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Minh Nui Nguyen Etsuro Hori Jumpei Matsumoto Anh Hai Tran Taketoshi Ono Hisao Nishijo 《The European journal of neuroscience》2013,37(1):35-51
The pulvinar nuclei appear to function as the subcortical visual pathway that bypasses the striate cortex, rapidly processing coarse facial information. We investigated responses from monkey pulvinar neurons during a delayed non‐matching‐to‐sample task, in which monkeys were required to discriminate five categories of visual stimuli [photos of faces with different gaze directions, line drawings of faces, face‐like patterns (three dark blobs on a bright oval), eye‐like patterns and simple geometric patterns]. Of 401 neurons recorded, 165 neurons responded differentially to the visual stimuli. These visual responses were suppressed by scrambling the images. Although these neurons exhibited a broad response latency distribution, face‐like patterns elicited responses with the shortest latencies (approximately 50 ms). Multidimensional scaling analysis indicated that the pulvinar neurons could specifically encode face‐like patterns during the first 50‐ms period after stimulus onset and classify the stimuli into one of the five different categories during the next 50‐ms period. The amount of stimulus information conveyed by the pulvinar neurons and the number of stimulus‐differentiating neurons were consistently higher during the second 50‐ms period than during the first 50‐ms period. These results suggest that responsiveness to face‐like patterns during the first 50‐ms period might be attributed to ascending inputs from the superior colliculus or the retina, while responsiveness to the five different stimulus categories during the second 50‐ms period might be mediated by descending inputs from cortical regions. These findings provide neurophysiological evidence for pulvinar involvement in social cognition and, specifically, rapid coarse facial information processing. 相似文献
Vadim Axelrod 《The European journal of neuroscience》2016,44(4):2049-2063
What happens in our brains when we see a face? The neural mechanisms of face processing – namely, the face‐selective regions – have been extensively explored. Research has traditionally focused on visual cortex face‐regions; more recently, the role of face‐regions outside the visual cortex (i.e., non‐visual‐cortex face‐regions) has been acknowledged as well. The major quest today is to reveal the functional role of each this region in face processing. To make progress in this direction, it is essential to understand the extent to which the face‐regions, and particularly the non‐visual‐cortex face‐regions, process only faces (i.e., face‐specific, domain‐specific processing) or rather are involved in a more domain‐general cognitive processing. In the current functional MRI study, we systematically examined the activity of the whole face‐network during face‐unrelated reading task (i.e., written meaningful sentences with content unrelated to faces/people and non‐words). We found that the non‐visual‐cortex (i.e., right lateral prefrontal cortex and posterior superior temporal sulcus), but not the visual cortex face‐regions, responded significantly stronger to sentences than to non‐words. In general, some degree of sentence selectivity was found in all non‐visual‐cortex cortex. Present result highlights the possibility that the processing in the non‐visual‐cortex face‐selective regions might not be exclusively face‐specific, but rather more or even fully domain‐general. In this paper, we illustrate how the knowledge about domain‐general processing in face‐regions can help to advance our general understanding of face processing mechanisms. Our results therefore suggest that the problem of face processing should be approached in the broader scope of cognition in general. 相似文献
A face‐selective neural signal is reliably found in humans with functional MRI and event‐related potential (ERP) measures, which provide complementary information about the spatial and temporal properties of the neural response. However, because most neuroimaging studies so far have studied ERP and fMRI face‐selective markers separately, the relationship between them is still unknown. Here we simultaneously recorded fMRI and ERP responses to faces and chairs to examine the correlations across subjects between the magnitudes of fMRI and ERP face‐selectivity measures. Findings show that the face‐selective responses in the temporal lobe (i.e., fusiform gyrus—FFA) and superior temporal sulcus (fSTS), but not the face‐selective response in the occipital cortex (OFA), were highly correlated with the face‐selective N170 component. In contrast, the OFA was correlated with earlier ERPs at about 110 ms after stimulus‐onset. Importantly, these correlations reveal a temporal dissociation between the face‐selective area in the occipital lobe and face‐selective areas in the temporal lobe. Despite the very different time‐scale of the fMRI and EEG signals, our data show that a correlation analysis across subjects may be informative with respect to the latency in which different brain regions process information. Hum Brain Mapp, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Laura C. Erickson Elizabeth Heeg Josef P. Rauschecker Peter E. Turkeltaub 《Human brain mapping》2014,35(11):5587-5605
