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To visualize and compare the intratectal path of normal and regenerated retinal axons, HRP was applied to localized sites in the dorsotemporal and dorsonasal retina in normal goldfish and in goldfish at 3-12 months after optic nerve section. The anterogradely labeled axons were traced in tectal whole mounts. In normal animals the axons were confined to the appropriate ventral hemitectum. Therein they ran in very orderly routes (Stuermer and Easter: J. Neurosci. 4:1045-1051, '84) and terminated in regions retinotopic to the labeled ganglion cells in the retina. The terminal arbors of dorsotemporal axons resided in the ventrorostral tectum and those of dorsonasal axons in the ventrocaudal tectum. In regenerating animals the terminal arbors also resided at retinotopic regions, where they sometimes formed two separate clusters. In contrast to normal axons, the regenerating ones traveled in abnormal routes through the appropriate and inappropriate hemitectum. From various ectopic positions, they underwent course corrections to redirect their routes toward the retinotopic target region. In their approach toward their target sites, dorsotemporal and dorsonasal axons behaved differently in that the vast majority of dorsotemporal axons coursed over the more rostral tectum whereas dorsonasal axons progressed into the caudal tectal half. This differential behavior of regenerating dorsonasal and dorsotemporal axons was substantiated by a quantitative evaluation of axon numbers and orientations.  相似文献   

Developing retinal axons in the zebrafish embryo were stained with HRP or with the fluorescent dyes dil and diO to study the formation of the retinotectal projection. Retinal axons leave the eye at 34-36 hr postfertilization (PF), invade the tectum at 46-48 hr PF, and innervate the tectal neuropil at 70-72 hr PF. Dorsal and ventral axons occupy separate aspects of the optic nerve and tract and pass into their retinotopically appropriate ventral and dorsal hemitectum, respectively. Nasal and temporal axons are segregated in the nerve, mixed in the tract, and are coextensive over the rostral half of tectum until 56 hr PF. They then segregate again, due to the progression of nasal axons into the open caudal tectum. Thus, at 70-72 hr PF, dorsal and ventral as well as temporal and nasal axons occupy their retinotopically appropriate tectal quadrants. After ablation of the temporal retina prior to the time of axonal outgrowth, the nasal axons bypass the vacant rostral tectum to terminate in the caudal tectal half. Temporal axons in the absence of nasal axons remain restricted to their appropriate rostral tectal half, suggesting that nasal and temporal axons possess a preference for their retinotopically appropriate tectal domains. Measurements of individual terminal arbors and the tectal areas in embryos and in adult zebrafish showed that individual arbors are large with respect to the embryonic tectum but are about 14-15 times smaller than in the adult. However, the proportion of tectum covered by embryonic arbors is about 7 times larger than in the adult, suggesting that a higher precision of the adult projection is achieved as a result of a greater enlargement of the tectum than of the arbors.  相似文献   

The retinotectal projection is organized in a precise retinotopic manner. We find, though, that during development the growth and arborization of temporal retinal axons within the optic tectum of chick embryos is initially imprecise. Axonal targeting errors occur along the rostral-caudal and medial-lateral tectal axes, and arbors are formed at topographically inappropriate positions. Subsequent course corrections along both tectal axes and large-scale axonal remodeling lead to the retinotopic ordering of terminal arborizations characteristic of the mature projection. The trajectories and branching patterns of temporal retinal axons labeled with Dil or DiO were determined in whole mounts of retina and tectum from chicks ranging in age from embryonic day 9 to posthatching. Within the retina, labeled retinofugal axons travel in a compact bundle but do not maintain strict neighbor relations, as they course to the optic fissure. The axons enter the contralateral tectum at its rostral edge and grow caudally. Many extend well past their appropriate terminal zone within rostral tectum; a proportion of these later reverse their direction of growth. Many axons grow onto the tectum at incorrect positions along the medial-lateral tectal axis. Some correct this error in a directed manner by altering their trajectory or extending collateral branches at right angles. About 80% of the positional changes of this type are made in the direction appropriate to correct axon position, and thus are likely a response to tectal positional cues. After maturation of retinotopic order, about half of the axons that project to a mature terminal zone have made abrupt course corrections along one or both tectal axes, indicating that initially mistargeted axons can establish appropriately positioned arbors and survive. The development of temporal axons within the tectum is characterized by 3 phases: elongation, branch and arbor formation, and remodeling. After considerable rostrocaudal elongation, an axon typically develops numerous side branches and arbors, many at inappropriate locations. Most arbors are formed by side branches that develop as interstitial collaterals; few axons grow directly to their appropriate terminal zone and arborize. Aberrant arbors, and axons and axon segments that fail to form arbors in the appropriate terminal zone, are rapidly eliminated over about a 2 d period. Axon degeneration appears to play a role in this remodeling process.  相似文献   

