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电磁辐射的危害及防护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代科技的高速发展,电磁辐射对人体的危害越来越严重,被人们称为"隐形杀手".介绍了常见的电磁辐射源,分析了电磁辐射危害人体的机理及对人体产生的危害,并提出了防护电磁辐射的相关措施.  相似文献   

高频电磁辐射危害屏蔽防护措施效果评价淄博市卫生防疫站(255026)孙志杰,苗泉,蒋绪亮,张倩我市工业高频生产主要分为介质加热(高频塑料热合)和感应加热(以高频淬火和高频焊管为主)两大类。由于多数厂家原有设备缺乏屏蔽防护措施,致使高频电磁波泄漏严重,...  相似文献   

论常见电磁辐射对眼的危害及防护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着科技的发展,电磁辐射污染直接影响着环境及人体健康。本文对常见的电磁辐射对于眼睛的危害进行了论述,并提出了减少眼睛对于电磁辐射损伤的相关措施。  相似文献   

极低频电磁辐射对健康危害影响的研究现状及防护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在科学技术迅猛发展的今天,电子技术的发展更是日新月异,各种家用电器如计算机、电视机、空调、电冰箱、洗衣机等已进入普通百姓家庭。随着众多电器设备的应用给人类带来极大便利的同时,我们的生活和工作环境亦不同程度的受到电磁辐射,特别是极低频(extremely low frequency,EL  相似文献   

电磁污染已经成为继大气污染、水污染、土污染和噪声污染后威胁人类健康的第五大污染。通过对电磁污染对人体的危害及作用机理、电磁辐射标准与防护等方面的研究进展进行探讨和综述,了解电磁污染对人体的危害及作用机理,为开展电磁辐射危害因素检测与评价及采取防护措施和今后的深入研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

高频设备在应用过程中辐射出的电磁辐射,危害作业工人的身体健康。为控制电磁辐射,我们对全市的工业高频设备进行了全面防护,同时作了效果评价,现报告如下:1控制措施1.1塑料热合机 用电磁辐射阻波抑制器来控制热合机的电磁辐射。依据同轴谐波,定向辐射,抗阻匹配与屏蔽基本原理,利用模具辐射的散射能量,建立起反作场与陷波槽,对模具辐射起到抑制作用。1.2高频淬火 将淬火变压器、感应线圈及输出馈线用薄铝板屏蔽.观察窗用致密铜丝网屏蔽,屏蔽装置单独合理接地线,为消除淬火时的烟气,在淬火处上方安装了吸风罩。1.3高…  相似文献   

科学家们称电磁波为"幽灵电波",不仅仅因为它看不见、闻不到、摸不着,更主要是它危害范围广而且日趋严重。  相似文献   

电磁辐射防护标准研究及探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的对制定新的国家电磁辐射防护标准提出有关建议。方法对国内外现行电磁辐射防护标准和电磁场非热效应及流行病学研究的最新成果进行研究和探讨。结果当前国际、国内使用的电磁辐射防护标准,多基于电磁场短时热效应制定的,对电磁场非热效应没有给予足够的考虑。结论在制定新的国家电磁辐射防护标准时,有必要对电磁场非热效应给予充分的重视。  相似文献   

如今,随着电子科技的发展,人们的生活已全面进入了智能化时代,但这些智能化产品在给生活带来便利的同时,也带来了一种看不见的隐忧——电磁辐射。如今,电磁污染已被公认为继大气污染、水质污染、噪音污染之后的第四大公害。那么,电磁辐射究竟对人体健康有多大危害?市场上热销的防辐射产品的功效到底怎样?人们应该如何预防与尽量减少电磁辐射造成的伤害呢?电磁辐射无处不在众所周知,任何电子设备在运行时,都会对周边环境中产生一定强度的电磁能量,可以产生不同形式、不同频率、不同强度的电磁污染源。电磁辐射,就是一种从电磁源向外发出电磁能量的现象。近年来,随着经济社会的快速发展和人们生活消费水平的不断提高,环境中能够产生电磁辐射的设备、种类和数量都在大幅度增加,电磁辐射可谓是无处不在,人们已经  相似文献   

据国家环保局电磁辐射环境影响审评专家委员会委员、辽宁省环境监测中心站高级工程师韩景春介绍,国内市场上的手机在通常发射功率下,电磁辐射量严重超过国家电磁辐射防护规定标准,达15倍以上(国家标准  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了基于手机和平板电脑的移动护士工作站的基本结构及其主要功能。移动护士工作站的使用,实现了护理管理的床旁操作模式,彻底改变了传统护理模式,提高了护理工作效率和工作质量,并有效预防和减少了医疗差错,有助于建立良好的医患关系。  相似文献   

近20年微波在通信应用方面的发展非常迅猛,从1978年我国拥有手持式移动电话(手机)开始,手机作为移动通讯工具正以不可阻挡之势在中国迅速普及,而且正在成为人们生活中的必需品,到2001年3月移动电话用户已突破1亿部,平均每10人就拥有一部。  相似文献   

