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Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship of levodopa with and without tolcapone in patients with Parkinson's disease. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of administration of the catechol-Omethyltransferase (COMT) inhibitor tolcapone on the concentration-effect relationship of levodopa in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease and on-off fluctuations. DESIGN: Nonblind single-group 2-period pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic study. PATIENTS AND PARTICIPANTS: 12 patients, mean age 59 years, with idiopathic Parkinson's disease and response fluctuations. METHODS: The pharmacokinetics [plasma concentrations of levodopa and 3-O-methyldopa (3-OMD)] and motor effects [global score of the Columbia University Rating Scale (CURSsigma)] of levodopa (plus the peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor benserazide 1:4) were determined for 4 consecutive dosage intervals (4 hours each, starting at 8.00am) in 12 patients before (day 1) and during (day 8) coadministration of tolcapone 100 mg 3 times daily for 7 days. RESULTS: Under tolcapone, exposure to levodopa [area under the plasma concentration-time for the dosage interval (AUCt)] observed for the separate doses increased by 1.6- to 2.2-fold, and peak plasma drug concentrations (Cmax) increased by 1.1 - to 2.1 -fold. 3-OMD concentrations at day 8 were reduced to about 20% of the values at day 1. At baseline (day 1, before the first levodopa dose), CURSsigma averaged 40 +/- 10 points. After the first levodopa dose. CURSsigma declined to 20 +/- 9 points. At day 8. the predose CURSsigma decreased to a final score of 31 +/-13 points, and the maximal decline after the first levodopa dose was to a final score of 16 +/- 8 points. Population analysis (NONMEM) of the concentration-effect relationship of levodopa according to a sigmoidal Emax model and over all dosage intervals did not show differences in levodopa responsiveness with or without tolcapone. The population mean of the 50% effective concentration (EC50) of levodopa was 1350 microg/L with an standard error of the population parameter estimate of 18%: adding tolcapone treatment as a covariate did not significantly change the population fit. Circadian influences on levodopa respon- siveness were not evaluable by the NONMEM model due to overparametrisation, but visual inspection of plotted data did not suggest differences in the concentration-effect relationship between the 4 consecutive dosage intervals on days 1 and 8. CONCLUSIONS: The gain in clinical improvement with levodopa under tolcapone can be fully explained by tolcapone-induced changes of peripheral levodopa pharmacokinetics. We suggest that this interaction study, performed in patients and using clinical data, excludes any central effects of tolcapone or any inhibiting effect of 3-OMD on levodopa permeation through the blood-brain barrier, which otherwise would have led to a decrease in the EC50 of levodopa. 相似文献
M. Contin R. Riva P. Martinelli F. Albani A. Baruzzi 《European journal of clinical pharmacology》1991,41(5):463-466
Summary The influence of age on the kinetics of a standard oral dose of levodopa administered with an inhibitor of peripheral dopa decarboxylase enzymes (benserazide) has been evaluated in 40 patients with Parkinson's disease (age 34–78 y) on chronic therapy. They were divided into 2 groups, on the basis of age below (21 patients, Group A) or above (19 patients, Group B) 65 y.The area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of levodopa was significantly greater in the older group (547 versus 428 mol·1–1·min in Group B), coupled with a reduced apparent oral clearance (8.1 versus 10.7 ml·min–1 ·kg–1) and a longer plasma elimination half-life (67.6 versus 54.6 min). The age of the patients was positively correlated with the AUC of levodopa (r=0.474) and its plasma elimination half-life (r=0.391), and was negatively correlated with clearance (r=–0.489).The findings confirm previous data on volunteers that showed a reduction in the systemic clearance of levodopa due to age, which would probably account for the finding of a greater AUC of levodopa in older patients. The observed, age-mediated differences in levodopa pharmacokinetics, albeit statistically significant, were moderate and were likely to be of only minor importance for the dosing schedule.This work was part of the Progetto finalizzato Invecchiamento of the National Research Council of Italy, Grant No. 912012 相似文献
