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To investigate the effects of 12 monthly average air pollution levels on monthly prevalence of respiratory morbidity, the authors examined retrospective questionnaire data on 2034 4th-grade children from 12 Southern California communities that were enrolled in The Children's Health Study. Wheezing during the spring and summer months was associated with community levels of airborne particulate matter with a diameter ≤ 10 μm (PM10) (odds ratio (OR) = 2.91; 95% confidence interval (Cl) = 1.46–5.80), but was not associated with community levels of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, PM2.5 (diameter ≤ 2.5), nitric acid, or formic acid. Logistic regression was performed on data stratified into two seasonal groups, spring/summer and fall/winter. Among asthmatics, the monthly prevalence of asthma medication use was associated with monthly levels of ozone, nitric acid, and acetic acid (OR = 1.80 [95%Cl = 1.19–2.70]; OR = 1.80 [95%Cl = 1.23–2.65]; OR = 1.57 [95% Cl = 1.11–2.21]; respectively). Asthma medication use was more prevalent among children who spent more time outdoors—with consequential exposure to ozone—than among children who spent more time indoors (OR = 3.07 [95%Cl = 1.61–5.86]; OR = 1.31 [95%Cl = 0.47–2.71]; respectively). The authors concluded that monthly variations in some ambient air pollutants were associated with monthly respiratory morbidity among school children.  相似文献   

We observed a panel of 133 children (5-13 years of age) with asthma residing in the greater Seattle, Washington, area for an average of 58 days (range 28-112 days) during screening for enrollment in the Childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP) study. Daily self-reports of asthma symptoms were obtained from study diaries and compared with ambient air pollution levels in marginal repeated measures logistic regression models. We defined days with asthma symptoms as any day a child reported at least one mild asthma episode. All analyses were controlled for subject-specific variables [age, race, sex, baseline height, and FEV(1) PC(20) concentration (methacholine provocative concentration required to produce a 20% decrease in forced expiratory volume in 1 sec)] and potential time-dependent confounders (day of week, season, and temperature). Because of variable observation periods for participants, we estimated both between- and within-subject air pollutant effects. Our primary interest was in the within-subject effects: the effect of air pollutant excursions from typical levels in each child's observation period on the odds of asthma symptoms. In single-pollutant models, the population average estimates indicated a 30% [95% confidence interval (CI), 11-52%] increase for a 1-ppm increment in carbon monoxide lagged 1 day, an 18% (95% CI, 5-33%) increase for a 10-microg/m(3) increment in same-day particulate matter < 1.0 microm (PM(1.0)), and an 11% (95% CI, 3-20%) increase for a 10-microg/m(3) increment in particulate matter < 10 microm (PM(10)) lagged 1 day. Conditional on the previous day's asthma symptoms, we estimated 25% (95% CI, 10-42%), 14% (95% CI, 4-26%), and 10% (95% CI, 3-16%) increases in the odds of asthma symptoms associated with increases in CO, PM(1.0), and PM(10), respectively. We did not find any association between sulfur dioxide (SO(2)) and the odds of asthma symptoms. In multipollutant models, the separate pollutant effects were smaller. The overall effect of an increase in both CO and PM(1. 0) was a 31% (95% CI, 11-55%) increase in the odds of symptoms of asthma. We conclude that there is an association between change in short-term air pollution levels, as indexed by PM and CO, and the occurrence of asthma symptoms among children in Seattle. Although PM effects on asthma have been found in other studies, it is likely that CO is a marker for vehicle exhaust and other combustion by-products that aggravate asthma.  相似文献   