The visual projection patterns of retinal efferents were studied in larval Ichthyophis kohtaoensis by means of anterogradely transported HRP. Our results show in all larvae a projection contralateral to a thalamic terminal field, a pretectal terminal field, and a basal optic neuropil, but only a sparse innervation of the contralateral tectum. In addition, all larvae possess an uncrossed projection to a thalamic and a pretectal terminal field. The fibers are bilaterally almost confined to the medial optic tract with only a few fibers running in the marginal and basal optic tract. The ipsilateral and contralateral tracts and terminal fields seem to enlarge during larval life. Comparison with other amphibian orders reveals that larval Ichthyophis are unique in that they develop the medial optic tract and the related thalamic and pretectal terminal fields very early in larval life. In addition they possess only a very sparse tectal projection, though it is the largest projection in larval urodeles and anurans. This suggests a selective phylogenetic loss of those ganglion cells or collaterals which project mainly to the tectum in other amphibian orders and a change in the ontogenetic program leading to an earlier development of the medial optic tract in Ichthyophis as compared to urodeles and anurans.  相似文献   

The location and extent of retinorecipient areas in the cane toad, Bufo marinus, were established by anterograde transport of cobaltic-lysine complex from the cut optic nerve. Most of the labeled optic axons travelled in the marginal optic tract, while others were in the axial optic tract, and/or the basal optic tract. Retinal projections terminated in both contralateral and ipsilateral targets. In addition to the optic tectum, the main visual center, retinorecipient areas included the suprachiasmatic nucleus, rostral visual nucleus, neuropil of Bellonci, corpus geniculatum thalamicum, ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (dorsal part), posterior thalamic neuropil, uncinate neuropil, pretectal nucleus lentiformis mesencephali and basal optic nucleus. While all of these retinorecipient areas receive optic fibers from both eyes, the ipsilateral retinal projections were observed to be generally sparser than those from the contralateral retina. A sparse optic fiber projection covers the surface of the ipsilateral optic tectum and is most prominent rostromedially and caudolaterally. The position and the extent of each of the retinorecipient areas were determined in relation to a three-dimensional coordinate system. Morphometric analysis showed that 85.3% of the retinorecipient area is in the contralateral optic tectum, 10.4% in contralateral non-tectal areas, 1.6% in the ipsilateral optic tectum and 2.7% in ipsilateral non-tectal areas. The presence of an ipsilateral tectal projection and the well defined pretectal visual neuropil complex may be related to the highly developed visual behavior and visual acuity of Bufo marinus.  相似文献   

The larval zebrafish optic tectum has emerged as a prominent model for understanding how neural circuits control visually guided behaviors. Further advances in this area will require tools to monitor and manipulate tectal neurons with cell type specificity. Here, we characterize the morphology and neurotransmitter phenotype of tectal neurons labeled by an id2b:gal4 transgene. Whole-brain imaging of stable transgenic id2b:gal4 larvae revealed labeling in a subset of neurons in optic tectum, cerebellum, and hindbrain. Genetic mosaic labeling of single neurons within the id2b:gal4 expression pattern enabled us to characterize three tectal neuron types with distinct morphologies and connectivities. The first is a neuron type previously identified in the optic tectum of other teleost fish: the tectal pyramidal neuron (PyrN). PyrNs are local interneurons that form two stratified dendritic arbors and one stratified axonal arbor in the tectal neuropil. The second tectal neuron type labeled by the id2b:gal4 transgene is a projection neuron that forms a stratified dendritic arbor in the tectal neuropil and an axon that exits tectum to form a topographic projection to torus longitudinalis (TL). A third neuron type labeled is a projection neuron with a nonstratified dendritic arbor and a descending axonal projection to tegmentum. These findings establish the id2b:gal4 transgenic as a useful tool for future studies aimed at elucidating the functional role of tectum, TL, and tegmentum in visually guided behaviors.  相似文献   

