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Bacteria containing blaNDM-1 gene are a growing threat to almost all clinically β-lactam antibiotics. Especially, the New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM-1) has become a potential public survival risk. In this study, a novel and efficient strategy for inhibitors and β-lactam antibiotics screening using recombinant New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM-1) was developed. First, the gene of blaNDM-1 were identified and cloned from multi-drug resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii isolate; by the means of protein expression and purification, recombinant NDM-1 activity was up to 68.5 U ml−1, and high purity NDM-1 protein with activity of 347.4 U mg−1 was obtained. Finally, for NDM-1, the inhibitors (aspergillomarasmine A (AMA) and EDTA) with high affinity (HI) and the β-lactam antibiotics (imipenem) with low affinity (LA) were screened out. Surprisingly, the inhibition of the NDM-1 was enhanced by the use of inhibitor combinations (AMA–EDTA (1 : 2)), where the IC50 of AMA–EDTA was reduced by 88% and 95%, respectively, comparing to the AMA and EDTA alone. More interesting, AMA–EDTA could restore the activity of imipenem when tested against NDM-1 expressing strains (E. coli and Acinetobacter baumannii), with a working time of 120 min and 330 min, respectively. This method is expected to be used in high-throughput screening, drug redesign (including new inhibitors and drugs) and “old drug new use”.

Bacteria containing blaNDM-1 gene are a growing threat to almost all clinically β-lactam antibiotics. A semi-rational screening of the inhibitors and antibiotics against the New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 1 has been developed in this study.  相似文献   

N α-benzenesulfonylhistamine, a new semi-synthetic β-glucosidase inhibitor, was obtained by bioactivity-guided isolation from a chemically engineered extract of Urtica urens L. prepared by reaction with benzenesulfonyl chloride. In order to identify better β-glucosidase inhibitors, a new series of Nα,Nτ-di-arylsulfonyl and Nα-arylsulfonyl histamine derivatives was prepared. Biological studies revealed that the β-glucosidase inhibition was in a micromolar range for several Nα-arylsulfonyl histamine compounds of the series, Nα-4-fluorobenzenesulfonyl histamine being the most powerful compound. Besides, this reversible and competitive inhibitor presented a good selectivity for β-glucosidase with respect to other target enzymes including α-glucosidase.

A selective β-glucosidase inhibitor was discovered using the chemically engineered extracts approach.  相似文献   

Ellagic acid, a δ-lactone with ionisable phenolic residues, is an efficient time-dependent inhibitor of the serine β-lactamase enzyme CTX-M-15. The pH-dependence of the rate of inhibition shows that both the mono- and di-anionic species of ellagic acid are effective inhibitors, both with second order rate constants of ∼1.5 × 104 M−1 s−1. The structurally similar δ-lactone urolithin A, which lacks the geometrically appropriate phenolic residue, shows only modest inhibitory activity against CTX-M-15. It is proposed that this inhibition by ellagic acid anions involves acylation of the active site serine and that the negative charge on the inhibitor is required for binding to the active site.

Both the mono- and di-anions of the δ-lactone containing ellagic acid are time-dependent covalent inhibitors of the active site of β-lactamase.  相似文献   

The C-terminus fragment (Val-Val-Ile-Ala) of amyloid-β is reported to inhibit the aggregation of the parent peptide. In an attempt to investigate the effect of sequential amino-acid scan and C-terminus amidation on the biological profile of the lead sequence, a series of tetrapeptides were synthesized using MW-SPPS. Peptide D-Phe-Val-Ile-Ala-NH2 (12c) exhibited high protection against β-amyloid-mediated-neurotoxicity by inhibiting Aβ aggregation in the MTT cell viability and ThT-fluorescence assay. Circular dichroism studies illustrate the inability of Aβ42 to form β-sheet in the presence of 12c, further confirmed by the absence of Aβ42 fibrils in electron microscopy experiments. The peptide exhibits enhanced BBB permeation, no cytotoxicity along with prolonged proteolytic stability. In silico studies show that the peptide interacts with the key amino acids in Aβ, which potentiate its fibrillation, thereby arresting aggregation propensity. This structural class of designed scaffolds provides impetus towards the rational development of peptide-based-therapeutics for Alzheimer''s disease (AD).

Amidated C-terminal fragment, Aβ39–42 derived non-cytotoxic β-sheet breaker peptides exhibit excellent potency, enhanced bioavailability and improved proteolytic stability.

