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Expiratory flow limitation (FL) at rest is frequently present in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. It promotes dynamic hyperinflation with a consequent decrease in inspiratory capacity (IC). Since in COPD resting IC is strongly correlated with exercise tolerance, this study hypothesized that this is due to limitation of the maximal tidal volume (VT,max) during exercise by the reduced IC. The present study investigated the role of tidal FL at rest on: 1) the relationship of resting IC to VT,max; and 2) on gas exchange during peak exercise in COPD patients. Fifty-two stable COPD patients were studied at rest, using the negative expiratory pressure technique to assess the presence of FL, and during incremental symptom-limited cycling exercise to evaluate exercise performance. At rest, FL was present in 29 patients. In the 52 patients, a close relationship of VT,max to IC was found using non-normalized values (r=0.77; p < 0.0001), and stepwise regression analysis selected IC as the only significant predictor of VT,max. Subgroup analysis showed that this was also the case for patients both with and without FL (r=0.70 and 0.76, respectively). In addition, in FL patients there was an increase (p < 0.002) in arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure at peak exercise, mainly due to a relatively low VT,max and consequent increase in the physiological dead space (VD)/VT ratio. The arterial oxygen partial pressure also decreased at peak exercise in the FL patients (p < 0.05). In conclusion, in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients the maximal tidal volume, and hence maximal oxygen consumption, are closely related to the reduced inspiratory capacity. The flow limited patients also exhibit a significant increase in arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure and a decrease in arterial oxygen partial pressure during peak exercise.  相似文献   

Eltayara L  Ghezzo H  Milic-Emili J 《Chest》2001,119(1):99-104
BACKGROUND: Orthopnea is a common feature in COPD patients, although its nature is poorly understood. OBJECTIVE: To study the role of tidal expiratory flow limitation (FL) in the genesis of orthopnea in patients with stable COPD. MEASUREMENTS: Tidal FL was assessed in 117 ambulatory COPD patients in sitting and supine positions using the negative expiratory pressure method. The presence or absence of orthopnea was also noted. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In patients with stable COPD with tidal expiratory FL in seated and/or supine position, there is a high prevalence of orthopnea, which probably results in part from increased inspiratory efforts due to dynamic pulmonary hyperinflation and the concomitant increase in inspiratory threshold load due to intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure. Increased airway resistance in supine position due to lower end-expiratory lung volume probably also plays a role in the genesis of orthopnea.  相似文献   

In this study the authors investigated whether expiratory flow limitation (FL) is present during tidal breathing in patients with bilateral bronchiectasis (BB) and whether it is related to the severity of chronic dyspnoea (Medical Research Council (MRC) dyspnoea scale), exercise capacity (maximal mechanical power output (WRmax)) and severity of the disease, as assessed by high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scoring. Lung function, MRC dyspnoea, HRCT score, WRmax and FL were assessed in 23 stable caucasian patients (six males) aged 56 +/- 17 yrs. FL was assessed at rest both in seated and supine positions. To detect FL, the negative expiratory pressure (NEP) technique was used. The degree of FL was rated using a five-point FL score. WRmax was measured using a cyclo-ergometer. According to the NEP technique, five patients were FL during resting breathing when supine but not seated, four were FL both seated and supine, and 14 were NFL both seated and supine. Furthermore, it was shown that: 1) in stable BB patients FL during resting breathing is common, especially in the supine position; 2) the degree of MRC dyspnoea is closely related to the five-point FL score; 3) WRmax (% pred) is more closely correlated with the MRC dyspnoea score than with the five-point FL score; and 4) HRCT score is closely related to forced expiratory volume in one second % pred but not five-point FL score. In conclusion, flow limitation is common at rest in sitting and supine positions in patients with bilateral bronchiectasis. Flow limitation and reduced exercise capacity are both associated with more severe dyspnoea. Finally, high-resolution computed tomography scoring correlates best with forced expiratory volume in one second.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nontoxic goiters can cause extrathoracic upper airway obstruction and, if large, may extend into the thorax, causing intrathoracic airway obstruction. Although patients with goiter often report orthopnea, there are few studies on postural changes in respiratory function in these subjects. PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate the postural changes in respiratory function and the presence of flow limitation (FL) and orthopnea in patients with nontoxic goiter. METHODS: In 32 patients with nontoxic goiter, respiratory function was studied in seated and supine position. Expiratory FL was assessed with the negative expiratory pressure method. Goiter-trachea radiologic relationships were arbitrarily classified as follows: grade 1, no evidence of tracheal deviation; grade 2, tracheal deviation present in lateral and/or anteroposterior plane but with tracheal compression < 20%; and grade 3, tracheal deviation present with compression > 20%. Subgroups were considered according to this classification and occurrence of orthopnea and FL. RESULTS: In all three groups of patients, the average maximal expiratory flow at 50% of FVC/maximal inspiratory flow at 50% of FVC ratios were > 1.1, suggesting the presence of upper airway obstruction. Grade 3 patients had a significantly lower expiratory reserve volume and maximal expiratory flow at 25% of FVC and higher airway resistance and 3-point FL score than patients with grade 1 and grade 2. The prevalence of orthopnea was highest in patients with grade 3 (75%, as compared to 18% in the grade 1 group). In patients with orthopnea, the prevalence of intrathoracic goiter was also higher (78%, vs 21% in patients without orthopnea). CONCLUSION: There is a high prevalence of orthopnea in patients with goiter, especially when the location is intrathoracic and causes a reduction of end-expiratory lung volume and flow reserve in the tidal volume range, promoting FL especially in supine position. Obesity is a factor that increases the risk of orthopnea in patients with goiter.  相似文献   

