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Unprotected sexual intercourse places young persons at risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and unintended pregnancy. Responsible sexual behavior among adolescents is one of the 10 leading health indicators of the national health objectives for 2010 (objective 25.11). To examine changes in sexual risk behavior that occurred among high school students in the United States during 1991-2001, CDC analyzed data from six national Youth Risk Behavior surveys (YRBS). This report summarizes the results of the analysis, which indicate that, during 1991-2001, the percentage of U.S. high school students who ever had sexual intercourse and the percentage who had multiple sex partners decreased. Among students who are currently sexually active, the prevalence of condom use increased, although it has leveled off since 1999. However, the percentage of these students who used alcohol or drugs before last sexual intercourse increased. Despite decreases in some sexual risk behaviors, efforts to prevent sexual risk behaviors will need to be intensified to meet the national health objective for responsible sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Young persons who engage in unprotected sexual intercourse or use injection drugs are at increased risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. To examine changes in HIV-related risk behavior among high school students in the United States during 1991-2005, CDC analyzed data from eight national Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS) conducted during that period. This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which indicated that, during 1991-2005, the percentage of U.S. high school students engaging in HIV-related sexual risk behaviors decreased. During 1995-2005, the percentage of U.S. high school students who ever injected drugs remained less than 4%. However, many students still engage in HIV-related risk behaviors. Measures aimed at changing these behaviors should be strengthened to decrease the incidence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS among young persons and meet the national 2010 objective for adolescent sexual behavior (objective 25-11).  相似文献   

Persons who engage in unprotected sexual intercourse or use injection drugs are at increased risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Changes in HIV- and STD-related risk behaviors among high school students in the United States during 1991-2005 were reported previously. To update these analyses through 2007, CDC analyzed data from nine biennial national Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS). This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which indicated that, during 1991-2007, the percentage of U.S. high school students who ever had sexual intercourse decreased 12%, the percentage who had sexual intercourse with four or more persons during their lifetime decreased 20%, and the percentage who were currently sexually active decreased 7%. Among students who were currently sexually active, the prevalence of condom use increased 33%. However, these changes in risk behaviors were not observed in some subgroups. In addition, no changes were detected in the prevalence of sexual risk behaviors from 2005 to 2007, and many students still engaged in behaviors that place them at risk for HIV infection and STDs. Additional efforts to reduce sexual risk behaviors, particularly among black, Hispanic, and male students, must be implemented to meet the Healthy People 2010 national health objective for adolescent sexual behaviors (objective no. 25-11) and to decrease rates of HIV infection and STDs.  相似文献   

This paper examined changes in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related risk behaviors among high school students in the United States during 1991-2005. Data from 8 national Youth Risk Behavior Surveys conducted during that period were analyzed. During 1991-2005, the percentage of US high school students engaging in HIV-related sexual risk behaviors significantly decreased.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Trends in teenagers' contraceptive use have received less attention than trends in adolescent sexual intercourse, despite the importance of contraceptive use to preventing teenage pregnancy. METHODS: Sexually active high school students' use of contraceptives and risk of pregnancy from 1991 to 2003 were examined using data from the national Youth Risk Behavior Survey and published contraceptive failure rates. Changes in pregnancy risk were assessed using weighted least-squares regression. RESULTS: Between 1991 and 2003, contraceptive use improved among sexually active U.S. high school students. Improvements among women included an increase in the proportion reporting condom use at last sex (from 38% to 58%) and declines in the proportions using withdrawal (from 19% to 11%) and no method (18% to 12%). Hormonal method use changed little, as a decline in pill use (from 25% to 20%) was offset by use of injectables (5% in 2003). Similar patterns were found among men. Women's risk of pregnancy declined 21% over the 12 years. The largest improvements in contraceptive use and pregnancy risk occurred among ninth graders, and whites and blacks. In 2003, 46% of pregnancy risk resulted from failure to use any method of contraception, and 54% resulted from contraceptive failure. CONCLUSIONS: Improvement in the use of contraceptives by sexually active high school students during the 1990s is encouraging. To sustain this trend, programs need to encourage contraceptive use among teenagers who do not use it and to stress consistent and correct use among those who do.  相似文献   