The brain improves speech processing through the integration of audiovisual (AV) signals. Situations involving AV speech integration may be crudely dichotomized into those where auditory and visual inputs contain (1) equivalent, complementary signals (validating AV speech) or (2) inconsistent, different signals (conflicting AV speech). This simple framework may allow the systematic examination of broad commonalities and differences between AV neural processes engaged by various experimental paradigms frequently used to study AV speech integration. We conducted an activation likelihood estimation metaanalysis of 22 functional imaging studies comprising 33 experiments, 311 subjects, and 347 foci examining “conflicting” versus “validating” AV speech. Experimental paradigms included content congruency, timing synchrony, and perceptual measures, such as the McGurk effect or synchrony judgments, across AV speech stimulus types (sublexical to sentence). Colocalization of conflicting AV speech experiments revealed consistency across at least two contrast types (e.g., synchrony and congruency) in a network of dorsal stream regions in the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes. There was consistency across all contrast types (synchrony, congruency, and percept) in the bilateral posterior superior/middle temporal cortex. Although fewer studies were available, validating AV speech experiments were localized to other regions, such as ventral stream visual areas in the occipital and inferior temporal cortex. These results suggest that while equivalent, complementary AV speech signals may evoke activity in regions related to the corroboration of sensory input, conflicting AV speech signals recruit widespread dorsal stream areas likely involved in the resolution of conflicting sensory signals. Hum Brain Mapp 35:5587–5605, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc . 相似文献
Hideaki SHIMIZU Kenjiro KOMORI Ryuji FUKUHARA Shunichiro SHINAGAWA Yasutaka TOYOTA Tetsuo KASHIBAYASHI Naomi SONOBE Teruhisa MATSUMOTO Takaaki MORI Tomohisa ISHIKAWA Kazuhiko HOKOISHI Satoshi TANIMUKAI Shu‐ichi UENO Manabu IKEDA 《Psychogeriatrics》2011,11(1):46-53
Background: Semantic dementia (SD) has been recognized as a representative of dementia with presenile onset; however, recent epidemiological studies have shown that SD also occurs in the elderly. There have been few studies about the differences of clinical profiles between early‐onset SD (EO‐SD) and late‐onset SD (LO‐SD). Age‐associated changes in the brain might cause some additional cognitive and behavioural profiles of LO‐SD in contrast to the typical EO‐SD cases. The aim of the present study was to clarify the characteristics of neuropsychological, and behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) profiles of LO‐SD patients observed in screening tests in comparison with EO‐SD patients and late‐onset Alzheimer's disease (LO‐AD) patients as controls. Methods: Study participants were LO‐SD (n = 10), EO‐SD (n = 15) and LO‐AD (n = 47). We examined the Mini‐Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices (RCPM), the Short‐Memory Questionnaire (SMQ), the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and the Stereotypy Rating Inventory (SRI). Results: Both SD groups scored significantly lower than the LO‐AD patients in ‘naming’ of the MMSE. In the ‘construction’ score of the MMSE and the RCPM score, however, the LO‐SD patients as well as the LO‐AD patients were significantly lower than the EO‐SD patients. In the SMQ score, ‘euphoria’ and ‘disinhibition’ scores of the NPI, the SRI total and subscale scores, both SD groups were significantly higher, whereas in the ‘delusion’ score of the NPI, both SD groups were significantly lower than the LO‐AD patients. Conclusions: Visuospatial and constructive skills of LO‐SD patients might be mildly deteriorated compared with EO‐SD patients, whereas other cognitive and behavioural profiles of LO‐SD are similar to EO‐SD. Age‐associated changes in the brain should be considered when we diagnose SD in elderly patients. 相似文献
