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目的探讨StanfordB型主动脉夹层治疗的方案及经验教训。方法回顾性分析2008年6月~2013年4月52例StanfordB型主动脉夹层的临床资料。入院后给予卧床休息、降压、止痛等内科治疗,渡过急性期后行胸主动脉腔内修复术。结果39例成功渡过急性期,人院15~56d(中位数21d)行血管内覆膜支架置人术,均成功封堵破口,术后I型内漏3例,脑梗死2例(其中1例死亡);7例未能渡过急性期破裂死亡;6例转院。结论急性期内科保守治疗及慢性期行带膜支架胸主动脉腔内修复术是治疗StanfordB型主动脉夹层的主要方案;稳定血压及患者的依从性是内科治疗成功的关键因素。  相似文献   

带膜支架治疗Stanford B型胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来血管腔内支架隔绝术治疗胸主动脉夹层(TAD)取得了较好的效果。2002年8月到2005年9月,我们共收治Stanford B型胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤32例,均行支架治疗并取得满意效果,现总结报道如下。  相似文献   

目的随访85例经腔内修复Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者,总结Stanford B型主动脉夹层腔内修复治疗的体会。方法所有患者术前均接受CT血管造影(CTA)检查,以获取患者主动脉夹层相关的解剖学资料,术中在数字减影血管造影(DSA)直视下对所有患者行腔内修复,按照分别于术后3个月、6个月、12个月及以后每年1次的方案进行随访,观察并发症发生及瘤体形态学变化。结果技术成功率为95.3%(81/85),临床成功率为91.8%(78/85),术后住院期间死亡8例,均为急性期手术死亡,无慢性期死亡病例,两者间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。急性期接受腔内修复治疗患者的术后早期总体并发症发生率较慢性期患者高(38.2%比13.3%,P<0.05)。左锁骨下动脉完全封闭13例,部分封闭22例,术后未出现明显的脑供血不足的临床症状。41例患者腹主动脉段存在远端破口而又未覆盖者,腹主动脉段假腔内血栓化不明显。其余不存在远端破口者在随访过程中腹主动脉段无新发破口出现。结论无论是在急性期还是在慢性期,腔内修复均是Stanford B型夹层的有效治疗方法,但慢性期行腔内修复较急性期有较高的安全性。对于右侧椎动脉通畅且颅内Willis环完整的病例,可以直接行左锁骨下动脉封闭,不必先期或一期行颈动脉旁路手术,如果术后出现不能缓解的脑供血不足的临床症状并确定是由于左椎动脉供血不足导致,可行颈动脉-左锁骨下动脉转流。对于腹主动脉段存在远端破口而又未覆盖者,需要密切随访,观察病变处的动态变化,及时给予必要的处理。  相似文献   

<正>覆膜支架腔内治疗主动脉夹层始于1994年,美国Dake等[1]首先报道应用直筒覆膜支架覆盖B型主动脉夹层的近端裂口,使真腔恢复正常血流,假腔血栓化,从而实现腔内修复主动脉夹层。随着应用的推广和随访的延长,传统覆膜支架腔内修复主动脉夹层的中远期问题逐步显现,如近端逆行撕裂(逆撕)、内漏,左锁骨下动脉(left subclavian artery, LSA)覆盖而导致脑梗死、截瘫,支架移位,支架远端新发破口等[2]。为此,由上海长海医院血管外科和相关公司共同研发的Castor单分支支架,  相似文献   