目的 探讨卡比多巴-左旋多巴控释片对帕金森病(PD)患者睡眠障碍的改善作用.方法 选取2013年6月至2015年6月本院神经科收治的伴有睡眠障碍的PD患者69例,随机分为观察组39例和对照组30例.观察组卡比多巴-左旋多巴控释片治疗,对照组艾司唑仑治疗.比较两组治疗前后病情Hoehn-Yahr分期评估差异,对两组进行多导睡眠监测,比较两组睡眠情况,并采用睡眠评价量表(ESS)及匹茨堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)评分评估患者睡眠障碍的改善效果.结果 治疗前,观察组、对照组Hoehn-Yahr分期评估、多导睡眠监测睡眠潜伏期、觉醒次数、觉醒时间、ESS、PSQI评分比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后,观察组Hoehn-Yahr分期评估为(1.49±0.72)级,显著低于对照组(P<0.05),睡眠潜伏期[(25.40±12.12) min]、觉醒次数[(3.21±2.11)次]、觉醒时间[(30.02±10.05)min]均比对照组显著减少(P<0.05),ESS、PSQI评分均显著低于对照组(P<0.05);治疗期间,两组均未出现明显的不良反应.结论 与艾司唑仑卡相比,卡比多巴-左旋多巴控释片治疗PD伴睡眠障碍患者效果更显著,可显著改善患者睡眠障碍,进而提高患者生活质量. 相似文献
目的通过检测帕金森病(PD)患者外周血中肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-alpha,TNF-α),探讨TNF-α在PD患者外周血中的变化。方法采用放射免疫分析方法,对84例(PD组)患者和87例(对照组)健康对照的血TNF-α进行检测;同时对PD患者的年龄、性别、疾病分期和病程进行组内比较。结果PD患者与健康对照者TNF-α含量分别为(14.7±2.3)pmol/L、(16.9±4.4)pmol/L,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);按患者年龄、性别、疾病分期和病程进行组内比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论PD发病过程中存在着免疫系统失调,PD患者外周血TNF-α减少,而且与年龄、性别、疾病分期和病程无关。 相似文献
Chen C Cowles VE Sweeney M Stolyarov ID Illarioshkin SN 《Journal of clinical pharmacology》2012,52(7):1069-1077
The investigators conducted a single-dose pharmacokinetic (PK) study of levodopa/carbidopa delivered from novel gastric-retentive extended-release (ER) tablets versus a comparator ER tablet (M-ER) in patients with Parkinson's disease. Two levodopa/carbidopa (200 mg/50 mg) gastric-retentive ER formulations (4 hours and 6 hours) and M-ER were administered orally with food. Blood samples were collected for up to 24 hours post dose to determine levodopa and carbidopa concentrations. Tolerability was assessed by monitoring adverse events and measuring vital signs. PK modeling was conducted to estimate the release characteristics for future gastric-retentive ER formulations to achieve a less fluctuating plasma concentration profiles. Compared with M-ER, both gastric-retentive ER formulations exhibited a longer time to reach a lower maximal plasma concentration for levodopa and carbidopa. The 4-hour formulation demonstrated a similar area under the concentration-time curve compared with M-ER, whereas the 6-hour formulation demonstrated a lower area under the concentration-time curve. All formulations were well tolerated. Modeling suggests that a gastric-retentive ER formulation with a longer release duration administered twice daily may achieve a less fluctuating levodopa concentration profile than M-ER administered 3 times daily. This study demonstrates that gastric-retentive ER dosage forms may reduce dose frequency while minimizing the plasma peak-to-trough fluctuation and consequently reduce motor fluctuation in patients with Parkinson's disease. 相似文献
E. Bredberg J. Tedroff S.-M. Aquilonius L. Paalzow 《European journal of clinical pharmacology》1990,39(4):385-389
Summary Five patients with severe Parkinson's disease were characterized with respect to their pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic responses to levodopa given: orally, intravenously (three different infusion rates) and intraduodenally. The best therapeutic infusion rate in the intravenous study was used for the intraduodenal infusion of levodopa. A lag time between plasma concentration and effect following oral administration was seen in three of the five patients and this disequilibrium was estimated as the rate constant ke0 using model-independent analysis.The plasma concentration-effect relationship was similar for the three modes of administration and in all patients the therapeutic plasma concentration for full mobility was >4–5 g·ml–1. The disequilibrium half-life for development of effect after oral administration was calculated to be about 30 min.The patients remained clinically stable during the period of the intraduodenal infusion. 相似文献
S. G. Bowes C. J. A. O'Neill P. W. Nicholson A. L. Leeman A. A. Deshmukh R. J. Dobbs S. M. Dobbs 《European journal of clinical pharmacology》1991,41(5):459-462