It has been shown that patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) develop dynamic hyperinflation (DH), which contributes to dyspnoea and exercise intolerance. Formoterol, salmeterol and oxitropium have been recommended for maintenance therapy in COPD patients, but their effect on DH has only been assessed for salmeterol. The aim of the present study was to compare the acute effect of four inhaled bronchodilators (salbutamol, formoterol, salmeterol and oxitropium) and placebo on forced expiratory volume in one second, inspiratory capacity, forced vital capacity and dyspnoea in COPD patients. A cross-over, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was carried out on 20 COPD patients. Patients underwent pulmonary function testing and dyspnoea evaluation, in basal condition and 5, 15, 30, 60 and 120 min after bronchodilator or placebo administration. The results indicate that in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with decreased baseline inspiratory capacity, there was a much greater increase of inspiratory capacity after bronchodilator administration, which correlated closely with the improvement of dyspnoea sensation at rest. For all bronchodilators used, inspiratory capacity reversibility should be tested at 30 min following the bronchodilator. On average, formoterol elicited the greatest increase in inspiratory capacity than the other bronchodilators used, though the difference was significant only with salmeterol and oxitropium. The potential advantage of formoterol needs to be tested in a larger patient population.  相似文献   

The difference between mean inspiratory and expiratory respiratory reactance (delta(rs)) measured with forced oscillation technique (FOT) at 5 Hz allows the detection of expiratory flow limitation (EFL) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients breathing spontaneously. This aim of this study was to evaluate whether this approach can be applied to COPD patients during noninvasive pressure support. Delta(rs) was measured in seven COPD patients subjected to nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) at 0, 4, 8 and 12 cmH2O in sitting and supine positions. Simultaneous recording of oesophageal pressure and the Mead and Whittenberger (M-W) method provided a reference for scoring each breath as flow-limited (FL), non-flow-limited (NFL) or indeterminate (I). For each patient, six consecutive breaths were analysed for each posture and CPAP level. According to M-W scoring, 47 breaths were FL, 166 NFL and 51 I. EFL scoring using FOT coincided with M-W in 94.8% of the breaths. In the four patients who were FL in at least one condition, delta(rs) was reduced with increasing CPAP. These data suggest that the forced oscillation technique may be useful in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients on nasal pressure support by identifying continuous positive airway pressure levels that support breathing without increasing lung volume, which in turn increase the work of breathing and reduce muscle effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

