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The relation between maternal heart rate variability (HRV) and fetal behavior was examined in hypertensive and normotensive pregnant women. A total of 40 mother-fetal pairs (n = 20 normotensive mothers; n = 20 hypertensive mothers) at 33-41 weeks' gestation were observed using a standardized procedure lasting approximately 50 min. It included the following measurements: maternal beat-by-beat arterial blood pressure and HRV; spontaneous fetal heart rate (HR), body and breathing movements; and an estimate of amniotic fluid volume. The women in the hypertensive group had higher average body mass index (BMI) (33.7 vs. 28.8 kg/m2) than the normotensive group. In the normotensive group, there was no association between maternal HRV and fetal gestational age, HR, body or breathing movements. In the hypertensive group, maternal HRV measures of low-frequency, high-frequency, and total power were associated with fetal gestational age; also, there was an association between maternal autonomic modulation of HR and fetal spontaneous HR. These findings suggest that the maternal autonomic system influences fetal cardiac function in pregnancies complicated by hypertension.  相似文献   

Recent reports have described high levels of one or more substances which cross-react with digoxin antibodies in the serum of women with pre-eclampsia. We measured plasma ouabain-like activity and intraerythrocyte sodium and potassium concentrations, in addition to performing routine hypertensive laboratory tests, in 13 normotensive non-pregnant subjects, 15 normotensive pregnant women and 16 pre-eclamptic women (gestational age: 33-36 weeks). Plasma ouabain-like activity, measured as plasma-induced variations in ouabain binding to human erythrocytes, proved significantly higher in both groups of pregnant subjects as compared to normotensive non-pregnant women, and a significant difference was also found between pre-eclamptic and normotensive pregnant women, the former exhibiting higher plasma ouabain-like activity. No differences in intracellular sodium and potassium levels were detected among the three groups studied. Though there is reason to believe that the high plasma levels found both in normal and hypertensive pregnancy may depend on placental production, we are not in a position to define with any degree of certainty what the mechanism or mechanisms are that regulate ouabain-like factor production.  相似文献   

目的探讨臀部充气装置用于胎膜早破孕妇的临床效果。方法将180例胎膜早破的孕妇随机分为观察组92例,对照组88例,观察组采用臀部充气装置抬高孕妇臀部,减少羊水流出;对照组采用头低脚高位,抬高床尾15°-30°,以减少羊水流出。结果观察组孕妇卧位的舒适度、羊水流出量与对照组相比有统计学意义(P〈0.05),观察组剖宫产、顺产及助产率与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01),两组在早产、胎儿宫窘迫、新生儿窒息方面有统计学意义(P〈0.05),但在产褥感染率方面无统计学意义。结论臀部充气装置用于胎膜早破孕妇有显著效果,值得在产科临床应用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidence of preeclampsia is high in northern Nigeria, as it is in many other developing countries, and preeclampsia is associated with significant maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. We inquired if proteinuria or hypertension alone could account for the altered concentrations of urinary lysosomal hydrolases that have been reported in preeclamptic women and pregnant women without preeclampsia. METHODS: The activities of urinary beta-hexosaminidase and beta-galactosidase were determined fluorometrically in pregnant women assigned to one of four groups: Group I: 41 preeclamptic women; Group II: 31 hypertensive aproteinuric women; Group III: 44 normotensive proteinuric women; and Group IV: 52 healthy pregnant women (controls). RESULTS: The urinary beta-hexosaminidase concentrations were decreased in the preeclamptic women (P<0.005) and proteinuric women (P<0.001) when compared to the healthy pregnant controls. There was no significant difference in beta-hexosaminidase concentrations between the hypertensive women and the healthy pregnant controls. The urinary beta-galactosidase concentrations for preeclamptic, hypertensive, and proteinuric women did not differ significantly versus healthy pregnant controls. CONCLUSIONS: The reduced urinary excretion of beta-hexosaminidase in preeclamptic women is associated with proteinuria, but not hypertension. Measuring urinary concentrations of lysosomal hydrolases alone or in conjunction with urinary protein concentrations is not likely to be useful in predicting or monitoring the clinical course of preeclampsia; however, it might prove important in gaining a more complete understanding of the pathogenesis of renal tubular epithelial cell injury and proteinuria that occurs in preeclampsia.  相似文献   