Summary We address, from a pharmacokinetic viewpoint, the important question of why some patients with clinical idiopathic Parkinson's disease experience a fall off in benefit from levodopa maintenance therapy.Thirteen such patients, of mean age 78 y, without overt fluctuations in motor control in temporal relation to dosing with a levodopa/decarboxylase inhibitor combination, were studied. Levodopa (currently 400 to 800 mg daily) had been started at between 61 and 81 y of age, the mean duration of therapy being 54 months. Plasma concentrations of levodopa and its peripheral metabolite, 3-0-methyldopa, were measured before a morning dose of levodopa (100 mg)/carbidopa (25 mg) and at hourly intervals for 6 h after.There was a significant negative regression between duration of levodopa therapy (but not age or severity of disease) and the area under the plasma concentration/time curve (AUC) for levodopa attributed to the test dose. A significant negative regression was also seen of duration of therapy on the dose absorbed per unit distribution volume, but not on the elimination rate constant, indicating a decrease in bioavailability and/or an increase in distribution volume with duration. There was a tendency for the plasma 3-0-methyldopa concentration, standardised for daily dose, [30MD], to increase with duration of therapy. Although, the regression of duration on [30MD] did not reach statistical significance, that on the ratio, [30MD]/AUC, did so at the 0.01 level.The amount by, and time for which, the plasma levodopa concentration exceeds any critical threshold for the competitive active uptake process into the brain may thus decrease with duration of therapy. This may explain in part the limited reversal of the neurological deficit, which is more typical of later onset Parkinsonism, and, possibly, the decrement in biological half time with duration of therapy, typical of early onset disease. 3-0-Methyldopa is known to compete for active uptake with levodopa; the ratio, [30MD]/AUC, may be a measure of this competition. Intrinsic activity of neuronal uptake mechanisms, capacity of the basal ganglia for storage of dopamine, and post synaptic neuronal activity may, of course, also be determinants of clinical outcome. 相似文献
Summary The clinical effects and pharmacokinetics of orally and intraduodenally administered levodopa, in four patients with Parkinson's disease have been compared. The patients had unpredictable fluctuations in motor function and episodic unresponsiveness to single doses of levodopa. The pharmacokinetic and clinical data of these patients were compared retrospectively with those of Parkinsonian patients with fluctuations in motor performance but with preserved clinical responses to single oral doses of levodopa.There was a threshold plasma concentration of levodopa associated with the switch on or off effect. In addition, rapid attainment of this critical plasma concentration was associated with a quicker onset of action and a more prolonged clinical response.All the patients had delayed absorption of levodopa related to delayed and erratic gastric emptying, which contributed to the fluctuation in motor response. In contrast, the patients with fluctuating motor effects but a preserved clinical response after levodopa showed an absorption pattern comparable to that of four patients studied after duodenal delivery of levodopa.It is suggested that there is a subgroup of patients with fluctuating responses due mainly to altered peripheral pharmacokinetics of levodopa. The findings demonstrate the relevance of routine measurements of plasma levodopa in patients with Parkinson's disease in whom there are fluctuations in motor performance. 相似文献
The pharmacokinetics of intravenous and oral levodopa in patients with Parkinson's disease who exhibit on-off fluctuations. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

R J Hardie S L Malcolm A J Lees G M Stern J G Allen 《British journal of clinical pharmacology》1986,22(4):429-436
