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现代正颌外科基本手术及操作要点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
外科矫治牙颌面畸形已有150余年的历史。瑞士学者Obwegeser 20世纪50年代首创下颌升支矢状劈开截骨术(sagittal split ramus osteotomy,SSRO).60年代以美国学者Bell颌骨血运的基础研究成果为代表的现代正颌外科经历了近半个世纪。随着现代正颌外科基本理论的不断丰富、术前术后正畸技术的完善及各种辅助外科技术的综合应用,  相似文献   

目前有两种常用的双颌正颌手术顺序:上颌优先和下颌优先.上颌优先即先行上颌骨截骨、定位和固定,再行下颌截骨,通过已固定的上颌定位下颌的位置;下颌优先则反之,以下颌骨的截骨、定位和固定为先,再行上颌手术.有研究发现下颌优先相比上颌优先具有很多优点,但上颌优先和下颌优先的运用范围和术后效果等方面仍存较多争议.本文就下颌优先的...  相似文献   

牙颌面畸形正颌手术的护理配合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨如何加强牙颌面畸形正颌手术护理配合 ,确保手术成功的措施。方法 总结 5 0例牙颌面畸形患者的正颌手术。上下颌骨同时截骨 16例 ,单纯上颌骨或下颌骨截骨 34例 ,均行细致的术前准备和熟练的手术配合。结果  5 0例正颌外科手术 ,手术时间最长 6h ,最短 2h ,均获得满意的手术效果。结论 牙颌面畸形正颌手术技术要求高且需特殊器械 ,手术前的准备工作及手术中熟练的配合是保证手术顺利进行的重要因素。  相似文献   

下颌支矢状骨劈开术(SSRO)是正颌外科中最为常用的一类矫治下颌骨畸形的手术。由于局部解剖和操作步骤的复杂性,SSRO出现各类并发症的可能性较大,甚至可能造成严重的不良后果。诊疗策略的选择及转归与并发症的类型及其临床表现密切相关。为此,国内相关专家编写本共识,对SSRO各类常见并发症的原因、预防、处置措施进行阐述,以期提高广大同行对SSRO并发症的认识,确保手术安全进行并获得良好效果。  相似文献   

目的评估"手术优先"正畸正颌治疗对于颞下颌关节紊乱病的治疗效果。方法本研究回顾性分析2013—2015年就诊于常州市儿童医院口腔科和南京医科大学附属口腔医院颌面外科的患者共计43例,均采用"手术优先"正颌正畸治疗。分别对其颞下颌关节紊乱病进行自身的评估以及客观的分析。对于颞下颌关节症状的描述分为3个不同的阶段,T1期:一般为术前一周到两周;T2期:术后两周到三周即术后正畸开始前;T3期:整个治疗过程结束,一般为术后10个月到一年左右。对所得数据进行统计分析,P<0.05代表有统计学意义。结果女性患者TMD发病率较男性高,所有患者治疗后TMD比例(32.6%)低于治疗前(79%)。牙合平面偏斜超过2 mm患者患有TMD概率明显高于偏斜小于2 mm的患者(P=0.009)。有TMD及无TMD患者中均存在T1到T2阶段最大张口度明显变小(P<0.001),T2到T3阶段明显增大(P<0.001),T1与T3阶段无明显变化(P>0.05)的情况。双颌手术或下颌单颌的手术方式对各阶段最大张口度均无明显影响。结论 "手术优先"正颌正畸治疗方法在改善骨性错牙合患者面部外形及咬合的基础上,能够缓解合并有颞下颌关节紊乱病患者的关节症状。  相似文献   

目的 建立可精确测量正颌外科术后复发率的三维坐标系,进行复发程度的评价分析。方法选取于某医院口腔正颌外科行正颌手术的患者数据,将其螺旋CT重建三维图像,两位研究者使用多平面辅助定位法分三次定点,通过组内及组间相关系数(intra-and interclass correlation coefficients,ICC)筛选出可重复定位准确的标志点,建立不同坐标系,计算面部不对称指数(asymmetry index,AI)来确定正中矢状面对称性最佳的坐标系,应用此坐标系和侧位片分别测量复发率,评价分析正颌手术的三维复发程度。结果 得到可重复定点的11个标志点:N(鼻根点)、K(眶下孔点)、ANS(前鼻棘点)、PNS(后鼻棘点)、Ptm(翼上颌裂点)、Gn(颏顶点)、IZ(颧额缝最外侧点)、MZ(颧额缝最内侧点)、Ms(乳突点)、Cor(喙突点)和Go(下颌角点),建立了三种坐标系,得出最适合的坐标系为过左侧眶下孔内上缘点、右侧眶下孔内上缘点、双侧耳点中点构成水平面(horizontal plane,HP),过左侧颧额缝最外侧点、右侧颧额缝最外侧点并垂直于水平面构成冠状面(coronal p...  相似文献   

