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儿童青少年心理问题在世界上发生率约为20%,所占的伤残调整寿命年为12.3%.影响儿童青少年心理健康的因素,可分为生物、家庭、学校和社会等因素,根据影响因素的特点,可分为危险因素和保护因素.采取从家庭、学校和社会等多方面的综合干预措施、学校生活技能训练和心理咨询等方法可有效地促进儿童青少年心理的健康发展.如何有效地调动家庭和社会力量的参与是进一步研究的重点.  相似文献   

健康促进理念与农村健康促进实践   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
随着社会经济的发展和医学的进步 ,人们对健康及健康影响因素的认识也越来越深刻。健康理论的升华 ,使人们得以从更高的层次来研究健康问题 ,健康促进的提出则可以指导人们运用综合手段 ,来干预影响健康的各种因素 ,逐步实现人人健康的战略目标。1 新健康观及健康促进的提出是指导卫生工作的理论基础健康定义的扩展 ,使人们对健康的认识得以升华。所谓健康 ,是指身体上、精神上和社会适应性上的完好状态 ,能有效地工作 ,积极参加社区的社会生活。健康的概念已从纯生理层面发展到生理、心理层面 ,进而发展到生理、心理、社会等综合层面。人…  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展,儿童青少年的心理健康问题受到社会的广泛关注。早期存在的心理健康问题会增加成年后精神疾病发生风险,给家庭和社会带来沉重的负担。研究对国外以学校为基础的儿童青少年心理健康促进干预研究进展进行综述,旨在为中国出台相关政策早期防控和干预儿童青少年心理健康问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The problems that have a considerable impact on health in population groups of all ages but on that of adolescents in particular, have been formed during the complex and unstable situation in Russia and with high morbidity rates among the children, adolescents, and young people. Power bodies, concerned ministries, agencies, and nongovernmental organizations show no consistency of actions in elaborating and implementing programs and measures to prevent and correct adolescents' health and developmental disorders. The foregoing suggests that the "dolescents' Health and Development in Russia" strategy that considers Russian and international experience with the rising generation's health care is urgent. The paper presents basic principles, study areas, and indicators of the expected efficiency of the complex activities of ministries, agencies, governmental and public organizations, medical and pedagogical communities for ensuring normal development and health promotion for the adolescents.  相似文献   

儿童青少年处于生长发育的关键阶段,学校健康促进是保证其健康成长和全面发展的需要。目前中国儿童青少年身心健康状况不容乐观,近视、肥胖和抑郁障碍等重点疾病呈高流行状态。国家已从顶层进行了政策设计——中小学健康促进行动和儿童青少年心理健康行动,学校卫生研究者和基层工作者要借力政策发展,坚持重点疾病的四级预防、生命全程和全人群及重点人群干预等策略导向,并将疾病防控和健康促进融入所有政策,全面提高中国儿童青少年的身心健康。同时,结合近视防控理论研究与实践,提出政策与策略驱动的儿童青少年近视防控综合模型。  相似文献   

Temporal trends in adolescent morbidity and mortality and the psychological factors that underlie adolescents' risk-taking behavior are reviewed in this chapter. Theoretical models useful for understanding risk-taking behavior and developing effective preventive interventions are described. Finally, intervention strategies, both on individual and community level, are identified that may enhance adolescent health promotion efforts.  相似文献   

In this article the author presents a point of view which she considers central to understanding the difference between prevention - associated with the traditional discourse of public health - and health promotion, an idea in connection with which proposals are now being presented for rethinking and redirecting public health practices. This perspective relates to the limits of the health and disease concepts in relation to the concrete experiences of health and illness. On the one hand, practical awareness of this limit implies far-reaching changes in the way scientific knowledge is related to (and used in) the formulation and organization of health practices; on the other, health promotion projects also avail themselves of the concepts guiding the discourse of prevention. This leads to certain difficulties that appear as inconsistencies or gray areas in the operationalization of promotion projects, which do not always succeed in asserting their nature as distinct from traditional preventive practices.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Over at least the past ten years, measures aimed at health promotion and prevention among young adults and teenagers have been being implemented from different public institutions and, in a certain sense, on a sectorial basis. The overall objective is to assess how the different measures carried out by different Public Institutions with regard to Health Promotion and Prevention have an impact on the actual conduct and practices of teenagers and young adults within the 14-25 age range in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. METHODS: A study based on a structural or qualitative methodology was conducted using the discussion group method, eight groups having been formed and their comments analyzed. RESULTS: The young adults do not feel any health-related prevention "system" as such exists on not considering themselves to be the object thereof. In the opinion of the young adults, disease, confined to the physical body, is conceived as being a short-lived, temporary and readily remedied based on the technological advances current medicine has to offer. On the contrary, the diseases related to the psychological perspective (mental disease dissociated with the area of the medical and connected to the individual/personal area) arouse interest in so much as young people are highly vulnerable to these diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Any measure aimed at generating identification and, therefore, the active response of young people must entail creating a connection between young people and health, which, not based exclusively in providing information, is capable of putting a space of control of the youths with regard to their harmful practices into play whilst at the same time highlighting their taking responsibility for their own actions. Considering we believe it best to "redefine" the term "prevention" in terms nearer to those of maintaining, improving or regaining (in short-lived cases) health, to thus connote the idea of physical and mental well-being.  相似文献   