First reported by Alois Alzheimer in 1906, Alzheimer''s Disease (AD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder with an irreversible decline in memory and cognition.1 It is commonly seen in elderly populations and is marked by two major histopathological hallmarks, amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT).2 The number of patients suffering from AD has been increasing at an alarming rate. It is estimated that around 60 million patients will be suffering from AD by the end of 2020 and half of this patient population would require the care equivalent to that of a nursing home.3 Even after a century of its discovery, there has been no treatment that targets the pathophysiology of AD.4 The current treatment regimen includes acetylcholine-esterase inhibitors (AChEI) comprising of donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine as well as N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor antagonist, memantine. These provide only symptomatic relief to the patient. Most of the therapeutics that are currently being tested in clinical trials couldn''t proceed beyond phase II and phase III clinical trials due to lower efficacy in elderly patients, multiple side effects and limitations in their pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles.5–9 This has created challenges on the societal and economic upfront.Literature analysis reveals that the soluble oligomeric Aβ species is the culprit for neurotoxicity. It interrupts normal physiological functioning of the human brain. The central hydrophobic fragment Aβ16–22 (KLVFFAE) and the C-terminus region fragment Aβ31–42 (IIGLMVGGVVIA) are responsible for controlling the aggregation kinetics of the monomeric species, wherein the later still remains relatively less explored.8,9 Our group is focused on development of peptidomimetic analogues for preventing Aβ aggregation. Studies on a complete peptide scan on the C-terminus region regions has already been published previously.10–12 In an attempt to enhance the biological efficacy of the previously designed scaffolds,12 we rationalized the use of sequential amino acid scan by modifying/replacing individual residues, as well as amide protection of the C-terminus on the lead tetrapeptide sequence (Val-Val-Ile-Ala) to enhance the proteolytic stability of the peptides.C-terminus amidated peptides were synthesized by microwave-assisted Fmoc-solid phase peptide synthesis protocol. Scheme 1 shows the general route for the synthesis of peptides employing Rink amide resin (detailed methodology is mentioned in the ESI, Section 1). These peptides were characterized using by analytical HPLC, 1H and 13C NMR, APCI/ESI-MS and HRMS.Open in a separate windowScheme 1Synthesis of tetrapeptide 12c using MW-assisted Fmoc-solid phase peptide synthesis protocol employing Rink amide resin. Reaction conditions: (i) 20% piperidine in DMF (7 mL), MW (40 W), 60 °C, 2 cycles – 1.5 & 3 min; (ii) 2, 4, 6, 8 (4 equiv.), TBTU (4 equiv.), HoBt (4 equiv.), DIPEA (5 equiv.), DMF (3.5 mL), MW (40 W), 60 °C, 13.5 min; (iii) TFA : TIPS : H2O (95 : 2.5 : 2.5), rt, 2.5 h; reaction monitoring was done by: UV measurement: Fmoc deprotection-dibenzofulvene adduct, Kaiser test: 1° amines; acetaldehyde test: 2° amines.Aggregation of Aβ42 results in accumulation of toxic species, which interact with neurons and hinder their functioning, leading to loss of memory and cognition. Inhibiting the process of Aβ42 aggregation would alleviate the neurotoxicity imparted in PC-12 cells; this was evaluated by MTT cell viability assay.13 Viability of untreated cells is considered 100%. Upon treatment with 2 μM of Aβ42, only 74% cells were found to be viable. Out of the total tested peptides, seven tetrapeptides 12a, 12c, 12f, 13e, 14b, 15b and 15f showed complete inhibition of Aβ42-induced toxicity by restoring the cell viability to 100%, at respective concentrations. Results for cell viability assay along with Thioflavin-T fluorescence assay for all the synthesized tetrapeptides has been summarized in
No.Test peptide sequenceaMTT cell viability assayThT-fluorescence assay
Test peptide concentration range (Aβ42: test peptide)
10 μM (1 : 5)4 μM (1 : 2)2 μM (1 : 1)10 μM (1 : 5)4 μM (1 : 2)2 μM (1 : 1)
% viable cellsb% inhibitiond
11Val-Val-Ile-Ala-OH (lead)93.690.578.966.260.633.9
12a d -Val-Val-Ile-Ala-NH281.6100.094.882.183.564.7
12b Phe-Val-Ile-Ala-NH292.195.796.277.666.251.9
12c d -Phe-Val-Ile-Ala-NH2100.095.298.4100.0100.0100.0
12d d -Pro-Val-Ile-Ala-NH292.083.582.839.852.960.8
12e Nva-Val-Ile-Ala-NH283.486.174.170.351.977.2
12f Aib-Val-Ile-Ala-NH261.395.1100.093.866.064.5
12g Gly-Val-Ile-Ala-NH275.494.392.198.164.584.4
16a Pro-Pro-Ile-Ala-NH277.760.774.614.218.324.7
Open in a separate windowaAmino acid residue modified within the tetrapeptide sequence is indicated in bold.bCell viability studies were performed using MTT cell viability assay against PC-12 cells.cThe percentage of untreated cells was considered 100% (positive control); percentage cell viability was calculated for the cells incubated along with Aβ42 (2 μM) in absence (negative control) and presence of the test peptides in respective dose concentrations for 6 h. % of viable cells was calculated by the formula as 100 × [Aβ42 + test peptide OD570 − Aβ OD570/control OD570 − Aβ OD570]. In a subset of triplicate wells, standard deviation values ranged 1.81–4.72.dInhibition of Aβ42 aggregation was calculated by Thioflavin-T fluorescence assay. % relative fluorescence units (% RFU) exhibited by Aβ fibrils were considered as 100%. ThT dye incubated alone was considered as control and % RFU units were computed when Aβ42 was co-incubated with the test peptides for 24 h (λex 440 nm, λem 485 nm). % inhibition of ThT fluorescence was calculated by using the formula: 100 × [100 − (Aβ42 + test peptide RFU485 − control RFU485/Aβ42 RFU485 − control RFU485)]. In a subset of triplicate wells, SD values ranged 1.22–4.83. Data for both the experiments was recorded for triplicate samples and the readings were averaged (<5% variation).The quantitative evaluation of β-sheet structures within the amyloid fibrils is accessed by the fluorescence of the Thioflavin-T dye.14 Inhibiting amyloid fibrillation would reduce or eliminate such an enhancement in fluorescence. This concept is utilized to evaluate compounds that would prevent Aβ from aggregating.15–17 ThT fluorescence in the presence of Aβ42 alone was considered 100% and % relative fluorescence unit (% RFU) values were calculated for Aβ42 co-incubated with the respective inhibitor peptides. ThT incubated alone, exhibited % RFU of nearly 53.3% as compared to control solution without dye. Complete data of % inhibition of Aβ42 by the test peptides has been summarized in 17 Out of all the tested peptides, peptides 12c and 13e showed minimal enhancement in ThT fluorescence when co-incubated with equimolar concentrations of Aβ42. Peptides 12f and 12g showed >90% activity at five-fold excess dose concentrations. A comparative bar graph representation for the four most active peptides 12c, 12f, 12g and 13e has been depicted in Fig. 1A. To understand the % RFU values indicating the relative fluorescence of ThT and % inhibition exhibited by the most active test peptides 12c, 12f, 12g and 13e, values have been summarized in ESI, Tables S1 and S2. The observed RFU was close to that of the control wells where the dye incubated alone. Negligible increment of ThT fluorescence when the test peptides are co-incubated with Aβ42 peptide clearly indicates the inhibition of fibrillation. It also provides further support to the inhibition of Aβ42-induced neuronal toxicity as studied in the MTT assay. The % inhibition of Aβ42 aggregation as depicted by the ThT fluorescence assay is in accordance with the % cell viability data obtained by the MTT assay. Exact correlation cannot be established between the two because of the differential behavior of Aβ42 in the presence of a cellular environment as well as the treatment/incubation time for both the experiments.Open in a separate windowFig. 1Effect of most active test peptides on Aβ42 aggregation: bar plots depicting the decrease in % RFU of ThT dye when Aβ42 (2 μM) was co-incubated with test peptides at higher doses (A), and lower doses (B). Complete fluorescence was represented by the Aβ42 peptide incubated along with the dye (black) and dye control (grey) represents the dye incubated alone. Subsequent bars represent Aβ peptide co-incubated with the varying concentrations of inhibitor peptides for 24 h. Significance values indicated with respect to the Aβ peptides, *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001. (C) Dose dependent modulation of Aβ42 aggregation-induced-neurotoxicity in PC-12 cells exhibited by the test peptide 12c (black). (D) Concentration dependent % inhibition on Aβ42 aggregation mediated ThT fluorescence exhibited by the test peptide 12c (black). % inhibition of ThT fluorescence was calculated by using the formula: 100 × [100 − (Aβ42 + test peptide RFU485 − control RFU485/Aβ42 RFU485 − control RFU485)]. Readings (λex 440 nm, λem 485 nm) was recorded for triplicate samples from three individual experiments and the readings were averaged (<5% variation). Error bars represent mean ± SD (n = 3). Data were analyzed by one-way anova test.Peptides 12c and 12f that exhibited >98% cell viability at the lowest tested concentration of 2 μM were then evaluated at lower dose concentrations of 1.0 μM, 0.5 μM and 0.1 μM, against 2 μM of Aβ42 maintaining the ratios of 1 : 2, 1 : 4 and 1 : 20 (test peptide : Aβ42), respectively. The graphical plot of dose dependent modulation of Aβ42 aggregation-induced-neurotoxicity in PC-12 cells is depicted in Fig. 1C. Peptide 12c exhibited 78% inhibition of Aβ42 even at a lowest tested dose of 0.1 μM. A graphical representation of the % decrease in RFU has been depicted in Fig. 1B and dose dependent % inhibition of Aβ42 aggregation has been depicted in Fig. 1D. Excellent activities were exhibited when the test peptide is present in equimolar concentrations of Aβ42, indicating 1 : 1 inhibition of the parent peptide.Upon the basis of careful analysis of data reported herewith and results published earlier,10–12 a correlation between the amino acid residues within the tetrapeptide sequence and the exhibited activity was established. Replacement of the first residue, Val39 with hydrophobic residues (Phe and D-Phe) exhibited >90% inhibition. The replacement of Val40 with hydrophobic (Phe, D-Ile) or conformationally restricted amino acids (Pro, Aib) slightly enhanced the potency of the peptide. This holds true even in dual substitution at Val39 and Val40. Any replacement or modification yielded less active derivatives, indicating Ile41 is critical for activity. Small analogous amino acid is preferred at the Ala42 for retaining the activity. Amidation of the C-terminus results in enhancement of inhibition potential for some peptides. In some cases, a decrease in activity is also observed. A summary of the SAR is shown in Fig. 2. Understanding the sequential positioning of these residues would help us further develop derivatives with enhanced potency to inhibit Aβ42 aggregation.Open in a separate windowFig. 2Derived structure–activity-relationship of tetrapeptides.It is reported that there are two species of Aβ i.e.40 and Aβ42, present in the diseased brain.18–20 Evaluating the inhibitory activities of the test compounds on the aggregation of both the species would be of biological significance.21 Therefore, inhibitory potential of peptide 12c was evaluated on Aβ40. The relative increase in the ThT fluorescence when Aβ40 was incubated alone for 24 h was very less or similar to that of the control wells containing ThT (Fig. 3A). Further testing for 48 h and 72 h, respectively yielded no substantial results (ESI, Table S3).Open in a separate windowFig. 