We have studied the clinical effects and pharmacokinetics of levodopa infusions and oral therapy in seven patients with Parkinson's disease. They all showed on-off fluctuations whilst receiving long-term treatment with levodopa in combination with a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor. Intravenous infusion at a constant rate for up to 16 h resulted in a smoother clinical response, and maintained plasma levodopa concentrations within narrower limits compared with conventional oral therapy. Following infusion rates of 32-80 mg h-1 (0.5-1.3 mg kg-1 h-1) the plasma concentration associated with optimum therapeutic response lay between 0.3 and 1.6 mg l-1. There was considerable variation in the oral absorption and elimination of levodopa, both within and between subjects. The concentration of 3-OMe dopa in plasma hardly increased during each day's levodopa therapy. In all cases levels were greater than the maximum concentrations of levodopa, sometimes by as much as a factor of 10. In contrast to most previous reports on the pharmacokinetics of levodopa, the data presented here are consistent with a two-compartment kinetic model. It is not known whether the difference in pharmacokinetics is due to chronic therapy or whether it is specific to those patients who show on-off phenomena, but such changes might be related in some way to the development of fluctuations in clinical response. 相似文献
S. B. Shirsand Sarasija Suresh M. S. Para P. V. Swamy D. Nagendra Kumar 《Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences》2009,71(1):41-45
In the present work, fast disintegrating tablets of prochlorperazine maleate were designed with a view to enhance patient compliance by direct compression method. In this method mucilage of Plantago ovata and crospovidone were used as superdisintegrants (2-8% w/w) along with microcrystalline cellulose (20-60% w/w) and directly compressible mannitol (Pearlitol SD 200) to enhance mouth feel. The prepared batches of tablets were evaluated for hardness, friability, drug content uniformity, wetting time, water absorption ratio and in vitro dispersion time. Based on in vitro dispersion time (approximately 8 s), the two formulations were tested for the in vitro drug release pattern (in pH 6.8 phosphate buffer), short-term stability (at 40°/75% relative humidity for 3 mo) and drug-excipient interaction (IR spectroscopy). Among the two promising formulations, the formulation prepared by using 8% w/w of Plantago ovata mucilage and 60% w/w of microcrystalline cellulose emerged as the overall best formulation (t50% 3.3 min) based on the in vitro drug release characteristics compared to conventional commercial tablets formulation (t50% 17.4 min). Short-term stability studies on the formulations indicated that there are no significant changes in drug content and in vitro dispersion time (p<0.05). 相似文献
Stocchi F 《Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy》2006,7(10):1399-1407
Levodopa is the most efficacious treatment in the management of Parkinson's disease. Unfortunately, chronic use of traditional levodopa/dopa decarboxylase inhibitor formulations is associated with the development of complications, such as wearing-off and dyskinesia. In an attempt to avoid these complications, some physicians delay the introduction of levodopa or employ levodopa-sparing strategies; however, these strategies are frequently suboptimal for patients. As most patients require the superior efficacy of levodopa during the course of their disease, an appreciation of the changing response to levodopa over time and an understanding of the pharmacokinetic principles underlying the development of complications such as wearing-off is essential in the long-term management of the patient. 相似文献
Nelida Fernandez Demetrio Carriedo Matilde Sierra M Jose Diez Ana Sahagun Angela Calle Aranzazu Gonzalez Juan J Garcia 《European neuropsychopharmacology》2005,15(5):505-509