Homicide and suicide are responsible for approximately one fourth of deaths among persons aged 10-24 years in the United States. Two of the national health objectives for 2010 are to reduce the prevalence of physical fighting among adolescents to < or =32% and to reduce the prevalence of carrying a weapon by adolescents on school property to < or =4.9%. To examine changes in violence-related behaviors among high school students in the United States during 1991-2003, CDC analyzed data from the national Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which indicated that most violence-related behaviors decreased during 1991-2003; however, students increasingly were likely to miss school because they felt too unsafe to attend. In addition, in 2003, nearly one in 10 high school students reported being threatened or injured with a weapon on school property during the preceding 12 months. Schools and communities should continue efforts to establish physical and social environments that prevent violence and promote actual and perceived safety in schools.  相似文献   

Objectives: To determine the trends in sexual activity and unprotected sex among substance‐using youth, we examined data from the 1991‐2005 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys on drug and alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors. Method: We examined the association of alcohol and illicit drug use with recent sexual activity and unprotected sex. We assessed linear trends in behaviors and assessed logistic regression models to examine the relationship of alcohol and illicit drug use on trends in the behavioral outcomes. Results: Strong associations exist between recent sexual activity and alcohol and illicit drug use from 1991 to 2005. In the multivariate model, the odds ratio of having sex in the past 3 months for lifetime illicit drug users compared with nonusers was 3.84 (CI = 3.48‐4.23). Among past‐month alcohol users compared to nonusers, the odds ratio was 3.23 (CI = 2.93‐3.58). Overall, the trend in sexual activity was downward but not for users of alcohol and illicit drugs. Among the sexually active, unprotected sex was not associated with alcohol use over this time period but was associated with illicit drug use. Conclusions: Illicit drug and alcohol use have a strong association with being recently sexually active. Trends in reported sexual activity declined during 1991‐2005, but the trends among alcohol and drug users have not. Many youth remain at dual risk from both substance use and sexual behaviors.  相似文献   

目的:了解南京市溧水县高中学生健康危险行为现状,为制定相关伤害的预防控制措施提供依据。方法:根据《江苏省青少年健康相关行为调查问卷》内容,对6所高中2 482名学生进行问卷调查。结果:调查中有17.1%的学生想过自杀,32.0%的学生发生过严重受伤,28.2%的学生尝试过吸烟,58.4%的学生尝试过饮酒,学生中使用过网络的达92.5%,2.9%的学生有过性行为。结论:南京市溧水县高中学生健康危险行为发生状况不容忽视,迫切需要开展各种行为干预措施。  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking among adolescents is one of the 10 Leading Health Indicators that reflect the major health concerns in the United States. To examine changes in cigarette smoking among U.S. high school students during 1991-2001, CDC analyzed data from the national Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). This report summarizes the results of the analysis, which found that although cigarette smoking rates increased during most of the 1990s, they have declined significantly since 1997. If this pattern continues, the United States could achieve the national health objective for 2010 of reducing current smoking rates among high school students to < or = 16% (objective no. 27-2b).  相似文献   

目的 了解江苏省南京市中学生健康危险行为和抑郁症状分布情况,并探讨两者之间的关联。方法 采用青少年心理健康状况调查表,于2010年9-10月随机抽取南京市5所学校2 118名中学生进行问卷调查。结果 调查的2 118名中学生中,具有1、2、3项及以上健康危险行为的中学生分别为21.6%、6.0%、4.4%;抑郁症状检出率为46.0%,其中轻度、中度、重度抑郁症状检出率分别为29.4%、13.4%、3.3%;高中生、有健康危险行为的学生抑郁症状检出率均高于初中生、无健康危险行为的学生,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);多因素logistic回归分析显示,随着健康危险行为项数的增加,抑郁症状检出率呈上升趋势(χ趋势2=58.9,P<0.05),调整人群归因危险度百分比(PARc%)为14.8%。结论 健康危险行为是罹患抑郁症状的危险因素,应引起学校、家庭和社会的重视。  相似文献   

