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Nogo constitutes a family of neurite outgrowth inhibitors contributing to a failure of axonal regeneration in the adult central nervous system (CNS). Nogo-A is expressed exclusively on oligodendrocytes where Nogo-66 segment binds to Nogo receptor (NgR) expressed on neuronal axons. NgR signalling requires a coreceptor p75(NTR) or TROY in combination with an adaptor LINGO-1. To characterize the cell types expressing the NgR complex in the human CNS, we studied demyelinating lesions of multiple sclerosis (MS) brains by immunohistochemistry. TROY and LINGO-1 were identified in subpopulations of reactive astrocytes, macrophages/microglia and neurones but not in oligodendrocytes. TROY was up-regulated, whereas LINGO-1 was reduced in MS brains by Western blot. These results suggest that the ternary complex of NgR/TROY/LINGO-1 expressed on astrocytes, macrophages/microglia and neurones, by interacting with Nogo-A on oligodendrocytes, might modulate glial-neuronal interactions in demyelinating lesions of MS.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence indicate that remyelination represents one of the most effective mechanisms to achieve axonal protection. For reasons that are not yet understood, this process is often incomplete or fails in multiple sclerosis (MS). Activated astrocytes appear to be able to boost or inhibit endogenous repair processes. A better understanding of remyelination in MS and possible reasons for its failure is needed.Using the well-established toxic demyelination cuprizone model, we created lesions with either robust or impaired endogenous remyelination capacity. Lesions were analyzed for mRNA expression levels by Affymetrix GeneChip® arrays. One finding was the predominance of immune and stress response factors in the group of genes which were classified as remyelination-supporting factors. We further demonstrate that lesions with impaired remyelination capacity show weak expression of the radial-glia cell marker brain lipid binding protein (BLBP, also called B-FABP or FABP7). The expression of BLBP in activated astrocytes correlates with the presence of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. BLBP-expressing astrocytes are also detected in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis during the remission phase. Furthermore, highest numbers of BLBP-expressing astrocytes were evident in lesions of early MS, whereas significantly less are present at the rim of (chronic)-active lesions from patients with long disease duration. Transfection experiments show that BLBP regulates growth factor expression in U87 astrocytoma cells. In conclusion, we provide evidence that expression of BLBP in activated astrocytes negatively correlates with disease duration and in parallel with remyelination failure.  相似文献   

M. Stancic, J. van Horssen, V. L. Thijssen, H.‐J. Gabius, P. van der Valk, D. Hoekstra and W. Baron (2011) Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 37, 654–671 Increased expression of distinct galectins in multiple sclerosis lesions Aims: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic progressive degenerative disorder of the central nervous system, characterized by inflammation, demyelination, ultimate failure of remyelination and axonal loss. Current research identifies galectins, adhesion/growth‐regulatory effectors binding β‐galactosides, peptide motifs and lipids, as important immunomodulators in diverse inflammatory diseases. However, little is known about their expression, cellular localization and role in human central nervous system tissue. To identify a potential role of galectins in MS, their expression and localization in control white matter (CWM) and demyelinated MS lesions were examined. Methods: qPCR, Western blot and immunohistochemical analyses were performed on human post mortem CWM and MS lesions at different stages. Cultured astrocytes, derived from healthy subjects and MS patients, were analysed similarly. Results: Among 11 different galectins tested, galectins‐1, ‐3, ‐8 and ‐9 were present at detectable levels in CWM, and, interestingly, significantly enhanced in active MS lesions. On the cellular level, galectins localized to microglia/macrophages, astrocytes and endothelial cells. Intriguingly, galectin‐9 displayed a distinctly different intracellular localization in microglia/macrophages when comparing active and inactive MS lesions, being restricted to the nuclei in active lesions, and primarily localizing in the cytoplasm in inactive lesions. Furthermore, enhanced levels of galectin‐1, detected as dimers in Western blot analysis, were released by cultured astrocytes from MS patients. Conclusions: This study provides a detailed analysis of galectins in MS lesions and assigns distinct galectins to different aspects of the disease. Thus, besides being known as modulators of inflammatory processes, our findings suggest additional association of distinct galectins with MS pathology.  相似文献   