Levodopa combined with carbidopa constitutes one of the most frequent medication in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Plantago ovata husk (water-soluble fiber) improves levodopa absorption conditions, but when this drug is administered with carbidopa, fiber could reduce its effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the presence of P. ovata husk modifies in rabbits the bioavailability and other pharmacokinetic parameters of levodopa (20 mg/kg) when administered by the oral route with carbidopa (5 mg/kg). We have also studied whether pharmacokinetic modifications are fiber-dose dependent (100 and 400 mg/kg). When levodopa and carbidopa were administered with 100 mg/kg P. ovata husk, the value of AUC for levodopa diminishes 29.7% (sign, n=6, P<0.05) and Cmax 28.1% (sign, n=6, P<0.05) in relation to the values obtained when these drugs were administered without fiber. If the dose of fiber was 400 mg/kg, the decrease was smaller: 20.4% for AUC (no significant difference) and 24.6% for Cmax (sign, n=6, P<0.05), that may indicate an inhibitory action of AADC by the fiber or any of its partial hydrolysis products. On the other hand, since certain time on, levodopa concentrations are always higher in the groups that receive fiber: 210 min with 100 mg/kg and 150 min with 400 mg/kg. The administration of P. ovata husk with levodopa/carbidopa to patients with Parkinson disease could be beneficial and in particular in those patients who also suffer constipation due to an improvement of levodopa kinetic profile with higher final concentrations, a longer plasma half-life and lower Cmax. 相似文献
Lees A 《Drugs & aging》2005,22(9):731-740
Parkinson's disease (PD) is primarily a disease of elderly patients. This article reviews current knowledge and recent developments relating to drugs that can be used as alternatives to levodopa as initial treatment of PD. Synthetic orally acting dopamine agonists have found increasing favour as an option for early PD in relatively young patients. This strategy is based on evidence that this approach may delay the onset of motor fluctuations, at least during the first 5 years of treatment. Subcutaneous apomorphine infusions may attenuate motor fluctuations in late-stage disease, and transdermal rotigotine, a dopamine agonist in development, has also been shown to be efficacious. The greater proclivity for dopamine agonists to cause psychotoxicity has, however, limited their routine use in the elderly. Selective monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) inhibitors, used as monotherapy, delay the need for the introduction of levodopa by about 9 months. These agents appear to be less efficacious than dopamine agonists but are better tolerated. Concern has been expressed about the potential of the MAO-B inhibitor selegiline (deprenyl) to induce cardiovascular adverse effects (orthostatic hypotension), either directly or through its amphetamine catabolites. Rasagiline is a new MAO-B inhibitor that is not broken down to amphetamine derivatives and is indicated as both monotherapy in early PD and as adjunctive therapy in PD patients with motor fluctuations. Two older classes of agents have undergone a resurgence of interest in recent years. Amantadine, which enhances dopaminergic transmission and has antiglutamate activity, is occasionally used as monotherapy but has recently been widely used as an antidyskinetic agent in late-stage PD. Anticholinergic drugs, such as benztropine (benzatropine) and orphenadrine also provide control of symptoms when used as monotherapy, but their psychotoxic, cognitive and autonomic adverse events make them inappropriate for the treatment of the elderly.Effective therapy in PD should prevent disease progression and abolish motor and cognitive handicap. Currently, none of the existing drugs meets all these needs. 相似文献
Müller T 《Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology》2011,7(7):847-855
INTRODUCTION: Oxidative stress is an essential component of neuronal death in Parkinson's disease (PD). Clinically, progression of PD is also characterised by onset of motor complications (MC). MC results from the peripheral and central degree of fluctuations of levodopa (LD) and of dopamine. AREAS COVERED: This review highlights aspects of LD and dopamine metabolism in chronic neurodegeneration in PD. A Medline search (terms: homocysteine, LD, PD, progression [from 2000 onwards]) was performed and considered preclinical and clinical investigations. The author discusses pharmacokinetic and metabolic aspects of chronic LD administration in PD patients and provides a therapeutic concept to reduce probable PD accelerating consequences of chronic LD application. EXPERT OPINION: The author suggests that the future 'ideal' oral LD therapy should be homocysteine-reducing, methyl-group-donating, oxidative-stress-decreasing and antiglutamatergic while also allowing continuous delivery to the brain. This may slow the progression of PD and delay the onset of MC, both of which represent unmet needs in the treatment of PD patients. 相似文献
