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A novel procedure of anodic electrodeposition of copper oxides and hydroxides on glassy carbon and noble metals electrodes in an alkaline medium is described. The deposited films have been investigated by electrochemical and by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) techniques. The copper films are deposited on the electrode surface as Cu(OH)2 and CuO after the dissociation of the Cu(CN)n1?n complex caused probably by the formation of CuIII species at relatively high applied potentials (i.e. 0.5 V). The resulting active copper films, independently of the electrochemical procedure adopted (i.e. potentiostatic or potentiodynamic conditions), appear to be uniform, smooth and with a good degree of adhesion on the electrode surface The electrocatalytic properties of the copper deposited films were investigated in an alkaline medium for the electrooxidation of several classes of organic compounds.  相似文献   

The paper presents calculated and experimental data on the determination of the ionic composition of an aminoacetate (glycine) electrolyte for copper plating in the bulk electrolyte and in the cathode layer over a wide pH range. The discharge mechanism of complexes of copper(II) with aminoacetate has been studied using voltammetry and chronopotentiometry. It has been shown that in an acid medium, hydrated copper ions and the CuGl+ complex and in a neutral medium the CuGl2 complex are discharged (Gl?=glycine). In an alkaline medium, the discharge of ions is a complicated process and depends on the potential and concentration of the alkali. At low polarization values, an oxide film is formed on the cathode surface, and at high polarization values all copper complexes are discharged directly to metal.  相似文献   

An electrochemical study on the initial stages of copper electrodeposition onto nickel substrate from non-cyanide alkaline bath containing glycine as complexing agent is presented in this work. The studied parameters were copper concentration, glycine concentration, and deposition potential. Upon scanning in the negative direction, one cathodic peak was observed, which is associated to copper electrodeposition from CuL2 complex at pH 10.0 (where L is the anion form of glycine). Analysis of the chronoamperograms indicates time-dependent nucleation mechanisms. A progressive nucleation mechanism without overlap of diffusion zones, which involved an electron transfer reaction (at short times) and a progressive nucleation mechanism with overlap of diffusion zones (at long times). Non-linear fitting methods were applied to obtain the growth and nucleation kinetic parameters from theoretical equations proposed to describe this system.  相似文献   

The process of Ag+ ions extraction from nitric solutions by bulk liquid membranes containing di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid and tri-n-octylamine accompanied with silver(I) electrodeposition from perchloric acid solutions is studied at galvanostatic electrodialysis. The effects of the current density as well as of composition of the liquid membrane and aqueous solutions on the rate of the silver(I) transport are determined. More than 90% of silver ions was extracted from the feed solution containing 0.01 mol l−1 AgNO3 and about 40% of metal was electrodeposited during 1 h of electrodialysis. Sound adherent silver coatings have been deposited on platinum and copper cathodes.  相似文献   

The electrosynthesis of polyaniline (PANI) film has been achieved on glassy carbon electrode (GCE) in a novel ionic liquid medium by means of cyclic voltammetry (CV). Then a copper nanoparticles (Cu-NPs) film was in situ electrochemically deposited on the surface of PANI/GCE. Electrochemical behavior and surface characteristics of the Cu-NPs/PANI/GCE were studied using cyclic voltammetry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the results confirmed the presence of PANI and Cu-NPs on the electrode surface. Cu-NPs were highly dispersed and firmly stabilized by surface attachment of the PANI, which was prepared in ionic liquid and strongly attached to the electrode surface. The Cu-NPs/PANI/GCE showed excellent electrocatalytic activity toward the oxidation of ascorbic acid (AA) under weakly basic conditions. Amperometry was carried out to determine the concentration of AA at 0.2 V, and a good linear concentration range from 0.005 to 3.5 mM was found. The Cu-NPs/PANI composite film on GCE surface showed good reproducibility and stability.  相似文献   

目的评价张应力作用后面颌肌细胞烟碱样乙酰胆碱受体基因表达变化。方法采用已经建立的面颌部肌细胞体外力学刺激—细胞培养模型,半定量RT-PCR技术检测nAChRα1亚基基因加力前后转录水平变化。结果未发现有明显统计学差异。结论单纯张应力对体外培养小鼠颌面部骨骼肌细胞nAChR基因表达影响较小。  相似文献   

