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Book Reviews     

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
B iologic B asis of O rthodontics , by A. A. Gianelly and H. M. Goldman.
M y F irst D ay at the D entist , by K. B. Allen.
N otes on D ental M aterials , by E. C. Combe.
T he U niversal O rthodontic T echnique , by Jorge Fastlicht.
B enign C ystic L esions of the J aws , T heir D iagnosis and T reatment , 2nd edition, H. C. Killey and L. W. Kay.
A nnual R eport 1970-71. D irector -G eneral of H ealth .
C linical P eriodontology , 4th edition, by Irving Glickman. Philadelphia, London, and Toronto, W. B. Saunders Co.
N utrition in P reventive D entistry : S cience and P ractice , by A. E. Nizel.
T he E tiology and P revention of D ental C aries . R eport of a WHO S cientific G roup , W orld H ealth O rganization T echnical R eport S eries . No. 494.
A dvanced P eriodontal D isease /S urgical and P rosthetic M anagement , 2nd edition, by J.F. Prichard.
E ndosseous D ental I mplants , by A. R. Taylor.
M ultiple C hoice Q uestions in A natomy , "Medicus Anatomicus".
T he D entist and H is Assistant, edited by S. Peterson.
I ntroduction to E ndodontics , by Birger Nyaard-Ostby.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
P artial D entures , by Fritz Singer and Fritz Sohon.
M inor T ooth M ovement in C hildren , by J. M. Simm.
D ental M anifestations of S ystemic D isease , by David H. Trapnell and J. E. Bowerman.
T extbook of O perative D entistry , by E. L. Hampson.
O ral S ciences R eviews , V olume 3. D ental E namel . Edited by A. H. Meloher and G. A. Zarb
A tlas of O perative D entistry , by W. W. Howard.
R eview of O perative D entistry , by W. W. Howard.
P ractical P ædodontics , by R. H. Birch and D. G. Huggins.
A n A ssessment of the O cclusion of the T eeth of C hildren 6–11 Y ears , U nited S tates , by J. E. Kelly, M. Sanchez and L. E. Van Kirk.
M onheim's G eneral A næsthesia in D ental P ractice , edited by C. Richard Bennett
D ental R adioligy , by A. H. Wuehrmann and L. R. Manson-Hing.
C linical P edodontics , by Sidney B. Finn.
H andbook of E xpanded D ental A uxiliary P ractice , by F. Castano and B. Alden.
D entistry for the C hild and A dolescent , edited by Ralph E. McDonald.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
C avity P reparation and I mpression T aking , by J. D. Harrison and A. G. Podshadley.
A T extbook of D ental A natomy and P hysiology , by Russel C. Wheeler.
L ocal A næsthesia and P ain C ontrol in D ental P ractice , by Leonard M. Monheim.
M anagement of an O rthodontic P ractice , by J. R. Jarabak.
D ental M aterials : A P rogramed R eview of S elected T opics , by W. J. O'Brien and Gunnar Ryge.
B asic P eriodontology , by A. Bryan Wade.
A tlas of C rown and B ridge P rosthodontics , by Lawrence A. Weinberg.
L ocal A næsthesia in D entistry , by Angelo Sargenti, edited and translated by J. R. Moore  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
O cclusal E quilibration and T emporomandi-bular J oint D ysfunction , by Nathan Allen Shore.
H igh S peed and U ltra S peed D entistry . E quipment and P rocedures , by Harold C. Kilpatrick.
T he M outh . I ts C linical A ppraisal , by A. B. Riffle.
D ie R öntgenostatik (The Roentgenostatic), by A. Martin Schwarz.
H ypnosis in G eneral D ental P ractice , by Thomas W. Frost.
P ractical O ral S urgery , by Henry B. Clark, Jr.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
P eriodontal T herapy , by Henry M. Goldman, Saul Schluger, Lewis Fox and D. Walter Cohen.
A M anual of P ractical O rthodontics , by W. J. Tulley and A. C. Campbell.
T heory and P ractice of C rown and B ridge P rosthodontics , by Stanley D. Tylman and Stanley G. Tylman.
B asic P eriodontolooy , by G. Bryan Wade. Bristol, John Wright & Sons Limited, 1960.
G eneral A næsthesia for D entistry , by James McNaught Inglis and Victor Campkin.
M inor T ooth M ovement in G eneral P ractice , by Leonard Hirschfield.
D ental H ealth E ducation , by Frances A. Stoll.
O ral P athology , by Kurt H. Thoma and Henry M. Goldman.
F luoridation : E rrors and O missions in E xperimental T rials , by P. R. N. Sutton.
R estorative D ental M aterials , by F. A. Peyton, with associates.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
P rinciples of P athology for D ental S tudents . 2nd edition, by J. B. Walter, M. C. Hamilton and M. S. Israel. London, J. & A. Churchill
P artial D enture D esigning . 2nd edition, by John Farrell.
