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Background: There is limited information regarding marginal bone‐level changes around immediately loaded implants placed with the osteotome technique. The aim of this case series is to prospectively evaluate the clinical and radiographic outcome of immediately loaded implants placed with the osteotome technique over a 12‐month period. Methods: Eighteen patients in need of oral prosthetic rehabilitation that included single implant placement in positions #4 to #13 and/or #20 to #29 participated in this prospective trial. A modified implant installation procedure with an under preparation of the implant bed using the osteotome technique and immediate loading of the implant was performed. Clinical examinations were performed at 2 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months of follow‐up. Radiographic examinations were performed at implant installation and at the 6‐ and 12‐month follow‐up visits. Results: One implant failed to integrate and was removed at 3 months after implant installation. Four of 20 implants had insertion torque value >35 Ncm. The mean marginal bone loss was ‐0.09 mm at the 6‐month and ‐0.19 mm at the 12‐month follow‐up visits. Conclusion: The present case series indicates that implants placed with the osteotome technique and immediately loaded did not demonstrate a high insertion torque and exhibited minimal marginal bone loss.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The osteotome technique has been successfully used for implant placement when a limited vertical height is available at posterior maxilla. However, it is not clear if new bone is formed at the apical portion of the implant placed by this technique without any bone graft. The aim of this study was to radiographically evaluate bone formation around dental implant surfaces exposed to the space created at the sinus floor without the presence of any graft material. METHODS: Forty patients (21 male, 19 female; mean age 46.7 years) who received a total of 75 dental implants together with indirect sinus lifting procedure were included. Initial and 6-month postoperative panoramic films were scanned and analyzed using a commercially available software program. Implants were divided into two groups: initial alveolar bone height <9 mm or > or =9 mm. This helped determine the effect of available bone and exposed implant surface on bone formation in a system where the shortest implant was 8 mm. RESULTS: The mean implant length placed at locations with <9 mm initial bone height (mean 7 +/- 1.3 mm, N = 29 implants) was 11 +/- 1.7 mm; gain in bone height was 3.9 +/- 1.9 mm. At locations where minimum bone height was 9 mm (mean 10.4 +/- 0.7 mm), 44 implants were placed with a 13.5 +/- 1.06 mm mean length. Mean gain in bone height was 2.9 +/- 1.2 mm at these sites. Two implants were lost at stage 2 surgery. The success rate after 25 months of loading was 97.3%. CONCLUSIONS: It is possible to radiographically observe a gain of approximately 3 to 4 mm of bone from the sinus floor to the implant apex. The amount of initial alveolar bone height, presence of sinus membrane perforation, and the amount of exposed implant surface appear to play a role in the presence or absence of radiopacity within the elevated sinus floor, following 6 months of healing.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To estimate the survival rate of implants placed with the osteotome technique by means of a systematic review. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The literature was searched using Medline; the search was limited to the years 1953 to 2005. Inclusion criteria were: (1) clinical studies or clinical reports investigating the osteotome technique for dental implantation and (2) control or test group(s) from clinical studies or clinical reports, even if they did not fit with other criteria. By pooling the data of the included studies, overall Kaplan-Meier survival curves were constructed for the periods before and after loading. RESULTS: The initial literature search yielded 164 studies. After selection criteria were applied, 5 studies were considered suitable for inclusion. The combined data of 349 implants revealed survival probabilities of 98% (confidence interval [CI], 97.2% to 100%) until loading and 99% (CI, 94% to 100%) after 56 months of loading. At the end of the observation period 41 implants in 18 patients were still at risk. CONCLUSION: The outcome of dental implantation using the osteotome technique in terms of implant survival seems to be similar to that of implants placed by means of the conventional implantation technique.  相似文献   