A three-level model is proposed to simultaneously examine the effects of daily exposure to air pollution and individual risk factors on health outcomes without aggregating over subjects or time. We used a logistic transition model with random effects to take into account heterogeneity and overdispersion of the observations. A distributed lag structure for pollution has been included, assuming that the event on day t for a subject depends on the levels of air pollution for several preceding days. We illustrate this proposed model via detailed analysis of the effect of air pollution on school absenteeism based on data from the Southern California Children's Health Study.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in childhood asthma and a recent increase in prevalence indicate that environmental factors play a significant role in the etiology of this important disease. Socioeconomic position (SEP) has been associated inversely and positively with childhood asthma. These contradictory results indicate a need for systematic research about SEP and asthma. Pathways have been suggested for effects of SEP on asthma at both the individual and community level. We examined the relationship of prevalent asthma to community-level indicators of SEP among 5762 children in 12 Southern California communities, using a multilevel random effects model. Estimates of community-level SEP were derived by summarizing census block group-level data using a novel method of weighting by the proportion of the block groups included in a community-specific bounding rectangle that contained 95% of local study subjects. Community characteristics included measures of male unemployment, household income, low education (i.e., no high school diploma) and poverty. There was a consistent inverse association between male unemployment and asthma across the inter-quartile range of community unemployment rates, indicating that asthma rates increase as community SEP increases. The results were robust to individual-level confounding, methods for summarizing census block group data to the community level, scale of analysis (i.e., community-level vs. neighborhood-level) and the modeling algorithm. The positive association between SEP and prevalent childhood asthma might be explained by differential access to medical care that remains unmeasured, by the hygiene hypothesis (e.g., lower SES may associate with higher protective exposures to endotoxin in early life), or by SEP acting as a proxy for unmeasured neighborhood characteristics.  相似文献   

The Harvard Southern California Chronic Ozone Exposure Study measured personal exposure to, and indoor and outdoor ozone concentrations of, approximately 200 elementary school children 6-12 years of age for 12 months (June 1995-May 1996). We selected two Southern California communities, Upland and several towns located in the San Bernardino mountains, because certain characteristics of those communities were believed to affect personal exposures. On 6 consecutive days during each study month, participant homes were monitored for indoor and outdoor ozone concentrations, and participating children wore a small passive ozone sampler to measure personal exposure. During each sampling period, the children recorded time-location-activity information in a diary. Ambient ozone concentration data were obtained from air quality monitoring stations in the study areas. We present ozone concentration data for the ozone season (June-September 1995 and May 1996) and the nonozone season (October 1995-April 1996). During the ozone season, outdoor and indoor concentrations and personal exposure averaged 48.2, 11.8, and 18.8 ppb in Upland and 60.1, 21.4, and 25.4 ppb in the mountain towns, respectively. During the nonozone season, outdoor and indoor concentrations and personal exposure averaged 21.1, 3.2, and 6.2 ppb in Upland, and 35.7, 2.8, and 5.7 ppb in the mountain towns, respectively. Personal exposure differed by community and sex, but not by age group.  相似文献   

We enrolled a cohort of primary school children with a history of wheeze (n=148) in an 11-month longitudinal study to examine the relationship between ambient air pollution and respiratory morbidity. We obtained daily air pollution (ozone, particulate matter less than 10 microm, and nitrogen dioxide), meteorological, and pollen data. One hundred twenty-five children remained in the final analysis. We used logistic regression models to determine associations between air pollution and respiratory symptoms, asthma medication use, and doctor visits for asthma. There were no associations between ambient ozone concentrations and respiratory symptoms, asthma medication use, and doctor visits for asthma. There was, however, an association between PM(10) concentrations and doctor visits for asthma (RR=1.11, 95% CI=1.04-1.19) and between NO(2) concentration and wet cough (RR=1.05, 95% CI=1.003-1.10) in single-pollutant models. The associations remained significant in multipollutant models. There was no consistent evidence that children with wheeze, positive histamine challenge, and doctor diagnosis of asthma reacted differently to air pollution from children with wheeze and doctor diagnosis of asthma and children with wheeze only. There were significant associations between PM(10) levels and doctor visits for asthma and an association between NO(2) levels and the prevalence of wet cough. We were, however, unable to demonstrate that current levels of ambient air pollution in western Sydney have a coherent range of adverse health effects on children with a history of wheezing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of long-term concentrations of ambient air pollutants and risk of incident lung cancer in nonsmoking California adults. A cohort study of 6,338 nonsmoking, non-Hispanic, white Californian adults, ages 27-95, was followed from 1977 to 1992 for newly diagnosed cancers. Monthly ambient air pollution data were interpolated to zip code centroids according to home and work location histories, cumulated, and then averaged over time. The increased relative risk (RR) of incident lung cancer in males associated with an interquartile range (IQR) increase in 100 ppb ozone (O3) was 3.56 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.35-9.42]. Incident lung cancer in males was also positively associated with IQR increases for mean concentrations of particulate matter <10 microm (PM10; RR = 5.21; CI, 1.94-13.99) and SO2 (RR = 2.66; CI, 1.62-4.39). For females, incident lung cancer was positively associated with IQR increases for SO2 (RR = 2.14; CI, 1.36-3.37) and IQR increases for PM10 exceedance frequencies of 50 microg/m3 (RR = 1.21; CI, 0.55-2.66) and 60 microg/m3 (RR = 1.25; CI, 0.57-2.71). Increased risks of incident lung cancer were associated with elevated long-term ambient concentrations of PM10 and SO2 in both genders and with O3 in males. The gender differences for the O3 and PM10 results appeared to be partially due to gender differences in exposure.  相似文献   

