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希氏束旁旁路的射频消融   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨希氏束旁旁路射频的可行性和安全性。方法10例心内电生理检查确诊为希氏束旁旁路患者,其中显性旁路3例,隐性旁路7例。窦律下采用能量滴定法温控消融,从小功率(10W)短时间(5s)开始。结果10例患者除2例担心手术风险拒绝消融治疗外,余8例全部行射频消融治疗并获得成功。温度55~60℃,功率平均26.7±11.9W,消融时间60s,重复诱发无心动过速,术后随访3~6月无复发。结论窦律下消融希氏束旁旁路,是安全有效的。但应从小功率短时间开始,严密心电监护下进行。  相似文献   

射频消融治疗希氏束旁房性心动过速   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
射频消融治疗房性心动过速 (房速 )是一种安全有效的方法 ,尤其对于药物治疗效果不佳的房速。对于不同部位起源的房速 ,在诱发、标测、和消融方面都有各自的特殊性 ,Koch三角区域由于解剖结构的特殊性 ,也是房速的好发部位。我们成功消融了 3例希氏束旁的房速 ,报道如下。资料和方法  3例患者均为女性 ,年龄分别为 30、6 7、和4 5岁 ,房速病史分别为 5、5、和 10年 ,无器质性心脏病及其它代谢免疫性疾病 ,X线胸片、超声心动图及化验检查无异常 ,其中例 3伴显性心室预激。经股静脉、右颈内静脉放置电极导管至高位右心房(HRA)、希氏…  相似文献   

目的 总结希氏束旁心律失常的类型以及射频消融的方法、成功率及安全性.方法 回顾性研究本中心因希氏束旁心律失常接受心内电生理检查+射频消融术治疗患者心律失常的类型、消融靶点的分布和消融的方法、成功率及安全性.结果 3933例行射频消融治疗的患者中,电生理检查提示希氏束旁心律失常71例(1.8%),其中,隐匿性房室旁道13...  相似文献   

目的 对10名希氏(His)束旁旁道(Ap)致倾向型房室折返性心动过速(O-AVRT)患进行射频消融(RFCA)治疗,综合分析X线曝光时间、操作时间、术后复发率和严重并发症发生率等因素,指出,His束电极的准确放置、尽量避免大头电极导管重复使用、术丰富的射频消融手术经验:包括介入操作技术和靶点图的识别,是安全有效进行His束旁旁道RFCA治疗的关键。  相似文献   

希氏束旁旁路由于邻近希氏束,解剖位置特殊,消融时容易出现房室传导阻滞。本院自2005年2月至2006年9月采用冷冻消融法治疗5例希氏束旁旁路所致的房室折返性心动过速,报道如下。  相似文献   

目的比较希氏束旁道CARTO3及常规X光指导下标测及消融方法。方法纳入12例希氏束旁道并进行射频消融治疗的患者。入选患者均进行了心内电生理检查,9例患者行常规X光透视下标测消融靶点并进行消融,3例患者应用CARTO3三维标测系统指导靶点标测及射频消融。对不同标测方法手术成功率、X线曝光时间及并发症进行比较。结果 9例常规标X光测患者中成功6例(66.7%),2例未成功,1例靶点距离希氏束过近,放弃消融,术中1例患者出现一过性完全性房室传导阻滞,X线曝光时间(36.2±13.4)min;CARTO3指导3例均成功(100.0%),X线曝光时间(14.2±7.8)min。与常规X光测患者比较,CARTO3三维标测系统指导靶点消融成功率更高,X线曝光时间更短,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论与常规X光相比,CARTO3指导希氏束旁旁道消融可更精确指示希氏束及消融导管空间位置,缩短X光曝光时间,提高消融成功率。  相似文献   

希氏束旁右心室特发性室性心动过速的导管射频消融   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨邻近希氏束特发性右心室室性心动过速(室速)的临床和心电图特征及标测和消融方法。方法对3例起源自邻近希氏束的右心室室速行12导联心电图,24h动态心电图及心电生理检查,并行射频导管消融治疗。结果3例患者心电图呈左束支阻滞图形,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联呈R型,RⅡ〉RⅢ,胸前导联R波移行发生在Ⅴ2和Ⅴ3导联。3例均在右心室希氏束旁标测到最早激动点,行射频消融,2例成功。结论起源邻近希氏束的右心室室速与右心室流出道室速临床表现与心电图特征相似,但肢体导联心电图有所区别,射频导管消融治疗有效,宜在窦性心律下放电,以免发生完全性房室阻滞。  相似文献   