Previous neuroimaging studies have shown that the patterns of brain activity during the processing of personally relevant names (e.g., own name, friend's name, partner's name, etc.) and the names of famous people (e.g., celebrities) are different. However, it is not known how the activity in this network is influenced by the modality of the presented stimuli. In this fMRI study, we investigated the pattern of brain activations during the recognition of aurally and visually presented full names of the subject, a significant other, a famous person and unknown individuals. In both modalities, we found that the processing of self‐name and the significant other's name was associated with increased activation in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC). Acoustic presentations of these names also activated bilateral inferior frontal gyri (IFG). This pattern of results supports the role of MPFC in the processing of personally relevant information, irrespective of their modality. Hum Brain Mapp 34:2069–2077, 2013. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
To highlight relevant information in dialogues, both wh-question context and pitch accent in answers can be used, such that focused information gains more attention and is processed more elaborately. To evaluate the relative influence of context and pitch accent on the depth of semantic processing, we measured event-related potentials (ERPs) to auditorily presented wh-question-answer pairs. A semantically incongruent word in the answer occurred either in focus or in non-focus position as determined by the context, and this word was either accented or unaccented.Semantic incongruency elicited different N400 effects in different conditions. The largest N400 effect was found when the question-marked focus was accented, while the other three conditions elicited smaller N400 effects. The results suggest that context and accentuation interact. Thus accented focused words were processed more deeply compared to conditions where focus and accentuation mismatched, or when the new information had no marking. In addition, there seems to be sex differences in the depth of semantic processing. For males, a significant N400 effect was observed only when the question-marked focus was accented, reduced N400 effects were found in the other dialogues. In contrast, females produced similar N400 effects in all the conditions. These results suggest that regardless of external cues, females tend to engage in more elaborate semantic processing compared to males. 相似文献
Spaced presentations of to‐be‐learned items during encoding leads to superior long‐term retention over massed presentations. Despite over a century of research, the psychological and neural basis of this spacing effect however is still under investigation. To test the hypotheses that the spacing effect results either from reduction in encoding‐related verbal maintenance rehearsal in massed relative to spaced presentations (deficient processing hypothesis) or from greater encoding‐related elaborative rehearsal of relational information in spaced relative to massed presentations (encoding variability hypothesis), we designed a vocabulary learning experiment in which subjects encoded paired‐associates, each composed of a known word paired with a novel word, in both spaced and massed conditions during functional magnetic resonance imaging. As expected, recall performance in delayed cued‐recall tests was significantly better for spaced over massed conditions. Analysis of brain activity during encoding revealed that the left frontal operculum, known to be involved in encoding via verbal maintenance rehearsal, was associated with greater performance‐related increased activity in the spaced relative to massed condition. Consistent with the deficient processing hypothesis, a significant decrease in activity with subsequent episodes of presentation was found in the frontal operculum for the massed but not the spaced condition. Our results suggest that the spacing effect is mediated by activity in the frontal operculum, presumably by encoding‐related increased verbal maintenance rehearsal, which facilitates binding of phonological and word level verbal information for transfer into long‐term memory. Hum Brain Mapp, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Ross LA Molholm S Blanco D Gomez-Ramirez M Saint-Amour D Foxe JJ 《The European journal of neuroscience》2011,33(12):2329-2337
