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The prevalence of alexithymia and its association with sociodemographic variables were studied in a sample of 1285 subjects representing the general population of Finland. Alexithymia was measured with the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). Alexithymia was normally distributed in the population in both genders, confirming that it is a personality dimension. The prevalence of alexithymia was 13%. Men were alexithymic almost twice (17%) as often as women (10%). Multivariate analysis showed that alexithymia was associated with male gender, advanced age, low educational level, and low socioeconomic status. As to the three factors of the TAS-20, men scored higher in factors 2 (difficulty in describing feelings) and 3 (externally oriented thinking). but there was no gender difference in factor 1 (difficulty in identifying feelings). Comparative population studies in other countries are needed to find out whether there are any differences in the prevalence of alexithymia between cultures.  相似文献   

Abstract. Background: Availability of nationally representative mood disorder prevalence estimates in the United States, based on structured psychiatric interviews is limited. This report estimates overall lifetime prevalence of major depressive episode, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder using the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) and compares these estimates to the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study (ECA) conducted 10 years earlier. Additionally, prevalence estimate breakdowns by selected sociodemographic and health characteristics are investigated. Methods: NHANES III, conducted from 1988 to 1994, is a large nationally representative cross-sectional sample of the United States. A population-based sample of 8,602 men and women 17–39 years of age were eligible to participate, of whom 7,667 (89.1 %) completed interviews. Mood disorder assessments came from the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) administered as one component of the NHANES III. Results: Lifetime prevalence estimates were assessed for six mood measures: 1) major depressive episode (MDE) 8.6%, 2) major depressive episode with severity (MDE-s) 7.7%, 3) dysthymia 6.2%, 4) MDE-s with dysthymia 3.4%, 5) any bipolar disorder 1.6%, and 6) any mood disorder 11.5%. All estimates except for MDE and MDE-s were significantly higher than comparable ECA estimates. Conclusions: These data provide recent national prevalence estimates. Based on their overall magnitudes, subgroup excesses, and observed increases compared to the ECA, continued monitoring of these estimates is warranted.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe aim of the study was to examine the prevalence and characteristics of skin picking behaviors in a sample of young Polish adults.MethodsFive hundred and thirty-four participants completed measurements of skin picking frequency and severity. They also retrospectively rated the intensity of affective states experienced before, during and after skin picking episodes.ResultsIn total, 46.07% of the participants endorsed some forms of skin picking, and the prevalence of skin picking disorder (SPD) in the study sample amounted to 7.67%. The characteristics of skin picking episodes in young Polish adults were similar to those reported in previous studies conducted on different cultures. The results also showed that for the majority of individuals with skin picking, the intensity of particular emotions (i.e. fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, self-aversion, boredom, and sadness) decreased significantly in the period from before to after picking.ConclusionLarger community studies are needed to assess the SPD prevalence in Polish general population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We assessed alexithymia and alexithymic features among young adult subjects with and without somatization symptoms in an epidemiological setting with a sample of young adults. METHODS: The sample consisted of urban 31-year-old subjects (N=1002). Data on somatization were gathered from a review of all public health outpatient records. Subjects with four or more somatization symptoms according to the DSM-III-R criteria were considered somatizers. The 20-item version of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) was used to measure alexithymia. Subjects with a total TAS score over 60 were considered as being alexithymic, and those with a score under 52 were considered nonalexithymic. Subjects with a total TAS score from 52 to 60 were considered as having alexithymic features. RESULTS: The prevalence of alexithymia was 6.0% among somatizers and 4.8% among subjects without somatization symptoms, and the prevalence of alexithymic features was 7.5% and 12.6%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: No association was found between alexithymia and somatization in young adult general population. The earlier theory of the association between alexithymia and somatization may be questionable.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the relations between anxiety sensitivity (AS) and dimensions of alexithymia in a nonclinical sample. We also sought to determine whether these relations persist after controlling for trait anxiety levels and panic attack history, and after controlling for item redundancy between the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI) and the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). A sample of 238 undergraduate students completed the ASI, the TAS-20, and measures of trait anxiety and panic. A group of high AS participants (n=36) was found to have a significantly higher TAS-20 total score than a group of low AS participants (n=41), both before and after conceptually redundant TAS-20 items were removed. ASI scores were found to be significantly positively correlated with scores on the two TAS-20 subscales suspected of sharing a functional relation with AS (i.e., difficulty identifying emotions; difficulty describing emotions), whereas ASI scores were not significantly correlated with scores on the TAS-20 subscale believed to be functionally unrelated to AS (i.e., external-oriented thinking). This pattern of correlations between ASI scores and alexithymia dimensions persisted following the removal of conceptually redundant TAS-20 items, suggesting that the relation between AS and alexithymia is not merely an artifact of item redundancy. ASI scores remained significantly correlated with scores on the TAS-20's difficulty identifying emotions subscale, and marginally correlated with scores on the TAS-20's difficulty describing emotions subscale, after accounting for the influences of trait anxiety and panic history. The results also revealed that individuals who both experience frequent anxiety and who greatly fear their anxiety symptoms report the greatest difficulties identifying and describing emotional states. Implications for understanding the alexithymia construct, as well as potential clinical implications of the findings, are discussed.  相似文献   

