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目的:采用可视化知识图谱探究近年来心理咨询与治疗领域的研究现状和发展趋势。方法:计算机检索中国知识资源总库、万方数据库和中国科技期刊数据库,按照标准,选择心理咨询或治疗相关的研究文献,检索范围为2001年1月1日-2014年12月31日。采用Bicomb和SPSS20.0软件对文献进行词篇矩阵、相似矩阵建构、聚类分析和多维尺度分析,绘出心理咨询与治疗研究热点知识图谱。结果:共6546篇文献纳入分析,抽取出词频≥30的高频关键词60个。聚类分析显示,我国心理咨询和治疗研究分为心理咨询和治疗疗效的研究、儿童青少年精神卫生和心理咨询研究、心理咨询与治疗本土化的研究、心理咨询与治疗过程的研究、心理咨询与治疗原则的研究、高校心理咨询与思想政治教育关系的研究和心理咨询与治疗理论与方法研究7类;热点知识图谱显示,心理咨询和治疗领域高频关键词的4个领域划分情况与聚类分析划分的7个研究分类基本一致。结论:我国心理咨询与治疗研究仍处于考察"疗效"的阶段,未来研究须重视高校心理咨询与思想政治教育的融合、网络心理咨询的实证研究以及儿童青少年心理咨询的发展。  相似文献   

本研究借助可视化软件Citespace对中国知网全文中文数据库(CNKI)2000—2017年的480篇文献研究进行量化分析,直观呈现了我国大学生心理弹性研究的年度发表趋势、时空分布和研究力量、研究热点和前沿趋势,提出了研究发展的4个阶段,分析了研究存在的问题和在研究力量、研究群体、研究方法和研究价值4个方面提升的方向。  相似文献   

血流动力学与心脑血管疾病的形成、发展和治疗存在密切联系。对心脑血管系统中的血流动力学研究一直是生物力学和生物医学工程研究的热点。本文就专栏文章所涉及的研究内容、研究方法、研究成果及其医学应用等进行评述,重点从血流动力学的研究驱动力、研究进展和研究趋势等几方面进行综述,展示了血流动力学研究在临床和保健的预防、诊断、治疗等多层次的应用前景。  相似文献   

糖组和糖组学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简单地介绍了糖组和糖组学的研究内容和差别及研究糖组和糖组学的战略和方法。质谱、亲和层析、毛细管电泳、芯片和微流技术已成为糖组和糖组学研究中的有用工具。在糖组学的研究中 ,糖基转移酶和糖结合蛋白是承上启下的两类蛋白质 ,因此 ,糖组学的研究与蛋白质组学、基因组学密不可分。  相似文献   

双生子方法在遗传流行病学研究中的应用及进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
双生子研究是确定复杂疾病和性状遗传学基础的重要方法之一。经典的双生子研究方法可以确定基因和环境对表型的相对作用大小,但随着遗传统计学、计算机以及分子生物学技术的发展,不仅使经典的双生子研究方法得到了拓展,而且还开辟了一些新的研究方法和理论,如基于结构化模型方法的应用、多变量设计、双生子对内病例对照研究、利用双生子及其家系资料所进行的遗传流行病学和分子遗传学研究等等。本文分别对经典双生子研究方法及拓展以及双生子研究在复杂疾病和性状的连锁和关联研究中的应用分别进行了综述。  相似文献   

通过对我国脑-机接口(brain-computer Interface,BCI)研究现状的介绍、技术实验方法的对比,进而探讨BCI研究面临的困难和挑战。本文从研究规模、地区侧重、研究机构分布、研究成果和驱动因素的角度,对WOS中的SCI论文和D II中的国际专利进行定量分析,描绘出我国BCI的研究现状及其所处国际地位。研究数据表明,我国BCI研究具有良好的基础,发展现状处于国际前沿,与美国、奥地利、德国等发达国家的研究机构同处国际领先地位。  相似文献   

本文回顾和反思了过去20年国内教师职业倦怠研究状况。提出我国教师职业倦怠研究存在诸如研究类型和方法单一、研究工具本土化程度不高以及研究水平偏低,研究者相对更关注中小学教师职业倦怠等问题,且研究对象呈现不平衡的特点,作者明确提出,国内教师职业倦怠研究有待于在研究类型、方法、工具、对象方面进一步完善。  相似文献   