Observing a speaker's articulations substantially improves the intelligibility of spoken speech, especially under noisy listening conditions. This multisensory integration of speech inputs is crucial to effective communication. Appropriate development of this ability has major implications for children in classroom and social settings, and deficits in it have been linked to a number of neurodevelopmental disorders, especially autism. It is clear from structural imaging studies that there is a prolonged maturational course within regions of the perisylvian cortex that persists into late childhood, and these regions have been firmly established as being crucial to speech and language functions. Given this protracted maturational timeframe, we reasoned that multisensory speech processing might well show a similarly protracted developmental course. Previous work in adults has shown that audiovisual enhancement in word recognition is most apparent within a restricted range of signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Here, we investigated when these properties emerge during childhood by testing multisensory speech recognition abilities in typically developing children aged between 5 and 14 years, and comparing them with those of adults. By parametrically varying SNRs, we found that children benefited significantly less from observing visual articulations, displaying considerably less audiovisual enhancement. The findings suggest that improvement in the ability to recognize speech-in-noise and in audiovisual integration during speech perception continues quite late into the childhood years. The implication is that a considerable amount of multisensory learning remains to be achieved during the later schooling years, and that explicit efforts to accommodate this learning may well be warranted. 相似文献
Kinetic modeling and long‐term test‐retest reproducibility of the mGluR5 PET tracer 18F‐FPEB in human brain

Gil Leurquin‐Sterk Andrey Postnov Bart de Laat Cindy Casteels Sofie Celen Cleo L. Crunelle Guy Bormans Michel Koole Koen Van Laere 《Synapse (New York, N.Y.)》2016,70(4):153-162
18F‐FPEB is a promising PET tracer for studying the metabotropic glutamate subtype 5 receptor (mGluR5) expression in neuropsychiatric disorders. To assess the potential of 18F‐FPEB for longitudinal mGluR5 evaluation in patient studies, we evaluated the long‐term test‐retest reproducibility using various kinetic models in the human brain. Nine healthy volunteers underwent consecutive scans separated by a 6‐month period. Dynamic PET was combined with arterial sampling and radiometabolite analysis. Total distribution volume (VT) and nondisplaceable binding potential (BPND) were derived from a two‐tissue compartment model without constraints (2TCM) and with constraining the K1/k2 ratio to the value of either cerebellum (2TCM‐CBL) or pons (2TCM‐PONS). The effect of fitting different functions to the tracer parent fractions and reducing scan duration were assessed. Regional absolute test‐retest variability (aTRV), coefficient of repeatability (CR) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were computed. The 2TCM‐CBL showed best fits. The mean 6‐month aTRV of VT ranged from 8 to 13% (CR < 25%) with ICC > 0.6 for all kinetic models. BPND from 2TCM‐CBL with a sigmoid fit for the parent fractions showed the best reproducibility, with aTRV ≤ 7% (CR < 16%) and ICC > 0.9 in most regions. Reducing the scan duration from 90 to 60 min did not affect reproducibility. These results demonstrate for the first time that 18F‐FPEB brain PET has good long‐term reproducibility, therefore validating its use to monitor mGluR5 expression in longitudinal clinical studies. We suggest a 2TCM‐CBL with fitting a sigmoid function to the parent fractions to be optimal for this tracer. Synapse, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Synapse 70:153–162, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
The hippocampus is thought to be required for the associative recognition of objects together with the spatial or temporal contexts in which they occur. However, recent data showing that rats with fornix lesions perform as well as controls in an object‐place task, while being impaired on an object‐place‐context task (Eacott and Norman ( 2004 ) J Neurosci 24:1948–1953), suggest that not all forms of context‐dependent associative recognition depend on the integrity of the hippocampus. To examine the role of the hippocampus in context‐dependent recognition directly, the present study tested the effects of large, selective, bilateral hippocampus lesions in rats on performance of a series of spontaneous recognition memory tasks: object recognition, object‐place recognition, object‐context recognition and object‐place‐context recognition. Consistent with the effects of fornix lesions, animals with hippocampus lesions were impaired only on the object‐place‐context task. These data confirm that not all forms of context‐dependent associative recognition are mediated by the hippocampus. Subsequent experiments suggested that the object‐place task does not require an allocentric representation of space, which could account for the lack of impairment following hippocampus lesions. Importantly, as the object‐place‐context task has similar spatial requirements, the selective deficit in object‐place‐context recognition suggests that this task requires hippocampus‐dependent neural processes distinct from those required for allocentric spatial memory, or for object memory, object‐place memory or object‐context memory. Two possibilities are that object, place, and context information converge only in the hippocampus, or that recognition of integrated object‐place‐context information requires a hippocampus‐dependent mode of retrieval, such as recollection. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Jinghong Xu Liping Yu Benjamin A. Rowland Terrence R. Stanford Barry E. Stein 《The European journal of neuroscience》2014,39(4):602-613
