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The incidence, types and patterns of emergence of treadmill exercise induced ventricular arrhythmias were studied in 482 subjects with and without coronary heart disease. All subjects were free of premature ventricular complexes at rest and were classified into groups on the basis of their clinical status. In Group 1A were 141 patients with chest pain and normal coronary arteriograms and in Group IB 144 age-matched subjects free of clinical evidence of heart disease. Group II consisted of 197 patients with chest pain and arteriographically documented coronary artery disease. Patients in Group IA and II exercised to at least 85% of their predicted maximal heart rate or until chest pain occurred. Subjects in Group IB underwent maximal exercise testing. The total incidence of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias was 16% in Group IA, 44% in Group IB and 29% in Group II. However, when exercise heart rate at the time of appearance of ventricular arrhythmias was taken into account the incidence of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias up to a heart rate of 130/min was 27% in the patients with documented coronary artery disease (Group II) compared with rates of 9 and 6%, respectively, for Groups IA and IB (P less than 0.001). The incidence rates of multifocal ventricular premature complexes, ventricular tachycardia and ventricular premature complexes at a rate of more than 10/min were also significantly greater at submaximal heart rates in the patients with coronary disease. Patients with three vessel coronary artery disease and abnormal left ventricular wall motion had a significantly greater incidence of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias. The incidence of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias in patients with coronary disease and a positive S-T segment response was not significantly increased.  相似文献   

Thirty-five patients being studied by coronary cineangiography for diagnosis or evaluation of coronary atherosclerotic occlusive disease had myocardial blood flow determinations at rest and after intravenous administration of atropine sulfate, 1.0 mg. Myocardial blood flow was determined by a coincidence counting system and a single bolus injection of 84rubidium chloride.In 10 patients without coronary occlusive disease, heart rate increased by 52 percent and myocardial blood flow by 48 percent (P < 0.001, r = 0.888). In 14 patients with single vessel disease or partial occlusion of two vessels, myocardial blood flow increased by 44 percent and heart rate by 37 percent (P <0.05, r = 0.553). In 11 patients with two or three vessel occlusive disease, heart rate increased by 30 percent whereas myocardial blood flow increased by only 15 percent (r = ?0.172).We conclude that patients with two and three vessel involvement by atherosclerotic occlusive disease are unable to increase nutrient myocardial blood flow in response to atropine-induced Cardioacceleration to the same degree as patients without coronary disease or with less extensive disease. The observation may be of therapeutic importance because of the potential that administration of atropine may have for inducing myocardial ischemia in such patients.  相似文献   

The feasibility and usefulness of obtaining anterior left ventricular wall echoes were studied using a linear cardiac scan with a single element tranducer and M mode recordings. One hundred four patients were examined: 50 with acute myocardial infarction and 54 who underwent left ventricular angiography and coronary cineangiography for evaluation of chest pain. Of the 54 patients with cardiac catheterization studies, 11 had no evidence of cardiac disease, 42 had 50 percent or greater obstruction in one or more of the three major coronary arteries and one had aortic insufficiency. Anterior left ventricular wall echo motion toward the transducer or absence of motion during ejection was called abnormal, and motion away from the transducer during ejection was interpreted as normal. Abnormal motion was seen in four of four patients with an isolated lesion of the anterior descending coronary artery, in one of three with an isolated lesion of the right coronary artery and in neither of two with an isolated lesion of the left circumflex artery. Of the 20 patients with obstructive coronary artery disease by arteriography and abnormal left ventricular wall echo motion, 18 had obstruction of the left anterior descending artery with or without other disease. Correlation of the anterior left ventricular echograms with the left ventricular angiograms was poor, with agreement in only 66 percent (33 of 50) of cases. Twenty-five of 26 patients with acute infarction and abnormal anterior left ventricular wall echo motion had electrocardiographic changes indicative of anterior or lateral wall infarction, or both. Twenty-five of 34 patients with electrocardiographic changes indicative of anterior wall infarction had an abnormal anterior wall motion echo. This study shows that obtaining the anterior left ventricular wall echo is feasible and useful in patients with coronary artery disease since abnormal anterior left ventricular wall motion is closely associated with anterior wall ischemia or infarction in these patients.  相似文献   