The value of alexithymia assessments in medical and psychiatric research is well documented, but such assessments in cannabis abusers are scarce. Moreover, despite repeated calls for multimethod alexithymia evaluations, researchers typically use 1 self-report only: the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Herein, we evaluated (1) the psychometric properties of the Observer Alexithymia Scale (OAS), (2) the correspondence between 3 alexithymia measures, (3) OAS raters' affect and its relationship to OAS scores, and (4) cannabis abusers' alexithymic features. Eighty-seven cannabis abusers completed self-reports measuring alexithymia (Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire-B), depression (13-item Beck Depression Inventory), and anxiety (State and Trait Anxiety Inventory-Form Y) and asked relatives to rate them using the OAS. The raters also completed the self-report scales. The OAS met acceptable reliability and validity standards, with the exception of relatively low interrater reliability for one of its subscales. Rater affect appeared to influence OAS scores, albeit slightly. Patients' OAS scores were higher than scores reported for people-in-general samples and lower than those for outpatient clinical samples. Alexithymia rates were similar to those previously reported in cannabis abusers. Our results demonstrated the adequacy and appropriateness of the OAS in these (and related) clinical samples, which may encourage multimethod alexithymia assessments in both research and clinical practice.  相似文献   



This study is a survey to determine prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of drinking problems among students from five university centres in Turkey.  相似文献   

《Sleep medicine》2014,15(1):91-95
ObjectiveOur population-based study examined the prevalence of insomnia symptoms and its sociodemographic, subjective, and polysomnographic (PSG) sleep risk factors in young and preadolescent children.MethodsWe performed a cross-sectional study of 700 children, ages 5–12 years who underwent a 9-h PSG and parent-completed sleep and development questionnaires (Penn State Child Cohort). Insomnia symptoms were defined as parent report of difficulty falling or staying asleep and sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) as an apnea hypopnea index of ⩾1.ResultsThe prevalence of insomnia symptoms was 19.3% and did not significantly change (20.2%) when children with SDB were excluded. A significant interaction between gender and age revealed that the prevalence of insomnia symptoms was highest in girls ages 11 to 12 years (30.6%). This gender difference was not associated with significant differences between girls and boys ages 11–12 years in anxiety and depressive symptoms. In contrast girls ages 11–12 years with insomnia symptoms, but not boys of the same group, demonstrated clinically significant PSG sleep disturbances compared to those without insomnia symptoms.ConclusionsThese data suggest that one out of five young children and preadolescents of the general population have insomnia symptoms. Importantly, the prevalence of insomnia symptoms peaks in girls ages 11 to 12 years and is associated with objective sleep disturbances which may be related to hormonal changes associated with the onset of puberty rather than anxiety and depression.  相似文献   

ObjectiveDating violence is an important but understudied public health concern in adolescents. This study sought to examine the lifetime prevalence of serious forms of dating violence in 12- to 17- year-olds, risk and protective factors associated with dating violence, and the relation between dating violence and mental health.MethodA nationally representative sample of adolescents (N = 3,614) completed a telephone-based interview that assessed serious forms of dating violence (i.e., sexual assault, physical assault, and/or drug/alcohol-facilitated rape perpetrated by a girlfriend, boyfriend, or other dating partner).ResultsPrevalence of dating violence was 1.6% (2.7% of girls, 0.6% of boys), equating to approximately 400,000 adolescents in the U.S. population. Risk factors included older age, female sex, experience of other potentially traumatic events, and experience of recent life stressors. Findings also suggested that dating violence is associated with posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive episode after controlling for demographic variables, other traumatic stressors, and stressful events.ConclusionsThese findings indicate that dating violence is a significant public health problem in adolescent populations that should be addressed through early detection, prevention, and intervention. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 2008; 47(7):755–762.  相似文献   

