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1964年在南京召开了新中国诞生以来第一次全国麻醉学术会议,检阅了建国以来的麻醉学成就和麻醉学科专业干部的成长情况,进行了学术交流,经过十年动乱之后,1979年在哈尔滨召开了第二次全国麻醉学术会议,同时正式成立了中华麻醉学会。此后,出版了中华麻醉学杂志和国外医学麻醉学与复苏分册二本专科期刊,各省、市、自治区相继成立了中华医  相似文献   

第八届亚澳地区麻醉学术会议(8thAACA)于1990年9月22~28日在汉城举行,我国第一次以世界麻醉学会会员国身份参加8thAACA。会议的盛况已于中华麻醉学杂志报道,现将会议专题演讲中的五篇内容节译,以供大家参考。  相似文献   

全国神经外科手术麻醉与围术期容量治疗学术会议征文通知 经《中华麻醉学杂志》第七届编委会顾问、总编及副总编会议研究决定,拟于2003年11月7—10日在贵州省贵阳市召开全国神经外科手术麻醉与围术期容量治疗学术会议,现将会议征文有关事项通知如下。 一、征文内容 1.神经外科手术麻醉的临床研究、经验总结及病例报道:包括脑血管手术的麻醉;颅内高压病人的麻醉;特殊颅脑和脊髓  相似文献   

临床麻醉学杂志1995年(第11卷)1~6期文题索引概论麻醉概况和进展再接再励把我国麻醉学科建成名副其实的二级学科(4):220中华医学会麻醉学会第四次全国麻醉学与复苏进展学术会议纪要(4):251麻醉的教学训练怎样加快知识和经验的积累(5):295...  相似文献   

各位代表:今天,我们高兴地在古城西安举行第三届全国中青年麻醉学术会议暨第七届中日临床麻醉学会议。当今,麻醉学理论和方法有了迅速的发展,新的麻醉药物和技术、镇痛方法和新的监测技术不断应用于临床。值得注意的是,现代麻醉学的发展体现了科技水平的竞争,更是人才的竞争。令人欣慰的是,近年来我国麻醉学科人才梯队已经形成,涌现了一大批较为优秀的中青年麻醉科医师,其中大多数是在临床第一线实践中涌现出来,许多中青年医师是经过研究生阶段的训练,有的具有在国外学习工作的经历,积累了较为丰富的理论及临床经验。在老一辈专…  相似文献   

尊敬的吴阶平副委员长 ,尊敬的湖南省各位领导 ,尊敬的基金会领导 ,尊敬的各位嘉宾、专家教授和朋友们 :中华医学会泌尿外科分会六届二次全国学术会议暨第五届全球华人泌尿外科学术会议今天开幕了 !这是 2 1世纪泌尿外科的第一次盛会 ,我代表学会对各位领导和来自海内外的嘉宾和代表表示热烈欢迎和衷心感谢 !两年来 ,学会在各级领导关怀、支持下 ,在全体委员、编委齐心合作下召开过 4次常委会、2次编委会 ,两年中举行全国性学术会议 5次、地方性学术会议十余次 ,在香港举行了第四届全球华人泌尿外科学术会议 ,增进了团结 ,提高了学术水平。…  相似文献   

谢荣教授 192 1年出生于昆明 ,1946年毕业于同济大学医学院。 1947年在美国Michigan大学学习外科学时 ,立志专攻麻醉学。 195 0年回国后 ,在我国自己创建的北京大学医学院从事麻醉工作。历任北医大临床医学研究所副所长、第一医院学术委员会主任、外科主任、麻醉科和麻醉学研究室主任 ;1987~ 1993年为国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员 ;第七、八届全国政协委员 ;中华医学会麻醉学会第二、三、四届委员会主任委员 ;第一、二、三、四届《中华麻醉学杂志》编委会总编 ,《中华外科杂志》、《北京医科大学学报》、《J.Disaster…  相似文献   