The development of the optic tectum and the establishment of retinotectal projections were investigated in the quail embryo from day E2 to hatching day (E16) with Cresyl violet-thionine, silver staining and anterograde axonal tracing methods. Both tectal cytodifferentiation and retinotectal innervation occur according to a rostroventral-caudodorsal gradient. Radial migration of postmitotic neurons starts on day E4. At E14, the tectum is fully laminated. Optic fibers reach the tectum on day E5 and cover its surface on day E10. 'Golgi-like' staining of optic fibers with HRP injected in vitro on the surface of the tectum reveals that: growing fronts are formed exclusively by axons extending over the tectal surface; fibers penetrating the outer tectal layers are always observed behind the growing fronts; the penetrating fibers are either the tip of the optic axons or collateral branches; as they penetrate the tectum, optic fibers give off branches which may extend for long distances within their terminal domains; the optic fiber terminal arbors acquire their mature morphology by day E14. The temporal sequence of retinotectal development in the quail was compared to that already established for the chick, thus providing a basis for further investigation of the development of the retinotectal system in chimeric avian embryos obtained after xenoplastic transplantation of quail tectal primordia into the chick neural tube.  相似文献   

Single axonal arbors of retinal ganglion cells have been stained by injecting cobalt extracellularly into the retinae of Xenopus embryos and tadpoles. The axonal endings of the earliest retinal axons to arrive in the midbrain were usually simple in appearance, often ended in growth cones, and terminated in tectal regions appropriate to their location in the eye. Thus, a topographic projection exists very early in the development (stages 37 to 39) of the projection, before the elaboration of complex axonal arbors. Retinal axons began acquiring more mature features, exemplified by the elaboration of terminal arbors, by stage 39. The arbors of most ganglion cells were elongated in the rostral-to-caudal dimension during early larval life (stages 40 to 45) and covered a large portion of tectal neuropil. During mid-larval stages (stages 46 to 50), arbors covered a relatively smaller proportion of the tectal neuropil. A quantitative analysis of this change suggests that the apparent decrease in size of the arbors, with respect to the tectum, is due to rapid growth of tectal neuropil and not due to retraction of an initially diffuse arbor. Thus, the refinement in targeting of axonal arbors during development is a phenomenon distinct from that seen during regeneration.  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase (C.O.) was histochemically localized in the normal retina and optic tectum of goldfish in order to examine the laminar and cellular oxidative metabolic organization of these structures. In the optic tectum, C.O. exhibited a distinct laminar, regional, and cellular distribution. The laminae with highest C.O. levels were those that receive optic input, suggesting a dominant role for visual activity in tectal function. This was demonstrated by colocalizing C.O. and HRP-filled optic fibers in the same section. However, the distribution of C.O. within the optic laminae was not uniform. Within the main optic layers, the SFGS, four metabolically distinct sublaminae were distinguished and designated from superficial to deep as sublaminae a, b, c, and d. The most intense reactivity was localized within SFGSa and SFGSd, followed by SFGSb, then SFGSc. In SFGSd, intense reactivity was found to occur specifically within a class of large diameter axons and terminals that were apparently optic since these were also labeled with HRP and cobaltous lysine applied to the optic nerve. Regional C.O. differences across the tectum were also noted. Low levels were found in neurons and optic terminals along the growing immature medial, lateral, and posterior edges of tectum, but were higher at the more mature anterior pole and central regions of tectum. This suggests that the oxidative metabolic activity is initially low in newly formed tectal neurons and optic axons, but gradually increases with neuronal growth and functional axon terminal maturation. Most C.O. staining was localized within neuropil, whereas the perikarya of most tectal neurons were only lightly reactive. Only a few neuron classes, mostly the relatively larger projection neurons, had darkly reactive perikarya. In the retina, intense C.O. reactivity was localized within the inner segments of photoreceptors, the inner and outer plexiform layers, and within certain classes of bipolar and ganglion cells. The large ganglion cells in particular were intensely reactive. Like the large diameter optic terminals in SFGSd, the large ganglion cells were preferentially filled with HRP, suggesting that they may project to tectum and are the source of the darkly reactive large diameter axons and terminals in sublamina SFGSd. We propose a new scheme to describe tectal lamination that integrates laminar differences in C.O. reactivity with classical histological work.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In normal goldfish, lesions of various size were made in nasal or temporal retina immediately prior to retinal labeling with tritiated proline. The resulting gaps in retinal innervation of tectum indicated that the projection is retinotopographically ordered to a precision of about 50 μm. Similarly, acute tectal incisions transecting the optic pathways were combined with immediate retinal labeling. The resulting tectal denervation confirmed that most fibers follow highly ordered paths through the stratum opticum of tectum; but a few fibers were found to follow unusual paths to their appropriate tectal positions. In other fish, the optic nerve was crushed. At various times afterwards, retinotopography and pathway order were similarly analyzed by making retinal lesions or tectal incisions just prior to labeling. For up to 40 days after crush, the projection lacked any refined retinotopic order. Only a gross topography could be demonstrated. Over several months, retinotopography gradually improved eventually approaching that of normals. Correlated with this was an initial stereotypic growth through the pathways of the stratum opticum followed by a long period of highly anomalous growth through the innervation layer. Evidently, many regenerated fibers grew in through inappropriate routes to the wrong region of tectum but subsequently arrived at their appropriate locus by circuitous routes within the innervation layer.  相似文献   

