when patients are escalating, whereas others may be effective when aggression is imminent. Research examining level of risk for aggression and selection and effectiveness of interventions and impact on aggression is necessary.


Archival case file.


Data from clinical files of 30 male and 30 female patients across three forensic acute units for the first 60 days of hospitalisation were collected. Risk for imminent aggression as measured by the Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression, documented nursing interventions following each assessment, and acts of aggression within the 24‐hours following assessment were collected. Generalised estimating equations were used to investigate whether intervention strategies were associated with reduction in aggression.


When a Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression assessment was completed, nurses intervened more frequently compared to days when no Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression assessment was completed. Higher Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression assessments were associated with a greater number of interventions. The percentage of interventions selected for males differed from females; males received more pro re nata medication and observation, and females received more limit setting, one‐to‐one nursing and reassurance. Pro re nata medication was the most commonly documented intervention (35.9%) in this study. Pro re nata medication, limit setting and reassurance were associated with an increased likelihood of aggression in some risk bands.


Structured risk assessment prompts intervention, and higher risk ratings result in more interventions. Patient gender influences the type of interventions. Some interventions are associated with increased aggression, although this depends upon gender and risk level.

Relevance to clinical practice

When structured risk assessments are used, there is greater likelihood of intervention. Intervention should occur early using least restrictive interventions.

Scotland has a national programme to improve mental health and well-being and addressing stigma among mental health practitioners is a priority. This study explores practitioner attitudes towards patients in medium and low secure forensic mental health settings through qualitative and quantitative approaches. Two questionnaires were used with nursing staff. A qualitative questionnaire asked participants to list examples of positive and negative practice and anti-discriminatory and discriminatory attitudes towards patients within forensic services. A quantitative questionnaire then asked participants to answer questions about a hypothetical man with schizophrenia called Harry. The overall balance of responses was more positive than negative in the qualitative results, particularly regarding patient rights, empowerment and control. However, there were a significant minority of negative attitudes in relation to recovery pessimism and desire for social distance. This was supported by the quantitative results where practitioners showed high stigma scores for avoidance and segregation. There were no significant differences in attitudes between medium and low secure settings. However overall, males reported more negative attitudes in relation to blame and avoidance and younger participants demonstrated more negative attitudes than older participants in relation to fear and danger. The implications for addressing stigma are discussed in relation to the wider national anti-stigma campaign and forensic services specifically.  相似文献   

Forensic mental health (FMH) inpatient settings are complex working environments at times due to a number of factors including the presence of challenging behaviours that may include violence and aggression, restrictions related to legislation, extended length of stay and the impact of trauma. Nurse unit managers (NUMs) play an important role in managing the unit environment and clinical standards of care to achieve better outcomes for consumers and staff. However, the role of NUMs in an FMH setting is poorly understood. The overall aim of this study was to explore the role of NUMs working within an FMH setting in Victoria, Australia. To our knowledge, this is the first study that has examined the subject. Data were collected via focus groups from n = 32 participants which included NUMs, their managers, staff who work alongside the NUMs and the staff the NUMs manage. Data were analysed using thematic analysis and four themes were interpreted from the data, (i) lack of role clarity, (ii) the importance of clinical Leadership and forensic mental health knowledge, (iii) step up in responsibility and step down in pay and (iv) seeing the difference you make. The role of the NUM within a forensic mental health setting comes with a number of challenges, but also opportunities to enact change. An ongoing effort to better support those employed within the NUM role and make the role desirable for aspiring staff is critical to the sustainability of a skilled clinical workforce and quality of care in this complex setting.  相似文献   

Holistic and person‐centred nursing care is commonly regarded as fundamental to nursing practice. These approaches are complementary to recovery which is rapidly becoming the preferred mode of practice within mental health. The willingness and ability of nurses to adopt recovery‐oriented practice is essential to services realizing recovery goals. Involving consumers (referred herein as Experts by Experience) in mental health nursing education has demonstrated positive impact on the skills and attitudes of nursing students. A qualitative exploratory research project was undertaken to examine the perspectives of undergraduate nursing students to Expert by Experience‐led teaching as part of a co‐produced learning module developed through an international study. Focus groups were held with students at each site. Data were analysed thematically. Understanding the person behind the diagnosis was a major theme, including subthemes: person‐centred care/seeing the whole person; getting to know the person, understanding, listening; and challenging the medical model, embracing recovery. Participants described recognizing consumers as far more than their psychiatric diagnoses, and the importance of person‐centred care and recovery‐oriented practice. Understanding the individuality of consumers, their needs and goals, is crucial in mental health and all areas of nursing practice. These findings suggest that recovery, taught by Experts by Experience, is effective and impactful on students’ approach to practice. Further research addressing the impact of Experts by Experience is crucial to enhance our understanding of ways to facilitate the development of recovery‐oriented practice in mental health and holistic and person‐centred practice in all areas of health care.  相似文献   

Undertaking a mental health clinical placement can be anxiety‐provoking for nursing students at times. There is a need to adequately prepare undergraduate nursing students for clinical placement in a mental health setting in relation to their skills and confidence. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a mental health simulation workshop on the skills and confidence of nursing students in providing care to consumers living with a mental illness. The study also evaluated the design of the mental health simulation workshop from an educational perspective. A pre/post‐test survey was administered to a cohort of N = 89 Australian pre‐registration nursing students. Exploratory factor analysis identified three factors: Mental health therapeutic engagement, mental health assessment skills, and mental health placement preparedness. Analyses of pre–post differences indicated that all three factors were significantly different between the initial and follow‐up responses, with follow‐up responses being more favourable. The findings of this study demonstrate that there is value in including mental health simulated patient exercise as part of the learning strategies in the curriculum of pre‐registration nurses. This has implications for the quality of care in the clinical environment and level of preparedness of these students’ nurses for mental health clinical placement where they will be providing care to consumers living with a mental illness under direct supervision.  相似文献   

Changes to the educational preparation of the nursing workforce in mental health continue to have profound effects on the availability of sufficient numbers of skilled graduates willing to work in this field. The longevity of the problem has focused attention on possible solutions. Introducing a major stream in mental health nursing in undergraduate Bachelor of Nursing programmes was proposed and supported as a potentially beneficial strategy, adopted by some Australian universities. Despite the promise invested in this strategy, systematic evaluations to determine the effectiveness or otherwise of this approach were not initiated. A qualitative exploratory study was undertaken with Australian universities, which had implemented the major stream, regarding their experiences and observed outcomes. In‐depth interviews were conducted with a mental health nurse academic from each university. The barriers to the effectiveness of the major in mental health nursing are the specific focus of this paper. Thematic data analysis revealed three main barriers: clinical placements, lack of support from other academics, and integrated curricula. These barriers substantially limited the effectiveness of this strategy – in some instances, leading to the programme's termination – and must be assertively addressed to maximize the potential of the major in mental health nursing.  相似文献   

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