目的 分析上海市复合型大气污染对儿童肺功能小气道指标的急性影响。方法 在上海市内环、中环和外环各选择一所小学(A、B和C),每所学校各随机抽取3~5年级一个班级学生为研究对象(共233人);A、B两校于2013年12月和C校于2014年12月测试肺功能3次,各校分别于次年5-6月测试第4次肺功能。同时收集同期三校就近环境空气质量监测点大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)、二氧化硫(SO2)和二氧化氮(NO2)污染物数据和气象监测数据;采用线性混合效应模型分析大气污染对肺功能小气道指标的影响。结果 控制气象因素和个体因素后,PM2.5、PM10滞后2 d和累计滞后2 d、SO2累计滞后2 d和NO2检测当日浓度每增加一个四分位间距(IQR),儿童25%肺活量最大呼吸流速(MEF25%)、50%肺活量最大呼吸流速(MEF50%)、75%肺活量最大呼吸流速(MEF75%)和用力呼气中段流速(FEF25%~75%)均有不同程度的降低(P<0.05或P<0.01);双污染物模型分析显示SO2和NO2分别叠加PM2.5和PM10污染时,滞后效应值大于SO2和NO2单独存在时(P<0.05)。结论 上海市大气污染物短期暴露与儿童肺功能小气道指标变化呈负相关,并存在滞后效应及累计滞后效应。  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of air pollution exposure during pregnancy on the occurrence of preterm birth in a cohort of 97,518 neonates born in Southern California. We used measurements of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and particulate matter less than 10 microm (PM10) collected at 17 air-quality-monitoring stations to create average exposure estimates for periods of pregnancy. We calculated crude and adjusted risk ratios (RRs) for premature birth by period-specific ambient pollution levels. We observed a 20% increase in preterm birth per 50-microg increase in ambient PM10 levels averaged over 6 weeks before birth [RRcrude = 1.20; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.09-1.33] and a 16% increase when averaging over the first month of pregnancy (RRcrude = 1.16; 95% CI = 1.06-1.26). PM10 effects showed no regional pattern. CO exposure 6 weeks before birth consistently exhibited an effect only for the inland regions (RRcrude = 1.13; 95% CI = 1.08-1.18 per 3 parts per million), and during the first month of pregnancy, the effect was weak for all stations (RRcrude = 1.04; 95% CI = 1.01-1.09 per 3 parts per million). Exposure to increased levels of ambient PM10 and possibly CO during pregnancy may contribute to the occurrence of preterm births in Southern California.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine whether there is an association between body image perception and weight status as measured by the body mass index among a group of fourth graders in Maryland. DESIGN: Cross-sectional data on height, weight, and body image were collected in the classroom. At risk for being overweight and being overweight designations were assigned to participants with body mass index (BMI) percentile values for age and sex of >/=85 to <95 and BMI >/=95, respectively. Students selected a figure (range 1 to 7) to represent their current and ideal images. SUBJECTS: The subjects of this study were 524 fourth-grade public school students (54% girls; 61% white; mean age, 9.2 years) from three geographically distinct regions in Maryland (38.6% urban, 30.7% suburban, 30.7% rural).Statistical analyses chi(2) tests were used to compare weight status with sex, race, geographic location, and body image discrepancy categories. One-way analysis of variance was used to compare BMI and body image scores with sex and race/ethnicity to geographic location. RESULTS: Thirteen percent of students were overweight, and 15% were at risk of overweight. There was no association between weight status and race, body image perception, or geographic location. African Americans chose larger figures than whites and other races to represent their current and ideal images and were most satisfied with their body size. CONCLUSIONS: Perceptions of body image are formed early in life. Dietitians can provide guidance on appropriate weight and body size to children, parents, and school professionals. Dietitians can also use their influence to secure funding for nutrition education programs.  相似文献   