In this article the relevance of phase-shift interferometry as an in situ probe for interfacial dynamics in thin cells is emphasized. The efficiency of this technique for dynamical studies of diffusion layers is illustrated by selected examples of electrodeposition and corrosion experiments in thin cells. After a brief survey of the application of interferometry to electrochemistry we turn to phase shift interferometry (PSI) and we show successively that this real time technique can be used for probing both transport processes and chemical mechanisms close to an active surface (μm scales).  相似文献   

The adsorption of anions on highly ordered (111)-type gold electrodes with and without Cu adatoms in perchloric and sulfuric acid electrolyte solutions was investigated on an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance. A distinct increase in mass due to the specific adsorption of hydrated bisulfate and perchlorate anions was observed in Cu2+-free solutions and their amounts were determined as a function of the potential. The composition of the Cu-adlayer (θCu and θanion, coverages of Cu adatoms and co-adsorbed anions) during formation or removal in the potential sweep was also determined in both electrolyte solutions. A pair of reversible anodic and cathodic peaks in the voltammogram for the first Cu-upd region in H2SO4 was found to correspond well to the reversible changes in θCu and θanion. In contrast, asymmetric features of the voltammograms for the second Cu-upd region in H2SO4 and for whole processes in HClO4 corresponded to the large hysteresis in changes of θCu and θanion, probably originating from a slow rearrangement of both species.  相似文献   

The effect of Cd2+ on the electrodeposition of nickel from a sulphate bath in the absence and presence of boric acid has been investigated. The presence of Cd2+ ion suppresses the nickel electrodeposition and shifts the deposition potential to more negative values. The cathodic polarisation is found to depend on the composition of the electrolytic bath. For the various baths investigated, the cathodic polarization order is found to decrease in the order NiSO4 + H3BO3 > NiSO4 + H3BO3 + Na2SO4 > NiSO4 + Na2SO4 > NiSO4. For the Ni2+ electroreduction reaction on stainless steel and nickel substrates the exchange current density decreases with increase in Cd2+ concentration in the electrolytic bath. However the Tafel slope and transfer coefficient are unaffected.  相似文献   

The mechanism of platinum deposition onto carbon from a bath containing H2PtCl6 in 0.1 M HCl is discussed. Although voltammograms show multiple cathodic waves, it is shown that they all result from the reduction of Pt(IV) to Pt(0) and there is no evidence for Pt(II) as a stable intermediate at any potential; the multiple waves arise because the hexachloroplatinic acid exists in solution as a mixture of kinetically inert Cl/H2O complexes. The nucleation of the Pt centres on carbon is a very slow process even with a large overpotential and this leads to surfaces with well dispersed hemispherical nuclei. Moreover, each Pt centre appears to grow only to a limiting size before growth ceases.  相似文献   

A pH-microsensor technique was developed to measure in-situ the pH value at the titanium alloy  solution interface for the first time during the electrodeposition process of calcium phosphate coatings. Electrochemically prepared iridium oxide was used as a pH sensitive material, which is of a good response behavior in the measured solutions. The pH response slope was ?70.2 mV/pH at 60°C. The results indicated that the interfacial pH increased with the applied current density, first jumped to a maximum, then slowly decreased at the controlled current density during the electrodeposition process. Incorporating the results of composition and structure of electrodeposition coatings characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns and Raman spectra, the measurement of the interfacial pH was informative for further understanding of the electrodeposition mechanism of calcium phosphates. The interfacial pH may determine the precipitation reaction and the electrodeposition products at the titanium surface.  相似文献   