右前间隔旁道的发生率为 1 0 % 〔1〕,因其邻近希氏 (His)束 ,又称为His束旁旁道 (AP)。由于在该部位消融易导致房室传导阻滞 ,故认为对该AP参与的房室折返性心动过速 (AVRT)进行射频消融(RFCA)治疗是整个AP分布中最难的部位〔2〕。我院心导管室自 1 998年以来对 1 1例His束AP进行RFCA治疗 ,现报告如下。1 对象与方法1 .1   对象1 998年 8月 3日~ 2 0 0 2年 3月 5日 ,我院心导管室对 1 1例His束旁AP参与的顺向型AVRT(O AVRT)进行RFCA治疗。其中 ,男 3例 ,女 8例 ,年龄 31~ 60岁。显性A…  相似文献   

目的:本研究旨在探讨三维标测系统引导下射频导管消融术治疗希氏束旁旁路(PHAP)的有效性、安全性和远期预后.方法:连续性纳入2010年1月至2020年6月期间因房室折返性心动过速(AVRT)和(或)预激综合征在中国医学科学院阜外医院行射频导管消融术治疗的PHAP患者69例.男性47例(68.1%),平均年龄(32.1±...  相似文献   

张磊  贾雄燕  程媛媛  苑媛  易甫 《心脏杂志》2018,30(5):621-622
正1临床资料患者一,女,64岁。因阵发性心悸、胸闷3年收治。查体未见明显异常体征。心电图(ECG)见图1。心脏彩超未见异常,左室射血分数(LVEF) 56%。诊断:阵发性室上性心动过速。入院行心脏电生理检查,心室及冠状窦程序刺激未见旁道及房室结双径路证据,予异丙肾上腺素激发后冠状窦近端S1S2刺激诱发心动过速,腔内心电图(EGMs)示AA间期350 ms,AV 1∶1下传,心室起搏见室房分离,心室拖带后停止为V-A-A-V表现,支持房速。在三维电解剖标测系统(CARTO)指导下送入盐水大头行右房建模并激动标  相似文献   

房室多旁道的电生理特征及其射频消融治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨房室多旁道的电生理特点及射频消融方法。方法 23例患者经电生理检查确定房室多旁道,应用心房和心室刺激诱发室上速,确定每条旁道的电生理特征及与心动过速的关系,按照标测部位对相关旁道逐步消融,以射频消融成功确定旁道位置。结果 23例中检出旁道49条,其中三条旁道3例;左侧多旁道12例,右侧多旁道2例,双侧多旁道9例;左侧多旁道以隐匿性为主;右侧多旁道多为显性;未见心动过速时右侧旁道前传而同侧旁道逆传现象。结论 多旁道患者应首先确定和消融与心动过速相关旁道;左侧多旁道应以诱发心动过速或快速心室起搏方法标测;右侧多旁道应同步描记12导联体表心电图,旁道消融成功可能仅见于QRS波的变化,双侧多旁道应首先消融左侧旁道。  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the long-term clinical results of patients who underwent successful radiofrequency catheter ablation of a symptomatic drug-resistant accessory-pathway-mediated tachycardia. METHODS AND RESULTS: Clinical follow-up was done by direct contact with the patients and their physicians. One hundred and eighty consecutive patients (113 males, 67 females) were followed during a median period of 48.1 months. There were seven procedure related complications (4%). During the follow-up period, 79% of the patients remained asymptomatic; 14% complained of short bouts of palpitations due to isolated or short runs of atrial or ventricular premature beats; 7% had sustained palpitations due either to accessory pathway recurrence (4%) or supraventricular tachyarrhythmias not associated with an accessory pathway (3%). Symptoms due to accessory pathway recurrence appeared either in the first month following the ablation or at least later than 3 months when sustained supraventricular arrhythmias occurred related to another cause. CONCLUSIONS: Initially successful radiofrequency catheter ablation has a low, long-term recurrence rate (4%). Recurrence of accessory-pathway-mediated tachycardia is observed during the first month while later symptoms suggest supraventricular arrhythmias from another cause.  相似文献   