Dolmage TE  Goldstein RS 《Chest》2002,121(3):708-714
STUDY OBJECTIVE: Estimating lung volume using inspiratory capacity (IC) maneuvers is a useful way of tracking dynamic hyperinflation. An understanding of the repeatability of the IC in a clinical setting is important when evaluating an individual's response to a therapeutic intervention that might influence lung volume. This is the first study to determine the repeatability of serial IC measurements of patients with severe COPD undergoing incremental exercise testing in a clinical setting. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Ten patients with severe COPD, inexperienced in exercise testing, cycled with power increased until they reached symptom limitation. Flow was measured at the mouth using a pneumotachograph. IC maneuvers were performed at 1-min to 3-min intervals. Subjects repeated the exercise test 2 days later. Three methods of calculating IC from flow have been described previously. To determine which method provided the best repeatability, we calculated the following: (1) IC calculated by the integration of inspired flow from the start to the end of the IC maneuver (ICINSP); (2) IC calculated from the difference between the drift-corrected peak inspiratory volume (total lung capacity [TLC]) and the drift-corrected end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) of the six breaths that preceded the IC prompt (ICREG); and (3) IC calculated, after correction of the expiratory part of the signal, as the difference between the mean EELV of the six breaths that preceded the IC prompt and the peak inspiratory volume (ICRATIO). Each individual's IC response was expressed as a function of exercise time and of ventilation. RESULTS: There was a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in the expired volume of the breath before the IC maneuver (0.11 +/- 0.26 L) [mean +/- SD]. ICINSP (1.78 +/- 0.88 L) was significantly less than the IC calculated using the other two methods (ICREG, 1.88 +/- 0.89 L; ICRATIO, 1.86 +/- 0.87 L). ICRATIO improved the repeatability of the serial IC measures by as much as 60% over ICINSP and ICREG. CONCLUSION: Calculating IC as the difference between EELV and TLC was unaffected by unsatisfactory technique, such as a change in breathing pattern immediately before the maneuver. Adjusting expiratory flow based on premaneuver inspiratory to expiratory volume ratio before estimating EELV improved the repeatability coefficient of the IC.  相似文献   

Orthopnea and tidal expiratory flow limitation in chronic heart failure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Tidal expiratory flow limitation (FL) is common in patients with acute left heart failure and contributes significantly to orthopnea. Whether tidal FL exists in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) remains to be determined. PURPOSES: To measure tidal FL and respiratory function in CHF patients and their relationships to orthopnea. METHODS: In 20 CHF patients (mean [+/- SD] ejection fraction, 23 +/- 8%; mean systolic pulmonary artery pressure [sPAP], 46 +/- 18 mm Hg; mean age, 59 +/- 11 years) and 20 control subjects who were matched for age and gender, we assessed FL, Borg score, spirometry, maximal inspiratory pressure (Pimax), mouth occlusion pressure 100 ms after the onset of inspiratory effort (P(0.1)), and breathing pattern in both the sitting and supine positions. The Medical Research Council score and orthopnea score were also determined. RESULTS: In the sitting position, tidal FL was absent in all patients and healthy subjects. In CHF patients, Pimax was reduced, and ventilation and P(0.1)/Pimax ratio was increased relative to those of control subjects. In the supine position, 12 CHF patients had FL and 18 CHF patients claimed orthopnea with a mean Borg score increasing from 0.5 +/- 0.7 in the sitting position to 2.7 +/- 1.5 in the supine position in CHF patients. In contrast, orthopnea was absent in all control subjects. The FL patients were older than the non-FL patients (mean age, 63 +/- 8 vs 53 +/- 12 years, respectively; p < 0.03). In shifting from the seated to the supine position, the P(0.1)/Pimax ratio and the effective inspiratory impedance increased more in CHF patients than in control subjects. The best predictors of orthopnea in CHF patients were sPAP, supine Pimax, and the percentage change in inspiratory capacity (IC) from the seated to the supine position (r(2) = 0.64; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: In sitting CHF patients, tidal FL is absent but is common supine. Supine FL, together with increased respiratory impedance and decreased inspiratory muscle force, can elicit orthopnea, whom independent indicators are sPAP, supine Pimax and change in IC percentage.  相似文献   