The receptor for nerve growth factor (NGF) comprises a 75-kDa (NGFRp75) and a tyrosine kinase A (TrkA) subunit. In view of conflicting opinions on the identity of glial targets of NGF in human central nervous system (CNS), we examined the cellular distribution of both NGF receptor subunits in normal CNS and in chronic multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions. For this, we compared the pattern of recognition of 2 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and a polyclonal antiserum to NGFRp75. Only the 2 mAbs specifically recognized NGFRp75, while the polyclonal antiserum showed widespread reactivity. In normal CNS and silent MS lesions, immunohistochemistry with anti-NGFRp75 mAbs and for TrkA revealed perivascular cell reactivity. At the edge of chronic active MS lesions, selective NGFRp75 staining was prominent on reactive astrocytes, while throughout the lesion, NGFRp75 was expressed on microglia/macrophages. The vast majority of mature or precursor oligodendrocytes did not express NGFRp75. Both NGF receptors were co-expressed on a subset of inflammatory cells. Immunoreactivity for NGFRp75 on glial and immune cells did not correlate with the distribution of apoptotic figures, as detected by TUNEL. Thus, expression of NGF receptors in active MS lesions suggests a role for NGF in regulating the autoimmune response at both immune and glial cell levels.  相似文献   

The presence of tumefactive lesions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients can cause diagnostic difficulties. It requires differential diagnosis between tumefactive demyelinating lesion (TDL) and the coexistence of neoplasm; it also implies further management. The precise assessment of such lesions at the first clinical manifestation of the disease is particularly important. We present three cases of MS presenting with tumour-like lesions of the brain. Based on serial MRI studies, stereotactic biopsy and the response to treatment with corticosteroids, the diagnosis of TDL was established in every case.  相似文献   

ADAM-17, a disintegrin and metalloproteinase, is the major proteinase responsible for the cleavage of membrane-bound tumour necrosis factor (TNF) as well as being an active sheddase of other cytokines, cytokine receptors, growth factors and adhesion molecules. TNF is a major proinflammatory cytokine that has been identified as having a pathogenic role in inflammatory diseases within the CNS including multiple sclerosis (MS). Here we report the cellular origin and distribution of ADAM-17 expression within clinically and neuropathologically confirmed MS and normal control white matter, assessed by immunohistochemistry, western blotting and PCR. ADAM-17 expression was associated with the blood vessel endothelium, activated macrophages/microglia and parenchymal astrocytes in MS white matter. Increased levels of ADAM-17 immunoreactivity were displayed in active lesions with evidence of recent myelin breakdown. Further studies into the functional role of ADAM-17 in the pathogenesis of MS and other inflammatory conditions are required.  相似文献   

A myelin-associated neurite outgrowth inhibitor, Nogo-A, plays a key role in inhibition of axonal regeneration following injury and ischemia in the central nervous system (CNS). Because axonal injury is a pathologic hallmark of multiple sclerosis (MS), we have investigated the expression of Nogo-A and its receptor NgR in four MS and 12 non-MS control brains by immunohistochemistry. Nogo-A expression was markedly upregulated in surviving oligodendrocytes at the edge of chronic active demyelinating lesions of MS and ischemic lesions of acute and old cerebral infarction, whereas NgR expression was greatly enhanced in reactive astrocytes and microglia/macrophages in these lesions when compared with their expression in the brains of neurologically normal controls. Nogo-A and NgR were also identified in a subpopulation of neurons. In contrast, Nogo-A was undetectable in reactive astrocytes and microglia/macrophages and NgR was not expressed on oligodendrocytes in any cases examined. Western blot analysis and double labeling immunocytochemistry identified the constitutive expression of NgR in cultured human astrocytes. These results suggest that Nogo-A expressed on oligodendrocytes might interact with NgR presented by reactive astrocytes and microglia/macrophages in active demyelinating lesions of MS, although biologic effects caused by Nogo-A/NgR interaction among glial cells remain unknown.  相似文献   

