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纤维结肠镜诊断结肠病变的探讨——附2275例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对2275例纤维结肠镜检查进行分析。结果,慢性结肠炎1299例(57.1%),结肠癌205例(9.0%),结肠息肉及息肉病283例(12.4%)以及溃疡性结肠炎,肠结核等病变。男女差别不大,以31—70岁成年人多见。本组全结肠检查成功率97.0%。纤维结肠镜对诊断结肠病变具有显著的临床意义。  相似文献   

CT模拟结肠镜在结肠病灶诊断中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结肠癌是常见的消化道肿瘤,上海等地区的发病率有明显增高的趋势。在发达国家,结肠癌占肿瘤死亡率第二位,且与大肠腺瘤关系密切。如能早期发现有恶变先兆的息肉并切除之,可以预防结肠癌发生。目前,对结肠癌发病高危人群并未作大规模普查,部分由于患者缺乏早期主诉,或是由于现有普查手段不够有效。大便隐血试验只能发现30%~40%结肠肿瘤,乙状结肠镜不能进入近端结肠,并有10%~15%乙状结肠肿瘤漏诊。钡剂灌肠和结肠镜能检查全结肠,但有10%~15%患者行结肠镜检查失败,并且结肠镜可能使10%~20%病灶遗漏,尚…  相似文献   

结肠癌CT仿真内镜与电子结肠镜的对照研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
CT仿真内镜是利用工作站将螺旋 CT扫描得到的容积数据重建成类似电子结肠镜所见的图像,有关结肠 CT仿真内镜的文献多数是对结肠息肉及结肠癌检出率的报道 [1- 3],结肠癌的 CT仿真内镜征象的报道较少 [4- 6]。为探讨 CT仿真内镜在结肠癌检查中的应用价值,我们自 1998年 6月至 1999年 6月对 30例结肠癌进行了 CT仿真内镜检查与电子结肠镜的对照研究。现报告如下。 材料和方法   一、一般资料 收集 30例结肠癌病例的 CT仿真内镜及电子结肠镜材料,其中男 16例,女 14例;年龄 27~ 79岁,平均 59.2岁。病程 1个月~ 48个月,平均…  相似文献   

唐文  龚建平  高志昕  陆之安 《临床内科杂志》2002,19(4):317-318,T001
胃癌和结肠癌是常见的消化道肿瘤 ,以往诊断的方法仅局限于纤维或电子内窥镜和X线钡剂造影。自 1994年Vining首次报道CT仿真内窥镜技术以来 ,随着计算机技术的发展 ,此项技术亦有了很大进展。现将我院引进螺旋CT后进行的临床研究结果报道如下。对象与方法1.对象 :自 2 0 0 0年 6月始共收集 15例患者 ,男性 12例 ,女性 3例 ,平均年龄 62 .5岁。胃窦癌 +胃角癌 5例 ,胃体癌 2例 ,胃底癌 +贲门癌 3例 ,平滑肌瘤 1例 ,结肠癌 3例 ,直肠癌 1例。2 .方法 :胃癌患者均在胃镜 (OLYMPUSVideo14 0 )检查并同时拍照后 ,立即行螺…  相似文献   

目的 探讨64层螺旋CT仿真结肠镜(CTC)对结直肠占位性病变的筛选价值.方法 65例疑为结肠占位的患者,经肛门注气后行64层螺旋CT腹盆腔连续薄层扫描,应用64层螺旋CT仿真结肠镜软件对获取的数据进行三维仿真结肠镜图像重建,与结肠镜和临床病理结果进行对照分析.结果 结肠镜诊断结肠息肉患者36例共56枚息肉,CTC发现32例共45枚息肉,CTC结直肠息肉检出率为86.5%;结肠镜诊断结肠癌12例,CTC诊断结肠癌15例,能够显示结肠癌的大体分型、>5.0mm的癌结节,能直观反映癌肿处肠壁及肠周受侵状况,对癌肿肠周受侵判断准确率较高.结论 CTC对结肠占位性病变是一种无创、有效的检查方法,可成为高危人群结肠肿瘤筛选的方法之一.  相似文献   