Levodopa, a prodrug of dopamine, remains to be one of the main drugs in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. All current levodopa products are formulated with aromatic amino acid decarboxylase inhibitors such as carbidopa or benserazide to prevent the metabolism of levodopa in the gastrointestinal tract and systemic circulation. Levodopa pharmacokinetic profiles remain unchanged after multiple doses, and are similar between healthy volunteers and patients and among patients at different stages of disease. Entacapone inhibits the metabolism of levodopa therefore increases the area under the plasma concentration-time profile of levodopa; however, it may decrease the initial absorption rate of levodopa in some patients probably due to competitive absorption. Food appears to affect the absorption of levodopa, but its effects vary with formulations. The results of positron emission tomography study suggest that a high protein diet may compete with the uptake of levodopa into the brain, therefore, may result in reduced levodopa effects. Since infusion studies demonstrated that it is beneficial to maintain stable plasma concentrations of levodopa, controlled-release formulations have been designed to provide prolonged absorption of levodopa. However, subsequent pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies demonstrated that a threshold concentration of levodopa appears to be necessary to switch patients "on". Once patients are turned "on", the duration of levodopa effects may be correlated with plasma concentration of levodopa. As such, more recent studies have demonstrated significant clinical benefits such as shorter time to "on" and longer duration of "on" when combining the immediate- and controlled-release levodopa products as compared to controlled-release levodopa products. Given these findings, it is important for physicians to understand the relationship between the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of levodopa in order to provide dosage regimens that meet patient needs. The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics data of levodopa reported in the literature are reviewed here. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Not all patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) respond to levodopa and others develop dyskinesias. Ropinirole, a dopamine agonist, is associated with fewer dyskinesias than levodopa. OBJECTIVE: To examine the economic impact of reducing dyskinesias using ropinirole instead of levodopa plus benserazide in PD was examined. The research question addressed was: is the added cost of ropinirole offset by savings due to avoided cases of dyskinesia? METHODS: A cost-minimisation analysis was performed from both the societal and Ministry of Health (MoH) of Ontario, Canada perspectives, using 5-year data from a study of dyskinesia outcomes comparing ropinirole with levodopa plus benserazide. A predictive model was developed to capture resource utilisation over 5 years, such as medication costs, medical consultations, hospital admissions, nursing home admissions, caregiver time and productivity loss. The model was based on a previously reported clinical trial which determined dyskinesia rates to be 20% for ropinirole and 45% for levodopa. Standard costing lists were used, and costs were discounted at various rates. Constant 1999 Canadian dollars ($Can) were applied, and no increases were assumed over the time horizon of the analysis. A multivariate sensitivity analysis with changes in key parameters was also performed. RESULTS: From a societal perspective, ropinirole was cost saving. From the MoH perspective, the analysis yielded an incremental expected daily cost/patient of $Can4.41 for substituting levodopa plus benserazide with ropinirole. Ropinirole resulted in daily savings/patient of $Can0.17 in non-drug healthcare costs. In the sensitivity analysis, the direction of results did not change despite changes of 15 to 20% in key parameters, suggesting robustness of the model. CONCLUSIONS: From the societal perspective, in comparison with levodopa plus benserazide, the added cost of ropinirole is offset by savings due to avoided cases of dyskinesia. 相似文献
