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全膝关节置换术中胫骨假体旋转确定方法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 对目前全膝关节置换术(TKA)中常用的2种确定胫骨假体旋转位置的方法 进行比较,以期为术中胫骨假体的正确旋转放置提供参考.方法 连续行初次单侧TKA手术30例.术中于胫骨截骨面上标识出胫骨前后轴、后交叉韧带中点与胫骨结节中内1/3连线、后交叉韧带中点与ROM技术确定的胫骨前方标志点连线.数码相机垂直于截骨面进行图像摄取后转移至电脑,借助于软件系统分别测量胫骨前后轴与上述2条连线的夹角.结果 胫骨结节中内1/3与后交叉韧带中点的连线同胫骨前后轴之间的平均夹角为(11.3±34)°,ROM技术获得的前方标记点基本位于髌腱内侧缘,其与后交叉韧带中点连线同胫骨AP轴之间的平均夹角为(0.8±2.2)°.结论 国人TKA术中,当以胫骨结节中内1/3为标准行胫骨假体旋转放置时,有导致胫骨假体相对于股骨假体外旋过度的可能.当术中进行了正确的股骨假体旋转放置及软组织松解和平衡后,采用ROM技术能够获得更为正确的胫骨假体旋转放置.  相似文献   

全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)是治疗终末期骨性关节炎最有效措施之一,但胫骨假体的旋转对线不良可导致术后膝关节的长期慢性疼痛、胫股关节不稳定、假体无菌性松动、假体过度磨损,甚至关节脱位、垫片脱出等并发症.目前对于胫骨假体旋转定位参考轴以及胫骨假体位置的精准安放方法仍存在争议,本文...  相似文献   

股骨假体旋转对线对于全膝关节置换是至关重要的,它影响到屈膝间隙的平衡和髌骨运动轨迹。目前常用的股骨假体旋转对线的骨性标志有经股骨上髁轴、Whiteside’s前后轴、参照股骨后髁轴外旋3°和胫骨干轴,最近又有人提出股骨滑车轴和股骨前轴的慨念。股骨似体参照经股骨上髁轴放置的可靠性最高,但由于术中难准确定位此轴线,限制了其运用。  相似文献   

全膝关节置换术中股骨假体与胫骨假体的旋转力线至关重要,旋转力线不良影响手术效果.该文就股骨假体旋转定位参照轴中股骨上髁轴、股骨后髁线、股骨髁间前后轴、屈曲间隙平衡技术,以及胫骨假体旋转定位参照轴等研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

目的对国内外有关全膝关节置换术中胫骨假体旋转定位方法的研究及应用进行综述。方法广泛查阅近年来关于全膝关节置换术中胫骨假体旋转定位方法的文献,并进行总结与分析。结果传统的解剖标志线受到多种因素的影响缺乏准确性,因此不存在统一的线性定位。结论胫骨结节内侧缘至中内1/3线被认为是最理想的胫骨假体旋转定位区间,线性的定位应根据患者膝关节内外翻畸形的程度而定。  相似文献   

目的综述人工全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)中股骨假体旋转评估研究进展,以减少假体旋转不良导致的术后并发症。方法查阅近年TKA术中股骨假体旋转定位参考轴线的基础及临床研究相关文献,并进行综合分析。结果股骨假体旋转不良可造成屈曲间隙不平衡和髌骨轨迹不良,术前应采用不同方法确定股骨假体旋转力线,并通过影像学技术及计算机导航技术进行手术前后评估,保证股骨假体的旋转位置良好,使术后膝关节功能获得最大程度的恢复。结论近年发展了多种手术技巧和新技术以确定股骨假体旋转力线,临床应用并获得较好效果。  相似文献   