中国儿童青少年体质健康的改善迫在眉睫.鉴于中日两国在人种、文化、地理位置、历史等方面的相似之处,加之日本是世界上儿童青少年体质监测工作开展较好、数据资料较全的国家,比较中日儿童青少年体质健康之间的差异,并从政策、生活习惯、经济状况等方面分析产生差异的原因,对于改善中国学生体质健康状况,以及制定相关政策和措施具有较强的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

In Finland a national, comprehensive preventive oriented oralhealth programme was implemented in 1972. Oral health habitsand services as well as their development were followed in theJuvenile Health Habit Study programme between 1977 and 1989.Postal questionnaires were sent to 12–18 year old Finnsevery second year from 1977. The response rates of the nationallyrepresentative samples were 79–88%. The most recent questionnairewas answered by 3220 adolescents (80%). Use of oral health services increased continuously from 1977to 1985. In 1985 there was a slight decrease in the use among16 and 18 year olds. Sex and socioeconomic differences in theuse of these services disappeared in 1985. In 1989 half of theadolescents had received instruction about oral hygiene butonly 20% about use of sugar during their last dental visit. Oral hygiene habits (toothbrushing and use of dental floss)improved slowly but continuously during the whole period Dailyuse of dental floss was still rare and one-third of the Finnishboys did not brush their teeth daily in 1989. The most common sugar-containing products used daily were hotsweet drinks (sugar-sweetened coffee, tea and hot chocolate).Use of sugar-sweetened coffee and cakes decreased but that ofsweets, soft drinks, sugar-sweetened tea and hot chocolate remainedunchanged. Use of sweetened yogurt increased slightly. The positive trend in the use of oral health services and oralhealth behaviour can be explained by the national oral healthpromotion programme. Extensive toothbrush and toothpaste advertisementsand changes in teenagers' life-style associated with urbanizationof the society may also have contributed to the improvements.  相似文献   

The concepts of health promotion contained in the Ottawa Charterfor Health Promotion and the new Canadian government policyare changing the face of health promotion. But these conceptshave yet to be formed into a cohesive framework for the effortsof policy-makers and others. As part of the Canadian policydevelopment exercise, the health field concept of the Lalondereport was re-examined, since it had been influential in shapingearlier policy. In this article, some of the fruits of thatexamination are presented, along with a proposed expanded healthfield concept that takes account of the new concepts. The aimsof the expanded health field concept are threefold: to guidepolicy, to argue for resources and to provide an analyticalframework suitable for programme development and research. Emphasisis put on five areas outside the original health field concept:output aspects of the health promotion process (not just input);positive aspects of input and output (not just negative); subjectiveaspects of input and output (not just objective); increasedemphasis on social and environmental input; and clarificationof the relationship between health and quality of life. It issuggested that, on the input side, the five action areas ofthe Ottawa Charter be used as a starting point, and that onthe output side, measures focus on four areas: morbidity andmortality, positive health indicators, subjective perceptions,and functional capacity and coping. The expanded health fieldconcept represents an evolutionary step beyond the old concept,and is presented as a stimulus to discussion rather than asthe final word.  相似文献   