Ten patients with discrete subvalvular aortic stenosis were examined using a real time, high resolution cross-sectional echocardiographic scanner. There were two patients (Group I) with a thin discrete subvalvular membrane, five (Group II) with a more extensive area of subvalvular narrowing and three with a residual area of outflow tract obstruction after surgical revision (Group III). In patients with a thin obstructing membrane (Group I), two distinct linear echoes were observed in the outflow tract. These echoes were not continuous with the walls of the outflow tract and showed some dynamic motion during the cardiac cycle. In four of the five patients with diffuse outflow tract narrowing (Group II), a relatively extensive area of inward bowing of both the anterior and posterior margins of the outflow tract was noted. In the fifth case, there was a prominent localized shelf-like increase in thickness of the basal portion of the muscular septum with a corresponding echo projecting anteriorly from the mid-portion of the anterior mitral leaflet. The three cases examined after surgical revision of the outflow tract (Group III), had different patterns of outflow tract narrowing, but narrowing was clearly demonstrated. This study suggests that cross-sectional echocardiography offers an alternative and probably improved method for the noninvasive visualization of the left ventricular outflow tract.  相似文献   

Mid-diastolic closure of the mitral valve is suggested as the source for an audible diastolic sound in a patient with aortic valve and coronary artery disease. On the apex cardiogram the sound followed the rapid filling wave by 60 msec and preceded the a wave. On the echocardiogram the sound corresponded to premature closure of the mitral valve in mid-diastole. In this case an audible diastolic sound that appeared to originate from mid-diastolic closure of the mitral valve indicated a rapidly increasing left ventricular diastolic pressure with severe left ventricular failure. After treatment of the congestive heart failure, the sound diminished in intensity.  相似文献   

The value of the exercise stress test in the evaluation of clinically healthy subjects and patients with coronary heart disease is not limited to the isolated interpretation of abnormalities of the S-T segment. Other measurable parameters which are of diagnostic and prognostic importance include: (1) a decrease in systolic blood pressure during exercise; (2) the appearance of complex ventricular arrhythmias of low exercise heart rates; (3) the appearance of inverted U waves during or after exercise; (4) the patient's maximal exercise capacity; and (5) new auscultatory findings postexercise. The reliability of the exercise test as a diagnostic tool is futher enhanced by proper patient selection and careful attention to exercise techniques. Subjects with labile ST-T wave changes during standing hyperventilation, fixed ST-T changes at rest, and intraventricular conduction defects are not ideal candidates for "diagnostic" stress testing and the examining physician must rely more heavily on nonelectrocardiographic findings. The criteria used to define an abnormal S-T response will vary according to the lead system used. However, in both symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects the appearance of marked degrees of S-T depression at low exercise heart rates significantly increases the probability of finding advanced coronary disease, particularly if the S-T depression is seen in multiple monitoring leads and is of prolonged duration postexercise.  相似文献   