The effects of a 10-week inspiratory muscle training (IMT) program at home were compared to IMT during a 10-week pulmonary rehabilitation program (PR) in 40 COPD patients with a ventilatory limitation of the exercise capacity. IMT was performed with a target-flow resistive device; the generated mouth pressure as well as the duty cycle were imposed. The mean age of the patients was 59, the mean FEV1 was 48% of predicted. In the training period the inspiratory muscle strength improved in both groups to the same degree. EMG fatigability of the diaphragm improved in the PR + IMT group, but not in the IMT group. In theIMT group, the 12-min walking distance increased after the training period, but maximal workload (Wmax), , and ADL scores did not change. In thePR + IMT group, however, Wmax, , walking distance, and ADL scores improved significantly after the training period. Walking distance and ADL scores showed a significantly greater improvement in the PR + IMT group than in the IMT group. It is concluded that both isolated IMT and PR + IMT in COPD patients with a ventilatory limitation have a beneficial effect on inspiratory muscle strength, but PR + IMT improves the physical exercise capacity significantly more than IMT alone.  相似文献   

J Fiz  M Gallego  J Izquierdo  J Ruiz  J Roig  J Morera 《Chest》1990,97(3):618-620
We studied eight men with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (age, 60.57 +/- 7.59 years; height, 162 +/- 10.43 cm; weight, 65 +/- 9.7 kg). Functional values of the sample were as follows: FEV1, 46 percent; FVC, 67 percent; PO2, 72.4 mm Hg; and pH, 7.41. We used a modification of the Nickerson and Keens method. Patients were required to perform 65 percent of maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP). We counted the time from the start of the test to exhaustion of the patient (TLIM). We measured basal MIP and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) (TLC) at the TLIM and 10, 20, and 30 minutes and MIP was different from the basal value (MIP basal, 85.7 cm H2O; MIP 10 minutes, 79.1 cm H2O; MIP 20 minutes, 78.6 cm H2O; MIP 30 minutes, 79.6 cm H2O. The MEP was not different from the basal value. We concluded that in patients with COPD, MIP decreases significantly after inspiration through umbral inspiratory weight equal to 65 percent MIP and does not return to basal value for 30 minutes. The MEP does not change with respect to basal determination.  相似文献   

Static lung hyperinflation has important clinical consequences in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Given that most of these patients have respiratory and peripheral muscle weakness, dyspnea and functional exercise capacity may improve as a result of inspiratory muscle training (IMT). The present study is designed to investigate the benefits of a short outpatient program of IMT on inspiratory muscle performance, exercise capacity, perception of dyspnea, and the inspiratory fraction (IF). Thirty patients (24 males, 6 females) with significant COPD (forced expiratory volume in one second [FEV1] = 46.21% ± 6.7% predicted, FEV1 = 33.6% ± 8.04% predicted) were recruited for this study and had 3 months of IMT (30 minutes/day for 6 days/week) in an outpatient clinic. Following IMT, there was a statistically significant increase in inspiratory muscle performance (an increase of the maximal inspiratory pressure from 59% ± 19.1% to 79% ± 21.85% predicted; p = 0.0342), a decrease in dyspnea (from 5.8 ± 0.78 to 1.9 ± 0.57; p = 0.0001), an increase in the distance walked during the 6 minute walk test, from 245 ± 52.37 m to 302 ± 41.30 m, and finally an increase in the IF (the new prognostic factor in COPD) from 27.6 ± 9.7% to 31.4% ± 9.8%. The present study concludes that in patients with significant COPD, IMT results in improvement in performance, exercise capacity, sensation of dyspnea, and moreover an improvement in the IF prognostic factor.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the relevance of maximal inspiratory flow rates (MIFR) in the assessment of airway obstruction in COPD. SETTING: University teaching hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Ten consecutive COPD patients (O group; mean [+/- SD] age, 58.5+/-8.3 years) and 10 matched healthy subjects (H group; mean age, 58.7+/-7.4 years). MEASUREMENTS: Lung volumes, FEV(1), specific airway conductance, single-breath lung diffusing capacity, MIFR, and maximal expiratory flow rates (MEFR). RESULTS: Mean FEV(1)/vital capacity (VC) was 74.7% in the H group and 37.8% in the O group (p<0.001). Total lung capacity was higher (p<0.001) in the O group compared with the H group. Lung diffusing capacity was less than half in the O group compared with the H group (p<0.001). MEFR at all lung volumes were lower in the O group (p<0.001). MIFR were comparable in the two groups, except at 25% inspired VC, where MIFR were lower in the O group (p< 0.05). CONCLUSION: MIFR are less sensitive than MEFR to detect airway obstruction in COPD patients. Yet, the interest of MIFR lay in the possibility to separate intrinsic from extrinsic involvement of airways. A normal MIFR associated with low MEFR, as in the present study, suggests either a lack of parenchymal support, an increased collapsibility of the airways, or a reversible peripheral airway narrowing. A fixed, generalized airway narrowing would be associated with a decrease of both MIFR and MEFR.  相似文献   