3Thioflavin-T fluorescence studies on Aβ species: % RFU exhibiting the effect of peptide 12c on aggregation of (A) Aβ40 (5 μM) and (B) Aβ40 & Aβ42 mixture (5 μM) mediated ThT fluorescence. Complete fluorescence was represented by Aβ40 and the 10 : 1 mixture of Aβ peptides incubated along with the dye (black) and dye incubated alone (grey). Subsequent bars represent the respective concentrations of inhibitor peptide 12c co-incubated with the corresponding Aβ peptides for 24 h. Readings (λex 440 nm, λem 485 nm) was recorded for triplicate samples from three individual experiments and the readings were averaged (<5% variation). Error bars represent mean ± SD (n = 3). Data were analyzed by one-way anova test. Significance values indicated with respect to the Aβ peptides, *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001.The minimal increase in fluorescence could be attributed to the slower nucleation rate and longer lag phase in the kinetics of Aβ40 fibril formation in comparison to Aβ42.22–24 Also, Aβ40 is relatively less neurotoxic and its aggregation propensity enhances in the presence of Aβ42, although the former is present in a ten-fold higher concentration. Thus, evaluation of the inhibitory activity of test peptide 12c on the mixtures of Aβ40 : Aβ42 in the ratio of 10 : 1 was performed. On incubation of a mixture of 5 μM of Aβ40 and 0.5 μM of Aβ42 (ratio of 10 : 1) the % relative increase in ThT fluorescence was comparatively higher than when Aβ40 was incubated alone (Fig. 3B). When compared to that of Aβ42 incubated alone as analyzed in the previous experiments, the fluorescence intensities were less. This gave us a clear indication that the aggregation propensity of Aβ40 is amplified in the presence of 0.1 equimolar Aβ42. On co-incubation of the test peptide 12c with the 5 μM mixture of Aβ40 : Aβ42 in the ratio of 10 : 1, substantial decrease in the fluorescence levels were observed (ESI, Table S4).As a prophylactic measurement, the potential ability of the test peptides to deform the aggregated Aβ42 was investigated.25,26 Monomeric Aβ42 was pre-incubated for a period of 24 h and fluorescence was measured. As anticipated, there was a marked increase in the fluorescence due the fibril state of Aβ42. Test peptide was added to each of the wells at the respective dose concentrations and readings were recorded at in a time dependent manner until 120 h of incubation. Time dependent % deformation of preformed fibrils in the presence of equimolar test peptide has been depicted in Fig. 4A. It could be observed that peptide 12c has the potential of deforming pre-aggregated Aβ42 fibrils (>35%) until 48 h of incubation. Also, peptide 12c significantly reduced the fluorescence of Aβ42 showing 57.5, 34.9 and 33.7% inhibition at 2, 1 and 0.5 μM, respectively after 24 h treatment. % inhibition and % RFU for time intervals of 24 h and 48 h has been provided in the ESI, Table S5.Open in a separate windowFig. 4Time dependent inhibition of Aβ42: (A) % deformation or disaggregation of preformed Aβ42 fibrils in presence of equimolar concentration of test peptide 12c as evaluated via ThT fluorescence assay. (B) Time and concentration dependent RFU comparison depicting the effect of individual tetrapeptide 12c on Aβ42 mediated-ThT fluorescence. % inhibition of ThT fluorescence was calculated by using the formula: 100 × [100 − (Aβ42 + test peptide RFU485 − control RFU485/Aβ42 RFU485 − control RFU485)]. Readings (λex 440 nm, λem 485 nm) was recorded for triplicate samples and the values were normalized to the ThT dye control and averaged (<5% variation). Data was interpreted from three individual experiments. Error bars represent mean ± SD (n = 3). Data were analyzed by one-way anova test.A time dependent ThT fluorescence assay was performed on the most active test peptide 12c at the similar concentrations of 2, 1 and 0.5 μM with Aβ42 (2 μM) for a period of 7 days. Readings were recorded at regular time intervals of 24 h each. Fig. 4B shows the decrease in the RFU values when Aβ42 was incubated in presence of peptide 12c. Aβ42 on incubation alone with the ThT dye showed an enhancement in the fluorescence of about 57% that could be attributed to the aggregation of the Aβ42 peptide. The fluorescence shown by the blank wells, wherein the dye incubated alone was considered as the control. Compared to the Aβ42 sample, very low values of fluorescence were observed in the presence of peptide 12c. % inhibition of Aβ42 aggregation exhibited by the test peptide has been summarized in ESI, Table S6. It can be summed that peptide 12c exhibits activity on preformed Aβ42 fibrils as well as inhibits Aβ42 aggregation until 120 h of treatment.ANS fluorescence assay was performed in complimentary to Thioflavin-T assay.27–29 The effect of test peptide inhibiting the process of Aβ42 aggregation as well as deformation of the preformed Aβ42 fibrils was evaluated. The relative fluorescence for Aβ42 fibrils was considered to be 100% and decrease in the % RFU when test peptides were co-incubated with Aβ42 was computed. The fluorescence emitted by binding of ANS to the test peptide itself was subtracted as the test peptide is hydrophobic. The results for relative decrease in fluorescence obtained in both the sub-experiments have been summarized in Fig. 5A. Upon co-incubation of Aβ42 and test peptide 12c in ratios 1 : 1 and 1 : 0.5, a marked decrease in the fluorescence intensity was observed, in comparison to that of the lowest tested concentration of 0.5 μM. These results are in accordance to the results seen in ThT fluorescence assay.Open in a separate windowFig. 5Additional fluorescence studies: (A) effect of varying concentration of tetrapeptide 12c on inhibition of Aβ42 fibril formation (Set 1) and on pre-aggregated fibrils of Aβ (Set 2). Complete fluorescence was represented by the Aβ42 (2 μM) incubated alone, monomeric (Set 1) and pre-aggregated t = 24 h (Set 2) and in the presence of respective concentrations of the test peptide 12c after 24 h. ANS dye incubated alone was considered as control and % RFU units for individual samples were computed by normalizing to the ANS dye control (λex 480 nm, λem 535 nm). Subsequent bars represent the % RFU of the respective concentrations of the inhibitor peptide 12c co-incubated with the differential states of Aβ42 peptide (2 μM) for 24 h. (B) Fluorescence spectrum showing effect of test peptide on Aβ42 aggregation and its interaction with GUVs. Fluorescence of Aβ42 alone at 0 h (green), 24 h (black); along with test peptides 12c (blue) after 24 h in the presence of GUVs (λex 480 nm, λem 400–600 nm). ANS dye incubated alone was considered as control and relative FL. Intensities for individual samples were computed by normalizing to the ANS dye control. (C) Intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence of Aβ42 during fibrillation and inhibition by test peptide 12c (λex 260 nm, λem 280–410 nm). Fluorescence of 5 μM Aβ42 (t = 0 h, green), 5 μM Aβ42 incubated alone (t = 24 h, black), Aβ42 co-incubated along with 5 μM of the test peptides, 12c (t = 24 h, blue). Readings was recorded for triplicate samples from three individual experiments and were averaged (<5% variation). Error bars represent mean ± SD (n = 3). Data were analyzed by one-way anova test.It is hypothesized that the aggregated soluble oligomeric form of Aβ42 interacts with the neuronal membranes by hampering cellular processes and exhibiting neurotoxicity.7 The design of the experiment was similar to the MTT test conditions, wherein giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) with composition mimicking the rat neuronal myelin were prepared (ESI, Section 5.1) and interaction of Aβ was evaluated by ANS fluorescence measurements.29–32 When Aβ42 was just added to the prepared GUVs (t = 0 h), ANS showed a good emission spectrum from 450 to 550 nm. After 24 h incubation of Aβ with the vesicles, no emission band was seen, indicating the absence of hydrophobic binding domain, thus no fluorescence.This could be attributed that the hydrophobic region entered the vesicles, providing no binding site for the dye. Emission intensities obtained for the vesicles alone was considered as blank and was subtracted from the readings obtained for both the time points. To evaluate the effects of incubation of test peptides and its inhibitory effect on Aβ42 aggregation, Aβ42 and test peptide 12c along with the GUVs was incubated for 24 h at 37 °C and the relative change in the fluorescence was observed. Readings for the test peptide incubated alone with the vesicles at the similar concentration were subtracted the final readings so as to obtain a comparable result for Aβ. On co-incubation of Aβ42 with 12c, two distinct observations were seen, primarily a visible emission spectrum and secondly a blue shift with a slight increase in the emission intensity (Fig. 5B). The emission spectrum indicates that the hydrophobic region was available for binding to ANS, thus indicating that Aβ was available in its monomeric form itself. The increase in emission intensity and the blue shift does suggest certain interactions between 12c and the full-length Aβ, which results into differential binding of ANS to the test peptide–Aβ complex (ESI, Fig. S2).Monitoring intrinsic Tyr fluorescence of Aβ42 during fibril formation and interaction with most active test peptides was also studied. Tyr has significantly lower quantum yield than Trp and is usually only used as an intrinsic fluorescent probe in Trp-lacking proteins or peptides, since energy transfer to Trp residues usually quenches the Tyr fluorescence. Tyrosine shows a typical emission band at 305 nm, which is red shifted to 340 nm due to resonance of the phenol to phenolate ion. We hypothesized that in aggregated state of Aβ42, stacking of phenolate ions of the tyrosine residues will produce slightly enhanced fluorescence in comparison to that of the monomeric or non-aggregated state. It could be clearly seen, in the overlay of fluorescence spectrum for Aβ42 incubated alone for 0 h (green) and 24 h (black), as well as in presence of 12c (blue, Fig. 5C) that the monomeric state of Aβ42 was retained in presence of the test peptides. A comparative bar plot analysis (ESI, Fig. S3) of the fluorescence response at 340 nm has been indicated to compare the change in observed fluorescence intensities.Since amyloid-β aggregation is preceded by the conformational transition towards increasing β-sheet structure, monitoring the content of β-sheet formation would therefore depict the effect of inhibitors on the aggregation of Aβ42.32,33 The effect of inhibitor peptides on the conformation of Aβ42 was assessed via CD spectroscopy.34–36 Spectra of equimolar concentrations of the individual test peptides were subtracted from the corresponding spectra of inhibitor peptides co-incubated Aβ42. Predicted values of conformation are summarized in ESI, Table S7. When incubated alone, Aβ42 exhibited a conformational transition from random coiling and turn to majorly β-sheet form. Initially, Aβ42 peptide majorly comprised of 49.4% β-sheet conformation. At the end of 24 h incubation period, β-sheet content increased to 66.4%, with the α-helix content increasing from 6.3% to 17.0%. In the presence of inhibitor peptide 12c, β-sheet form completely vanished and turns and random coiling was seen to be present in 46.6 and 41.0% respectively. This clearly indicates that 12c inhibits β-sheet formation propensity of Aβ42. The spectral curve obtained for Aβ42 (t = 24 h) shows the presence of a positive maxima at 195 nm (black), clearly indicating the conformation of the peptide in the β-sheet form, is absent in the former that is, Aβ42 (t = 0 h), which clearly exhibits a positive maxima at around 205 nm, indicating larger proportion of turn type conformation to be present. No definitive negative minima on the curve were visible at 217 nm, but the shallow curves in the expanded region were indicative of the presence of smaller proportions of α-helix conformations. In the presence of 12c reduction in β-sheet content can also be visualized by the complete absence of the positive maxima at 195 nm, wherein the spectrum follows the similar pattern to that of the Aβ42 (t = 0 h). The prevention of conformational transition to β-sheet suggests the ability of 12c to inhibit the fibrillation process. The positive curve shifts more towards 200–205 nm, indicating a larger proportion of the peptide to be present in the turn form. These observations coincide to the predicted values by the Yang protocol. The effect of the presence of equimolar concentrations of inactive peptide 13a on the conformational changes on Aβ42 was evaluated. A positive maxima at 195 nm is a clear indicative of higher proportions of β-sheet type of secondary structural conformation to be present. This indicates the inactiveness of the peptide 13a and its inability to prevent aggregation of Aβ42. Self-aggregation potential of peptide 13a deters its potential to inhibit Aβ42 aggregation.A compiled CD spectrum recorded depicting a relative comparison of peptides 12f and 13a, incubated for 24 h at 37 °C in the presence and absence of equimolar concentrations of Aβ42 has been presented in Fig. 6. Spectra of test peptides incubated alone were subtracted to obtain the final spectra for comparing the conformational state of Aβ42. A comparison of the individual CD spectrums of the test peptides incubated alone to that incubated in the presence of equimolar ratio of Aβ42 has been summarized (ESI, Fig. S4).Open in a separate windowFig. 6Secondary structure analysis using CD: CD spectrum showing the conformational changes on Aβ42 aggregation in the presence of active peptide 12c and inactive peptide 13a. Aβ42 (10 μM) at 0 h (black) and 24 h (blue), co-incubated individually with equimolar ratios inhibitor peptide 12c (green) and inactive peptide 13a (red) for 24 h.To understand the process of inhibition of Aβ42 in presence of 12c, mass fragmentation techniques were employed.37 The MS spectrum of full-length Aβ42 (10 μM) in the presence and absence of an equimolar amount of 12c was recorded. Fig. 7, shows the ESI spectrum for Aβ42 incubated alone (A), along with 12c (B).Open in a separate windowFig. 