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Energy Balance and Physical Activity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The prevalence of obesity is increasing in most parts of the world and becoming one of the major global public health problems.Although the components of energy balance have not been adequately estimated over time,available evidence suggests that the increase in obesity is the result of reduced physical activity.Increases in physical activity have been showen to be strongly associated with improving physical fitness and body composition,with probably a positive effect on resting metabolic rate.The Surgeon General‘s Report on physical Activity and Health advocates that 30 min of regular,moderate-intensity physical activity is associated with decreases in the risk of chronic diseases and may contribute to quality of life.However,the small changes that contribute 10 min for 3 times a day for 3 times a day for aerobic training,or one set instead of three sets of repetitions on resistance training will provide individuals training,or one set instead of three sets of repetitions on resistance training will provide individuals with health benefits.Indeed,nutrition and physical activity should be considered an integral part of fitness and good health,and should be encouraged in all age groups,particularly early in life,The question is no longer centerd around the health benefit of increasing physical activity,but rather creating self awareness and behavior changes in individuals,Hence,effective intervention programs are needed that foster long term changes in physical activity.Among various interventions,the Nutrifit program was recently conducted in Thailand and found to improve health related fitness in children,The development of more effective interventions and approaches is a major challege in this field today.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is a commonly seenendocrinal metabolic disease pertaining tothe disease of consumptive thirst in tradi-tional Chinese medicine.The prevalence ofdiabetes is as high as 4—5% abroad and0.67% in China,third among disease affect-ing the health and life of mankind.Modernmedicine has achieved much in the treat-ment of diabetes;however,the problems of  相似文献   

<正>Neuroblastoma(NB) is the most common extracranial solid tumor of childhood. It accounts for 8%–10% of all malignant tumors in children[1] and results in a heavy burden to the life and health of children. NB is a complex disease, and its occurrence is related to exposure to environmental risk factors.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a novel approach concerning the medical treatment of human beings,which appears to be economically and practically superior to either biomedicine or traditional medicine.A brand new medical system—Hehe(和合) medicine,has been proposed based on a preventive-biomedical-psycho-social treatment model.This is characterized by a dual approach in which life nurturing is consistently practised and medical treatment is applied when necessary in order to maintain a healthy life.Its core value would facilitate the self-restoration to health and self-adaptation to nature through health cultivation and medical means.Medical services would be firstly provided to the prevention of potential disease germinating in the human body,and clinical medical treatment would be the last resort of systematic medical practice.This paper discusses not only this new concept but also the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and biomedicine,especially how both medical systems compare in cognitive style,on a cultural level,and on a technical level.  相似文献   

Worldwide,great advances have been made in public health protection over the last decades.Perhaps this is most cogently illustrated by the improvements in life experctancy that have been achieved in countries throughout the world.Globally,the average life expectancy at birth from 1950 to 1955 was 46.1 years.^[1]Forty years later,this statistic increased to 64.3 years.Although this global average masks important differences between less and more developed countries,for all countries at all stages of development,substantial increases in life expectancy at birth have been realised.In Asia,the average life expectancy increased from 56.3 years to 64.5years in the two decades between 1975 and 1995,While there remains much to be done to further improve public health and well-being of the people,the achievements are undeniable.The increase in the duration and quality of life has been largely attributable to advances in science and the sensible application of these scientific and medical advances in public health services,Developments in a wide range of scientific domains continue to abound and policy makers realize that it is necessary to develop processes and procedures that reliably utilize available acientific achivements to arrive at appropriate polity decisions in nutrition and food safety.  相似文献   

“Field” is a universal phenomenon existing in both nature and society, and determines the existence and significance of all materials or information. The man being has always been generating and carrying a large quantity of life information in his whole life. Each piece of life information has an independent information field. The life information field includes such three subfields as bioinformation field, psychoinformation field and psycho-bioinformation field.The clinical diagnosis information field which is a specific information field within the information field of human activities consists of all information concerning man‘s health. Only after we have cognized and ascertained the clinic diagnosis information field, can we accurately utilize its function to serve the human being.  相似文献   