目的:通过对孕中期孕妇进行产前筛查及产前诊断,探讨其临床应用价值。方法对于35岁以下的孕妇,采用化学发光分析系统,测定孕中期(15~20+6周)血清中甲胎蛋白(A FP )、游离β人绒毛膜促性腺激素(Freeβ-HCG)及游离雌三醇(uE3)的浓度。采用配套风险评估软件计算出唐氏综合征(21-三体)、爱德华综合征(18-三体综合征)和神经管缺陷(ONTD)的风险值。筛查高风险者进行羊水穿刺确证。适应羊水穿刺及年龄大于或等于35岁的孕妇在知情同意的情况下直接进行产前诊断并行羊水穿刺。结果年龄小于35岁的孕中期孕妇2117例中筛查出高风险145例,筛查阳性率6.8%。其中有124例经过羊水培养对胎儿染色体进行分析,检查出1例唐氏综合征、1例18-三体综合征以及3例其他染色体异常。69例年龄大于或等于35岁的及51例适应羊水穿刺的孕妇中发现8例染色体异常。结论遂宁市孕中期产前筛查异常率高,为有效预防和减少出生缺陷,在孕中期进行产前筛查诊断意义重大。  相似文献   

This prospective study of 131 pregnant women was designed to determine the incidence and significance of floating particles in amniotic fluid. Floating particles ranging in size from 1 to 5 mm were seen in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women at 15 to 40 weeks' gestation. Since vernix is rarely present before 35 weeks' gestation, a source other than flakes of vernix must be sought to explain the floating particles in amniotic fluid in early gestations. There was no significant difference in the sizes or numbers of particles at different gestational ages (from 15 to 40 weeks). Therefore, it is concluded that ultrasonographic demonstration of floating particles in amniotic fluid cannot be considered an indicator of fetal maturity.  相似文献   

To study the prevalence of pre-eclampsia (PE) and other obstetric outcomes (growth restriction and fetal mortality) in pregnancies of normotensive and hypertensive women attending an antenatal hypertension clinic, we studied a cohort of 372 pregnancies from 267 women. The prevalence of PE in the groups of pregnancies of normotensive and chronic hypertensive women was 11.9% (19/159 cases) and 16.0% (34/213 cases) respectively (chi 2 = 1.2, p = 0.27). There were no significant differences in respect of ethnicity, being primi- or multigravida and smoking status or age. Treatment with antihypertensive drugs during pregnancy did not decrease the prevalence of PE. In pregnancies with hypertensive complications (with or without PE) there was a trend towards higher rates of pre-term delivery (< 37 weeks), caesarean section, small for gestational age babies, stillbirth and lower baby birth weight and ponderal index values. Pregnancies in women with uncomplicated hypertension had an increased risk for emergency caesarean section, pre-term delivery (< 37 weeks), birth weight < 2500 g and stillbirth (relative risks [with confidence intervals] 2.5 [1.9-3.2], 2.3 [1.8-2.9], 3.1 [2.5-3.7] and 5.5 [2.6-11.9] respectively) compared with the general hospital obstetric population. After classification according to the type of hypertensive syndrome, a progressively higher risk for fetal growth restriction and adverse perinatal outcome was shown in the hypertensive and pre-eclamptic groups. In chronic hypertension, this was irrespective of superimposed pre-eclampsia or antihypertensive therapy. The high prevalence of PE in chronic hypertensive women (16.0%) was not statistically significant to that of normotensive women (11.9%), reflecting the referral selection of 'high risk' normotensive women to our clinic.  相似文献   

