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目的 以聚合酶链反应(PCR)突变方法诱导丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)蛋白酶活性位点ser1165的突变,获得全长非结构基因3(NS3)/4a的表达与纯化。方法 分别以NS3 N端正向引物与诱变反向引物,诱变正向引物与NS4a C端反向引物获得2个PCR产物,产物纯化后在新的PCR反应体系中加入以上2个PCR产物与NS3 N端正向引物、NS4a C端反向引物。再次PCR扩增突变模板,分别与野生型模板重组入表达载体pET26-Ub,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)pCG1,诱导表达后经菌体裂解、纯清化、硫酸铵沉淀、DEAE-Sepharose、NTA纯化,Western blot分析表达蛋白的特异性及PCR诱导突变使HCV蛋白酶活性位点失活的作用。结果 获得诱导突变的模板,Western blot证实该突变可完全阻断对NS3丝氨酸蛋白酶与NS3螺旋酶间的切割,部分阻断了螺旋酶与NS4a间的切割,纯化后的HCV NS3/4a蛋白在SDS-PAGE胶上显示为双带。结论 PCR突变方法简便、有效,获得丝氨酸蛋白酶失活的NS3蛋白表达,NS3蛋白与NS4a蛋白以复合物形式存在。  相似文献   

The high genetic variation of hepatitis C virus (HCV) results in rapid selection of drug resistance mutations (DRMs) during monotherapy with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). It has been proposed that each possible single mutant preexists in infected individuals; however, the levels of preexisting DRMs are too low to be directly quantified in most patients using current techniques. In this study, we evaluated the presence of DRMs in HCV-infected patients treated with the HCV protease inhibitors GS-9256 or GS-9451 as monotherapy using deep sequencing in 137 longitudinal samples from 45 patients. Software was developed to analyze deep-sequencing results with an assay cutoff of 0.25%. No NS3 DRMs that confer resistance to GS-9256 and GS-9451 (R155K, A156T, and D168V/E) were observed in 33 baseline samples at >0.25%. In contrast, these and other substitutions at NS3 positions 155, 156, and 168 were detected in 19/27 patients at day 2 (24 h) and 21/21 at day 4 (84 h) of monotherapy but not in placebo-treated patients. Based on the DRM growth kinetics during drug treatment, pretreated NS3 mutations at amino acids 155, 156, and 168 were estimated on average at 0.025% and 0.015% per genotype 1a and 1b HCV-infected patients, respectively. Relative fitness of the DRM viruses was shown to be significantly lower than the wild type. Deep-sequencing analyses of NS3 protease inhibitor-treated HCV-infected patients suggest a limit of HCV viral load suppression of 3.6 to 3.8 log(10) with NS3 protease inhibitor monotherapy that does not suppress the identified preexisting NS3 DRMs and thus a need for a combination therapy.  相似文献   

In studies monitoring disease progression and therapeutic response, it is essential that the method used for hepatitis C virus (HCV) quantification not be influenced by genotypic variability. The branched DNA assay provides a reliable method for the quantification of HCV RNA. A modified set of oligonucleotide probes for the branched DNA assay was developed to enhance the efficiency of binding to genotypic variants of HCV. The improved branched DNA assay (HCV RNA 2.0) yielded highly reproducible quantification of hepatitis C virus RNA and displayed a nearly 600-fold dynamic range in quantification up to 120 Meq of HCV RNA per ml. The quantification limit was set at 0.2 Meg of HCV RNA per ml to ensure a specificity of > or = 95%. With this lowered quantification limit and the enhanced hybridization of the probes, the HCV RNA 2.0 assay exhibited a high level of sensitivity (96%) and was virtually unaffected by the genotypic variability of HCV. The HCV RNA 2.0 assay may be a useful tool for following HCV RNA levels throughout the course of disease, selecting patients for therapy, and evaluating therapeutic response.  相似文献   



There is some controversy regarding whether or not hepatitis C virus (HCV) subtype 1b is more influential than non-1b subtypes on the progression of chronic hepatitis (CH) C to liver cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).


We retrospectively analyzed 823 patients with chronic HCV infection, including 443 CH patients, 264 LC patients, and 116 HCC patients, who were HCV RNA positive and HBsAg negative. These patients had not received any prior treatment with either interferon alone or a combination of interferon and ribavirin.