The association between alexithymia and sociodemographic variables is not well understood. Previous studies using the current 20-item and previous 26-item versions of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS) have shown inconsistent associations with age, sex, socioeconomic status, and years of education. We tested 380 subjects from the community stratified equally across sex, five age groups, and three socioeconomic classes. In addition to the TAS-20, we also administered the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS), a behavioral measure of the ability to be aware of and represent emotions in words, a core component of alexithymia. The TAS-20 and LEAS were each correlated with age, sex, socioeconomic status (SES), and years of education (P < .01) in the same direction and to approximately the same degree. Alexithymia (or low emotional awareness) is associated with older age, male sex, lower SES, and fewer years of education. The TAS-20 and LEAS are only slightly correlated (r = −.19, N = 380, P < .001), but their correlation is largely accounted for by their shared variance with these demographic variables. The convergence of findings with these two quite different measures and the nature of their overlap support the validity of these associations between alexithymia and sociodemographic variables.  相似文献   

We examined the prevalence of smokeless tobacco use, and its relationship to other risky behaviors in Connecticut school children in grades four through 12 (n=31,861). Less than one per cent of students in grades 4-8, and four per cent of those in grades 9-12, used smokeless tobacco. Eighty-two percent of all users were white males. Among high school males, the prevalences of risk-taking behaviors and feelings of stress and depression were significantly higher among users than non-users. Among high school males, the highest prevalences of risky behaviors and stress indicators were reported by joint users of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Agoraphobia has been previously found to be a relatively prevalent disorder in the older adult. However, little is known about the nature of this disorder in the elderly population. The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors, illness characteristics, and comorbidity of agoraphobia in the elderly. METHODS: This was a national community mental health survey that included 12,792 individuals > or = 55 years. Agoraphobia was assessed using the World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Social, demographic, psychiatric, and physical variables previously found to be associated with agoraphobia in the adult population were measured. Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were used to examine these associations. RESULTS: The prevalence of agoraphobia in adults over 55 was 0.61% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.40-0.82). In bivariate analysis, the condition was more common in the younger age groups, women, and those widowed or divorced. It was also more common in individuals with chronic health conditions and those with comorbid psychiatric disorders. However, in the multivariate model, chronic health conditions and panic disorder were no longer significant. Most cases of agoraphobia in the elderly were of early onset (age <55 years). The majority of patients with agoraphobia did not have concurrent panic disorder. CONCLUSION: Lower prevalence rates of agoraphobia in the elderly were found compared with previous studies. The degree to which this is a measurement issue is discussed. The low correlation between agoraphobia and panic disorder raises further questions about the nature and etiology of agoraphobia in the elderly. Implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundBody-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) are repetitive, ritualized behaviors focused on the body, involving compulsively damaging one's physical appearance or causing physical injury. They include skin picking, hair pulling, nail biting, and lip or cheek biting and chewing. This study sought to examine prevalence, clinical correlates and quality of life (QoL) impairment associated with these conditions in a non-clinical sample of adults.MethodAn online survey was completed by N = 1378 participants. Comparisons were made between those self-reporting body-focused repetitive behavior to those without, on a range of clinical correlates (depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, body dysmorphic symptoms, fear of negative evaluation) and QoL domains.ResultsThree-hundred and eighteen participants (23%) reported the presence of a probable BFRB; n = 85 (6%) nail biting, n = 88 (6%) lip or cheek biting/chewing, n = 187 (14%) skin picking, and n = 39 (2%) hair pulling. There were significant differences between those with and without a probable BFRB (pBFRB) across all clinical variables investigated, with the pBFRB group reporting higher levels of symptoms. The BFRB group reported reduced QoL on some domains. Few differences emerged between the BFRB groups, although individuals with probable skin picking reported higher levels of body image concern, than those with other pBFRB conditions, and there was a trend toward probable skin picking to endorse higher levels of OCD symptoms and anxiety. There were no significant differences between the BFRB groups on QoL domains.ConclusionAlthough differences were found between those with a pBFRB and those without, there were few differences between the different pBFRB groups, indicating that all BFRB conditions are concerning. Skin picking may be one of the more severe of the BFRB presentations, although the small number of differences between the groups may reflect a single pathological grooming factor underlying the BFRBs. These findings underscore the importance of recognizing that all body-focused behaviors can cause significant distress, impairment, and reduced QoL, and highlights the need for timely and accurate identification of these conditions by health professionals.  相似文献   