目的 了解2009~2018年癌症康复相关研究的研究现状、研究热点及研究前沿。方法 检索2009~2018年Web of Science核心数据库中癌症康复相关文献,利用CiteSpace软件生成可视化科学知识图谱并进行分析。结果 2009~2018年,Web of Science核心数据库中共检索到癌症康复相关论文13956篇,年度发表论文数量总体呈增长趋势;《SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER》是发表论文最多的期刊,美国是发表文章数量最多、最具权威性的国家,UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA(阿尔伯塔大学)是最活跃的机构,Courneya KS是发表文献数量最多的作者;癌症研究领域热点词包括生活质量、体育活动、康复、运动、随机对照试验、前列腺癌、乳腺癌、淋巴水肿和肺癌。癌症、绝经后妇女、心血管疾病、主要结局指标、规律运动、氧化应激、社会支持、住院时间等可能是癌症康复未来潜在的研究方向。结论 癌症康复研究正在经历快速发展的阶段。近10年来,癌症康复研究形成了以国家和研究机构为单位的研究群体,其中欧美国家对癌症康复的研究处于世界领先水平,美国在癌症康复领域的研究具有相当重要的地位。癌症康复领域研究热点和学术前沿包括研究疾病、研究对象和研究方法3个方面,研究疾病主要集中于前列腺癌、乳腺及肺癌及并发症,研究群体以女性居多,研究方法多采用随机对照试验。  相似文献   

2013年生命科学和生物技术领域基础研究、应用研究不断深入,由于篇幅有限,笔者仅就世界各国对热门的脑科学研究、干细胞研究、基因组测序、基因研究和其他一些方面的研究进行最简单的介绍,供读者参考。1"脑科学研究"火热兴起欧盟委员会表示,欧洲很多人患上与脑有关的疾病,为此一定要加强脑科学研究。另外,脑科学研究不但可以揭开大脑高智能、高效率、低耗能之谜,对人工智能、基因组学、  相似文献   

目的:采用文献计量和内容分析方法,探讨国内团体咨询研究的现状及发展趋势。方法:在中国知网数据库搜索1996-2013年间的团体咨询研究中文文献,从文献数量、文献来源分布、研究类型、研究主题、研究质量、团体领导者专业素质6方面进行分析。结果:共得到文献516篇,其中期刊文献占51.0%,学位论文占49.0%,文献数量逐年上升;从2000年前单一的效果研究和定量研究发展至过程研究、过程-效果研究、定性研究、定性定量结合、理论研究等多种类型和主题。研究主题集中于效果类研究(92.6%),以定量研究为主(54.5%)。研究质量方面,核心期刊论文占发表论文的40.7%,22.5%的实验研究未设立对照组,其中43.3%的研究没有或未说明采用随机或者匹配的方式分组,75.5%效果研究没有进行追踪;65.4%的文献未说明团体带领者的情况。结论:国内团体咨询研究呈快速发展阶段,研究类型及主题更为多样化,但研究质量亟待提高,团体领导者的专业素质仍待考量。  相似文献   

聚乳酸及其复合材料在骨组织工程方面的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
聚乳酸(PLA)是具有良好的生物相容性和生物降解特性的聚合物,是FDA认可的一类可植入体内的生物材料。本文综述了PLA、羟基磷灰石(HA)/PLA复合材料及生物活性有机成分/PLA复合材料在骨组织工程中应用的研究进展。  相似文献   

聚乳酸的合成及应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
聚乳酸及其共聚物是具有优良的生物相容性和可生物降解的高分子材料,无毒,可吸收,其研制与开发日益受到人们的重视,在各个领域尤其是医药领域得到越来越广泛的应用,制备的方法有直接缩聚地,开环聚合法,共聚法,对聚乳酸及其共聚物降解性的试验评价已有三十多年,但都有缺陷,在有些方面它们的性能和制造工艺还有待改进,作为可生物降解的高分子材料,聚乳酸一旦工业化,它在医用及降解塑料方面将对会有难以估量的应用前景.  相似文献   

