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This survey attempted to determine the status of oral cleanliness and gingival health in 150 dental students and 101 faculty members in a dental school. Without advance notice, plaque deposits were scored, using the Plaque Index System, and gingival health was determined using the criteria of the Gingival Index System. The 1st-year students had the poorest hygiene and gingival health. An improvement (P less than 0.01) was noted in the 2nd-year students who were still not in clinical training but had completed a course in preventive dentistry including oral hygiene techniques. Further improvement (P less than 0.05) was found in students participating in the clinical courses (3rd and 4th years). However, some deterioration of both hygiene and gingival status occurred in the senior 5th year. Among the faculty, the best oral hygiene and gingival state were found in members of departments in which clinical work centered around patient motivation toward prevention and tooth conservation. The scores for plaque and gingivitis were worse in the departments of oral surgery, dental materials, orthodontics and the basic science departments. Almost all departments and every class showed a few individuals with very poor oral hygiene. It is suggested that regular patient contact influences the personal attitude toward oral hygiene, and that professional activity and emphasis on different aspects of the curriculum may be reflected in the attitude of health professionals toward oral health.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the comparative status of oral health practices, oral hygiene, and periodontal status amongst visually impaired and sighted students. In this study, 142 visually impaired children from a blind school in the age group of 6–18 years were enrolled with a similar number of age and sex matched sighted students studying in different schools of Chandigarh. The outcome variables were oral hygiene practices, oral hygiene status, and periodontal status. The visually impaired had been found to have better oral hygiene practices, a nonsignificant difference of oral hygiene scores but a significantly high value for bleeding scores as compared to sighted students. Age wise comparisons showed that bleeding scores were highly significant in 9–11 years and 12–14 years age group as compared to 6–8 years and 15–18 years age group. It could be related that the increased prevalence of bleeding sites despite of better oral hygiene practices in visually impaired group might be the result of their handicap to visualize plaque.  相似文献   

Abstract Physical and/or mental handicaps are known to directly or indirectly compromise hygiene habits including oral hygiene. It is recommended that handicapped patients, their parents or care workers require from an early stage dental health education and active involvement in preventive programmes. This study surveyed the oral hygiene of paraplegic patients in a specialised centre to determine their oral hygiene needs. Most patients had moderate to poor oral hygiene and gingivitis was prevalent and severe. Plaque and gingivitis was increased in quadriplegic compared to hemiplegic patients. The data indicate that as part of rehabilitation of paraplegic patients there is a need for oral hygiene programmes to be established.  相似文献   

Abstract This study examined the relationship between psychological mood, stress and oral hygiene behaviour in a group of 51 regular dental attenders. Subjects brought a saliva sample for cortisol radioimmunoassay. completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) Scale, were assessed for plaque and gingivitis, and were then instructed in toothbrushing. 5 weeks later. 47 subjects were given a full repeat examination. There was a slight reduction in plaque and gingivitis scores, but no change in mood as assessed by HAD Scale and salivary cortisol concentration. Mean anxiety scores were associated with gingivitis level, and mean depression scores with plaque. Neither mood nor cortisol were predictors of subsequent change in plaque or gingivitis.  相似文献   

Abstract: Objective: To examine the relationship between tobacco smoking, oral hygiene, gingival and periodontal health in young adults. Study design: Cross‐sectional (conducted in the course of a cohort study). Setting: Cardiff, UK, 1989 and 2000. Methods: Plaque was recorded, as was presence or absence of bleeding on probing and loss of attachment (LA). Information concerning tobacco smoking was obtained from questionnaire data. Results: At age 19–20 years, smokers had statistically significantly (P < 0.01) higher whole mouth mean plaque scores than non‐smokers. Whole mouth mean bleeding scores, however, were similar in smokers and non‐smokers. The relationship of plaque to smoking was very similar at age 30–31, yet bleeding scores were approximately 25% lower in smokers than in non‐smokers (P < 0.01). Whole mouth LA scores showed small, statistically non‐significant differences between smokers and non‐smokers. At the age of 30–31 years, gender and social class had a negligible confounding effect on oral hygiene, gingival and periodontal health in smokers and non‐smokers. Conclusions: Smokers consistently demonstrated poorer oral hygiene than non‐smokers. The effect of smoking in reducing gingival bleeding was already apparent at age 19–20 years despite the fact that, at this time, subjects might be assumed to have been exposed to a relatively small dose of tobacco over a short period of time. In the follow‐up study conducted at the age of 30–31 years, the impact of smoking on the periodontal tissues was, as expected, more pronounced.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in oral self-care levels between Japanese dental hygiene students and general nursing students in 1999, and compare them with a similar study in 1990. METHODS: The examination was mainly based upon responses to a questionnaire titled "Hiroshima University--Dental Behavioural Inventory (HU-DBI)". Higher scores of the HU-DBI indicate better oral health attitudes/behaviour. RESULTS: The mean HU-DBI score of the 2nd-year dental hygiene students was significantly greater than that of the 2nd-year nursing students (9.56 and 6.65, respectively; p<0.001), and much higher than those of the 1st-year students at each course (dental hygiene course; 6.30, nursing course; 5.88). Except for the 2nd-year dental hygiene class, there were no significant differences in the HU-DBI score between the 1990 and 1999 subgroups of each class. About 1/3 of the 2nd-year nursing students reported a belief that they may eventually require false teeth, while 6% of the 2nd-year dental hygiene students held this belief. More than 60% of this study sample stated that they put off going to the dentist until they had toothache. The 2nd-year dental hygiene students were more likely to have this attitude than their 1990 peers. Flossing was not popular among the nursing students in either 1990 or 1999. CONCLUSION: Although the difference in the HU-DBI score across time was not major, the variation in HU-DBI and the favourable attitudes/behaviour toward oral health appeared to reflect the differences in schooling between student hygienists and student nurses.  相似文献   

