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When the lateral olfactory tract (LOT) of the golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus, is transected in the first week of postnatal life, axons can grow back past the lesion and achieve functional reinnervation of caudal projection regions. In contrast, when the tract is sectioned after postnatal day 7 (P7), axons do not reinnervate regions caudal to the cut. The experiments reported here investigated whether regenerative failure after tract section in pups older than P7 is accompanied by developmental changes in the astrocytic response. LOT transections were performed at P3 and P9 and the glial reaction was observed at survival times ranging from 12 hr to 2 weeks. Immunocytochemistry with glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was employed for histological visualization of astrocytic reactivity. Staining for GFAP immunoreactivity showed an appreciable glial reaction after tract section at both P3 and P9, but the extent of astrocytic hypertrophy and proliferation of glial processes was considerably greater and more extensive after tract section at P9. Radial glial cells were observed 2 weeks after LOT transection at P3 but were absent after lesions made at P9. The results from this study suggest that the developmental loss of regenerative capacity after LOT transection may be related to maturational changes in the glial response. In particular, the presence of radial glial elements after P3 lesions could serve to establish a more favorable microenvironment for axonal elongation.  相似文献   

The lateral olfactory tract (LOT) is a central olfactory pathway, and efferent projections from the olfactory bulb are conveyed to the olfactory-related cortical structures via the LOT. The purpose of the present study is to determine the exact site of the LOT causing functional impairment in animals. After ablation of the right olfactory bulb, rats received rostrocaudal transection injuries on the left LOT at different levels between the olfactory bulb and the middle cerebral artery. Olfactory function of LOT-transected rats was studied by examining their olfactory ability to discriminate between the smell of water and cycloheximide solution, a strong repellent for rodents. Rats were divided into two groups based on their olfactory discriminative abilities. The olfaction positive (+) group achieved 83%± 1% correct responses and the distances of the LOT-transected sites from the middle cerebral artery of this group ranged between 0.8 and 2.4mm (n=8). The olfaction negative (-) group achieved 48%± 1% correct responses and the distances of the LOT-transected sites from the middle cerebral artery ranged between 2.5 and 4.2mm (n=10). From these data, we concluded that the site of the LOT critical for olfactory function is located approximately 2.5mm from the middle cerebral artery.  相似文献   

Studies were made with the two-way shuttle box method on the acquisition of discrimination avoidance learning by olfactory bulbectomized rats in relation to changes in emotional behavior. Bulbectomized rats showed a marked increase in locomotor activity, with accompanying augmentation of the reactivity and the appearance of muricidal behavior. Initially, the bulbectomized rats showed elevated conditioned avoidance responses to both the CS+ and the CS-. In later stages, there was a continued slow increase in responses to the CS+ accompanied by a decrease in responses to the CS-, until responses to both stimuli were only slightly elevated above the levels shown by control rats. This result suggests that olfactory bulbectomy does not affect discrimination ability itself, but the impairment of discrimination during the initial stages is resulted from hyperemotionality induced by olfactory bulbectomy.  相似文献   

Summary Spread of Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus and damage of the central nervous system (CNS) in mice infected by respiratory route was studied. Virus concentration in organs and blood, dose-effect relationships, and ultrastructural lesions in various tissues were examined in immune and normal mice. We showed, via three independent methods — characteristic curve investigations, tissue virus concentration dynamics, and ultrastructural methods — the spread of VEE virus through the olfactory tract into the brain of immune mice. From these experiments it was concluded that in case of respiratory challenge VEE virus can enter the CNS of normal mice by both vascular and olfactory pathways, while in immune mice the main route is olfactory.  相似文献   