It is commonly believed that the ability to integrate information from different senses develops according to associative learning principles as neurons acquire experience with co‐active cross‐modal inputs. However, previous studies have not distinguished between requirements for co‐activation versus co‐variation. To determine whether cross‐modal co‐activation is sufficient for this purpose in visual–auditory superior colliculus (SC) neurons, animals were reared in constant omnidirectional noise. By masking most spatiotemporally discrete auditory experiences, the noise created a sensory landscape that decoupled stimulus co‐activation and co‐variance. Although a near‐normal complement of visual–auditory SC neurons developed, the vast majority could not engage in multisensory integration, revealing that visual–auditory co‐activation was insufficient for this purpose. That experience with co‐varying stimuli is required for multisensory maturation is consistent with the role of the SC in detecting and locating biologically significant events, but it also seems likely that this is a general requirement for multisensory maturation throughout the brain. 相似文献
Tones and numbers: A combined EEG–MEG study on the effects of musical expertise in magnitude comparisons of audiovisual stimuli

Evangelos Paraskevopoulos Anja Kuchenbuch Sibylle C. Herholz Nikolaos Foroglou Panagiotis Bamidis Christo Pantev 《Human brain mapping》2014,35(11):5389-5400
This study investigated the cortical responses underlying magnitude comparisons of multisensory stimuli and examined the effect that musical expertise has in this process. The comparative judgments were based on a newly learned rule binding the auditory and visual stimuli within the context of magnitude comparisons: “the higher the pitch of the tone, the larger the number presented.” The cortical responses were measured by simultaneous MEG\EEG recordings and a combined source analysis with individualized realistic head models was performed. Musical expertise effects were investigated by comparing musicians to non‐musicians. Congruent audiovisual stimuli, corresponding to the newly learned rule, elicited activity in frontotemporal and occipital areas. In contrast, incongruent stimuli activated temporal and parietal regions. Musicians when compared with nonmusicians showed increased differences between congruent and incongruent stimuli in a prefrontal region, thereby indicating that music expertise may affect multisensory comparative judgments within a generalized representation of analog magnitude. Hum Brain Mapp 35:5389–5400, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Emotions influence our everyday life in several ways. With the present study, we wanted to examine the impact of emotional information on neural correlates of semantic priming, a well-established technique to investigate semantic processing. Stimuli were presented with a short SOA of 200 ms as subjects performed a lexical decision task during fMRI measurement. Seven experimental conditions were compared: positive/negative/neutral related, positive/negative/neutral unrelated, nonwords (all words were nouns). Behavioral data revealed a valence specific semantic priming effect (i.e., unrelated > related) only for neutral and positive related word pairs. On a neural level, the comparison of emotional over neutral relations showed activation in left anterior medial frontal cortex, superior frontal gyrus, and posterior cingulate. Interactions for the different relations were located in left anterior part of the medial frontal cortex, cingulate regions, and right hippocampus (positive > neutral + negative) and left posterior part of medial frontal cortex (negative > neutral + positive). The results showed that emotional information have an influence on semantic association processes. While positive and neutral information seem to share a semantic network, negative relations might induce compensatory mechanisms that inhibit the spread of activation between related concepts. The neural correlates highlighted a distributed neural network, primarily involving attention, memory and emotion related processing areas in medial fronto-parietal cortices. The differentiation between anterior (positive) and posterior part (negative) of the medial frontal cortex was linked to the type of affective manipulation with more cognitive demands being involved in the automatic processing of negative information. 相似文献