HCV subtypes 1b (51.6%) and 2a/2c (39.5%) were the two most common genotypes. The proportions of genotypes 2 (2a/2c, 2b, and 2) and 3 were 45.8% and 1.1%, respectively. One case of genotype 4 was found. HCV subtype 1b (47.3%) was less common than the non-1b subtypes (52.7%) in non-LC patients, but its proportion (56.9%) was higher than that of non-1b subtypes (43.1%) in LC patients (P=0.006). The proportions of patients with HCV subtype 1b did not differ significantly between the LC (55.3%) and HCC (60.3%) groups. Older age, male gender, and the relative progression of liver damage (non-LC vs. compensated LC vs. decompensated LC) were significant risk factors for HCC, with odds ratios of 1.081 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.056-1.106), 5.749 (95% CI, 3.329-9.930), and 2.895 (95% CI, 2.183-3.840), respectively. HCV subtype 1b was not a significant risk factor for HCC (odds ratio, 1.423; 95% CI, 0.895-2.262).


HCV subtypes 1b and 2a/2c were the two most common HCV genotypes. HCV subtype 1b seemed to be more influential than non-1b subtypes on the progression of CH to LC, but not on the development of HCC from LC.  相似文献   

Genotypic differentiation of hepatitis C virus (HCV) has become an integral part of clinical management and epidemiologic studies of hepatitis C infections. Thus, it is extremely important in areas such as the Czech Republic, where current instrumentation and kits for assessing HCV infection are too costly for widespread use. We describe a new and relatively inexpensive method called nested restriction site-specific PCR (RSS-PCR) that generates a "fingerprint" pattern to represent an HCV genotype without the use of restriction endonucleases and that specifically differentiates HCV genotype 1b from the other HCV genotypes. The RSS-PCR method was applied directly to serum samples from patients with hepatitis C from the Czech Republic and from patients with known HCV genotypes from the United States. The method was validated by comparison of the subtype determined by RSS-PCR to the subtype determined from analysis of the 5' noncoding region (NC) or the nonstructural protein gene (NS5b) nucleotide sequence of HCV in these clinical samples. From 75 Czech samples containing HCV RNA, three distinct RSS-PCR patterns were observed; 54 were predicted to contain subtype 1b, 19 were predicted to contain subtype 1a, and 2 were predicted to contain subtype 3a. Among 54 samples predicted to contain HCV genotype 1b, all were confirmed by their 5' NC or NS5b sequences to be subtype 1b. Thus, both the sensitivity and specificity of the RSS-PCR test for the differentiation of HCV subtype 1b from the others were 100%. While the assay described here was designed to specifically differentiate HCV subtype 1b from the other HCV genotypes, the RSS-PCR method can be modified to differentiate any HCV genotype or subtype of interest. Its simplicity and speed may provide new opportunities to study the epidemiology of HCV infections and the relationship between HCV genotypes and clinical outcome by more laboratories throughout the world.  相似文献   

HCV感染者体内病毒NS3区部分区段的演变观测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 观察2 例慢性 H C V 携带者及1 例 H C V R N A 转阴者体内包含 C T L 抗原表位的 H C V N S3 区部分区段的长期演变。方法 通过反转录 P C R 扩增, M13 亚克隆,对3 例 H C V 感染者的 H C V N S3 区部分区段的一级结构进行测定。对感染者的 H L A 进行分型。根据基序( motif) 及 H L A 分型资料预测该区段中的 C T L 抗原表位。结果 文献报道的 H L A A2 限制的抗原表位在无 H L A A2 的感染者 C 中,1991 年至1996 年氨基酸序列无变异。具有 H L A A2 的感染者 W, Z 部分氨基酸序列中该表位的起始密码子发生无义突变,测序资料中包含稳定的变异位点的肽段,符合 M H C结合肽的基序( motif) 。结论 无义突变可能与 C T L 的免疫压力有关。稳定变异位点产生的原因可能是免疫逃避。  相似文献   