目的:检测二乙基二硫化氨基甲酸盐(DDTC)干预后大鼠外侧嗅束髓鞘碱性蛋白(MBP)表达的变化.方法:成年SD大鼠分为DDTC干预组、溶媒对照组和空白对照组,实验动物分别存活3、7、14和28 d,免疫组织化学和免疫印迹检测大鼠外侧嗅束MBP的表达变化.结果:正常大鼠和溶媒对照组大鼠外侧嗅束MBP免疫组织化学显色均匀,呈点状分布特征,免疫印迹主要显示相对分子质量为21 500、18 000、17 000和14 000等阳性条带.模型组大鼠外侧嗅束MBP的免疫组织化学显色和免疫印迹条带分布末见明显变化,但其表达在3 d和7 d时逐渐下调,14 d和28 d表达逐渐上调.结论:DDTC处理后早期大鼠外侧嗅束町能出现脱髓鞘化,晚期可能出现再髓鞘化.  相似文献   

Olfactory information processing is mediated by synaptic connections between the olfactory bulbs (OBs) and piriform-limbic cortices. Limited accessibility using common in vivo and in vitro preparations has hindered previous attempts to define these synaptic interactions. We utilized the isolated guinea-pig brain preparation to overcome these experimental limitations. Previous studies demonstrated extensive functional preservation in this preparation maintained in vitro by arterial perfusion. Field potential laminar profiles were performed with multi-channel probes in the OB following stimulation of both the lateral olfactory tract (LOT) and the anterior piriform cortex (APC). Current-source density analysis was carried out on laminar profiles to reconstruct current sinks/sources associated with intrinsic synaptic activities. LOT stimulation induced sequentially i) an antidromic population spike (at 2.66+/-0.39 ms) located in the mitral cell layer that was resistant to 100 Hz high-frequency stimulation (HFS) and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) (10 microM), ii) a component located in the external plexiform layer at 3.85+/-0.63 ms that was unaffected by HFS, iii) a large amplitude potential (peak amplitude at 5.84+/-0.58 ms) generated in the external plexiform layer, abolished by HFS and CNQX, but not by bicuculline (50 microM), iv) a late response (onset at 20.00+/-2.94 ms) abolished by CNQX and enhanced by bicuculline. Stimulation of the APC also induced a late potential abolished by HFS and CNQX. Both APC-evoked and late LOT-evoked responses were abolished by a transverse cut to separate OB from APC. These results demonstrate in an isolated mammalian brain preparation the presence of reciprocal synaptic interactions between the OB and piriform cortical structures.  相似文献   

G I Hatton  Q Z Yang 《Neuroscience》1989,31(2):289-297
To establish the functional nature of the anatomically demonstrated main olfactory bulb inputs to the supraoptic nucleus, electrophysiological responses of intracellularly recorded supraoptic neurons to lateral olfactory tract stimulation were recorded in horizontal slices of basal forebrain and hypothalamus. A total of 71 synaptically influenced neurons were studied in slices from adult rats of both sexes. Of these, 60 cells (84%) were monosynaptically activated by olfactory tract stimulation; seven cells (10%) were activated via polysynaptic pathways; and four cells (6%) were characterized by long latency inhibitory responses. Lucifer Yellow was injected into 64 cells and subsequent immunocytochemical identification of 44 of these neurons showed that both oxytocin and vasopressin cells, in approximately equal numbers, were excited by olfactory stimulation. Polysynaptically mediated excitation, however, was only associated with oxytocin cells (six of the six identified cells). These results corroborate anatomical tract tracing data showing main olfactory bulb efferents to both supraotic neurons and to neurons of the perinuclear zone. Also supported are earlier speculations of olfactory participation in release of oxytocin and vasopressin during various physiological states.  相似文献   

Previous results in tree shrew (Tupaia glis) have demonstrated that retinal afferents in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus segregate prenatally and that cell layers segregate postnatally (Brunso-Bechtold &Casagrande, 1980). In the present study, we examined the effect of bilateral enucleation at birth on the cytoarchitectural differentiation of these cell layers in the tree shrew lateral geniculate nucleus. The enucleated animals were killed at several postnatal ages up to maturity, their brains embedded in celloidin, and sections stained with thionin. The main result was that interlaminar spaces failed to form. Nevertheless, several cellular and cytoarchitectural features characteristic of normal layers were apparent; these included staining intensity, packing density and cell orientation.It can be concluded that the presence of retinal afferents appears necessary for the formation of interlaminar spaces in the lateral geniculate nucleus but not for the differentiation of all characteristics which define the layers.  相似文献   