Speech production requires the combined effort of a feedback control system driven by sensory feedback, and a feedforward control system driven by internal models. However, the factors that dictate the relative weighting of these feedback and feedforward control systems are unclear. In this event‐related potential (ERP) study, participants produced vocalisations while being exposed to blocks of frequency‐altered feedback (FAF) perturbations that were either predictable in magnitude (consistently either 50 or 100 cents) or unpredictable in magnitude (50‐ and 100‐cent perturbations varying randomly within each vocalisation). Vocal and P1–N1–P2 ERP responses revealed decreases in the magnitude and trial‐to‐trial variability of vocal responses, smaller N1 amplitudes, and shorter vocal, P1 and N1 response latencies following predictable FAF perturbation magnitudes. In addition, vocal response magnitudes correlated with N1 amplitudes, vocal response latencies, and P2 latencies. This pattern of results suggests that after repeated exposure to predictable FAF perturbations, the contribution of the feedforward control system increases. Examination of the presentation order of the FAF perturbations revealed smaller compensatory responses, smaller P1 and P2 amplitudes, and shorter N1 latencies when the block of predictable 100‐cent perturbations occurred prior to the block of predictable 50‐cent perturbations. These results suggest that exposure to large perturbations modulates responses to subsequent perturbations of equal or smaller size. Similarly, exposure to a 100‐cent perturbation prior to a 50‐cent perturbation within a vocalisation decreased the magnitude of vocal and N1 responses, but increased P1 and P2 latencies. Thus, exposure to a single perturbation can affect responses to subsequent perturbations. 相似文献
The effect of beta‐amyloid on face processing in young and old adults: A multivariate analysis of the BOLD signal

Jenny R. Rieck Karen M. Rodrigue Kristen M. Kennedy Michael D. Devous Sr. Denise C. Park 《Human brain mapping》2015,36(7):2514-2526
The recent ability to measure in vivo beta‐amyloid (Aβ), a marker of Alzheimer's disease (AD), has led to an increased focus on the significance of Aβ deposition in clinically normal adults. Evidence suggests that healthy adults with elevated cortical Aβ show differences in neural activity associated with memory encoding—specifically encoding of face stimuli. Here, we examined if Aβ deposition in clinically normal adults was related to differences in neural activity in ventral visual cortex during face viewing. Our sample included 23 high‐Aβ older adults, 23 demographically matched low‐Aβ older adults, and 16 young adults. Participants underwent cognitive testing, Aβ positron emission tomography imaging with 18F‐Florbetapir, and functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure neural activity while participants passively viewed photographs of faces. Using barycentric discriminant analysis—a between‐groups classification technique—we found that patterns of neural activity in the left fusiform gyrus, a region highly responsive to faces, distinguished Aβ status of participants. Older adults with elevated Aβ were characterized by decreased activity in left fusiform compared to Aβ‐negative older adults. Further, we found that the degree to which older adults expressed decreased fusiform activity was related to worse performance on tasks of processing speed. Our results provide unique evidence that, in addition to previously studied memory and default regions , decreased neural activity in a region important for face perception was associated with elevated Aβ and may be an early manifestation of AD. Hum Brain Mapp 36:2514–2526, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc . 相似文献
Hiroshi Todaka Tetsuya Tatsukawa Tsutomu Hashikawa Yuchio Yanagawa Katsuei Shibuki Soichi Nagao 《The European journal of neuroscience》2013,37(3):339-350
Some central nervous system neurons express receptors of gastrointestinal hormones, but their pharmacological actions are not well known. Previous anatomical and unit recording studies suggest that a group of cerebellar Purkinje cells express motilin receptors, and motilin depresses the spike discharges of vestibular nuclear neurons that receive direct cerebellar inhibition in rats or rabbits. Here, by the slice‐patch recording method, we examined the pharmacological actions of motilin on the mouse medial vestibular nuclear neurons (MVNs), which play an important role in the control of ocular reflexes. A small number of MVNs, as well as cerebellar floccular Purkinje cells, were labeled with an anti‐motilin receptor antibody. Bath application of motilin (0.1 μm ) decreased the discharge frequency of spontaneous action potentials in a group of MVNs in a dose‐dependent