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复旦大学附属华山医院神经科和复旦大学神经病学研究所定于2016年8月12~14日在复旦大学附属华山医院举办2016年国家级继续医学教育项目"认知障碍与神经心理新进展学习班"。邀请相关学者专家介绍认知障碍的临床诊疗规范及科学研究方法。欢迎致力于认知障碍临床及科研的神经/精神科医师、心理评定人员前来学习交流,以提高临床认知功能障碍的诊疗水平。学习班结束,将授予学员国  相似文献   

为了进一步促进我国老年神经病学事业的提高和发展、加强老年神经病学工作者的交流和友谊,中华医学会老年医学分会老年神经病学组拟定于2011年7月上旬在安徽省黄山市召开全国第七次老年神经病学术研讨会,会议将围绕目前老年神经病学领域中的重点和热点问题进行学术交流和经验分享,并邀请国内知名专家进行有关专题的学术讲座,参会这可获得国家级继续医学教育Ⅰ类学分6分。  相似文献   

<正>由中华医学会、中华医学会神经病学分会主办,第四军医大学西京医院协办的中华医学会神经病学分会第七届全国中青年神经病学学术大会暨第十届全国神经系统感染性疾病与脑脊液细胞学学术大会拟定于2014年8月15-17日在陕西省西安市召开。届时将邀请国内外知名专家进行专题报告,介绍近年来神经病学基础与临床研究领域的最新进展,并就神经系统感染性疾病及脑脊液细胞学等热点问题进行讨论。与会者将授予国家级继续医学教育Ⅰ类学分。  相似文献   

由卫生部继续医学教育委员会批准的国家级继续医学教育项目“抑郁和痴呆相关性研究新进展”讲习班(编号2007-03-09—020)拟定于2007年5月28日至31日(4天)在南京举办。项目负责人为南京医科大学附属脑科医院袁勇贵副主任医师。  相似文献   

<正>江苏省精神科医疗质控中心主任范俭雄教授负责的国家级继续医学教育项目《精神科医疗质量安全管理》(编号2014-03-09-085)拟于2014年5月在扬州举办。内容包括:精神科医疗质量控制目标、病历书写规范、医患沟通技巧、医疗纠纷的应  相似文献   

<正>由中国医师协会、中国医师协会神经内科医师分会和中国医师协会神经内科医师分会西部论坛专家委员会主办,重庆医科大学附属永川医院承办的第二届雾都脑出血高峰论坛暨第11届中国西部神经病学学术论坛拟定于2017年11月3-5日在重庆市举行。届时将邀请国内外神经内科、神经外科、心内科著名专家和学者进行最新研究成果的专题报告和现场学术探讨。欢迎全国同道积极参会,踊跃投稿。与会者将授予国家级继续医学教育Ⅰ类学分6分。  相似文献   

<正>由中国医师协会、中国医师协会神经内科医师分会和中国医师协会神经内科医师分会西部论坛专家委员会主办,重庆医科大学附属永川医院承办的第二届雾都脑出血高峰论坛暨第11届中国西部神经病学学术论坛拟定于2017年11月3-5日在重庆市举行。届时将邀请国内外神经内科、神经外科、心内科著名专家和学者进行最新研究成果的专题报告和现场学术探讨。欢迎全国同道积极参会,踊跃投稿。与会者将授予国家级继续医学教育Ⅰ类学分6分。  相似文献   

<正>国家级"缺血性脑血管病诊疗新进展[编号:2014-03-07-060(国),国家级Ⅰ类学分4分]","神经介入继续教育培训班[编号:2014-03-07-0066(国),国家级Ⅰ类学分5分]",河北省"2014年神经病学诊治新进展(编号:J2014-02-210,省级Ⅰ类学分5分)"继续医学教育学习班将于2014年9月12-14日举行。授课时间将分3个会场,学员可酌情参加,学习相关感兴趣的内容。本学习班由河北医科大学第二医院神经内科主办,有国内著名  相似文献   

由中华医学会神经病学分会神经心理学与行为神经病学组和《中华神经科杂志》联合举办的第九届全国神经心理学与行为神经病学高级讲授班暨学术研讨会拟定于2011年6月23-26日在云南省昆明市召开。届时将邀请汤慈美、陈海波、贾建平、汪凯、翁旭初、张通、何金彩、郭起浩、朗森阳、王荫华、潘小平、张志珺等著名专家作专题报告。参会者将授予中华医学会国家级继续医学教育Ⅰ类学分10分。  相似文献   

