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A recent health reform proposal in South Africa proposes universal access to a comprehensive package of healthcare services in the public sector, through the implementation of a national health insurance (NHI) scheme. Implementation of the scheme is likely to involve the introduction of a payroll tax. It is implied that the introduction of the payroll tax will significantly reduce the size of the private health insurance market.


The objective of this study was to estimate the impact of an NHI payroll tax on the demand for private health insurance in South Africa, and to explore the broader implications for health policy.


The study applies probit regression analysis on household survey data to estimate the change in demand for private health insurance as a result of income shocks arising from the proposed NHI.


The introduction of payroll taxes for the proposed NHI was estimated to result in a reduction to private health insurance membership of 0.73%. This suggests inelasticity in the demand for private health insurance. In the literature on the subject, this inelasticity is usually due to quality differences between alternatives. In the South African context, there may be other factors at play.


An NHI tax may have a very small impact on the demand for private health insurance. Although additional financial resources will be raised through a payroll tax under the proposed NHI reform, systemic problems within the South African health system can adversely affect the ability of the NHI to translate additional finances into better quality healthcare. If these systemic challenges are not adequately addressed, the introduction of a payroll tax could introduce inefficiencies within the South African health system.  相似文献   



Taiwan established a system of universal National Health Insurance (NHI) in March, 1995. Today, the NHI covers more than 98% of Taiwan's population and enrollees enjoy almost free access to healthcare with small co-payment by most clinics and hospitals. Yet while this expansion of coverage will almost inevitably have improved access to health care, however, it cannot be assumed that it will necessarily have improved the health of the population. The aim of this study was to determine whether the introduction of National Health Insurance (NHI) in Taiwan in 1995 was associated with a change in deaths from causes amenable to health care.  相似文献   

Taiwan implemented the National Health Insurance system (NHI) in 1995. After the NHI, the insurance coverage expanded and the quality of healthcare improved, however, the healthcare costs significantly escalated. The objective of this study is to determine what factors have direct impact on the increased costs after the NHI. Panel data analysis is used to investigate changes and factors affecting cost containment at Taipei municipal hospitals from 1990 to 2001. The results show that the expansion of insured healthcare coverage (especially to the elderly and the treatment of more complicated types of diseases), and the increased competition (requiring the growth of new technology and the longer average length of stay) are important driving forces behind the increase of hospital costs, directly influenced by the advent of the NHI. Therefore, policymakers should emphasize health prevention activities and disease management programs for the elderly to improve cost containment. In addition, hospital managers should find ways to improve the hospital efficiency (shorten the LOS) to reduce excess services and medical waste. They also need to better understand their market position and acquire suitable new-tech equipment earlier, to be a leader, not a follower. Finally, policymakers should establish related benchmark indices for what drivers up hospital costs (micro-aspect) and to control healthcare expenditures (macro-level).  相似文献   

It's not known how many hospitals are selling their receivables for cash, but the potential market is enormous. Providers will charge more than $800 billion for healthcare services this year. At any one time, the nation's hospitals are awaiting payment on $14 billion in receivables. Many say hospitals would be better off attempting to improve their own billing and collection systems; others are more than sold on the programs.  相似文献   

The implementation of President Clinton's proposed health reform plan that ensures universal access and relatively comprehensive health insurance benefits to over 250 million Americans would have a significant impact on their hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers. With this projected coverage, the 36.7 million Americans now uninsured would demand an additional volume of services. It is doubtful, because of this nation's trade and budget deficits, that any significant increases in expenditures for health will be made available from the public sector. Therefore, providers in the US will need to deliver significantly more care with a minimal increase in total reimbursement. These conclusions are further supported by the experiences of the Canadian and the German macromanaged health care systems that provide considerably more hospital and physician services per person per year than the US at a lesser cost per discharge and percentage of their respective nation's gross domestic product. America may be heading toward macromanaged global budget targets, but for political and other reasons President Clinton's health reform plan will be implemented with a multi-payer, managed competition approach.  相似文献   

An ideal resource allocation in health care should ensure most people to access equal health care services while needed. Not only social welfare economists but also health policy makers concern with rational distribution of health care resources. Taiwan implemented a National Health Insurance (NHI) program in 1995, to reduce financial barriers for all residents with a universal health care system. Horizontal equity, an explicit goal of the NHI system, is to guarantee equal opportunity of access to health care. Accordingly, this study, utilizing cross-sectional data, proposes a multi-criteria decision-making approach with grey incidence analysis to measure horizontal equity of health care resource allocation of the NHI in Taiwan. From the findings of this empirical study, most resources are allocated in North Taiwan resulting in geographical disparity due to unbalanced health care resource allocation. And the large-scale hospitals are mostly congregated only at metropolitan regions; therefore, the access to health care services for patients in rural areas is still limited. Finally, the NHI in Taiwan is a single-payer for all hospitals, in which payment for health care suppliers can be adopted as an efficient strategy to induce the disparity of resource allocation and to redistribute national health care resource.  相似文献   

