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Accurate precordial electrode placement can be difficult in emergency situations leading either to loss of time or diminished accuracy. A possible solution is the quasi-orthogonal EASI lead system, with only five electrodes and easily defined landmarks to provide a derived 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that precordial waveforms in EASI-derived ECGs have no greater deviation from those in gold standard ECGs, than do the precordial waveforms in paramedic acquired standard ECGs. Twenty paramedics applied the standard precordial electrodes employing the routine procedure. A certified ECG technician applied the 6 standard precordial electrodes in their correct gold standard positions, and the EASI electrodes. 12-lead ECGs were obtained from the paramedics' standard leads, and derived from the EASI leads, for comparison with the gold standard ECG. In each precordial lead recording, 6 computer-measured QRS-T waveform parameters were considered. Differences between deltaEASI-gold standard versus deltaparamedic-gold standard were calculated for every waveform in every lead resulting in 720 comparisons. EASI and paramedic results were "equally accurate" in 47%, the paramedic was more accurate in 31%, and EASI was more accurate in the remaining 22%. The differences from gold standard recording of precordial waveforms in ECGs derived from the EASI leads and those acquired via paramedic-applied standard electrodes are similar. The results suggest that the EASI lead system may provide an alternative to the standard ECG precordial leads to facilitate data acquisition and possibly save valuable time in emergency situations.  相似文献   

ST-segment measurements in the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) of patients with acute coronary syndromes are crucial for these patients' management. Our objective was to determine whether the 12-lead ECG derived from the 3-lead EASI system can attain a level of diagnostic performance similar to that of the Mason-Likar (ML) 12-lead ECG acquired in clinical practice (CP) by paramedics and emergency department technicians. Using 120-lead body surface potential maps recorded before and during balloon inflation angioplasty from 88 patients (divided into “responders” and “nonresponders”), and electrode placement data from 60 applications of precordial leads in CP, we generated for the “nonischemic” and “ischemic” states of each patient the following lead sets: the ML 12-lead ECG, the EASI-derived 12-lead ECG, and 60 sets of 12-lead CP ECGs. We extracted ST deviations at J + 60 milliseconds, summed them for all 12 leads of each lead set to obtain ΣST, and, by using the bootstrap method, determined the mean sensitivity and specificity for recognizing the “ischemic” state at various thresholds of ΣST. Results were displayed as receiver operating characteristics, and the area under these curves (AUC) ± SE was used as the measure of diagnostic performance. AUC ± SE for all patients were ML ECG, 0.66 ± 0.03; EASI ECG, 0.64 ± 0.03; and CP ECG, 0.67 ± 0.03. Corresponding results for responders only were 0.81 ± 0.04 for ML ECG, 0.78 ± 0.04 for EASI ECG, and 0.81 ± 0.04 for CP ECG. The differences between the AUCs for the different lead sets were not significant (P > .05). Thus, the EASI-derived 12-lead ECG is as good for detecting acute ischemia as is the 12-lead ECG acquired in CP.  相似文献   

To investigate the possibility of simplifying electrocardiogram (ECG) recording in children, we compared waveforms in conventional 12-lead ECGs to those derived from EASI leads in 221 children of various ages. The conventional 12-lead ECGs and the ECGs using EASI electrode positions were collected simultaneously. We developed and determined the value of age-specific transformation coefficients for use in deriving 12-lead ECGs from the signals recorded at the EASI sites. We compared the results of using age-specific coefficients to the results of using adult coefficients and studied the "goodness-of-fit" between the conventional and the derived 12-lead ECGs. The age-specific coefficients performed slightly better than the adult coefficients, and good agreement was usually attained between the conventional 12-lead ECG and the EASI-derived 12-lead ECG. Our conclusion is that EASI leads in children have the same high levels of "goodness-of-fit" to replicate conventional 12-lead ECG waveforms, as reported earlier in adults.  相似文献   