下颌前突畸形的正颌外科矫治   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 总结正颌外科矫治下颌前突畸形的临床经验。方法 对32例下颌前突畸形患者进行了正颌外科手术,其中12例行双侧SSRO,4例行双侧IORO,10例行双侧IVRO,5例行上下颌前部根尖下截骨,1例行下颌骨体部截骨,同期搭配施行水平截骨颏成形术12例,畸形涉及上颌骨行LeFortⅠ型截骨9例。结果 32例下颌前突畸形患者术后外观及功能均获得满意效果。并发症有术后下颌前突轻度复发4例,明显复发1例,下颌骨升支骨折一侧1例,下牙槽神经一侧断离1例,结论 随访结果显示应用IVRO,SSRO等术式治疗下颌前突畸形只要术式选择及操作得当,能获得较满意效果。文中就手术方法,注意事项及并发症等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的: 研究双侧下颌支矢状劈开术(BSSRO)中保留凹陷侧近心端骨板联合双皮质螺钉固定法在矫正面部不对称畸形中应用价值。方法:选择2013年1月—2013年7月间在上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院行正颌手术治疗的8例成年偏突颌畸形患者作为研究对象,术前进行临床检查和三维CT检查,确定双侧咬肌区的不对称情况,术中常规行BSSRO和(或)上颌骨Le Fort I型截骨术。在下颌骨旋转后退后,肥大侧去除近心端多余骨板行4孔小钛板固定,凹陷侧保留近心端多余骨板用双皮质螺钉固定。术后3个月检查患者面部对称性的改善情况,并通过正位片测量、计算患者手术前、后两侧结构的对称性,评估该方法的有效性。利用SPSS 20.0 软件包对数据进行配对t检验。结果:8例患者的面部不对称性均得到很好改善,未出现钛钉脱落、骨块移位和复发等情况。手术前、后患者面部对称性相关指标的差值具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:BSSRO中保留凹陷侧近心端骨板联合双皮质螺钉固定法能更有效地矫正面部不对称畸形,可安全应用。  相似文献   

目的:调查牙颌面畸形患者正颌手术前后韧性水平变化及与生活质量相关性.方法:选取2019年9月~2020年9月于北京大学口腔医院入院接受正颌手术治疗的牙颌面畸形患者,于术前(T1)、术后第2周(T2)、术后第3个月(T3)、术后第6个月(T4)填写心理韧性量表(Connor-Davidson Resilience sca...  相似文献   