目的探讨腔内胸主动脉修复术治疗Stanford B型夹层的临床价值。方法对我院2006年1月~2011年8月134例行腔内胸主动脉修复术的B型主动脉夹层患者的治疗情况进行回顾性分析。男93例,女41例。年龄32~82岁,(56.4±8.3)岁。全麻,数字减影动脉造影(digital subtraction angiography,DSA)监控下,切开股动脉,将带膜支架置于胸主动脉内膜破口处封堵破口。结合术前影像学、术后门诊影像学随访资料,观察夹层病变演化过程,观察有无内漏、移位和人工血管内支架塌陷等术后并发症。结果 134例原发胸主动脉夹层破口均完全封闭,真腔血流恢复,原受损脏器功能恢复正常。释放支架165枚。围手术期死亡2例,随访死亡1例。90例获得随访,随访时间3~63个月,(25.6±8.4)月,主动脉CT血管成像(CT angiography,CTA)复查显示无内漏、移位等并发症。12例支架尾部破口,再次行腔内隔绝,1例术后逆行性A型夹层。结论腔内胸主动脉修复术治疗Stanford B型夹层具有技术可靠、安全性高、术后恢复快等优点,临床应用前景良好。  相似文献   

胸主动脉腔内修复术(TEVAR)现已逐渐成熟,成为临床治疗胸主动脉夹层的主要手段。腔内治疗拥有创口小,围术期死亡率低的优点,但长期随访结果相比开放手术缺少明显优势。TEVAR术后胸主动脉段虽得到处理,但腹主动脉及其分支在远期随访中会出现瘤样扩张、新发破口以及分支血管支配的器官缺血、功能不全等并发症。为减少该类并发症出现...  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性Stanford B型主动脉夹层行胸主动脉腔内修复(thoracic endovascular aor-tic repair,TEVAR)术后的主动脉重塑过程及形态学变化.方法 回顾性分析2015年9月至2016年8月诊断为急性Stanford B型主动脉夹层且行TEVAR手术的51例患者临床资料,利用CTA图像测量原发破口水平、气管分叉水平、腹腔干动脉水平及左肾动脉下缘水平真腔、假腔直径,并计算术后真、假腔直径变化率.结果 近端破口水平,术后真腔扩大及假腔缩小在术后1个月和1年最为明显(P〈0.05),在术后3个月及术后6个月较为稳定,真、假腔均无明显变化(P〉0.05).气管分叉水平,真腔持续扩大而假腔持续缩小.在腹腔干动脉及左肾动脉下缘水平,真腔直径呈缓慢增大趋势,而假腔直径变化不明显.结论 急性Stanford B型主动脉夹层行TEVAR术后,胸主动脉段重塑较佳,真腔得到明显恢复,假腔明显减小,假腔血栓形成并吸收率高,而对于支架血管未能覆盖的降主动脉远端重塑作用则较差.  相似文献   

目的观察覆膜支架主动脉腔内修复术(TEVAR)对Stanford B型主动脉夹层和降主动脉瘤的治疗效果。方法回顾性分析华西医院2013年3~6月采用TEVAR治疗Stanford B型主动脉夹层和降主动脉瘤患者20例的临床资料,其中男19例,女1例;年龄41~76(58.3±10.2)岁,分析其疗效。结果20例患者中,治愈18例,自动出院1例,术后死亡1例。随访满3个月者16例,随访率88.9%。全部随访患者支架范同内真腔管径有所恢复,假腔或瘤腔内血栓形成。结论TEVAR为Stanford B型主动脉瘤提供了一个新的选择,特别是为高龄和合并严重疾病的患者提供了新的治疗手段,优势明显,值得临床应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨Stanford B型主动脉夹层腔内支架修复术后再发逆撕型A型主动脉夹层的原因及其外科治疗的临床疗效。方法 回顾性分析2014年3月—2018年8月既往行腔内修复的Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者因再发逆撕型A型主动脉夹层于海军军医大学附属长海医院行外科手术患者的临床资料。出院患者均常规门诊复查和电话随访。结果 共纳入16例患者,其中男13例、女3例,年龄(49.1±12.2)岁。再发A型夹层时症状为胸痛12例,头痛和意识障碍各1例,无症状2例。16患者均接受升主动脉置换,全弓置换加支架象鼻植入术。主动脉根部行Bentall手术2例,行根部成形术10例,行主动脉瓣置换术1例。术中发现夹层破口明确位于近端金属裸支架周围共10例,另外6例破口位于升主动脉前侧壁。术中体外循环时间为(152.2±29.4)min,主动脉阻断时间为(93.6±27.8)min,选择性脑灌注时间为(29.8±8.3)min。住院期间及术后30 d内无死亡。术后随访32~85(57.4±18.3)个月。随访期间均存活,1例于术后3年因腹主动脉夹层再次行腔内支架植入术。结论 采用全弓置换合并支架象鼻技术...  相似文献   