The diagnostic impact of prehospital 12-lead electrocardiography   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
STUDY HYPOTHESIS: It is feasible to apply prehospital 12-lead electrocardiography to most stable prehospital chest pain patients. Prehospital diagnostic accuracy is improved compared with single-lead telemetry. POPULATION: One-hundred sixty-six stable adult patients who sought paramedic evaluation for a chief complaint of nontraumatic chest pain. METHODS: One-hundred fifty-one prehospital 12-lead ECGs of diagnostic quality were obtained by paramedics on 166 adult patients presenting with nontraumatic chest pain. Paramedics and base station physicians were blinded to the information on acquired prehospital 12-lead ECGs and treated patients according to current standard of care-clinical diagnosis and single-lead telemetry. Final hospital diagnoses were classified into three groups: acute myocardial infarction (24); suspected angina or ischemia (61); and nonischemic chest pain (66). Paramedics and base station physicians' clinical diagnoses and prehospital and emergency department ECGs were similarly classified and compared. Prehospital and ED 12-lead ECGs were read retrospectively by two cardiologists. RESULTS: Paramedics achieved a high success rate (98.7%) in obtaining diagnostic quality prehospital 12-lead ECGs in 94.6% of eligible prehospital patients. For patients with acute myocardial infarction, prehospital ECG alone had significantly higher specificity than did the paramedic clinical diagnosis (99.2% vs 70.9%; P less than .001), and significantly higher positive predictive value (92.9% vs 32.7%; P less than .001). For patients with angina, combining the paramedic clinical diagnosis and the prehospital ECG significantly improved sensitivity (90.2% vs 62.3%; P less than .001) and increased negative predictive value (88.9% vs 71.3%; P less than .02) compared with paramedic clinical diagnosis alone. There was a high concordance between prehospital and ED ECG diagnosis (99.3% for acute myocardial infarction and 92.8% for angina). Furthermore, ten patients whose prehospital ECGs demonstrated ischemia and who had final hospital diagnoses of angina or acute myocardial infarction were mistriaged by paramedics and/or received no base station physician-directed therapy. CONCLUSION: It is feasible to apply prehospital 12-lead electrocardiography to most stable prehospital chest pain patients. Prehospital 12-lead ECGs have the potential to significantly increase the diagnostic accuracy in chest pain patients, approach congruity with ED 12-lead ECG diagnoses, and may allow for consideration of altering and improving prehospital and hospital-based management in this patient population.  相似文献   

In this study, we assess the effects of electrode placement error on the EASI-derived 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). The study data set consisted of 744 body surface potential map (BSPM) recordings. The BSPMs, each of which was made up of 117 leads, were recorded from a mixture of healthy, myocardial infarction, and left ventricular hypertrophy subjects. The BSPMs were interpolated to increase the number of data points in the region of the EASI recording electrodes I, E, and A and the precordial leads. This facilitated 3 experiments. Firstly, recording sites I, E, and A were simultaneously moved ±5 cm vertically, in 0.5 cm increments, from their correct locations. Secondly, recording sites I and A were moved horizontally, again up to ±5 cm, in 0.5 cm increments. Finally, all 6 precordial leads were moved vertically in 0.5 cm increments up to ±5 cm. At each movement step, the resulting 12-lead ECG was compared with the original 12-lead ECG. Root mean square error was determined along with the absolute difference in J-point amplitude. Although the EASI leads were found to be less sensitive to electrode misplacement than the standard precordial leads, it was found that when precordial leads were moved up to ±3 cm vertically, the resulting 12-lead ECG more accurately resembled the original 12-lead ECG than a 12-lead ECG reconstructed from accurately positioned EASI leads. Further work is required to establish the effects of electrode misplacement beyond the ±5 cm limits assessed in this study.  相似文献   

