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Here, we report psychotic symptoms together with a right cerebellopontine-angle lesion. A37-year-old female patient presented with a trigeminal Schwannoma occupying the right cerebellopontine angle. Her psychotic symptoms included auditory hallucinations and delusions of persecution. T1- and T2-weighted images on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed hyperintense and hypointense areas in the right cerebellopontine angle, respectively. The clinical and neuroimaging reviews in this case suggest that sudden onset of psychotic symptoms at a mature age may be associated with a right cerebellopontine-angle lesion and that MRI should be used to evaluate possible organic bases in patients that present with psychosis.  相似文献   

The current article reviews the current state of knowledge pertaining to psychotic symptoms in patients with dementia, drawing on over 70 studies in this area. The majority of studies utilizing a purpose-designed structured instrument have found a prevalence of psychotic symptoms in excess of 60%. The annual incidence and resolution rates are, however, considerably lower, in the region of 2%. There is little consensus about which factors are of aetiological importance, although it does seem that those with a dementia of moderate severity have the highest prevalence. Perhaps the lack of clarity in this aetiological research partly relates to the limited attention paid to phenomenology. Some suggestions about future research directions which might improve our phenomenological understanding of these conditions are made. Psychotic symptoms are associated with considerable secondary morbidity, including increased aggression, irritability and distress.  相似文献   



To examine the prevalence of nightmares in people with psychosis and to describe the link between nightmares and sleep quality, psychotic, affective, and cognitive symptoms.


Forty participants with psychotic symptoms completed an assessment of nightmares, sleep quality, positive symptoms of psychosis, affect, posttraumatic stress, social functioning, and working memory.


Among the patients, 55% reported weekly distressing nightmares. Experience of more frequent nightmares was related to poorer sleep quality and sleep efficiency. More distressing nightmares were positively associated with greater delusional severity, depression, anxiety, stress, and difficulties with working memory.


Nightmares might be common in those with psychosis and are associated with increased day- and nighttime impairment. Future research should investigate treatments for nightmares, for people presenting with psychotic symptoms.  相似文献   

Prospective population studies suggest that psychotic syndromes may be an emergent phenomenon—a function of severity and complexity of more common mental health presentations and their nonpsychotic symptoms. Examining the relationship between nonpsychotic and subthreshold psychotic symptoms in individuals who later developed the ultimate outcome of interest, a first episode of psychosis (FEP), could provide valuable data to support or refute this conceptualization of how psychosis develops. We therefore conducted a detailed follow-back study consisting of semistructured interviews with 430 patients and families supplemented by chart reviews in a catchment-based sample of affective and nonaffective FEP. The onset and sequence of 27 pre-onset nonpsychotic (NPS) or subthreshold psychotic (STPS) symptoms was systematically characterized. Differences in proportions were analyzed with z-tests, and correlations were assessed with negative binomial regressions. Both the first psychiatric symptom (86.24% NPS) and the first prodromal symptom (66.51% NPS) were more likely to be NPS than STPS. Patients reporting pre-onset STPS had proportionally more of each NPS than did those without pre-onset STPS. Finally, there was a strong positive correlation between NPS counts (reflecting complexity) and STPS counts (β = 0.34, 95% CI [0.31, 0.38], P < 2 e-16). Prior to a FEP, NPS precede STPS, and greater complexity of NPS is associated with the presence and frequency of STPS. These findings complement recent arguments that the emergence of psychotic illness is better conceptualized as part of a continuum—with implications for understanding pluripotential developmental trajectories and strengthening early intervention paradigms.  相似文献   

Memory loss is the hallmark of Alzheimer' disease. However, psychotic symptoms have also been reported. We studied the prevalence of hallucinations and delusions in 677 subjects with probable Alzheimer' disease. Data were collected in six centers and analyzed retrospectively. A two-stage, multivariate approach was used. The overall prevalence of these psychotic symptoms was 31%. The prevalence of hallucinations was 17%, and of delusions 26%. Both were associated with emotional incontinence, insomnia and agitation as well as with advanced disease. While psychotic symptoms were more prevalent in advanced disease, nonetheless they occurred with notable frequency in early disease. Of subjects with early AD (MMSE scores between 21 and 30), 6% had hallucinations and 17% had delusions. Alzheimer' disease must be considered in the differential diagnosis of any subject over 55 presenting with these psychotic symptoms.  相似文献   

Olanzapine acutely induced disabling hypofrontal symptoms in a 31-year-old male. This occurred after 13 years of exposure to typical neuroleptics without such symptoms. Presumably, hypofrontal symptoms should limit the dose of atypical neuroleptics in some patients. Milder expressions of hypofrontal symptoms should be more common.  相似文献   

目的 探讨舍曲林联合坦度螺酮对脑卒中后抑郁患者的抑郁情绪及认知功能的影响.方法 选择本院2017年11月~2019年11月收治的96例脑卒中后抑郁患者作为研究对象,随机分为采取舍曲林治疗的48例对照组和采取舍曲林联合坦度螺酮治疗的48例研究组.比较两组患者治疗前后汉密尔顿抑郁量表(Hamilton depression...  相似文献   