With a volume of about 6 ml and weight of approximately 6 g, the eye makes out only 1/10 000part of the body. Despite this minuscule proportion of the eye on the whole body, quality of life is profoundly influenced by the quality of vision. It shows the high importance of ophthalmology in the field of public health in general and in clinical medicine in particular.  相似文献   

Stroke,a global health problem,is the second most common cause of death and a leading cause of adult disability worldwide.1 In developing countries,the premature loss of life and stroke-related disability present a heavy burden and result in increasing economic and social tolls.2 In China,the annual stroke mortality is approximately 1.6 million,which has become the leading cause of death and adult disability.3 Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke accounting for 43%-79% of all strokes.  相似文献   

Mental health is the balance between all aspects of life (e.g. social, physical, spiritual and emotional). Mental health is far more than absence of mental illness and has to do with the prevention and management of various kinds of psychoses and psychological and behavior disorders so as to improve overall level of mental health in populations.  相似文献   

<正>Eczema is a very common inflammatory skin disease characterized by patches of erythematous,itchy, cracked, and scaly skin.According to the 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study, the global prevalence of eczema is 3.33% and the leading cause of skin condition-based disability-adjusted life years is eczema~([1]).The large health burden brought about by eczema suggests high direct medical costs and health care utilization~([2]).Thus, eczema prevention is of great importance in efforts to eliminate the public health burden of the disease.  相似文献   

健康公正问题探析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了今天健康公正成为人们关注热点的原因;考察了健康公正概念的内涵;指出了打造健康公正应该注意的几个问题:健康公正应该放在社会公正的大背景下来考虑;要摆正卫生事业领域公正和效率的关系,健康公正和健康效率并行不悖;健康公正的关键是卫生资源分配的公正;健康公正的出发点和落脚点是结果公正;健康公正的着力点是政策层面;健康公正的核心是关注弱势群体的健康.  相似文献   

背景 健康教育是全科医师的职责之一,健康素养是健康教育效果评价指标,目前国家已开展数次健康素养评价,然而全科医师对健康素养知晓情况尚不可知。目的 了解全科医师健康素养知晓情况及健康教育开展态度、行为,为全科医师更好地开展健康促进活动提供理论依据。方法 于2018年3月采用自制问卷,在浙江大学医学院附属第一医院全科医学联盟内利用第三方平台进行调查,调查内容包括全科医师的基本信息,健康素养知识,健康教育行为开展、达标情况,对健康教育的态度。结果 共收集有效问卷208份,全科医师健康素养总体知晓率为56.2%,健康素养定义、内涵及分类知晓率分别为60.6%(126/208)、97.6%(203/208)及93.8%(195/208);65.9%(137/208)的全科医师在平时工作中经常开展健康教育,健康教育形式以传统形式为主,且以门诊健康教育形式最常见(91.8%,191/208)。健康教育宣传栏设置和内容更新频次符合国家公共卫生规范最低要求的达标率最高为78.8%(164/208)。97.6%(203/208)全科医师认为有必要且愿意开展健康教育活动。结论 全科医师健康素养知晓率高,开展健康教育形式单一,开展健康教育达标情况尚可,后期可利用“互联网+健康教育”模式开展新型健康教育活动。  相似文献   

“好生活”、“精神健康”与社会公正   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从公共健康伦理角度理解,“好生活”就是“精神健康”的生活。尽管人们对于什么是“精神健康”也会争论不休,但毋庸置疑的是精神健康构成好生活和幸福感的底线保障,而社会公正又是一个社会或个体具有良好精神健康状态的伦理基础。  相似文献   

A new health promotion approach for elderly persons is required which maintains not only their physical health but also their quality of life. We are developing a health promotion system which makes use of questionnaires dealing with physical conditions and quality of life, and makes health reports. Health evaluation is carried out in three steps. First, detailed information about the physical health of each client is collected. Second, quality of life is evaluated according to five health indicators. Last, health recommendations are generated. An artificial intelligence (AI) program produces detailed questions to collect necessary information for the evaluation of a client's health. The information related to quality of life is converted into five health indicators and presented as a radar-chart in documents and displays. The knowledge-based AI program automatically generates the health recommendation documents. This information is available for physicians and nurses for health counseling.  相似文献   

