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目的:探讨我国中老年人口受教育程度和健康状况之间的相关关系,研究健康行为和社会经济状况的中介效应。方法:利用2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)的数据,以15 691名45岁及以上中老年人为研究对象,采用PLS-SEM模型和逐步回归方法研究受教育程度对健康的影响。结果:总体来看,我国中老年人口受教育程度越高健康状况越好,通过健康行为、社会经济状况影响健康的中介效应分别是0.017、0.080。教育主要对心理健康和日常生活自理能力有积极促进作用,不同健康行为和社会经济状况对躯体健康、心理健康、日常生活自理能力的影响不同。结论:教育对中老年人口健康产生显著的正向影响,并通过健康行为和社会经济状况发挥间接效用;教育通过健康行为、社会经济状况影响健康状况的路径存在差异性;在受教育程度相同背景下,个体特征和地区特征会影响其健康状况。  相似文献   

目的:研究个体教育水平对健康的影响,分析教育对健康的作用机制。方法:利用CFPS2020数据,通过Logit模型与线性回归分析教育水平对健康是否存在影响,运用中介效应分析对其作用机制进行探讨。结果:以身体不适、自评健康和心理健康为因变量,受教育年限的提升对个体健康存在显著正效应,但高等教育个体中该效应不显著;中介效应分析显示,以代表健康行为的吸烟、锻炼和代表预算约束的收入水平为中介变量,教育对健康的中介作用存在,支持健康行为说和预算约束说。结论:教育对健康存在正向影响,但其主要体现在初中等教育阶段;更高的受教育年限促使个体通过改善健康行为和收入,进而提高健康水平。  相似文献   

上海市闸北区部分中学生健康危险行为调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年的健康问题与其行为密切相关,吸烟、酗酒、药物滥用、网络成瘾、不安全性行为、自杀和暴力等行为直接或潜在地威胁着青少年健康,甚至影响其终生或危及后代。为了解中学生健康危险行为流行状况,我们于2005年对本区4所中学、1所职校的960名学生进行了健康危险行为因素调查,旨在通过此次调查,为今后动态观察青少年危险行为变化趋势提供基础资料,为制定有效的危险行为干预措施提供依据。  相似文献   

培养大学生健康行为的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨培养我国大学生健康行为的途径。方法对我国大学生健康危险行为状况及影响因素进行分析。结果大学生主要的健康危队行为有:伤害、不良饮食习惯与过去缺乏,使用成瘾物质,不健康性行为,不当体闲如乐行为。影响大学生健康行为的因素有:健康意识、健康教育、预防保健工作的偏向、干预手段。结论应通过健康教育课程建设和开展社区干预,以及营造支持性环境等多种途径,促进大学生健康行为的形成。  相似文献   

目的 探讨培养我国大学生健康行为的途径。方法 对我国大学生健康危险行为状况及影响因素进行分析。结果 大学生主要的健康危队行为有:伤害、不良饮食习惯与过去缺乏,使用成瘾物质,不健康性行为,不当体闲如乐行为。影响大学生健康行为的因素有:健康意识、健康教育、预防保健工作的偏向、干预手段。结论 应通过健康教育课程建设和开展社区干预,以及营造支持性环境等多种途径,促进大学生健康行为的形成。  相似文献   

目的探讨河北省农村居民健康认知现状及其影响因素,为相关部门制定政策提高农村居民健康水平提供依据。方法采用分层随机抽样的方法,选取1 000名意识清醒,能配合调查工作的河北省成年农村居民为研究对象。采用自行设计的躯体健康知识调查问卷、心理健康知识问卷对所选对象进行调查。结果河北省农村居民健康认知处于中等水平。职业、工作压力是躯体健康认知的影响因素(P0.05)。文化程度、工作压力是心理健康认知的影响因素(P0.05)。结论河北省农村居民躯体和心理健康认知都有待提高,相关部门应重点提高务农人员、没有工作压力及文化程度较低人群的健康认知水平。  相似文献   