Social health insurance systems in Europe are complex and this makes it difficult to establish who is paying for healthcare. France and Germany are seeking to widen their revenue base through taxation. A wholesale move to SHI in the UK would involve significant upheaval and it is not clear what benefits it would bring.  相似文献   

Adequately funding the costs of retiree health care--both by individuals and employers--is essential to the nation's financial stability. But health reform bills, including the one proposed by the Clinton Administration, would fund these costs out of current revenue, creating an enormous future taxpayer liability. No matter what reform plan Congress passes, lawmakers should offer savings plans that encourage Americans to fund these benefits while they're working.  相似文献   

When it comes to information technology (IT), healthcare has lagged behind. Most healthcare transactions still are conducted via a paper route. Only a fraction of hospitals and physicians' offices have implemented a comprehensive electronic health record. With computerized provider order entry systems, the story has been much the same, with only about 10% of hospitals using them to transmit patient orders. But this may be changing soon. This issue of The Quality Letter for Healthcare Leaders looks at what is in store for healthcare IT and what these trends will mean to the healthcare community.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are relatively few published data on how the financial structures of different health systems affect each other. With increasing financial restrictions in both public and private healthcare systems, it is important to understand how changes in one system (e.g. VA mental healthcare) affect utilization of other systems (e.g. state hospitals). AIMS OF THE STUDY: This study utilizes data from state hospitals in eight states to examine the relationship of VA per capita mental health funding and state per capita mental health expenditures to veterans' use of state hospitals, adjusting for other determinants of utilization. METHODS: This study utilized a large database that included records from all male inpatient admissions to state hospitals between 1984 and 1989 in eight states (n = 152541). Funding levels for state hospitals and VA mental health systems were examined as alternative enabling factors for veterans' use of state hospital care. Logistic regression models were adjusted for other determinants of utilization such as socio-economic status, diagnosis, travel distances to VA and non-VA facilities and the proportion of veterans in the population. RESULTS: The single strongest predictor of whether a state hospital patient would be a veteran was the level of VA mental healthcare funding (OR = 0.81 per $10 of funding per veteran in the population, p = 0.0001), with higher VA funding associated with less use of state hospitals by veterans. Higher per capita state funding, reciprocally, increased veterans' use of state hospitals. We also calculated elasticities for state hospital use with respect to VA mental healthcare funding and with respect to state hospital per capita funding. A 50% increase in VA per capita mental health spending was associated with a 30% decrease in veterans' use of state hospitals (elasticity of -0.6). Conversely, a 50% increase in state hospital per capita funding was associated with only an 11% increase in veterans' use of state hospitals (elasticity of 0.06). IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH CARE PROVISION AND USE: These data indicate that per capita funding for state hospitals and VA mental health systems exerts a significant influence on service use, apparently mediated by the effect on supply of mental health services. Veterans are likely to substitute state hospital care for VA care when funding restrictions limit the availability of VA mental health services. However, due to the relative sizes of the two systems, VA funding has a larger effect than state hospital funding upon state hospital use by veterans. IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH POLICIES: These data indicate that changes in the organizational and/or financial structure of any given healthcare system have the potential to affect surrounding systems, possibly quite substantially. Policy makers should take this into account when making decisions, instead of approaching systems as independent, as has been traditional. IMPLICATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH: Further research is needed in two areas. First, these results should be replicated in other systems of care using more recent data. Second, these results are difficult to generalize to individual behavior. Future research should examine the extent and individual determinants of cross-system use.  相似文献   

The goal of preferred provider organizations (PPOs) is to identify cost effective physicians, hospitals and other providers and form them into healthcare delivery systems. Widespread interest in PPOs stems from the belief that they can contain costs while offering consumers a choice of physicians and hospitals. But there is little information available about the demand by employers to offer PPOs as a health plan option. This study gathered information on employers' attitudes toward PPOs through a survey of companies in the Minneapolis metropolitan area. Most of the surveyed firms were found to be self-insured and offered a choice of healthcare plans, including HMOs. Contrary to some previous studies, healthcare costs are a major concern by all of the firms. PPOs are viewed as one part of an overall strategy to reduce those costs while maintaining quality of care and convenient access to providers. Although somewhat skeptical about potential savings and concerned over the administrative costs of offering a new health plan, most of the firms indicated support for the PPO concept. The greatest market opportunity for PPOs is to offer the plan as an alternative within the company's existing indemnity plan, wherein employees who use the preferred providers are exempt from at least a portion of the coinsurance and deductible requirements.  相似文献   