7HRMS Analysis: ESI-MS for Aβ42 (10 μM) incubated alone (A), in presence of equimolar ratios of test peptide 12c (B) for 24 h.The spectrum for Aβ42 incubated alone shows a major peak at m/z 685.4357, which may be attributed to aggregated Aβ42 depicting higher mass-to-charge ratio. Further peaks at m/z of 788.4373 [(Aβ42)6+], 507.2713 [(Aβ1–9)1+], 958.3161 [(Aβ10–42)7+] and 1308.0646 [(Aβ1–11)1+] represent the Aβ42 monomer and its specific fragments, respectively. Hexameric form of Aβ42 with m/z 2185.4363 [(6Aβ42)13+] is also observed in the spectrum.38 On comparing the spectrum obtained for Aβ42 incubated along with 12c, and that of Aβ42 incubated alone, additional signal peaks were seen. This suggested the occurrence of adduct between Aβ42 and 12c, as these peaks were not analogous to the molecular weight of native Aβ42 or test peptides themselves. Analyzing the interactions of 12c with that of Aβ42, the mass spectrum shows a peak at m/z 471.7321 [(Aβ12–42 + 12c)8+], depicting 1 : 1 covalent interaction with Aβ12–42 fragment of Aβ42. The spectrum also shows signal peaks corresponding to that of Aβ42, seen in the previous spectrum. It was clear from the above spectrum that the test peptide interacts with the monomeric unit of the Aβ42, thereby preventing its aggregation.Visual investigation of the effects of the peptide 12c, on the morphology and abundance of Aβ42 fibrils was performed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM).39 Shapes and morphology of the fibrils were also examined using scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM).40 Inactive peptide 13a was selected as a negative control. The control sample of Aβ42 incubated alone at t = 0 h, where uniform distribution of smaller particles of Aβ was seen (Fig. 8A, HR-TEM and Fig. 8D, STEM).Open in a separate windowFig. 8Electron microscopy studies: HR-TEM and STEM images depicting the effects of active peptide 12c and inactive peptide 13a on the aggregation of Aβ42. Aβ42 (10 μM) was incubated alone t = 0 h (A and D), t = 24 h (B and E); with equimolar concentrations of inhibitor peptide 12c (C and F); inactive peptide 13a (H and K) as well as peptide 12c (G and J) and inactive peptide 13a (I and L) incubated alone, respectively. (Additional images have been provided in the ESI, Section 11.3).After an incubation span of 24 h, appearance of amyloid fibrils and an extensive network of long, straw-shaped fibrils were observed (Fig. 8B and E). In the presence of peptide 12c (Fig. 8C and F), only smaller particulate aggregates were seen, indicating complete inhibition of the amyloid fibrils. On co-incubation of Aβ42 with the inactive peptide 13a, large aggregated structures (Fig. 8H and K) were observed. In order to visualize the aggregation of the peptide themselves, equimolar concentrations of peptides 12c and 13a were incubated alone under similar conditions and visualized. Very small granular structures were seen for the 12c (Fig. 8G and J) whereas slightly larger and patchy aggregates were seen for inactive peptide 13a (Fig. 8I and L).In order to evaluate and understand the biosafety and pharmacokinetic profile of the test peptides, cell-cytotoxicity studies employing PC-12 cells was performed. Test peptide were tested up to a highest tested concentration of 20 μM and none of the peptides exhibited undesirable cytotoxicity. Fig. 9A depicts a graphical representation of the % viable cells in presence of 20 μM concentration of peptide 12c.Open in a separate windowFig. 9Cytotoxicity and bioavailability study: (A) analysis of the cytotoxic effects of the peptide 12c (20 mM) on the viability of PC-12 cells evaluated using MTT cell viability assay. The percentage of untreated cells was considered 100% (positive control) and presence of the test peptides in respective dose concentration for 6 h. (B) BBB-permeability of peptide 12c in comparison to 11a, as determined by the PAMPA-BBB assay. Pe was calculated by using the formula VdVa/[(Vd + Va)St] ln(1 − Aa/Ae), where Vd and Va are the mean volumes of the donor and acceptor solutions, S is the surface area of the artificial membrane, t is the incubation time, and Aa and Ae are the UV absorbance of the acceptor well and the theoretical equilibrium absorbance, respectively. Data was recorded for triplicate samples in three individual experiments and the readings were averaged (<5% variation).A major challenge for peptide-based therapeutics is the BBB permeability and proteolytic stability against various enzymes within the body.41In vitro BBB penetration of the most active peptide 12c as well as the lead peptide 11a using parallel artificial membrane permeation assay (PAMPA-BBB) was performed following the previously reported protocols.42–45 The UV/Vis absorptions of both the peptides was recorded after permeating through an artificial porcine polar brain lipid (PBL) membrane and the effective permeabilities (Pe) were calculated. As described in Fig. 9B, the Pe values of the most active peptide 12c was significantly higher than that of 11a, demonstrating enhanced permeability of the modified peptide.Trypsin is the one of the most notorious endopeptidases and cleaves the amide bond next to a charged cationic residue.46 Hence, in order to evaluate whether the synthesized peptides have incorporated the proteolytic stability properties, trypsin and serum stability studies on the peptide 12c was performed. The peptide was incubated with 100-fold excess of trypsin and was subjected to analysis by RP-HPLC. Chromatograms depicted that the peptides exhibited intact integrity, having their retention time unaltered even after 24 h of trypsin treatment. It was observed that, there were no peaks seen before and after the main peak of the peptide indication no fragment and/or other intermediate formation. Superimposed HPLC chromatograms of time point''s intervals have been depicted in Fig. 10A.Open in a separate windowFig. 10Proteolytic stability study: (A) superimposed HPLC chromatograms of most active peptide 12c at time intervals of 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 h after trypsin treatment; (B) graphical representation showing % degradation for peptide 12c on serum treatment. (C) Mass spectra for peptide 12c at 0, 12, 18 and 24 h of serum treatment. Analyzed by ACD-Mass Fragmenter tool. (D) Predicted susceptible cleavage sites for peptide 12c. Most susceptible peptide bond has been indicated in bold red.Serum stability assay following similar protocol was performed. The chromatograms depicted that the peptides exhibited intact integrity, having their retention time unaltered up to 12 h of serum treatment. The peaks obtained for the peptides at 18 h and 24 h of serum treatment, were comparatively smaller to that of the previous peaks indicating slight degradation of the peptide. Superimposed HPLC chromatogram for peptide 12c has been provided in ESI, Fig. S6.To calculate the rate of degradation of the peptide on serum treatment, analysis and comparison the area under the curve of the peak of the respective peptide at their specific time intervals.47,48 A comparative analysis depicted that around 20% of the peptide is present after 24 h of serum treatment. Fig. 10B indicates the % degradation of the peptide in serum over a period of 24 h. The initial calculation of % peptide present in the sample aliquot is indicated in the ESI, Fig. S7. The extrapolated data helped us to determine the degradation rate of the peptide in serum (ESI, Table S8).48–50 It can be concluded that approximately 50% of the peptide is stable until 12 h of serum treatment, following which it shows an decline in stability decreasing to about 22% until 24 h.In order to study the mode of degradation of the peptide and the susceptibility of the peptide towards peptide degradation, mass spectroscopy was employed. The samples analyzed for peptide content on RP-HPLC were further subjected to LCQ analysis.51,52 At 0 h, the molecular ion peak (m/z 470) of the peptide corresponded to the molecular mass of the peptide itself. Sequential fragmentation pattern was minimal and a clear mass spectrum was seen. After 12 h, multiple fragmentation peaks were seen indicating that the peptide has undergone cleavage at multiple sites. ACD-Mass Fragmenter tool was used to analyze the specific fragmentation pattern. Fig. 10C summarizes the mass spectrums and shows the specific fragmentation pattern. Based on the fragmentation pattern for the tetrapeptide sequence, the most susceptible bonds that could easily undergo cleavage were identified. ACD Mass Fragmenter tool was used to understand the peptide fragmentation pattern. Fig. 10D depicts the structure of the peptide 12c indicating the most susceptible peptide bond. This understanding provides impetus in site specific modification in improving the stability of the peptides.Computationally understanding the binding mechanism and intra-residual interactions of the test peptides with the single monomeric as well as the proto-fibrillar unit of Aβ42 would prove to be useful. Various structures for the both the forms of Aβ42 are reported in the literature. A monomeric sequence bearing complete sequence of all 42 amino acids residues was used (PDB Id: 1IYT; ESI, Fig. S8). The structure comprises of α-helices and random coiling, similar to the data previously reported.53 A proto-fibrillar unit comprising of 6 full length spatially arranged in a ‘S’ shaped manner recently reported by Colvin and co-workers54 (PDB Id: 2NAO, ESI, Fig. S10) was used for understanding the interaction of the test peptides on the proto-fibrillar unit of Aβ. Reactive site analysis of the pre-optimized framework of the monomeric Aβ42 showed that the hinge region is the most prone to aggregation due to the presence of reactive residues in that particular segment (Maestro, Bioluminate suite; ESI Fig. S9). To understand the interaction of the test peptide with the full-length Aβ42, a grid incorporating the whole sequence was generated. Docking studies were performed with the peptides mentioned in this work along with a few molecules reported in literature10–12,55,56 for comparative analysis of the binding modes and interactions.57–59 Docking, glide and residual interaction energy scores for the molecules selected from literature and test peptides from the current study are summarized in ESI (Tables S9 and S10). Although the analysis of the scores reveal that similar docking and glide scores were seen in both the cases. The energy of interaction of the test peptides with the monomeric unit proved to be a comparable factor to that of the literature reported ligands (ESI Table S11).Test peptides have shown to interact with Glu11, His13, His14, Gln15, Phe19, Phe20 and more specifically with Asp23. These residues are involved to aid the aggregation of monomeric Aβ42 into the fibrillar species, as also seen in reactive residue analysis (ESI, Fig. S11). Binding of the test peptides to these residues, block the free interaction of these residues to others, inhibiting their aggregation propensity. Ligand interactions of the most active test peptide 12c with the monomeric unit, their respective ligand interaction diagrams (2D and 3D) have been summarized in Fig. 11A and B. The interaction energies are in accordance to those exhibited by the standard ligands indicating similar kind of interactions and thus reinforcing the results of studies carried out in this work. A structural framework 2NAO-06 of proto-fibrillar Aβ42 was rationalized to be the most optimal structure and was prepared for docking studies (ESI, Fig. S10). Since it is a proto-fibrillar unit, the most reactive sites for the binding were identified. SiteMap Analysis feature identified 5 ligand-binding sites (ESI, Fig. S12). The predicted sites did coincide with the predicted reactive residues, thus indicating certain interactions between those residues and the ligand to be feasible, which would inhibit the process of aggregation. To carry out docking studies, receptor grids at the predicted sites on the proto-fibrillar unit was generated. Since there has been no docking studies performed using 2NAO as the protein, validation of the use of 2NAO and the predicted sites, by docking standard ligands was performed (ESI, Tables S12 and S13). Analysis of the docking studies revealed SiteMap-2 to be the most plausible site for action of an inhibitor. The molecule can interact with the residues that aid in aggregation. This would block the further attachment of another monomeric unit to the site-recognition units on the proto-fibrillar structure. Subsequent interaction with the neighboring residues of both the chains destabilizes the preformed bonds, which hold the adjacent units together.Open in a separate windowFig. 11 In silico study: ligand interaction diagram showing interactions of the ligand with the residues of monomeric unit 1IYT-10 (A and B) and with the proto-fibrillar unit 2NAO-06 (C and D). 3D representation (Left) showed along with 2D representation (Right).Docking studies of the peptides presented in this work was carried out and docking scores and the residue interaction energies obtained for the set of synthesized tetrapeptides for SiteMap-2 has been summarized in ESI, Table S14. On careful analysis it can be seen that interaction with Met35, Val36, Gly37 of chain D, as well as Glu11. His13, His14 and Gln15 of the neighboring chain A, show that the test peptide does interact with both the neighboring chains and especially with those amino acids that are solely responsible for maintaining the dimeric structure of the proto-fibrillar unit. To have a clear understanding of the interactions, ligand interaction diagrams for the test peptide 12c, depicting its interaction with the specific residues of the proto-fibrillar unit have been summarized in Fig. 11C and D.  相似文献   