目的了解苏州市居民健康行为真实形成情况,并初步探讨不同行为、调查方法间的差异。方法采用多阶段整群随机抽样、单纯随机抽样和KISH表抽样相结合方法抽取室内调查对象,通过入户面对面问卷调查和室内现场观察获取资料;采用随意抽样方法,对室外健康行为进行直接观察。结果苏州市居民室内调查的健康行为形成率为68.65%,室外观察的健康行为形成率为85.60%;室内面对面问卷调查与室内直接观察所得的健康行为形成率不同(P=0.00)。有序多分类logistic回归分析结果显示,性别、文化程度和人均月收入是居民健康行为形成的影响因素。结论不同调查方法得出的健康行为形成率差异较大,需建立规范统一的调查方法。  相似文献   

在国企改革发展形势下,下岗已成势在必然的社会现实。因而,心理社会因素对下岗或面临下岗的职工所产生的心理卫生问题已是工矿企业健康教育的新课题。本次调查显示:心理社会因素可通过人的心理活动与某种情绪活动相联系,影响躯体内脏器官产生各种不同程度的躯体症状(感觉),为此,企业管理层和健康教育机构要高度重视对职工的心理健康教育和有关的一些实际工作。针对下岗职工心理卫生问题和面临的就业需求,提出并采取相应的健康教育对策,协同有关部门实施心理健康教育的咨询、引导以及再就业培训,为下岗职工实现二次就业疏通道路  相似文献   

健康教育是通过有计划、有组织、有系统的社会和教育活动,促使人们自愿地改变不良的健康行为和影响健康行为的相关因素,消除或减轻影响健康的危险因素,预防疾病,促进健康和提高生活质量。其核心问题是促使个体或群体改变不健康的行为和生活方式,尤其是组织的行为改变。  相似文献   

“健康管理”的必要性和可行性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“健康管理”是指对个体或群体的健康进行全面监测,找出影响健康的危险因素,就如何避免或减轻健康危险因素的危害进行健康咨询、指导和生活行为方式的干预,以此达到少得病的目的。  相似文献   

目的:了解贫困农村地区留守儿童与非留守儿童心理健康差异并探索其影响因素。方法:在宁夏固原市用分层整群抽样的方法对7所小学的2017名学生进行问卷调查,并通过家长调查获取1474名学生的家庭信息。结果:欠发达地区农村儿童自我意识水平整体偏低;留守儿童心理健康比非留守儿童差,具体表现为自我意识水平较低、孤独感较强、社交焦虑水平较高;父母外出务工是留守儿童心理健康的危险因素,家长对孩子的关心程度、同伴关系和师生关系是影响留守儿童心理健康的三个最主要因素。结论:加强留守儿童家庭中的亲子沟通,提高监护人对留守儿童心理健康的重视,以及老师帮助学生建立融洽的师生和同伴关系是改善留守儿童心理健康状况的有效途径。  相似文献   

目的 构建脑卒中患者健康行为结构方程模型,定量分析模型中影响因素对健康行为作用路径及强度。方法 以知信行模式为框架,构建健康行为结构方程模型,采用最大似然法对初始模型进行拟合,拟合度采用RMSEA、GFI、AGFI、IFI、TLI、CFI进行检验;采取路径系数分析健康知识、信念及行为之间作用路径。结果 整体适配度CMIN/DF<3,GFI、IFI、TLI、CFI均>0.90,AGFI>0.80,RMSEA<0.08;健康知识、信念、行为三个潜变量组合信度均>0.80,聚敛效度均>0.50;健康知识对健康信念直接效应0.45,健康信念对健康行为直接效应0.49,健康知识对健康行为直接效应0.31,健康知识对健康行为间接效应0.22,健康知识对健康行为总效应0.53。结论 模型具有较好整体适配度及内在结构适配度;健康知识及信念对健康行为有直接影响,健康知识对健康行为除直接作用外,还通过健康信念中介作用间接影响健康行为。  相似文献   



Teaching profession is characterised by an above-average rate of psychosomatic and mental health impairment due to work-related stress. The aim of the study was to identify predictors of mental health in female teachers.

