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目的调整医院门诊药房二级库药架布局,优化自动化设备品种,改善工作流程,促进人机磨合。方法通过对自动化系统运作中存在的实际问题、临床用药习惯等客观存在的问题进行解析,讨论调整门诊药房二级库药架布局,结合自动化设备存放药品的要求,对自动化设备进行存放品种的优化,不断改善工作流程,适应门诊药房自动化系统的运作。结果门诊药房自动化系统调剂效率提高,患者候药时间明显缩短,药师的工作强度降低。结论优化医院自动化药房发药系统和运作流程,可明显提高工作效率,缩短患者候药时间,减少调剂差错,从而进一步保障患者的用药安全。  相似文献   

结合自动化设备储药及发药系统的操作流程在我院急诊药房中的使用情况,对现阶段药房操作模式进行深入分析。发现自动化调剂系统在我院急诊药房中的应用提高了药学部的工作效率、降低药剂师的工作强度、改善药房工作环境、显著提高了药房的服务质量。自动化调剂系统颠覆了传统的调剂模式。近年来自动化调剂系统在国内急诊药房中的应用越来越广泛,药房调剂自动化必将成为医院药房不断发展的趋势。  相似文献   

目的 探讨眼科专科医院门诊药房自动化工作模式与应用价值.方法 比较门诊药房自动化工作模式启动前后药房调配速度、差错、人员配备、设备管理.结果 门诊药房自动化工作模式启动后优势明显,提高了调配速度,减少发药差错,节约了人力和药品储存空间,也引出新问题,需要药师重视.结论 门诊药房自动化实时发药模式可提高处方调配速度,减少...  相似文献   

新形势下门诊药房的建设方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开放式柜台发药和社区药学服务有利于药患关系的改善,有利于提高药师的社会地位,有利于药师更好地提供优质服务,促进药患关系的进一步发展。建立和完善计算机管理系统,能加快门诊药房调剂工作的节奏,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

我院门诊药房调剂方式的改进及效果   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
我院对原有门诊药房调剂方式加以改变 ,利用计算机网络技术来调配药品。门诊挂号处通过计算机录入病人资料 ,医师用计算机录入处方 ;配药药师直接凭打印的药袋配药 ;发药药师按医师开出的打印处方内容逐袋逐项核对。调剂方式具有以下优点 :方便病人、保证划价的准确性、减少病人取药程序 ,大大减少药师配、发药和病人取药的错误 ,提高药房配、发药品质量 ;有效保证处方的完整性、可查性 ,提高了工作效率 ;促进服务态度的转变。病人满意度调查结果表明 ,病人对我院药房管理水平的满意度呈逐年上升趋势  相似文献   

目的探讨柜台式发药对提高门诊药房工作效率及服务质量的促进作用。方法总结我院门诊药房采用柜台式发药模式并与传统小窗口式发药进行比较分析。结果与结论柜台式发药能够提高医院门诊药房的工作效率和服务质量,强化药师的药学服务意识,改善医患关系,提高患者满意度,实现了很好的经济效益和社会效益,  相似文献   

目的对门诊药房调剂差错的表现进行分析,提出相应的防范对策。方法针对门诊药房调剂常见差错,探讨加强防范的措施。结果门诊药房调剂差错有多方面的表现,其原因涉及制度、业务水平、工作责任心等方面,应在以上方面采取措施。结论通过加强管理、完善制度可有效避免调剂差错的出现。  相似文献   

降低门诊药房调剂差错率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨质量管理小组活动在降低门诊药房调剂差错中的效果.方法 成立质量管理小组,选定降低门诊药房每周调剂差错件数为活动主题,进行原因分析,制订整改措施并组织实施.结果 每周平均差错件数由活动前的45.5件降至22件,调动了门诊药房调剂药师工作的积极性.结论 质量管理小组活动在降低门诊药房调剂差错率中取得了满意效果,值得推广.  相似文献   