许沐馨  程杰 《口腔医学》2014,34(6):464-466
传统正颌正畸治疗成人骨性牙颌面畸形包括术前牙齿矫正、正颌手术和术后牙齿矫正,具有适应证范围广、治疗效果明确可靠等优点。然而,这一传统治疗方式也存在治疗周期较长和因术前去代偿所致的暂时性面容丑化等不足。近年来,“手术优先”正颌正畸治疗理念(即先进行正颌手术然后进行正畸治疗)被学者提出并逐步应用于临床实践。该文就其基本理念、临床应用及优缺点等方面作一综述。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the precision of bimaxillary surgery performed to correct vertical maxillary excess, when the procedure is sequenced with mandibular surgery first or maxillary surgery first. Thirty-two patients, divided into two groups, were included in this retrospective study. Group 1 comprised patients who received bimaxillary surgery following the classical sequence with repositioning of the maxilla first. Patients in group 2 received bimaxillary surgery, but the mandible was operated on first. The precision of the maxillomandibular repositioning was determined by comparison of the digital prediction and postoperative tracings superimposed on the cranial base. The data were tabulated and analyzed statistically. In this sample, both surgical sequences provided adequate clinical accuracy. The classical sequence, repositioning the maxilla first, resulted in greater accuracy for A-point and the upper incisor edge vertical position. Repositioning the mandible first allowed greater precision in the vertical position of pogonion. In conclusion, although both surgical sequences may be used, repositioning the mandible first will result in greater imprecision in relation to the predictive tracing than repositioning the maxilla first. The classical sequence resulted in greater accuracy in the vertical position of the maxilla, which is key for aesthetics.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in border movement of the mandible before and after mandibular ramus osteotomy in patients with prognathism. The subjects were 73 patients with mandibular prognathism who underwent sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) with and without Le Fort I osteotomy. Border movement of the mandible was recorded with a mandibular movement measure system (K7) preoperatively and at 6 months postoperatively. Of the 73 patients, 21 had measurements taken at 1.5 years postoperative. Data were compared between the pre- and postoperative states, and the differences analyzed statistically. There was no significant difference between SSRO alone and SSRO with Le Fort I osteotomy in the time-course change. The values at 6 months postoperative were significantly lower than the preoperative values for maximum vertical opening (P = 0.0066), maximum antero-posterior movement from the centric occlusion (P = 0.0425), and centric occlusion to maximum opening (P = 0.0300). However, there were no significant differences between the preoperative and 1.5 years postoperative measurements. This study suggests that a postoperative temporary reduction in the border movement of the mandible could recover by 1.5 years postoperative, and the additional procedure of a Le Fort I osteotomy does not affect the recovery of mandibular motion after SSRO.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether virtual surgical planning (VSP) is an accurate method for positioning the maxilla when compared to conventional articulator model surgery (CMS), through the superimposition of computed tomography (CT) images. This retrospective study included the records of 30 adult patients submitted to bimaxillary orthognathic surgery. Two groups were created according to the treatment planning performed: CMS and VSP. The treatment planning protocol was the same for all patients. Pre- and postoperative CT images were superimposed and the linear distances between upper jaw reference points were measured. Measurements were then compared to the treatment planning, and the difference in accuracy between CMS and VSP was determined using the t-test for independent samples. The success criterion adopted was a mean linear difference of <2 mm. The mean linear difference between planned and obtained movements for CMS was 1.27 ± 1.05 mm, and for VSP was 1.20 ± 1.08 mm. With CMS, 80% of overlapping reference points had a difference of <2 mm, while for VSP this value was 83.6%. There was no statistically significant difference between the two techniques regarding accuracy (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the accuracy of virtual planning in bimaxillary orthognathic surgery in bone by comparing the mean linear and angular measurements of the surgical plan with the actual surgical result. Electronic databases, MEDLINE via PubMed, Web of Science, SCOPUS, the Cochrane Library, grey literature, and the American clinical trials registry (www.ClinicalTrials.gov), were accessed as search engines. The studies consisted of publications on the assessment of accuracy in virtual planning in bimaxillary orthognathic surgery between 2010 and 2020. After application of the eligibility criteria, 26 articles were included, and their quality was evaluated using the methodological index for non-randomised studies (MINORS) tool and Cohen's kappa statistic in the MedCalc program (MedCalc Software Ltd). Evidence obtained by comparing the planning and surgical results, both in the maxilla and mandible, showed that there is great accuracy in virtual planning in bimaxillary orthognathic surgery.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the postoperative and follow-up accuracy of using an intermediate occlusal splint between articulator model surgery (AMS) and virtual surgical planning (VSP) in double-jaw operations. Thirty skeletal class III patients were randomly allocated to have AMS or VSP. In the AMS group surgical planning was done through conventional articulator model surgery, and an intermediate occlusal splint made of acrylic resin was used. In the VSP group the surgical simulation was done virtually, and the same intermediate splint was used in the software and then fabricated using rapid prototyping technology. Preoperatively, one week postoperatively, and 1∼2-years later we obtained follow-up cone-beam computed tomographic (CT) images of each patient. Absolute linear differences between planned and actual outcomes, as well as planned and follow-up outcomes, were evaluated. There was no significant difference in either postoperative accuracy or follow-up accuracy between the methods, and there was no significant difference in the rate of skeletal relapse. Planning transfer by intermediate splint might therefore be the dominant factor in the final inaccuracies. The potentially greater accuracy of VSP may be realised with the help of new positioning devices instead of an intermediate splint.  相似文献   

目的:基于计算机实现三维颅颌面硬组织手术预测和模拟,探讨其在颌面部复杂畸形治疗中的作用。方法:系统以Windows98为操作平台,采用医学三维可视化技术和Visual C++6.0编程语言编制软件,通过采集患者术前CT原始资料,对8例复杂颌面部畸形患者进行硬组织模型的三维重建以及测量、分析,采用交互方式进行手术模拟,确定手术结果。结果:成功地为8例复杂颌面部畸形患者提供术前诊断,为制定定量化的手术方案提供参考。结论:该系统的建立将为提高复杂颌面部畸形的临床诊断和治疗水平,促进医患的交流与合作发挥作用。  相似文献   

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