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目的:探讨寰椎椎弓根螺钉及枢椎椎板螺钉固定、植骨融合治疗创伤性上颈椎不稳的临床疗效。方法:2005年10月至2008年6月,采用后路寰椎椎弓根螺钉及枢椎椎板螺钉或椎弓根螺钉固定技术治疗创伤性上颈椎不稳患者43例,其中枢椎椎板螺钉固定组(A组)21例,枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定组(B组)22例。所有患者均有寰枢椎半脱位或不稳,表现为不同程度的颈枕区疼痛,活动受限。均使用颈椎后路Vertex钉棒系统固定。对比两组的手术时间、术中出血量,有无神经、血管、脊髓损伤和内固定松动、断裂失败并发症,是否出现复位丢失和植骨融合率。结果:A组手术时间1~3h,平均1.5h,出血量100~650ml,平均240ml。B组手术时间1.2~3h,平均2h,出血量120~800ml,平均350ml。A组手术时间和术中出血量明显少于B组(P0.05)。A组有2例、B组有3例术中在剥离时损伤C1-2间静脉丛,均用明胶海绵压迫止血成功。术后CT显示B组1例单侧枢椎椎弓根螺钉部分进入横突孔,但无症状,余枢椎椎弓根螺钉和椎板螺钉均位置良好,未见椎动脉、神经损伤及脑脊液漏并发症。43例术后获12个月~3年随访,平均20.3个月,所有患者均于术后3~4个月获得骨性融合,术后X线片显示颈椎稳定,未见复位丢失,亦未见内固定松动退出或断裂。结论:对创伤性上颈椎不稳患者应用寰椎椎弓根螺钉及枢椎椎板螺钉固定不仅具有椎弓根螺钉同等的固定疗效,而且相对安全、简单,可以作为椎弓根螺钉固定的一种补充方法。  相似文献   

枢椎椎板螺钉联合寰椎椎弓根螺钉固定治疗寰枢椎脱位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评价枢椎椎板螺钉联合寰椎椎弓根螺钉固定融合治疗寰枢椎脱位的临床可行性.方法 对5例枢椎椎弓根细小的寰枢椎脱位患者,在气管插管全身麻醉下施行了枢椎椎板螺钉联合寰椎椎弓根螺钉固定术.枢椎椎板螺钉的进钉点位于棘突两侧椎板交界处,交叉置人对侧椎板内;寰椎椎弓根螺钉的进钉点位于枢椎侧块中线上,距寰椎后弓上缘最少3 mm,内斜10°,上斜5°.螺钉直径3.5 mm,枢椎椎板螺钉长26~32 mm,寰椎椎弓根螺钉长28~32 mm,结合自体髂骨植骨.结果 患者获得随访3~18个月,平均7.5个月.未发生椎动脉、脊髓损伤,术后临床症状得到不同程度的改善,X线、CT复查螺钉位置良好,无松动、断钉,植骨3个月后均达到满意融合.结论 枢椎椎板螺钉联合寰椎椎弓根螺钉固定治疗寰枢椎脱位效果满意,是又一可供选择的寰枢椎后路固定术式.  相似文献   