Despite modern stent technology and effective antiplatelet therapy, metallic stents carry the risk of (sub)acute thrombosis. Our aim was to examine short-term differences in platelet deposition and coagulation activation between biodegradable polylactide (PLA), heparin-polycaprolactone-L-lactide-coated polylactide (hepa-P(CL95/L-LA5)-PLA), and stainless steel (SS) stent struts. Gel-filtered platelets (GFP) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) were labeled with 10 nM (3)H-serotonin. Platelet deposition was measured after incubation of the stent struts in human serum albumin-coated wells at 37 degrees C in either GFP or PRP. Platelet morphology was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). For coagulation activation, the stent struts were incubated in either PRP or platelet-poor plasma (PPP), anticoagulated with D-phenylalanyl-L-prolyl-L-arginine chloromethyl ketone (PPACK), followed by measurement of fibrinogen, thrombin time (TT), prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F1+2), and thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT). SS showed adherence of larger amounts of GFPs than did PLA at a platelet density of 300 x 10(6)/mL (p < 0.05). Furthermore, representative SEM studies showed more platelet spreading on SS than on PLA stent struts. Between PLA and SS, coagulation activity did not differ at any assessment. Based on prolonged TT values in plasma, the heparin coating strongly inhibited coagulation (p < 0.05). The values of soluble TAT and F1+2 for PLA were similar to those of controls, i.e., to incubated suspensions without a stent strut. In conclusion, when compared with stainless steel, both PLA and hepa-P(CL95/L-LA5)-PLA appear hemocompatible as intravascular stent materials.  相似文献   

现将骨折内固定材料的发展史,传统骨折内固定材料的不足之处,以及开发可吸收骨折内固定材料的意义作一综述。介绍了聚乳酸作为可吸收内固定材料的优异性能,及其复合材料的特点,并比较了以聚乳酸为基体的各种内固定复合材料的成型工艺和机械力学强度。  相似文献   

The effects of biomaterials on their environment must be carefully modulated in most biomedical applications. Among other approaches, this modulation can be obtained through the modification of the biomaterial surface. This paper proposes a simple and versatile strategy to produce non-leaching antibacterial polylactide (PLA) surfaces without any degradation of the polyester chains. The method is based on a one-pot procedure that provides a “clickable” PLA surface via anionic activation which is then functionalized with an antibacterial quaternized poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (QPDMAEMA) by covalent immobilization on the surface. The anti-adherence and antibiofilm activities of modified PLA surfaces are assessed for different QPDMAEMA molecular weights and different quaternization agents. Antibacterial PLA surfaces are shown to be very active against Gram-negative and Gram-positive strains, with adherence reduction factors superior to 99.999% and a marked reduction in biofilm on the most potent surfaces. In addition to this substantial antibacterial activity, the proposed PLA surfaces are also cytocompatible, as demonstrated through the proliferation of L929 fibroblasts.  相似文献   

全军单克隆抗体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者概述了近10年军队系统单克隆抗体(McAb)技术研究的进展。军队开展McAb的研究是同国内同步进行的。他们曾采用了各种先进方法,制备出包括抗微生物、肿瘤相关抗原及标志物、白细胞分化抗原、血小板、淋巴因子、各种蛋白、激素及酸等80余种McAb,其中多种抗病毒McAb己制成系多列产品。一些研究已从实验阶段进入军事医学和临床医学的实际应用和基础医学研究的探索,抗病毒和抗肿瘤McAb正在进行广泛的临床诊断和治疗研究,並已取得了效果。文中评述了军队开展杂交瘤枝术的组织领导、技术培训、学术交流的特点及其在全国所起的作用,也讨论了McAb技术发展中的有关问题。  相似文献   