The effects of three common limb electrode placement configurations on ECG signal morphology were examined, including the standard electrode placement of the electrodes on the extremities, the Mason-Likar placement, and the Lund placement. A non-traditional asymmetric configuration of placing the LA electrode on the upper arm with the RA electrode on the torso (below the clavicle) was also investigated. A series of 16-lead ECGs were acquired from 150 subjects representing a broad range of diseases. Effects of the limb electrode placement on axis measurements, QRS amplitudes, ST levels, and infarctions were studied. On average, the P, QRS, and T axes all exhibited rightward shifts as the electrodes were moved away from the extremities, but more generally, the axis became more vertical, with the largest shifts occurring when the standard ECG axis measurement was close to 0 degrees and tending to exhibit leftward shifts for ECGs with a standard axis measurement between 0 and –90 degrees. Voltage changes were consistent with axis shifts in the frontal plane (decreased lateral and increased inferior lead voltages), with the largest mean change a reduction in R wave amplitude of lead I going from the standard to the Mason-Likar configuration. In the precordial leads, Q and/or S magnitudes decreased in right-sided leads (V4r, V1, V2, V3) and R magnitudes increased in lateral leads (V3 – V9) as the arm electrodes moved toward the trunk, suggesting a posterior shift in the mean QRS axis. ST deviations in the lateral and posterior precordial leads tended to be mimicked in lead III when the electrodes were moved from the extremities to the torso. Over half (13 of 25) of the ECGs exhibiting criteria for inferior infarct in the standard configuration had that criteria erased when the electrodes were moved to the Mason-Likar positions. The largest single effect on the ECG resulted from moving the LA electrode from the shoulder to the clavicle. The asymmetric configuration with the RA electrode on the torso and the LA electrode on the upper arm may offer some compromise between noise and faithfulness to the standard configuration in noisy environments such as exercise testing or monitoring.  相似文献   

Currently, only single-lead, serial telemetry rhythm strips can be transmitted from ambulances. Triage of patients with chest pain and administration of thrombolytic therapy in ambulances is limited by the lack of specific electrocardiographic (ECG) diagnosis. A new technique is described using cellular telephone transmission of simultaneous 12-lead ECGs from ambulance to hospital to overcome this limitation. A portable 12-lead ECG installed in an ambulance was connected via modern link to a cellular telephone and digitized ECG information was transmitted to an ECG device in the hospital emergency room. Paramedics in the field placed adhesive patch electrodes and attached ECG wires. Field ECGs from 23 patients were compared with corresponding transmitted ECGs. There were no differences in heart rate, PR interval, QRS duration, QT interval or R- and T-wave axes. Baseline and transmitted ECGs had identical morphologic characteristics. Differences in R-wave amplitude in 5 transmitted tracings compared with hospital-recorded ECGs resulted in computer diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy by voltage, possibly due to differences in patient position. Twelve-lead ECGs can be easily transmitted from a moving ambulance using cellular telephones. This allows diagnosis before hospital arrival, improves prehospital triage of patients and may facilitate prehospital therapy with lidocaine or streptokinase. In addition, the cellular telephone link can convey both verbal and digitized information and thus improve on current telemetry systems.  相似文献   

Electrocardiograms (ECGs) made with Mason-Likar electrode configuration (ML-ECGs) show well-known differences from standard 12-lead ECGs (Std-ECGs). We recorded, simultaneously, Std-ECGs and ML-ECGs in 180 subjects. Using these ECGs, 8 × 8 individual and general conversion matrices were created by linear regression, and standard ECGs were reconstructed from ML-ECGs using these matrices. The performance of the matrices was assessed by the root mean square differences between the original Std-ECGs and the reconstructed standard ECGs, by the differences in major ECG parameters, and by comparison of computer-generated diagnostic statements. As a result, we conclude that, based on the root mean square differences, reconstructions with 8 × 8 individual matrices perform significantly better than reconstructions with the group matrix and perform equally well with respect to the calculation of major electrocardiographic parameters, which gives an improved reliability of the QRS frontal axis and the maximal QRS and T amplitudes. Both types of matrices were able to reverse the underdiagnosis of inferior myocardial infarctions and the erroneous statements about the QRS frontal axis that arose in the ECGs that were made by using the Mason-Likar electrode positions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate transformation coefficients for deriving the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG), 18-lead ECG (with additional leads V7, V8, V9, V3R, V4R, V5R), and Frank vectorcardiogram (VCG) from reduced lead sets using 3 “limb” electrodes at Mason-Likar torso sites combined with 2 chest electrodes at precordial sites V1 to V6; 15 such lead sets exist and each can be recorded with 6-wire cable. As a study population, we used Dalhousie Superset (n = 892) that includes healthy subjects, postinfarction patients, and patients with a history of ventricular tachycardia. For each subject, 120-lead ECG recordings of 15-second duration were averaged, and all samples of the QRST complex for leads of interest were extracted; these data were used to derive—by regression analysis—general and patient-specific coefficients for lead transformations. These coefficients were then used to predict 12-lead/18-lead ECG sets and 3-lead VCG from 15 reduced lead sets, and the success of these predictions was assessed by 3 goodness-of-fit measures applied to the entire QRST waveform and to the ST deviation at J point; these 3 measures were similarity coefficient (SC in percentage), relative error (in percentage), and RMS error (in microvolts). Our results show that the best pair for predicting the standard 12-lead ECG by either general coefficients (mean SC = 95.56) or patient-specific coefficients (mean SC = 99.11) is V2 and V4; the best pair for deriving the 18-lead set by general coefficients (mean SC = 93.74) or by patient-specific coefficients (mean SC = 98.71) is V1 and V4; the best pair for deriving the Frank X, Y, Z leads is V1 and V3 for general coefficients (mean SC = 95.76) and V3 and V6 for patient-specific coefficients (mean SC = 99.05). The differences in mean SC among the first 8 to 10 predictor sets in each ranking table are within 1% of the highest SC value. Thus, in conclusion, there are several near-equivalent choices of reduced lead set using 6-wire cable that offer a good prediction of 12-lead/18-lead ECG and VCG; a pair most appropriate for the clinical application can be selected.  相似文献   