F acial P rostheses , by A. C. Roberts
G eneral A næsthetic and S edation T echniques for D entistry , by W. J. Pryor and A. D. Macalister. Bristol, John Wright & Sons
M odern P ractice in C rown and B ridge P ros-thodontics , 3rd edition, by J. F. Johnston, R. W. Phillips and R. W. Dykema.
T he M edical A ssessment of I njuries for L egal P urposes , 2nd edition, by Arnold Mann.
T he U niversal A ppliance , by A. E. Stoller. St. Louis
R estorative D ental M aterials , edited by F. A. Peyton and R. G. Craig, 4th edition. St. Louis
T oward a S ociology of D entistry , A Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly Volume 49, Number 3, July 1971. Editors: R. M. O'Shea and Lois K. Cohen.
D iseases of the O ral C avity and S alivary G lands , by G. Boering.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
H andbook of D ental P harmacology and T herapeutics , by Roy Goulding.
T he M icrobial F lora of the M outh , by K. A. Bisset and G. H. G. Davis.
H ypnotism for M edical and D ental P ractitioners , by A. A. Mason, with Chapters on Hypnosis in Dental Surgery and Obstetrics, by K. Dawson Watts and S. D. Perchard.
T ext B ook of O ral S urgery , edited by Gustav O. Kruger.
P artial D enture C onstruction . P rinciples and T echniques , by William L. McCracken.
N utrition in C linical D entistry , by Abraham E. Nizel. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company, 1960.
A tlas of C linical P athology of the O ral M ucous M embrane , by Balint J. Orban and Frank M. Wentz.
G eneral A næsthesia in D ental P ractice , by Leonard M. Monheim.
T extbook for D ental N urses , by H. Levison.
M edicine for D ental S tudents , by R. A. Cawson and R. H. Cutforth.
C omplete D entures , by Merrill G. Swenson, in collaboration with Charles J. Stout. St. Louis.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
O ral P hysiology , by S. I. Silverman
A M anual of O perative D entistry , by H. M. Pickard
T he E xtraction of T eeth , by Geoffrey L, Howe
E ssentials of M eicine for D ental S tudents , by A. C. Kennedy
O rthodontics . P rinciples and P ractice , by T. M. Graber
R eview of D entistry , edited by Maynard K. Hine  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A tlas of O rthodontic P rinciples . By Raymond C
C linical P ractice of the D ental H ygienist .Third edition, by Esther M. Wilkins
R eview of D entistry : Q uestions and A nswers. 5th edition, edited by Maynard K. Hine
E lements of D ental M aterials for D ental H ygienists and A ssistants . 2nd edition, by Ralph W. Phillips
T heories and T echniques of O ral I mplant-ology . Two volumes, by Leonard L. Linkow and Raphael Chercheve  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
E ssential M edicine for D ental P ractice , by P. Cleaton-Jones.
D ental R adiography . A n I ntroduction for D ental H ygienists and A ssistants , 2nd edition, by R. C. O'Brien.
D entistry for the S pecial P atient : T he A ged , the C hronically I ll and the H andicapped , edited by A. Davidoff, S. Winkler and M. H. M. Lee.
O cclusion , 2nd edition, by S. P. Ramford and M. Ash.
B ecoming a D entist , by Basil J. Sherlock and Richard T. Morris.
D ental E xamination R eview B ook , Vols 1, 2 and 3, edited by A. F. Gardner.
H istological T yping or O dontogenic T umours , J aw C ysts and A llied L esions .
P athology or T umours of the O ral T issues , by R. B. Lucas.
O rban's O ral H istology and E mbryology , 7th edition, edited by H. Sicher and S. N. Bhaskar.
1972 A dvances in P edodontics . Vol. 3. Collected from Oral Research Abstracts. Edited by L. C. Hendershot.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
E mergencies in D ental P ractice : P revention and T reatment , 2nd edition, by F. M. McCarthy.
A S ynopsis of M edicine in D entistry , by Lawrence Cohen.
F uture P erfect . R etirement P lanning and M anagement , by Edward Samson.
M axillofacial P rosthetics . Multidisciplinary Practice, by Varoujan A. Chalian, Joe B. Drane, and S. Miles Standish.
D rugs in D entistry , 2nd edition, Dental Practitioner Handbook, No. 9, by L. W. Kay.
D ental H ealth E ducation , 4th edition, by Frances A. Stoll and Joan L. Catherman.