后路寰枢椎椎弓根钉板固定融合治疗上颈椎不稳   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:29  
目的 :探 讨寰 枢 椎椎 弓根 钉 板固 定融 合 治疗 上颈 椎 不稳 的可 行 性。 方法 :在 气管 插 管全 麻 下对 13 例 患者施 行了 寰 枢椎 椎弓 根 钉板 固定 术 ,并行 自 体髂 骨植 骨 。寰 椎椎 弓 根螺 钉的 进 钉点 位于 枢 椎侧 块中 线 上 ,距 寰椎后 弓上 缘 最少 3m m ,内斜 10° ,上斜 5°枢 椎椎 弓根 螺 钉的 进钉 点 位于 枢椎 侧 块内 上象 限 ,显 露枢 椎椎 弓 内缘 。直视 下进 钉 ,内斜 25°上斜 25° 螺 钉直 径 3.5m m ,寰 椎椎 弓 根螺 钉长 28 ̄32m m ,枢 椎椎 弓根 螺 钉长 24 ̄28m m 。 , 。结果 :全 组病 例未 发 生椎 动脉 、脊 髓 损伤 ,术 后临 床症 状 得到 不同 程 度的 改善 。随 访 3 ̄21 个月 ,平 均 6.7 个月 。 X线、CT 复查 示螺 钉 位置 良好 ,无 松动 、断 钉 ,植骨 3 个月 后均 达 到满 意融 合 。结 论 :寰 枢 椎 椎 弓根 钉 板 固 定治 疗上颈 椎不 稳 效果 良好 ,是 寰枢 椎 后路 固定 可 供选 择的 术 式之 一。  相似文献   

目的探讨寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉治疗创伤性寰枢椎不稳的临床疗效。方法自2006年12月至2010年9月,采用C1-C2椎弓根螺钉治疗寰枢椎不稳13例。男9例,女4例;年龄21~52岁,平均43岁。其中寰椎侧块粉碎性骨折1例;齿状突AndersonⅡ型骨折7例,其中3例为陈旧性;寰枢椎脱位2例;联合损伤3例。结果 13例均获得随访,随访时间6~27个月,平均15.7个月。根据脊髓功能Frankel分级评价,好转8例,无改变5例,加重0例;9例骨性融合,4例齿状突骨不连,2例术后1年拆除内固定,未发现内固定断裂、松动、退钉。结论应用寰枢椎椎弓根内固定安全、牢靠,是治疗创伤性环枢椎不稳的一种很好的治疗选择。  相似文献   

目的:比较后路寰枢椎经关节螺钉结合寰枢椎板钩固定融合与寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定融合治疗可复性寰枢椎脱位的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2006年6月~2012年3月行寰枢椎经关节螺钉结合寰椎椎板钩固定融合治疗的74例可复性寰枢椎脱位患者(钉钩组)的临床资料,以同时期相同纳入标准采用后路寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定融合治疗的63例患者(钉棒组)作为对照。记录术前疼痛视觉模拟量表(VAS)评分、脊髓功能(ASIA分级)、颈部僵硬度、颈椎功能障碍指数(NDI)、术中出血量、手术时间。以末次随访时植骨融合率、VAS评分、ASIA分级、NDI、颈部僵硬度及患者满意度评价治疗效果,并比较两组间的临床疗效。结果:两组患者的年龄、性别比和术前VAS评分、NDI、ASIA分级差异均无统计学意义(P0.05),具有可比性。钉钩组随访时间为76.3±14.0(48~110)个月,平均手术时间为126.1±8.6min,平均术中出血量为207.8±34.2ml,植骨融合率为100%,平均融合时间为4.6±0.9个月;钉棒组随访时间为72.0±12.0(48~96)个月、平均手术时间为129.8±7.9min,平均术中出血量为225.8±30.0ml,植骨融合率为98%,平均融合时间为4.8±1.2个月。两组随访时间、手术时间、植骨融合率和融合时间的差异均无统计学意义(P0.05),钉钩组的平均术中出血量与钉棒组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。两组患者末次随访时VAS评分、NDI和颈部僵硬度均较术前降低(P0.05)。有神经症状的患者,钉钩组的49例与钉棒组的37例末次随访时ASIA分级较术前提高1~2级。末次随访时,VAS评分、ASIA分级、颈部僵硬度、患者满意度及NDI两组间差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:后路寰枢椎经关节螺钉结合寰椎椎板钩固定融合与寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定融合治疗可复性寰枢椎脱位均能达到满意的临床疗效,但前者术中出血量更少。  相似文献   