Mason-Likar or proprietary reduced lead (RL) configurations are used for continuous 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring. Because each RL set has a different electrode configuration and derivation, they are inherently different and should not be compared with each other or with the Mason-Likar or standard ECG to determine changes in an individual over time. Recently, cases have been reported regarding misdiagnosis resulting from such invalid comparisons. This article addresses several relevant questions and presents data collected from 559 subjects (one third, prior myocardial infarction; one third, left ventricular hypertrophy; one third, healthy controls) comparing standard limb leads with body surface potential map (BSPM) leads. We conclude the following: (1) There are few circumstances that justify the use of RL 12-lead ECGs; the convenience should be weighed by the risk of misdiagnosis resulting from serial comparison of nonequivalent ECGs. (2) When RL monitoring is justified, standardization of one universally adopted method would reduce confusion about multiple proprietary lead configurations and minimize invalid ECG comparisons in individuals treated in multiple hospital units with different manufacturers' cardiac monitors. (3) Standard limb lead P-QRS-T waveforms correlate highly with BSPM leads located outside standard unipolar precordial lead sites. Until it is clear that “optimum” BSPM lead sites do not overlap with ECG information already contributed from standard limb leads, it is premature to recommend alternative lead sites for ECG monitoring.  相似文献   

This study was performed to compare a derived 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) using a simple 5-electrode lead configuration (EASI 12-lead) with the standard ECG for multiple cardiac diagnoses. Accurate diagnosis of arrhythmias and ischemia often require analysis of multiple (ideally, 12) ECG leads; however, continuous 12-lead monitoring is impractical in hospital settings. EASI and standard ECGs were compared in 540 patients, 426 of whom also had continuous 12-lead ST segment monitoring with both lead methods. Independent standards relative to a correct diagnosis were used whenever possible, for example, echocardiographic data for chamber enlargement-hypertrophy, and troponin levels for acute infarction. Percent agreement between the 2 methods were: cardiac rhythm, 100%; chamber enlargement-hypertrophy, 84%–99%; right and left bundle branch block, 95% and 97%, respectively; left anterior and posterior fascicular block, 97% and 99%, respectively; prior anterior and inferior infarction, 95% and 92%, respectively. There was very little variation between the 2 lead methods in cardiac interval measurements; however, there was more variation in P, QRS, and T-wave axes. Of the 426 patients with ST monitoring, 138 patients had a total of 238 ST events (26, acute infarction; 62, angioplasty-induced ischemia; 150, spontaneous transient ischemia). There was 100% agreement between the 2 methods for acute infarction, 95% agreement for angioplastyinduced ischemia, and 89% agreement for transient ischemia. EASI and standard 12-lead ECGs are comparable for multiple cardiac diagnoses; however, serial ECG changes (eg, T-wave changes) should be assessed using one consistent 12-lead method.  相似文献   