Condensation of acrylonitrile and aryl acetonitrile: construction of α-amino-β-cyano cyclohexene skeletons     
Wei Zhang  Chuan-Su Tang  Shi-Qun Xiang 《RSC advances》2022,12(46):29840
A representative condensation of acrylonitrile and aryl acetonitrile has been reported for the synthesis of α-amino-β-cyano cyclohexene. The reaction was carried out mildly in an open environment at room temperature. The scope and versatility of the method have been demonstrated with 20 examples, containing highly active ethynyl groups. Further applications for 4-aminopyrimidine compounds were performed. A mechanism was proposed, involving Michael additions between acrylonitrile and aryl acetonitriles as well as intramolecular condensation.

A condensation reaction between acrylonitrile and benzyl cyanide for the synthesis of α-amino-β-cyano cyclohexene was reported. The reaction could be carried out mildly with high atomic efficiency to build the cyclohexene skeleton.

Multi-substituted cyclohexenes are important building blocks found in natural products, anti-influenza drugs and spices.1 Oseltamivir, vitamin A, dynascone and beta-ionone are widely used representative molecules.2 The well-known anti-flu drug oseltamivir also possesses a cyclohexene skeleton (Fig. 1a). Unlike the N-containing heterocyclic skeletons of pyridines, indoles and aminopyrimidines, little attention has been paid to the construction of cyclohexene skeletons. Shikimic acid, the raw compound for oseltamivir, is generally obtained from phytoextraction or biological fermentation.3 Further functionalization or modification is required considering the limited candidates restricted by these approaches.Open in a separate windowFig. 1Selected examples and previous works.The Diels–Alder reaction is commonly applied in the construction of the cyclohexene skeleton as a standard template.4 However, to the best of our knowledge, this [4 + 2] ring addition for the α-amino-β-cyano cyclohexene skeleton is unpractical. The acid-catalyzed dehydration of cyclohexanol is also used for the synthesis of cyclohexene.5 The use of acids and rigorous reaction conditions leads to tedious post-processing steps. The condensation between ammonium and α-cyano cyclohexanone is thought to be feasible in the construction of the cyclohexene skeleton. However, the use of expensive α-cyano cyclohexanone makes this strategy impracticable.6 The synthesis of α-amino-β-cyano cyclohexene via Thorpe–Ziegler condensation is commonly regarded as an intramolecular exception in the condensation of pimelic dinitrile (Fig. 1b).7 This reaction for building a cyclohexene skeleton is restricted by the fact that there are only a few active sites for further extension. Unlike the common synthetic approach using β-enaminonitrile, α-amino-β-cyano cyclohexene has a Z-configuration, which has high energy and high reactivity. The multifunctional unit has proved to be a key construction block in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds such as pyrimidine, pyridine, pyrrole, pyrazole and imidazole.8Herein, we present a novel synthetic cyclic strategy towards 2,4-dicyano-1-amino cyclohexene skeletons. This strategy contains Michael additions between acrylonitrile and aryl acetonitriles as well as intramolecular condensation.9 We carried out the reaction mildly in an open environment at room temperature. Moreover, further applications of 4-aminopyrimidine compounds were performed.We began our initial study using aryl acetonitrile (1a) and acrylonitrile (2) as benchmark substrates for condensation. All the reactions were carried out at room temperature in air. We optimized the reaction conditions by changing the ingredients or conditions such as base, solvent and time to find the most suitable conditions ( En.BaseSolventTimeYieldb1 t BuOK THF2 h842 K 2 CO 3 THF2 h03 KOH THF2 hTrace4 DBU THF2 h425 LiHMDS THF2 h176c t BuOKTHF2 h607d t BuOKTHF2 h748 t BuOK Toluene 2 h569 t BuOK Dioxane 2 h8010 t BuOK Acetonitrile 2 h6711 t BuOK DMF 2 h5312 t BuOK Water 2 h013 t BuOKTHF 0.25 h 1614 t BuOKTHF 0.5 h 4315 t BuOKTHF 4 h 84Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: 1a (0.4 mmol), 2 (0.84 mmol), base (1.2 mmol) and solvent (3 mL) at room temperature.bIsolated yield.cBase (1 equiv.).dBase (2 equiv.).With the best conditions of this reaction in hand, we sought to investigate the generality and functional group compatibility of phenylacetonitrile (1a) under the established conditions, and the results are presented in Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: 1a (0.4 mmol), 2 (0.84 mmol), t-BuOK (1.2 mmol) and solvent (3 mL) at room temperature for 2 h.bIsolated yield.In addition, further studies were performed for a better understanding of the reaction, and a by-product 3n′ was isolated under the standard reaction conditions for the synthesis of 3n. 3-(2-Fluorophenyl)pentane-1,3,5-tricarbonitrile was thought to be one of the intermediates for the reaction (Scheme 3). Further utilization of compound 3n′ could afford the final product 3n in a yield of 53%. Moreover, the synthetic utility of our reaction was examined by performing gram-scale experiments. The reaction of phenylacetonitrile (1a) and acrylonitrile (2) on a 5.0 g gram scale under the standard conditions generated the compound 3a in 71% yield (Scheme 1c). For further extension, we found that the product 3a and benzonitrile (4a) could be converted to the 4-aminopyrimidines compound 5a (Scheme 2a). The same reaction was carried out using three other compounds (4b, 4c and 4d) as the starting materials (Scheme 2b–d). The crystal structures of compounds 3a and 5a were determined by X-ray crystallography (Fig. 2).Open in a separate windowScheme 1Mechanistic studies and gram-scale experiments.Open in a separate windowScheme 2Applications of the products.Open in a separate windowFig. 2Crystal structures of compounds 3a (CCDC 2158344) and 5a (CCDC 2158132).Open in a separate windowScheme 3Possible reaction mechanism.A plausible mechanism has been depicted in Scheme 3. In the presence of a base, the methylene group of aryl acetonitrile loses a proton and turns into a cyano-alkylide anion (a). Nucleophilic attack by the R–CH–CN anion results in the formation of 4-phenyl-4-cyano-butyl nitrile (b) with the consumption of a molecule of acrylonitrile. Another molecule of acrylonitrile is consumed for the synthesis of the subsequent intermediate 4-phenyl-4-cyano-pimelic dinitrile (c).10 The binitrile intermediate (c) then performs a base-promoted intramolecular condensation (Scheme 1b). With the participation of the base, intermediate (c) undergoes a deprotonation process to afford the anion intermediate (d). The nucleophilic attack from the alpha-carbon anion to the cyano group leads to the formation of imine species and ultimately results in the final product 3a.  相似文献   

Oxygen Equilibrium Characteristics of Abnormal Hemoglobins: Hirose (α2β237Ser), L Ferrara (α247Glyβ2), Broussais (α290Asnβ2), and Dhofar (α2β258Arg)          下载免费PDF全文
Shigeru Fujita 《The Journal of clinical investigation》1972,51(10):2520-2529
The oxygen equilibrium characteristics of four structural variants of hemoglobin A were correlated with their amino acid substitutions.Hemoglobin Dhofar, in which the proline at E2(58)beta is replaced by arginine, had normal oxygen equilibrium characteristics.Hemoglobin L Ferrara. in which the aspartic acid at CD5(47)alpha is replaced by glycine, and hemoglobin Broussais, in which the lysine at FG2(90)alpha is replaced by asparagine, both showed a slightly elevated oxygen affinity; nevertheless both demonstrated a normal heme-heme interaction and a normal Bohr effect.Hemoglobin Hirose, in which the tryptophan at C3 (37)beta is replaced by serine, showed abnormalities of all oxygen equilibrium characteristics; i.e., increased oxygen affinity, diminished heme-heme interaction, and reduced Bohr effect.These results suggest that aspartic acid at CD5(47)alpha and lysine at FG2(90)alpha are involved in the function of the hemoglobin molecule, despite the fact that these positions are not located directly in the heme or the alpha-beta-contact regions.Tryptophan at C3(37)beta is located at contact between alpha(1)- and beta(2)-subunits. It is suggested that the substitution by serine might disturb the quarternary structure of the mutant hemoglobin molecule during transition from oxy-form to deoxy-form resulting in an alteration of the heme function.  相似文献   

Inhibition of β-Lactamases by β-Lactam Antibiotics          下载免费PDF全文
Cynthia H. O''''Callaghan  A. Morris 《Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy》1972,2(6):442-448
The inhibitory properties of a selected number of beta-lactam antibiotics were studied, with the use of three distinct types of beta-lactamases. The three enzymes were found to be distinguishable on the basis of their susceptibility to inhibition. Not one of the potential inhibitors tested was found to be a potent inhibitor of all three enzymes, but nafcillin possessed the broadest inhibitory activity. The enzyme isolated from Enterobacter cloacae was found to be the most susceptible. In some cases, the degree of inhibition varied with the time of incubation, and, depending upon the time chosen, widely different observations could be made. It is suggested that, in studies such as these, every consideration should be given to the period of incubation and to the concentration of inhibitor employed. Mixtures of inhibitor and cephaloridine did not always act synergistically against growing bacteria, and a number of reasons for failure are suggested.  相似文献   