Bilateral temporary chemical lesions were produced by slow infusion of the general blocking agent lidocaine into several anterior forebrain sites which have been implicated in the increase in reactivity following lesions of the olfactory bulbs. There was an increase in reactivity with infusions of the blocking agent lidocaine into the region ventral to the anterior septum but not with infusions into the region of the anterior olfactory nucleus, or the olfactory bulbs. A control group in which lidocaine was infused into the vicinity of the lateral olfactory tract also showed no increase in reactivity to the experimenter. Infusions of 0.9% NaCl produced no change in reactivity at any of these sites. The results are consistent with previous evidence that lesions of the olfactory bulbs increase reactivity to the experimenter as a result of incidental damage to more caudal tissue. The present findings suggest that the important caudal region lies ventral to the anterior septum between the vertical arm of the diagonal band of Broca and the rostral limb of the anterior commissure.  相似文献   

To explore the effect of preexposure of olfactory cues on aggressive behavior, adult male mice, isolated for 14 days prior to the experiment, were preexposed for 10 days to one of 3 odors: (1) that of the opponent encountered in the test trial; (2) that of a strange mouse not subsequently encountered; and, (3) that of a neutral substance. The results show the greatest amount of aggression, as measured by latency to attack, accumulated attacking time, number of attacks and intensity of fighting, in the neutral preexposure group; an intermediate amount of aggression in the group preexposed to the irrelevant mouse odor; and the least amount of aggression in the group preexposed to the odor of the future-opponent mouse. Furthermore, preexposed animals in the third condition did not respond to attack by assuming the characteristic submissive posture. Results are discussed in terms of learned habituation to the pheromone which purportedly elicits aggression in the mouse.  相似文献   

Previous research raises the possibility that urinary volatiles from estrous female mice activate mitral cells in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) of male mice following detection via the main olfactory epithelium as opposed to the vomeronasal organ. We asked whether bilateral lesions of the AOB would disrupt the ability of male mice to discriminate between urinary volatiles from mice of different sexes or endocrine states, or affect their interest in investigating these odors when they were presented sequentially in home-cage habituation/dishabituation tests. Males with either partial or complete bilateral lesions of the AOB resembled sham-operated control males in their ability to discriminate between ovariectomized and estrous female urinary volatiles as well as between male and estrous female urinary volatiles. However, males with either complete or partial AOB lesions spent significantly less time than sham-operated control males investigating urinary volatiles from estrous females, especially during tests when the alternative stimulus presented was male urine. Placement of AOB lesions failed to disrupt males' mating performance. Our results suggest that the incentive value of opposite-sex (female) volatile urinary odors which are initially detected by the main olfactory system is enhanced when they are further processed by the male's AOB.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigate the effect of bilateral electrolytic lesions of the bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract (BAOT) in male Wistar rats that did not have care-pups experience, using a test of induced maternal behavior. Consistent with our previous findings in virgin female rats (10), there was a significantly shorter sensitization (3 days) and retrieval (2 days) latencies in the BAOT-lesioned group than in the sham-lesioned and intact-control male groups (12 days for both). Based on these findings, we propose that BAOT, a sexually dimorphic nucleus of the vomeronasal system, exerts an inhibitory modulation in the expression of parental behavior in male and female virgin rats. It may do so by maintaining an olfactory-based tonic inhibition of maternal behavior, thereby resulting in the adults' tonic avoidance of the pups until this inhibition is abolished by lesion, or reduced or overridden by appropriate hormonal and/or sensory influences.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of transection of the lateral olfactory tracts (LOT) and the accessory olfactory tracts (AOT) in male hamsters on nest building, food piling, and sexual behavior. Autoradiographic tracing of amino acids injected into the olfactory bulbs allowed accurate determination of the location and extent of the transections. Animals with complete bilateral transections of the projections to the amygdaloid targets of the accessory olfactory bulbs and to the main olfactory targets posterior to the olfactory tubercle showed no sexual behavior postoperatively; they did not exhibit extensive genital investigation and did not mount females. In contrast, most of the animals with partial sparing of accessory olfactory bulb efferents to the amygdala did exhibit investigatory and copulatory behaviors postoperatively, although half of the animals with this partial sparing developed delayed deficits in these sexual behaviors. Almost all animals without detectable main olfactory bulb efferents to posterior targets showed delayed deficits in nest building and food piling. This was true whether or not there was partial sparing of accessory olfactory bulb efferents to the amygdala. The animals with LOT transections typically built nests and piled food during the first postoperative week, but stopped building nests and piling food by the fourth postoperative week. Cold stress enhanced these two behaviors in control animals but did not obviate the deficits in experimental animals. Caudally placed transections, which spared a larger portion of the main olfactory projections than rostally placed transections, did not spare more behavior. In fact, the caudally placed transections produced shorter delays in the appearance of deficits in nest building and food piling. These results indicate that the accessory olfactory bulb efferents to the amygdala are more important for sexual behavior than for nest building and food piling in male hamsters. Nest building and food piling are not directly dependent on normal ongoing or sensory evoked activity in the main or accessory olfactory bulb efferents which project through the LOT and AOT. The deficits in nest building and food piling may represent a deterioration in the ability of the animals to organize their living space. The observed delays in the appearance of deficits in behavior may also reflect slow degenerative processes or humoral changes associated with loss of input from the main olfactory bulbs to posterior olfactory target areas, and possibly with interruptions of projections to targets of the accessory olfactory system.  相似文献   