The irreversibly adsorbed alizarin complexone (AC) was employed to immobilize and maintain CuII ions on the graphite electrode. The coordination chemistry between the adsorbed alizarin complexone ligand and the CuII ion on the surface was examined by surface cyclic voltammetry. Upon reduction of the CuII center to a Cu0 atom, a submonolayer of individual atoms of Cu0 rather than a continuous layer is formed on the electrode surface. The immobilized surface displays electrocatalytic activity towards the oxidation of sulfide ion from [S2?] ion to S0. The electrocatalytic activity for the sulfide oxidation on a [CuII(AC)]? adsorbed electrode is shown to be essentially identical with that of a electrode that contains an electrodeposited submonolayer of Cu0. The active catalyst in both cases is identified to be a submonolayer of cupric sulfide. The electrochemistry of the Cu0 submonolayer-coated electrode in aqueous solution containing hydrogen sulfide was also examined. When the modified electrode was polarized from ?1.1 V to 0.2 V, three electrode processes were observed. The first, near ?0.7 V, is a surface reaction between surface Cu0 and adsorbed [S2?] ion to form a submonolayer of cuprous sulfide. The second appeared near ?0.23 V and is another surface process between Cu2S and adsorbed sulfide ion to form a submonolayer of cupric sulfide. The third reaction is the electrochemical oxidation of sulfide ion catalyzed by CuS to form sulphur which deposits on the electrode surface when the potential is positive of ?0.2 V.  相似文献   

The electrochemical oxidation of mono- and disaccharides in a sodium hydroxide solution at a fresh as well as on an oxidized Cu rotating disk electrode (RDE) is reported. It is demonstrated herein that the oxidation of disaccharides is not similar to that of monosaccharides as exemplified by a comparative electrooxidation study of glucose and maltose as typical mono- and disaccharides, respectively. The oxidation of monosaccharides (glucose, galactose, mannose) at a fresh Cu RDE gave approximately 12 electrons (n), and that of disaccharides (cellobiose, isomaltose, laminaribiose, mannobiose, maltose) gave n ranging between 3 and 13. The electrooxidation of disaccharides was also studied as a function of sodium hydroxide concentration as well as applied potential, but these parameters were not found to affect the number of electrons transferred or the heterogeneous rate constants to a significant degree. Further investigations of the electrooxidation of glucose and maltose at an oxidized Cu RDE showed that, for maltose, the number of electrons transferred and the heterogeneous electrooxidation rate constant (k) were dependent on the oxidative treatment time. This dependence was not associated with an increased surface roughness of the electrode as the n value for glucose was not affected by the oxidative treatment time. Up to n=19 could be observed for maltose and the kinetic constant reached 5×10?3 cm s?1 compared to that for a freshly cleaned electrode (5×10?4 cm s?1).  相似文献   

The electrodeposition of copper–zinc on to AISI 1010 steel from an alkaline non-cyanide solution containing sorbitol was investigated, with various proportions of the metal ions in the bath. Voltammetric curves indicated that the complexation of copper ion by sorbitol is beneficial, since the copper complex reduction potential is close to that of the zincate ion, implying that codeposition of copper and zinc should occur. EDS analysis showed that varying the ratio of copper to zinc ions in the plating bath affects the proportion of metals in the deposits, leading to golden or greyish bright films, even in the high-hydrogen-evolution potential region, indicating that sorbitate anions prevent the deposits becoming darker in this region. The narrow variation in film colour at various deposition potentials and charge densities showed that rigorous control of the alkaline-sorbitol plating bath and deposition conditions is not necessary. SEM analysis showed that the films were without stress and the substrate was fully covered. X-ray spectra suggested that a mixture of Cu80 and CuZn2 alloy was deposited at ?1.14 V in all the baths studied while Cu0.61Zn0.39 (Cu-70 bath), Cu5Zn8 (Cu-50 bath) and CuZn5(Cu-30 bath) films were deposited at both ?1.45 and ?1.60 V.  相似文献   

Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films have been prepared by electrodeposition from chloride electrolytes using sodium sulfamate as a complexing agent. Cyclic voltammograms indicate that sodium sulfamate can inhibit the reduction of Cu2+, Cu+ and H2SeO3, and accordingly hinder the formation of copper selenides. EDS analysis reveals that with the increase of sodium sulfamate concentration in the bath, atom ratio (Cu + Se)/(In + Ga) decreases while gallium content increases, and the film composition transforms from Cu-rich to Cu-poor. SEM and Raman spectra also show that copper selenides phases in electrodeposited films diminish with the increase of sodium sulfamate concentration.  相似文献   