Following unilateral enucleation and optic nerve crush in goldfish, the remaining nerve regenerates and innervates both optic tecta. Approximately 5% of the nerve fibers reach the ipsilateral optic tectum (IOT) via the ipsilateral tract at the chiasma. Comparable debris in both tracts was not sufficient to result in an IOT projection since when both nerves were crushed simultaneously the usual pattern was seen, i.e., each nerve innervated a contralateral optic tectum (COT). When the arrival of one nerve at the chiasma was delayed by staggering the nerve crushes, the nerve that first arrived at the chiasma partially innervated the Iot. In most instances the entire IOT was innervated, however, the stratigraphic distribution of fibers in the various tectal lamina was atypical. Electrophysiological analysis indicated that fibers from each area of the retina innervated the IOT visuotopically. The COT was ablated in order to determine whether the IOT projection could mediate behavior. All fish failed to respond to changes in illumination as measured by respiration and failed to swim with or against the stripes in an optomotor drum. Thus, the IOT input, possibly because of its sparseness, could not be shown to be behaviorally functional.  相似文献   

We have used retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and a wheat germ agglutinin conjugate of HRP (WGA:HRP) to investigate the projections of the nucleus postglomerulosus (nPg) both in normal goldfish and in animals which had undergone retinal removal. In normal animals, our evidence indicates that nPg projects only to the optic tectum. Using small HRP and WGA:HRP application sites in the tectum, we have shown that nPg cells have broadly spread terminals in the tectal neuropil and that there is no obvious correspondence between the rostrocaudal axis of the nPg and the deployment of the terminal arbors of its cells along the rostrocaudal axis of the tectum. In addition, we found no evidence for an nPg projection to the eye in normal animals. After retinal removal we found that nPg cells were more readily backfilled from small tectal applications of HRP. However, our most interesting observation was that at 4-6 weeks and more after ocular surgery, we could retrogradely label the cells of the nPg with intraocular or retroocular injections of WGA:HRP. At the same postoperative times, we were also able to label neurites in the atrophied optic nerve by microinjecting WGA:HRP into the contralateral midbrain tegmentum. Finally, we found that the cells of the nPg undergo a hypertrophic response, similar to that seen in other neurons after axotomy, following retinal removal or section of the dorsomedial brachium of the optic tract. Thus, these cells respond to retinal denervation of the tectum with a response characteristic of axotomized cells although their axons have not been cut. Similar changes were also seen in the nucleus isthmi on both sides of the brain following retinal removal. We interpret our data to indicate that cells of the nPg can respond to optic (and thus heterotypic) denervation of their terminal field by sprouting processes which grow away from the terminal field, through denervated optic pathways, to the retinaless eye. This interpretation requires that the sprouted processes grow for several millimeters.  相似文献   