(99)医学字第84号中华医学会各省、自治区、直辖市分会:各有关医疗单位:经中华医学会麻醉学分会常委会研究决定,2000年第七届全国麻醉学术会议定于2000年9月10~15日在海南省海口市召开。本次会议是中华医学会一类学术会议,为配合继续医学教育工作,会议还将举办为期一天的知识更新专题讲座。现将会议征文有关事项通知如下:一、征文内容:1.麻醉学基础研究;2.临床麻醉与研究(包括各专科麻醉、老年人及小儿麻醉等);3.疼痛治疗与研究;4.重症监测治疗与研究;5.其他相关新业务、新技术及新进展;6.知…  相似文献   

湖北省麻醉学会第六次全省麻醉学术会议于1995年4月12~14日在武汉市召开。会议交流学术论文214篇,充分反映出湖北省麻醉事业蓬勃发展的形势。大会还进行了12篇专题报告,系统介绍了国内外麻醉学某些方面的新进展和新动态,与会代表普遍反映,这种讲座收益很大,有利于更新知识,拓宽视野,对指导新技术、新业务的开展,提高基层人员麻醉水平有积极的推动作用。会议选举了第五届湖北省麻醉学会委员会,曾邦雄教授当选为主任委员,金士翱教授被聘为名誉主任委员。湖北省麻醉学会第六次会议召开@李士通  相似文献   

经《中华麻醉学杂志》第七届编委会顾问、总编及副总编会议研究决定,拟于2003年11月7~10日在贵州省贵阳市召开全国神经外科手术麻醉与围术期容量治疗学术会议,现将会议征文有关事项通知如下。 一、征文内容 1.神经外科手术麻醉的临床研究、经验总结及病例报道:包括脑血管手术的麻醉;颅内高压病人的麻醉;特殊颅脑和脊髓手术病人的麻醉;颅脑损伤手术的麻醉。  相似文献   

背景在过去的半个世纪,从事医学的妇女人数在稳步增加。本研究中,我们重新评估了2006年美国妇女在麻醉学术界的地位。方法医学生、住院医师和医务人员的职称与性别资料均来自美国医学院校协会。相关麻醉专业协会领导者、《麻醉与镇痛》和《麻醉学》杂志编委、麻醉研究获奖者、美国麻醉学委员会审查者以及部门主席的资料均采集自互联网、组织管理人事处以及Wood麻醉学图书博物馆。麻醉学专业的数据资料均与其他临床医学专业部门的资料比较,并与1985年以前的数据相比较。结果1985年以来的医学毕业生中,麻醉住院医生以及麻醉科医务人员中女性比例有所增长;然而,医学毕业生中女性比例的增长速度显著快于麻醉住院医生(P〈0.001)和麻醉科医务人员(P〈0.05)中女性比例的增长速度。2006年中,女性麻醉科医务人员中正教授比例为6.5%,男性则为17.7%(P〈0.001)。2006年女性麻醉科医务人员中正教授的比例与1986年数值相比差异不显著性(P=0.27)。2006年,14%的麻醉科正教授为女性,与所有临床专业中女性正教授15%的比例相比较差异不显著。2006年麻醉学术部门主席中女性占12.7%,在所有医学学术部门中占10%。2007年数据与1993年相比有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。现今,《麻醉与镇痛》杂志编辑中有8%为女性,《麻醉学》杂志为11%。2007年中,所有美国麻醉学委员会审查者中18%为女性,1985年仅为8%(P〈0.05)。女性在1997至2006年间担任麻醉学协会领导的比例显著大干1987至1996年间(P〈0.001)。女性获得研究基金的人数比例在几十年内没有显著改变。结论与20年前相比,在世纪初的10年内,女性在麻醉学术界的地位在一定程度上有所提升,但其他方面没有改善。本研究的任务是找出那些阻止有资质的女?  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the number of articles by Spanish authors in three international anesthesiology journals and assess the impact of Spanish anesthesiology literature during the same period by way of citations. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Articles published in Anesthesiology, British Journal of Anesthesiology (BJA) and Anesthesia & Analgesia (Anesth Analg) during 1997 were reviewed. We collected the following data: type of document, country of origin of the authors, total number of references, number of citations of Spanish articles and the journals from which they were cited. Later, the Spanish contribution was compared to that of other countries of the European Union, with data considered in function of Gross National Product per capita (GNPpc) of each country. RESULTS: The incidence of Spanish articles published in Anesthesiology, BJA and Anesth Analg was 0.37%, 0.71% and 0.9%, respectively. The production of Spanish documents in function of GNPpc ranked Spain in the tenth position in Anesthesiology, eleventh in BJA and sixth in Anesth Analg. Of the total number of citations, 143 (0.4%) were of Spanish publications. In Spanish articles in Anesthesiology the percentage of Spanish citations was 11%, in BJA the figure was 44% and in Anesth Analg it was 13%. Finally, over 90% of the Spanish articles cited in Anesthesiology and in Anesth Analg were published in English in foreign journals. CONCLUSIONS: The number of Spanish articles published in Anesthesiology, BJA, and Anesth Analg is low, although the comparison of our productivity with that of other EU countries in function of GNPpc places us in an intermediate position. The impact of Spanish literature on international studies is low, particularly research published in Spanish national journals, a circumstance that is reflected even in articles published by Spanish authors.  相似文献   