Recent studies have focused on whether different hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes are associated with different profiles of pathogenicity, infectivity, and response to antiviral therapy. The establishment of a simple and precise genotyping system for HCV is essential to address these issues. A new genotyping system based on PCR of the core region with genotype-specific PCR primers for the determination of HCV genotypes 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4, 5a, and 6a was developed. A total of 607 samples (379 from Japan, 63 from the United States, 53 from Korea, 35 from Taiwan, 32 from China, 20 from Hong Kong, 15 from Australia, 6 from Egypt, 3 from Bangladesh, and 1 from South Africa) were tested by both the assay of Okamoto et al. (H. Okamoto, Y. Sugiyama, S. Okada, K. Kurai, Y. Akahane, Y. Sugai, T. Tanaka, K. Sato, F. Tsuda, Y. Miyamura, and M. Mayumi, J. Gen. Virol. 73:673-679, 1992) and this new genotyping system. Comparison of the results showed concordant results for 539 samples (88.8%). Of the 68 samples with discordant results, the nucleotide sequences of the HCV isolates were determined in 23, and their genotypes were determined by molecular evolutionary analysis. In all 23 samples, the assignment of genotype by our new genotyping system was correct. This genotyping system may be useful for large-scale determination of HCV genotypes in clinical studies.  相似文献   

Here, we describe for the first time a case of sustained virological response (SVR) achieved in a patient with chronic hepatitis C (CH-C) by monotherapy with a NS3-4A protease inhibitor, telaprevir, without interferon therapy. A 59-year-old treatment-naïve Japanese man was enrolled in a phase II trial of telaprevir by repeat oral administration at a dose of 750 mg every 8 h for 24 weeks. At the start of treatment, he exhibited a low-level viremia with genotype 1b of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). After the first week of treatment with telaprevir, serum HCV RNA was undetectable, and negativity remained until the end of treatment. Moreover, he was evaluated as having a SVR after the post-treatment 24-week follow-up program. Two characteristics may explain the strong antiviral activity of telaprevir in the present case. First, although pre-treatment PCR-direct sequencing and cloning for the N-terminal in the NS3 region showed a protease inhibitor-resistant variant (T54A) in 1 of 32 independent clones, the T54A substitution has only a low-level resistance to protease inhibitors and his viral load was low. Second, when compared to a consequence sequence of 35 treatment-naïve patients with HCV genotype 1b, R130K and Q195K substitutions were unique to the present case. Although it is presently unknown whether the R130K and Q195K substitutions are related to SVR, this case suggests that long-term telaprevir monotherapy may be effective in CH-C patients with genotype 1 and a low viral load.  相似文献   

A high-throughput polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based enzyme-linked oligonucleotide-sorbent assay (ELOSA) was developed for use in the diagnostic testing of serum from patients who may be infected with different hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes. Twelve genotype-specific 5'-aminated DNA-coated probes were designed based on the variable 5'-untranslated region sequences of the HCV genotypes 1-6. Using 100 clinical serum samples, the performance of the PCR-ELOSA method was compared with Roche's COBAS Amplicor HCV Monitor V2.0 assay and the VERSANT HCV genotype assay (LiPA), and the overall agreement was 99% at the level of HCV genotypes with a detection range of 2.0 x 10(2) to 1.0 x 10(7)IU/ml for PCR-ELOSA. The PCR-ELOSA was more comprehensive as demonstrated by the fact that approximately 20% of the samples with different subtypes could be discriminated by this method but not by LiPA. In addition, the PCR-ELOSA system showed high accuracy (CV相似文献   

A second-generation recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA 2.0) is used in the United States to confirm infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) in samples that are anti-HCV (enzyme immunoassay) positive. In some cases, indeterminate results of RIBA 2.0, which are defined as reactivity to a single antigen species or reactivity limited to two proteins derived from the same coding region of the HCV genome, are encountered. This study was performed to establish the significance of indeterminate RIBA 2.0 results in relation to HCV RNA detection, high positivity for the c22-3 band, and the HCV genotype as determined by direct DNA sequencing. Ninety-six samples with indeterminate RIBA 2.0 results were studied. HCV RNA was detected in 21 of 34 (62%) samples with high reactivity to c22-3 and in 8 of 62 (13%) samples with low reactivity to c22-3. The HCV genotype distribution in samples that were RIBA 2.0 indeterminate and HCV RNA positive was significantly different from that in samples of a control group with positive results for both the RIBA 2.0 and HCV PCR. These results suggest that highly positive c22-3 samples are likely to be associated with HCV viremia and that infection with less common HCV genotypes is more commonly associated with indeterminate RIBA 2.0 results.  相似文献   