目的探讨北京市顺义区中学生伤害相关危险行为流行现况,为制定有效的干预措施提供科学依据。方法按照分层整群随机抽样的方法,抽取10所初中和高中的1 883名学生作为调查对象,采用问卷的方式调查与伤害有关的危险行为。结果中学生步行违规率8.2%,骑车带人和骑车双手离把发生率分别为27.2%和15.0%,攀爬屋顶或其他危险地方、在玩滚轴溜冰等时不戴保护装备的发生率分别为49.3%和30.0%,过去12个月故意伤害过自己的学生占15.2%,有自杀意念、自杀计划和尝试自杀的学生分别占12.1%、6.9%和1.6%。结论中学生伤害相关危险行为广泛存在,需要相关部门根据不同年龄、年级的学生伤害相关危险行为发生类型和特点,采取有针对性的措施,预防和控制伤害的发生。  相似文献   

目的 了解烟台市中小学生健康危险行为现况,为制定干预政策提供科学依据。方法 2018年 10月采用分层整群抽样的方法抽取烟台市13区县39所城乡学校11125名在校学生进行问卷调查。结果 烟台市中小学生过去7天不良饮食行为、尝试吸烟行为和曾饮酒行为报告率分别为46.36%、3.14%和10.07%,均为高中生高于初中生,初中生高于小学生;男生高于女生(P<0.01)。在过去7天,学生被动吸烟率为66.41%。过去30天里,校园欺凌相关行为报告率为1.92%,小学生和初中生高于高中生,男生高于女生(P<0.01)。结论 烟台市中小学生中健康危险行为现状不容忽视,相关部门应根据不同危险行为的发生特点,开展针对性的健康干预措施。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the level of food safety knowledge, perceptions, and self-reported food-handling behaviors among middle school students. DESIGN: Baseline questionnaire administered in class that assessed background characteristics, knowledge, behaviors, and perceptions related to food safety. PARTICIPANTS: 178 seventh and eighth grade students from 4 schools in central Pennsylvania. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Food safety knowledge, perceptions, and self-reported food-handling behaviors. ANALYSIS: Independent samples t test tested differences between genders and bivariate correlation analysis explored associations among knowledge, perceptions, and behavior (P <.05). RESULTS: Food safety knowledge score was 7.2 +/- 1.6 of a maximum of 10 points. Perceived self-efficacy and severity of a foodborne illness were high, but perceived susceptibility was low. Girls scored higher on the self-efficacy and severity scale (P <.01). Self-efficacy correlated positively with knowledge and behavior (P <.0001) and severity with knowledge (P <.01). One fifth reported taking risks in food handling and one fifth reported having been sick because of something they ate. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: There is a disconnection between middle school students' food safety knowledge, perceptions, and behaviors. A need for relevant and motivating food safety education exists in this group.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. A greater understanding of the determinants of risky behaviors is an essential precursor to the development of successful AIDS prevention programs for adolescents. METHODS. A survey measuring AIDS-related behaviors, beliefs, and knowledge was administered to a sample of 531 10th-grade students residing in an AIDS epicenter. RESULTS. Of the 56.8% of students reporting past-year involvement in sexual intercourse, 67.3% reported unprotected intercourse with low-risk partners, 1.3% reported unprotected intercourse with high-risk partners, and 6.6% reported a past-year history of a sexually transmitted disease. Students whose friends had intercourse and never or inconsistently used condoms, who personally sanctioned intercourse involvement, who believed that the majority of their peers had intercourse, and who perceived low preventive action self-efficacy, were 5.1, 3.0, 2.1, 3.7, and 2.8 times more likely, respectively, to score in the riskier categories of an AIDS behavior index. CONCLUSIONS. These findings suggest that addressing socioenvironmental influences on risky and preventive behaviors may prove to be the most effective AIDS prevention strategy among adolescents.  相似文献   

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