Material and Methods

A sample of 630 female teachers (average age 47±7 years) participated in a screening diagnostic inventory. Mental health was surveyed with the General Health Questionnaire GHQ-12. The following parameters were measured: specific work conditions (teacher-specific occupational history), scales of the Effort-Reward-Imbalance (ERI) Questionnaire as well as cardiovascular risk factors, physical complaints (BFB) and personal factors such as inability to recover (FABA), sense of coherence (SOC) and health behaviour.


First, mentally fit (MH+) and mentally impaired teachers (MH?) were differentiated based on the GHQ-12 sum score (MH+: < 5; MH?: ≥ 5); 18% of the teachers showed evidence of mental impairment. There were no differences concerning work-related and cardiovascular risk factors as well as health behaviour between MH+ and MH?. Binary logistic regressions identified 4 predictors that showed a significant effect on mental health. The effort-reward-ratio proved to be the most relevant predictor, while physical complaints as well as inability to recover and sense of coherence were identified as advanced predictors (explanation of variance: 23%).


Contrary to the expectations, classic work-related factors can hardly contribute to the explanation of mental health. Additionally, cardiovascular risk factors and health behaviour have no relevant influence. However, effort-reward-ratio, physical complaints and personal factors are of considerable influence on mental health in teachers. These relevant predictors should become a part of preventive arrangements for the conservation of teachers’ health in the future.  相似文献   

Although the negative health effects of intimate partner violence (IPV) are well documented, little is known about the mechanisms or determinants of health outcomes for women who had left their abusive partners. Using data collected from a community sample of 309 Canadian women who left an abusive partner, we examined whether women's personal, social and economic resources mediate the relationships between the severity of past IPV and current health using structural equation modelling. A good fit was found between the model and data for hypothesized models of mental and physical health. In the mental health model, both the direct and total indirect effects of IPV were significant. In the physical health model, the direct effect of IPV on physical health was about four times as large as the total indirect effects. In both models, more severe past IPV was associated with lower health and women's personal, social, and economic resources, when combined, mediated the relationship between IPV and health. These findings demonstrate that the health outcomes of IPV for women who have left an abusive partner must be understood in context of women's resources.  相似文献   

Summary Objective: The study aimed to explore the association between the presence of several protective health behaviors and physical and mental wellbeing/functioning among healthy hospital employees in Greece. Method: A randomly selected representative sample of 395 employees working in seven hospitals, both public and private, within the wider region of Athens participated in the study. Participants were assigned to the following professional categories: administrative, auxiliary and technical personnel, medical doctors and nurses. Four basic protective health behaviors were examined: following the Mediterranean diet, exercising, no smoking and moderate alcohol drinking. Employees’ health related quality of life was assessed with the self-administered SF-36 generic health status measure. Results: Technical and administrative hospital personnel reported more healthy behaviors than medical and auxiliary personnel. There was an increased likelihood of scoring higher in almost all SF-36 Physical health subscales in the accumulation of the above four protective health behaviors. In terms of mental health, even the presence of two or more protective health behaviors significantly increase the score on most SF-36 Mental health subscales. Conclusion: Results indicate that the protective role of basic health behaviors extends beyond physical health to mental wellbeing. Submitted: 26 June 2006; Revised: 10 April 2007; Accepted 17 July 2007  相似文献   

This paper investigates the mechanisms behind the health effects of retirement. Using a Regression Discontinuity Design to exploit financial incentives in the German pension system for identification, I find that retirement improves subjective health status and mental health, while also reducing outpatient care utilization. I explore a wide range of health behaviors, time use, and effect heterogeneity as potential mechanisms. Relief from work-related stress and strain, increased sleep duration as well as more frequent physical exercise seem to be key mechanisms through which retirement affects health.  相似文献   