Chu XB  Wu HS  Xu CM  Zhu YL  Feng MG  He ZY 《中华外科杂志》2006,44(16):1136-1140
目的探讨全膝置换术中股骨假体的轴向旋转对髌股关节生物力学的影响,为临床指导人工膝关节置换的手术技术提供实验依据,以减少术后髌股关节的并发症。方法取9具正常国人新鲜冷冻尸体的9个膝关节作为研究对象,模拟膝关节自站立位屈膝下蹲的动作,设计制作膝关节实验架,与Instron 8501生物力学测试仪共同搭建实验平台。人工膝关节采用Nexgen LPS全膝系统,手术由同一位有经验的术者实施以控制实验误差,不置换髌骨。比较股骨假体相对于经股骨上髁轴内旋2°、内旋4°、旋转0°(与经股骨上髁轴平行)、外旋2°、外旋4°、平行于Whiteside线等6个不同的轴向旋转位置时的髌股关节的生物力学指标。选择屈膝30°、60°、90°、120°为观察角度,采用日本富士公司生产的压敏片测定髌股接触面积和峰值接触压,最后经扫描和软件处理得到数字化的结果。结果当股骨假体的旋转与经股骨上髁轴平行时,测得的髌股关节峰值接触压结果最优(P< 0.05)。各股骨假体旋转对线组测得的髌股接触面积无显著差异(P>0.05)。但不同标本、不同观察角度下的髌股接触形态不同。结论全膝置换术中股骨假体的轴向旋转对线对于髌股关节的接触压影响较显著,经股骨上髁轴作为股骨假体的旋转对线的参照较为可靠。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代活动平台的设计理念被提出以来,旋转平台型膝关节假体应用于临床已将近20年。与固定平台型假体相比,旋转平台型假体的聚乙烯衬垫下方与胫骨平台假体之间能自由旋转,上方的球面设计增加了与股骨髁之间的形合度和接触面积,在膝关节屈伸时能分解股骨髁与聚乙烯衬垫间的剪切应力。这些设计一方面可以降低聚乙烯的磨损、减少磨损产生的碎屑,  相似文献   

全膝关节置换术中胫骨假体旋转对线新技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 比较全膝关节置换术中确定胫骨假体旋转对线的参照方法,以提高手术效果,减少术后并发症. 方法 2006 年5月 -2007年4月,对60例膝内翻患者行旋转平台全膝人工关节置换,其中男27例,女33例;年龄55~78岁.随机分为两组,每组30例.术中胫骨假体定位方法:A组采用胫骨结节中内1/3线作为解剖标志;B组膝内翻0~9°患者采用胫骨结节内侧缘作为解剖标志,10~19°患者以胫骨结节内侧缘至胫骨结节中内1/3线区间的中线为准,≥20°的患者以胫骨结节中内1/3 线为准.测量术后两组聚乙烯半月板垫片的旋转角度. 结果 术后聚乙烯半月板垫片旋转角度测量,A 组内旋(5.6±2.8)°,其中膝内翻 0~9°患者为(8.4±3.8)°,10~19°患者为(3.5±2.7)°,≥20°患者为(0±2.4)°;B 组内旋(0±1.9)°,其中膝内翻0~9°患者为(0±2.1)°,10~19°患者为(0±2.0)°,≥20°患者为(0±1.7)°.A 组组内比较及与 B 组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),B 组组内比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05). 结论 胫骨结节内侧缘至中内 1/3 线是较理想的胫骨假体旋转定位区间,线性的定位应根据患者膝关节内外翻畸形程度而定.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨全膝置换术中改变胫骨假体的旋转对线技术对髌股关节生物力学的潜在影响,指导术中进行正确的胫股旋转对线,以减少术后髌股关节并发症的发生。[方法]取9个新鲜冷冻人膝关节做实验,自行设计膝关节实验架,与Instron 8501生物力学测试仪共同搭建实验平台,模拟生理状态下膝关节自站立位屈膝下蹲的动作。人工膝关节采用LPS全膝系统,手术由同一位有经验的术者实施以控制实验误差,比较以胫骨结节内、中1/3交界为标志(胫骨结节对线技术)和以股骨假体位置(ROM对线技术)确定胫骨假体旋转的2种技术所获得的髌股关节的生物力学指标,选择30°、60°、90°、120°为实验的观察角度进行各组实验,应用日本富士公司生产的超低敏感型压敏片、低敏感型压敏片测定髌股关节的接触面积和接触压,最后用FPD-305E、FPD-306E压力测定仪和电脑软件处理后得到数字化结果。[结果]人工膝关节置换术中胫骨结节对线技术组与ROM对线技术组所获得的髌股关节的平均峰值接触压、平均接触面积等指标无统计学差异(P>0.10)。[结论]全膝置换术中股骨假体参照经股骨上髁轴确定旋转方位后,采用胫骨结节对线技术抑或ROM对线技术来确定胫骨假体的旋转对线对髌股关节的生物力学未见显著差异。对于旋转限制性较高的假体,ROM技术能够在正确的胫股旋转对线和良好的髌骨轨迹之间作出平衡。  相似文献   

