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Hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related cirrhosis represents the leading cause of liver transplantation in developed, Western and Eastern countries. Unfortunately, liver transplantation does not cure recipient HCV infection: reinfection universally occurs and disease progression is faster after liver transplant. In this review we focus on what happens throughout the peri-transplant phase and in the first 6-12 mo after transplantation: during this crucial period a completely new balance between HCV, liver graft, the recipient’s immune response and anti-rejection therapy is achieved that will deeply affect subsequent outcomes. Nearly all patients show an early graft reinfection, with HCV viremia reaching and exceeding pre-transplant levels; in this setting, histological assessment is essential to differentiate recurrent hepatitis C from acute or chronic rejection; however, differentiating the two patterns remains difficult. The host immune response (mainly cellular mediated) appears to be crucial both in the control of HCV infection and in the genesis of rejection, and it is also strongly influenced by immunosuppressive treatment. At present no clear immunosuppressive strategy could be strongly recommended in HCV-positive recipients to prevent HCV recurrence, even immunotherapy appears to be ineffective. Nonetheless it seems reasonable that episodes of rejection and over-immunosuppression are more likely to enhance the risk of HCV recurrence through immunological mechanisms. Both complete prevention of rejection and optimization of immunosuppression should represent the main goals towards reducing the rate of graft HCV reinfection. In conclusion, post-transplant HCV recurrence remains an unresolved, thorny problem because many factors remain obscure and need to be better determined.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis C virus(HCV) infection is the leading cause of death from liver disease and the leading indication for liver transplantation(LT) in the United States and western Europe. LT represents the best therapeutic alternative for patients with advanced chronic liver disease caused by HCV or those who develop hepatocarcinoma. Reinfection by HCV of the graft is universal and occurs in 95% of transplant patients. This reinfection can compromise graft function and patient survival. In a few cases, the histological recurrence is minimal and non-progressive; however, in most patients it follows a more rapid course than in immunocompetent persons, and frequently evolves into cirrhosis with graft loss. In fact, the five-year and ten-year survival of patients transplanted because of HCV are 75% and 68%, respectively, compared with 85% and 78% in patients transplanted for other reasons. There is also a pattern of recurrence that is very severe, but rare(< 10%), called fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis, which often involves rapid graft loss. Patients who present a negative HCV viremia after antiviral treatment have better survival. Many studies published over recent years have shown that antiviral treatment of post-transplant HCV hepatitis carried out during the late phase is the best option for improving the prognosis of these patients. Until 2011, PEGylated interferon plus ribavirin was the standard of care, resulting in a sustained virological response in around 30% of recipients. The addition of protease inhibitors, such as boceprevir or telaprevir, to the standard of care, or the use of other direct-acting antiviral drugs may involve therapeutic changes in the context of HCV recurrence. This may result a better prognosis for these patients, particularly those with severe recurrence or factors predicting rapid progression of fibrosis. However, the use of these agents in LT still requires clarification in terms of safety and efficacy.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the predictors of 10-year survival of patients with hepatitis C recurrence. METHODS: Data from 358 patients transplanted between 1989 and 2010 in two Italian transplant centers and with evidence of hepatitis C recurrence were analyzed. A χ2, Fisher's exact test and Kruskal Wallis' test were used for categorical and continuous variables, respectively. Survival analysis was performed at 10 years after transplant using the Kaplan-Meier method, and a log-rank test was used to compare groups. A P level less than 0.05 was considered significant for all tests. Multivariate analysis of the predictive role of different variables on 10-year survival was performed by a stepwise Cox logistic regression.RESULTS: The ten-year survival of the entire population was 61.2%. Five groups of patients were identified according to the virological response or lack of a response to antiviral treatment and, among those who were not treated, according to the clinical status(mild hepatitis C recurrence, "too sick to be treated" and patients with comorbidities contraindicating the treatment). While the 10-year survival of treated and untreated patients was not different(59.1% vs 64.7%, P = 0.192), patients with a sustained virological response had a higher 10-year survival rate than both the "non-responders"(84.7% vs 39.8%, P 0.0001) and too sick to be treated(84.7% vs 0%, P 0.0001). Sustained virological responders had a survival rate comparable to patients untreated with mild recurrence(84.7% vs 89.3%). A sustained virological response and young donor age were independent predictors of 10-year survival. CONCLUSION: Sustained virological response significantly increased long-term survival. Awaiting the interferon-free regimen global availability, antiviral treatment might be questionable in selected subjects with mild hepatitis C recurrence.  相似文献   