枢椎椎板螺钉固定的解剖可行性研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
目的:评价对国人进行枢椎椎板螺钉固定的可行性,探讨进钉技术。方法:用电子游标卡尺和量角器在30例干燥枢椎标本上测量与进钉技术相关的解剖学数据,包括枢椎椎板的厚度,棘突根部、椎板和下关节突的高度。设定枢椎椎板螺钉的进钉点位于枢椎棘突中线两侧5mm,上位螺钉距椎板上缘5mm,对侧的下位螺钉距椎板上缘9mm,螺钉在棘突根部上下交叉进入对侧椎板,并于下关节突中心点出钉,测量上位和下位椎板螺钉的钉道长度和进钉角度。结果:枢椎椎板上缘、中部、下缘的厚度分别是3.02mm、5.91mm和5.59mm;枢椎棘突根部、椎板和下关节突中部的高度分别是12.40mm、12.95mm、14.03mm;上位和下位椎板螺钉的平均长度分别是25.41mm和27.39mm;上位螺钉前斜26.4°,下斜7.6°;下位螺钉前斜30.1°,上斜1.4°。结论:对国人进行枢椎椎板螺钉固定在解剖学上是可行的,该方法可作为传统枢椎后路螺钉固定技术的补充。  相似文献   

目的:总结应用寰椎侧块螺钉与枢椎椎弓根螺钉技术固定融合治疗寰枢椎不稳的效果,探讨寰枢椎不稳的治疗方法。方法:采用寰椎侧块螺钉与枢椎椎弓根螺钉技术对15例寰枢椎不稳的患者进行了固定术,同时行自体髂骨融合。分别应用Vertex 7例,Axis 3例,和cervifix 5例,齿状突陈旧性骨折5例,新鲜Ⅱc型齿状突骨折6例,先天性游离齿状突4例。寰椎侧块螺钉进钉点选择在寰椎后结节中点旁开18mm~20mm,与后弓下缘以上2mm的交点,钉道方向在冠状面垂直,矢状面上螺钉头端向头侧倾斜约5°.枢椎进钉点为枢椎下关节突根部中点,钉道与矢状面夹角约15°,横断面夹角约30°。螺钉直径3.5mm,寰椎侧块螺钉长度28mm~32mm,枢椎椎弓根螺钉长度为22mm~26mm。结果:所有患者均未发生脊髓损伤和椎动脉损伤。随访10~25个月,平均14个月。术前JOA评分5.1~10.9分,平均7.6分。术后JOA评分13.2~16.8分,平均14.8分,改善率87.5%。植骨块全部融合,无内固定断裂、松动。结论:后路寰椎侧块螺钉与枢椎椎弓根螺钉技术稳定性良好,具有三维固定的优点,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨经寰枢椎椎弓根钉棒(板)内固定治疗急性创伤性寰枢椎不稳的临床效果及其安全性。方法对8例急性创伤性寰枢椎不稳的患者施行经椎弓根钉棒(板)内固定 植骨融合术,观察术后近期疗效及并发症情况。结果术中未发生血管、神经等重要组织结构的损伤,经6~20个月的随访,术后症状均得到不同程度的改善,无内固定物松动及断裂,所有植骨均达骨性融合。结论经寰枢椎椎弓根钉棒(板)内固定是治疗寰枢椎不稳的一种可靠的治疗方法,有利于上颈椎稳定性重建及脊髓神经功能恢复。  相似文献   

目的:评价Magerl法内固定治疗寰枢椎不稳或脱位的临床疗效。方法:寰枢椎不稳14例,男10例,女4例;年龄17~62岁,平均38.6岁。均实施后路复位,Magerl法经关节螺钉内固定和自体髂骨植骨。结果:14例患者共植入经关节螺钉28枚。所有患者获随访,时间9~35个月,平均16个月,术后JOA评分13.8~15.8分,平均(14.50±0.66)分。改善率平均(76.12±4.94)%。术后无椎动脉和脊髓损伤发生,植骨全部融合。结论:Magerl法固定是治疗寰枢椎不稳的良好方法之一,无须加用结构性植骨和辅助内固定,自体颗粒状松质骨植骨即可实现有效的骨性融合。  相似文献   