经卫生部及北京市卫生局批准 ,由中国康复研究中心主办的全国脑卒中及颅脑损伤康复治疗学习班 ,列为 2 0 0 0年国家级继续医学教育项目 (项目编号 0 3 0 7 0 18) ,该班于2 0 0 0年 9月 11日至 9月 2 4日在北京举办 ,届时将特邀我国著名康复医学专家、教授讲学。学习班结业考试合格者授予2 0学分 ,颁发卫生部认可的国家级继续医学教育证书。全国各康复中心及各医院康复科、神经科、内科中级以上专业人员均可报名参加。报名截止日期 2 0 0 0年 8月 30日。项目负责人 :中国康复研究中心神经康复科主任周维金主任医师。项目联系人刘涵民 ,电话 :…  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a major shift in emphasis within neurology from being a largely diagnostic discipline to one much more actively involved in treating disease. There have been major scientific advances leading to new and effective treatments. There is also a much greater awareness of the burden of neurological disease (Olesen J, Leonardi M. European Journal of Neurology 2003; 10 : 471) and informed sufferers are requesting specific intervention. There is wide variation in the delivery of neurological services throughout Europe. This is reflected in manpower levels, the place of neurology related to other medical specialties and different mixes of hospital and private office practice. These differences have been thrown into sharper focus by the recent expansion of the European Union (EU). Initial training in neurology is given to undergraduate/pre-graduate students. Post-graduate education is delivered within a residency program leading to specialist qualification and certification. We now recognize that this is only the beginning of a life long program of continuous education and development (CME/CPD). National and international exchange programs facilitate the growth of knowledge and promote professional harmony and cooperation. The free migration of medical specialists has been an aspiration but remains limited by cultural, linguistic, personal, professional, political and economic factors. Two bodies, the European Board of Neurology (EBN–UEMS) http://www.uems-neuroboard.org (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes) and the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) http://www.efns.org are actively involved in harmonising and developing neurology at the European level.  相似文献   

BackgroundAs a result of major clinical and scientific advances and changes in clinical practice, the role of adult neurology training for Child Neurology and Neurodevelopmental Disability (NDD) certification has become controversial. The most recently approved requirements for board eligibility for child neurology and neurodevelopmental disability residents still include 12 months in adult neurology rotations. The objective of this study was to assess United States child neurology and neurodevelopmental disability residency program directors' opinions regarding optimal residency training.MethodsThe authors developed an 18-item questionnaire and contacted all 80 child neurology and neurodevelopmental disability program directors via e-mail, using SurveyMonkey.ResultsA total of 44 program directors responded (55%), representing programs that train 78 categorical and 94 total resident positions, approximately 70% of those filled in the match. Respondents identified multiple areas where child neurology residents need more training, including genetics and neuromuscular disease. A substantial majority (73%) believed child neurology and neurodevelopmental disability residents need less than 12 adult neurology training months; however, most (75%) also believed adult hospital service and man-power needs (55%) and finances (34%) would pose barriers to reducing adult neurology. Most (70%) believed reductions in adult neurology training should be program flexible. A majority believed the written initial certification examination should be modified with more child neurology and fewer basic neuroscience questions. Nearly all (91%) felt the views of child neurology and neurodevelopmental disability program directors are under-represented within the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Residency Review Committee.ConclusionsThe requirement for 12 adult neurology months for Child Neurology and Neurodevelopmental Disability certification is not consistent with the views of the majority of program directors, who favor more training in subspecialized fields of child neurology.  相似文献   

张华  宋健安  史静  徐燕玲 《中国卒中杂志》2020,15(10):1141-1144
目的 对首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院脑血管病专业与非重点学科专业人才梯度及发展现状进 行调查,为不同专业的人才管理策略提供依据。 方法 选取北京天坛医院重点学科脑血管病专业和非重点学科专业(内科、外科、妇科、儿科)在 职医师为研究对象,对比医师的人才梯队及科研产出的差异。 结果 脑血管病专业组共103人,非重点学科组共308人。脑血管病专业组平均年龄高于非重点学 科组(43.3±7.9岁 vs 41.3±8.7岁,P =0.036);两组的专业技术职称(P =0.005)、教学职称(P<0.001) 和学历(P =0.001)分布差异具有统计学意义,脑血管病专业组的高级专业技术职称、高级教学职称 和博士学历的比例更高。2016-2017年度、2017-2018年度及2018-2019年度脑血管病专业承担的国 家级(6项 vs 1项、7项 vs 0项、8项 vs 4项)和省部级课题(7项 vs 4项、9项 vs 3项、6项 vs 3项)均多于 非重点学科组。 结论 与非重点学科专业相比,天坛医院脑血管病专业人才学历和专业技术职称更高,科研产出 也显著高于非重点学科专业。应借鉴脑血管病专业人才管理策略,加强人才引进,激励科技创新,提 高医院人力资源发展和管理水平,以促进医院各科室医学人才全面发展。  相似文献   

Taking the needs of society and progress of medicine into account, The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, reformed the education program and established a "model core curriculum" on Mar 2001, which is introduced to the medial universities since then. Principles of this curriculum consist of selected categories such as lists mandatory for current medicine, set up of optional courses, and voluntary attitude for lifelong studying. To search for The Education Program of Medical University, the subcommittee of the Japanese Society of Neurology sent a Questionnaire on this curriculum to all the Medical Universities of Japan. Answers were obtained from 56 out of 87 Universities. According to them, some agree to the concept and content of the curriculum, while others insist that it is still insufficient to educate update Neurology. The clinical clerkship is important for the students to experience the basic process of neurology. However, the study disclosed that program of clinical clerkship to neurology is different among the institutes. The list of curriculum needs additional neurological disorders and symptoms commonly seen, and that clinical clerkship to neurology must be taken into account as one of compulsory rather than optional course.  相似文献   