目的总结和探讨乙型肝炎相关终末期肝病肝移植术后乙型肝炎复发的处理方法。方法回顾性分析我院13例肝移植术后患者发生乙型肝炎再感染或复发后的处理措施及疗效。结果13例患者分别采取拉米夫定改为阿德福韦、恩替卡韦或加大乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白用量的方法,其中5例HBsAg经治疗后转阴,5例HBsAg明显下降,总有效率76.9%。结论肝移植术后HBIG、恩替卡韦、阿德福韦能不同程度控制肝移植术后乙型肝炎复发。  相似文献   

The combination of hepatitis B immune globulin with entecavir or tenofovir (at least for a certain period of time) seems to be the most reasonable prophylaxis against recurrent hepatitis B after liver transplantation. Entecavir represents an attractive option for treatment of naïve kidney transplant recipients, because of its high efficacy and the low rates of resistance. However antiviral treatment should be individualized in the view of kidney function and the previous resistance. To date, new captivating therapeutic strategies could make interferon-free regimens viable for treatment of hepatitis C virus positive liver transplant recipients. The recent combinations of sofosbuvir with simeprevir or daclatasvir or ledipasvir plus/minus ribavirin have boosted the on treatment and sustained virological response to rates approaching 100% within liver transplant recipients with recurrent chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Preliminary data showed that the second generation direct oral antivirals could result to high treatment rates of recurrent CHC in kidney transplant recipients as well. Ongoing studies will clarify the optimal treatment of recurrent CHC in kidney transplant recipients.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effects of different immunosuppressive regimens and avoidance on fibrosis progression in hepatitis C virus (HCV) liver transplant (LT) recipients.METHODS: We retrospectively compared the liver biopsies of well-matched HCV LT recipients under calcineurin inhibitors (CNI group, n = 21) and mycophenolate (MMF group, n = 15) monotherapy, with those patients who successfully withdrawn immunosuppression (IS) therapy from at least 3 years (TOL group, n = 10). To perform the well-matched analysis, all HCV transplanted patients from December 1993 were screened. Only those HCV patients who reached the following criteria were considered for the analysis: (1) at least 3 years of post-operative follow-up; (2) patients with normal liver graft function under low dose CNI monotherapy (CNI group); (3) patients with normal liver graft function under antimetabolite (Micophenolate Mofetil or coated mycophenolate sodium) monotherapy (MMF group); and (4) recipients with normal liver function without any IS. We excluded from the analysis recipients who were IS free or under monotherapy for < 36 mo, recipients with cirrhosis or with unstable liver function tests.RESULTS: Thirty six recipients were enrolled in the study. Demographics, clinical data, time after LT and baseline liver biopsies were comparable in the three groups. After six years of follow-up, there was no worsening of hepatic fibrosis in the MMF group (2.5 ± 1.5 Ishak Units vs 2.9 ± 1.7 Ishak Units, P = 0.5) and TOL group (2.7 ± 10.7 vs 2.5 ± 1.2, P = 0.2). In contrast, a significant increase in the fibrosis score was observed in the CNI group (2.2 ± 1.7 vs 3.9 ± 1.6, P = 0.008). The yearly fibrosis progression rate was significantly worse in the CNI group (0.32 ± 0.35) vs MMF group (0.03 ± 0.31, P = 0.03), and TOL group (-0.02 ± 0.27, P = 0.02). No differences have been reported in grading scores for CNI group (2.79 ± 1.9, P = 0.7), MMF group (3.2 ± 1.5, P = 0.9) and TOL group (3.1 ± 1.4, P = 0.2). Twenty four patients were treated with low dose ribavirin (8 TOL, 7 MMF, 9 CNI). The hepatitis C titers were comparable in the three groups. No episodes of rejection have been reported despite differences of liver function test in the three groups during the observational period.CONCLUSION: IS withdrawal and MMF monotherapy is safe and seems to be associated with the slowest fibrosis progression in HCV LT recipients.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major health problem that leads to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, being the most frequent indication for liver transplantation in several countries. Unfortunately, HCV re-infects the liver graft almost invariably following reperfusion, with an accelerated history of recurrence, leading to 10%-30% of patients progressing to cirrhosis within 5 years of transplantation. In this sense, some groups have even advocated for not retransplanting this patients, as lower patient and graftoutcomes have been reported. However, the management of HCV recurrence is being optimized and several strategies to reduce post-transplant recurrence could improve outcomes, decrease the rate of re-transplantation and optimize the use of available grafts. Three moments may be the focus of potential actions in order to decrease the impact of viral recurrence: the pretransplant moment, the transplant environment and the post-transplant management. In the pre-transplant setting, it is not well established if reducing the pre transplant viral load affects the risk for HCV progression after transplant. Obviously, antiviral treatment can render the patient HCV RNA negative post