C2 laminar screws have become an increasingly used alternative method to C2 pedicle screw fixation. However, the outcome of this technique has not been thoroughly investigated. A total of 35 cases with upper cervical spinal instability undergoing C2 laminar screw fixation were reviewed. All cases had symptoms of atlantoaxial instability, such as craniocervical junction pain, and were fixed with the Vertex cervical internal fixation system. A total of 68 screws were placed and hybrid constructs (a C2 translaminar screw combined with a C2 pars screw) were incorporated in two patients. In this series, there were no intraoperative complications and no cases of neurological worsening or vascular injury from hardware placement. Computed tomographic scans demonstrated a partial dorsal laminar breach in ten patients. None of these resulted in neurological symptoms. None of the patients was found to have a breach of the ventral laminar cortex. All the C2 laminar screws fixations were performed successfully. There was no instability seen on the films with no evidence of hardware failure or screw loosening during the follow-up period in all patients. In conclusion, C2 laminar screw technique is straightforward and easily adopted; it can efficiently and reliably restore upper cervical stability. It is an alternative method to C2 pedicle screw fixation, especially in patients with unilateral occlusion of vertebral artery and pedicle deformity of C2.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Several relatively new screw techniques have been described that rigidly capture the posterior elements of C2. The previously described procedures of axis fixation are technically demanding and place the vertebral artery at some risk. A novel and less technically demanding technique of obtaining C-2 translaminar screws has been recently described. Although the risk of vertebral artery injury has been essentially eliminated, the authors recognize that neurologic injury from breakthrough of the inner cortex of the lamina by the drill or screw is still a possibility. PURPOSE: Describe and illustrate a modified C2 translaminar technique and review the results of patients who have undergone the surgery. The current modification of the C2 translaminar screw technique was designed to reduce the risk of inadvertent screw placement within the spinal canal. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING: A techniques paper combined with a retrospective clinical review of patients undergoing the surgery. PATIENT SAMPLE: Patients undergoing posterior instrumented fusion surgery of the cervical spine, which incorporates C2 posterior elements using the translaminar technique. OUTCOME MEASURES: Radiographic analysis of the fusion construct incorporating the C2 translaminar screws. METHODS: We have modified the previously described technique of C-2 translaminar screw placement with the addition of "exit" cortical windows to assure bicortical, intralaminar screw placement. RESULTS: The results of the first six patients with an average follow-up of 12 months demonstrated this method to be safe and effective in fixating the axis. CONCLUSIONS: We have made a simple modification of Wright's elegant technique with the addition of "exit" windows at the facet-laminar junctions. This gives us the assurance that the C2 screw has not entered the spinal canal by directly visualizing the tip of the screw exiting the outer cortices of the lamina before leaving the operating room.  相似文献   

目的:探讨后路寰椎侧块螺钉联合单侧枢椎椎板螺钉+对侧枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定、自体双皮质骨加压植骨融合术治疗上颈椎不稳伴椎动脉变异的临床疗效。方法:2008年6月至2012年12月,行后路寰椎侧块螺钉联合单侧枢椎椎板螺钉+对侧枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定、自体双皮质骨加压植骨融合术12例,男8例,女4例,年龄16—77岁,平均47.5岁。术前患者枕颈部活动受限伴或不伴疼痛,VAS评分0-7分,平均3.50±2.71;椎动脉造影或颈椎CTA示单侧椎动脉明显狭窄。观察术中有无神经及血管损伤;术后7d内行X线和CT检查,了解内固定位置;术后随访观察有无内固定松动、断裂失败并发症、复位丢失,以及植骨融合率等。结果:12例单侧枢椎椎板螺钉固定,术中未发生神经和椎动脉损伤。患者颈部VAS评分0.92±0.90,较术前明显减轻(P=0.01)。术后x线示12例患者颈椎序列恢复良好,CT示1例枢椎椎板腹侧皮质侵犯,余位置均良好。12例患者均获得随访,时间6个月~3年;未见内固定松动、断裂和复位丢失等并发症;术后6个月12例均骨性融合。结论:后路寰椎侧块螺钉联合单侧枢椎椎板螺钉+对侧枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定、自体双皮质骨加压植骨融合术,既避免了传统螺钉固定椎动脉损伤的同时,又克服了部分病例双侧枢椎椎板螺钉时植骨床的不足,在保证良好力学稳定的情况下,可以取得良好的骨性融合率。单侧枢椎椎板螺钉可以作为一种安全有效的补充固定措施应用于椎动脉变异的上颈椎不稳患者中。  相似文献   