Discovery of a Small-Molecule Inhibitor of β-1,6-Glucan Synthesis          下载免费PDF全文
Akihiro Kitamura  Kazuhiko Someya  Masato Hata  Ryohei Nakajima    Makoto Takemura 《Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy》2009,53(2):670-677
It is possible that antifungal drugs with novel modes of action will provide favorable options to treat fungal infections. In the course of our screening for antifungal compounds acting on the cell wall, a pyridobenzimidazole derivative with unique activities, named D75-4590, was discovered. During treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with D75-4590, (i) incorporation of [14C]glucose into the β-1,6-glucan component was selectively reduced, (ii) proteins released from the cell had lost the β-1,6-glucan moiety, and (iii) cells tended to clump, resulting in impaired cell growth. Genetic analysis of a D75-4590-resistant mutant of S. cerevisiae indicated that its primary target was Kre6p, which is considered to be one of the β-1,6-glucan synthases. These results strongly suggest that D75-4590 is a specific inhibitor of β-1,6-glucan synthesis. D75-4590 showed potent activities against various Candida species. It inhibited hyphal elongation of C. albicans as well. KRE6 is conserved in various fungi, but no homologue has been found in mammalian cells. These lines of evidence indicate that D75-4590 is a promising lead compound for novel antifungal drugs. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a β-1,6-glucan inhibitor.  相似文献   

Catalyst-free chemoselective α-sulfenylation/β-thiolation for α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds     
Xi Huang  Juan Li  Xiang Li  Jiayi Wang  Yanqing Peng  Gonghua Song 《RSC advances》2019,9(45):26419
A novel, efficient, catalyst-free and product-controllable strategy has been developed for the chemoselective α-sulfenylation/β-thiolation of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. An aromatic sulfur group could be chemoselectively introduced at α- or β-position of carbonyls with different sulfur reagents under slightly changed reaction conditions. A series of desired products were obtained in moderate to excellent yields. Mechanistic studies revealed that B2pin2 played the key role in activating the transformation towards the β-thiolation of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. This transition-metal-catalyst-free method provides a convenient and efficient tool for the highly chemoselective preparation of α-thiolation or β-sulfenylation products of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds.

This catalyst-free method provides a useful and efficient tool for the highly chemoselective preparation of α-thiolation or β-sulfenylation products of α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds.  相似文献   

Proteomics and metabolomics analysis reveal potential mechanism of extended-spectrum β-lactamase production in Escherichia coli     
He Ma  Bingjie Lai  Yufen Jin  Chang Tian  Jiaying Liu  Ke Wang 《RSC advances》2020,10(45):26862
In this study, ten clinical susceptible strains and ten clinical ESBL-EC (extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli) were screened and obtained by microbial identification using ITEK® 2 Compact. TMT (Tandem Mass Tag) proteomics analysis discovered 1553 DEPs (differentially expressed proteins) between ESBL-EC and non-ESBL-EC. In addition, an untargeted metabolomics assay by using UHPLC-MS (ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry) was applied to compare the differential profiles of metabolites between β-lactam antibiotic-sensitive E. coli and multidrug-resistant ESBL-producing E. coli strains. The PCA (principal component analysis) score plots and OPLS-DA (orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminant analysis) plots clearly discriminated ESBL-EC and non-ESBL-EC, and volcano analysis presented 606 and 459 altered metabolites between ESBL-EC vs. non-ESBL-EC in positive and negative ion modes, respectively. Interestingly, the bioinformatics analysis demonstrated that the purine metabolism pathway was enriched in ESBL-EC. These results suggest that the existence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase affects the metabolite and protein profiles of E. coli. The correlation analysis of metabolomics and proteomics data established a correlation between DEPs and differential metabolites in the purine metabolism pathway. Moreover, three metabolite candidates in the purine metabolism pathway were validated by the UPLC-MRM-MS (ultra-performance liquid chromatography multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry) method. Our data suggest that these DEPs and differential metabolites may play important roles in the antibiotic resistance of ESBL-EC. Our study can provide scientific data for the mechanism study of antibiotic resistance of ESBL-EC at the metabolite and protein levels and targeting modulators to these pathways may be effective for treatment of ESBL-EC strains.

Proteomic and metabolomics revealed the underlying mechanism of extended-spectrum β-lactamase production in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Electrophilic halogenations of propargyl alcohols: paths to α-haloenones, β-haloenones and mixed β,β-dihaloenones     
Pakorn Bovonsombat  Punyanuch Sophanpanichkul  Satreerat Losuwanakul 《RSC advances》2022,12(35):22678
The Meyer–Schuster rearrangement of propargyl alcohols or alkynols leading to α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds is well known. Yet, electrophilic halogenations of the same alkynols and their alkoxy, ester and halo derivatives are inconspicuous. This review on the halogenation reactions of propargyl alcohols and derivatives intends to give a perspective from its humble direct halogenation beginning to the present involving metal catalysis. The halogenation products of propargyl alcohols include α-fluoroenones, α-chloroenones, α-bromoenones and α-iodoenones, as well as β-haloenones and symmetrical and mixed β,β-dihaloenones. They are, in essence, tri and tetrasubstituted alkenes carrying halo-functionalization at the α- or β-carbon. This is a potential stepping stone for further construction towards challenging substituted alkenones via Pd-catalysed coupling reactions.

This review highlights the development of α-haloenone, β-haloenone and mixed β,β-dihaloenone formations from propargyl alcohols via direct electrophilic halogenations and metal catalysed-halonium interception rearrangements.  相似文献   

A MoS2 based silver-doped ZnO nanocomposite and its antibacterial activity against β-lactamase expressing Escherichia coli     
Atanu Naskar  Joonho Shin  Kwang-sun Kim 《RSC advances》2022,12(12):7268
Multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria including Escherichia coli are increasingly resistant to current antibiotics. Among the strategies implemented to eradicate such MDR pathogens, approaches based on two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials have received considerable attention. In particular, the excellent physicochemical properties of 2D molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanosheets, including a high surface area, good conductivity, and good surface retention, are advantageous for their use as bactericidal agents. Herein, we report the fabrication of a MoS2-based nanocomposite conjugated with silver-doped zinc oxide (AZM) as an effective antibacterial agent against E. coli species. The properties of AZM were characterized, and its antibacterial activity against MDR E. coli strains with different resistance types was evaluated. MoS2 was found to activate the antibacterial activity of AZM and provide enhanced selectivity against MDR E. coli strains expressing β-lactamases. We proposed that membrane disruption of bacterial cell walls was the major cell death mechanism for MDR E. coli. Furthermore, surface charge perturbation could explain the differences in AZM activity against MDR E. coli strains expressing a β-lactamase and a mobilized colistin resistance (mcr-1) gene product. Thus, a MoS2-based nanocomposite with a functional conjugation strategy could be a selective nano-antibacterial platform against infections caused by MDR E. coli with resistance against β-lactam antibiotics.

Synthesis and activity of a MoS2 based nanoplatform.  相似文献   

Thermal stability and oxidation characteristics of α-pinene, β-pinene and α-pinene/β-pinene mixture     
Pin Liu  Xiongmin Liu  Tei Saburi  Shiro Kubota  Pinxian Huang  Yuji Wada 《RSC advances》2021,11(33):20529
Turpentine is a renewable resource, has good combustion performance, and is considered to be a fuel or promising additive to diesel fuel. This is very important for the investigation of thermal stability and energy oxidation characteristics, because evaluation of energy or fuel quality assurance and use safety are necessary. The main components of turpentine are α-pinene and β-pinene, which have unsaturated double bonds and high chemical activity. By investigating their thermal stability and oxidation reaction characteristics, we know the chemical thermal properties and thermal explosion hazard of turpentine. In this present study, the thermal stability and oxidation characteristics of α-pinene, β-pinene and α-pinene/β-pinene mixture were investigated using a high sensitivity accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC) and C80 calorimeter. The important parameters of oxidation reaction and thermal stability were obtained from the temperature, pressure and exothermic behavior in chemical reaction. The results show that α-pinene and β-pinene are thermally stable without chemical reaction under a nitrogen atmosphere even when the temperature reaches 473 K. The initial exothermic temperature of the two pinenes and their mixture is 333–338 K, and the heat release (−ΔH) of their oxidation is 2745–2973 J g−1. The oxidation activation energy (Ea) of α-pinene, β-pinene and α-pinene/β-pinene mixture is 116.25 kJ mol−1, 121.85 kJ mol−1, and 115.95 kJ mol−1, respectively. There are three steps in the oxidation of pinenes: the first is the induction period of the oxidation reaction; the second is the main oxidation stage, and the pressure is reduced; the third is thermal decomposition to produce gas.

Turpentine is a renewable resource, has good combustion performance, and is considered to be a fuel or promising additive to diesel fuel.  相似文献   

N-Amino peptide scanning reveals inhibitors of Aβ42 aggregation     
Khalilia C. Tillett  Juan R. Del Valle 《RSC advances》2020,10(24):14331
The aggregation of amyloids into toxic oligomers is believed to be a key pathogenic event in the onset of Alzheimer''s disease. Peptidomimetic modulators capable of destabilizing the propagation of an extended network of β-sheet fibrils represent a potential intervention strategy. Modifications to amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptides derived from the core domain have afforded inhibitors capable of both antagonizing aggregation and reducing amyloid toxicity. Previous work from our laboratory has shown that peptide backbone amination stabilizes β-sheet-like conformations and precludes β-strand aggregation. Here, we report the synthesis of N-aminated hexapeptides capable of inhibiting the fibrillization of full-length Aβ42. A key feature of our design is N-amino substituents at alternating backbone amides within the aggregation-prone Aβ16–21 sequence. This strategy allows for maintenance of an intact hydrogen-bonding backbone edge as well as side chain moieties important for favorable hydrophobic interactions. An N-amino scan of Aβ16–21 resulted in the identification of peptidomimetics that block Aβ42 fibrilization in several biophysical assays.