Echocardiography should be viewed as a technique that can be very useful in certain specific situations. It is important for the clinician to know which patients can profit most from this examination. Because the technique is apparently harmless, there will be an obvious tendency to use echocardiography to screen all patients with heart disease or suspected heart disease. Such an approach would be improper. The referring physician should have a specific reason for obtaining each examination. The cost of the test is not insignificant, and with the development of newer, more expensive echocardiographic equipment, future costs will probably be even higher. Thus, indiscriminate use of any diagnostic examination, including echocardiography, should be avoided.The echocardiographic examination should also be considered as evolving. Improvements are constantly being made, and the current examination is certainly not perfected. There are many technical details involved in doing this examination. This fact is the basis for the problem in training people to provide echocardiographic services. Although the examination may be reasonably harmless and painless for the patient, the technique is by no means simple. Because of the intricacies of the examination, the subtleties of the interpretation, and the knowledge explosion in the field, an increasing amount of training and experience is necessary to perform and interpret echocardiograms.Despite its many problems and limitations, the popularity of echocardiography testifies to the fact that this tool can be extremely helpful in many patients. This examination can provide information which is most difficult to obtain in any other manner. Unlike many other noninvasive cardiologic tests that provide graphic recordings of physical findings, echocardiography gives information that cannot be obtained at the bedside. In some respects, the use of ultrasound to examine the heart is more natural than any other imaging technique that relies on the interpretation of radiographic or isotopic shadows or silhouettes. Echocardiography is not dissimilar to sonar used by several animals, such as bats and dolphins. Anyone who has seen these animals use their sonar must be impressed with the fact that ultrasound can be very effective in sensing one's environment. Although we will probably never approach the skill with which these animals use ultrasound, there will undoubtedly be important improvements and advances in echocardiographic technology. Thus, from all indications, echocardiography should play an increasingly important role as a diagnostic tool in cardiology.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias at rest or during ordinary daily activities has been implicated as a risk factor for future coronary-related events and sudden death. However, the clerical significance of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias remains uncertain. To assess the prevalence and reproducibility of such arrhythmias, two serial maximal treadmill exercise tests were performed in a study population of 543 male Indian State policemen at an average interval of 2.9 years. Four hundred sixty-two subjects were clinically free of evidence of cardiovascular disease, and 81 had evidence of definite or suspected cardiovascular disease. The prevalence of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias during the first test was 30% in men aged 25 to 34 years, 32% in those aged 35 to 44 years and 36% in those aged 45 to 54 years. The prevalence rate in these age groups with repeat testing was 36, 38 and 42%, respectively. These differences were not statistically significant. The group with definite or suspected cardiovascular disease had a greater prevalence of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias than normal subjects during both tests but the prevalence rate with repeat testing remained constant. The occurrence of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias was reproducible in individual subjects during the second test in 55% of 25 to 34 year olds, 58% of 35 to 44 year olds and 62% of 45 to 54 year olds. Thus, individual reproducibility in two consecutive tests was only slightly greater than reproducibility by chance alone. The group with known or suspected cardiovascular disease demonstrated a trend toward greater reproducibility with repeat testing. Exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias were not reproducible by type or complexity. The marked variability of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias during repeat maximal exercise testing in a clinically normal population appears to negate the usefulness of this finding during a single test as a marker of future cardiovascular disease. Nevertheless, subjects whose arrhythmias were reproducible may form a group destined to manifest clinical cardiovascular disease in long-term follow-up studies.  相似文献   

The echocardiographic manifestations of discrete membranous subaortic stenosis are described in three cases. The diagnosis was confirmed by cardiac catheterization in all and at operation in two. The characteristic finding in these patients was abnormal movement of the aortic valve leaflets. The leaflets opened rapidly with the onset of systole, then exhibited abrupt premature closure shortly after ventricular ejection. The valve remained partially closed throughout the remainder of systole. This premature leaflet closure Is believed to be caused by obstruction to aortic valve flow produced by the band-like fibrous subaortic tissue. The valve leaflets also exhibited a gross fluttering motion possibly caused by a jet stream effect of the turbulent blood hitting the leaflets. In the two patients treated surgically, postoperative echograms continued to show premature leaflet closure but the degree of closure was decreased. The echocardlogram of one patient had the characteristic systolic anterior bulge of the mitral valve observed in muscular subaortic stenosis or idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis. Our data suggest that the following echocardiographic findings are suggestive if not specific for discrete subaortic stenosis: aortic valve closure early in systole, persistent valve closure throughout the remainder of systole, coarse fluttering of the leaflets, and absence of asymmetric septal hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Thirty consecutive patients with acute myocardial infarction had continuous magnetic tape recording of their electrocardiograms (lead II) for the period of their stay in the coronary care unit. Analysis of the 24 hour tape recordings was implemented on a Honeywell model 316 digital computer.