目的 探讨养心定悸胶囊联合多巴丝肼片对帕金森病患者的临床疗效。方法 选择定州市人民医院2017年8月-2019年8月收治的帕金森病患者60例作为研究对象,采用随机原则将患者分为观察组与对照组,每组各30例。对照组采用多巴丝肼片治疗,初始剂量0.25 g/次,3次/d,1周后逐渐根据病情调整用量,直到达到适合患者的治疗量为止,最高剂量不超过1 g/d,分3~4次服用。观察组在对照组治疗的基础上联合养心定悸胶囊,3 g/次,2次/d。两组治疗时间均为12周。观察两组患者的临床疗效,同时比较两组治疗前后的帕金森评定量表(UPDRS)、自主神经症状量表(SCOPT-AUT)、帕金森生活质量问卷(PDQ-39)评分及神经递质水平。结果 治疗后,观察组患者总有效率90.00%,显著高于对照组66.67%(P<0.05)。治疗后,两组UPDRS、SCOPT-AUT、PDQ-39评分均显著降低,同组治疗前后比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);且治疗后,观察组各评分显著低于对照组,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后,两组血清血清5-羟色胺(5-HT)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)、多巴胺(DA)水平比较显著升高,同组治疗前后比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);且治疗后,观察组5-HT、NE、DA水平显著高于对照组,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 养心定悸胶囊联合多巴丝肼片治疗帕金森病效果显著,能够显著缓解症状,改善自主神经功能和神经递质水平,有利于患者生活质量的提高,且具有较好的安全性。 相似文献
Findley LJ Lees A Apajasalo M Pitkänen A Turunen H 《Current medical research and opinion》2005,21(7):1005-1014
BACKGROUND AND METHODS: A Markov model was developed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone (LCE;Stalevo), in the treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and end-of-dose motor fluctuations (wearing-off). LCE, with or without other antiparkinsonian medications, was compared to UK standard care, comprising traditional levodopa/ dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor (DDCI) with other antiparkinsonian medications (e.g. selegiline or dopamine agonists) added as needed. The costs and outcomes of both treatments were projected over a period of 10 years from the perspective (a) of society as a whole and (b) of the UK National Health Service (NHS). Sensitivity analyses, including second-order Monte Carlo simulations, were performed to assess the confidence level of the primary results. RESULTS: Treatment with LCE produced an average gain of +1.04 quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) per patient (2.57 vs. 1.53) in the base-case analysis (discount rate 3.5%). This gain was accompanied by a reduction in the total 10-year direct cost of care to society of 10198 pounds per patient ( approximately E14800). From the societal perspective, therefore, LCE was dominant, producing better clinical outcomes with lower costs. This dominance was reiterated in all sensitivity analyses of society-focused analysis, including a shortening of the time-frame to 5 years.Although treatment with LCE resulted in an increase in direct costs per patient of 3239 pounds (25756 pounds versus 22517 pounds) to the NHS over the 10-year period analysed, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of LCE was only 3105 pounds per QALY gained (approximately E4500). All ICERs to the NHS remained below 3800 pounds per QALY gained in univariate sensitivity analyses applying different discount rates. When a shorter, 5-year, time-horizon was analysed, the NHS-related ICER for LCE was 6526 pounds per QALY gained. All these ICERs are within the range usually considered to indicate acceptable or highly acceptable cost effectiveness (defined as < 30000 pounds per QALY gained).The results of the Monte Carlo simulations indicated that the likelihood of LCE being either 'dominant' or more effective at an 'acceptable cost' from either the societal or the NHS perspective was high, exceeding 96% in the base-case sensitivity analysis, and was 93% even when all the uncertainties associated with the model were taken into consideration simultaneously. In particular, compared to standard care, the probability that LCE would provide better outcomes at a lower cost to society as a whole was 77% in the base-case sensitivity analysis and 72% in the scenario involving the highest degree of uncertainty. CONCLUSIONS: In the UK the use of LCE to treat PD patients with wearing-off is beneficial to individual patients and likely to offer money savings to society as a whole, compared with UK standard therapy. The added cost of the medication itself is exceeded by the savings made in other direct costs of PD, mainly those relating to social care or PD-related private expenditures. 相似文献