血管腔内治疗DeBakeyⅢ型主动脉夹层动脉瘤(附15例报告)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨带膜支架植入治疗降主动脉夹层动脉瘤的经验.方法我科1999年5月至2005年12月为15例DeBakeyⅢ型的主动脉夹层动脉瘤患者作血管腔内带膜支架植入治疗,并分析其临床资料.结果15例病人共用带膜支架22个,手术技术成功率100%.6例患者术中出现内漏,植入第二枚支架后漏口封闭.1例术后3月复查发现支架移位,再植入带膜支架后治愈.3例术后死亡,死因为心律失常,呼吸功能衰竭.治愈12例,平均随访20个月,所有患者内膜破裂口全部完全封闭,假腔内血栓形成无内漏,假腔均明显缩小.结论带膜支架血管腔植入术治疗主动脉夹层动脉瘤具有良好的近期疗效,长期效果还有待进一步的研究.  相似文献   

目的探讨腔内隔绝术治疗Stanford B型胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤的手术指征、术前评估方法、手术操作技巧、并发症防治原则及临床应用前景.方法回顾性分析本中心1998年9月至2001年7月间采用腔内隔绝术治疗91例Stanford B型胸主动脉夹层动脉瘤的经验.术前CTA或MRA显示夹层动脉瘤最大直径为6.6mm±1.8mm(4.0~10.0mm);70例表现为单一夹层裂口,21例表现为多裂口.手术方法为经股动脉或腹主动脉将移植物导入胸主动脉封闭夹层裂口,手术在DSA监视下完成.结果即时手术成功率为98.9%;70例单一夹层裂口病人中,62例使用了单一移植物,7例使用2个移植物,一例使用3个移植物;21例多夹层裂口者,8例使用2个移植物同时封闭不同部位夹层裂口,12例远端夹层裂口旷置,一例中转开胸手术;6例手术结束时残存Ⅰ型内漏;3例术后近期死亡,其余病例术后无心、肺、肾功能衰竭及截瘫等严重并发症.术后随访1~34个月,一例术后11个月猝死,2例分别于术后14个月和24个月再发Stanford A型胸主夹层瘤而行Bentall手术,其余病人未出现与夹层及手术相关的并发症.结论腔内隔绝术治疗Stanford B型主动脉夹层动脉瘤是一种创伤小、恢复快的新方法,短期的随访结果表明该技术安全、有效;内漏是该方法的主要并发症并可能导致病人术后即期死亡;该方法的远期疗效有待继续随访.  相似文献   

目的探讨急性Stanford B型主动脉夹层合并胸腔积血的腔内血管外科治疗的早、中期疗效。方法20例急性Stanford B型主动脉夹层合并胸腔积血患者,均行支架形人工血管植入腔内修复术。术后3、6、12个月及每年一次复诊。结果本组共植入支架20个,支架释放后即刻造影显示第一破口封堵率为100%。13例术前胸腔积血进行性减少的患者在术后胸腔积血完全吸收。7例术前胸腔积血进行性增多的患者,术后2例胸腔积血得以控制并逐渐吸收减少;另5例患者于术后第1~3d胸腔积血仍呈进行性增多,于术后第3~6d胸腔积血得以控制,遂于术后第3~12d进行多次控制性胸腔穿刺抽吸积血,呼吸功能均能维持。元围手术期死亡。19例平均随访16(3~57)个月,支架覆盖段胸主动脉情况稳定,术后5例胸腔积血进行性增多的患者发生胸部并发症。结论急性Stanford B型主动脉夹层合并胸腔积血患者在进行腔内血管外科治疗后近期、中期内观察疗效确切,远期疗效有待于进一步观察。  相似文献   

Introduction : Endovascular repair has emerged as a very important treatment modality in the management of thoracic aortic diseases due to its reduced invasiveness especially in patients at increased risk for open surgery. Aim of this study is to analyze the lessons learned in our experience of thoracic aortic endografting.