transplant but the long-term benefit has not yet been fully established to justify the cost and clinical risk. In the transplant moment, factors as donor age, cold ischemia time, graft steatosis and ischemia/reperfusion injury may lead to a higher and more aggressive viral recurrence. After the transplant, discussion about immunosuppression and the moment to start the treatment (prophylactic, pre-emptive or once-confirmed) together with new antiviral drugs are of interest. This review aims to help clinicians have a global overview of posttransplant HCV recurrence and strategies to reduce its impact on our patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The long-term prophylaxis of hepatitis B after liver transplantation requires further optimization. In a randomized trial we investigated a regimen where the initially given hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIg) is replaced by long-term lamivudine treatment. METHODS: Twenty-four liver transplant recipients (all HBsAg-positive/HBV DNA-negative before transplantation), who had received HBIg for at least 6 months without HBV recurrence, were randomized to receive lamivudine (n = 12) or HBIg (n = 12) for 52 weeks. The efficacy criteria involved seronegativity for HBsAg and undetectable HBsAg/ HBcAg in the liver. RESULTS: Twenty-one of 24 patients completed the study without hepatitis B virus (HBV) recurrence (11 on HBIg, ten on lamivudine), while three patients became HBsAg-positive. Amongst those without HBV recurrence HBV DNA was detectable only by polymerase chain reaction, intermittently in serum and lymphocytes, and in liver specimens from six of eight patients receiving HBIg and five of seven receiving lamivudine. YMDD variant was found in four cases with no viral antigen expression. Eight patients continued lamivudine after the study and during an additional 6-22 months remained HBsAg-negative with normal graft function. CONCLUSIONS: Substitution of HBIg with lamivudine is effective for prevention of HBV recurrence in low-risk liver transplant recipients and offers a convenient and cost-effective alternative for long-term HBV prophylaxis.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the efflicacy and tolerability of an extended treatment protocol and to determine the predictors of sustained virological response (SVR) after liver transplantation (LT).METHODS: Between August 2005 and November 2008, patients with recurrent hepatitis C virus (HCV) after LT were selected for treatment if liver biopsy showed at least grade 2 inflammation and/or stage 2 flibrosis. All patients were to receive pegylated interferon (PEG)/regimens combining ribavirin (RBV) for an additional 48 wk after HCV undetectability.RESULTS: Extended protocol treatment was initiated in thirty patients. Overall, 73% had end of treatmentresponse and 60% had SVR. Nineteen patients completed treatment per protocol, of them, sixteen (84%) had end of treatment response, and fourteen (74%) achieved SVR. Both early virological response and 24-week virological response were individually associated with SVR but this association was not signif icant on multivariate analysis. Eleven patients (37%) discontinued therapy due to adverse effects. Cytopenias were the most common and most severe adverse effect, and required frquent growth factor use, dose adjustments and treatment cessations. The risk of rejection was not increased.CONCLUSION: Recurrent HCV after LT can be safely treated with extended virological responseguided therpy using PEG/RBV, but requires close monitoring for treatment-related adverse effects, particularly cytopenias.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe recurrence of hepatitis C viral infection is common after liver transplant, and achieving a sustained virological response to antiviral treatment is desirable for reducing the risk of graft loss and improving patients’ survival.AimTo investigate the long-term maintenance of sustained virological response in liver transplant recipients with hepatitis C recurrence.Methods436 Liver transplant recipients (74.1% genotype 1) who underwent combined antiviral therapy for hepatitis C recurrence were retrospectively evaluated.ResultsThe overall sustained virological response rate was 40% (173/436 patients), and the mean follow-up after liver transplantation was 11 ± 3.5 years (range, 5–24). Patients with a sustained virological response demonstrated a 5-year survival rate of 97% and a 10-year survival rate of 93%; all but 6 (3%) patients remained hepatitis C virus RNA-negative during follow-up. Genotype non-1 (p = 0.007), treatment duration >80% of the scheduled period (p = 0.027), and early virological response (p = 0.002), were associated with the maintenance of sustained virological response as indicated by univariate analysis. Early virological response was the only independent predictor of sustained virological response maintenance (p = 0.008).ConclusionsSustained virological response achieved after combined antiviral treatment is maintained in liver transplant patients with recurrent hepatitis C and is associated with an excellent 5-year survival.  相似文献   