The pattern of neural reconnection between the retina and surgically operated tectum was studied in juvenile goldfish (8–11 cm long) with electrophysiological methods. The results confirm that the remaining rostral half-tectum reacquires a complete visual projection from the whole retina about 90 days after excision of the caudal half. The same reorganization of visual projection from the whole retina onto the rostral half-tectum was found to occur in the presence of the caudal half of the tectum, if the two halves were separated by a transverse surgical incision down to the level of the optic ventricle regardless of whether the contralateral optic nerve was left intact or crushed to regenerate. The reorganization of retinotectal projection was also found to occur biaxially along the mediolateral as well as the rostrocaudal axis of the tectum following excision of a caudomedial sector of the tectum. It is suggested that the reorganization of retinotectal projection is due to synaptic respecifications of individual tectal neurons in correct retinotopic order, and that the cellular discontinuity between the rostral and the caudal parts of the tectum is sufficient to induce the orderly synaptic respecifications in juvenile goldfish.  相似文献   

The influence of neural activity on the morphology of retinal-axon-terminal arbors and the precision of the developing retinotectal projection in zebrafish embryos was explored. Terminal-arbor morphology and their distribution in the tectum was determined with anatomical fiber-tracing methods using the fluorescent dyes dil and diO. To allow development under activity-deprived conditions, TTX was injected into the eyes of 30-38-hr-old zebrafish embryos at concentrations that effectively blocked neural activity both in retinal ganglion cells and throughout the CNS. Much like axons with normal neural-activity patterns, activity-deprived axons from dorsal and ventral and from temporal and nasal regions in the retina terminated over retinotopically appropriate and nonoverlapping regions of the tectum. Even after ablation of 1 hemiretina at the time of axonal outgrowth, activity-deprived axons from the remaining hemiretina grew directed toward and arborized selectively within their retinotopically appropriate tectal half in the same way as would nondeprived axons. Besides being retinotopic, the area over which small populations of activity-deprived axons from neighboring ganglion cells arborize is as small as that of active axons. The size of terminal arbors of retinal ganglion cell axons was unaffected by blockade of neural activity. The mean terminal-arbor size was 27 x 18 microns for the TTX-injected and 31 x 22 microns for the control embryos. The tectal coverage of TTX-blocked and control axons was equally small, with values of 1.4% and 1.6%, respectively. These data show that a precisely organized retinotopic map in developing zebrafish forms independent of neural-impulse activity.  相似文献   

The organization of the visual system of larval lampreys was studied by anterograde and retrograde transport of HRP injected into the eye. The retinofugal system has two different patterns of organization during the larval period. In small larvae (less than 60-70 mm in length) only a single contralateral tract, the axial optic tract, is differentiated. This tract projects to regions in the diencephalon, pretectum, and mesencephalic tegmentum. In larvae longer than 70-80 mm, there is an additional contralateral tract, the lateral optic tract, which extends to the whole tectal surface. In addition, ipsilateral retinal fibers are found in both small and large larvae. Initially, the ipsilateral projection is restricted to the thalamus-pretectum, but it reaches the optic tectum in late larvae. Changes in the organization of the optic tracts coincide with the formation of the late-developing retina and consequently, the origin of the optic tracts can be related to specific retinal regions. The retinopetal system is well developed in all larvae. Most retinopetal neurons are labeled contralaterally and are located in the M2-M5 nucleus of the mesencephalic tegmentum, in the caudolateral mesencephalic reticular area and adjacent ventrolateral portions of the optic tectum. Dendrites of these cells are apparent, especially those directed dorsally, which in large larvae extend to the optic tectum overlapping with the retino-tectal projection. These results indicate that in lampreys, visual projections organize mainly during the blind larval period before the metamorphosis, their development being largely independent of visual function.  相似文献   