In the first 24 hours after admission to the coronary care unit, 12 of the 30 patients (40 percent) exhibited nonparoxysmal junctional tachycardia; in 5 the arrhythmia was not recognized by conventional monitoring techniques. For the subsequent 3 days, the incidence rate of the arrhythmia was 13 percent for the first 48 hours and 3 percent for 72 hours. Although the mortality rate in patients with nonparoxysmal junctional tachycardia was greater than in patients not demonstrating the arrhythmia (33 versus 6 percent), there was a greater percentage of patients with anterior infarction in the former group; therefore, mortality may have been related to site of infarction rather than being reflective of the arrhythmia or its associated pathophysiologic state. Of possible significance is the association of a greater degree of sinus arrhythmia with nonparoxysmal junctional tachycardia.

The incidence of nonparoxysmal junctional tachycardia in this group of patients was greater than previously reported. It is possible that computer tape analysis may have provided more accurate recognition of the arrhythmia and, thus, more realistic incidence data. The association of nonparoxysmal junctional tachycardia with sinus arrhythmia could only have been recognized by computer technique. The computer system is not a diagnostic system but rather a tape review method.  相似文献   

Dissimilar atrial rhythms in man and dog   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Echocardiographic tracings of the pulmonary valve were examined in 14 patients with isolated pulmonary stenosis, 20 normal subjects, 26 patients with pulmonary hypertension, 10 patients with a left to right shunt and 28 patients with various forms of heart disease other than pulmonary stenosis. Because of the plane of pulmonary valve motion and the angle of the ultrasonic beam, usually the echoes from only one posterior pulmonary leaflet were recorded. In normal patients atrial systole caused slight posterior motion of the pulmonary valve leaflet in late diastole (average 3, range 0 to 7 mm). The degree of valvular motion after atrial systole (the a wave) increased with inspiration. The position of the leaflet at the onset of ventricular systole varied with the depth of the a wave and the length of the P-R interval, but in the normal subjects the leaflet always returned to a base line or closed position at some time during the respiratory cycle. In 10 patients with moderate or severe pulmonary stenosis (gradient 50 to 142 mm Hg) the depth of the a wave increased markedly (average 10, range 8 to 13 mm). In patients with a gradient of more than 65 mm Hg (8 of 10) the leaflet never returned to a base line or closed position before ventricular systole. In three of four patients with mild pulmonary stenosis (gradient less than 50 mm Hg) and all patients with a left to right shunt or heart disease without pulmonary involvement the a wave was within the normal range. In 25 of 26 patients with pulmonary hypertension no a wave was present. In moderate to severe pulmonary stenosis, the exaggerated leaflet motion after atrial systole probably reflects increased right ventricular end-diastolic pressure and force of atrial contraction which, in the face of a normal or reduced pulmonary arterial pressure, produces a positive gradient across the valve in end-diastole.  相似文献   

The relation between sequential changes in left ventricular contractility and atrioventricular (A-V) nodal conduction and refractoriness was assessed in open chest dogs during intravenous administration of acetylstrophanthidin (5 mug/kg) at 5 minute intervals until toxic arrhythmias developed. At each time interval, high fidelity left ventricular pressure, its electronic derivative (dP/dt) and a His bundle electrogram were simultaneously recorded and the A-V nodal refractory period was measured by graded trains of stimuli. Animals were studied with an intact autonomic state (Group I), with pharmacologic blockade of both the beta adrenergic and parasympathetic system (Group II) and with parasympathetic blockade (Group III). Whereas contractility increased in response to small doses of digitalis, displaying a linear dose-response relation independent of autonomic tone, A-V nodal transmission indexes responded minimally to less than 50 percent of the toxic dose of digitalis, and the response was dependent upon autonomic tone. These results indicate a dissociation between the effects of digitalis on contractility and A-V transmission in that the major drug action on the ventricular contractile mechanism is a direct, linear one in contrast to the nonlinear response of A-V nodal transmission, which is predominantly mediated through the autonomic system. Clinically, these observations imply that the optimal dose and serum level of digitalis required to treat congestive heart failure may differ significantly from those required to treat supraventricular tachycardias, the therapeutic response of the latter being largely determined by the underlying autonomic tone.  相似文献   