Abstract This survey was conducted on young dental students, with the aim of evaluating the influence of scientific information dispensed during their studies on their own oral state and on their behavior towards it. Therefore, various parameters were considered at the very beginning of their university studies and at the end other studies. A questionnaire was used to collect information on the socioeconomic origin and oral hygiene habits of the students. In order to assess actual improvement in oral health standardized clinical examinations were utilized. The comparison of parameters measured at the beginning and at the end of the clinical studies of the students revealed that the OHI-S and the GI scores had decreased highly significantly (P < 0.01), and that the DM FT score had increased significantly (P < 0.01). The increase in the DM FT score was mainly due to a high number of fillings. The answers to the questionnaire were indicative of a favorable modification in hygiene habits. At the end of their clinical studies the students were on an average more aware of their oral health, the quality and the duration of their toothbrushing had improved, and they more often sought early treatment and preventive care than at the beginning of their studies.  相似文献   

Abstract 195 Hong Kong Chinese employees from a single company participated in a 10-month longitudinal study on the effects of various modes of delivery of oral hygiene messages on their gingival health. Subjects were allocated to one of the following modes of oral hygiene education: (1) personal instruction; (2) self-education manual; (3) video; (4) a combination of 2 or more of these modes of instruction. Scaling or any other form of periodontal treatment was not given throughout the study period. Full mouth clinical examinations were carried out using a Williams Periodontal probe to examine for the presence or absence of plaque and bleeding on probing from the gingival sulcus. At 2 weeks, 4 months and 10 months, results showed significant reductions in the mean % of plaque and bleeding when compared with baseline. No significant differences were found between the groups given the various modes of oral hygiene education. The study does confirm the effectiveness of oral hygiene alone in improving gingival health, but the lack of difference in the outcome of various oral hygiene education approaches indicates that the mode of instruction is not crucially important to the end result. However, it has to be acknowledged that improvement in oral hygiene may be related to factors other than the oral hygiene programme itself. The findings have significant implications in oral health promotion programmes to improve the periodontal status of the local community.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The present paper reports the effect of a 3-year study of regularly repeated professional toothcleaning on oral hygiene status, gingivitis, and dental caries. At the initiation of the study in 1971, the children were 7–8 years old (Group 1), 10–11 (Group 2) or 13–14 (Group 3). The children were divided into test and control groups. Before the study all the children were examined regarding oral hygiene, state of the gingiva and dental caries. Throughout the 3-year period the controls brushed their teeth with a 0.2 % sodium fluoride solution once a month under supervision. During the first 2 years of the trial all the children of the test groups were given professional oral prophylaxis once every second week during the school terms. During the third year the interval between consecutive prophylactic sessions was prolonged to 4 weeks in Groups 1 and 2 and to 8 weeks in Group 3. The results demonstrated that regularly repeated professional cleaning of the teeth combined with fluoride applications and toothbrushing instructions, over a 3-year period in schoolchildren resulted in the establishment and maintenance of excellent oral hygiene standards. Inflammation of the marginal gingiva almost entirely disappeared, and practically no new carious lesions developed.  相似文献   