The emerging science in early childhood development challenges past paradigms of health care. There is consideration within the profession of paediatrics, and health care more broadly, of how to make systems of care more responsive to the developmental and social needs of young children and their families. Some countries have physician-centric models, either general physicians or paediatricians, while others rely on nurses. There is increasing recognition that the goal of any model should be parent-professional partnership that puts families at the center, elicits and responds to family needs, anticipates and supports families with developmental transitions, and fits within a seamless system of services and supports.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss our experience of engaging 9–10-year-oldchildren in grade 4 in a community development process to dealwith community health problems they consider important. Withguidance from a facilitator, young children can work cooperativelyto identify problems, set priorities, and design and implementactivities to address a community health issue. They can reflectupon their actions and the process within which they have workedand can realize that the process can be applied to the resolutionof other community problems. However, children's levels of cognitiveand social maturity and their position in society present specialissues for the use of community development as a health educationstrategy  相似文献   

This article analyzes the meanings attributed to practices that promote adolescent health by 47 professionals from the Family Health Program in Fortaleza in the State of Ceará. It is a qualitative study in which semi-structured interviews enabled the production of data, subsequently organized according to content analysis, resulting in the following core themes: promoting health associated with injury prevention; limitation of health promotion to the school environment; the lack of health promotion for adolescents in the healthcare service; and partnerships as a viable way of promoting health for adolescents. The health promotion actions were developed in a timely manner and mostly in the pre-natal, family planning, and cancer prevention programs. The health professionals found the school environment to be an important and viable place for a partnership for health promotion actions for adolescents. There was evidence, albeit incipient, of the health professionals' desire to reorient this practice in the healthcare service.  相似文献   

One of the most important objectives of health education is to shape the habits of attention to positive physical health, which determines the low risk of health problems, particularly in later life. Therefore, an important indicator of correct pro-health behaviors is to maintain an appropriate ratio between body weight and height, as well as maintaining fat distribution indices (BMI, WHR) at the appropriate level. Aim of this paper is to attempt a synthetic view of the health-related fineness--its development, and maintenance level for life in the context of the objectives of health education. The results of children and adolescents and the population of adult males from Cracow indicate that the percentage of children with elevated values of the fat distribution indices (BMI, WHR) between 8 and 19 years is systematically reduced in relation to international standards. At the same time in the adult male population dramatically increased to almost 50% in the group of men after the age of 50. This implies that educational activities related to the promotion of healthy lifestyle and maintain appropriate physical activity can not be finished at the stage of school education, but must also continue at a later date.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that in the Netherlands there is a certain degree of preventable mortality associated with long-distance travel, particularly among children of ethnic minority descent. In 1985 a health promotion campaign was launched in Amsterdam with the aim of reducing travel-related deaths by increasing knowledge in ethnic minority communities about the risks involved in travel. In the present study, two data sets are used to examine the possible effects of this health promotion campaign on travel-related mortality in children. The first data set, which was collected locally, indicates that the number of Amsterdam children dying abroad has dropped considerably since 1985. This is particularly true within one group which is highly likely to exhibit risky travel behavior. The second data set, which was collected nationally, shows that an upward trend in mortality among children aged 0-14 years before 1985 has in fact changed into a downward trend since 1985. A similar pattern is observed in the Netherlands as a whole, but to a significantly less pronounced degree than in Amsterdam. Although the influence of extraneous factors can never be fully dismissed, the analysis provides support for the conclusion that the health promotion campaign did in fact succeed in reducing the number of travel-related deaths.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of some environmental factors on smoking, and to assess some health hazards of smoking in adolescents, this cross-sectional study was performed among 1950 students, agesll-18, selected by multi-stage random sampling from three cities in Iran. According to self-administered questionnaires, 12.9% of boys and 4% of girls reported to be smoker (OR = 3.34, 95% CI: 2.33, 4.77, p < 0.001). The mean values of total- and LDL-cholesterol were higher in smokers and their HDL-C was lower than non-smokers (163.33 +/- 33.83, 90.73 +/- 31 and 46.7 +/- 12.24 vs. 156 +/- 29.53, 85 +/- 26.5 and 49.4 +/- 13.7 mg/dl, respectively, p < 0.05). The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures were higher in smokers than non-smokers (110.7 +/- 14.5, 67.6 +/- 11.55 vs. 104.9 +/- 14.3, 63.2 +/- 10.8 mmHg, respectively, p < 0.05). The smokers had higher BMI than non-smokers (20.34 +/- 3.84 vs. 19.55 +/- 3.66, p < 0.05). The mean food consumption frequency was lower for fruits and vegetables and higher for fat/salty snacks and fast foods in smokers than non-smokers. Logistic regression analysis showed significant association between sex, age, the number of family members and number of smokers in the family and smoking in students. The findings of this study have implications for future tobacco prevention strategies through community-based interventions.  相似文献   

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