Preexcitation in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) has been reported to induce long-lasting changes in ventricular recovery properties. However, there has not been a report concerning changes in the activation-recovery interval (ARI) in 12-lead ECGs before and after catheter ablation (CA) in patients with WPW syndrome. The present study compared changes in ARIs from 12-lead ECGs with those from body surface unipolar leads before and after CA to examine whether ARIs from limb leads of 12-lead ECGs provide useful information on changes in recovery properties in addition to the ARIs from precordial leads. The study population consisted of 27 manifest WPW patients with a left- (n=18, group A) or right-sided accessory pathway (n=9, group B). ARIs in leads I, II, and III were strongly correlated with those in unipolar leads over the left lateral, left lower, and right lower chest, respectively. ARIs in leads aVR, aVL, and aVF showed a significant correlation with those in unipolar leads over the right upper, left upper, and lower anterior chest, respectively. These correlations were maintained before and after CA. Furthermore, in group A, ARIs in lead V1 tended to increase on day 7 post CA compared with before CA and on day 1. In group B, ARIs in lead III significantly decreased on day 7 compared with before CA and on day 1. These findings suggest that ARIs from the limb leads of 12-lead ECGs may represent those from unipolar leads of a particular area over the body surface, and that ARIs from 12-lead ECGs may provide useful quantitative information on changes in recovery properties before and after CA in patients with manifest WPW syndrome.  相似文献   



It is not always feasible to use standard electrode placement for limb leads when recording the 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). Other electrode placements have been accepted during monitoring. Nonstandard electrode positions, however, fail to produce waveforms identical to those recorded from the distal limb positions that are standard for diagnostic interpretation. The purpose of the present study was to validate the ST-T-segment for an alternative “Lund system” of proximal limb electrode sites.


Twelve-lead ECGs (standard, Mason-Likar, and Lund lead placement) were collected from 167 patients.


There were systematic differences between measurements from standard vs Mason-Likar, but not vs the Lund system. The 95% confidence intervals of measurement agreement were similar or less when comparing measurements from the Lund system vs the first standard recording with measurements for the 2 standard recordings.


The Lund system might constitute a uniform convention for “diagnostic” ECGs as well as for monitoring ECG applications with regard to ST-T waveforms.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the number of eligible prehospital thrombolytic candidates and to estimate the potential time saved if field thrombolysis had been initiated in a series of prehospital chest pain patients. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prehospital 12-lead ECGs were obtained by paramedics during initial evaluation of chest pain patients and stored in the computerized ECG. Prehospital 12-lead ECGs, prehospital charts, and hospital charts then were reviewed retrospectively for final hospital diagnosis, prehospital and emergency department times, and historical exclusion criteria for prehospital treatment with recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (r-TPA). TYPE OF PARTICIPANTS: One hundred fifty-seven stable adult prehospital patients with a chief complaint of nontraumatic chest pain were enrolled. Six patients were excluded. Two had unretrievable 12-lead ECGs, and four refused paramedic transport and thus provided no further data. There were complete data on 151 patients making up the final study population. INTERVENTIONS: Prehospital care was unaltered except for acquisition of 12-lead ECGs. No prehospital thrombolytic therapy was administered during this study. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The incidence of r-TPA exclusion criteria was as follows: 45 patients (29%) were 75 years of age or older, 57 (38%) had chest pain for more than six hours, 24 (16%) had hypertension with blood pressure of more than 180/110 mm Hg, and six (4%) had a history of a cerebrovascular accident. The time from paramedic scene arrival to prehospital ECG (8.4 +/- 5.1 minutes) was significantly shorter than the time from ED arrival to ED ECG (24.2 +/- 21.6 minutes, P less than .001). Prehospital ECGs increased paramedic scene time over a retrospective control by 5.2 minutes. Mean time from prehospital ECG to ED ECG (potential time saved) was 50.2 + 22.4 minutes in all patients and 43.4 +/- 7.7 minutes in patients with a final diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (P = NS). Thirteen of 151 patients (8.6%) had prehospital ECGs diagnostic for acute myocardial infarction; eight of these (5.3% overall) met criteria for prehospital r-TPA therapy. CONCLUSION: Prehospital 12-lead ECGs provide an ECG diagnosis 40 to 50 minutes earlier than ED ECGs. However, with current exclusion criteria, the number of prehospital r-TPA candidates is limited.  相似文献   