朱灿阳 《现代预防医学》2012,39(18):4749-4750,4752
目的 探讨提高某院门诊药房药学服务水平和药师工作效率方法.方法 对门诊药房主要存在的问题、影响药学服务水平和药师工作效率的相关因素进行分析.结果 门诊药房应从工作流程各环节全面入手,引导患者正确排队;提高审核处方的效率和质量;明确药品用法和缩短调配时间;学习沟通技巧与艺术及减少药患纠纷;提升药师专业素质:落实奖惩规定从而减少退药.结论 合理利用现代科技,寻求医院其他部门配合,更好地为患者提供优质高效服务.  相似文献   

通过对医院药学服务的现状进行系统分析,现代药房工作要适应新的形式与发展,必须由传统型“调剂”服务转向为药学型全程服务,建立以患者为中心的服务模式,加强药师队伍建设,提高医院医疗服务质量。  相似文献   

Recent longitudinal investigations of professional socialisation and development of professional behaviours during work‐based training are lacking. Using longitudinal mixed methods, this study aimed to explore the development of professional behaviours during a year of intensive work‐based (pre‐registration) training in pharmacy. Twenty trainee pharmacists and their tutors completed semi‐structured interview and professional behaviour questionnaires at four time points during 2011/2012: months 1, 4 and 9 during training and 4 months after registration; tutors participated in months 1 and 9. Interviews were analysed thematically using template analysis, and questionnaires were analysed using ANOVA and t‐tests. Self‐assessed (trainee) and tutor ratings of all elements of professional behaviours measured in questionnaires (appearance, interpersonal/social skills, responsibility, communication skills) increased significantly from the start of pre‐registration training to post‐registration. Some elements, for example, communication skills, showed more change over time compared with others, such as appearance, and continued to improve post‐registration. Qualitative findings highlighted the changing roles of trainees and learning experiences that appeared to facilitate the development of professional behaviours. Trainees’ colleagues, and particularly tutors, played an essential part in trainees’ development through offering support and role modelling. Trainees noted that they would have benefited from more responsibilities during training to ease the transition into practising as a responsible pharmacist. Longitudinal mixed methods can unpack the way in which professional behaviours develop during work‐based training and allow researchers to examine changes in the demonstration of professional behaviours and how they occur. Identifying areas less prone to change allows for more focus to be given to supporting trainees in areas where there is a development need, such as communication skills and holding increasing responsibility.  相似文献   

Responding to change: the case of community pharmacy in Great Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years pharmacy has increasingly striven sharply to define and establish its role in the face of technological advance. The pre-packaging of medicines by the pharmaceutical industry and the use of computers in pharmacies and general practitioners’ surgeries would seem to obviate pharmacists’ traditional activities in the compounding and dispensing of medicines, and challenge their claim to professional status with an associated decline in their social and economic rewards. This paper draws on the literature of the sociology of the professions to analyse the response of this occupational group to threats to its status as a professional primary health care provider. It is argued that pharmacy has the necessary knowledge base to control the symbolic transformation of the pharmacological entity—the drug—into the social object—the medicine, yet has failed to capitalise on this when attempting to define its professional role.  相似文献   

目的 探讨基于射频识别(radio frequency identification,RFID)技术优化门诊药房药品调剂流程,对其临床应用价值进行分析.方法 纳入2019年1—12月医院药房直接服务的临床患者220例作为对照组,2020年1—12月服务的临床患者220例作为研究组.对照组采用传统门诊药房药品调剂流程,研...  相似文献   