This study represents an analysis of the effect of exposure to ambient ozone and toxic air releases on hospitalization for asthma among children in Harris County, Texas. Our study identified temporal and spatial variations in asthma hospitalization across the study region and explored the combined effect of exposure to ambient ozone and air toxics on asthma hospitalization. Asthma hospitalization hot spots and clusters were mostly not located on zip codes with reported high quantities of total air releases of chemical pollutants. There was no significant interaction between ambient ozone exposure and toxic air releases relative to asthma hospitalization. The major predictor of asthma hospitalization was season, with hospitalization rate per 10,000 people for asthma being highest in winter period when ozone levels are usually lowest.  相似文献   

The main purpose of our study was to assess the effect of low concentrations of ambient air pollution on lung function growth in preadolescent children. We accounted for height velocity over the follow-up period and also for other possible confounders such as baseline anthropometric and physiologic characteristics of children. In addition to outdoor air pollution, we considered the possible effects of social class and exposure to indoor pollutants such as gas stove fumes or environmental tobacco smoke. The cohort prospective study was carried out in 1,001 preadolescent children from two areas of Krakow, Poland, that differed in ambient air pollutants. In the city center (higher pollution area), the mean annual level [+/- standard deviation (SD)] of suspended particulate matter was 52.6 +/- 53.98 microg/m(3) and that of SO(2) was 43.87 +/- 32.69 microg/m(3); the corresponding values in the control area were 33.23 +/- 35.99 microg/m(3) and 31.77 +/- 21.93 microg/m(3). Mean lung function growth rate adjusted to height velocity and lung function level at the study entry was significantly lower in boys and girls living in the more polluted areas. Also, the proportion of children with the slower lung function growth (SLFG) was higher in the children from the more polluted area of the city. The analysis completed in the group of children after the exclusion of asthmatic subjects and those with asthmalike symptoms confirmed that, in boys, odds ratios (ORs) for SLFG [forced vital capacity (FVC)] and air pollution after adjustment to baseline FVC, height, and growth rate was significant [OR = 2.15; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.25-3. 69)]. The analysis also confirmed that for SLFG(FEV(1)) the OR was 1. 90 (CI, 1.12-3.25). The corresponding OR values in girls were insignificant (OR = 1.50; CI, 0.84-2.68 and OR = 1.39; CI, 0.78-2. 44). The association between ambient pollutants and poorer gain of pulmonary volumes in children living in more polluted areas suggests that air pollution in the residence area may be a part of the causal chain of reactions leading to retardation in pulmonary function growth during the preadolescent years.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We sought to determine the effects of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and childhood cigarette smoking on asthma symptoms among middle school children in North Carolina. METHODS: During 1999-2000, information was collected from a survey completed by the children. Outcomes of asthma symptom reporting were regressed on tobacco smoke exposures. RESULTS: Children who currently smoked or reported any exposure to ETS were at increased risk of reporting active asthma symptoms. Exposure to ETS and childhood cigarette smoking was responsible for 15% of the asthma cases observed in the study population and $1.34 million in excess medical expenditures. CONCLUSIONS: Even at low levels of exposure, childhood cigarette smoking and ETS are independently associated with asthmatic symptoms.  相似文献   