Demyelinating lesions of fiber bundles in and adjacent to the hypothalamus (i.e. the fornix. anterior commissure, internal capsule, and optic system) may be the basis for autonomic and endocrine alterations in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Therefore we investigated the presence and immunological activity of lesions in hypothalamic fiber bundles of 17 MS patients and 14 controls. In the MS group, 16 of 17 patients showed demyelinated lesions. The incidence of active lesions was high (60%) and outnumbered chronic inactive lesions in the internal capsule (p = 0.005). In 4 of 17 MS patients, axonal damage was observed and in 3 of 17 MS patients grey matter lesions were apparent. Duration of MS was inversely related to the active hypothalamic MS lesion score (r = -0.72, p = 0.001). Since comparison of hypothalamic lesions with MS lesions in other areas of the brain in the same patients (n = 7) showed a great similarity both as stage and appearance was concerned, this negative relation in all likelihood reflects the clinical consequences of high disease activity throughout the whole brain. In controls no demyelinating lesions were seen but in 11 control cases HLA expression was observed that was lower than that present in MS patients (p = 0.02). In the median eminence region that lacks a blood-brain barrier, all controls showed a strong HLA expression around the blood vessels. We conclude that systematic pathological investigation of the hypothalamus in MS patients reveals an unexpected high incidence of active lesions that may impact on hypothalamic functioning.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo study the clinico-radiological paradox in multiple sclerosis (MS) relapse by analyzing the number and location of gadolinium-enhanced (Gd+) lesions on brain MRI before methylprednisolone (MP) treatment.MethodsWe analyzed brain MRI from 90 relapsed MS patients in two Phase IV multicenter double-blind randomized clinical trials that showed the noninferiority of different routes and doses of MP administration. A 1.5- or 3-T brain MRI was performed at baseline before MP treatment and within 15 days of symptom onset. The number and location of Gd+ lesions were analyzed. Associations were studied using univariate analysis.ResultsSixty-two percent of patients had at least 1 Gd+ brain lesion; the median number was 1 (interquartile range 0–4), and 41% of patients had 2 or more lesions. The most frequent location of Gd+ lesions was subcortical (41.4%). Gd+ brain lesions were found in 71.4% of patients with brainstem-cerebellum symptoms, 57.1% with spinal cord symptoms and 55.5% with optic neuritis (ON). Thirty percent of patients with brain symptoms did not have Gd+ lesions, and only 43.6% of patients had symptomatic Gd+ lesions. The univariate analysis showed a negative correlation between age and the number of Gd+ lesions (p = 0.002).ConclusionMost patients with relapse showed several Gd+ lesions on brain MRI, even when the clinical manifestation was outside of the brain. Our findings illustrate the clinico-radiological paradox in MS relapse and support the value of brain MRI in this scenario.  相似文献   

Recent observations have shown that CD1 molecules act as restriction elements in the presentation of antigens to specialized subsets of T cells. To examine the expression of CD1 molecules in multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions, frozen sections of central nervous system (CNS) tissues from nine MS and three other neurological disease (OND) patients, one patient with Wilson's disease, and one non-neurological control were stained by immunocytochemistry. In chronic-active MS lesions, CDlb immunoreactivity was prominent on perivascular inflammatory cells whereas macrophages within the lesion showed little reactivity. At the lesion edge, intense immunoreactivity for CDlb was found on hypertrophie astrocytes. High level expression of CDlb in MS lesions was found to colocalize with the presence of GM-CSF in astrocytes. In chronic-silent lesions, CDlb expression was found on only a few perivascular astrocytic foot processes and the occasional perivascular macrophage. CDlb was not found in the tissues studied for control purposes. In contrast, MHC class II expression was detected on microglia in all tissues examined. The relatively low level expression of CDlb in normal-appearing tissues, chronic-silent lesions and in the OND controls supports the conclusion that the expression of CDlb in active MS lesions is significantly upregulated and could contribute to lesion development.  相似文献   