Through anatomical and physiological studies of the regenerating retinotectal projection of goldfish, we sought to determine whether the establishment of a topographic projection is attained through a refinement of an initially less precise pattern of innervation. A 1-mm-wide mediolateral strip of caudal tectum was removed so that a small island of tectal tissue was spared at the caudal pole, and the contralateral nerve was either crushed (TIX) or left intact (TI). The presence of regenerated axons in the ablated zone and the reinnervation of the caudal island were assessed with anterograde and retrograde labeling methods in the following postoperative intervals: early, 20-50 days; middle, 50-110 days; and late, more than 170 days. The anterograde radioautographic method revealed that the appropriate layers of the tectal island became reinnervated by optic axons during the early period. During the middle and late periods, one to several large, discrete bundles bridging the lesion zone along the surface of exposed subtectal structures were readily identified both by radioautography and by anterograde or retrograde labeling following application of horseradish peroxidase to the transected optic nerve or tectal island, respectively. In contrast, the anterograde horseradish peroxidase method did not reveal axon bundles extending caudal to the half-tectum in the absence of a tectal island. Among TIX cases, retrograde horseradish peroxidase labeling of the contralateral nasal retina was more widespread in the middle period than in the late period, a result we interpret as reflecting an improvement in topographical precision with time. The area of retinal labeling among TIX cases in the late period was similar to that following caudal tectal injection in cases with simple nerve crush, although it was still elevated above normal control values. Physiological maps indicated a focal representation of the nasal retina in the tectal island in both periods and did not reveal a transient extreme convergence of retinal input. These findings are discussed in relation to Sperry's chemoaffinity theory.  相似文献   

After unilateral optic tectum ablation in the goldfish, regenerating optic axons grow into the optic layers of the remaining ipsilateral tectal lobe and regain visual function. The terminal arbors of the foreign fibers are initially diffusely distributed among the resident optic axons, but within two months the axon terminals from each retina are seen to segregate into irregular ocular dominance patches. Visual recovery is delayed until after segregation. This suggests that the foreign fibers compete with the residents for tectal targets and that the segregation of axon terminations is an anatomical characteristic of the process. Here we investigate whether inhibiting axonal transport in the resident fibers inhibits competition with foreign fibers. The eye contralateral to the intact tectal lobe received a single injection of 0.1 μg colchicine, which does not block vision with the intact eye. We measured visual function using a classical conditioning technique. Segregation of axon terminations was examined shortly following visual recovery by autoradiography. The no-drug control fish showed reappearance of vision with the experimental eye at 9 weeks postoperatively and ocular dominance patches were well developed. Colchicine administered to the intact eye (resident fibers) several weeks postsurgery decreased the time to reappearance of vision with the experimental eye by several weeks. Autoradiography revealed some signs of axonal segregation but the labeled foreign axons were mainly continuously distributed. Administration of colchicine at the time of tectum ablation, or of lumicolchicine at two weeks postoperatively produced normal visual recovery times. Fast axonal transport of3H-labeled protein was inhibited by 1.0 and 0.5 μg but not by 0.1 μg of colchicine or by 1.0 μg of lumicolchicine. Previous studies showed that while 0.1 μg of colchicine does not block vision it is sufficient to inhibit axonal regeneration following optic nerve crush. We conclude that two retinas can functionally innervate one tectum without forming conspicuous ocular dominance columns, and that the ability of residents to compete with the in-growing foreign axons is very sensitive to inhibition of axoplasmic transport or other processes that are inhibited by intraocular colchicine.  相似文献   