To overcome the limitations of implant placement in knife-edge ridges, Summer introduced the osteotome technique in 1994. It has been claimed that using bone condensing to prepare the implant site in soft maxillary bone avoids the risk of heat generation, and implants can be placed precisely with increased primary stability. The purpose of this clinical study was to evaluate the crestal bone loss exhibited by the bone around early nonfunctionally loaded implants placed with conventional implant placement technique and with Summer's osteotome technique and to evaluate whether the bone-compression technique provides better primary stability than the conventional technique. A total of 10 Uniti implants were placed in the maxillary anterior region of 5 patients. One implant site was prepared using the conventional technique with drills (control group A), and second site was prepared using the osteotome technique (experimental group B) and an MIS bone compression kit. Resonance frequency measurements (RFMs) were made on each implant at the time of fixture placement and on the 180th day after implant fixture placement. The peri-implant alveolar bone loss was evaluated radiographically. Differences between the alveolar crest and the implant shoulder in radiographs were obtained immediately after implant insertion and on the 180th day after implant placement. The RFMs demonstrated a significantly higher stability of implants in control group A than in experimental group B on the day of surgery (P = .026). However, no statistically significant difference in stability was found between both groups on 180th day after implant placement (P = .076). A significant difference was found in the crestal bone levels after 180 days of surgery between two groups (P = 0) with less crestal bone loss with group A. Within the limitations of this study we concluded that the osteotome technique is good for the purpose for which it was introduced, that is, for knife-edge ridges, and it should not be considered a substitute for conventional procedures for implant placement.  相似文献   

Partial extraction therapies, such as the socket-shield technique, use the patient's tooth tissues and periodontium to preserve the alveolar ridge and limit postextraction resorption. Internal exposure through the overlying peri-implant mucosa has been reported as the most common complication, suggesting that the preparation technique requires modification. This technique report describes the prosthetic management of the socket-shield technique, emphasizing preparation of the socket-shield to the bone crest, and the creation of an S-shape prosthetic emergence profile to support maximal soft tissue infill.  相似文献   

目的:研究种植体稳定系数(implant stability quotient, ISQ)评估种植体骨结合状况的有效性和可靠性,评价超声共振频率分析(resonance frequency analysis,RFA)技术作为种植体负载时机评价指标的可行性。方法:经腭入路行犬上颌窦提升术同期植入种植体,模拟骨量不足状态下的上颌后牙区种植动物模型,并于术后即刻、4、 8、12周对种植体稳定性进行测量。采用影像学检查、组织形态学分析和临床指标分析,进一步验证ISQ值与种植体骨结合状态的相关性,从而对RFA技术临床应用的有效性和可靠性进行评价。采用SAS 9.4 软件包进行Pearson相关性分析。结果:全部种植体骨结合成功。种植体植入即刻ISQ值达65左右,术后4、 8、12周,逐渐升高至67以上。在整个测量过程中,未发现任何种植体松动现象。各种植体稳定性在整个实验过程中的变化趋势基本一致,骨结合率无明显差异。ISQ值与剩余骨高度(residual bone height,RBH)间无显著相关性。结论:ISQ值与RBH之间无明显相关性,ISQ值不是评估种植体骨结合状态的有效手段,RFA技术作为种植体负载时机选择的依据缺乏足够的证据支持。  相似文献   