Structure-based design of backbone-aminated peptides affords novel β-strand mimics that inhibit amyloid-beta fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

Reappraisal of Pseudomonas aeruginosa hospital-acquired pneumonia mortality in the era of metallo-β-lactamase-mediated multidrug resistance: a prospective observational study     
Alexandre Prehn Zavascki  Afonso Luís Barth  Juliana Fernandez Fernandes  Ana Lúcia Didonet Moro  Ana Lúcia Saraiva Gonalves    Luciano Zubaran Goldani 《Critical care (London, England)》2006,10(4):R114

Direct β-selectivity of α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam for asymmetric conjugate additions in an organocatalytic manner     
Yuan Zhong  Sihua Hong  Zhengjun Cai  Shixiong Ma  Xianxing Jiang 《RSC advances》2018,8(51):28874
The β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters catalyzed by a bifunctional chiral tertiary amine has been developed, which provides an efficient access to optically active β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives in both high yield and enantioselectivity (up to 78% yield and 95 : 5 er). This is the first catalytic method to access chiral β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one via a direct organocatalytic approach.

The asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters catalyzed by (DHQD)2AQN has been developed, which provides an access to β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives in high levels yield and enantioselectivity.

Metal-free organocatalytic asymmetric transformations have successfully captured considerable enthusiasm of chemists as powerful methods for the synthesis of various kinds of useful chiral compounds ranging from the preparation of biologically important molecules through to novel materials.1 Chiral pyrrolidin-2-ones have been recognized as important structural motifs that are frequently encountered in a variety of biologically active natural and synthetic compounds.2 In particular, the β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one backbones, which can serve as key synthetic precursors for inhibitory neurotransmitters γ-aminobutyric acids (GABA),3 selective GABAB receptor agonists4 as well as antidepressant rolipram analogues,5 have attracted a great deal of attention. Therefore, the development of highly efficient, environmentally friendly and convenient asymmetric synthetic methods to access these versatile frameworks is particularly appealing.As a direct precursor to pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives, recently, α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam has emerged as the most attractive reactant in asymmetric organometallic or organocatalytic reactions for the synthesis of chiral γ-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-ones (Scheme 1). These elegant developments have been achieved in the research area of catalytic asymmetric vinylogous aldol,6 Mannich,7 Michael8 and annulation reactions9 in the presence of either metal catalysts or organocatalysts (a, Scheme 1). These well-developed catalytic asymmetric methods have been related to the γ-functionalized α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam to date. However, in sharp contrast, the approaches toward introducing C-3 chirality at the β-position of butyrolactam through a direct catalytic manner are underdeveloped (b, Scheme 1)10 in spite of the fact that β-selective chiral functionalization of butyrolactam can directly build up α,β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one frameworks.Open in a separate windowScheme 1Different reactive position of α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam in catalytic asymmetric reactions.So far, only a few metal-catalytic enantioselective β-selective functionalized reactions have been reported. For examples, a rhodium/diene complex catalyzed efficient asymmetric β-selective arylation10a and alkenylation10b have been reported by Lin group (a, Scheme 2). Procter and co-workers reported an efficient Cu(i)–NHC-catalyzed asymmetric silylation of unsaturated lactams (b, Scheme 2).10c Despite these creative works, considerable challenges still exist in the catalytic asymmetric β-selective functionalization of γ-butyrolactam. First, the scope of nucleophiles is limited to arylboronic acids, potassium alkenyltrifluoroborates and PhMe2SiBpin reagents. Second, the catalytic system and activation mode is restricted to metal/chiral ligands. To our knowledge, an efficient catalytic method to access chiral β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one via a direct organocatalytic approach has not yet been established. Therefore, the development of organocatalytic asymmetric β-selective functionalization of γ-butyrolactam are highly desirable. In conjunction with our continuing efforts in building upon chiral precedents by using chiral tertiary amine catalytic system,11 we rationalized that the activated α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam might serve as a β-position electron-deficient electrophile. This γ-butyrolactam may react with a properly designed electron-rich nucleophile to conduct an expected β-selective functionalized reaction of γ-butyrolactam under a bifunctional organocatalytic fashion, while avoiding the direct γ-selective vinylogous addition reaction or β,γ-selective annulation as outlined in Scheme 2. Herein we report the β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters12 catalyzed by a bifunctional chiral tertiary amine, which provides an efficient and facile access to optically active β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives with both high diastereoselectivity and enantioselectivity.Open in a separate windowScheme 2β-Selective functionalization of γ-butyrolactam via metal- (previous work) or organo- (this work) catalytic approach.To begin our initial investigation, several bifunctional organocatalysts13 were firstly screened to evaluate their ability to promote the β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam 2a with cyclic imino ester 3a in the presence of 15 mol% of catalyst loading at room temperature in CH2Cl2 (entries 1–6, EntryCat.SolventYieldeerf11aCH2Cl270%40 : 6021bCH2Cl2<5%57 : 4331cCH2Cl270%65 : 3541dCH2Cl268%70 : 3051eCH2Cl258%63 : 4761fCH2Cl271%77 : 2371fDCE72%80 : 2081fCHCl370%80 : 2091fMTBE68%79 : 21101fToluene63%78 : 22111fTHF45%76 : 24121fMeOH32%62 : 3813b1fDCE : MTBE75%87 : 1314c1fDCE : MTBE72%87 : 1315d1fDCE : MTBE70%85 : 15Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: unless specified, a mixture of 2a (0.2 mmol), 3a (0.3 mmol) and a catalyst (15 mmol%) in a solvent (2.0 mL) was stirred at rt. for 48 h.bThe reaction was carried out in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1).cThe reaction was carried out in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) for 24 h.dThe reaction was carried out in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) and 10 mol% of catalyst was used.eIsolated yields.fDetermined by chiral HPLC, the product was observed with >99 : 1 dr by 1H NMR and HPLC. Configuration was assigned by X-ray crystal data of 4a.The results of experiments under the optimized conditions that probed the scope of the reaction are summarized in Scheme 3. The catalytic β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam 2a with cyclic imino esters 3a in the presence of 15 mol% (DHQD)2AQN 1f was performed. A variety of phenyl-substituted cyclic imino esters including those bearing electron-withdrawing and electron-donating substituents on the aryl ring, heterocyclic were also examined. The electron-neutral, electron-rich, or electron-deficient groups on the para-position of phenyl ring of the cyclic imino esters afforded the products 4a–4m in 57–75% yields and 82 : 18 to 95 : 5 er values. It appears that either an electron-withdrawing or an electron-donating at the meta- or ortho-position of the aromatic ring had little influence on the yield and stereoselectivity. Similar results on the yield and enantioselectivities were obtained with 3,5-dimethoxyl substituted cyclic imino ester (71% yield and 91 : 9 er). It was notable that the system also demonstrated a good tolerance to naphthyl substituted imino ester (78% yield and 92 : 8 er value). The 2-thienyl substituted cyclic imino ester proceeded smoothly under standard conditions as well, which gave the desired product 4p in good enantioselectivity (88 : 12 er), although yield was slightly lower. However, attempts to extend this methodology to aliphatic-substituted product proved unsuccessful due to the low reactivity of the substrate 3q. It is worth noting that the replacement of Boc group with 9-fluorenylmethyl, tosyl or benzyl group as the protection, no reaction occurred. The absolute and relative configurations of the products were unambiguously determined by X-ray crystallography (4a, see the ESI).Open in a separate windowScheme 3Substrate scope of the asymmetric reaction of α,β-unsaturated γ-butyrolactam 2 to cyclic imino esters 3.a aReaction conditions: unless specified, a mixture of 2 (0.2 mmol), 3 (0.3 mmol) and 1f (15.0 mmol%) in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) was stirred at rt. bIsolated yields. cDetermined by chiral HPLC, all products were observed with >99 : 1 dr by 1H NMR and HPLC. Configuration was assigned by comparison of HPLC data and X-ray crystal data of 4a.We then examined the substrate scope of the imide derivatives (Scheme 4). Investigations with maleimides 4r–4u gave 48–61% yield of corresponding products as lower er and dr values than most of γ-butyrolactams. As for methyl substituted maleimides, the reaction failed to give any product.Open in a separate windowScheme 4Substrate scope of the asymmetric reaction of maleimides to cyclic imino esters.a aReaction conditions: unless specified, a mixture of 2 (0.2 mmol), 3 (0.3 mmol) and 1f (15.0 mmol%) in 2.2 mL a mixture of dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether (volume ratio = 10 : 1) was stirred at rt. bIsolated yields. cDetermined by 1H NMR and chiral HPLC.The chloride product 4a ((R)-tert-butyl 4-((R)-3-((E)-(4-chlorobenzylidene)amino)-2-oxotetra hydrofuran-3-yl)-2-oxopyrrolidine-1-carboxylate) was recrystallized and the corresponding single crystal was subjected to X-ray analysis to determine the absolute structure. Based on this result and our previous work, a plausible catalytic mechanism involving multisite interactions was assumed to explain the high stereoselectivity of this process (Fig. 1). Similar to the conformation reported for the dihydroxylation and the asymmetric direct aldol reaction, the transition state structure of the substrate/catalyst complexes might be presumably in the open conformation. The acidic α-carbon atom of cyclic imino ester 3a could be activated by interaction between the tertiary amine moiety of the catalyst and the enol of 3avia a hydrogen bonding. Moreover, the enolate of 3a in the transition state might be in part stabilized through the π–π stacking between the phenyl ring of 3a and the quinoline moiety. Consequently, the Re-face of the enolate is blocked by the left half of the quinidine moiety. The steric hindrance between the Boc group of 2a and the right half of the quinidine moiety make the Re-face of 2a face to the enolate of 3a. Subsequently, the attack of the incoming nucleophiles forms the Si-face of enolate of 3a to Re-face of 2a takes place, which is consistent with the experimental results.Open in a separate windowFig. 1Proposed transition state for the reaction.In conclusion, we have disclosed the β-selective asymmetric addition of γ-butyrolactam with cyclic imino esters catalyzed by a bifunctional chiral tertiary amine, which provides an efficient and facile access to optically active β-position functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives with high diastereoselectivity and enantioselectivity. To our knowledge, this is the first catalytic method to access chiral β-functionalized pyrrolidin-2-one via a direct organocatalytic approach. Current efforts are in progress to apply this new methodology to synthesize biologically active products.  相似文献   

A first-principles investigation of α, β, and γ-MnO2 as potential cathode materials in Al-ion batteries     
Joshua Fu  Xuan Luo 《RSC advances》2020,10(65):39895
An inexpensive and eco-friendly alternative energy storage solution is becoming more in demand as the world moves towards greener technology. We used first principles calculations to investigate α, β, and γ-MnO2 and their Al-ion intercalation mechanism in potential applications for aluminum batteries. We explored these complexes through investigating properties such as volume change, binding/diffusion energy, and band gap to gauge each material. α-MnO2 had almost no volume change. γ-MnO2 had the lowest binding energy and diffusion barrier. Our study gives insight into the feasibility of using MnO2 in aluminum batteries and guides investigation of the material within its different phases.