Twelve-lead ST-segment monitoring is a widely used tool for capturing focal ischemia and transient intermittent episodes. However, continuous registration of all 10 electrodes is impractical in clinical settings. This study investigated the accuracy of 2 derived 12-lead strategies that required 6 electrodes, including all limb leads, and 2 precordial leads by using population-based (generalized) and individualized (patient-specific) reconstruction coefficients to derive the additional 4 chest leads. A total of 26,880 simultaneous digital conventional 12-lead generalized and patient-specific electrocardiograms were monitored over 112 hours in 39 patients during percutaneous coronary intervention, including 159 balloon occlusions in 63 arteries, to test accuracy at rest and during ischemia. Occlusion duration was 78 seconds (range 42 to 96) in the left main coronary in 2 patients, the left anterior descending artery in 15, the right coronary artery in 10, the circumflex artery in 2, and graft segments in 5 patients. Average summated 12-lead ST deviation over the study population at baseline was 377 microV (range 104 to 1,718), which increased at peak ischemia to an average of 1,086 microV (range 282 to 4,099). Median absolute differences at peak ischemic ST deviation were 25 microV in lead V(1), 0 microV in lead V(2), 35 microV in lead V(3), 34 microV in lead V(4), 0 microV in lead V(5), 11 microV in lead V(6), and 114 microV for summated 12-lead ST deviation with the generalized method and 7 microV in lead V(1), 4 microV in lead V(2), 1 muV in lead V(3), 5 microV in lead V(4), 4 microV in lead V(5), 9 microV in lead V(6), and 83 microV for the summated 12-lead ST deviation with the patient-specific method. Limb leads (I, II, III, aVR, aVL, and aVF) were identical in all patients. Thus, generalized and patient-specific methods derived from 12-lead electrocardiography using actual limb and 2 precordial electrodes accurately derived the additional chest leads at rest and during ischemia. These approaches appear to be more practical than conventional 10-electrode monitoring but preserve high accuracy.  相似文献   

AIMS: The conventional 12-lead electrocardiogram (cECG) derived from 10 electrodes using a cardiograph is the gold standard for diagnosing myocardial ischemia. This study tested the hypothesis that a new 5-electrode 12-lead vector-based ECG (EASI; Philips Medical Systems, formerly Hewlett Packard Co, Boeblingen, Germany) patient monitoring system is equivalent to cECG in diagnosing acute coronary syndromes (ACSs). METHODS: Electrocardiograms (EASI and cECG) were obtained in 203 patients with chest pain on admission and 4 to 8 hours later. Both types of ECGs were graded as ST-elevation myocardial infarction if at least 1 of the 2 consecutive recordings showed ST elevation more than 0.2 mV, as ACS if one or both showed ST elevation less than 0.2 mV, T-wave inversion, or ST depression. Otherwise, the ECG was graded negative. RESULTS: Final diagnosis was identical in 177 patients (87%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 82%-91%; kappa = 0.81; SE = 0.035). ST-elevation myocardial infarction was correctly identified or excluded by EASI with a specificity of 94% (95% CI, 89%-97%) and a sensitivity of 93% (95% CI, 86%-97%; using cECG as the gold standard). Of 118 patients with enzyme elevations, an almost identical number (72 [61% by EASI] and 73 [62% by cECG]) had ST elevations. Both techniques were equivalent in predicting subsequent enzyme elevation (identical, 108/143; 75% of ACS and ST-elevation myocardial infarction ECGs by EASI and cECG). Thus, both ECG methods had exactly the same specificity of 59% (95% CI, 48%-69%) and sensitivity of 91% (95% CI, 85%-96%) for detecting myocardial injury. CONCLUSION: EASI is equivalent to cECG for the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to assess QT-interval measurements from the EASI 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) as compared with the standard 12-lead ECG. The QT interval was automatically determined in simultaneously recorded standard and EASI 12-lead ECGs, using a validated wavelet-based delineator. The agreement between the 2 sets of measurements was quantified both on a lead-by-lead basis and a multilead basis with global definitions of QRS onset and T-wave end.The results show that the agreement between QT-interval measurements from the 2 lead systems is acceptable, with negligible mean differences and with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.91 to 0.98 depending on the lead studied. Although the SD shows a clear dependence on the selected lead (ranging from 9.2 to 26.4 milliseconds), differences are within the accepted tolerances for automatic delineation. In a few patients, large differences were found, mainly because of changes in morphology present in both lead systems. QT intervals measured by the multilead approach were considerably more stable than single-lead measurements and resulted in a much better agreement between the 2 lead systems (correlation coefficient, 0.98; QT difference, 1.1 ± 9.8 milliseconds). Thus, the EASI 12-lead ECG may be used for reliable QT monitoring when the multilead delineation approach is adopted.  相似文献   