血吸虫病结肠病变的影像学检查既往多为X线结肠双对比造影,CT用于血吸虫病结肠病变检查的报道较少,我们总结9例经结肠镜活检病理证实或粪便虫卵阳性确诊的慢性血吸虫病结肠病变的CT资料,分析其对血吸虫病结肠病变的诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨评估CT仿真结肠镜(CT Virtual Colonscopy,CTVC)在结肠息肉、结肠癌、溃疡性结肠炎、结肠黑变病中的检出能力,初步评阶其在结直肠病灶中的临床应用前景。方法对44例病人行CTVC检查,并与全结肠镜、病理结果进行对比研究。结果CTVC对结肠癌、结肠息肉具有较高辨别力,成功检出了全部10例结肠癌,并得到病理证实。10mm以上结直肠息肉CTVC与结肠镜都做出了正确诊断,CTVC发现5~10mm息肉14枚,<5mm息肉CTVC仅发现2枚;CCTV发现2例。溃疡性结肠炎,结肠黑变病未检出。结论CTVC在结直肠癌和>5mm以上结直肠息肉样病变诊断上具有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨CT仿真结肠镜在老年患者中的临床价值。方法 75例高度怀疑存在结直肠病变却不能耐受或不愿接受结肠镜检查的老年患者,进行CT仿真结肠镜检查。结果 CT仿真结肠镜显示存在阳性病变61例,包括肿瘤53例,其中16例患者最后得到了手术治疗,经手术及术后病理得到进一步证实;另有良性狭窄病变8例。8例良性病变及14例阴性结果病例中有11例在6个月后得到复查,病情均无明显进展。结论 CT仿真结肠镜对老年患者的结直肠病变诊断具有较高的临床价值,是结肠镜检查的重要补充。  相似文献   

在西方发达国家结肠癌的发病率和死亡率很高,近几年我国的发病率也有上升趋势[1]。而绝大多数结肠癌都是由潜在的结肠腺瘤转变而来。由于该病有较长的自然病程,因此在人群中广泛开展结肠癌的普查可以发现并根治有癌变危险的腺瘤及早期癌,以期降低结肠癌的死亡率[2,3]。CT结肠造镜影术(CTC)是近年来迅速发展的一门新的影像学技术[1,4],它是一种安全、无创、有效的结肠肿瘤检查方法[3]。在1994年Vinig首先报道了模拟结肠镜检查的应用。将螺旋CT技术与先进的计算机影象软件相结合,对已清洁、充气的结肠…  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE : To investigate the computed tomography (CT) virtual colographic features of colonic polyps, colorectal cancer, diverticula, ulcerative colitis and other benign colonic lesions. Also, to assess the value of this method in the diagnosis of colorectal lesions. METHODS : Computed tomography colography was performed in 37 patients (26 male, 11 female) suffering from the following conditions: 20 colonic adenomas, six colon cancers, four diverticula, five ulcerative colitis and one each of melanosis coli and amyloidosis. The data from CT scanning were processed by computer with specific software and the colonic lesions were evaluated with 2‐ or 3‐D images, depending on the individual software. RESULTS : Seventeen cases of colonic adenoma, six colon cancers, four diverticula and two cases of ulcerative colitis were detected by using CT colography. However, melanosis coli and amyloidosis of the colon were not detected. CONCLUSION : Computed tomography colography can detect all colonic polyps of 0.5 cm in diameter or larger, colon cancer, diverticula and some ulcerative colitis successfully. It is quick, minimally invasive and able to be tolerated well. It has the potential to become an effective radiological tool in diagnosing colonic lesions.  相似文献   

目的 探讨CT血管成像(CTA)对维持性血液透析(MHD)患者自体动静脉内瘘(AVF)功能不良的影像学诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析自体AVF功能不良MHD患者的临床资料,应用CTA明确内瘘狭窄的部位、数目、程度等.结果 48例次临床诊断自体AVF功能不良的MHD患者,经CTA显示内瘘狭窄病变共86处,其中局限性狭窄51处(59.3%),节段性狭窄35处(40.7%).自体AVF位于前臂患者41例次狭窄共77处,近吻合口动脉狭窄9处(11.7%),吻合口狭窄12处(15.6%),近吻合口狭窄37处(48.0%),流出道狭窄共19处(24.7%),其中远心端距吻合口3~5 cm 14处(18.2%);5~10 cm 4处(5.2%);>10cm 1处(1.3%);自体AVF位于上臂患者7例次狭窄共9处,近吻合口狭窄6处(66.7%),流出道狭窄3处(33.3%),其中远心端距吻合口3~5cm 1处(11.1%);5 ~10 cm 2处(22.2%).血管狭窄程度25% ~ 49% 10例次(20.8%),50% ~74% 25例次(52.1%),75% ~99% 13例次(27.1%).结论 CTA可准确评估MHD患者自体AVF功能不良的内瘘血管狭窄部位、数量及程度,为进一步手术干预提供参考价值.  相似文献   