目的分析妊娠期妇女感染人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)对产妇和胎儿的影响。方法选取116例感染人乳头瘤病毒的产妇作为实验组,另选取健康孕妇116例为对照组,分别对产妇分娩时羊水、胎盘组织及胎儿脐静脉血、口咽部分泌物与外阴分泌物中的HPV进行检测,分析产妇HPV的感染分型。随访1年,观察HPV感染对产妇和胎儿的影响。结果实验组中单型HPV感染及高危型HPV感染的患者所占比例较大,分别为66.38%和76.72%;患者宫颈肉眼形态异常炎症、细胞学检验呈鳞状上皮病变是感染HPV的危险因素;2组患者在分娩方式、产后出血及胎儿生长受限等方面比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);正常阴道分娩与剖宫产分娩的胎儿在羊水、胎盘组织及脐静脉血、口咽部分泌物、外阴分泌物或包皮分泌物中的HPV阳性检出率比较无显著差异(P0.05);胎儿HPV感染率为24.14%。结论单型HPV感染及高危型HPV感染是妊娠期妇女HPV感染的主要分型。  相似文献   

目的 探讨羊水细胞异常核型发生的频率、类型与不同产前诊断指征之间的关系,评估羊水穿刺术诊断染色体疾病的临床价值。方法 选取2009年7月~2018年7月在广东医科大学顺德妇女儿童医院产前诊断中心具有产前诊断指征的孕妇6 503例,进行羊水穿刺,胎儿羊水细胞染色体核型分析。结果①6 503例羊水细胞中,检出染色体异常核型358例,异常率5.51%。染色体数目异常264例,其中21三体128例,18三体51例,13三体20例,性染色体数目异常65例; 染色体的结构异常66例; 嵌合体28例。各产前诊断指征中,染色体异常检出率分别为3.34%,3.15%,61.95%,17.22%,37.14%,5.60%和0.62%,经χ2检验发现,高龄组与血清学筛查高风险组,高龄组与不良孕产史组,血清学筛查高风险组与不良孕产史组,差异均无统计学意义(χ2=0.1472.279,P>0.05); 其余各组之间两两比较,差异均有统计学意义(χ2=7.411997.801,P<0.01)。②2 456例高龄孕妇中,年龄35~39岁组与年龄≥40岁组胎儿染色体异常检出率分别为2.70%和5.63%,两者比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.059,P<0.01)。③无创产前基因筛查(NIPT)对21三体、18三体和13三体的检测准确度分别为80.28%,75.86%和44.00%,对性染色体异常的检测准确度为55.17%,对其他染色体异常的检测准确度为22.73%。结论 ①对具有明确产前诊断指征的孕妇行羊膜腔穿刺术,进行羊水细胞染色体核型分析非常重要,可有效地检出染色体异常胎儿,避免其出生,提高人口素质。②高龄孕妇,尤其是≥40岁的高龄孕妇,进行产前诊断非常必要。③NIPT对筛查胎儿染色体疾病准确率较高,但只是筛查手段,不能完全代替羊水细胞核型分析。  相似文献   

目的探讨唐氏筛查在孕妇产前诊断中的重要意义.方法于妊娠中期利用孕妇血清中甲胎蛋白(AFP)、人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)、游离雌三醇(UE3)三联标记物进行产前筛查胎儿唐氏综合征,唐氏高风险人群经羊膜腔穿刺术,进行荧光原位杂交技术和羊水培养染色体核型分析进行确诊.结果共筛查3654例孕妇,其中超过35岁者192例,占筛查总数的5.2%.初筛出DS高危孕妇103例,筛查阳性率为2.81%,接受羊水产前诊断的胎儿染色体异常3例,占2.91%;而没有接受唐氏筛查的383例孕妇中,出现1例唐氏综合征患儿,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论通过血清学的筛查提高了孕妇产前诊断的异常检出率,说明该筛查系统在判断异常妊娠结局方面有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