An inexpensive and eco-friendly alternative energy storage solution is becoming more in demand as the world moves towards greener technology.  相似文献   

Direct access to multi-functionalized benzenes via [4 + 2] annulation of α-cyano-β-methylenones and α,β-unsaturated aldehydes     
Qianfa Jia  Yunfei Lan  Xin Ye  Yinhe Lin  Qiao Ren 《RSC advances》2020,10(49):29171
An efficient [4 + 2] benzannulation of α-cyano-β-methylenones and α,β-unsaturated aldehydes was achieved under metal-free reaction conditions selectively delivering a wide range of polyfunctional benzenes in high yields respectively (up to 94% yield).

An efficient [4 + 2] benzannulation of α-cyano-β-methylenones and α,β-unsaturated aldehydes was achieved under metal-free reaction conditions selectively delivering a wide range of polyfunctional benzenes in high yields respectively (up to 94% yield).

Multi-substituted benzenes are privileged structural units ubiquitous in pharmaceuticals,1 natural products2 and advanced functional materials.3 Various excellent methodologies have been investigated for the construction of functionalized aromatics including nucleophilic or electrophilic substitution,4 transition metal-catalyzed coupling reactions5 and directed metalation.6 However, the widespread application of these strategies established thus far suffer from the limitations of functional groups introduced on the pre-existing benzene and regioselectivity issues. Among various synthetic methods, tandem benzannulation reactions arguably represent an attractive alternative to classical methods for rapid construction of polysubstituted benzenes in an atom-economical fashion.7 This protocol featuring an efficient transformation of acyclic building blocks into structurally valuable benzene skeletons. In this context, α-cyano-β-methylenones has been employed as substrates to format six-membered ring in tandem cyclization reactions due to the activation of the pronucleophile methyl group. In 2015, Tong and co-workers developed a phosphine-catalyzed addition/cycloaddition domino reactions of β′-acetoxy allenoate with 2-acyl-3-methyl-acrylonitriles to give 2-oxabicyclo[3.3.1]nonanes (Scheme 1a).8 Soon after that, the construction of benzonitrile derivatives and 1,3,5-trisubstituted benzenes via N-heterocyclic carbene catalysis has been reported by the groups of Wang and Ye independently (Scheme 1b).9 Then the synthesis of 1,3,5-trisubstituted benzenes by 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU)-mediated annulation of α-cyano-β-methylenones and α,β-unsaturated carboxylic acids was also developed by Ye and co-workers (Scheme 1c).10 Shi et al. reported a base-promoted tandem cyclization reaction of α-cyano-β-methylenones and α,β-unsaturated enones, which have electron-withdrawing group (EWG), accessing to a wide range of benzonitriles in a different C–C bond formation process (Scheme 1d).11 As part of our ongoing interest in harnessing enones for developing new methodologies for the construction of functionalized benzenes, we have recently demonstrated NHC-catalyzed convenient benzonitrile assembly in the presence of oxidant.9a While the same reaction of enals and α-cyano-β-methylenones was conducted in the basic condition without NHC, a novel polyfunctionalized benzene product was obtained (Scheme 1e). The result inspired us to extend the synthetic potential of benzannulation strategy to access diverse benzonitriles, particularly from simpler, abundantly available starting materials.Open in a separate windowScheme 1α-Cyano-β-methylenones in cycloaddition domino reactions.At the outset, model reaction of 2-benzoyl-3-phenylbut-2-enenitrile 1a and cinnamaldehyde 2a was used to evaluate reaction parameters. Key results of condition optimization are summarized in 12 The configuration of products were assigned unambiguously by X-ray analysis of the product 3a. A quick solvent screening demonstrated that chloroform is the best choice to produce the benzannulation product 3a in a desirable yield (entries 10–13, ). Reducing the loading of the cinnamaldehyde or NaOH to 1.2 equivalence led to dramatical loss of the yield (entries 14 &15, EntryBaseSolventTime (h)Yieldb (%)1Cs2CO3Toluene24702Na2CO3Toluene24423K2CO3Toluene24384NaOHToluene12785NaOAcToluene24526KOHToluene12747K3PO4Toluene24588DBUToluene24339Et3NToluene484610NaOHDCM1288 11 NaOH CHCI 3 12 94 12NaOHDCE128413NaOHH2O48014cNaOHCHCI3128515dNaOHCHCI3128416eNaOHCHCI31280Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: 1a (0.1 mmol, 1.0 equiv.), 2a (0.15 mmol, 1.5 equiv.), base (0.2 mmol, 2.0 equiv.), and solvent (1 mL) for 12 h.bIsolated yields.c1a : 2a = 1 : 1.2.dNaOH used 1.2 equiv.e50 °C.Finally, the standard reaction conditions for the base-promoted synthesis of the multi-functionalized benzene derivatives identified as follows: 1.5 equivalence of NaOH and CHCl3 as the solvent under an atmosphere of air for 12 hours at room temperature.With the optimized reaction conditions in hand, we explored the scope of the reaction. A series of enones were examined, variation of the electronic nature of the aromatic ring (R1, including the substituted phenyl or thienyl) has little influence on the reaction efficiency (3b–f, 86–93% yields, Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: 1a (0.1 mmol, 1.0 equiv.), 2a (0.15 mmol, 1.5 equiv.), NaOH (0.2 mmol, 2.0 equiv.), and CHCl3 (1 mL) for 12 h.We next turned our attention to examine the scope of enals. Different substituents on the phenyl ring of cinnamaldehydes were tolerated even disregarding the position and properties, giving 4a–g in satisfying yields (82–92% yields, Open in a separate windowaReaction conditions: 1a (0.1 mmol, 1.0 equiv.), 2a (0.15 mmol, 1.5 equiv.), NaOH (0.2 mmol, 2.0 equiv.), and CHCl3 (1 mL) for 12 h.To highlight the practicality of this mild and efficient method, the reaction of 2-benzoyl-3-phenylbut-2-enenitrile 1a at 4.0 mmol scale proceed well under the standard conditions to generate the desired product in 88% yield (Scheme 2).Open in a separate windowScheme 2Gram-Scale Synthesis of 3a.The formyl group could be easily reduced by using LiAlH4 in THF at reflux, leading to the formation of the benzyl alcohol product 5 in 95% yield while keeping the CN group intact. Suzuki coupling of 3o with phenylboronic acid furnished derivative 6 in 90% yield13 (Scheme 3).Open in a separate windowScheme 3Synthetic transformation.To gain insight into the role of air in this reaction, a control experiment was designed and investigated (Scheme 4). When the reaction of 1a and 2a was carried out under an argon atmosphere, the desired product 3a was obtained in 10% yield and product 7 could be isolated in 82% yield. The results indicate that oxygen is necessary for the oxidation process and played a key role in this reaction.Open in a separate windowScheme 4Control experiment.A postulated reaction course is illustrated in Scheme 5. Briefly, α-deprotonation of enone 1a in the presence of bases, subsequent 1,4-addition of deprotonated enone I to enal 2a generates intermediate II, which undergoes an intramolecular aldol reaction to yield the adduct 7.14 Lastly, dehydration of 7 followed by spontaneous oxidative aromatization affords the polysubstituted benzonitrile 3a.Open in a separate windowScheme 5The proposed mechanism.  相似文献   

Synthesis and characterization of new fluorescent boro-β-carboline dyes     
Dnes Szepesi Kovcs  Imre Hajdu  Gergely Mszros  Lucia Wittner  Domokos Meszna  Estilla Zsfia Tth  Zita Heged&#x;s  Ivan Ran&#x;elovi&#x;  Jzsef Tvri  Tímea Szab  Bence Szilgyi  Mtys Milen  Gyrgy Mikls Keser&#x;  Pter brnyi-Balogh 《RSC advances》2021,11(21):12802
The first representatives of the new fluorescent boro-β-carboline family were synthesized by the insertion of the difluoroboranyl group into the oxaza or diaza core. The resulting compounds showed good photophysical properties with fine Stokes-shifts in the range of 38–85 nm with blue and green emission. The energetics of the excitation states and molecular orbitals of two members were investigated by quantum chemical computations suggesting effects for the improved properties of diazaborinino-carbolines over oxazaborolo-carbolines. These properties nominated this chemotype as a new fluorophore for the development of fluorescent probes. As an example, diazaborinino-carbolines were used for the specific labeling of anti-Her2 antibody trastuzumab. The fluorescent conjugate showed a high fluorophore-antibody ratio and was confirmed as a useful tool for labeling and confocal microscopy imaging of tumour cells in vitro together with the ex vivo two-photon microscopy imaging of tumour slices.

The first representatives of fluorescent boro-β-carbolines were applied for labeling trastuzumab. The antibody fluorophore conjugate was confirmed as a useful tool for labeling and imaging tumour cells in confocal and two-photon microscopy.  相似文献   

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