C urrent C oncepts of the H istology of O ral M ucosa , edited by C. A. Squiør and J. Meyer.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
L ocal A nalgesia in D entistry , by D. H. Roberts and J. H. Sowray
PARTIAL DENTURE CONSTRUCTION (A L aboratory M anual ), by John P. Bates
TIIE M anagement OF T raumatised ) A nterior T eeth OF C hildren , by J. A. Hargreaves and J. W. Craig
THE C lassification and T reatment OF I njuries TO THE T eeth OF C hildern , by R. G. Ellis and K. W. Davey
D iet AND THE P eriodontal P atient , by J. W. Clark, E. Cheraskin, W. M. Ringsdorff, Charles C. Thomas  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
O ral S urgery for N urses , 2nd edition, by G. Hardman.
E arly D etection of O ral C ancer .
D ental M echanics for S tudents , 6th edition, by J. Osborne and H. H. J. Wilson.
D ental M aterials , a H andbook for S tudents , P ractitioners and T echnicians , by John Farrell.
O rthodontics in D ental P ractice , by Viken Sassouni.
F ull D entures , by Alan Mack.
T extbook for D ental N urses , 4th edition, by H. Levison.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
W orld D irectory of D ental S chools .
P recision W ork for P artial D entures . A T echnical M anual for O ffice and L aboratory , by Alfred E. Steiger and Raoul H. Boitel.
A pplied D ental M aterials , by John N. Anderson.
S ir J ohn T omes , by Zachary Cope.
T he D ay H ospital , M ovement in G reat B ritain , by James Farndale.
D ental P harmacology and T herapeutics , by L. E. Francis and D. R. Wood.
O ral S urgery , by W. Harry Archer.
O rthodontia in E veryday P ractice , by Rudolf Hotz.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A R eview of S terilization and D isinfection , by Sydney D. Rubbo and Joan F. Gardner.
T heory and P ractice of C rown and B ridge P rosthodontics , by S. D. Tylman.
E lements of D ental M aterials —F or D ental H ygienists and A ssistants , by R. W. Phillips and E. W. Skinner.
E ndodontic C ourse for the G eneral P ractitioner , by Angelo Sargenti.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
B acteriology for S tudents of D ental S urgery , by R. B. Lucas and I. R. H. Kramer
T he N ature of O rthodontic D iagnosis , by S. L. Horowitz and E. H. Hixon
A natomy for S tudents of D entistry , by J. H. Scott and A. D. Dixon
S econd P roceedings of the I nternational A cademy of O ral P athology.
B enign C ystic L esions of the J aws , by H. C. Killey and L. W. Kay
P eriodontics for the D ental P ractitioner , by J. D. Manson
S tones ' O ral and D ental D iseases , by E. D. Farmer and F. E. Lawton
M öglichkeiten der K ariesprophylaxe beim M enschen und ihre U ntersuchung im K urzfristigen R atten -E xperiment. (P ossibilities of C ariesprophylaxis on the H uman and T heir I nvestigation in S hort D uration E xperiments on R ats ), by K. G. König  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
E ssentials of R emovable P artial D enture P rosthesis , by Oliver C. Applegate.
M odern P ractice in C rown and B ridge P rosthodontics , by John F. Johnston, Ralph W. Phillips, and Roland W. Dykema.
C aries S ymposium Z urich , edited by H. R. Mühlemann and K. G. König.
D ental R adiology , by A. H. Wuehrmann and L. R. Manson-Hing.
O rthodontic D iagnosis , by J. S. Beresford.
C aries -R esistant T eeth , edited by G. E. W. Wolstenholme and Maeve O'Connor.
O rganization of D ental P ublic H ealth S ervices .
T he R allying P oint , by Eric Campbell.
A dvances in F luoride R esearch and D ental C aries P revention , Vol. 3, edited by J. L. Hardwick
T ooth E namel : I ts C omposition , P roperties and F undamental S tructure , edited by M. V. Stack and R. W. Fearnhead.
S ilver A malgam in C linical P ractice , by I. D. Gainsford
G ingivitis , by W. G. Cross, A Dental Practitioner Handbook, No. 2, Bristol, John Wright & Sons Limited  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
M anual of O ral S urgery , by W. Harry Archer
T he P hysiological F oundation of D ental P ractice , by L. L. Langley and E. Cheraskin
C linical O perative D entistry , by William John Simon
C omplete M outh R ehabilitation T hrough C rown and B ridge P rosthodontics by Harry Kazis and Albert J. Kazis.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
O rthodontics for D ental S tudents , by T. C. White, J. H. Gardiner and B. C. Leighton.
D ental R oentgenology , by LeRoy M. Ennis, H. M. Berry, Jnr., and J. E. Phillips.
S tructural and C hemical O rganization of T eeth. Vol. 1, 2. Edited by A. E. W. Miles.
W orld W orkshop in P eriodontics , 1966. Editorial Committee: Ramfjord, S. P., Kerr, D. A., and Ash, M. M. Ann Arbor.
P robe , 1967, the official publication of the Dental Students' Society of the University of Adelaide.
T he S cience of D ental M aterials , by E. W. Skinner and R. W. Phillips.
W orld D irectory of D ental S chools.  相似文献   

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