Objectives To assess low-income mothers’ perceptions of their postpartum information needs; describe their information seeking behavior; explore their use of mobile technology to address those needs; and to contribute to the sparse literature on postpartum health and wellness. Methods Exploratory community-based qualitative approach. Interviewees were recruited among clients of community partners and had children aged 48 months and under. A survey assessing demographics was used to identify low-income mothers. 10 low-income mothers were recruited from survey participants to complete in-depth interviews regarding postpartum information needs, information seeking, and technology use. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded by three researchers independently. Narratives were analyzed along predetermined (etic) and emergent (emic) categories. Results Establishing breastfeeding and solving breastfeeding problems were central postpartum concerns leading to information seeking. Interviewees reported almost exclusive use of mobile phones to access the Internet. Mobile applications were widely used during pregnancy, but were not valuable postpartum. Face-to-face information from medical professionals was found to be repetitive. Online information seeking was mediated by default mobile phone search engines, and occurred over short, fragmented time periods. College graduates reported searching for authoritative knowledge sources; non-graduates preferred forums. Conclusions for Practice Low-income postpartum women rely on their smartphones to find online infant care and self-care health information. Websites replace pregnancy-related mobile applications and complement face-to-face information. Changes in searching behavior and multitasking mean information must be easily accessible and readily understood. Knowledge of page-rank systems and use of current and emergent social media will allow health-related organizations to better engage with low-income mothers online and promote evidence-based information.  相似文献   

室内环境质量的好坏直接影响人的健康。随着人类物质生活的提高,装修污染和微生物污染的普遍性与严重性已经达到令人震惊的程度。在监测工作的基础上,对室内空气污染的成因及对人体健康的危害和武汉市室内环境污染现状进行了分析,并提出了相应的污染防治措施。  相似文献   

室内环境质量的好坏直接影响人的健康.随着人类物质生活的提高,装修污染和微生物污染的普遍性与严重性已经达到令人震惊的程度.在监测工作的基础上,对室内空气污染的成因及对人体健康的危害和武汉市室内环境污染现状进行了分析,并提出了相应的污染防治措施.  相似文献   

中学生预防道路交通伤害知识、信念和行为调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 了解北京市中学生预防道路交通伤害的知识、信念和行为情况,从而为开展中学生道路交通安全健康教育工作提供参考依据。方法 采用典型的方法,分别确定具有城区、近郊区和远县特征的区县各1个。然后分别确定每个区县的2所初中和2所高中作为被调查学校。最后,采用整群抽样的方法,对每个被凋查初中学校的初一、初二年级和高中学校的高一、高二年级各两个班的所有学生进行调查。结果中学生预防和控制道路交通伤害的平均得分为64.1分,各年级之间学生平均知识得分无明显差别(F=2.738,P〉0.05);听说过道路交通法的中学生比例为85.7%,在学校接受过交通法教育的中学生只有68.1%。认为交通安全应该由行人、机动车和非机动车共同负责的学生比例为69.5%。在调查前一月至少有过1种以上违章行为的中学生比例达60.6%,有过2种以上违章行为的比例为43.3%;在过去一年中有14.0%的中学生发生过交通事故,其中有37.0%的人在交通事故中受伤。结论 北京市中学生预防和控制道路交通伤害的知识、信念和行为均存在着一定的差距,应进一步加强对中学生开展以宣传道路交通法为主的健康教育活动。  相似文献   

双翅目环裂亚目的昆虫均可称作蝇类.我国巳发现有400余种,与人体有关的40多种,一只苍蝇可携带多种病菌,携带的病菌数可高达几百万至几千万[1],蝇是城市四大主要害虫之一.因此,如何积极提高防制蝇类的方法已成为公共卫生的重要问题.  相似文献   

Mobile phones have become indispensable accessories in today’s life. However, they might act as fomites as they have travelled with their owner to places such as toilets, hospitals and kitchens which are loaded with microorganisms. A cross-sectional study was carried out to isolate and identify bacteria from mobile phones of volunteers in the community. A total of 192 mobile phones from 102 males and 90 females were swabbed and cultured. The bacteria were identified by gram staining and conventional biochemical tests. A total of 176 mobile phones (91.7 %) showed bacterial contamination. Coagulase negative Staphylococcus was the most prevalent (69.3 %) followed by Micrococci (51.8 %), Klebsiella (1.5 %) and Pseudomonas (1 %). The mean colony forming units was higher among females than males (p < 0.05; 95 % CI 0.021–0.365) and higher on mobile phones which were kept in bags than in pockets (p < 0.05; 95 % CI 0.019–0.369). Furthermore, the use of phone cover was found to reduce microbial growth (OR 4.2; 95 % CI 1.423–12.39; p < 0.05). Significant associations were also found between bacterial growth and female participants, agricultural workers, mobile phones older than 6 months and sharing of mobile phones (p < 0.05). Mobile phones from the community carry potential pathogens. Cleaning of mobile phones should be encouraged and should be preferably stored in pockets or carry cases.  相似文献   


Mobile technology has been designed to serve a number of functions relating to health, but we know little about individuals who use these tools to track sleep. This study utilized data from a cross-sectional, geographically diverse survey of adults in the USA (N = 934). Among the sample, 28.2% (n = 263) report current use of a mobile phone for sleep tracking. Income and gender were significant correlates of sleep tracking (p < 0.05). Compared to a poor diet, a reported “excellent” diet was associated with sleep tracking (p < 0.05). Interestingly, compared to individuals who never smoke, report of smoking “everyday” was associated with sleep tracking (p < 0.05). Finally, individuals who reported current use of their mobile device for other health functions (e.g., chat with their doctor or log symptoms) were more likely to report sleep tracking on their mobile device (p < 0.05). Results appear to suggest sleep tracking is common among individuals with good general health.  相似文献   

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