No consensus has been reached on the use of dental implants in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients. This systematic review evaluated dental implants in HIV-positive patients in terms of implant survival and success rates, marginal bone loss, and complications. The review was conducted according to the PRISMA checklist. Two independent reviewers performed a comprehensive search of the PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and Cochrane Library databases for studies published until October 2017. Six studies were selected for review. In total, 821 implants were placed: 493 in 169 HIV-positive patients, and 328 in 135 HIV-negative patients. The mean duration of follow-up was 47.9 months. Weighted mean survival rate, success rate, and marginal bone loss values were calculated for the HIV-positive patients. Mean survival and success rates at the patient level (according to the number of patients) were 94.76% and 93.81%, respectively; when calculated at the implant level (according to the number of implants), these rates were 94.53% and 90.37%, respectively. Mean marginal bone loss was 0.83 mm at the patient level and 0.99 mm at the implant level. Thus, dental implants are suitable for the rehabilitation of HIV-positive patients with controlled risk factors and normal CD4+ cell counts.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the osseointegration of dental implants placed with a modified surgical technique in Beagle dogs and to compare it with the conventional method. Materials and methods: Dental implants were placed bilaterally in the mandible of Beagle dogs using the press‐fit as well as undersized implant bed preparation technique. Micro computer tomography (micro‐CT) and histometric methods were used to analyze the bone implant contact and bone volume (BV) around the implants. Results: The bone‐to‐implant contact percentage (BIC: expressed as %), first BIC (1st BIC: expressed in mm), sulcus depth (SD: expressed in mm) and connective tissue thickness (CT: expressed in mm) were analyzed for both groups. The BIC percentage was significantly higher for the undersized installed implants (P=0.0118). Also, a significant difference existed between the undersized and press‐fit installed implants for the first screw thread showing bone contact (P=0.0145). There were no significant differences in mucosal response (SD and CT) for both installation procedures. Also, no significant difference was found in the BV, as measured using micro‐CT, between the implants placed with an undersized technique (59.3±4.6) compared with the press‐fit implants (56.6±4.3). Conclusion: From the observations of the study, it can be concluded that an undersized implant bed can enhance the implant–bone response. To cite this article:
Al‐Marshood MM, Junker R, Al‐Rasheed A, Al Farraj Aldosari A, Jansen JA, Anil S. Study of the osseointegration of dental implants placed with an adapted surgical technique
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22 , 2011; 753–759
doi: 10.1111/j.1600‐0501.2010.02055.x  相似文献   

Background: A recently introduced implant, the NobelDirect (Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden), has previously been documented with substantial bone resorption in a large number of operated cases. PurposeL The aim of this study was to evaluate the failure rate of NobelDirect implants in a retrospective multicenter survey. Materials and Methods: A total of 550 NobelDirect implants consecutively placed in over 269 patients at 18 centers were evaluated with regard to failure rate after an average follow‐up of about 1 year. Results: The overall failure percentage was 10.9% (59 failures). The 58 implants not loaded directly showed only one failure (1.7%) versus 58 failures (11.8%) of those implants that were loaded directly. A chemical x‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of an implant from the original batch showed up to 3.5% silicon at parts of the implants. A retrieval analysis of one implant removed at 2 years after placement demonstrated bone resorption down to the level of the fifth thread. Conclusions: It is concluded that the NobelDirect implant, if placed with a punch procedure, ground down in situ, and loaded directly, shows an unusually high failure rate at 1 year.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival rate of immediately provisionalized dental implants immediately placed into fresh extraction sockets. METHODS: The study consisted of 87 consecutive patients, ranging in age from 21 to 76 years (average: 53.30 +/- 13.34 years), who received 210 immediately provisionalized, immediately placed dental implants between the years 2000 and 2005. Data were recorded regarding the survival rate of these implants and the incidence of complications. RESULTS: Follow-up ranged from 6 to 52 months (mean: 15.60 +/- 12.60 months). Smoking, past and present, was reported by 28.7% and 20.7% of patients, respectively. The maxillary incisors were replaced most frequently, followed by the mandibular lateral incisors. Most of the implants were >13 mm in length and > or = 3.75 mm in diameter. There were 47 (22.4%) single restored implants and 163 (77.6%) splinted implants. Overall, the implant survival rate was 97.6% (five implants failed). Complications, such as swelling, inflammation, and pain, were observed in 24 (11.4%) of the implants. No relation was found between complications and failure. The present study failed to reveal a relationship between implant survival rate and smoking, implant dimensions, and area of implantation. CONCLUSION: Immediately provisionalized immediate implants can serve as a predictable procedure with high survival rates.  相似文献   



Ablative oncological surgery to treat head-and-neck cancer often triggers a requirement for jaw reconstruction. Modern surgical procedures using free microvascular flaps afford acceptable outcomes in terms of restoration of bony and soft tissue defects. A fibula free flap is often the preferred flap, as the bone length is considerable and a two-surgeon approach is possible. Dental implants play important roles in functional rehabilitation. Our aim was to evaluate the survival of dental implants placed in reconstructed areas after transfer of fibula tissue to the jaw.