目的根据不同解剖标志利用CT扫描定量测量人工膝关节置换术后股骨和胫骨假体的旋转对线。方法 2004年对21位合并膝内翻畸形(35个膝)老年性骨关节炎患者(平均年龄73.3岁,范围:60~81岁)行人工膝关节置换手术,术中采用后稳定型固定平台膝关节假体,以股骨后髁轴外旋截骨确定股骨假体旋转定位,综合参考胫骨平台最大覆盖率和胫骨后髁轴确定胫骨假体旋转定位。术后7年进行随访,内容包括病史采集、物理检查,KSS评分和功能评分,负重位膝关节正侧位X光片、髌骨轴位片以及膝关节CT扫描。在CT扫描图像上,根据股骨内外上髁轴(SEA)测量股骨假体旋转角度,分别根据股骨内外上髁轴和胫骨结节内侧1/3测量胫骨假体旋转角度,并以此测算假体的联合旋转角度和旋转不匹配程度。结果对35个膝关节随访7年结果显示,未出现感染、假体透亮带、髌骨脱位或半脱位、髌骨骨折、假体松动等,KSS临床评分平均91分,功能评分平均83分。股骨假体、胫骨假体旋转角度、联合假体旋转角度均呈正态分布;股骨假体平均旋转角度为(3.02±3.88)°;胫骨假体相对于胫骨结节内侧1/3明显处于内旋位(平均17°),相对于SEA旋转角度平均0°,参考两个标志测量的胫骨假体旋转角度之间有显著差异(P=0.000);相对于SEA确定的假体联合旋转角度平均(2.99±7.90)°,相对于胫骨结节内侧1/3确定的假体联合旋转角度平均(-2.64±8.39)°,参考两个参考标志测定假体联合旋转角度之间有显著差异(P=0.005),股骨和胫骨假体旋转不匹配最大程度在10°度左右。结论与胫骨结节内侧1/3做比较,股骨内外上髁轴(SEA)更适合作为CT定量测量人工膝关节置换术后股骨和胫骨假体旋转对线的标志;胫骨平台最大覆盖率和胫骨后髁轴可以作为胫骨假体旋转定位的参考轴线,但具有较大的个体差异性。  相似文献   

BackgroundFemoral component rotational alignment is critical for successful TKA. The primary study objective is to measure the preoperative distal femoral torsion (DFT) of an Egyptian patient’s cohort using a seated posteroanterior (PA) knee radiograph. The secondary objectives are to check the intraoperative reliability of using the posterior condylar line (PCL) as a reference for rotation and to measure postoperative component rotation using the same radiographic technique.Methods100 arthritic knees, 22 males, 78 females, 95 Varus and five valgus. A long anteroposterior radiograph [Hip to knee to ankle (HKA)] for coronal alignment assessment, and the anatomical posterior condylar angle (aPCA) between the anatomical transepicondylar axis (aTEA) and the PCL was measured in the seated PA knee radiographs for evaluating the DFT and component rotation. Intraoperative rotation was adjusted to 3° external rotation to the PCL.ResultsHKA improved from a preoperative mean 170.4° ± 6.2 to a postoperative mean 178.3° ± 1.5 (p < 0.005). DFT was internal in all knees; the mean aPCA was −4.5 ± 2.4 (0° to −9°), femoral component rotation significantly changed to a mean aPCA of −3.6 ± 2.3 (0° to −7°) (p = 0.005). Acceptable intraoperative patellar tracking in 94%, and patellar subluxation needed a lateral retinacular release in 2% (two valgus knees). The preoperative DFT was not affected by sex or direction of coronal deformity; more external DFT noticed in severe varus deformity.ConclusionsAll keens had an internal DFT not affected by sex, or coronal deformity direction. Using PCL as a guide to adjust femoral component rotation is a valid technique in our population.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine the significance of the transepicondylar line as a parameter of femoral axial alignment. Standing full-length X-ray films of 124 knees of 91 patients (63 women, 28 men) with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or osteonecrosis were used in this study, in which the lateral angles formed by the femoral anatomical axis intersecting with the transepicondylar line (angle a′), horizontal line (angle b′), and femoral condylar line (angle r′) were measured. The mean value of angle b′ in knees with neutral alignment was significantly smaller than that in knees with varus alignment, and significantly larger than that in knees with valgus alignment; no significant difference was found in angle a′. Also, there was no significant difference in angle a′ among the patients with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteonecrosis. These findings suggest that the transepicondylar line, which is a stable reference of femoral rotation, is also a very reliable parameter of axial alignment of the femur. In the future design of extramedullary guiding for total knee arthroplasty, the transepicondylar line may play an important role as a parameter for proper and accurate implant setting. Received: October 4, 2000 / Accepted: April 11, 2001  相似文献   