Abstract: To investigate the significance of EEG findings relating to the appearance of psychic symptoms in epileptic children, a clinicoelectroen-cephalographic study was undertaken on 15 cases with psychotic episodes. 1) Psychotic episodes with hallucination and/or illusion were observed, though rarely, in childhood epilepsy. These seemed liable to occur in temporal lobe epilepsy. 2) Three of four patients in the hallucination and illusion group showed frequent epileptic discharges. However, no distinct relation existed between seizure discharges and psychotic episodes. 3) Eight of 11 patients in the dysphoria and excitement group were secondary generalized epilepsy. 4) In the dysphoria and excitement group, psychotic episodes occurred either as a result of the increase in epileptic discharges or conversely as a result of the suppression of epileptic discharges. The former was more frequent. Epileptic discharges tended to be suppressed in the Lennox syndrome and allied conditions relating to psychotic episodes. 5) A forced normalization-like phenomenon mostly resulted from the marked suppression of diffuse slow spike-waves. However, a complete suppression of epileptic discharges was not always noted.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the historical and clinical variables of 159 inpatients affected by mood disorders in order to identify variables which might differentiate psychotic from non-psychotic forms. The results showed that 32% of the patients had psychotic symptoms. Although no significant difference was detected with regard to the severity of depression, psychotic depressives were younger and had a lower age at onset, as well as a shorter episode length. These features suggest that depression may express itself with or without psychotic symptoms, according to the different individual and, perhaps, biological substrate. Taken together, our findings seem to indicate that psychotic depression should not be considered a separate clinical entity, but a subtype of mood disorders.  相似文献   

锥体外系反应常见于抗精神病药物的使用中,但抗抑郁一些个案报道…,而国内相关报道不多㈨,现报告l例舍曲药物尤其是5一羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(selective serotoninre。uptake inhibitors,SSRIs)也可以引起锥体外系反应,国外已有一些案报道[1],而国内相关报道不多,现报告1例外舍曲林所致的锥体外系反应。  相似文献   


Objectives: Despite the prevalence of methamphetamine-associated psychosis, how characteristics of drug use affect the severity and clinical course, and its optimal treatments have not been established. We addressed these questions, assessing clinical features of methamphetamine-associated psychosis, and compared it with primary psychosis.

Methods: Hospitalised patients with methamphetamine-associated (n?=?70) or primary schizophrenic psychosis (n?=?70) were matched on sex, age and duration of psychosis. Association of drug use variables (age at initiation, duration of methamphetamine use) with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) scores and psychosis duration were examined for patients with methamphetamine-associated psychosis, and the groups were compared on the BPRS scores.

Results: Methamphetamine use initiation age correlated negatively with the BPRS total score and the Activation subscale score; methamphetamine use duration correlated positively with psychosis duration. Methamphetamine-associated psychosis group scored lower on the Hostility-Suspiciousness and Anergia subscales of the BPRS (adjusted p values < .05).

Conclusions: Association of early initiation of methamphetamine with psychosis severity may suggest a lasting effect on brain development. Correlation of drug use and psychosis durations may suggest a cumulative effect of methamphetamine exposure. Less severe paranoia and negative symptoms in the methamphetamine-using group could implicate better social functioning of these patients. Further mechanistic studies are warranted.
  • Key points
  • Early initiation of methamphetamine use is associated with psychosis severity.

  • Methamphetamine use duration associates with psychosis duration.

  • Methamphetamine-associated and primary schizophrenic psychoses were similar in symptoms.

  • Methamphetamine psychosis patients were less severe in paranoia and negative symptoms.


沈蓉  周华  赵中 《中国卒中杂志》2022,17(5):510-515
目的 探讨缺血性卒中后早期应用盐酸舍曲林对卒中后抑郁(post-stroke depression,PSD)和认知功能障碍的影响。   相似文献   

Olanzapine is a novel antipsychotic effective in reducing positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia and with a safe side-effect profile. Premarketing trials, however, included only a few elderly patients. Further data are needed regarding the effects of olanzapine in the elderly and those with comorbid medical illness. In this pilot study, 11 hospitalized patients (age range 60–85 years) who manifested symptoms of psychosis related to schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders were treated with olanzapine (dose range, 5–20 mg/day). Efficacy and safety were assessed by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI), Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale (ESRS), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Calgary Depression Scale For Schizophrenia (CDSS), EKG, physical examination, and various laboratory tests. Seven patients responded to treatment and all of them showed improvement in both positive and negative symptoms, with greater reduction in positive symptoms. Treatment was discontinued in 2 patients whose symptoms showed no improvement or worsened. The CGI showed significant improvement in 9 patients, remained the same in 1, and worsened in 1 patient. ESRS showed significant reduction from baseline to final visit. Of the 10 patients who cooperated for MMSE, 9 had improved scores. The CDSS showed significant reduction in scores from baseline to final visit. No significant changes were noted in laboratory tests, prolactin levels, EKG, and physical examination. Concomitant administration of lorazepam, carbamazepine, divalproex sodium, and lithium carbonate caused no adverse consequences. The reduction of positive and negative symptoms, lack of significant extrapyramidal symptoms and other side effects, and lack of any significant drug interaction suggest that olanzapine may be a safe and effective antipsychotic medication in the elderly.  相似文献   

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and serotonin syndrome share many common clinical features, and the term "Neurotoxic syndrome" can be used when a clear distinction cannot be made between the two. Here we present a case of 19-year-old man who experienced serotonin syndrome caused by sertraline intake, and consecutive neuroleptic malignant syndrome by risperidone. This case suggests that these two syndromes can be concomitantly induced in some patients who are susceptible to these drugs. Clinicians may have to pay close attention to this problem when prescribing drugs to patients who previously showed sensitivity to CNS-acting drugs.  相似文献   

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