目的 探讨基于健康生态学理论的干预模式对高龄空巢老年人身心健康状况的干预效果,为改善老年人健康状况提供依据。方法 自唐山市工人医院、弘慈医院直属10个社区卫生服务中心下设的各社区中随机抽取两个社区,采用抽签法分为实验组和对照组。对实验组和对照组社区中的老年人按照纳入和排除标准进行筛查,在各社区筛查出的所有符合入组标准的老年人中再随机各抽取50人,干预过程中对照组脱落一人,最终实验组50人,对照组49人。实验组采用基于健康生态学理论的干预模式进行干预,对照组为空白对照。于干预前及干预3个月后使用SF-36量表、孤独量表、健康促进生活方式量表对老年人进行评测。结果 干预3个月后,实验组的健康状况、孤独感状况、健康促进生活方式水平均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 基于健康生态学理论的干预模式可以有效改善高龄空巢老年人的身心健康状况,优化其健康行为。  相似文献   

Multiple factors influence individuals to get health checkups. This study investigates key determinants of the health checkup decision by using 2696 Japanese respondents’ data from a questionnaire survey entitled “Preference Parameters Study” that was conducted in four countries by the Global Centers of Excellence program at Osaka University. In the Probit and OLS regressions, other than relevant personal attributes being identified, the hyperbolic discounter dummy and its interaction terms with respondents’ health behaviors were also included as independent variables. The results suggest that some socio-demographic variables such as gender, age, income, household size, occupational status, educational level are significant. In addition, hyperbolic discounters are found to be more likely than non-hyperbolic discounters to seek health checkups, which indicates that the effect of time preference on health checkup behavior differs significantly among the different types of time discount structures.  相似文献   

Studies have demonstrated significant associations between limited literacy and health outcomes. Yet differences in literacy measurement and the cutoffs used for analysis have made it difficult to fully understand the relationship between literacy and health across the entire spectrum of literacy (i.e., whether the relationship is continuous and graded or whether a threshold exists below which literacy is independently associated with health). To analyze this question, we re-examined the relationship between literacy, baseline physical functioning and mental health, and all-cause mortality for a cohort of 3260 US community-dwelling elderly who were interviewed in 1997 to determine demographics, socioeconomic status, chronic conditions, self-reported physical and mental health (SF-36 subscales), health behaviors, and literacy based upon the Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (S-TOFHLA). All-cause mortality was determined using data from the US National Death Index through 2003. Seven categories of S-TOFHLA literacy scores were created and used in this analysis instead of the existing three categories identified with the measure. In multivariate analyses, a continuous, graded relationship between literacy and baseline physical functioning was identified. However, participants scoring below the third literacy category had significantly worse mental health compared to the highest literacy category, displaying a notable threshold. Finally, all six literacy categories were significantly associated with greater all-cause mortality risk compared to the highest literacy category, but again there was a marked threshold below the third category at which the adjusted mortality rate significantly increased compared to all other categories. We conclude that the nature of the relationship between literacy and health may vary depending upon the outcome under examination.  相似文献   

The mining environment is hazardous for worker’s health. It can affect the mental health, triggering symptoms and diseases, such as anxiety, job stress, depression, sleep disorders, mental fatigue and other. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the scientific literature about the mental health in mine workers and to summarize the findings. The method used was scoping review. The principal outcomes were the following: evidence in the last 12 years in the topic was focused in four themes 1) Psychological problems & personal factors (38.2%); 2) Psychosocial problems & health related factor (23.6%); 3) Well-being (21.1%) and 4) Physical problems & organization factors (17.1%). Several affections, symptoms, characteristics or disorders were inquired about mine worker’s mental health, such as job strain, unsafety experiences, poor quality of sleep, non-subjective well-being, job unsatisfaction, social-relations conflict, risk of accidents and injuries, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), substance abuse, dangerous working conditions and demanding job organization, and so on. For those factors, Mining could expose to serious mental health problems to a part of their workers. It’s necessary to deepen the elaboration of international policies and carry out more scientific research and suggestions to make programs on the topic.  相似文献   

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