袁苏莉 《现代保健》2012,(13):143-145
目的:分析县级综合医院药剂科现状,使药学工作在等级创建中进一步提升.方法:通过重庆市北碚区第九人民医院药剂科两年的工作指导及对重庆市石柱县人民医院、重庆市奉节县人民医院等几所县级综合医院药剂科工作的交流学习,主要结合本院药剂科二甲的创建,有针对性的分析科室行政管理、专业人员技术状况、设备配置、学术与科研、继续教育、药物咨询与临床药学服务等工作.结果:设备配置较合理,药剂科人员职称与学历较低,制剂室处于停滞状态,临床药师队伍匮乏,药学继续教育和学科建设与研究薄弱,有待提高.结论:药剂科工作需要领导高度重视与支持,工作要从老套、单一的药品供给模式向医药专业知识服务型转变,立足临床,提高专业素质和实际工作能力,使药学人员成为指导患者安全、有效、合理、经济用药的专业人才.  相似文献   

Primary care pharmacists carry out clinical and administrative work directly for family doctors and primary care organisations. They are a relatively recent innovation and their role in the United Kingdom (UK)'s National Health Service (NHS) is still developing. The economic liberalization of the NHS in the 1990s seems to have provided a major stimulus for the growth of primary care pharmacy. The establishment of the new professional group was not linked to a deliberate plan or change in health policy with respect to pharmacist development. Primary care pharmacy practice is much more varied and flexible than traditional pharmacy practice in the community and hospitals. Standards and professional organisation for primary care pharmacy are slowly emerging. Modernization of the NHS is providing many new opportunities, which primary care pharmacists are well placed to take advantage of. Traditional community pharmacy faces many problems unless it can learn to develop alongside primacy care pharmacy. Pharmaceutical care is set to improve in the United Kingdom, but the precise nature of future services and providers remains uncertain.  相似文献   

随着药品加成政策的取消,增设药事服务费已提上议事日程。本调查针对药事服务费的内涵、意义、补偿对象及收取方式,对93名知情人进行了问卷调查,包括药师、医师、官员、政策研究者、药企人员、管理者,力求通过相关议题的调查和数据分析,征求多方意见。调查结果显示:药事服务费是药师劳务价值和药房管理成本的综合体现;增设药事服务费非常必要但不能根本解决看病贵的问题;根据调研结果具体建议药事服务费门诊按5~9元/诊次收取,住院按10~14元/床日收取,但需与当地经济发展水平相一致。  相似文献   

高职高专药学专业人才培养目标是培养掌握药学的基本理论和专业技能的高素质技能型专业人才,实习是提高学生综合处理问题能力和培养高素质技能型人才的重要途径和环节。针对高职高专药学专业学生医院药学实习管理等问题,通过"优化带教队伍,明确带教老师、制定实习计划、确定实习目标、开展讲座培训,建立考核体系"等手段,对提高学生专业技能和综合素质有重要意义。  相似文献   

Medicines management services provided by community pharmacists have been proposed as one means to ensure that patients receive all the medicines they may benefit from in the English National Health Service. These services may also offer ways of addressing the historic under-utilization of community pharmacists' clinical skills and expertise. Medicines management services differ significantly from the dispensing and medicines sales roles traditionally associated with community pharmacy, particularly in relation to the provision for pharmacists to make recommendations to both patients and doctors about pharmacological treatment and lifestyle management. This paper describes patients' experiences of a medicines management service provided by community pharmacists for people with coronary heart disease, delivered in England. It draws on findings from semistructured, face-to-face interviews with 49 patients recruited from pilot sites delivering the service. Findings suggest that although patients cautiously welcomed the opportunity to consult with a pharmacist about their medicines, they had reservations about them making recommendations about treatment, and many still regarded the doctor as the health professional 'in charge' of their medicines. The implications of these findings are discussed in light of the developing sociological literature on pharmacy and medicines usage.  相似文献   

目的:探讨军队医院临床药师工作开展情况及取得的成果。方法对军队医院临床药师队伍发展现状、参与临床治疗工作的主要内容、对现有工作模式体会以及未来的发展方向进行分析。结果临床药学是医院药学的发展方向;临床药师通过参与临床药学工作,提高药师在医院的整体地位,形成了临床药师治疗团队。结论军队医院临床药师在提高医院合理用药水平、保证医疗质量、缓解医患紧张关系等方面确实发挥着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

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