Interferon (IFN) therapy is the only treatment strategy for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection after liver transplantation (LT), but prophylactic and treatable IFN therapy after LT has been shown to be insufficient due to the adverse effects of IFN and rivabirin. In this paper, we describe the disappearance of HCV after LT without IFN therapy in the presence of residual viremia on the day of LT. We herein report our findings since this is considered an important case for the anti-HCV strategy of post LT. A 60-year old woman with LC and HCC was referred to Nagasaki University Hospital in August 2004. After she underwent LT on February 18, 2005, we injected peg- IFN-α-2a the 11th time at 18 wk and HCV-RNA was still positive in the serum at LT. The serum HCV-RNA was negative one month after operation and subsequently dissolved 15 mo after operation without IFN therapy. As a result, we speculate that if HCV-RNA is positive while HCV core antigen is negative before LT, then it may lead to dearance of HCV after LT. Therefore long acting peg-IFN- α-2a is thus considered a potentially effective agent for the treatment of HCV-related cirrhosis before LT.  相似文献   

肝移植术后原发性肝癌复发与乙型肝炎病毒再感染的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨肝移植术后原发性肝癌复发与HBV再感染的关系.方法 对2004年1月-2008年12月在中山大学附属第三医院因乙型肝炎相关性终末期肝病行肝移植手术并长期随访的340例患者回顾性分析.患者被列入肝移植等待名单后给予核苷(酸)类似物抗病毒治疗,术中和术后均给予核苷(酸)类似物联合低剂量乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白进行预防.术后定期随访并监测患者HBV再感染的发生率及生存率,用多因素COX回归分析筛选出影响术后HBV再感染的危险因素.计量资料用t检验、计数资料用x2检验进行统计学处理.用Kaplan-Meier方法进行生存率分析,对HBV再感染危险因素用COX多因素回归分析,对HBV再感染与原发性肝癌复发的时间进行Spearman线性相关分析.结果 340例患者术后发生HBV再感染33例,术后1、3、5年再感染率分别为7%、10%、13%.HBV再感染的时间为1~21个月,中位数为5个月.原发病为原发性肝癌(风险比为2.98;95%可信区间为1.08~8.25,P<0.05)、术前HBV DNA载量>5log10拷贝/ml(风险比为3.99;95%可信区间为1.85~8.62,P<0.01)是发生HBV再感染的危险因素.原发性肝癌复发者HBV再感染发生率高于未复发者,分别为27.9%和8.7%(风险比为4.58; 95%可信区间为1.88~11.12;P<0.01).12例患者肝移植术后发生HBV再感染和原发性肝癌复发,两者的复发时间具有相关性(r=0.583,P<0.05).结论肝移植术后原发性肝癌复发是HBV再感染的危险因素.
Objective To investigate the relationship between hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)recurrence and hepatitis B virus (HBV) recurrence. Method The clinical data of 340 patients underwent liver transplantation due to HBV related end-stage liver disease and received long-term follow up in our hospital from Jan 2004 to Dec 2008 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients received nucleoside analogues therapy formally before entering into the waiting list and nucleoside analogues combined low-dose HBIG therapy during and after transplantation. Patients were regularly followed up at the outpatient, monitoring the HBV recurrence and survival. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to evaluate the risk factors for hepatitis recurrence. Result 33 patients suffered from HBV recurrence post transplantation.The 1-, 3- and 5- year recurrence rates were 7.0%, 10% and 13% respectively. The median HBV recurrence time was 5 months (1-21 months). COX regression analysis revealed that risk factors for HBV recurrence were HCC (HR = 2.98; 95% CI 1.08-8.25; P<0.05) and pre-transplantation HBV-DNA load over 5 log10 copies/ml (HR = 3.99; 95% CI 1.85-8.62; P<0.01). Further stratified analysis showed that patients who suffered from carcinoma recurrence had a higher incidence of HBV recurrence than those who did not, which were 27.9% and 8.7% (HR =- 4.58;95% CI 1.88-11.12; P<0.01) respectively. 12 patients suffered from both HCC and HBV recurrence. Spearman correlation analysis demonstrated a strong correlation between HBV and HCC recurrence times (r= 0.583, P<0.05). Conclusion Post transplantation HCC recurrence is a risk factor for HBV recurrence.  相似文献   