Differences between the translation efficiencies mediated by the 5'-untranslated regions (5'-UTR) of genotypes (gt) 1 and 3 of hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been reported but it is unknown if such differences are biologically significant. The 5'-UTR was sequenced from paired serum and liver samples from 26 patients with chronic HCV hepatitis (11 gt 1a, 15 gt 3a). To determine whether there is a consistent difference between gts 1a and 3a translation efficiency, 5'-UTR (nt 1-356) and 5'-UTR plus core (nt 1-914) sequences were cloned into bicistronic, luciferase-encoding constructs and relative translation efficiencies (RTE) measured in Huh7 cells and BHK cells. The relationships between viral load, liver biopsy Ishak scores, degree of steatosis and translational activity of the patient-derived nucleotide sequence were examined. There were no differences in 5'-UTR sequence between serum and corresponding liver samples. The mean RTE of 5'-UTR sequences from gt 3a isolates was not significantly different from gt 1a whether or not the core encoding sequence was included, although inclusion of core led to a reduction in RTE by 93-97% for both genotypes. No correlation was found between RTE and serum HCV RNA levels, liver steatosis, inflammation, or fibrosis. However, a significant correlation was found between the presence of steatosis and infection with HCV gt 3a. It is concluded that there was no difference in translation efficiencies of 5'-UTRs from patients infected with gts 1a and 3a, and translation activity measured in vitro does not correlate with viral load or severity of liver disease.  相似文献   

The Amplicor HCV Monitor test and the Quantiplex HCV RNA 2.0 (bDNA) assay are two commercially available assays for the quantification of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA in clinical samples. A direct comparison of the two assays was carried out using sera frozen previously from patients known to be chronically infected with HCV. Overall, 61 samples from 51 patients were tested simultaneously by the two methods: 67% (28/42) of the patients were infected by HCV genotype/serotype 1, 10 % (4/42) with type 2, and 24% (10/42) with type 3. When the absolute value from each assay was examined, the Quantiplex assay gave a consistently higher reading and the mean logarithmic difference between the two assays was 1.4 (1.0 in type 1, 2.0 in type 2, and 2.2 in type 3). When analyzed according to genotype, strong correlation was observed between the two assays for type 1 (r = 0.83, 95% CI 0.63–0.93, P < 0.01), but not for nontype 1 samples. Despite the difference in absolute level reported by the two assays, there was a consistent trend of change in HCV RNA concentration by both assays in patients whose consecutive samples were analyzed and the differences between the two assays in consecutive samples were within 0.4 log of each other. The results suggested that with samples containing genotype 1, the Amplicor assay was more sensitive than the Quantiplex assay by about one log. However, the sensitivities of the two assays with nontype 1 samples were much closer probably due to the failure of the Amplicor assay to quantify nontype 1 genotypes effectively. J. Med. Virol. 55:191–196, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary We determined the NS1/E2 N-terminal sequence including the hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) from five individuals chronically infected with HCV: two from the Czech Republic and three from Germany. From each sequence, six 12-mer overlapping peptides were synthesized and used in a peptide scan to evaluate seroreactivity of each of those patients, as well as three anti-HCV positive blood donors to the different isolates. We could show the general presence of antibodies to multiple HVR1 specific sequences reflecting the existence of multiple variants in infected persons. Finally, we observed the persistance of HCV infections in all individuals despite an active humoral response directed against the virus.  相似文献   