This study tested the capacity of regenerating optic fibers to read tectal markers and thereby grow to their appropriate tectal loci when initial position, optic pathway, and interfiber interactions are eliminated as useful cues. The stability of these markers with long-term optic denervation of the tectum was also examined. In adult goldfish optic fibers innervating lateroposterior optic tectum were dissected free of tectum and inserted into the medial anterior region of the opposite "host" tectum. Normally, fibers at this position either innervate medial anterior tectum or follow the medial division of the optic pathway into medioposterior tectum. Host tectum was denervated of all other optic fibers by enucleating its contralateral eye either at the time of the deflection or at various times up to 18 months prior to deflection. The regeneration of these deflected fibers into host tectum was examined by autoradiography and electrophysiology at 1 to 11 months later. At the insertion site deflected fibers split into two groups of roughly equal size. One group directly entered the optic layers of medial tectum and grew posterolaterally across the medial half of tectum into the lateral half. The second group followed an almost direct path to the lateral tectum, sometimes traversing through the deep cell layers of tectum in which optic fibers are not usually found. These fibers subsequently entered the optic layers at the lateral edge of tectum and grew posteriorly. This second path was not seen in controls in which optic fibers from medioposterior tectum were similarly deflected. Instead growth was almost entirely posteriorly directed. On the average by 1.5 months deflected lateroposterior fibers were preferentially distributed in the lateral half of the tectum. Densitometric measurements indicated nearly a 4-fold difference in lateroposterior compared with medial posterior labeling. By contrast, controls in which medial posterior fibers were deflected had 4 times more grains medially than laterally. There was also a posterior over anterior preference, but this was weak. There was no suggestion that long periods of optic denervation prior to deflection or long postoperative periods after deflection of lateroposterior fibers diminished the lateral over medial preference. These findings support the idea that stable tectal markers exist which are differentially read by medial and lateral optic fibers. However, in no case was the innervation by deflected fibers as selective as in the normal projection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the preceding study (Edwards et al., '85), we showed that regenerating optic axons reestablish a topographically restricted projection to a caudal tectal island created by surgical removal of a 1-mm-wide strip of caudal tectum in goldfish. In the present ultrastructural study, we evaluated the dependence of this axonal outgrowth on the presence of tectal target tissue caudal to the gap. Axon counts in the lesion zone were compared between cases with complete caudal tectal ablation and cases with ablation sparing a caudal tectal island (with and without optic nerve crush). During the postoperative interval of 20-50 days (early period), up to about 1,000 unmyelinated axons with features characteristic of optic axons were present in numerous small subpial bundles in both preparations. In the subsequent interval of 50-110 days (middle period), less than 200 axons were counted caudal to simple half-tecta, whereas 4,000-14,000 myelinated and unmyelinated axons were present in a few large bundles which crossed the lesion zone of tectal island cases. In this period, optic terminals could be demonstrated in the tectal island using the anterograde horseradish peroxidase method. At 170-300 days after surgery (late period), bridging bundles contained between 2,000 and 6,000 largely myelinated axons. We conclude that caudal tectal tissue is not necessary for the initial outgrowth of a small number of axons beyond a rostral half-tectum. The target is essential, however, for the maintenance of these axon fascicles and for the subsequent massive outgrowth of axons to the island. The contributions of glial guidance, diffuse exploratory outgrowth, and target-produced trophic factors to the formation of an initially exuberant projection to the island are discussed. A process of selective axon collateral withdrawal is proposed to account for the decrease in axon numbers within bridging bundles in the late period and for the late restriction in the retinal origin of the island projection indicated by results in the preceding study (Edwards et al., '85).  相似文献   

The projection of the nucleus isthmi to the ipsilateral optic tectum was examined in normal goldfish. This was compared to the projection in animals in which the entire visual field had been induced to compress onto a rostral half tectum by caudal tectal ablation. The isthmo-tectal projection was examined by making localized injections of horseradish peroxidase into the optic tecta and observing the patterns of labeled cells within the nucleus isthmi. The teleost nucleus isthmi consists of a cell sparse medulla covered by a cellular cortex, which is thick on the rostral, medial, and dorsal surfaces of the nucleus. Almost all isthmic cells projecting to the tectum were located in the area of thick cortex. In normal fish, rostral tectal injections labeled cells in the rostroventral portion of the thick cortex; injections midway in the rostrocaudal tectal axis labeled more caudodorsally located cells, and caudal tectal injections labeled cells a little further caudally in extreme dorsal cortex. The rostroventral to caudodorsal isthmic axis was therefore seen to project rostrocaudally along the tectum. This topography contrasts somewhat with the situation seen in amphibia where the rostrocaudal tectal axis receives projections from the rostrocaudal isthmic axis. In fish with half-tectal ablations, injections near the caudal edge of the half tectum (at a site that had originally been midtectal) labeled cells that had previously projected to caudal tectum. Rostral tectal injections in fish with compression of the visual field gave a normal pattern of labeled isthmic cells. The results indicate that a topographically ordered isthmo-tectal projection exists in goldfish that may be induced to compress onto a half tectum.  相似文献   

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