在我国施行肝移植的患者中,绝大多数是乙肝病毒相关性终末性肝病患者,术前病毒复制程度、个体免疫状态和病毒类型与移植术后易感复发密切相关。联合应用乙肝免疫球蛋白与核苷类似物可用于肝脏移植术后抗病毒治疗,近年来报道乙肝疫苗也可有效预防移植术后乙肝复发。本文重点介绍肝脏移植术后乙肝复发的机制及影响因素,探讨预防乙肝复发的各种方案的优劣。  相似文献   

The use of triple therapy for hepatitis C not only increases the rate of sustained virological responses compared with the use of only interferon and ribavirin(RBV) but also leads to an increased number of side effects. The subject of this study was a 53-year-old male who was cirrhotic with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 A and was a previous null non-responder. We initially attempted retreatment with boceprevir(BOC), Peginterferon and RBV, and a decrease in viral load was observed in the 8th week. In week 12, he presented with disorientation, flapping, fever, tachypnea, arterial hypotension and tachycardia. He also exhibitedleucopenia with neutropenia. Cefepime and filgrastim were initiated, and treatment for hepatitis C was suspended. A myelogram revealed hypoplasia, cytotoxicity and maturational retardation. After 48 h, he developed bilateral inguinal erythema that evolved throughout the perineal area to the root of the thighs, with exulcerations and an outflow of seropurulent secretions. Because we hypothesized that he was suffering from Fournier's Syndrome, treatment was replaced with the antibiotics imipenem, linezolid and clindamycin. After this new treatment paradigm was initiated, his lesions regressed without requiring surgical debridement. Triple therapy requires knowledge regarding the management of adverse effects and drug interactions; it also requires an understanding of the importance of respecting the guidelines for the withdrawal of treatment. In this case report, we observed an adverse event that had not been previously reported in the literature with the use of BOC.  相似文献   

Ahn J  Cohen SM 《Hepatitis monthly》2011,11(8):638-645


Small studies have suggested that nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy (NAT) with reduced hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) duration may be efficacious in preventing post-liver transplantation (LT) HBV recurrence.


This larger study evaluates the use of NAT with short term (< 6 mo) or no HBIG for prevention of post-LT HBV recurrence.

Patients and Methods

All HBV patients undergoing LT at a university transplant center between 2002 and 2007 were identified retrospectively. Patient demographics, medication regimen, and adverse events were noted. The primary endpoint was HBV recurrence and secondary endpoints were graft and patient survival.


28 study patients were identified. Of these 28 patients, 4 (14%) received no HBIG, 6 (22%) received only inpatient HBIG, and 18 (64%) received inpatient HBIG and outpatient HBIG. 16 of the 28 patients (57%) received combination NAT and 12 patients (43%) received single NAT. At a median time of 15.5 months (range 9-24 months) post-LT, 4 of the 28 patients (14%) had recurrent HBV. Of those patients with recurrent HBV, 3 received both inpatient and outpatient HBIG and 1 received no HBIG. All cases of HBV recurrence were associated with noncompliance.


NAT with short-term or no HBIG was efficacious and safe in preventing post-LT HBV. All compliant patients were HBV-free, including 9 patients who received no HBIG or only inpatient HBIG. Additional studies using NAT without HBIG appear justified.  相似文献   

Since the advent of direct acting antiviral(DAA) agents, chronic hepatitis C virus(HCV) treatment has evolved at a rapid pace. In contrast to prior regimen involving ribavirin and pegylated interferon, these newer agents are highly effective, well-tolerated, have shorter course of therapy and safer essentially in all HCV patients including those with advanced liver disease and following liver transplantation. Clinicians caring for HCV-infected patients on the liver transplant(LT) waitlist are often faced with a dilemma whether to treat HCV infection before or after liver transplantation. Sustained virological response(SVR) rates following HCV treatment may improve hepatic function sufficiently enough to negate the need for LT in certain patients. On the other hand, the decrease in MELD without improvement in quality of life in certain patients may lead to delay or dropout from potentially curative LT surgery list. In this context, our review focuses on the approach to and optimal timing of DAA-based treatment of HCV infection in LT candidates in the peri-transplant period.  相似文献   