Recent observation of maternal voice recognition provides evidence of rudimentary memory and learning in healthy term fetuses. However, such higher order auditory processing has not been examined in the presence of maternal hypertension, which is associated with reduced and/or impaired uteroplacental blood flow. In this study, voice processing was examined in 40 fetuses (gestational ages of 33 to 41 weeks) of hypertensive and normotensive women. Fetuses received 2 min of no sound, 2 min of a tape-recorded story read by their mothers or by a female stranger, and 2 min of no sound while fetal heart rate was recorded. Results demonstrated that fetuses in the normotensive group had heart rate accelerations during the playing of their mother's voice, whereas the response occurred in the hypertensive group following maternal voice offset. Across all fetuses, a greater fetal heart rate change was observed when the amniotic fluid index was above compared to below the median (i.e., 150 mm), indicating that amniotic fluid volume may be an independent moderator of fetal auditory sensitivity. It was concluded that differential fetal responding to the mother's voice in pregnancies complicated by maternal hypertension may reflect functional elevation of sensorineural threshold or a delay in auditory system maturation, signifying functional differences during fetal life or subtle differences in the development of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

目的:探讨单胎自然分娩中羊水粪染与产后出血的关系.方法:选择孕足月、单胎、头位、无严重内外科合并症,羊水粪染、胎儿情况正常的初产妇60例为研究组;选择同期条件相同、羊水清亮的100例初产妇为对照组,比较两组总产程时间、新生儿体重、产后24 h出血量及分娩前后24 h血红蛋白浓度的差值.结果:两组总产程时间、新生儿体重比较,差异无统计学意义;研究组的产后24 h出血量是344.50±91.70 mL,明显多于对照组的287.15±58.76 mL.P<0.05;研究组分娩前后血红蛋白浓度的差值是6.44±8.49 g/L,明显大于对照组的2.96±3.81 g/L,P<0.05.结论:羊水粪染的产妇产后出血量多,产后出血发生率高.  相似文献   

Purified human amniotic fluid renin substrate (RS) was compared to purified plasma RS. RS in plasma and amniotic fluid were similar in molecular weight, isoelectric point and immunological properties.

Immunoreactivity of radio-iodinated amniotic fluid RS was lower than that of plasma RS. Measured by direct radioimmunoassay, RS-levels were only 10–22% of those obtained with indirect assay in 22 amniotic fluid samples. This difference suggests that amniotic fluid RS is less immunoreactive than plasma RS, possibly due to biochemical alteration or complex formation. No such difference in immunoreactivity was noticed in RS of decidual and placental cytosolic fraction.  相似文献   

毛学芬 《临床医学》2009,29(12):31-32
目的探讨妊娠期糖尿病孕妇妊娠结局和处理方式。方法对2007年1月至2009年1月来我院产科住院分娩的40例妊娠期糖尿病孕妇及40例健康孕妇的分娩情况进行回顾性分析。结果妊娠期糖尿病患者妊娠期高血压疾病、羊水过多、巨大儿、胎儿窘迫、新生儿窒息、剖宫产等发生率明显增高(P〈0.05),因此妊娠期糖尿病孕妇大多选择剖宫产结束分娩。结论早期诊断妊娠期糖尿病及控制血糖是减少母婴并发症的关键。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of two techniques of amniotic fluid volume assessment to predict intrapartum morbidity in a high-risk population. A total of 213 pregnant women at the Grace Maternity Hospital, Vancouver, Canada were examined ultrasonically and the amniotic fluid volume was assessed subjectively and using the amniotic fluid index. Both techniques showed high specificity and negative predictive values for all outcome measures, but had an associated poor sensitivity and positive predictive value. Both techniques were similar in their ability to identify situations involving intrapartum morbidity. It is concluded that amniotic fluid assessment is a weak predictor of intrapartum morbidity but may be useful in certain conditions such as when the pregnancy is post-dates.  相似文献   

目的:探讨有产前诊断指征的孕妇羊水染色体核型异常情况.方法:2019年在玉林市妇幼保健院优生遗传科就诊的4427例有产前诊断指征的孕妇行羊膜腔穿刺羊水查染色体核型,通过产前诊断指征及核型结果进行统计分析.结果:4427例高危孕妇中检出异常核型245例,异常检出率5.53%.其中21三体54例(22.04%),18三体1...  相似文献   