Expiratory flow limitation (EFL) during tidal breathing is a major determinant of dynamic hyperinflation and exercise limitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Current methods of detecting this are either invasive or unsuited to following changes breath-by-breath. It was hypothesised that tidal flow limitation would substantially reduce the total respiratory system reactance (Xrs) during expiration, and that this reduction could be used to reliably detect if EFL was present. To test this, 5-Hz forced oscillations were applied at the mouth in seven healthy subjects and 15 COPD patients (mean +/- sD forced expiratory volume in one second was 36.8 +/- 11.5% predicted) during quiet breathing. COPD breaths were analysed (n=206) and classified as flow-limited if flow decreased as alveolar pressure increased, indeterminate if flow decreased at constant alveolar pressure, or nonflow-limited. Of these, 85 breaths were flow-limited, 80 were not and 41 were indeterminate. Among other indices, mean inspiratory minus mean expiratory Xrs (deltaXrs) and minimum expiratory Xrs (Xexp,min) identified flow-limited breaths with 100% specificity and sensitivity using a threshold between 2.53-3.12 cmH2O x s x L(-1) (deltaXrs) and -7.38- -6.76 cmH2O x s x L(-1) (Xexp,min) representing 6.0% and 3.9% of the total range of values respectively. No flow-limited breaths were seen in the normal subjects by either method. Within-breath respiratory system reactance provides an accurate, reliable and noninvasive technique to detect expiratory flow limitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

It is known that, in stable asthmatics at rest, tidal expiratory flow limitation (EFL) and dynamic hyperinflation (DH) are seldom present. This study investigated whether stable asthmatics develop tidal EFL and DH during exercise with concurrent limitation of maximal exercise work rate (WRmax). A total of 20 asthmatics in a stable condition and aged 32+/-13 yrs (mean+/-SD) with a forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) of 101+/-21% of the predicted value were studied. Only three patients exhibited an FEV1 below the normal limits. On a first visit, patients performed a symptom-limited incremental (20 W.min(-1)) bicycle exercise test. On the second visit, the occurrence of EFL (using the negative expiratory pressure technique) and DH (via reduction in inspiratory capacity) were assessed at rest and when cycling at 33, 66 and 90% of their predetermined WRmax. FEV1 was measured to detect exercise-induced asthma, 5 and 15 min after stopping exercise at 90% WRmax. Only one patient showed EFL at rest, whereas 13 showed EFL and DH during exercise. In these 13 asthmatics, exercise capacity was significantly reduced (WRmax 75+/-9% pred) compared to the seven non-EFL patients (WRmax 95+/-13% pred). Moreover, a significant correlation of WRmax (% pred) to the change in inspiratory capacity (percentage of resting value) from rest to 90% WRmax was found. Tidal EFL during exercise was not associated with exercise-induced asthma, which was detected in only three patients. In conclusion, tidal expiratory flow limitation and dynamic hyperinflation during exercise are common in stable asthmatics with normal spirometric results and without exercise-induced asthma, and may contribute to reduction in exercise capacity.  相似文献   