Linkage guide for rotational alignment during total knee arthroplasty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A linkage guide was devised for use in conjunction with knee arthroplasty instruments to achieve proper component rotation. The femoral component was rotationally aligned to the surgical epicondylar axis using one guide. The other guides were used after all bone surfaces were cut and soft tissue balancing was completed. A Kirschner wire was guided into the proximal tibial aspect parallel to the sagittal plane of the femoral component with the patella in its normal position and the knee in full extension. The wire was used as a reference to determine tibial component rotation. The relative rotational alignment of 21 knees in 19 patients who had undergone cruciate-retaining total knee arthroplasty utilizing this guide was assessed using the modified Eckhoff method. The results of radiographic analysis were compared with those in a control group of 25 knees where the guide was not employed. The external rotation of the femoral component relative to the tibial component was 1.3° ± 2.0° (mean ± SD) in the guided group and 1.1° ± 4.4° in the control group. The relative rotational angle was significantly more consistent using the guide. Implant malrotation can be reduced using our technique.  相似文献   

Poor clinical results following total knee arthroplasty like flexion gap instability or anterior knee pain may be related to femoral component rotational malalignment. The transepicondylar axis has been recommended as a landmark to consistently recreate a balanced flexion gap. However, the reproducibility to identify the transepicondylar axis intraoperatively is low. In this feasibility study we wanted to find out whether fluoroscopy-based CT scans obtained by a motorized mobile C-arm (Iso C 3D) may be useful to asses the transepicondylar axis intraoperatively. Following the femoral resections the Iso C 3D was used intraoperatively in ten knees with mild to severe deformities. On multiplanar reconstructions of the distal femur the clinical epicondylar axis as well as the angle to the posterior cut (condylar twist angle) could be easily measured. The scanning time was 40 s and the extra time needed for the whole setup about five to ten minutes. The Iso C 3D was helpful to intraoperatively identify the transepicondylar axis and the condylar twist angle, especially in cases with severe deformity or dysplasia when standard landmarks are difficult to determine. Florian Geiger and Dominik Parsch contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to describe the changes in tibial torsion and knee rotation in varus osteoarthritic knees and to check the reliability of reference axis, for tibial component placement, based on femoral transepicondylar axis in these patients. A secondary goal was to determine which reference axis based on proximal tibia is most accurate for determining tibial component rotation. Fifty-two varus osteoarthritic knees and 20 normal knees were analyzed using computed tomographic scan. Tibial torsion and knee rotation were significantly reduced in patients with osteoarthritis. Reference axis based on posterior tibial condyles was most accurate and least variable for tibial component alignment. A significant negative correlation was found between knee rotation and tibial axis based on transepicondylar axis (r = -0.485).  相似文献   

We examined the reliability of the anteroposterior and posterior condylar axes for determining rotational alignment of the femoral component in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). A computed tomography scan was taken at the level of the femoral epicondyle in 84 knees (27 varus knees with medial femorotibial arthritis (FT-OA) in 26 patients, 17 knees with patellofemoral arthritis in 14 patients, and 40 normal knees in 40 volunteers). On the image, an anteroposterior axis, a line perpendicular to the anteroposterior axis, an epicondylar axis and a posterior condylar axis were drawn, and the relationship between the three axes was assessed. The mean values for the 84 knees were evaluated, and the posterior condylar axis was 6.0°± 2.4° internally rotated relative to the epicondylar axis, while the line perpendicular to the anteroposterior axis was 1.4°± 3.3° internally rotated relative to the epicondylar axis. The internal rotation angle of the posterior condylar axis relative to the epicondylar axis was 6.2°± 1.9° in the knees with medial femorotibial arthritis, 6.4°± 2.4° in the knees with patellofemoral arthritis, and 5.8°± 2.7° in the normal knees, showing consistent values in normal and osteoarthritic knees. The internal rotation angle of the line perpendicular to the anteroposterior axis relative to the epicondylar axis was 0.1°± 3.3°, 1.3°± 3.3°, and 2.3°± 3.1° in the three groups, respectively (i.e., there were significant differences between the medial FT-OA knees and the normal knees). The results demonstrated that the anteroposterior axis was rotated externally to a significant degree in medial FT-OA knees and was less reliable than the posterior condylar axis for use in alignment for TKA on medial FT-OA knees. Received for publication on July 30, 1997; accepted on Feb. 3, 1998  相似文献   

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