CT仿真结肠镜与电子结肠镜对结直肠疾病诊断的对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨CT仿真结肠镜(CTVC)在结直肠疾病,尤其是溃疡性结肠炎诊断中的价值。方法应用螺旋CT对2004年5月至2005年1月就诊于首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院的58例疑诊结直肠病变患者进行容积扫描,获取仿真结肠镜图像,将所得结果与结肠镜结果进行比较分析。结果CTVC检查均获得成功,共检出结直肠癌14例,结直肠息肉15例,溃疡性结肠炎14例,正常者6例。CTVC对结直肠疾病总的敏感性为82.7%(43/52),特异性为100%,准确性为84.5%(49/58),阳性预测值87.8%(43/49),阴性预测值40.0%(6/15),Kappa值为0.497;CTVC对溃疡性结肠炎诊断的敏感性为70.0%(14/20),特异性为100%,准确性为76.9%(20/26),阳性预测值70.0%(14/20),阴性预测值50.0%(6/12),Kappa值为0.519。结论CTVC是一种无创的检查方法,具有一定优势,但仍存在一些弊端,因此对于溃疡性结肠炎诊断仅是一种有效的补充,尚不能完全替代常规结肠镜检查。  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the diagnostic yield of colorectal neoplasia at computed tomographic colonoscopy (CTC) as well as the feasibility of contrast enhanced CTC in patients with gastric cancer. METHODS: To examine the incidence of colon polyp we selected postoperative 188 gastric cancer patients, which we refer to as the 'colon polyp survey group'. To examine the feasibility of CTC for early detection of colon cancer or advanced colon adenoma, we selected 47 gastric cancer patients (M:F 29:18, mean age 53.8 years), which we call the 'CT colonoscopy group'. All the 47 patients underwent successive CTC and colonoscopy on the same day. RESULTS: Totally 109 colon polyps were observed from 59 out of 188 gastric cancer patients, the incidence rate of colon polyps in gastric cancer patients being 31.4%. The sensitivity of CTC in detecting individuals with at least 1 lesion of any size was 57.1%, the specificity was 72.7%, the positive predictive value was 47.1%, and the negative predictive value was 71.9%. When the cutoff size was decreased to 6 mm, the sensitivity and specificity were 80.0% and 92.9%, respectively, with positive and negative predictive values of 57.1% and 97.5%, respectively. Only one patient was classified as false negative by virtual colonoscopy. CONCLUSION: The diagnostic yield of colorectal polyp was 31.4% in patients with gastric cancer, and contrast enhanced CTC is an acceptable tool for the detection of synchronous colorectal advanced adenoma andpostoperative surveillance of gastric cancer patients.  相似文献   