Materials and methods

We retrospectively studied 34 patients who underwent ablative tumour surgery and jaw reconstruction using osteocutaneous fibula free flaps and who then received dental implants. We evaluated implant survival and success, survival of the fibula flap, and clinical and radiographic data.


We included 34 patients, 23 of whom were diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. In total, 134 dental implants were inserted in transferred fibula bone. The cumulative implant survival rate was 81%. The survival rate of the 34 fibula flaps transplanted after surgical reconstruction was 97%.


The insertion of endosseous implants after jaw reconstruction using vascularised fibula tissue yields successful dental rehabilitation in patients with oral cancers.  相似文献   

Between February 1995 and May 1996, 71 patients received treatment that involved 1 or more wide Screw-Vent implants. A total of 131 wide implants were placed. All patients were recalled 1 year after loading. Seven patients (14 implants) were lost to follow-up. Six implants were removed before completion of prosthetic treatment. One hundred eleven implants were evaluated at the recall examination. Almost all implants (109) supported a fixed prosthesis; in the majority of patients (93 implants), it was a fixed partial prosthesis. The mean loading time was 17 months (range, 11 to 21 months). No implants were lost during the loading period. The overall survival rate was 95%. The survival rate for mandibular implants was 94%; for maxillary implants, it was 96%. These percentages were not statistically different. Crestal bone remodeling was examined using periapical radiographs. After 17 months in function, only 3 implants (2.5%) presented bone loss beyond the first thread.  相似文献   

This work evaluates the data gathered over a period of 10 years on implants placed with the edentulous ridge expansion (ERE) technique by a group of specially trained and experienced surgeons. Between January 1992 and December 2001, 1715 consecutive implants were placed with the ERE technique by nine different dental surgeons using a common surgical protocol. The implants were followed up using a common protocol and a specific database for the collection of clinical information on the patient, surgery, and follow-up, including the 1986 Albrektsson et al criteria for implant success. All data gathered at the end of the study period were placed in a common database. The overall success rate over the O-year follow-up period was 95.7%.  相似文献   

The influence of the osteotome technique on the osseointegration of rough-surfaced stepped cylinder implants (Frialit)-2) was compared to conventional preparation of the implant site in an animal model. A total of 104 implants were placed into the distal femoral condyle of 52 New Zealand white rabbits. This region contains sufficient trabecular bone for implant placement. The implant site was prepared either by the osteotome technique or by conventional technique with drills as a control group. During the healing period polychromatic fluorescence labelling was performed with four different fluorescent dyes. After 2, 4 and 8 weeks, the implants were removed with the surrounding bone. The sample preparation was done using the 'sawing and grinding' technique. Ground sections 100 microm thick were used for fluorescence microscopic analysis; 30- microm-thick ground sections were examined histomorphometrically. After 2 weeks the bone-to-implant contact ratio was 55.0 +/- 7.1% for the osteotome technique and 29.2 +/- 4.8% for the control group (P < 0.0005). After 4 weeks, the bone-to-implant contact ratio was still significantly better for the osteotome technique (bone-to-implant contact ratio osteotome technique 71.1 +/- 7.2%, bone-to-implant contact ratio control 59.0 +/- 6.3%, P = 0.003). Eight weeks after implant placement the bone-to-implant contact ratio was still better for the osteotome technique compared to the conventional implant placement. However it was no longer statistically significant. The qualitative fluorescence microscopic examination showed an earlier and stronger signal for the osteotome technique than the control group. With the latter, the zone of mineralization moved slowly towards the implant surface. Implant sites prepared by the osteotome technique showed a pronounced signal in the whole compressed area already by the second day. In conclusion, the osteotome technique increases new bone formation and leads to an enhanced osseointegration of dental implants in trabecular bone. However, more experimental trials have to be carried out on higher mammals that show a metabolic rate of bone that is more comparable to humans.  相似文献   

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