manner (Kd, 0.03 μm ). The motilin action on spontaneous action potentials was blocked by apamin (100 nm ), a blocker of small‐conductance Ca2+‐activated K+ channels. Furthermore, motilin enhanced the amplitudes of inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) and miniature IPSCs, but did not affect the frequencies of miniature IPSCs. Intracellular application of pertussis toxin (PTx) (0.5 μg/μL) or guanosine triphosphate‐γ‐S (1 mm ) depressed the motilin actions on both action potentials and IPSCs. Only 30% of MVNs examined on slices obtained from wild‐type mice, but none of the GABAergic MVNs that were studied on slices obtained from vesicular γ‐aminobutyric acid transporter‐Venus transgenic mice, showed such a motilin response on action potentials and IPSCs. These findings suggest that motilin could modulate small‐conductance Ca2+‐activated K+ channels and postsynaptic γ‐aminobutyric acid receptors through heterotrimeric guanosine triphosphate‐binding protein‐coupled receptor in a group of glutamatergic MVNs. 相似文献
Philippe A. Chouinard Robert L. Whitwell Melvyn A. Goodale 《Human brain mapping》2009,30(12):3851-3864
We reasoned that if an area is devoted to processing only the visual features of objects, then transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) applied to this area in either hemisphere would affect the naming of objects presented in contralateral but not ipsilateral space. In contrast, if an area is involved in language, then one might expect to see effects of TMS when applied over the left but not the right hemisphere, regardless whether objects are in contralateral or ipsilateral space. Our experiments reveal two important findings. First, TMS delivered to the lateral‐occipital complex (LOC), a visual‐form area, affected the naming of objects presented in contralateral but not ipsilateral space, independent of which hemisphere was stimulated. In two additional experiments, when participants named the color of objects or made judgments about the size of stimuli as shown physically on a computer screen, TMS over the contralateral LOC did not affect color naming but did affect the participants' ability to make size judgments. Second, TMS delivered to the left but not the right posterior inferior‐frontal gyrus (pIFG) affected the naming of objects irrespective of whether objects were presented in contralateral or ipsilateral space. In a separate experiment, when participants were asked to either read or categorize words, TMS over the left but not the right pIFG affected word categorization but not word reading. On the basis of these findings, we propose that when people name visually‐presented objects, LOC processes the visual form of objects while the left pIFG processes the semantics of objects. Hum Brain Mapp, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
The impact of parkinson's disease on the cortical mechanisms that support auditory–motor integration for voice control

Xi Chen Jeffery A. Jones Emily Q. Wang Zhiqiang Guo Weifeng Li Peng Liu Hanjun Liu 《Human brain mapping》2016,37(12):4248-4261
Several studies have shown sensorimotor deficits in speech processing in individuals with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD). The underlying neural mechanisms, however, remain poorly understood. In the present event‐related potential (ERP) study, 18 individuals with PD and 18 healthy controls were exposed to frequency‐altered feedback (FAF) while producing a sustained vowel and listening to the playback of their own voice. Behavioral results revealed that individuals with PD produced significantly larger vocal compensation for pitch feedback errors than healthy controls, and exhibited a significant positive correlation between the magnitude of their vocal responses and the variability of their unaltered vocal pitch. At the cortical level, larger P2 responses were observed for individuals with PD compared with healthy controls during active vocalization due to left‐lateralized enhanced activity in the superior and inferior frontal gyrus, premotor cortex, inferior parietal lobule, and superior temporal gyrus. These two groups did not differ, however, when they passively listened to the playback of their own voice. Individuals with PD also exhibited larger P2 responses during active vocalization when compared with passive listening due to enhanced activity in the inferior frontal gyrus, precental gyrus, postcentral gyrus, and middle temporal gyrus. This enhancement effect, however, was not observed for healthy controls. These findings provide neural evidence for the abnormal auditory–vocal integration for voice control in individuals with PD, which may be caused by their deficits in the detection and correction of errors in voice auditory feedback. Hum Brain Mapp 37:4248–4261, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献