Anish C  Goswami DG  Kanchan V  Mathew S  Panda AK 《Biomaterials》2012,33(28):6843-6857
Polysaccharides in their great majority are thymus-independent (TI) antigens. Anti-polysaccharide antibody responses are generally weak and characterized by lack of memory, isotype restriction and delayed ontogeny. We report here the generation of protective memory antibody response by multivalent display of polysaccharide antigens on biodegradable polymeric particles. Single dose immunization using polylactide (PLA) polymer particles entrapping Vi capsular polysaccharide antigen from Salmonella typhi promoted isotype switching and induced polysaccharide-specific memory antibody response in experimental animals. PLA nanoparticles as well as microparticles entrapping Vi polysaccharides elicited high IgG titer in comparison to soluble Vi immunization. Immunizations with particles co-entrapping both Vi polysaccharide and tetanus toxoid did not improve the anti-polysaccharide antibody responses. Lower antibody response from co-entrapped formulation was mostly due to inhibition of particle phagocytosis by the macrophages. Immunization using polylactide particles entrapping only Vi polysaccharide with higher density on surface elicited highest secondary antibody response as well as promoted isotype switching. The vaccination potential of particle based immunizations was further confirmed by the generation of quick memory antibody responses while challenging the immunized animals with live S. typhi. This approach provides a multivalent display of polysaccharide antigen using polymer particles and elicits protective memory antibody response without conjugation to a carrier protein.  相似文献   

Bioactivity of biomaterials was a new requirement, especially in tissue engineering and drug delivery. As a traditional used biomaterial, polylactide (PLA) had no bioactivity, of course, and it still had few reactive groups to introduce some bioactive molecules in its bulk. Here, we want to introduce carboxyl groups and amino groups in the side chain of PLA to get more reactive groups for incorporating bioactive molecular later and to maintain the structure of main chain to keep its biodegradability, and to settle the acidity of PLA during hydrolysis at the same time. It was performed as follows: first, maleic anhydride was covalently grafted onto the side chain of PLA by a free radical reaction at 100 degrees C for 20 h with BPO as the initiator. Then, by amidation with a maleic anhydride group on PLA at room temperature, hexanediamine was incorporated. The resulting polymers have been characterized via GPC, (13)C NMR, DSC, and TGA. The graft ratio was tested by titration. The pH changes during hydrolysis in 0.1 M PBS with pH 7.4 of PLA, MPLA, and HPLA were investigated. All the results showed that this research has grafted maleic anhydride and then hexanediamine in the bulk of PLA. The molecular weight degradation during reaction was less than 20%. The graft ratios of were 2.68, 2.36, and 1.86%, respectively in 5, 10, and 20% raw MA in MPLA; and the anhydride groups grafted in MPLA can completely react with hexanediamine at room temperature. The pH value of HPLA remained neutral within 12 weeks' hydrolysis compared with the resulted acidity of PLA and MPLA.  相似文献   

In this paper, hot-melt extrusion was applied to prepare drug delivery systems using polylactide acid (PLA) as the matrix. Diclofenac sodium (DS) was used as a model drug. Polyethylene glycol (PEG, molecular weight is 6000) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) were used as the release rate modifiers. For the PLA/PEG/DS blends, the release of DS was enhanced with higher amounts of PEG and DS. After the addition of SDS to the PLA/PEG/DS blends, the dispersion of DS and PEG was significantly improved. Compared to the PLA/PEG/DS blends with the same drug loading, the drug release behavior of PLA/PEG/DS/SDS was remarkably suppressed due to the presence of SDS. And a controllable linear release of DS was achieved.  相似文献   

Mi FL  Shyu SS  Lin YM  Wu YB  Peng CK  Tsai YH 《Biomaterials》2003,24(27):5023-5036
Novel chitin/PLGAs and chitin/PLA based microspheres were developed for the delivery of protein. These biodegradable microspheres were prepared by polymers blending and wet phase-inversion methods. The parameters such as selected non-solvents, temperature of water and ratio of polylactide to polyglycolide were adjusted to improve thermodynamic compatibility of individual polymer (chitin and PLGAs or chitin/PLA), which affects the hydration and degradation properties of the blend microspheres. Triphasic pattern of drug release model is observed from the release of protein from the chitin/PLGAs and chitin/PLA microspheres: the initially fast release (the first phase), the following slow release (the second phase) and the second burst release (the third phase). Formulations of the blends, which are based on the balance among the hydration rate of the chitin phase and degradation of chitin/PLA and PLGA phase, can lead to a controllable release of bovine serum albumin (BSA). In conclusion, such a chitin/PLGA 50/50 microsphere is novel and interesting, and may be used as a protein delivery system.  相似文献   

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