Six groups of broiler chicks, Gallus domesticus, sustained bilateral lesions to specific neural structures residing in the lateral hypothalamic and thalamic areas. In contrast to past data reported for the albino rat, the pigeon, Columba livia and barbary dove, Streptopelia risoria, bilateral destruction of the chick lateral hypothalamic area (LHy), quinto-frontal tract (QF), and stratum cellulare externum (SCE) resulted in transient aphagia and rapid recovery of lost body weight. Similarly, bilateral destruction of the nucleus reticularis superior (RS) and nucleus intercalatus (ICT) resulted in a temporary 1–3 day period of aphagia with body weight returning to pre-operative levels in approximately 4 days. Bilateral destruction of the ansa lenticularis (AL) resulted in a more prolonged period of aphagia (4 days) and an average 8-day period to recover lost body weight. Additional data suggest that more persistent aphagia can be induced following lesions to the posterior hypothalamus and midbrain. Specifically, bilateral lesions which destroyed the following combination of neural structures resulted in prolonged aphagia: AL, QF and posterior LHy; AL and posterior nucleus of the AL (ALp); and AL, ALp and QF. It is suggested that the AL and ALp contain neurons which are part of a more complex system that modulates or controls motor activity and feeding behavior in birds.  相似文献   

The rodent olfactory system is a regarded model for the relationship between neurotrophic factors, their receptors, and their compound influence on the notable lifelong neuroplasticity occurring in this sensory system. It was known that high amounts of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), a hematopoietic cytokine, can be found in the olfactory bulb. In the awarded work, a detailed cellular characterization of CNTF-localization in the olfactory system was obtained. The results demonstrated CNTF-immunoreactivity in olfactory ensheathing cells, newborn interneurons in the olfactory bulb, and in a subpopulation of mature olfactory sensory neurons in the olfactory epithelium. Three-dimensional reconstructions of CNTF-immunoreactive axonal bulbar projections of these neurons revealed an ordered bilaterally symmetric pattern. This finding implies a potential connection between neuronal CNTF-expression in the olfactory epithelium and olfactory information processing.  相似文献   

Repopulating ability of mouse bone marrow stem cells, treated with pre-dialysis, post-dialysis and control sera was assessed by colony forming units (CFU-S). Significant lower colony counts were observed in pre-dialysis group as compared to control group. There was an improvement in the colony counts when the cells were treated with post-dialysis sera. The study suggests the presence of inhibitor/s of CFU-S in the uraemic sera which is/are partially removed by haemodialysis.  相似文献   

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