The CD44 antigen is a proteoglycan recently implicated in several adhesion events including that of lymphocytes to endothelium. The CD44 antigen, reactive with monoclonal antibody (MAb) 44D10, has been shown previously to be expressed in normal human white matter homogenates and to be found at higher concentrations in brain homogenates of victims of multiple sclerosis (MS). The cellular localization of CD44 in human brain of normal individuals and in those afflicted with MS has now been determined. Monoclonal antibody 44D10 reacted with astrocyte-like cells in 40 microns thick paraformaldehyde-fixed sections but not in thin (6 microns) fixed sections. A double labeling experiment performed on a frozen brain section with MAb 44D10 and rabbit anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a cytoplasmic marker of astrocytes, confirmed the co-localization of these two antigens. The reactivity with brain tissue sections of a rabbit antiserum produced against lymphocyte-CD44 could be absorbed by a preparation of the CD44 glycoprotein, purified 2,100-fold from a white matter homogenate. The antiserum was shown by Western blot analysis to be specific for p80 glycoprotein in brain extracts derived from a normal and MS patients. This antibody reacted with fibrous astrocytes predominantly in white matter; staining was also noted in subependymal and subpial regions. Inhibition studies using a cellular radioimmunoassay indicated that the highest concentrations of CD44 in three MS victims were found in plaques, followed by periplaques and non-involved areas of white matter which were higher than normal white matter. Reactive astrocytes, identified in active lesions, expressed high levels of CD44 on their surfaces. Thus, CD44 is associated with astrocytes in human brain and the increased expression observed in MS brain may reflect activation and/or proliferation of astrocytes implicated in the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   

Activation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-related cell signals has been reported in several neurologic disorders and may contribute to neurodegeneration. Endoplasmic reticulum stress is also linked to ischemic injury. However, activation of an ER stress response has not been investigated in multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions. We detected increased expression of ER stress-associated C/EBP homologous protein, immunoglobulin heavy chain-binding protein, and X-box-binding protein 1 in multiple cell types, including oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, T cells, and microglia in active MS lesions. Semiquantitative analysis of expression in active, chronic active, and chronic inactive lesions indicated that levels of immunoglobulin heavy chain-binding protein were significantly higher in acute lesions than in non-MS controls or MS normal-appearing white matter, and that ER stress-associated C/EBP homologous protein was upregulated to the greatest extent at the edges of chronic active lesions. Because demyelination may be triggered by a tissue response to ischemia-like conditions, changes in the hypoxia-related antigen D-110 were also investigated, and it was found that increased ER stress-associated C/EBP homologous protein expression can occur in either the presence or absence of D-110. A possible link between a perturbed ER and lesion development in MS suggests a signaling pathway that may represent a new therapeutic target in MS.  相似文献   

The pathology of multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterised by breakdown of the blood-brain barrier accompanied by infiltration of macrophages and T cells into the central nervous system (CNS). Myelin is degraded and engulfed by the macrophages, producing lesions of demyelination. Some or all of these mechanisms might involve proteinases, and here we have studied the cellular localisation and distribution of two matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), MMP-7 (matrilysin) and MMP-9 (92-kDa gelatinase), in the normal human CNS and active demyelinating MS lesions. Cryostat sections of CNS samples were immunostained with antisera to MMP-7 and MMP-9. In addition, non-radioactive in situ hybridisation (ISH) was performed using a digoxygenin-labelled riboprobe to detect the expression of MMP-7. MMP-7 immunoreactivity was weakly detected in microglial-like cells in normal brain tissue sections, and was very strong in parenchymal macrophages in active demyelinating MS lesions. This pattern of expression was confirmed using ISH. MMP-7 immunoreactivity was not detected in macrophages in spleen or tonsil, indicating that it is specifically induced in infiltrating macrophages in active demyelinating MS lesions. MMP-9 immunoreactivity was detected in a few small blood vessels in normal brain tissue sections, whereas many blood vessels stained positive in CNS tissue sections of active demyelinating MS lesions. The up-regulation of MMPs in MS may contribute to the pathology of the disease. Received: 19 December 1996 / Revised: 22 May 1997 / Accepted: 4 June 1997  相似文献   

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