目的研究哮喘儿童用药依从性与子女教育心理控制源的关系,分析用药依从性的影响因素,以采取相应对策,更好的提高治疗依从性。方法 2013年9月-2013年12月期间于某院门诊就诊的6~11岁儿童209名,根据自行编制的哮喘儿童用药依从性家长问卷分为依从组、非依从组,用t检验、秩和检验和χ2检验分析用药依从性与子女教育心理控制源各因子、年龄、性别、病程、认知、吸入技术等的关系,进一步用二分类Logistic回归分析影响用药依从性的主要因素。结果单因素分析显示,年龄、病程、家庭收入、主要照顾者文化程度、父母认知、吸入技术掌握情况、峰流速仪的使用、担心副作用、发作次数、急诊次数和子女教育心理控制源5个因子在内的15个指标,两组间差异具有统计学意义(P0.01)。二分类Logistic回归分析显示,父母认知、子女对父母生活的控制、父母对子女行为的控制是进入回归方程的因素(P0.05)。结论父母对哮喘认知的水平和对患儿行为的管理对提高用药依从性有十分重要的作用,应加强哮喘儿童家庭的心理社会支持,采取更有效的父母管理策略和方法。  相似文献   

The effects of air pollution on asthmatic symptoms were assessed in a prospective cohort study of 3,049 schoolchildren in 8 different communities in Japan. Respiratory symptoms in these children were evaluated by questionnaires every year from the 1st through the 6th grades. The prevalence of asthma among the 1st graders was strongly associated with a history of allergic or respiratory diseases, but it was not associated with concentrations of air pollution. During the follow-up period, incidence rates of asthma were associated significantly with atmospheric concentrations of nitrogen dioxide. Particulate matter less than 10 microm in diameter (PM10) was also associated with a higher incidence of asthma, although the association was not significant. These findings suggest that air pollution, including nitrogen dioxide, may be an important factor in the development of asthma among children in urban districts.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of carbon monoxide (CO) exposures during the last trimester of pregnancy on the frequency of low birth weight among neonates born 1989-1993 to women living in the Los Angeles, California, area. Using birth certificate data for that period, we assembled a retrospective cohort of infants whose mothers resided within 2 miles of 1 of 18 CO monitoring stations. Based on the gestational age and birth date of each child, we estimated last-trimester exposure by averaging the corresponding 3 months of daily CO concentrations registered at the monitoring station closest to the mother's residence (determined from the birth certificate). Where data were available (at 6 stations), we also averaged measurements taken daily for nitrogen dioxide and ozone and those taken at 6-day intervals for particulate matter [less than/equal to]10 microm (PM10) to approximate last-trimester exposures to other pollutants. Overall, the study cohort consisted of 125,573 singleton children, excluding infants born before 37 or after 44 weeks of gestation, those weighing below 1,000 or above 5,500 g at birth, those for whom fewer than 10 days of CO measurements were available during the last trimester, and those whose mothers suffered from hypertension, diabetes, or uterine bleeding during pregnancy. Within the cohort, 2,813 (2.2%) were low in birth weight (between 1,000 and 2,499 g). Exposure to higher levels of ambient CO (>5.5 ppm 3-month average) during the last trimester was associated with a significantly increased risk for low birth weight [odds ratio (OR) = 1.22; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.03-1.44] after adjustment for potential confounders, including commuting habits in the monitoring area, sex of the child, level of prenatal care, and age, ethnicity, and education of the mother.  相似文献   



Dental erosion has been investigated in developed and developing countries and the prevalence varies considerably in different countries, geographic locations, and age groups. With the lifestyle of the Chinese people changing significantly over the decades, dental erosion has begun to receive more attention. However, the information about dental erosion in China is scarce. The purpose of this study was to explore the prevalence of dental erosion and associated risk factors in 12-13-year-old school children in Guangzhou, Southern China.  相似文献   



We assessed the association of fluctuations in ambient temperature, air pollutants, and Asian dust (AD) events with the hospitalization of children for asthma in Fukuoka City.  相似文献   

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