目的 探讨寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定技术在寰枢椎不稳中的应用疗效.方法 2004年10月2008年12月,采用寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定技术治疗寰枢椎不稳12例,男7例,女5例,年龄26~62岁,平均49.4岁,其中枢椎齿状凸骨折5例,均为陈旧性AdersonⅡ型骨折;寰枢椎陈旧性脱位7例.所有患者均表现为枕颈区疼痛、颈部活动障碍.4例患者合并脊髓受压,Frankel分级C级和D级各2例.术前JOA评分5~12分,平均8.5分.术前均行颅骨牵引.寰椎进钉点在后结节中点旁18~20 mm与后弓下缘以上2 mm交点处,钉道方向与冠状面垂直,矢状面上头偏约5°,枢椎进钉点为下关节突内上象限,钉道方向内斜32°,上倾28°.结果 12例患者共植入寰、枢椎左右椎弓根螺钉各24枚,无一例发生脊髓或椎动脉损伤.所有患者均获成功随访,时间为6~48个月,平均25个月,术后6月JOA评分为13.5~16.7分,平均14.9分,改善率为87.4%.结论 寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定技术用于寰枢椎不稳的治疗中具有稳定固定的良好临床疗效.  相似文献   



Biomechanical studies have shown C2 pedicle screw to be the most robust in insertional torque and pullout strength. However, C2 pedicle screw placement is still technically challenging. Smaller C2 pedicles or medial localization of the vertebral artery may preclude safe C2 pedicle screw placement in some patients. The purpose of this study was to compare the pullout strength of spinous process screws with pedicle screws in the C2.

Materials and Methods:

Eight fresh human cadaveric cervical spine specimens (C2) were harvested and subsequently frozen to −20°C. After being thawed to room temperature, each specimen was debrided of remaining soft tissue and labeled. A customs jig as used to clamp each specimen for screw insertion firmly. Screws were inserted into the vertebral body pairs on each side using one of two methods. The pedicle screws were inserted in usual manner as in previous biomechanical studies. The starting point for spinous process screw insertion was located at the junction of the lamina and the spinous process and the direction of the screw was about 0° caudally in the sagittal plane and about 0° medially in the axial plane. Each vertebrae was held in a customs jig, which was attached to material testing machine (Material Testing System Inc., Changchun, China). A coupling device that fit around the head of the screw was used to pull out each screw at a loading rate of 2 mm/min. The uniaxial load to failure was recorded in Newton''st dependent test (for paired samples) was used to test for significance.


The mean load to failure was 387 N for the special protection scheme and 465 N for the protection scheme without significant difference (t = −0.862, P = 0.403). In all but three instances (38%), the spinous process pullout values exceeded the values for the pedicle screws. The working distances for the spinous process screws was little shorter than pedicle screws in each C2 specimen.