目的 探讨综合护理干预措施对胎心无刺激试验(NST)准确性的影响.方法 采用信封法将400例无高危因素的正常初产孕妇随机分成研究组和对照组各200例.研究组接受综合护理干预,对照组接受常规护理.比较2组孕妇NST无反应的发生情况,及新生儿Apgar评分≤7分的发生率、孕妇羊水污染的发生率和剖宫产率.结果 研究组NST无反应发生率为15.08%,显著低于对照组29.40%的发生率.研究组新生儿Apgar评分≤7分的发生率、孕妇羊水污染的发生率分别为8.5%和19.0%,与对照组相比无显著差异.研究组孕妇的剖宫产率为38.5%,显著低于对照组孕妇65.5%的剖宫产率.结论 综合护理干预措施能提高NST监测的准确性,降低孕妇的剖宫产率.  相似文献   

目的比较不同方法对羊水细胞培养成功率的影响。方法选择2019年1-10月于永州市妇幼保健院进行胎儿染色体核型检查的404例孕妇作为研究对象,采集所有孕妇的羊水细胞,分别采用原代培养法以及传代培养法进行羊水细胞培养,收获后进行低渗处理,制作吉姆萨染色玻片阅片核对。比较两种羊水细胞培养方法的成功率和失败率,对羊水标本玻片中的染色体分裂相进行计数。结果采用传代培养法的羊水细胞培养成功率明显高于原代培养法〔100.00%(404/404)比96.04%(388/404)〕,失败率明显低于原代培养法〔0(0/404)比3.96%(16/404)〕,且羊水染色体分裂相出现数(个:92.85±1.15比50.94±1.20)、可计数(个:53.78±1.22比30.30±1.25)、可分析数(个:27.34±1.06比14.55±1.05)均明显高于原代培养法,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论采用传代培养法的羊水细胞培养成功率更高,且能够获取足够的羊水染色体核型,值得在临床检验工作中推广使用。  相似文献   

The sex steroid-binding protein (SBP) is a plasma protein whose concentration in the maternal circulation increases during pregnancy. Using monospecific antibodies raised against human SBP, we could demonstrate the antigenic identity of the protein in human amniotic fluid. In this fluid, we found that the SBP concentration was correlated with the total protein concentration throughout gestation. The concentration gradient of SBP between maternal serum and amniotic fluid was compared to that of other serum proteins, in relation to their relative molecular mass, and it was concluded that SBP enters amniotic fluid in a non-specific manner similar to that of other serum proteins. It is suggested that SBP could act to sequester the sex steroid hormones in amniotic fluid.  相似文献   

目的探讨综合护理干预预防糖尿病孕产妇不良妊娠的效果。方法选取本院妇产科收治待分娩伴糖尿病孕妇共131例作为研究对象,并分为综合护理组和常规护理组。比较2组孕妇羊水指数(AFI)、BMI、孕期增体质量量、分娩体质量、空腹血糖(FBG)及餐后2 h血糖(2h PG)妊娠期指标。比较2组孕妇前置胎盘、早产、妊娠期高血压、剖宫产、羊水过多、胎儿窘迫、胎膜早破、产后出血、尿路感染等不良妊娠结局指标。记录和比较围产儿健康状况。结果综合护理组孕妇AFI、BMI、孕期体质量增量、分娩体质量、FBG及2 h PG均显著低于常规护理组(P0.05)。综合护理组孕妇前置胎盘、早产、妊娠期高血压、剖宫产、羊水过多、胎儿窘迫、胎膜早破、产后出血、尿路感染的发生率均显著低于常规护理组(P0.05)。综合护理组围产儿肺炎、缺血缺氧性脑病、巨大儿、低血糖和高胆红素血症发生率以及窒息发生率均显著低于常规护理组(P0.05)。结论综合护理干预能够有效降低妊娠期糖尿病孕妇不良妊娠结局的发生率。  相似文献   

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