In the presence of atrial fibrillation, the diastolic murmur of mitral stenosis can appear augmented during early systole before the mitral valve closure sound. This phenomenon has previously been thought to be due to increased blood flow velocity across the narrowing mitral valve orifice. We have observed patients in whom the third heart sound (S3) gallop, the diastolic flow murmur of atrial septal defect and mitral insufficiency and the initial muscular component of the first heart sound become more intense during this period with short, critically timed cycle lengths. This phenomenon appears to be neither peculiar to nor indicative of mitral stenosis and is probably a direct result of the initial muscular contraction of an underfilled ventricle. Either the contraction itself or the sudden deceleration of the rapidly moving flow of blood across the atrioventricular orifice may produce the sound.  相似文献   

Echocardiographic tracings of the pulmonary valve were examined in 24 normal subjects, 16 patients with valvular pulmonary stenosis and 3 patients with infundibular pulmonary stenosis. In normal subjects, atrial contraction produced a slight posterior opening motion of the pulmonary valve leaflet (a wave). This presystolic opening motion (a wave) varied with respiration, and maximal a wave depth recorded during quiet inspiration (Amax) averaged 3.7 plus or minus 1.2 (standard error of the mean) mm (range 2 to 7 mm). In the 10 cases with moderate or severe valvular pulmonary stenosis, increased force of right atrial contraction and elevated right ventricular end-diastolic pressure resulted in an increased posterior or opening motion of the pulmonary valve leaflet, and Amax averaged 9.6 plus or minus 2.0 mm (range 8 to 13 mm, P less than 0.001 versus normal). When both anterior and posterior leaflets were recorded, presystolic opening or doming of the valve was observed. In six cases of mild valvular pulmonary stenosis, Amax averaged 4 plus or minus 2.5 mm (not significant). In patients with infundibular pulmonary stenosis, marked chaotic systolic fluttering of the valve leaflet, which lies in the turbulent stream of blood distal to the obstruction, was recorded. This finding was never seen with valvular pulmonary stenosis. In two cases of mild infundibular pulmonary stenosis, the amplitude of presystolic opening motion was within the normal range of 3 and 7 mm. In one case of severe infundibular pulmonary stenosis, no presystolic opening motion was recorded, thus suggesting that the small pressure changes produced by atrial systole failed to reach the valve leaflets. Echocardiography, therefore, should be of use in differentiating valvular from infundibular pulmonary stenosis.  相似文献   

There has been only modest clinical interest in exercise echocardiography because of the technical limitations of the procedure. Recognizing that there have been recent technical advances in the echocardiographic instruments and that echocardiography should, in theory, be an ideal technique for evaluating exercise-induced wall motion abnormalities, a clinically practical method of performing exercise echocardiograms was developed. By obtaining the echocardiograms immediately after treadmill exercise, with the patient sitting at the treadmill, a high percent of studies adequate for interpretation was obtained (92%). The addition of echocardiography to the treadmill exercise test significantly enhanced the diagnostic yield. In addition, in cases of one and three vessel disease, exercise echocardiography identified stenosis in specific coronary arteries. In patients with two vessel disease and left circumflex obstruction, specific vessel identification was less reliable. A high percent of patients with multivessel disease developed wall motion abnormalities with exercise that persisted for at least 30 minutes. It is concluded that echocardiography performed immediately after exercise with the new generation of echocardiographs can be a practical and useful clinical tool.  相似文献   

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