NS3 protease is essential for hepatitis C Virus (HCV) replication, and is one of the most promising targets for specific anti-HCV therapy. Its natural polymorphism has not been studied at the quasispecies level. In the present work, the genetic heterogeneity of the NS3 protease gene was analyzed in 17 HCV genotype 1 (5 subtypes 1a and 12 subtypes 1b) samples collected from infected patients before anti-viral therapy. A total of 294 clones were sequenced. Although the protease NS3 is considered to be one of the less variable genes in the HCV genome, variability of both nucleotide and amino acid sequences was found. In variants belonging to 1a and 1b subtypes, 224 and 267 of 543 positions showed one or more nucleotide substitutions, respectively. Forty and 74 of the 181 NS3 amino acid positions showed at least one mutation in HCV-1a and HCV-1b isolates, respectively. Most substitutions were conservative. This substantial polymorphism of the NS3 protease produced by HCV-1a and HCV-1b suggests that, despite the numerous functional and structural constraints, the enzyme is sufficiently flexible to tolerate substitutions.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1b comprises mainly two subtypes in Japan, each named for its geographic prevalence (Japan-specific, J type; worldwide, W type). Because the newly identified subtypes have not been fully characterized, the present study directed this issue from virological viewpoints such as hypervariable region (HVR)-1 as well as interferon (IFN) sensitivity-determining region (ISDR). Fifty chronic hepatitis patients with HCV 1b (31 men and 19 women; mean age 50.5 years) were enrolled, and J/W type was determined according to envelope 1 (E1) sequence as described previously (23 J type and 27 W type). Correlations between age, number of HVR-1 clones, HVR-1 diversity, and ISDR mutations were analyzed in J and W type patients independently. In addition, the sequences of the three HCV regions obtained for the determination of the above genetic factors were studied phylogenetically. The number of HVR-1 clones was significantly higher for J type in comparison with W type (P = 0.044). In the J type-infected patients, the ISDR mutation number was correlated inversely with HVR-1 clone number (P = 0.0001, r = -0.734) and HVR-1 diversity (P = 0.0001, r = -0.722). However, this correlation was not observed in the W type patients. W type patients showed a significant correlation between age and HVR-1 clone number (P = 0.015, r = 0.462). Phylogenetic study revealed that the nonstructural (NS) 5A sequence, which is obtained for ISDR type determination, can distinguish between J and W types. The inverse correlation in J type patients between ISDR mutations and HVR-1 complexity may explain the usefulness of the ISDR for prediction of IFN response only in Japanese patients. This suggests that the ISDR is not directly related to IFN responsiveness, but the degree of HVR-1 complexity may be more important.  相似文献   

We evaluated the Abbott RealTime (ART) and Roche Cobas TaqMan Hepatitis C virus (HCV) viral load assays for quantification of HCV genotypes in patient specimens. The ART HCV assay was a more sensitive and precise tool for accurate HCV viral load quantification across the HCV genotypes tested, especially genotype 1b.  相似文献   

Antigenic regions within the nonstructural (NS) 2 and 5 proteins of hepatitis C virus (HCV) were identified and characterized by the use of 127 overlapping synthetic peptides and a serum panel consisting of 167 human serum samples from persons with antibodies to HCV. Initially, 20 anti-HCV-positive serum samples were used to screen the peptides covering the complete NS2 and NS5 proteins. Among the 27 overlapping peptides spanning the NS2 protein of HCV, only the peptide covering residues 960 to 975 was recognized by human sera. Within the 100 peptides covering the NS5 protein, major linear antigenic regions were located at residues 2284 to 2329 within the putative NS5a and at residues 2584 to 2599 and 2944 to 2959 within the putative NS5b. Additional minor linear antigenic regions were also identified within the NS5. The sequence of the antigenic region of the NS2 protein is, unlike most parts of the NS2 protein, highly conserved among the described types of HCV, whereas the sequence of the major antigenic region of NS5 shows variability among HCV types. The recognition of a peptide corresponding to a part of the major region of NS5 was found to be dependent on HCV type. In 129 anti-HCV-positive serum samples, the prevalence of antibodies to the NS2 protein was found to be 23% among HCV RNA-positive sera and 10% among HCV RNA-negative sera. In the same samples, reactivity to the major linear antigenic regions of HCV NS5 was found in 68% of the HCV RNA-positive sera and 67% of the HCV RNA-negative sera. Of 18 serum samples from five patients with acute HCV infections, and who seroconverted with respect to anti-HCV, 4 were found to be reactive to one or more of the 100 NS5 peptides and in three serum samples the NS5 reactivities were found to shorten the time for serodiagnosis of cross-reactive with a region form residues 2584 to 2599 of NS5, which has 67% homology with a six-residue sequence of NS2. In conclusion, in this study we have identified and evaluated the potential use of synthetic peptides corresponding to linear antigenic regions of the NS2 and NS5 proteins.  相似文献   

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