Pulmonary diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) and pulmonary capillary blood flow (Qp) were measured on exercise in patients with a low DLCO with the aim of predicting, from the overall DL/Qp ratio, diffusion limitation for oxygen and relating it to the fall in arterial oxygen saturation actually observed. Five patients with cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (DLCO ranging from 20-54% predicted normal) exercised for 5 min at a work load equal to 60% of their maximum (45 to 90 watts). At 5 min (and previously at rest) they rebreathed rapidly for 15 sec from a 1.0 L bag containing helium (He), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and freon-22, 30% oxygen in argon and less than 1 ppm 11C-labelled carbon monoxide. Pulmonary capillary blood flow (Qp) and diffusing capacity (DLCO) were measured from flow-weighted breath-by-breath concentrations of freon-22 and 11CO, after correction for gas mixing delays (using He and SF6). Oxygen saturation (SaO2) (ear oximetry), MO2 and MCO2 and cardiac frequency were measured. PAO2 (ideal) was derived and mixed venous O2 saturation and content were calculated (Fick); PaO2 and PVO2 were derived from standard dissociation curves. For comparison, DLCO and Qp were measured in a similar fashion in five normal subjects exercising at 60 watts. Mean DLCO in patients with fibrosis was 9.62 (SD 2.88) ml.min-1, mm Hg-1 on exercise and mean Qp was 10.48 (SD 1.79) L.min-1 giving mean DLCO/Q ratios of 0.92 (SD 0.28). At 60 watts mean DLCO/Qp in normal subjects was 2.54 (SD 0.3), 2.76-times greater than in patients. SaO2% fell in patients by 3-15% on exercise. Predictions of alveolar-end capillary PO2 gradients from these overall DL/Q gradients showed that diffusion limitation accounted for 99% of the alveolar-arterial PO2 gradient on exercise in fibrosing alveolitis. Hughes (1991 Respir. Physiol. 83:167-178) [corrected] suggests that this simple approach overestimates the contribution of diffusion limitation by about 30%.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) eventually leads to hyperinflation linked to tidal expiratory flow limitation (FL) and ventilatory failure. Presence of FL was assessed at rest in 22 seated children and adults with CF (forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) range: 16-92% predicted), using both the negative expiratory pressure (NEP) technique and the "conventional" method based on comparison of tidal and maximal expiratory flow/volume curves. In addition, chronic dyspnoea was scored with the modified Medical Research Council (MRC) scale. Measurements were made before and 15 min after inhalation of salbutamol. With NEP, FL was present in only three malnourished patients, who had the lowest FEV1 values (16-27% pred) and claimed very severe dyspnoea (MRC score 5). By contrast, an additional seven patients were classified as FL with the conventional method. Six of these patients had little or no dyspnoea (MRC scores 0-1). Salbutamol administration had no effect on the extent of FL, and the concomitant decrease in functional residual capacity (FRC) was too small to play any clinically significant role. This study concluded that in seated patients with cystic fibrosis, expiratory flow limitation is absent at rest, unless the forced expiratory volume in one second is <30% predicted. If present, expiratory flow limitation is associated with severe chronic dyspnoea. The conventional method for assessing expiratory flow limitation is not reliable and bronchodilator administration has little effect on expiratory flow limitation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the acute effects of inspiratory pressure support (IPS) of 5 cmH2O (IPS5) and 10 cmH2O (IPS10) on exercise endurance. Forty-five patients with COPD (mean forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) = 39 +/- 14% pred) performed three constant-load endurance tests on a cycle ergometer at 75% of maximal workload. One test was without IPS, one test with IPSs, and one with IPS10. No statistically significant difference was found in exercise endurance between tests without IPS and IPS5 (4.2 +/- 2.6 versus 4.4 +/- 2.9 min). In contrast, IPS10 resulted in a statistically significant increase in endurance compared with exercise without IPS (6.3 +/- 6.7 versus 4.2 +/- 2.6 min), as well as compared with exercise with IPS5 (6.3 +/- 6.7 versus 4.4 +/- 2.9 min). A wide scatter in individual responses to IPS was found, ranging from a deterioration of 1.6 min (-36%) to an improvement of 16.3 min (+445%). In only 15 patients, the increase in endurance exceeded the upper limit of the 95%, confidence interval. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that maximal inspiratory pressure was the most important determinant of the increase in exercise endurance due to the application of IPS10. It was concluded that in contrast to inspiratory pressure support of 5 cmH2O, the application of inspiratory pressure support of 10 cmH2O during exercise resulted in a statistically significant improvement in exercise endurance in patients with COPD compared with exercise without inspiratory pressure support. However, on an individual basis, large differences in responses were found. Inspiratory muscle weakness was revealed as a determinant of improvement in exercise endurance due to the application of inspiratory pressure support of 10 cmH2O, explaining only 24% of the variance in outcome.  相似文献   

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