首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院从建立神经内科,搭建神经病学学科建设平台的过程中, 以脑血管病为中心,全面发展神经病学各个亚专业,创建了包括多个神经科学相关临床专业、临床和 基础研究、统计学在内的神经病学中心。本文介绍了天坛医院瞄准国际前沿脉动,创新发展各个学科, 注重青年人才培养,在基础和临床研究领域做出了国际一流的突出成绩,改写国际指南,使得神经病 学科全面发展,其卓有成效的发展模式为全国神经病学中心建设和人才培养提供了典范和经验。  相似文献   

张华  宋健安  史静  徐燕玲 《中国卒中杂志》2007,15(10):1141-1144
目的 对首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院脑血管病专业与非重点学科专业人才梯度及发展现状进
方法 选取北京天坛医院重点学科脑血管病专业和非重点学科专业(内科、外科、妇科、儿科)在
结果 脑血管病专业组共103人,非重点学科组共308人。脑血管病专业组平均年龄高于非重点学
科组(43.3±7.9岁 vs 41.3±8.7岁,P =0.036);两组的专业技术职称(P =0.005)、教学职称(P<0.001)
和学历(P =0.001)分布差异具有统计学意义,脑血管病专业组的高级专业技术职称、高级教学职称
家级(6项 vs 1项、7项 vs 0项、8项 vs 4项)和省部级课题(7项 vs 4项、9项 vs 3项、6项 vs 3项)均多于
结论 与非重点学科专业相比,天坛医院脑血管病专业人才学历和专业技术职称更高,科研产出
高医院人力资源发展和管理水平,以促进医院各科室医学人才全面发展。  相似文献   

One of the major barriers to the provision of quality care for patients with neurological disorders in developing countries is a low ratio of neurologists per inhabitants, the World Health Organization recommends one neurologist per 100,000. In 1998 Honduras had one neurologist per 325,000 inhabitants and all the neurologists were trained outside the country. The Education Committee of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN), in collaboration with the Postgraduate Direction of the National Autonomous University of Honduras, the Honduran Neurological Association, and the Honduran Secretary of Health helped establish the country's first Neurology Training Program in 1998. This program was established using a problem- and epidemiological-oriented methodology with oversight by an external WFN review board. By 2006 the program has resulted in a 31% increase in the national neurologist ratio per inhabitant, significantly improved the quality of patient care and promoted research in the neurosciences. The Honduras Neurology Training Program has provided a valuable model for other developing countries with similar needs for neurological care. Based on this Honduras experience, members of the Education Committee of the WFN have established guidelines for neurology training programs in developing countries.  相似文献   

目的分析《临床神经病学杂志》2005~2007年刊载的论文、著者及引文的特点。方法应用文献计量学方法对《临床神经病学杂志》2005~2007年刊载的论文、著者及引文等进行统计分析。结果本刊3年载文量为674篇,期均载文量为37.4篇,篇密度为0.47,有基金项目论文142篇(21.1%);著者主要来自江苏、山东、上海及北京;合作率为93.1%,合作度为4.1;86.6%的论文有引文,其中97%来自期刊,篇均引文为8.6条,普莱斯指数为43.7%。结论《临床神经病学杂志》是具有较高学术质量的科技期刊,在临床神经病学领域具有较大的影响力。  相似文献   

目的 通过学科评估了解医院学科发展的优势与不足。 方法 2012年对首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院39个临床医学学科进行评估,与2006年和2009年 的评估数据进行比较,并对评估结果进行优势、劣势、机会和制约(strengths weakness opportunity threats,SWOT)分析。 结果 2006年和2009年学科评估中≥600分的学科分别为2个和9个,2012年学科评估≥600分的学 科增加到14个,学科评估中医疗、科研、教学、学科队伍和支撑条件等各个指标均得到了显著提升。 神经内外科的脑血管病专业在3次评估中一直占前两位,学科优势明显。 结论 我院学科水平整体发展势头良好,脑血管专业一直是优势学科。  相似文献   

Of the physicians who took the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) Examination, Part II, in 1995, 41% failed. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) requires that residency psychiatry programs conduct an organized evaluation of residents' clinical skills at least twice during the 4 years of training. At the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center-Tulsa, the residents attend formal didactic instruction on conducting a psychiatric interview. Having gained this didactic foundation, they then participate in actual patient interviews. First- and 3rd-year residents are mock examiners, paired with an experienced board-certified psychiatrist. Second- and 4th-year residents examine an actual patient. A survey evaluating this curriculum was rated as very good to excellent by the participants.  相似文献   

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