应重视老年人的亚健康状态   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
“亚健康”状态一般认为是指人类处于健康与疾病之间的健康低质量状态及其体验,老年人是亚健康的易发人群,“亚健康”状态一般表现为生理性(躯体性)亚健康,心理性亚健康,社会适应性亚健康,亚健康的发生基础-紧张的积累,当紧张达到一定强度时,就会引发亚健康状态,健康-亚健康-疾病三者之间是可以互相转化的,我们应遏制“亚健康”向疾病的转化,而努力使“亚健康”转化为健康状态。  相似文献   

健康投资状况是衡量一个国家或地区社会经济文化发展程度、卫生事业发展规模和水平的一个尺度。投入一定量卫生费用所取得的健康成果,是健康投资的经济效益。世界卫生组织曾提出“投资卫生领域,促进经济发展”的新战略。其宗旨是投资健康、扩大内需和发展卫生事业可以促进国家宏观经济的发展。从几个方面简单阐述了健康投资对我国经济发展的作用。  相似文献   

健康产业从广义说,是指以健康建设为中心,以健康理念为前提,以人的健康为最终目的,与人类健康直接和间接相关的所有产业和部门的集合。从狭义说,健康产业是指与健康直接且高度相关的,提供以维护、改善和增进人的健康为直接或最终用途的各种产品、服务的行业和部门的集合。近年来,随着全球经济的飞速发展,人们生活品质和健康保健的重视程度也日渐提高,健康产业也已经成为世界上许多国家特别是欧美发达国家和广大新兴市场国家有效应对金融危机冲击、增强经济发展活力、满足多样化需求、加快抢占全球健康产业分工的新制高点的战略选择。国际上而言,美国的健康产业起源于1963年,是美国近十年来增速最快的产业,占国内生产总值占比逐年上升。从我国情况而言,本文概述了我国健康产业的政治背景、社会背景和经济背景的情况以及健康产业发展相对滞后、配套服务难以满足生产发展需求、健康产业中医药制造整体层次水准不高、医疗卫生服务发展不均衡和养老产业规模发展不完善的现状。本文基于以上情况对今后中国健康产业的发展战略和目标提出了应该由国家政策支持,助推健康产业的发展的政策建议。具体从提升全国健康意识、实现医疗资源均衡化和发展针对不同人群的多元化健康产业体系这3方面具体开展和落实。   相似文献   

健康大数据是医疗卫生领域中非常重要的资源,合理利用健康大数据的优势服务医疗卫生事业是大势所趋。健康大数据将在医药研发、疾病诊疗、健康危险因素分析、公共卫生应急管理、居民健康管理和精准医疗等方面发挥不可替代的作用。但是健康大数据在医疗卫生领域中的应用也面临着一些挑战,例如居民隐私数据泄漏的风险,缺少制度机制层面的联动协同,缺乏更为专业的人才队伍等问题。因此未来应在这些方面加大工作力度,保证健康大数据在医疗卫生领域的应用中发挥出更大的作用。  相似文献   

区域卫生信息平台是连接区域内的医疗卫生机构基本业务信息系统的数据交换和共享平台,是不同系统间进行信息整合的基础和载体。这是一种全新的卫生信息化建设模式,许多发达国家已将这种模式作为卫生信息化发展的重要战略方向,目前我国也已有一些经济发达地区开始积极建立本地区的区域卫生信息平台。随着这些城市的区域卫生信息平台不断建设,可以探索不同区域卫生信息平台之间如何进行“跨域”应用,从而做到健康信息不断整合。通过分析目前国内区域卫生信息平台建设中存在的局限性,依据国际IHE规范探索跨域区域卫生信息平台的技术路线,并结合上海市申康医联平台及“广佛同城”两个实际案例,说明区域卫生信息平台跨域互联的解决方案及业务效果。  相似文献   

近年来健康领域出现了一个新的研究热点——健康素养,它是健康教育和健康促进中重要的一环。提高健康素养在中国以致国际上都被认为是维持居民健康最经济、最有效的方法。随着社会的发展,健康问题越来越受到中国政府的重视。利用文献阅读法,从健康素养的含义、城乡居民健康素养研究现状及影响因素等方面进行总结,并对城乡居民健康素养的研究提出展望。希望能得到政府和相关人士对城乡居民健康素养的关注。  相似文献   

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