Spinous process screws provide comparable pullout strength to pedicle screws of the C2. Spinous process screws may provide an alternative to pedicle screws fixation, especially with unusual anatomy or stripped screws.  相似文献   

The use of C2 laminar screws in posterior cervical fusion is a relatively new technique that provides rigid fixation of the axis with minimal risk to the vertebral artery. The techniques of C2 laminar screw placement described in the literature rely solely on anatomical landmarks to guide screw insertion. The authors report on their experience with placement of C2 laminar screws using three-dimensional (3D) fluoroscopy-based image-guidance in eight patients undergoing posterior cervical fusion. Overall, fifteen C2 laminar screws were placed. There were no complications in any of the patients. Average follow-up was 10 months (range 3–14 months). Postoperative computed tomographic (CT) scanning was available for seven patients allowing evaluation of placement of thirteen C2 laminar screws, all of which were in good position with no spinal canal violation. The intraoperative planning function of the image-guided system allowed for 4-mm diameter screws to be placed in all cases. Using modified Odom’s criteria, excellent or good relief of preoperative symptoms was noted in all patients at final follow-up. Eric W. Nottmeier, MD is a paid consultant for BrainLAB.  相似文献   

枢椎经椎板螺钉联合寰椎侧块螺钉内固定术的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨后路经枢椎椎板螺钉联合寰椎侧块螺钉固定技术治疗上颈椎不稳的临床疗效和并发症.方法 2003年10月至2006年12月,采用此技术治疗寰枢椎不稳17例,男12例,女5例;年龄34~73岁,平均42.5岁.Anderson Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型齿突骨折14例,寰椎横韧带断裂1例,先天性游离齿突并寰枢椎不稳2例.均有寰枢椎半脱位或不稳,表现为不同程度的颈枕区疼痛,活动受限.枢椎经椎板螺钉固定技术以棘突和椎板的交界处椎板头尾方向的中点为进钉点,为避免钉道的相互干扰,第1枚螺钉的进钉点通常选择枢椎椎板的偏头侧,另1枚螺钉的进钉点偏尾侧,用高速磨钻在进钉点磨去少许皮质骨开窗后,用手钻向枢椎对侧椎板钻孔,螺钉方向在直视下与椎板平面并行,并稍向枢椎椎板背侧倾斜,以确保螺钉不穿破椎板腹侧皮质侵犯椎管,宁可穿破枢椎椎板背侧皮质骨.内固定系统均使用颈椎后路Vertex钉棒系统同定.结果 术中无一例发生脊髓和椎动脉损伤.有2例患者在剥离寰椎后弓下缘时,损伤静脉丛,用明胶海绵压迫止血成功.术后CT示枢椎椎板螺钉位置良好,未见侵犯枢椎椎管和脊髓.随访术后X线片未见明显颈椎不稳、内固定失败及螺钉松动退出.结论 枢椎后路经椎板螺钉技术固定牢固,操作简单,相对安全,值得进一步推广.  相似文献   

王超  王圣林  闫明 《中华外科杂志》2008,46(20):1557-1561
目的 探讨以枢椎椎板置钉法完成寰枢或枕颈固定,用以治疗寰枢关节不稳的可行性.方法 对枢椎椎弓根畸形或椎动脉异位的病例以枢椎椎板置钉的方法 完成寰枢或枕颈固定.如果一侧枢椎椎弓根是大致正常的,就在该侧用椎弓根钉固定,在对侧用枢椎椎板钉固定.在寰椎以侧块螺钉固定,在枕骨以短螺钉固定.用连接棒在寰枢或枕枢间连接.在寰枢后弓间或枕骨与枢椎椎弓间植入颗粒状松质骨.结果 共完成了9个病例,其中寰枢固定2例,枕颈固定7例.使用一侧枢椎椎弓根钉固定、另一侧枢椎椎板钉固定6例,两侧均为椎板钉固定3例.9例均得到随访,随访时间4-13个月(平均9个月).所有病例均得到骨性融合.有神经症状的8例中,症状改善情况为:优3例,良1例,可2例,无变化2例.1例椎板钉进入了椎管.所有病例均没有出现脊髓和椎动脉损伤症状.结论 枢椎椎板置钉操作简便、安全,固定效果可靠.可以作为枢椎椎弓根置钉固定的后备方法 ,适用于椎弓根畸形或椎动脉异位的病例.  相似文献   

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