The American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2015. The Section was one of the first and only subspecialty organizations in anesthesiology at the time. This special article will focus on the contributions of the Section to the practice of pediatric anesthesiology in the areas of advocacy, education and member contributions. In 1986, the Section created the Robert M. Smith Award to honor those members who had made significant advances in the practice of pediatric anesthesiology. It is named after one of the Section founders, an influential educator, inventor, and researcher in our field. We will focus the latter part of the article on the Robert M. Smith award winners to illustrate the contributions of the Section and its members to the development of the field of pediatric anesthesiology.  相似文献   

The beginning of modern anesthesiology in Japan dates back to 1950 when Dr M. Saklad of Rhode Island Hospital came to Japan to give his lectures on endotracheal anesthesia and related procedures. Since then, many Japanese surgeons visited the United States to learn anesthesiology in depth and they began to write their papers for foreign journals. According to my survey of the journal "Anesthesiology" from Vol 1 (1940) through Vol 21 (1960), I found 12 scientific papers written by Japanese. The first paper by Japanese appeared in this journal published in 1955 entitled as "Observations on the action of thiopental (Pentothal) on the laryngeal reflex" by Akira Horita et al. He was born in the United States in 1928 as a son of Japanese immigrants. He was graduated from the University of Washington at Seattle to become professor or pharmacology. The first paper based on studies performed in Japan by Japanese authors appeared in 1956. It was entitled as "The spread of drugs used for spinal anesthesia" by Kitahara et al. This paper is the English translation of their Japanese paper which appeared in Nippon Rinsho Geka Ikai Zasshi entitled as "Basic Study on Spinal Anesthesia in 1953".  相似文献   



Point-of-care ultrasonography (POCUS) is a useful tool with multiple perioperative applications relevant to the anesthesiologist. Nevertheless, the full scope of POCUS applications has yet to be formally incorporated into Canadian anesthesiology training. The purpose of this study was to determine the current state of POCUS training in Canadian anesthesiology residency programs.


We conducted a web-based survey of program directors from Royal College-accredited anesthesiology residency programs across Canada. Respondents were asked about POCUS training and assessment strategies at their institution as well as perceived barriers to POCUS education. We also elicited program directors’ views on the importance of various POCUS applications as well as future direction of POCUS education within Canadian anesthesiology residency programs.