To examine the prevalence, clinical characteristics and course of children with tics identified in a community sample. This was a three-stage study. At the age of 9 to 11, parents of 8,244 children born at Aarhus University Hospital Skejby between January 1990 and April 1992 were invited to complete a screening questionnaire about tics. One year later participating parents completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). From December 2004 to June 2005, when the cohort was 13–15 years of age, parents of the children who screened positive for tics were interviewed in detail about tic disorders. The prevalence of Tourette Syndrome (TS) was 0.6 and 0.6% of chronic motor tics (CMT). Approximately one-third of those with a chronic tic disorder [CTD (TS and CMT)] reported remission of tics by age 13–15. On the parent-rated SDQ children with a CTD were five times more likely (OR = 5.0, 95% CI = 2.6–9.2) to fall into the clinical range of hyperactivity, twice as likely (OR = 2.2, 95% CI = 2.1–7.5) to exhibit disruptive and defiant behavior and over four times more likely to have emotional difficulties (OR = 4.7, 95% CI = 2.5–8.6) compared to children without tic disorders. Children with hyperactivity and CTD were more impaired than subjects with CTD only. Children with CTD and hyperactivity show greater symptom severity across several domains of behavior and overall impairment. In the absence of hyperactivity, children with CTD are at increased risk for emotional difficulties, but not disruptive behavior problems.  相似文献   

Symptoms of bipolar disorders include depression and mania. The term "bipolar" implies states that are opposite to each other. Construing scales that define mania and depression as opposite ends of one dimension cannot account for the existence of mixed symptoms. One self-report instrument, the Internal State Scale (ISS), combines both dimensions in one measure. However, the ISS only assesses internal subjective states and does not tap other typical and more objective symptoms of (hypo-) mania. To explore the factorial structure of affective symptoms in a general population sample, we extended the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D), adding items to assess manic symptoms as described in DSM-IV. The scale was completed by 2,059 young adults. The results for the original CES-D are comparable to prior studies. Factor-analysis for the extended CES-D revealed two factors in women and men: most manic symptoms loaded high on a factor "euphoria-activation," whereas the other factor included all typical dysphoric-depressive symptoms, but also included the "manic symptoms" of distractibility and irritability. Our results support a two-factor model of bipolar symptoms in the general population with irritability being more closely associated with dysphoria than euphoria. The implications and limitations of the present results are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To present prevalence findings of DSM-IV somatoform symptoms, syndromes and disorders in a representative sample of adolescents and young adults. METHOD: Data come from the Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology (EDSP) study, in which a total of 3021 respondents aged 14-24 years were assessed by the Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview. RESULTS: Although specific DSM-IV somatoform disorders were relatively rare with a lifetime rate of 2.7%, a considerably higher proportion of respondents met criteria for clinically significant somatoform syndromes as defined by the Somatic Symptom Index SSI4, 6 (lifetime: 1.7%), as well as the undifferentiated somatoform/dissociative syndrome USDS (lifetime: 9.1%), resulting in an overall prevalence rate of 12.6%. Somatoform conditions are often comorbid with other mental disorders and were found to be associated with remarkable impairments and disabilities. CONCLUSION: Somatoform disorders and syndromes in young adults are frequent, impairing and often associated with the development of other mental disorders.  相似文献   

Truancy has been a persistent problem in the United States for more than 100 years. Although truancy is commonly reported as a risk factor for substance use, delinquency, dropout, and a host of other negative outcomes for youth, there has been surprisingly little empirical investigation into understanding the causes and correlates of truancy using large, nationally representative samples. Using the adolescent sample (N = 17,482) of the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), this study presents the prevalence of truancy and examines individual, school engagement, parental, and behavioral correlates of truancy. Overall, 11% of adolescents between the ages of 12–17 reported skipping school in the past 30 days. Results from multinomial logistic regression models indicate skipping school was robustly associated with an increased probability of reporting externalizing behaviors, less parental involvement, and engagement and lower grades in school. Implications for theory, prevention, and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

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