结合近年国外相关文献,介绍仿真内镜在消化道的临床应用情况。通过与传统内窥镜进行比较,指出仿真内镜的优点和缺点,并展望仿真内镜的应用前景。  相似文献   

Shi Z  Liao JZ  Cheng B  Hu DY  Tong YX  Wan J 《中华内科杂志》2011,50(6):485-488
目的 观察下消化道问叶源性肿瘤(GIMTs)的病理及免疫组化特点,对照研究其与CT仿真内镜(CTVE)诊断之间的关系,评价CTVE在下消化道GIMTs中的诊断价值.方法 收集74例下消化道GIMTs患者的手术病理标本,采用光镜观察其病理特点及良恶性状况,免疫组化法检测其CD117、CD34、α-平滑肌抗体(SMA)及S-100蛋白的表达,并与术前CTVE判定的病变部位及良恶性结果进行对照研究.结果 经病理及免疫组化检查,40例(54.1%)诊断为胃肠道间质瘤(GIST),其中恶性间质瘤16例(40%);33例(44.6%)诊断为平滑肌瘤;1例(1.4%)诊断为神经鞘瘤.发病部位位于空肠33例,回肠21例,大肠20例.免疫组化:CD117阳性38例,占51.4%;CD34阳性27例,占36.5%;SMA阳性46例,占62.2%,S-100阳性1例(1.4%).CTVE对病变部位准确定位69例(93.2%).其中大肠准确定位18例,符合率90.0%;空回肠准确定位51例,符合率94.4%.CTVE判断良恶性GIST的敏感性为84.2%,特异性为85.7%.结论 GIST是下消化道最常见的GIMTs,发病部位以小肠居多.CTVE能准确显示肿瘤的部位、形态、大小,可术前准确定位GIMTs,对其良恶性判断具有较高的敏感性和特异性,可为术前制定合理手术方案和治疗策略提供重要依据.
Objective To study the pathological and immunohistochemical features of alimentary tract mesenchymal tumors and compare with computed tomographic virtue endoscopy (CTVE) imaging technology to evaluate the diagnostic value of CTVE in alimentary tract mesenchymal tumors. Methods Seventy-four pathological specimens of alimentary tract mesenchymal tumors were collected. The pathological features and the expression of CD117, CD34, SMA and S-100 were observed by immunohistochemical method with light microscope. The pathological types and characteristics were determined by pathologists and compared with CTVE imaging technology. Results In the 74 cases of alimentary tract mesenchymal tumors,40 cases were diagnosed as stromal tumor with pathological and immunohistochemical methods (54. 1%).Sixteen of them were malignant, accounting for 40% of the stromal tumor while 33 cases were diagnosed as leiomyoma(44. 6%)and 1 case as schwannoma(1.4%) . In the 74 GIMTs cases ,33 were jejunum GIMTs,21 were ileum GIMTs and 20 were large intestine GIMTs. Immunohistochemistry assay in the 74 GIMTs cases showed that 51.4% GIMTs were positive for CD117, approximately 36. 5% were positive for CD34 , 62.2% were positive for smooth-muscle actin (SMA) and 1. 4% were positive for S-100 protein. In the 74 GIMTs cases,69 cases were diagnosed right in the accuracy for location with CTVE(93. 2%) with 51 cases in small intestinal (94. 4%) and 18 cases in large intestinal (90. 0%). The sensitivity and the specificity of CTVE to distinguish benign from malignant stromal tumors by CTVE characteristics were 84. 2% and 85. 7%respectively. Conclusions GIST is common in GIMTs and is often originated from the small intestinal. The immunohistochemistry has great value in diagnosing alimentary tract mesenchymal tumors. The CTVE imaging technology also has great value in diagnosing alimentary tract mesenchymal tumors which can show the localization, shape size and artery of the tumor clearly. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of CTVE are high to distinguish benign from malignant alimentary tract GISTs. CTVE plays an important role in guiding the clinical management of GISTs.  相似文献   

Computed tomography colonography(CTC) in colorectal cancer(CRC) screening has two roles:one present and the other potential.The present role is,without any further discussion,the integration into established screening programs as a replacement for barium enema in the case of incomplete colonoscopy.The potential role is the use of CTC as a first-line screening method together with Fecal Occult Blood Test,sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy.However,despite the fact that CTC has been officially endorsed for CRC scre...  相似文献   

AIM:To improve the diagnosis of heterotopic pancreas by the use of contrastenhanced computed tomography(CT)imaging and CT virtual endoscopy(CTVE).METHODS:A total of six patients with heterotopic pancreas,as confirmed by clinical pathology and immunohistochemistry in the Sixth Affiliated People's Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai,China,were included.Nonenhanced CT and enhanced CT scanning were performed,and the resulting images were reviewed and analyzed using threedimensional postprocessing...  相似文献   

Twenty years after its introduction,computed tomographic colonography(CTC)has reached its maturity,and it can reasonably be considered the best radiological diagnostic test for imaging colorectal cancer(CRC)and polyps.This examination technique is less invasive than colonoscopy(CS),easy to perform,and standardized.Reduced bowel preparation and colonic distention using carbon dioxide favor patient compliance.Widespread implementation of a new image reconstruction algorithm has minimized radiation exposure,and the use of dedicated software with enhanced views has enabled easier image interpretation.Integration in the routine workflow of a computer-aided detection algorithm reduces perceptual errors,particularly for small polyps.Consolidated evidence from the literature shows that the diagnostic performances for the detection of CRC and large polyps in symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals are similar to CS and are largely superior to barium enema,the latter of which should be strongly discouraged.Favorable data regarding CTC performance open the possibility for many different indications,some of which are already supported by evidence-based data:incomplete,failed,or unfeasible CS;symptomatic,elderly,and frail patients;and investigation of diverticular disease.Other indications are still being debated and,thus,are recommended only if CS is unfeasible:the use of CTC in CRC screening and in surveillance after surgery for CRC or polypectomy.In order for CTC to be used appropriately,contraindications such as acute abdominal conditions(diverticulitis or the acute phase of inflammatory bowel diseases)and surveillance in patients with a long-standing history of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease and in those with hereditary colonic syndromes should not be overlooked.This will maximize the benefits of the technique and minimize potential sources of frustration or disappointment for both referring clinicians and patients.  相似文献   

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