Thirteen of 17 (76%) program directors responded to our survey. All respondents’ residency programs provide some training in POCUS-facilitated vascular access, peripheral nerve blocks, neuraxial techniques, and transthoracic echocardiography. Nevertheless, training varies significantly for the other POCUS applications in our survey. The most frequently quoted teaching method employed is informal bedside teaching, followed by structured expert demonstration, hands-on scanning, and didactic lectures. The most frequently quoted barrier to teaching POCUS is the lack of trained staff. The majority of respondents agreed that competence in POCUS is important for graduating anesthesiology residents, and that POCUS should be incorporated into the National Curriculum for Canadian Anesthesiology Residency.


Point-of-care ultrasonography training within Canadian anesthesiology residency programs is highly variable. Given the importance of POCUS abilities and their relevance to modern anesthesia practice, POCUS training and assessment within Canadian anesthesiology residency programs should be formalized.

Anesthesiology faces many challenges in the years ahead. To meet these challenges, the author hypothesizes that perioperative medicine, which includes the spectrum of care from preoperative assessment to postoperative care, offers the best chance for the specialty to survive and prosper. The history of perioperative medicine is reviewed and a discussion of how such change will benefit anesthesiology is included. Implementation may be difficult and the author explores how a transition from traditional procedure-focused anesthesiology to a broader based specialty may be accomplished. The special needs of perioperative medicine and how they differ from anesthesiology are also presented.  相似文献   

An incorrect Japanese terminology of "Masuigaku [symbol: see text]" has been used widely to express "anesthesiology" or "anaesthetics" [symbol: see text] since the first Department of Anesthesiology was established in Tokyo University in 1952. The reason why the nomenclature "Masui-gaku" is wrong is as follows: Japanese nomenclatures for clinical medical sciences should include a Chinese character "Ka [symbol: see text]" such as "nai-ka-gaku" for internal medicine, "ge-ka-gaku" for surgery and "gan-ka-gaku" for ophthalmology. Accordingly the name "Masui-gaku" is erroneous to mean "Anesthesiology" and it should be "Masui-ka-gaku" [symbol: see text]. Thus a big confusion has occurred among lay people as well as many physicians in medical field. "Ma-sui" is etymologically a Japanese word which Dr Seikei Sugita coined when he translated a Dutch edition of J. Schlesinger's monograph on ether anesthesia in 1850. "Ma [symbol: see text]" means analgesia or loss of regional sensation and "Sui [symbol: see text]" means loss of consciousness. Most people consider that "Ma [symbol: see text]" is originated from "[symbol: see text] (Hemp, Asa)" or "[symbol: see text] (Marihuana, Taima)", however, this is definitely incorrect and "Ma [symbol: see text]" of "Ma-sui" has no direct relation with the pharmacological effect of hemp. Thus the misuse of "Masui-ga-ku" might have caused serious academic and social confusions, such as misunderstanding of anesthesiologists as comedical technicians, leading to a poor social acceptance of anesthesiology and anesthesiologists for these fifty years in Japan. To correct this confused situation I would like to ask our colleagues to use correctly these nomenclatures.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that emotional intelligence, as measured by the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I) 125 (Multi Health Systems, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) personal inventory, would correlate with resident performance. DESIGN: Prospective survey. SETTING: University-affiliated, multiinstitutional anesthesiology residency program. PARTICIPANTS: Current clinical anesthesiology years one to three (PGY 2-4) anesthesiology residents enrolled in the University of Pittsburgh Anesthesiology Residency Program. MEASUREMENTS: Participants confidentially completed the Bar-On EQ-I 125 survey. Results of the individual EQ-I 125 and daily evaluations by the faculty of the residency program were compiled and analyzed. MAIN RESULTS: There was no positive correlation between any facet of emotional intelligence and resident performance. There was statistically significant negative correlation (-0.40; P < 0.05) between assertiveness and the "American Board of Anesthesiology essential attributes" component of the resident evaluation. CONCLUSIONS: Emotional intelligence, as measured by the Bar-On EQ-I personal inventory, does not strongly correlate to resident performance as defined at the University of Pittsburgh.  相似文献   

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