The aim of the study was to simultaneously test the EASI lead system and two other derived ECG methods against the standard 12-lead ECG during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).


During 44 percutaneous coronary interventions, a simultaneously recorded 12-lead and EASI ECG were marked at the start of the PCI (baseline) and at known ischemia caused by balloon inflation (peak). ST deviations were measured 60 ms after the J point at baseline and peak in all leads and were summated (SUMST) to assess overall changes. For regional changes, the lead with the highest ST deviation (PEAKST) was marked. For each patient, derived 12-lead ECGs were computed from the EASI leads and a lead subset using patient-specific coefficients (PS) and coefficients based on a patient population (GEN). Absolute differences were computed between each derived and routine ECG for SUMST and PEAKST.


SUMST was at baseline 567 μV (range: 150-1707) and increased at peak to 871 μV (range: 350-2101). SUMST difference at peak was for EASI: 163 μV (CI: 90-236, P <.001), GEN: 46 μV (CI: 2-91, P = .40), and PS: 16 μV (CI: 3-30, P = .15). PEAKST difference at peak was for EASI: 49 μV (CI: 19-220, P = .02), GEN: 48 μV (CI: -43-154, P = .26), and PS: 20 μV (CI: -51-32, P = .65).


Simultaneous direct comparison of three derived ECG methods shows overall and regional differences in accuracy across PS, GEN, and EASI. Median SUMST and PEAKST differences for PS are lower than for GEN and EASI, and show a more accurate reconstruction.  相似文献   

This study compared the 5-electrode-derived EASI electrocardiogram (ECG) with the conventional Mason-Likar ECG in 200 consecutive patients with chest pain transported to 3 hospitals by 2 different emergency medical services. No significant differences were observed between the 2 systems for the detection of relevant electrocardiographic abnormalities. A questionnaire administered to participating emergency medical personnel revealed a high degree of acceptability of the EASI ECG, with some participants commenting that the sternal and mid-axillary locations of the EASI electrodes made them easier to apply, especially to women, than conventional precordial electrodes.  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study investigates how a particular incorrect electrode configuration affects the 12-lead Electrocardiogram (ECG).MethodsA correct and an incorrect 12-lead ECG were extracted from a 192-lead BSPM. This was done for 232 BSPMs yielding 464 12-lead ECGs. The particular incorrect ECG involved displacing electrodes V1 and V2 in the second intercostal space whilst also offsetting the remaining electrodes. These ECGs were examined in two stages: (a) analysis of the effects of electrode misplacement on signal morphology and (b) analysis of how often the incorrect electrode configuration changed the diagnosis of two clinicians in a random sample of 75 patients.ResultsAccording to the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the difference between PQRST intervals in the correct and incorrect ECGs, lead V2 is the most affected lead (mean: 185 μV ± 82 μV), followed by lead V4 (mean: 114 μV ± 59 μV) and lead V1 (mean: 100 μV ± 47 μV). It was found that if the incorrect electrode configuration is applied, there is a 17% to a 24% chance the diagnostic interpretation will be different. Quantified using Similarity Coefficient (SC) leads V1 and V2 were found to be more alike when misplaced in the second intercostal space. The average SC between these leads when correctly placed was 0.08 (± 0.65), however when incorrectly placed, the average SC was 0.43 (± 0.3).ConclusionThere is a reasonable chance this particular incorrect electrode configuration will change the diagnosis of the 12-lead ECG. This highlights the importance of developing algorithms to detect electrode misplacement along with better education regarding ECG acquisition.  相似文献   

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