The attitudes toward National Health Insurance held by 126 second year dental students and 108 second year dental hygiene students enrolled in the state of Wisconsin, U.S.A., were measured and compared with the attitudes held by practicing dentists in the U.S.A. Although some similarities were noted, marked differences were revealed, with students, generally, preferring broader coverage and more government involvement than practicing dentists. There is virtually no published data in this area, and more research is needed, as the success or failure of any National Health Insurance plan depends critically on the altitudes of both health care providers and those studying to become health care providers.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of a dental prophylactic program based on systematic plaque control has been tested during a 3-year period on youths aged 16–19 years. During their last year at comprehensive school they received professional tooth cleaning every third week by specially trained dental hygiene nurses. At the end of this first experimental year the subjects were offered continued prophylaxis of the same type against caries and gingivitis during 2 more years. Interested subjects were divided equally at random into test groups A and B. In the second year group A received professional tooth cleaning once a month and in the third year once each 6 months. Group B was offered, both in the second and third years, only two prophylactic sessions each year according to this model. Test group C comprised the subjects who expressed no interest in continued professional tooth cleaning. A control group, group D, consisted of pupils of the same ages from a neighboring school area. These received in the first experimental year a prophylactic program based on mouthrinsing each second week with 0.2% sodium fluoride solution. After this first year neither test group C nor the control group D participated in any organized dental health care program. After the first year there were significant differences among the groups, the plaque and gingival indices in the control group D being significantly higher than in test groups A, B and C. At the end of the third year significant improvements in these indices had taken place in groups A and B. The corresponding values in groups C and D did not differ significantly at the three recordings. Significant correlations existed between the plaque and gingivitis scores at the end of the experimental period within the respective groups. Significantly more dental caries (new DPS) developed in the control group D than in test groups A and B during the period of the experiment: on average 3.3 versus 1.0 and 1.2 new DFS, respectively. The figure for caries increment in group C was 2.0. Regardless of grouping, individuals with caries increment during the experimental period had a significantly higher number of risk factors, here defined as the total of upper or lower quartile values for lactobacillus counts, secretion rate and buffering capacity of the saliva, than individuals without caries increment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of two methods of dental health education (DHE) for improving toothbrushing competency among grade one students at high risk for dental diseases. METHODS: Fifty elementary schools in the former city of North York, Ontario, Canada, were assigned to one of two groups. In one group, students received a classroom-based DHE lesson that was reinforced by two small group sessions (n = 243). In the other group, students received only a single classroom-based DHE lesson (n = 206). Trained examiners assessed 11 toothbrushing skills at pre- and postintervention. RESULTS: At the preintervention test, few significant differences were found between the groups and many students did not display competency in fundamental oral health skills, such as placing a toothbrush at the gum line. Following DHE interventions, students in both groups demonstrated improvements in most skills. A significantly higher proportion of students who received both classroom and small group sessions displayed gains in competency in three skills, compared to students receiving only a classroom lesson. These skills were brushing anterior lingual surfaces, brushing posterior lingual surfaces, and brushing all areas in a routine fashion. Students receiving only a classroom session did not display greater improvements in any skill areas compared to "classroom plus small group" students. Some students in both groups still lacked fundamental skills at the end of the DHE program. CONCLUSIONS: While one must exercise caution in interpreting the results due to several methodologic limitations, findings suggest that for high-risk grade one students, a classroom-based lesson combined with small group sessions is a more effective method of improving toothbrushing skills compared to a single classroom-based lesson.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined 1316 pupils, average age 16.6 years, in a small town in Serbia. The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of the oral hygiene on the condition of the periodontal tissues and the frequency of gingivitis and periodontal disease and their severity in this age group. The presence and quantity of dental plaque were registered according to the Silness & Löe Plaque Index. The amount of dental calculus was determined according to the Greene & Vermillion method. The condition of periodontal tissues was evaluated by Ramfjord's method. It was found that only 5.3% of the examined pupils had a clinically healthy periodontium. Gingivitis was discovered in 60.6%, and periodontal disease (with periodontal pockets) in 34.1% of the examined pupils. The average PDI was 1.8. We revealed great quantities of soil and hard deposits on the teeth of examined pupils. The average Plaque Index was very high (1.9).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to describe self-reported oral health, oral hygiene habits, and frequency of visits to a dentist among pregnant women in Kuwait. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study with an anonymous structured questionnaire was distributed among 650 pregnant women during May-June 2003, when they were admitted to the maternity ward at the largest government maternity hospital in Kuwait City. The response rate was 93% (n=603). RESULTS: Every fourth respondent was in her first pregnancy, while 36% already had three or more children. Every fifth woman felt that her oral health was poor, and one-third of the women believed that they had periodontal problems currently. About two-thirds of the women were brushing more than once a day and almost all (94%) at least once a day. Over the previous 6 months, 40% had experienced dental pain. Half of the women had visited a dentist during pregnancy, mostly for dental pain. Most of the women had received no instructions concerning oral health care during their pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: A large proportion of the pregnant women in this study had oral health problems; however, half of the women had not seen a dentist during their pregnancy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT – An epidemiologic survey of dental caries, gingivitis and oral hygiene was conducted on 875 schoolchildren aged 6–15 in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. Findings arc reported in detail for the African children, and in brief for the Asian children. Among the African children, DMF teeth averaged from 0.6–2.7, and def teeth from 0.0–1.9. A significantly higher proportion of the first permanent molars was carious among the 6 to 9-year-old than among the 10 to 14-year-old Africans, which is interpreted as a sign of the rapid increase in caries prevalence occurring during these years. Among the Asian children, dental caries was more prevalent and advanced. Generalized, mild gingivitis and moderate amounts of soft debris were found uniformly throughout all groups. The need for dental health education is stressed, and the case for longitudinal socio-epidemiologic studies is discussed.  相似文献   

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