Just when hospitals and healthcare systems need highly qualified leadership the most--considering all the management challenges the industry continues to face--there seems to be a growing shortage of skilled executives. A handful of industry executives are working with provider organizations and the nation's graduate programs in healthcare administration to develop a plan to re-engineer the training and development of future leaders.  相似文献   

The nation's teaching hospitals depend heavily on $5.2 billion in annual federal payments for graduate medical education, but few of them know what portion pays for patient care and what portion supports teaching activities. Because hospitals and medical schools will continue to confront funding cutbacks under health reform, they must learn how to quantify the revenue and expenses associated with each activity to receive adequate compensation.  相似文献   

Romano M 《Modern healthcare》2004,34(3):6-7, 14-5, 3
An ambitious effort by a high-profile group of healthcare executives, including the National Center for Healthcare Leadership's Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Marie Sinioris, left, hopes to transform the way health administrators are taught by the nation's MHA programs. If they're successful, it could mean major changes in curriculum and job skills of healthcare executive candidates.  相似文献   

The United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom are experiencing a trend toward the privatization of hospitals--most frequently involving poorly positioned facilities that need: additional capital for replacement of plant and equipment; improved management systems to reduce the number of their nondirect patient care employees; and an aggressive physician recruitment effort. A number of these institutions might have been otherwise shut down, resulting in the loss of good paying jobs; however, these closures would have reduced the nation's total health care expenditures. The acquisition in the United States and Germany by investor-owned hospital corporations of major teaching institutions suggests that the for-profits have become an integral part of their country's health care delivery system. Privatization now even occurs within the egalitarian British National Health Service with the availability of private medical insurance, private hospitals, and private beds in public hospitals being managed by investor-owned groups. Being acquired by a for-profit is often a means to secure needed capital and is politically less fractious than closing down a marginally needed government-sponsored or a not-for-profit facility.  相似文献   

The Taiwanese practice of patients giving informal payments to physicians to secure services is deeply rooted in social and cultural factors. This study examines the portrayal of informal payments by Taiwanese print news media over a period of 12 years-from prior to until after the implementation of national health insurance (NHI) in Taiwan in 1995. The goal of the study was to examine how the advent of NHI changed the rationale for and use of informal payments. Both before and after the introduction of NHI, Taiwanese newspapers portrayed informal payments as appropriate means to secure access to better health care. Newspaper accounts established that, although NHI reduced patients' financial barriers to care, it did not change deeply held cultural beliefs that good care depended on the development of a reciprocal sense of obligation between patients and physicians. Physicians may have also encouraged the ongoing use of informal payments to make up revenue lost when NHI standardized fees and limited income from dispensing medications. In 2002, seven years after the implementation of NHI, the use of informal payments, though illegal, was still being justified in the print media through allusions to its role in traditional Taiwanese culture.  相似文献   

军队医院参与军民融合医改势在必行.新医改产生诸多新生的外部经济现象,使军队医院经济管理面临新的矛盾问题.应抓住军民融合医改重要机遇,在医改政策对接、"收支两条线"配套政策落实、经济管理精准管控、防范财务风险、用好薪酬政策等方面进行主动创新,适应卫生经济形势变化,保障军队医院稳步发展.  相似文献   

Since its establishment in 1946, the veterans healthcare system has greatly expanded in both size and responsibility. It is now the largest integrated healthcare system in the United States, the nation's largest provider of graduate medical and other health professionals training, and one of the largest research enterprises in America. It is also the nation's largest provider of services to homeless persons, an essential provider in the public healthcare safety net, and an increasingly important element in the federal response to disasters and national emergencies. Patterned after what was considered the best in American healthcare, for most of the past 50 years the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare has focused primarily on acute inpatient care, high technology, and medical specialization. Now, in response to societal and industrywide forces, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is reengineering the veterans healthcare system, changing the operational and management structure from individual hospitals to 22 integrated service networks and transitioning the system to one that is grounded in ambulatory and primary care. This article briefly describes the history and functions of the veterans healthcare system, its service population, and key aspects of its restructuring.  相似文献   

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