目的 回顾分析多条旁道射频消融成功的经验。 方法 分析1994 年以来射频消融与旁道有关的室上速病人150 例。结果 8 例多条旁道病人中,4 例在消融前电生理检查时已能诊断多旁道,另外4 例只有当切断一条旁道后才能暴露出另一条旁道。结论 右心多条旁道由于无明确参考电图,寻找成功靶点有时十分困难,标测范围不应受事先设想的框框限制。  相似文献   

将 6例具有宽旁道电生理特点的心动过速患者 (均为左侧旁路 )在右前斜位 30°于二尖瓣环心室侧细标靶点 ,每一理想靶点 2 5 W试消融 1min,直至完全阻断旁路。结果 :6例患者成功消融旁路 ,消融范围 1.6~2 .9cm,平均为 (2 .2± 0 .8) cm,消融靶点数 5~ 9次 ,平均为 (5 .6± 2 .3)次 ,消融时间为 1.1~ 3.1小时 ,平均为(1.3± 1.2 )小时。认为增强对宽旁道电生理特征的认识 ,耐心细致标测靶点 ,在较大范围消融 ,可提高宽旁道消融的成功率。  相似文献   

Successful ablation of accessory pathways has been achievedat the first energy delivery site in some patients, but factorspermitting success at the first site are unclear. Accessorypathway location, surface and endocardial electrogram characteristicsin each location were analysed and compared between the patientswith first site block (group A, 34 patients) and those in whommultiple sites (median seven sites) were required (group B,133 patients). No patients with right free-wall pathways hadfirst site block. In group A surface electrocardiograms weremore pre-excited (QRS duration: 132±20 vs 120 ±l7ms, P<0·0l). For left free-wall and septal pathways,the interval from the onset of the earliest delta wave on surfaceelectrocardiogram to local ventricular activation (QRS-V) wasmore negative and the local atrioventricular interval (AV) wasshorter in group A; the positive predictive value of a QRS-V0 ms, an AV 30 ms and the presence of a possible accessory pathwaypotential was 67% for left free-wall and of a QRS-V -10 ms withan AV 30ms was 100% for septal pathways. During retrograde mappingof concealed left free-wall and right anteroseptal pathways(first site block was not achieved in other locations) the positivepredictive value of a local ventriculoatrial interval 30 mswas 55%. Accessory pathway location correlated strongly with the chancesof first site block, suggesting that anatomical features areimportant. Maximizing pre-excitation may be of benefit in achievingfirst site block. Delivery of energy to a site with specialendocardial electrogram features was associated with an increasedlikelihood of first site block.  相似文献   

Previous reports on radiofrequency ablation of accessory pathwayshave shown that the experience of the operator is of crucialimportance in reducing fluoroscopy time and achieving highersuccess rates. However, a detailed analysis of this importantissue has not been previously attempted We analysed 71 consecutive ablation procedures undertaken atSt George's Hospital by the same electrophysiology group andalways with the same first operator. Of all procedures, 66 (916%)were successful, as judged by abolition of accessory pathwayconduction without recurrence within the next 24 h. Failuresincluded two out of 38 left-sided pathway procedures (5·3%),one out of 11 intermediate septal (9·1%) and four outof 22 right-sided pathway procedures (18·2%). These differencewere not statistically significant. Average procedure and screeningtimes for all procedures were 162·9±86·0min and 56·8±48·2 mm respectively, whereasthe median of the number of discharges was 12, ranging fromone to 51. There was no significant difference between pathwaygroups or between concealed and non-concealed pathways in respectto procedure and screening time or number of discharges. Therewas a significant tendency towards decreased procedure and screeningtimes with accwnulating experience and this was similar forall pathway groups. There was also a tendency towards improvedcwnulative success rates with time dedicated to procedures. We conclude that a certain amount of ablation experience isrequired, even by experienced electrophysiologists, before arelatively high success rate without long radiation exposurecan be achieved, regardless of the location or the mode of conductionof the pathway. Success rates increase with procedure time,suggesting that early abandonment of the procedure may resultin higher failure rates in diffcult cases.  相似文献   