Alcohol abuse and chronic hepatitis C virus(HCV)infection are two major causes of chronic liver disease in the United States.About 10%-15%of liver transplants performed in the United States are for patients with cirrhosis due to combined alcohol and HCV infection.Data on outcomes on graft and patient survival,HCV recurrence,and relapse of alcohol use comparing transplants in hepatitis C positive drinkers compared to alcohol abuse or hepatitis C alone are conflicting in the literature.Some studies report a slightly better overall outcome in patients who were transplanted for alcoholic cirrhosis vs those transplanted for HCV alone or for combined HCV and alcohol related cirrhosis.However,some other studies do not support these observations.However,most studies are limited to a retrospective design or small sample size.Larger prospective multicenter studies are needed to better define the outcomes in hepatitis C drinkers.  相似文献   

Prophylactic strategies against hepatitis B virus (HBV) recurrence after liver transplantation (LT) are essential for patients with HBV-related disease. Before LT, lamivudine (LAM) was proposed to be down-graded from first- to second-line therapy. In contrast, adefovir dipivoxil (ADV) has been approved not only as first-line therapy but also as rescue therapy for patients with LAM resistance. Furthermore, combination of ADV and LAM may result in lower risk of ADV resistance than ADV monotherapy. Other new drugs such as entecavir, telbivudine and tenofovir, are probably candidates for the treatment of hepatitis-B-surface-antigen-positive patients awaiting LT. After LT, low-dose intramuscular hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG), in combination with LAM, has been regarded as the most cost-effective regimen for the prevention of post-transplant HBV recurrence in recipients without pretransplant LAM resistance and rapidly accepted in many transplant centers. With the introduction of new antiviral drugs, new hepatitis B vaccine and its new adjuvants, post-transplant HBIG-free therapeutic regimens with new oral antiviral drug combinations or active HBV vaccination combined with adjuvants will be promising, particularly in those patients with low risk of HBV recurrence.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one of the most common indications for liver transplantation worldwide. Because of the existing organ shortage, adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) has become an important method of expanding the donor pool to meet the ever-increasing need. However, despite advantages such as the quality of the hepatic graft and the timing of the transplant, the exact role of LDLT in the treatment of HCV is still unclear. In this review, we aim to address some of these issues in an effort to highlight both the advantages and disadvantages, as well as to identify the main challenges, of using LDLT for treating patients with HCV infection.  相似文献   

The goal of therapy in chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is sustained virological response (SVR) which reflects HCV eradication. Treatment against HCV has dramatically improved with the recent availability of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) including sofosbuvir, simeprevir, daclatasvir, ledipasvir/sofosbuvir, paritaprevir/ombitasvir and dasabuvir. Carefully selected combinations of these DAAs offer the potential for highly effective all-oral safe regimens even for patients with decompensated cirrhosis or liver transplant (LT) recipients. Like all current protease inhibitors, simeprevir and paritaprevir should not be used in patients with Child C cirrhosis, while sofosbuvir and ledipasvir/sofosbuvir should not be given in patients with severe renal impairment and glomerular filtration rate less than 30 mL/min. Drug-drug interactions may still occur with the current DAAs particularly in post-LT patients, in whom simeprevir should not be co-administered with cyclosporine and dose adjustments of calcineurin inhibitors are required in case of regimens including the ritonavir boosted paritaprevir. Phase II clinical trials and real life cohort studies have shown that sofosbuvir based combinations are safe and can achieve improvements of clinical status, high SVR rates and even prevention of post-LT HCV recurrence in patients with decompensated cirrhosis or LT-candidates. In the post-LT setting, sofosbuvir based regimens and the combination of paritaprevir/ombitasvir and dasabuvir have been reported to be safe and achieve high SVR rates, similar to those in non-transplant patients, being effective even in cases with cholestatic fibrosing hepatitis. Ongoing clinical trials and rapidly emerging real life data will further clarify the safety and efficacy of the new regimens in these settings.  相似文献   

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