The effect of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) on the copper corrosion in 0.5 mol dm?3 H2SO4 solution has been studied by electrochemical and in situ Raman spectroscopic measurements. It has been shown that SDS is a corrosion inhibitor for copper on the entire range of potentials studied and presents a synergetic effect on the inhibitive action of benzotriazole (BTAH). It has been also observed that SDS inhibits the H+/H2 reaction on the copper electrode below or above the cmc. The surfactant film, at ?750 mV (SCE) obeys a Langmuir adsorption isotherm considering 1.2 surface sites for each adsorbed SDS molecule, when [SDS]<cmc. The equilibrium adsorption constant, K=1.7×103 mol dm?3, suggests the presence of a chemical adsorption. The spectroscopic results have shown that the SDS adsorbs on the copper surface with both moieties, the hydrophobic and hydrophilic, interacting with the copper surface. The in situ spectroelectrochemical results have also shown that SDS co-adsorbs on the copper surface in the presence of BTAH and that the structure of the co-adsorbed SDS molecules is different from that observed in the absence of BTAH.  相似文献   

The reduction of oxygen on copper in neutral unbuffered 1 mol dm?3 NaCl has been studied using rotating ring-disc electrodes at six oxygen concentrations equivalent to atmospheres of 2% O2 + N2 to 100% O2. Steady-state potentiostatic measurements show that the reaction is first order with respect to [O2] and that, following adsorption of O2, the first electron transfer is rate determining. In 50% O2 + N2 and 100% O2, a cathodic oxygen reduction peak is observed in both potentiodynamic and potentiostatic experiments at a disc potential of ?0.3 to ?0.4 V/SCE. The reaction is dominated by the overall four-electron reduction to OH?, with only small amounts of peroxide detected by the ring electrode at disc potentials corresponding to the formation of the cathodic oxygen reduction peak. Tafel slopes increase with [O2] and vary from ?0.135 V in 2% O2 + N2 to a limiting value of ?0.16 V to ?0.18 V in air, 50% O2 + N2 and 100% O2.The results are explained by a mechanism involving oxygen reduction on two types of surface site with different reactivities. The most catalytic surface is believed to comprise Cu(0) and Cu(I) sites, where the Cu(I) species is stabilized as Cu(OH)ads and/or submonolayer Cu2O. The less catalytic site consists of Cu(0) only. Oxygen reduction is believed to proceed by a series pathway involving an adsorbed peroxide intermediate on both sites. Peroxide is reduced to OH? prior to desorption at Cu(0) sites, but some is released before being reduced at Cu(0)/Cu(I) sites. Surface coverage by catalytic Cu(0)/Cu(I) species is favoured by a higher interfacial pH and more positive disc potentials.  相似文献   

The inhibitive action of urea on the corrosion behavior of copper was investigated in borate buffer pH (8.4) by means of cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). A consistent trend of increase in inhibition efficiency was observed as a function of concentration of urea. The adsorption of urea on copper surface was found to obey the Langmuir adsorption isotherm with ΔG = −35.2 kJ/mole and adsorption constant K = 2.7 × 104 dm3/mole. Impedance spectroscopic measurements confirmed that charge transfer resistance increases in presence of urea upon increasing its concentration.  相似文献   

目的研究铜离子对破骨细胞体外吸收人牙磨片功能的影响。方法体外分离、培养兔破骨细胞,与玻片和灭活人牙磨片共同培养,加入不同浓度的铜离子。抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶染色鉴定玻片上的破骨细胞,显微摄影分析破骨细胞吸收造成的牙磨片上的吸收陷窝,原子吸收分光光度法测定溶出的钙,并将实验组上清液中钙离子浓度与对照组相比,定义为矿化组织吸收指数,以评价破骨细胞的功能。结果体外成功分离培养出多核的、抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶染色(+)的破骨细胞。破骨细胞吸收牙磨片时,首先在接近牙骨质或牙本质的部位开始形成吸收陷窝;破骨细胞在牙磨片上形成的吸收陷窝与骨片相比,数量较少,体积较小,多为正圆形;吸收深度较浅,常为大面积的浅吸收。(1×10^-14)~(1×10^-4)mol/L铜离子均能抑制矿化组织吸收,实验组矿化组织吸收指数均小于1。培养第3天,1×10^-10mol/L铜离子与对照组相比,其抑制效果差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。培养第7天,1×10^-4mol/L、(1×10^-10)~(1×10^-12)mol/L铜离子均能显著抑制矿化组织吸收(P〈0.05),但各浓度之间相比差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论一定浓度的铜离子可以抑制破骨细胞在牙磨片上的吸收。  相似文献   

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