左心室刺激在射频消融左侧房室旁路中的价值   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的室房传导的不完全阻断可能会导致房室折返性心动过速复发.鉴于心脏的解剖关系和电生理特点,推测左心室内刺激对于判定经左侧旁路的室房传导是否被彻底阻断要优于传统的右心室刺激.方法213例左侧旁路参与的顺向型房室折返性心动过速患者(男性125例),平均年龄(38±19)岁.在射频消融前、后均进行右心室心尖部S1S2程序刺激及S1S1分级递增刺激;射频消融后,在右心室刺激显示经旁路的室房逆传完全被阻断后,经大头消融电极在左心室游离壁进行S1S1和S1S2刺激.结果在常规右心室刺激显示经旁路的室房传导被阻断之后,共有6例患者在经大头电极以相同的条件在左心室刺激时显示经旁路的室房传导仍然存在.其中1例术前有心室预激,消融后预激已消失而室房传导仍存在,有2例仍能诱发出房室折返性心动过速.另l例既往接受消融后复发的病例在此次消融前即见到此现象.7例患者均接受射频消融,直至右心室心尖部和左心室刺激均无经旁路的室房传导.平均随访(18±9)个月,均无预激或房室折返性心动过速复发.结论在对左侧旁路参与的顺向型房室折返性心动过速进行射频消融治疗时,左心室刺激可以作为判定经左侧旁路的室房传导是否被完全阻断的电生理检查手段,这可能有助于减少左侧旁路射频消融之后房室折返性心动过速的复发机会.  相似文献   

Radiofrequency ablation of multiple accessory pathways.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The aim of the study was to review the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics and results of radiofrequency catheter ablation in patients with multiple accessory pathways to compare them with those of patients with single accessory pathways. Electrophysiological study and radiofrequency catheter ablation were performed in 1010 consecutive cases with Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome. Presence of multiple accessory pathways was documented in 31 patients (3.1%); 30 had two, and 1 had three accessory pathways. Of the 63 accessory pathways, 42 were manifest and 21 concealed. Nine patients had Ebstein's anomaly associated with atrioventricular bypass tracts. The most common combination was right posteroseptal with right free wall bypass tracts (15 patients with 30 accessory pathways). Fifty-one of the sixty-three accessory pathways (81%) were ablated successfully without complications. The duration of the procedure was 100 +/- 58 min and the fluoroscopic time 40 +/- 17 min. A follow up of 5 +/- 3 years after ablation, demonstrated recurrences of six accessory pathways (9.5%). In conclusion, patients with multiple accessory pathways can be treated by radiofrequency ablation in only one session with a high success rate although slightly less than that in patients with a single accessory pathway (81% vs 93%, P<0.01).  相似文献   

右侧房室旁道导管射频消融治疗的体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用导管射频消融术(RFCA)阻断右侧房室旁道治疗房室折返性心动过速50例,其中单旁道45例,双旁道4例,三旁道1例,共56条旁道。首次消融成功率94%,二次消融成功率100%。平均随访9个月,3例复发(6%),均经再次消融成功,其余病例未服用任何抗心律失常药物无心动过速复发,术后除1例右后间隔旁道消融后出现一过性Ⅲ°房室传导阻滞外无其它并发症发生。就右侧旁道消融的体会进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的 报道左侧心外膜旁路的特点和经冠状静脉窦射频消融术的结果。 方法  5例左侧旁路患者先经心内膜标测和消融 ,由于不成功改由经冠状静脉窦标测 (左心室心外膜标测 ) ,记录到旁路电位即进行消融。 结果  5例患者全部成功 ,成功消融靶点 :左侧游离壁 2例 ,左后间隔冠状静脉窦憩室 3例。有效靶点均标测到振幅较大的旁路电位 ,其振幅大于 A波和 V波。 结论 冠状静脉内标测到振幅较大的旁路电位是左侧心外膜旁路的重要标志 ;经冠状静脉窦消融可以有效的阻断心外膜旁路  相似文献   

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