Material and methods : From June 1999 to January 2006, 145 selected patients (121 men and 24 women with a mean age of 70 ± 9 years) with thoracic aorta disease received endovascular treatment with one of four different commercially produced stent grafts (Cook, Gore, Endomed, Medtronic). Indications for treatment included disease of the descending thoracic aorta in 92 cases, of the aortic arch in 43 cases and of the thoracoabdominal aorta in 10 cases. In 48 patients, an hybrid surgical and endovascular approach was required.

Results : Primary technical success was achieved in 137/145 (94.5%) cases. One patient died intraoperatively and seven patients had a type “I a” endoleak. In-hospital complications included perioperative stroke in three patients, acute renal failure in two patients, acute respiratory failure in one. Initial clinical success was obtained in 128/145 patients (88.3%) with a mortality rate of 9/145 (6.2%). At 38 ± 16 months, mid-term clinical success was obtained in 89.5% of the followed patients. Two patients died from fatal aneurysm rupture. One type I endoleak was successfully treated with a rescue endovascular procedure, four cases of type I endoleak resolved completely without any further intervention, no new onset endoleak was discovered. One patient underwent a successful open conversion. Aneurysm expansion was observed in one patient.

Conclusion : Endovascular surgery is changing the management of complex aortic disease. Synergy between endovascular and surgical procedures may provide a solution for many challenging clinical problems.  相似文献   

Objective: Endoluminal thoracic aortic stenting is a new therapeutic tool in reducing the operative trauma of the patient. However, the inherent risks of aortic stent grafting are perivascular leakage, stent dislocation, blunt rupture of the aorta, side branch occlusion and neurological sequelae. To reduce these risks, in our institution all stent implantations were performed in close collaboration with our fellow cardiologists under biplane X-ray control supported by simultaneous intravascular and transoesophageal ultrasound imaging. Methods: Between August 1999 and August 2001, endovascular stent graft repair was performed in 34 patients (27 male, seven female) with a mean age of 68.6±7 years (range 58–84). Indication for treatment was an acute Type B aortic dissection in six patients (18%), a symptomatic chronic Type B dissection in 12 patients (35%), a true aneurysm of the descending aorta in seven patients (21%) and an atherosclerotic contained rupture of the descending aorta in nine (26%) patients. Out of six acute type B dissections three patients (8.8%) and one patient (2.9%) out of the chronic dissection group were in severe haemorrhagic shock, ventilated and required high-dose adrenergic support. The others (30 patients, 88.3%) remained symptomatic despite maximum medical treatment. In a special case a combined surgical and endoluminal stent graft repair was performed. Individually manufactured Talent, Medtronic AVE (33), and Gore (1) stents were used. Follow-up examination was performed 1 week after implantation and repeated every 3 months (mean follow-up 8 months, range 1–24). Results: In all patients the aneurysm or the entry of the dissection could be excluded. The observed hospital mortality was 2.9% (one patient). No perivascular leakage, no stent dislocation, no neurological deficit or perfusion impairment was observed. All patients except four were extubated immediately after the procedure and discharged from hospital on postoperative day 2–3. The late procedure-related mortality was 5.8% (two patients) resulting in an overall mortality of 8.8% (three patients). Conclusion: Stent graft repair is a safe and feasible treatment option for selected patients, especially in emergency situations, if the aortic lesions can be clearly identified and localized. The use of biplane X-ray control combined with simultaneous intravascular and transoesophageal ultrasound imaging in an interdisciplinary approach enables a more precise targeting of the stent landing zone, resulting in low morbidity and mortality rates.  相似文献   

目的系统评价腔内修复术(覆膜支架置入术)与开放手术治疗急性Stanford B型主动脉夹层的有效性与安全性。方法计算机检索1991年1月至2013年1月期间收录在CNKI、万方、维普、Cochrane图书馆临床对照试验中心注册库、OVID、Pubmed Medline、EBSCO、EMBASE、Springer Link、Science Direct等数据库中关于主动脉腔内修复术和开放手术治疗急性StanfordB型主动脉夹层的临床对照试验文献,用RevMan5.1软件对符合标准的临床试验数据进行分析。结果8个临床试验共纳入5618例急性B型主动脉夹层患者,腔内修复术组与开放手术组治疗后30d死亡率差异有统计学意义,腔内修复组明显优于开放手术组[OR=0.55,95%CI(0.46~0.65),P〈0.00001]。另外,中风(OR=0.57,95%C1(0.39~0184),P=0.005]、呼吸衰竭[OR=0.64,95%CI(0.53~0.78),P〈0.00001]和心脏并发症[OR=O.49,95%CI(0.38~0.64),P〈0.00001]的发生率差异均有统计学意义,腔内修复组优于开放手术组;截瘫[OR=I.30,95%C1(0.82~2.05),P=0.26]和急性肾功能衰竭[OR=0.86,95%CI(0.41~1.80),P=0.69]的发生率差异无统计学意义。结论腔内修复术可以作为治疗急性StanfordB型主动脉夹层的首选治疗方法。  相似文献   



Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) has become standard treatment of complicated type B aortic dissections (TBADs). Whereas adequate proximal seal is a fundamental requisite for TEVAR, what constitutes “adequate” in dissections and its impact on outcomes remain unclear. The goal of this study was to describe the proximal seal zone achieved with associated clinical outcomes and aortic remodeling.


A retrospective review was performed of TEVARs for TBAD at a single institution from 2006 to 2016. Three-dimensional centerline analysis of preoperative computed tomography was used to identify the primary entry tear, dissection extent, distances between arch branches, and intramural hematoma (IMH) involvement of the proximal seal zone. Patients were categorized into group A, those with proximal extent of seal zone in IMH/dissection-free aorta, and group B, those with landing zone entirely within IMH. Clinical outcomes including retrograde type A dissection (RTAD), death, and aortic reinterventions were recorded. Postoperative computed tomography scans were analyzed for remodeling of the true and false lumen volumes of the thoracic aorta.


Seventy-one patients who underwent TEVAR for TBAD were reviewed. Indications for TEVAR included malperfusion, aneurysm, persistent pain, rupture, uncontrolled hypertension, and other. Mean follow-up was 14 months. In 26 (37%) patients, the proximal extent of the seal zone was without IMH, whereas 45 (63%) patients had proximal seal zone entirely in IMH. Proximal seal zone of 2-cm IMH-free aorta was achieved in only six (8.5%) patients. Review of arch anatomy revealed that to create a 2-cm landing zone of IMH-free aorta, 31 (43.7%) patients would have required coverage of all three arch branch vessels. Postoperatively, two patients developed image-proven RTADs requiring open repair, and one patient had sudden death. All three of these patients had TEVAR with the proximal seal zone entirely in IMH. No RTADs occurred in patients whose proximal seal zone involved healthy aortic segment. At 24 months, overall survival was 93% and freedom from aorta-related mortality was 97.4%. Complete thoracic false lumen thrombosis was seen in 46% of patients. Aortic remodeling, such as true lumen expansion, false lumen regression, and false lumen thrombosis, was similar in both groups of patients.


Whereas achieving 2 cm of IMH-free proximal seal zone during TEVAR for TBAD would often require extensive arch branch coverage, failure to achieve any IMH-free proximal seal zone may be associated with higher incidence of RTAD. The length and quality of the proximal seal zone did not affect the subsequent aortic remodeling after TEVAR.  相似文献   

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